town of poughkeepsie reorganizational town …...motion was made to resume the rules: j. baisley/ a....

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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JANUARY 3, 2018 7:00 P. M. MINUTES


Councilman Renihan Councilman Carlos Councilwoman Lopez Councilman Cifone-Arrived at 7:05 PM Councilman Woolever Councilwoman Shershin Town Clerk Salvatore Town Attorney Nelson

**Please note that a public hearing summary worksheet, if needed, as well as all original resolutions and attachments complete with voting information are attached here after the summary page. You can also find full video of entire Town Board Meetings on our Youtube channel on the meetings page of the Town website @ If you wish you may also purchase a DVD of any meeting from the Town Clerk’s Office for $1.00

Motion was made to suspend the rules for comment on agenda items: J Baisley/ J. Renihan No speakers came forward Motion was made to resume the rules: J. Baisley/ A. Shershin 01:03-01 APPOINTMENT Attorney To The Town Resolution Moved by: Jeffrey Renihan Seconded By: William Carlos Councilwoman Lopez spoke to the Board about her concerns of Campaign Donations being given to some members of the Board by the firm in question. Supervisor Baisley gave his point of view on the subject. Matthew Woolever added his opinion as well, and William Carlos mentioned that they could check with the Board of Ethics if they wish and spoke for a few moments also. AYE: -5- Councilmen Renihan, Carlos, Cifone, Councilwoman Shershin, Supervisor Baisley NAY: -2- Councilwoman Lopez, Councilman Woolever ABSTAIN: -0-


01:03-02 APPOINTMENT Comptroller- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: William Carlos Seconded By: Jessica Lopez CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-03 ADOPT Non-Union Salary Schedule Resolution Moved by: Jessica Lopez Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-04 APPOINTMENT Town Registrar- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Michael Cifone Seconded By: Matthew Woolever CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-05 APPOINTMENT Deputy Registrar- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Matthew Woolever Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-06 APPOINTMENT Felicia Salvatore- Interim Bingo Inspector Resolution Moved by: Ann Shershin Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0

01:03-07 DESIGNATION Official Newspaper- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Jon Jay Baisley Seconded By: Jeffrey Renihan CARRIED 7- 0

01:03-08 DESIGNATION Official Banks- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Jeffrey Renihan Seconded By: William Carlos CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-09 APPOINTMENT Marriage Officers- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: William Carlos Seconded By: Jessica Lopez CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-10 APPOINTMENT Records Access Officer- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Jessica Lopez Seconded By: Ann Shershin CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-11 AUTHORIZE Individuals To Sign Checks- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Michael Cifone Seconded By: Matthew Woolever CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-12 APPOINTMENT Emergency Chain Of Command- 2018-2019 Resolution Moved by: Matthew Woolever Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0

01:03-13 APPOINTMENT Emergency Interim Successors- 2018 Resolution Moved by: Ann Shershin Seconded By: Matthew Woolever CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-14 ADOPT 2018 Official Holiday Schedule Resolution Moved by: Jon Jay Baisley Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-15 DESIGNATION 2018 Town Board Meeting Schedule Resolution Moved by: Jeffrey Renihan Seconded By: Williams Carlos CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-16 APPROVE AND 2018 Highway Rental Rate ADOPT Resolution Moved by: William Carlos Seconded By: Ann Shershin CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-17 APPROVE AND 2018 Highway Supplies ADOPT Resolution Moved by: Jessica Lopez Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-18 AUTHORIZE 2018 Agreement To Expend Highway Funds- 284 Agreement Resolution Moved by: Michael Cifone Seconded By: Matthew Woolever CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-19 RE-ADOPT Rules Of The Town Board Resolution Moved by: Matthew Woolever Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-20 AUTHORIZE Bonds For Town Officials Resolution Moved by: Ann Shershin Seconded By: Matthew Woolever CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-21 APPROVE Adjustment of Holiday Schedule For Highway Department Due To Leaf Pickup Resolution Moved by: Jon Jay Baisley Seconded By: Jeffrey Renihan CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-22 AUTHORIZE Business Mileage Reimbursement Resolution Moved by: Jeffrey Renihan Seconded By: William Carlos CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-23 APPROVE Standard Workday For Elected/Appointed Officials Resolution Moved by: William Carlos

Seconded By: Michael Cifone CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-24 APPOINTMENT Town Historian Resolution Moved by: Jessica Lopez Seconded By: Ann Shershin CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-25 AUTHORIZE Grant Writing Services SUPERVISOR

TO SIGN Resolution Moved by: Michael Cifone Seconded By: William Carlos CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-26 RESIGNATION Joseph Socci, Sewer Maintenance Mechanic (TOWN CLERK

SALVATORE) Resolution Moved by: Matthew Woolever Seconded By: William Carlos CARRIED 7- 0

01:03-27 AUTHORIZE Special Consents SC1, SC2 (LEGAL) Resolution Moved by: Ann Shershin Seconded By: Matthew Woolever CARRIED 7- 0 PROPOSED ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION UPON SPECIAL CONSENT 01:03-SC1 RATIFY/ Memorandum Of Agreement/ AUTHORIZE Collective Bargaining Agreement W/CSEA SUPERVISOR TO SIGN (SUPERVISOR BAISLEY) Resolution Moved by: Jon Jay Baisley Seconded By: Jeffrey Renihan CARRIED 7- 0 01:03-SC2 WAIVE 30-Day Liquor License- River House (TOWN CLERK SALVATORE) Resolution Moved by: Jeffrey Renihan Seconded By: William Carlos CARRIED 7- 0 Motion was made to suspend the rules for comment on any Town Issue: J. Baisley/ W. Carlos -Jim Challey comes up representing Peach Hill and one of the things they do is make and sell Calendars to raise money. He presents three of them to the Town.

-Herb Stoller- He would like to point out to Bill Carlos, that Van De Water is the Attorney to the Ethics Committee and says that is a conflict. He believes that the Ethics Rules need to be updated. Bill Carlos speaks back to Herb for a few moments. -Sue Stoller- Question about Highway purchasing. Jay Answers -Fred Bunnel-He wants to clarify that it’s the appearance of Pay to Play in regard to earlier comments -Marc Pfeifer- Talks about a neighborhood that is not yet accepted as Town Property and residents are wanting to know where we stand. Jim Nelson explains what is still needed and mentioned that they are working on it. Marc just wanted the residents to know that we cannot go on private property and it is not our fault. It is being worked on. -Herb Stoller-He talks about going to the swearing in ceremony and happened to see no trespassing signs near the Senior Center and had some questions- Jay answered him. Motion was made adjourn: J. Baisley/ J. Renihan


1. Supervisor’s Appointments: A. Deputy Supervisor- Michael Cifone B. Secretary To The Supervisor: Joyce Longi C. Committee Assignments- (Will be attached in packet on website next week)

2. Town Clerk’s Appointments

A. Deputy Town Clerks: Kelly Tremper/ Kimberly Russell TOWN BOARD MEETING AJOURNED AT 7:40 P.M.

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