topic 20 4 condensation reactions

Post on 11-May-2015






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  • 1.IB Chemistry Power PointsTopic 20 Organic Chemistrywww.pedagogics.caCondensation Reactions

2. Condensation Reactions Big IdeaTwo smaller molecules combine to form one larger molecule.A small molecule, usually water, is eliminated in the process 3. Esterification Process RCOOH +ROHEsters have distinct fruity smells.Used extensively in industry for fragrance and flavoring.The esterification reaction is also important in formation ofpolymers 4. Amide formation - RCOOH + RNH2 Example 1: Sketch a diagram to show the formation of ethyl butanoate by the process of esterification. Example 2: Sketch a diagram to show the formation of the amide product of a reaction between ethanol and propylamine. 5. Condensation Polymerization - ExamplesRecall polymers are long chains of subunits called monomers.If reacting molecules each have two functional groups that canundergo condensation, a polymer chain can form.Consider: ethane-1,2-diol andbenzene-1,4-(ethylene glycol) dicarboxylic acid 6. Formation of Terylene (Dacron)Monomer subunit would look like this. 7. Formation of Terylene (Dacron) + a bunch of H2O 8. Polymerization reactions nylon 6,6 HOOC(CH2)4COOH hexan dioic acid+ H2N(CH2)6NH2 1,6 diamino - hexane 9. Polymerization reactions nylon 6,6 10. Proteins - polypeptidesGeneral formula of an amino acid monomer 11. Proteins - polypeptides

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