top ten tips for weight loss · top ten tips for weight loss 1. keep to a meal routine – a...

Post on 01-Oct-2020






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Top Ten Tips For Weight Loss

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

1. Keep to a meal routine – A regular eating pattern is an important

part of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

– People who have more chaotic eating

habits often end up eating more

– Research has shown people who eat

breakfast are more likely to be a healthy weight.

– 3 meals a day ensures wider variety of

foods, enabling you to get all the nutrients you need for good health

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

2. Reduce your fat intake

– Fats provide double the calories found in the equivalent

amount of other foods, cutting down on fatty foods saves a lot of calories

– Boil, steam, grill, poach or microwave food rather than

frying or roasting

– Choose lean cuts of meat and trim off any fat

– Switch to a reduced fat diary foods such as reduced fat

milk cheese and yogurt

Select lower-fat options whenever possible

200ml serving-132kcal

8g fat 11% GDA

5g saturated fat 25% GDA

Full Fat Milk Skimmed Milk

200ml serving-64kcal

0.4g fat 0.6% GDA

0.2g saturated fat 1% GDA

Semi-Skimmed Milk

200ml serving-92kcal 3g fat 4% GDA

2g saturated fat 10% GDA

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

3. Base your meals on starchy foods – Starchy foods contain less than half

the calories of fatty foods.

– Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, noodles & couscous

– Limit added fats used for cooking and serving & reduce the calorie content of the meal.

– High fibre starchy foods tend to be filling- you are less likely to snack

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

4. Don’t forget your 5 a day

– Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day

– Try having fruit or veg with every

meal. This makes it easier to reach target

– Fruit and veg are low in fat and calories

– Good sources of many vitamins and minerals

– Fresh, frozen, dried, canned

and juiced-they all count

Practical Tips for Weight Loss

5. Restrict chocolate, cakes and crisps eaten but don’t ban them completely.

– Banning them completely might make your diet difficult to maintain and you will be more likely to fail

– Choose a healthy option such as fruit or low calorie yogurt

– Sugar can add a lot of calories, especially in sugary drinks.

– Try to wean off sugar or try artificial sweeteners instead.

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

6. Think about your drinks

– Drink plenty of water or or sugar-free squashes 6-8 glasses

(2litres) per day

– Unsweetened fruit juice high in natural sugars, so limit it to 1 glass per day

– Alcohol contains only calories & few other nutrients-approx. 200 kcals for a pint of beer; 120 kcals for a glass of wine

– Cutting down on alcohol will help in weight reduction

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

7. Check labels.

–Be careful about food claims.

–Check the fat and sugar content on food labels when shopping and preparing food.

–A low fat digestive biscuit has the same number of calories as a standard digestive biscuit at 70 calories

Practical steps for cutting down on fat

• The Food Standards Agency is an independent Government department

• It has developed Traffic light signpost labelling

• This provides 'at a glance' information on labels about the levels fat and saturated fat content of foods

• Compare labels and choose the option that is lower in saturated fat

Food Labels

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

8. Focus on your Food

– Slow down.

– Don’t eat on the go or while watching TV.

– Eating meals at the table will help to focus on the amount of food eaten.

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

9. Caution with your Portions

–Don’t heap food on the

plate (except veg).

–Think twice before having second helpings

–Fill the plate up with lots of veg

–Low in calories & helps satisfy hunger

Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

10. Walk off the weight – Walk 10,000 steps (about 60-90

minutes of moderate activity) each day.

– Use a pedometer to help count the steps.

– Break up the walking over the day bouts of ten minutes at a time

– To benefit need to feel warm and

slightly puffed but still able to have a conversation.

– Take the stairs rather than the lift

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