top european honeymoon destinations

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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The top honeymoon destinations in Europe are known for their perfect settings and beautiful locales which encourage love and intimacy amongst newlyweds.


Top European Honeymoon Destinations

Seaside Delights

Santorini in Greece is one of Europe most popular Mediterranean islands that is popular amongst honeymooners for its beautiful and exotic locales.  

Crete is another popular destination in Greece that is considered Europe’s top island amongst visitors and honeymooners

The island Corfu is another European seaside delight that is highly favored by honeymooners from all over the world and is the inspiration behind the Shakespearean play The Tempest.  

Venice or the city of water is one of Europe’s oldest cities and a huge favorite amongst honeymooning couples

London is also another European urban settlement that is major city in terms of tourist preference and is home to some of the world’s most luxurious accommodations and well known architectural landmarks

Rome or the Vatican City is also a popular destination in Europe for newlywed couples


Austria is a mountainous country in Europe that is a well known skiing destination which is popular amongst honeymooners. Vienna is Austria’s most famous city and is also a major European cultural hub. Switzerland is another honeymooner’s delight which is known all over the world for its beautiful locales and skiing resorts. Switzerland generally finds a place on most lists of the top honeymoon destinations in Europe

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