
Post on 09-Jul-2016






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Central Executive Committee

Communist Party of Canada


Central Organizing Committee

Communist Party of Burma

2016, May 21st.

Subject: Letter of Felicitations

Dear Comrades:

May we convey our heartiest fraternal greetings to the glorious 38th

Convention of the Communist Party of Canada.

We firmly believe that the convention would be a complete success and

will be able to heighten the solidarity and political vigilance of the party

membership, as well as the people of Canada. We also expect that The 38th

Convention will chart out the correct and victorious orientation of the

working class of Canada who are fighting for peace, jobs, sovereignty,

democracy and socialism in Canada.

During the recent years, the US Imperialists have been making all efforts

to extend their tentacles over our nation and convert it into a stepping stone on

the western border of China. They offered a leeway for the military dictators

of Burma who are responsible for murder, rape, plunder and pulling the whole

nation into political, economical and social abyss. They may try to change the

dictators into their accomplice in the effort to become the sole global cop.

However, the people of our nation, who have been suffering from, but

struggling against, the oppression of dictators and imperialists for decades, are

not befuddled by their antics. On the contrary they are stretching out their fists

to express their defiance in various ways on many occasions. We always

regard that we are all standing at the common front against the world's worst

hegemony and imperialist and our solidarity will develop and will be fortified

day by day.

We shall avail this opportunity, we would also like to extend our

congratulations to comrades Miguel Figueroa and Elizabeth Rowley for their

service to the cause of communism and international proletariat.

Believing that the traditional fraternal relationship and bonds of unity

among our parties will constantly strengthen and develop, we take this

opportunity to congratulate all the delegates attending the convention.

Long Live the Fraternal Relationship between the Communist Party of

Canada and the Communist Party of Burma!

Long Live International Proletarianism!

Central Organizing Committee

Communist Party of Burma

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