totalwastewatermanagementfor … · for dealing with wastewater ... vapors accumulate under a voc...

Post on 30-Jun-2018






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Water Technologies

TotalWastewaterManagement forthe PetroleumRefining andPetrochemical Industries

A partnership with Siemens WaterTechnologies gains a host ofbenefits for you:� We provide more than 100

different products and processesfor dealing with wastewater –and will customize a solutionspecifically for your facilities.

� We deliver the full spectrum ofservices – from initial design,engineering and pilot/laboratorystudies for water, wastewaterand recycling/reuse issues.

� We assume the risks andresponsibility for the completedesign of your wastewatersystem – freeing you toconcentrate on enhancing theprofitability of your corebusiness.

� We are experts at processoptimization of downstreamfacilities – resulting inoperational improvements andsignificant cost savings – nowand in the future.

� We can help you monetize yourwater-related assets – directlyreducing operating costs andraising your profit margins.

� We guarantee performance andcosts, as well as regulatorycompliance, within the designparameters of your operation.

Whether it’s oil/water separation,biological treatment, recycle/reuse,solids handling, VOC emissionscontrol, groundwater remediation,or in-process treatment, SiemensWater Technologies deliverscomplete and economical solutionsfor the petroleum industry.

These solutions are backed by thewastewater treatment industry’smost comprehensive range ofservices, including laboratory andpilot studies; wastewaterequipment design and supply,mobile/temporary wastewatertreatment services and wastewatertreatment process evaluations.


In 1937, we supplied the first APIoil/water separator at a petroleumrefinery on the U.S. east coast.













Treated Effluent

To Disposal/Oil Recovery




SolidsHandlingTo Disposal/Oil Recovery


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Process Unit


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Petroleum Refining/Petrochemical Wastewater Treatment


Siemens Water Technologies isuniquely equipped to handle all ofthe requirements that petroleumrefining and petrochemicalcompanies insist on from awastewater treatment partner. Weprovide total responsiveness toconcerns of safety, toxicity andhazardous materials control andVOC containment, and we offerprompt, expert, worldwide service.

Our Solutions are Proven

Primary Oil/Water SeparationFor more than 70 years, Siemens Water Technologies hasbeen providing cost-effective screening and primaryoil/water separation equipment to the petroleumrefining industry, while continuing to improve andupgrade designs to provide high levels of performanceand meet all current regulations. Our technologiesinclude the API oil water separator, corrugated plateinterceptors, hydrocyclones, the oil roll skimmer, andother types of skimming equipment.

Our API separator design has been risk-assessed,assuring safe operation. Above ground, steel tankageprovides double-containment and visual leak detectionfor hazardous sludges and wastewater. VOCs arecontained through the use of vapor-tight fiberglasscovers. Additional safety features include non-metalliccollector components and covers, stainless steel on allwearing metallic components, deflagration vents, flamearrestors, and more.

Sludge collection hoppers, screw conveyors, flushingconnections, clean-outs, sludge withdrawal piping, andsludge pumps are designed to remove and transfer APIseparator bottoms with a minimum of maintenance andoperator attention. This is important because theinability to remove thick, sticky sludges is the mainreason collector components fail in petroleumapplications.

Our corrugated plate interceptor separator is a costeffective alternative to the API separator design forapplications with low influent solids concentrations.

Our oil skimming equipment ensures efficient and saferemoval of collected oils, even when visual observationis not possible. The operation is continuous, isindependent of oil depth in the API separator, andrequires no operator attention or adjustment.


Oil/Water Separation Equipment

SiemensWater Technologies has provided hundreds of API oil/waterseparators to petroleum facilities around the world for over 70 years.

Oil roll skimmers recover up to 99 percent pure oil fromAPI and CPI separators.


Secondary Oil/Water SeparationSince the 1950s, our flotation separation equipmenthas been noted for superior removal of free andemulsified oils and suspended solids. Today, ourdissolved air flotation (DAF) and dissolved gasflotation (DGF) oil/water separators are a completesolution to the complex environmental equipmentissues facing the petroleum industry.

DAF/DGF separators may be designed either asrectangular or circular units, incorporating steel orconcrete tankage. The steel tank designs allow allpiping and tankage to be located above grade fordouble containment of hazardous wastewaters andsludges, in addition to providing visual leak detectionfor all separator components, including tankage.Options include rapid mix and flocculation zones,chemical pretreatment, float holding tank and steelbottom elevated units.

Our rectangular DAF/DGF separators can achieve floatconcentrations in excess of 20 percent oil and solids.

This concentrated float can eliminate the need foradditional thickening equipment normally associatedwith other types of flotation technology. Efficientdesign allows both flash mixing and flocculation to beintegrated into the unit without the addition ofseparate tankage. Steel tank, shop fabricated unitsare available in capacities of up to 4,000 gallons perminute (908.5 cubic meters per hour), significantlyreducing installation and construction time and costs.

DGF separators can be provided with air-tightfiberglass covers for VOC containment. In theseapplications, state-of-the-art non-metallic andstainless steel collector components are designed tooperate for years in the corrosive environment ofenclosed DGF separators. Nitrogen is normally usedas the flotation gas for safety when covers arerequired for VOC control.

Specially designed, high-strength, light-weight, non-metallic collectorcomponents are designed to work in the high temperature andcorrosive environments of the petroleum industry.

DGF separators can be completely shop fabricated with VOCcontainment covers. Ancillary sludge handling, activatedcarbon and recirculation equipment can also be provided.


The innovative Folded Flow® DGF separator incorporatespatented hydraulic designs in the flotation tank that allowfor hydraulic loading rates up to 10 gallons per minute persquare foot (24.4 meters per hour), and higher. This iscompared to conventional units which operate at loadingrates of 3 gallons per minute per square foot (7.3 metersper hour) or less. This unique Folded Flow® separatordesign results in significant cost and space savingscompared to conventional DAF/DGF separator designs,while still offering superior oil and suspended solidsseparation.

Safety is always the most important consideration in theDAF/DGF separator designs. When potentially explosivevapors accumulate under a VOC containment cover, therecirculation/pressurization system can use inert gasessuch as nitrogen instead of air to reduce explosion risks.

Hydrocell® and Quadricell® induced air flotation (IAF) andinduced gas flotation (IGF) separators are well-suited for thestable, large volume waste streams generated by oil fieldand oil platform applications. These separators have fewmoving parts and comparatively small footprint units

feature a gas-tight design for VOC and/or odor control.The Auto-Shell™ deep bed, walnut shell media filter issuited for those applications when nearly all free oil mustbe removed from a waste stream. The system offerslonger on-line time before oil breakthrough, and has zeroupstream flow interruption, preventing feed pump deadheading.

Cost effective circular DAF/DGF units are available innumerous standard and custom configurations.

The Auto-Shell™ filter is well suited for those applicationswhere biological wastewater treatment is not available andeffluent free oil concentrations of 5mg/l or less are required.

SiemensWater Technologies offers induced air flotation (IAF)and induced gas flotation (IGF) separators suited for thoseapplications with limited space for equipment.


The Right ProcessThere is a “right” biological treatmentprocess for your application, andSiemens Water Technologies offers it.We have more biological treatmentprocesses than anyone in thebusiness; consequently, our processengineers have the knowledge ittakes to select the best biologicaltreatment system for yourapplication.

We evaluate each application for VOCstripping potential, ease of coveringfor VOC containment, ability to nitrifyand possibly denitrify, flexibility totreat shock loads of organiccompounds, area requirements,capital costs, operating costs,discharge requirements, and more.

Jet aeration offers high oxygentransfer efficiencies and excellentmixing characteristics in all types ofwastewaters. The strong mixingaction of the VARI-CANT® jet aerationsystem is independent of airflowrates, consequently, oxygen transferrates can be easily matched to varyingprocess conditions.

The rotating biological contactor(RBC) is a major refinement ofconventional trickling filter fixed filmtechnology. Where shock loads oforganic compounds or toxics havebeen found to have serious negativeimpact on activated sludge systems,the RBC® process has been found tobe much more resilient and in mostcases shows no impact from theshock loads in side-by-side pilotstudies.

Biological Treatment

Our package plants for biologicaltreatment can economically handleclarification, aeration and digestion ina singlemodular unit.

Combined biological processes:�AGAR® IFAS suspended growth

systems�Surfact™ systems�Rotating biological contactors

(RBC) solids contact systems�Trickling filter solids contact

systems�PACT® powdered activated

carbon systems

Fixed film biological processes:�AGAR® suspended growth

systems�Trickling filters�Rotating biological contactors

RBC systems

Suspended growth biologicalprocesses:�Mechanical aeration�Petro™ membrane bioreactor

(MBR) systems�Coarse bubble aeration�DualAir® and Rex-Flex® fine

bubble aeration systems�Bionutre™ nutrient removal

systems�VARI-CANT® jet aeration systems�OMNIFLO® sequencing batch

reactors�Orbal® aeration systems�Sim-Pre® aeration systems�VLR® vertical loop reactor

systems�VertiCel® systems

Anaerobic Treatment�Paques anaerobic treatment


Themodular design of the RBC systemallows unitsand tankage to be completely shop fabricated.


PACT® systems help refineries meet bioassayrequirements. To treat complex wastewaters,groundwater and contaminated runoff in one step,the system adds powdered activated carbon to anaerobic or anaerobic biological process. The carbonthen buffers the biological system against toxicorganics in the wastewater. When coupled with ourZimpro® wet air regeneration system, sludge iseliminated and the carbon is regenerated for reuse.

The Orbal® aeration system, using completely mixedreactors in series, provides economy, flexibility andreliable treatment performance, while minimizingtotal cost by employing multi-wall construction. Theuse of three channels, operating in series, allowsdissolved oxygen levels to be varied from channel tochannel. This arrangement ensures nitrification ofnearly all ammonia in the wastewater. Also, byrecirculating effluent from the third channel to thefirst, and running the first channel at a zero dissolvedoxygen condition, total nitrogen removal can be

achieved at a lower power cost than conventionaloperation for nitrification only.

The VLR® system is a modification of the Orbal systemdesign, allowing this technology to be used atlocations with limited room for wastewater treatmentequipment, or with those biological treatmentsystems which may need to be covered for VOCcontainment.

Our OMNIFLO® sequencing batch reactor (SBR), is afill-and-draw, non-steady state activated sludgeprocess, in which one or more reactor basins are filledwith wastewater during a discrete time period, andthen operated in a batch treatment mode. The SBRaccomplishes equalization, aeration and clarificationin a timed sequence, in a single reactor basin. TheOMNIFLO system can handle influent flows rangingfrom zero to four times design, and a wide range oforganic loads and industrial pollutants.

PACT® systems are particularly well suited for those downstreampetroleum applications where low effluent COD levels are required orwastewater reuse is desired.

OurOrbal®aeration systemhas beenproven forperformance and flexibility in total ammonia andnitrogen control in numerous petroleumapplications.


Innovative DesignOur experience in clarification is unequalled, startingwith the development of the scraper clarifier over 90years ago. But we did not stop there. With a continuingemphasis on innovative designs, we developed theTow-Bro® suction clarifier header more than 70 yearsago – it continues to be the choice for dozens ofpetroleum facilities.

The Tow-Bro® clarifier sludge removal header, whencombined with the peripheral feed Rim-Flo® clarifierdesign, meets the toughest environmentalrequirements and offers unequalled process flexibility.

The Rim-Flo® clarifier design is a hydraulically efficientclarification process that allows smaller, more

economical units to be installed. Side-by-side studieshave shown the peripheral feed-peripheral effluentRim-Flo® design to be 50 to 89 percent more efficientthan conventional center feed designs. Since all pipingis above grade for visual leak detection, the Rim-Floclarifier eliminates costly below grade trenching anddouble containment of piping.

The Tow-Bro® clarifier header uses gentle suctionaction to achieve the highest sludge withdrawalconcentration of any biological clarifier sludge device,greatly reducing sludge pumping costs. Its hydraulicdesign permits rapid and uniform sludge withdrawalthroughout the entire area of the clarifier over a 6 to 1flow range, and it has flat clarifier floors, whichreduces excavation costs.

Biological Clarification

SiemensWater Technologies clarifiers are available in a number of highly efficientand low cost designs, including conventional scraper clarifiers, Tow-Bro® suctionclarifiers and Rim-Flo® peripheral feed clarifiers.

The unitube Tow-Bro® clarifier header, installedat dozens of petroleum refineries andpetrochemical plants, ensure uniform and rapidremoval of biological solids.


Meeting Strict EffluentRequirementsIn today’s regulatory environment,tertiary treatment may be required tomeet strict effluent limits or to allowfor recycle and reuse of the treatedeffluent for cooling tower make-up,boiler feed water, or other processes.For removal of suspended solids, oiland grease, or COD to extremely lowconcentrations, we offer a number oftreatment processes for in-plant,source stream recycle, effluentrecycle, and water reclamation forzero liquid discharge.

The Hydro-Clear® shallow bed sandfilter easily handles the solids and oilswhich can be found in effluents. Inoperation, the filter periodically pulsesthe bed, clearing it of entrained oil andsolids particles, and prolonging filterruns before backwash is required. Thepulsing feature allows the filter to

produce a consistent effluent despitesignificant fluctuations in influentsolids concentration, making it wellsuited for use in systems which reusetreated wastewater for cooling towermake-up.

Siemens Water Technologies offers anumber of different activated carbontreatment systems for the treatmentof difficult to degrade organiccompounds which may be negativelyaffecting effluent toxicity or CODvalues. The PACT® system, forexample, combines biologicaltreatment and carbon adsorption intoa single step. We can also supplygranular carbon adsorption systemsand services and have comprehensivelaboratory services includingcomputer modeling; treatabilitystudies and technical support;licensed hazardous wastetransportation and field services; and

a fully licensed and permitted carbonreactivation facility.

For those facilities that have verystrict discharge requirements, or wishto reduce water costs through recycleand reuse of wastewater, our Petro™Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) can bean excellent choice. Our MBRsystems can provide effluent TSS andBOD5 concentrations less than 1 ppmand 5 ppm respectively, making thewastewater suitable for many reuseapplications in petroleum facilities.

We provide tubular micro- and ultra-filtration systems for removal ofvirtually all suspended solids andresidual oil and grease. These systemscan also be used as pretreatment toreverse osmosis (RO) systems whentreated wastewater or high turbiditysurface water is used for boiler feed.

Petro™MBR systems eliminate the need for, and spacerequirements associated with, conventional biologicalclarifiers.

Tertiary Treatment EffluentPolishing/Recycle-Reuse

The Gravisand®traveling bridgefilter is suited forsuspended solidsremoval and/orturbidity reductionin process waterandwastewater.

Hydro-Clear® sandfilters have proveneffective inmeetingthe stringentdischargerequirements of thepetroleum industry.


Our sludge dewatering equipment isbuilt to provide operating andprocess flexibility. Each design hasnumerous custom features to ensureoptimum dewatering performance,even in the toughest applications.Our experience ranges fromdewatering oily API separatorbottoms and DAF/DGF separator floatto dewatering biological solids, all inpetroleum industry applications.

Belt filter presses include a speciallydesigned low-pressure steam header,which periodically cleansaccumulated oils from the filter beltswhen dewatering API separatorbottoms and/or DAF/DGF float. Thisdesign reduces the need to manuallyclean the belts and extends operatingcycles, contributing to economicaldewatering.

Plate and frame and diaphragm filterpresses are suited for higher volumeoperations where cake dryness isimportant. Special designs, withfeatures such as integral roll bars andsluice pan; and manual hydraulicback-up closing systems, are usedspecifically on offshore drillingplatforms for filtering completionfluids, drilling muds and fuel oils.

Solid bowl decanter centrifuges areoffered in conventional two-phasedesigns and also three-phasedesigns, which separate solids, waterand oil. This allows valuable oil to berecovered and recycled in oily sludgedewatering applications. Ourenclosed centrifuge design alsominimizes odor and VOC emissionswhile dampening noise levels. Theextremely small footprint and

minimal exposure to moving partsalso makes this type of dewateringvery attractive in many applications.

Wet air regeneration systems, whenused in conjunction with PACT®systems, will destroy sludge andregenerate spent carbon for useagain.

Siemens Water Technologies alsooperates fully permitted RCRA Part Bfacilities for advanced processing anddisposal of inorganic and traceorganic wastes and wastewaters, andrecovery of usable resources. We alsomanage and recycle oil-watermixtures, fuel-water mixtures andother materials. These services, insome instances, allow producers orusers to minimize their liability.

Residual Solids/SludgeHandling/Dewatering

Our trailer mounted filter presses are used in a variety of petroleum dewatering applications,including API separator sludges, cooling tower sludges, retention ponds and pits for reclamation,slop oils and production tank bottoms.


You Have Questions, We HaveAnswersTreatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater can be achallenge. What’s the best way tohandle very dilute free oil? How areMTBE and other organic compoundsbest removed? How can the highvolumes and low organicconcentrations in groundwaterencountered at remediation sites beeconomically handled? How can thisgroundwater be economically reusedin refinery operations? We have thespecialized solutions the petroleumindustry needs for remediation issues.

Where significant complexcontamination exists (greater than200 ppm COD) the PACT® systemcleans up groundwater and surfacerunoff waters.

For free oil removal in petroleumcontaminated groundwater, the Auto-Shell™ deep bed filter has the highestefficiency rate in the industry, with99.23 percent throughput of cleanwater and effluent oil concentrationsin the low parts per million. Hard,black walnut shell media will notstratify in the filter beds, leading tolonger on-line time beforebackwashing is necessary. Simpleoperation and low maintenance makethe Auto-Shell™ filter the choice ofmany petroleum companies.

Siemens Water Technologies offers afamily of activated carbons toremove residual organics fromgroundwater. The carbons areproduced from high quality coals andcoconut shells, and aremanufactured by steam activation oftheir carbonized raw materials at

high temperatures in a controlledatmosphere.

Siemens Water Technology canprovide activated carbon systems asequipment only, or can provide fullservice systems where we takecomplete responsibility for not onlysupply of the activated carbonadsorbers, but can provide completeactivated carbon services which caninclude monitoring the performanceof the activated carbon systems,replacement of exhausted adsorbersand regeneration of the spentactivated carbon at our licensedregeneration facilities.

Activated carbon services can beprovided at almost any type of facilityfrom oil production operations topetroleum refineries to tank farmsand filling stations.

Our liquid and vapor phase activated carbonabsorbers remove organic contaminants fromgroundwater, wastewater and air streams.

SiemensWater Technologies provides a large variety of filtration systemsfor the treatment of groundwater includingmedia filters, walnut shellfilters and activated carbon filters.

Groundwater Remediation


Treatment at the SourceSiemens Water Technologies solutionsaren’t limited to “end-of-pipe” treatment.Often, it’s more economical to isolate awaste stream and treat it before itreaches the centralized waste treatmentfacility. And often, these “treatment-at-the-source” solutions have a majorimpact on the overall efficiency,treatment costs and regulatorycompliance of a treatment facility.

A major source of oil and solids to acombined sewer system is the crudeunit desalter water. As more petroleumrefineries process a greater variety ofcrude oils, these same refineries areencountering significant emulsions andlarge excursions of oil and suspendedsolids in the desalter brine water. OurDGF separators combine both chemicaltreatment, to break oil emulsions and

flocculate fine oil and solids particles,with flotation separation to removethese oil and solids particles. Thiseliminates potential problems with oilemulsions entering and overloadingcentral wastewater treatment plants,allowing existing treatment equipmentto operate with greater effectiveness.

Another important impact on awastewater plant is high strength, highCOD wastewaters such as spent caustic.Our Zimpro® wet air oxidation system isused for pretreatment of these highstrength waste streams in thepetrochemical and refining industries. Itis the leading technology for ethylenespent caustic streams and is findingincreasing application on refinery spentcaustic. Our installation list, experienceand pilot testing facilities for wet airoxidation are unmatched.

Stripped sour water represents anotherin-process stream that contributes tothe costs of operating the “end-of-pipe”biological plant. The use of site-specificpackaged RBC units to treat thephenolic compounds and ammonia is aprudent investment. By doing so, theloadings to the “end-of-pipe” treatmentplant would be reduced significantly;also, the RBC units have extremely lowoperating and maintenance costscompared to other technologies.

Tank farm water draws often requirecomplex treatment to ensureregulatory compliance. One solutionis our Petro™ MBR system, which canproduce an effluent suitable for reusewithin the facility.

The Zimpro®wet oxidation system is commonly used fortreatment of high strength spent caustic generated inpetroleum refineries and ethylene plants.

The DGF separator process combines chemical pretreatment andflotation to effectively treat and remove free and emulsified oil fromdesalter brine water.

In-Process Treatment


Expert ServicesAs the global leader in providingwastewater treatment solutions tothe petroleum industry, SiemensWater Technologies offers our clientsunequaled experience in costeffective wastewater management.

Partnering with us to evaluate andaddress wastewater treatment issuescan result in significant operationaland capital cost savings, significantimprovements in operations andregulatory compliance. This is whatwe are best at doing, leaving you freeto focus your capital and personnelon raising the profitability of yourcore business.

The significant installation base wehave in the petroleum industry hasallowed us to accumulate a vastamount of operational experience inwastewater treatment operations, inhow refining and petrochemicaloperations affect wastewatertreatment, from all over the world.

From this database we can provideanalysis of your wastewatertreatment operations and makesuggestions on improvements thatcan reduce operating costs andimprove performance.

An effective, accountablewastewater management plancustomized to your facilities. Aspart of our core business, we offer afull range of engineering studies andservices for the petroleum andpetrochemical industry using adevoted team of industry experts. Thisteam of experts is focused on, and hasextensive multi-national experiencein, dealing with water and wastewatertreatment issues. They haveperformed studies in petroleumfacilities all over the world includingEurope, Middle East, Asia, Australia,Latin America and North America.

Expert engineering services. Ourengineering studies and servicesgroup uses our wealth of application

and operational knowledge to offercost effective water and wastewatersolutions to the petroleum industry.The consulting and engineeringservices we provide include fieldinvestigations, wastewatercharacterization, feasibility andtreatability studies, source controland segregation, wasteminimization, solid waste treatment,operator training, process and plantdesign and many other value addedservices.

Waste Minimization EngineeringStudies. Our intimate knowledge of,and in-depth experience in, thepetroleum and petrochemicalindustries, has allowed us to achievegreat success in waste reductions,recycle/reuse and source control ofvaluable hydrocarbons and otherproducts. We've worked withrefineries, distribution sites,petrochemical plants and oil/gasproduction sites worldwide.

Our service engineers are highly skilled to analyze and evaluate anywastewater treatment issue in the petroleum industry, andmakeappropriate recommendations for corrective action.

More than 2,500wastewater treatment installationsacross the petroleumand petrochemical industryworldwide.

Wastewater Treatment Services


Specialized Services for thePetroleum IndustrySiemens Water Technologieslaboratories are RCRA certified toperform bench scale treatabilitystudies on almost any waste. Our fieldpilot units range from multiple typesof oil/water separators to biologicaltreatment systems to sludgedewatering to tertiary treatmentsystems, designed to meet strictdischarge requirements, or to recycleand reuse treated effluent within thefacility. Multiple pilot units can becombined to simulate entiretreatment systems.

Mobile water services. We also offera wide variety of temporarywastewater treatment systems thatcan be used during maintenance onexisting equipment or underconditions when existing operationsdo not have enough capacity. Thistemporary equipment includesdissolved air flotation separators,clarifiers, wastewater filtration

equipment, activated carbonadsorbers, and even microfiltrationand reverse osmosis systems forwastewater reuse/recycle. Thesemobile treatment units come withexperienced service technicians thatcan either train your personnel tooperate the equipment or that canoperate the equipment for you.

Total hazardous wastemanagement. Siemens WaterTechnologies also specializes in bothon-site and off-site management ofhazardous and nonhazardous wastes– including emergency spill responseand oily wastewater treatment. Wetake care of a variety of liquids andmaterials, including used oil, oil-watermixtures and emulsions, fuel-watermixtures, ethylene glycol and used oilfilters and absorbents.

Guaranteed regulatory compliance,within the design parameters ofyour operation. Our customersinclude some of the world’s largest

companies – many operating underthe most stringent regulatoryconditions – who rely on ourprocesses, equipment and knowledgeto assure compliance.

In addition, we can provide thepetroleum industry with turnkeyservices in the application ofactivated carbons for specific needs.Our services include pretreatment forthe production of high-purity water,wastewater treatment, VOC emissioncontrol, purifying/decolorizing off-spec products, and benzene NESHAPcarbon canister monitoring inrefineries.

Our comprehensive services arebacked by an extensive spare partsinventory that covers every one ofour products. Our field techniciansacross the nation are fully trained tomeet every operating, safety andenvironmental requirement withinthe petroleum and petrochemicalindustries.

We offer carbon adsorber systems thatcan bemobilized quickly.

Services to Support Your Needs

We supply a wide range of high quality liquid and vapor phase carbons.


1909 Rex® traveling water screen developed1928 Tow-Bro® hydraulic sludge removal arm invented1929 Envirex® chain and scraper sludge collector

developed1931 Rex® bar screen developed1937 Envirex® API oil/water separator invented1953 Envirex® dissolved air flotation separator

invented1954 F.J. Zimmermann obtains patent for waste

treatment using wet oxidation1957 Rim-Flo® clarifier invented1964 Envirex® solids contact clarifier developed1965 Hydro-Clear® filter introduced1968 Orbal® aeration system introduced in the U.S.1969 Envirex® rotating biological contactor system

invented1972 PACT® system invented1975 First Zimpro® wet oxidation system installed for

treatment of ethylene spent caustic starts up inJapan

1976 Envirex® non-metallic molded chain andfiberglass flights for API collectors invented

1980 VARI-CANT® jet aeration system1981 Jet aeration invented

1982 First U.S. installation of Zimpro® wet oxidationsystem for ethylene spent caustic treatmentstarts up

1984 SBC® system invented by Envirex1984 Introduction of OMNIFLO® SBR1985 Traveling bridge filter invented1986 Envirex® loop chain for API collectors invented1986 VLR® system invented by Envirex1986 Rex-Flex® aeration system developed1987 Fluidized bed process invented1990 Envirex® dissolved gas flotation separator

developed1990 Envirex® fiberglass VOC containment covers

invented1992 Westates® activated carbon reactivation facility

opens1995 Gravisand® filtration system invented1996 Folded Flow® DAF invented1999 Envirex/ Envirogen MTBE Treatment Partnership2003 Cannibal® Solids Reduction system2003 USFilter and Paques bv of the

Netherlands sign license agreement2006 Petro™ Membrane Bioreactor system introduced

Backed by over 70 years of continuous experience in offering new, innovative and cost effective wastewater treatmentsolutions to the petroleum industry, Siemens Water Technologies can provide everything from individual productdesigns to complete wastewater and groundwater treatment facilities.

SiemensWater TechnologiesMilestones

Auto-Shell, Bionutre, Cannibal, DualAir, Envirex, Folded Flow,Gravisand, Hydro-Clear, Hydrocell, OMNIFLO, Orbal, PACT,Petro, Quadricell, Rim-Flo, SBC, Sim-Pre, Surfact, Tow-Bro,VARI-CANT, VertiCel, VLR, Westates and Zimpro aretrademarks of Siemens, its subsidiaries or affiliates.AGAR is a trademark of AqWise -WiseWater Technologies Ltd.Rex and Rex-Flex are trademarks of Rexnord Industries LLC.

The information provided in this brochure containsmerely general descriptions or characteristics ofperformance which in actual case of use do not alwaysapply as described or whichmay change as a result offurther development of the products. An obligation toprovide the respective characteristics shall only exist ifexpressly agreed in the terms of contract.



Subject to change without prior notice.

© 2009 SiemensWater Technologies Corp.

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