dentistry · tlib sunu- ortlieojhlcr. il a jolly old lilrd in tlio ojatcr osu, ivb lio i>its id...

Post on 03-Feb-2020






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THE I R O N ERA{•itnueniu; Event SATUKDAI r r


QfflcQ on Morris Street near Bkokwell.



m e T e a r , - - - $2 .01,ir M o u t b a , - - - - - - - 1.01^ r e o m o u t h s , — — — — — — — Cl




Counsellor at LawAMD



J. J. VREELAND,Carpenter and Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended to.1011a ou BLACKWELI. St., ueit to Gago

' UBIHOJ'B luiuliur mill.Cuntracta talioii, and mfcti-rUl fumlalied.


Curlier or Ulackwoll and Hunox Bts.

DOVEE, N. J.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor,

florae* aud Carriages to Lot.

r r T. LEJ'OHT,

Counsellor at Law,AND 1LASTKB D) OUANCEUY,

:>lko in the National Dillon Bank Bulldlufi

i m r ^ L S i . , -DOVER, N. J.

A. (JILLK.V,, General


SIONEU OV DEkDS,All orilont promptly atleiidud to*.

-KWIXL STHELT, Dover , W. J .


!arriages and SleighaOf IBvery Dearrlptloii.

•. BlullmU ami Bers«n SH, DOVEI1,». J.

['articular nllehtion paid to repairing am]ntiuf. a-iyOVKII

iBraya nod AH&WBPB of all dOBertpllonB ofII KB AND MI«lillAL8

CAilEFOLLY MADEitnrohargoBwlllbefurnlshodonapplleaUon.

L.O. BtEIlWinTH,. DolerMbrriB County H.J.

Uien Palmer & Son,ivpeiitors ••


. ' .. Builders.. DOVEB, N.J .

obbinrj promptly attended to.S. J . PALSIES, ArcUltect.

10-j _




USSE.X STREET,etueon tlio MANSION BOOSE alii Dopol,)

DOVEB, N. J.rim place baa IMWID entirely rojltledlp a n«inner. Tlio very bout brauda or

oreign and Domestic SegarsA1WAYS OK HAND. «r "



DESIGNED•nd executed, u O material fa misled.

'LANSaitd &PEGIFICATIQMtarnlBlioil, nod contracts talion for all work.Tlio best rororcDcoi RITOD aa to capacity inmxj branch of tlie banint!SB, nrnl all workluinlutL -. . , . DQVKR.N.J.


Haekwoll St.,'nonr Sunaext Dover, N.J.


For descriptions of Properly ana putloulBflalre at the offlos.


the largest and raoBt Bneboaafal dealor in

BOOTS and SHOESttut over did bnslnesi In


ajaat nniahed stocking nil itoro with

Wtfoh anrpuiM aaytHlnj In tbo line, in point


b n o j b n r i . . TUB OJSLHUtATED


SHOES,Warranted alwaja to lit, are to bo found

IbiB atcro In tbo greatest profusion

or atjles and measurements, and


QIVB ma . n i l W o n pureliulns' el«.wbera.


MOEBISTOTO N.1 " r i 4 1 0 l b , l B 7 7 . . -•••',


WMf -H . & I. SEARING.

15usiui>ss A. BENNETT, M. U ,


(Opposite Dover Batik,)DOVER, K.J.,

llaeaBBB or Wonioii ana Children, and o( tin. Ejoand Ear HjicninlUue.

Mice Hour.: 7 too A.M., lto Saod7to8 P.M.18-3Opd

ron». D. 6uini. n, o, UXO'.K, m.



., KT. 0".



over QEO.' niCHAIlDS & Cu.'s BTO11E,




ifllco over A. Wfcli ton's BIHVO and tin atoi17-ly DficlaAc.Utrcul,

RA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Contracta taken or all Wnda of Mason Work

UME, PLASTER AND OEUEST,FurniBllsd at abort notioo.

under "Tbo Iron Era Onlco," Dover,J. 17-ii

IV. S. & E. F. DcCAMP, .


For lion Ores and Mineral Property,

OWEBVILLE, N. J.P. 0. at BO0NT0N, N. J. .

'It. S. BEOLUP, F.D, F . DEO&UF.



lOFt all tbo nrinclpsl UDOB of BloamBhiiivfrom Nov York tu Ltvorpool at LOWEST




ardware, Iron and Steel,LILS, llUILDEBa1 HA11DWAIU3,




ooilcii Wftre and «Housekeeping Goods.

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,and Manufacturer.' Articles genanllr.

me, Cement, Plaster,

e. voonnais. imss B. TOOBUEEIilorrletowii, Sept. 23d, lBTi. .




FILLING, 4".LTO mldltloiml charge for oxlmotlog wucrt\ new tooth aro Inserted. Wo aro now mil..ift beautiful ecu of toalli tor

FIFTEEN DOLLARS.LLL WOliit>Tor, September 25th, 18T5.


ALEXoattstltonUou to the foot tlalhohua Warntb.6

HOIEI, on BLACKWEIL St,IOVER N. J., lately kept by Guns. Wateon,ad liaa completely renovated end refur.

Jaued it, so wis lo e i .e 8°od and ampleMcommodntionfltobotboiluiaiidbeaBt. TbelAKwiU bu uupitlled'wi*11 t h ° best brands of

QUOTES and SBJAJS. Eonrd will bo firniabed by the day or week, on rcosonabliterms. My .. .; ' . .

Uvery Stablewilt bo continued in connection witb thiiSon«o An imitation in- eitended to nil m;3d friend, and the general publlo to glr

octili. 4 5 " u

M. & 1 SearingCARPENTERS,



Ukon »nd ninteriali funiiJ'icu. ;

. • - . t • ' *

Jobbing in GeneralDciemborMtb 1870. ! •»•







ILWOH OKNAMENTlarge •iperienoe formorly

ldar, from a, taowWm oT7 any o t o tolex.


dilld'ew,Uj nol; libor'n liotiso it not KO highNor half BO nlco u mloti;IoftoDMJ the blin 1H a>r.And though (tu DiirUliii'H duo.It'll Qnly niusliu, and (bo nlei>aAro pot of ,1LDU »t a l l -And yot I IOUR fur hur imall IIODUOTo(;ivoQiiuo»]liuall,Her lawn Univoi Jorttogrow—Tlio cliildruu Irot.l it dinvn,Aui W.II n ilio fatli r cuincn at nifctit.I in ar tloni olat.or <lonnTbo grtTel w»lk ; oud auub ft UOIBOCornea lo tuy qakl OHM,An my aid heart's been waiting 'ofHo uutny ailunt ycara.H'linoLlnioa i noap io MO Iboni selio11U coat and Iiaml aud liucet—All iLiroi? no auxlou^ tu bo fintt *And IK ar bor cull, "Duo't tcazol'ajm"— Ibu lu'jy i|iriu([i—Auittlieu tlio low brown JoorSimla out tlioir bipplucBS, and Ibit tFrnliiugaiboluiGThat m; uolglibor'a litlla coltngoAnd tbo jowola ol licr orowa

' H,iJ btcu my uwn; my nanelonWltL Ha front uf gianile brotrii,It'* ilaroasb. md IU HODIIOII-II'B kwD BO firoon and Lngbt— '*liun- gladly would I givo t i i mFurlioriuotlicrliuod to-olgl.t.

Tlib Sunu- or t l ieOjHlcr .il a Jolly old lilrd in tlio ojatcr OsU,IVB lio i>its ID hla pearly slioll,Iliiuking ban mioy a dolicato dishlie t in aibko VIIUD cuuk-cil well—

Uroilcd or roaat,Birvod on loaBt,

Or ran uu a dtliily piailor;Escftllnpor itow,Elllturwilido, -

Or fried in crumbs or bailor,ml n kuowluR old Qttli Is tlia ojalcr bird,As lio slyly BCOIDB lo dozo;

'or lio drops uot a liinl, lio .peak* not», wordOral! tlio Bccmta ho kiiowa-

Iltlflfirnt Lnura.8li*dy buwora

WlllBpurlDgS low IDd BWCBt jBuozv doli^bls,Merrjoiaalglito,

When Jolly old cronies meet.

talloJ j^pril, a benuiiful mixture of ruinaud BtiUHliioe—gralue tens vices—when a

" inrae but tmiGfouted young: girligbt bo seen ou Uer wuy to Lou clou,

ho had beeu journeying einco tlie earlylorning ; and it wns now micl-Juy wbuuie loft Iho biglnuy tu rest lioinell ou a

[Mitch of LoutU nliicli sliirteJ ti, itudich had Ibo fnrtlier iemptation of n

and of clear bright water, collected iu> of Hit) gravel [>ila. Tlie fiiylit uloae,

[tor tlio duaty road, wns in ilsolf ro-UK, for tlio raiim had fallen only

io day uuforo, and tUo pool in cnisHc-o was woll-cigb traDBparcut. Will)

ia wnter for a looking-gluss, aha bc«nuranging Uer liair DD<1 drcsa to tbe beat

Heavy ubowora, liko beavy drinkers,igiu.witb littto drops.A woman wlio wants a letter neat toio poet office is worue tbuu a aoro toe.Tbo railroad strikers luve scon thtt it•o t tbe way to make board cbuujjer toiro Hour and hnvats.Men <Io not Lave their clioico ivliotliertoy will accept life or not; but they canlooao liow tlioy cau live.U a young lady in eeusibla elio williverlnco. Ko. sLe'll go about lookinglargo and grnaeful aa n tub uf soap.

Wlien a young man rails around totee bia girl even evening, Imst't sbe ariglit to call liim " a night liloomibp;


Pbilo3opliy In a good ibiit(f. rhiloso-1 gives a man obcek enongb'to jmy

cent for a nowepaper und flvacoulsir a good cigar.

Tbe following is given as a fireman'soast; "Tbe ladies—tlo only .ocendl-ies wlio kindle a flume which water willit extinguish,"

An mtas, exoluimcd, aamun broke through neliower; "Wliatelegant trimming tbat rainbow would>ke for a white over-dross,"

A ChicaRo girl broke an eugagemaatitb tier botrotaed, JHr. VyBg OD beur-ig tbat after marriage sbe might prob-

ly bo addicted to small vicos.A eermnn in Barbadaeti rccontly con-

ludodtlius: "My obstinnciouabredreD,find it is no more URO to preach to youu n i t is for grasshoppers to wear kneeireooucB."

Tho marriage cerprnopy ntnopg thoiBlimea of AuBtralib. is very simple andjn't cost ft pcuoy, Tbo man Be|eots hisdy-lave, knodm her down witb a clqb,id drags her to his camp.

'A soft answer tarnetli away Tcrath ; "eta man caught by his nife dealinglit auBwere Jo a pretty widow nextjor, soya beioan Bbow scam to prove

it the proverb didn't work well ID Mecam

A jonng mother in tMa city cxploin-ig christouing to lier five year old boy,ild him that wben ho wa«,obriptenD'](

..a "would be one of God's little tambs.""Aud will I have bind legs and baa?"eagerly asked the boy. «*> - •" .

He was making a call, and thoyilbibg of litoraturo. ".Tlio Pilgrim's'rogress,!' sbe remarked, "always seems

mo painful. Of oonri>e you aiefarail--r witb Bunynn f" He said he liadonem eacti foot, and they troubled him a;ood deal.

At the Old Orohnrd Honso the otherivenhip; a tbiraty, trampinghe corridors round und round to findlie bar, exclaimed: " I t 'pciirs to meJjeio'ti the moat piaezji nnd the least rumlore of any bouae ou the beach."

AFeosaylvauia Dulohmau wlio mar-.ied k.9 second wife soon after the fun-jral of' the first, wits {visited with a twohours eeroDado in token of diaapprovul.He expostulated pathetically thus : "1say, poyB, you optgbt to be aHhamejl of

our Bells to bo making all dis noise ven[er vos a fuoeral here BO Boon."

If those dresses were twice as lighiibey would .wear then. . If it werelbrfushion lo carry a barreLof flour on tin"sack of tho neck-they would do it, 01lie trying;- Yon could not'.deviBe a.osbiun the wotneu wouldn't meekly toVlow, from no clothes ia tbe winter tobear skin overcoat in summer.

A person In the course of aome remarkjauntyer-tneeting, having several times

ouscrved that tie ehuuld never forget tbrdying words ol bis brother, the pwioisuggested tbat it might be well for him"o repeat tbom ; whereupon with aomohesitation and scratching of his bead, hesaid tbat tboy had slipped his mind,

If yon cannot lift as much aa you wish,cut off jour ana, If you nre not assmart as you wish you were, blew yourbrains out. If theie isn't enough Btufproduced to divide up and give you atbig a share as you wElit, deatioy whalyou CUD, BO there will be still less to takr

iges from ; in abort, lecome a rioter.

" I only get ninety aents a !dny," saitho man'to his comrades, ns lie cam;along from his work, "and bow can '*and my family live ?U Thay alt said ilwas impossible for liim to erist on thataum. upon which lie invited tlie entinparty into tho nearest saloon and treatstho crowd otna eiponsa of torjj*flvo cts

• A hoy tried uis first pipe tbe ojhiday. "Wlien bib fatbfcr camo borne tcdinner, ho found him braced against ebarrel, with his legs spread auort, biiImad3 and lower JAW drooping listlessly,

deathly pulor oTer-Bprendin(t hirfooo.- "What is tho matter wilh you.?'inouireil the amazed parent. "My— -teacher ia—alok." gasped tho boy. "Wellyoo musn't fool BO badly nbout IfTommy." aflid the fatlier kindly.

poL-uonal appenrauee which so suldoraecils a beauty iiveu In the humblestilka of life ; and then nhe proceeded todulgo in the luxury of bathing heret, healed and swollen by the long

rare]. Like NarciHsux of old she foundimngo rtfluclod by tho pool wus

ively iu the extreme ; and though sbod not uinct.y i mi late him by fulling iuo with herself, there woi a smile upon

ir lipa that not only added to hericauly, but Bbowed bow well she, wan

tiafied with wbot vtna tlien presGiitcdbur. What would abo tiuvu said ifbright surfaoo could liuve mirrored

10 splendor of bor future life—a eplcn-ir that waa to go on awulling and deep-ing iu her own proper person, till itided in two of her descendants near-

ug the crown of England ?Hefrcabed by the coolness of the waterid this short interval of iest, she againit nut npou her wiiy tu Luudoii; niiJ

tlio timo-sho was fthamt too tuuchiru to proceed any farther, she tout, i

'rsolf at the door of a rood-sido publicJUBO in Chelsea. Tho landlord—atrtly, good-humotcd persouugo, \rbo

Bitting on a bench beforo bis house,th a pipe and u mug of Btrong home-reivbd—observed thb poorgirl'F wenri-

and buing struck by her exceedingeauty, invited bar to tttnp awhile andifrosh herself. Anno replied that eboid no money for meal or drink ; but if

would allow her BLO. would gladlyest till she bad somewhat uncovered, for

ough Lnpdon Ecemcd sa near, ebo wasio much tired to go cvon that little.dia-

lanpo. *

"Whengb 1" ejnaulalpd the landlord,[Ing the pipe Iroin his mouth and stur-

ig at her. ''Aud wlmt tho plague doiu expect to do in Jjondon withoutonoy, more thua in any otber place ?io you faucy tbaf> the Btreeta are paveditb gold, ns I bayo hoard some ol you>nn try folks Qfty ?"

'I havu coino BO far in hopes of got-Ing into Eorvlce," replied Auuo,

I'Wheaugb I" again ejaculated, or halft

mmy, aflid the fuller k i n yill get well again, withont a doubt.1

nd then, stopping into the louse, biS r v e d to Us ytilo tbat that WM tin

b i b b r saw-S r v e d to Us ytilo tba hmost sympMbotio boy be over saw,-

Thereifl no donbt tbatinemorj, itbougb it moybo cultivfltea, i" origimly a gift of naloro j BO, also, applloatimast be regarded as & .natural endoimont; for there are somo men, howeviwell dUposed.who can never brine.theH 1 T « to grapple cloBoly witb anythin

Iti n1m.ii

a fine tiny—for the Eng-many yenra lia<l a nth

hcr ]> with th:tt inHtiuctivo repnrd

tnlie's ladder, end lo her credit ituiuftbe recorded of her tbat she never allowed herself lo bo dazzled for a mo-inout by tlio height thus attained, butevinced her usual calmnu&a and sagacityin thia exalted situutiuii.

Years had passed on, when nonie dis-pute urusc—it IH never ton lute or tuocurly fur Inw dispufes—ah.iut tlie prop-erty of her first liiiubautl, tbu Ijrmvur.This inuJo it rcquisito for bor to have

course to Ifgul ndvico and assistuueo,id uliuuuo so determined it thut she

wastccoinuicuded to a young barrister

of Lioculo's ID thuugbt liyLo give a fuir promiso of risiugono

to tiniueiice in bis pmleHaion. ThtHf whom n fmv nioru Haga-y

ciouu spirits vcuturud to prodict such fa-vorable lliiugs, but who waslittlo kuownia gun mul, was .Gtwnrd Hyilo, the future

n of the great vil nd thogLord High Chancellor of Englimd tbutwas to he, utter a series of oven Is whichwill Btriko us as being amuugst tbo mostwondciful recorded iu English chronicles. d busiunaa of the brewer's relict

the landlord; "you wantice, do you ?"!' If you please, Bir."'Why, tben, I think I can lielp you,

ly girl. But ait down—ait down withDU—and when you upve taken a biteid a sup, we'll Bco il wo cannot help

To this offer the weary and famished.ravoler gliuHy acceded, Tbo usual•efreshmentaof n road-aide pnbliohonsorere placed before her, which ehe at-Loked with au njipetilo, acquired-by an

light honrs' fast, and a journey ou footiiico dnjurcnk, t i e Idndlord good-hu-

moredly. enconraging her to make thibeet of the opportunity, "When thiaasty meal was dispatched, he proceededj oiplaiu that bis pot-girl had just leftIm, und be was wiltinc to promote her

a the vncant poet upon no otber rccora-jendation than her good "looks. Theiffer, as maybe supposed, was readily.ccepted, and Anne was fairly enltnttul

the service of tbo Eluo Drn'gon.Amougst the snmbors who wero at-

racted to this Dragon's den l-y thexcellence of tbe cheer, or the merrylood of the landlord, wus a certain rich

irewer, whose nnmo tlio olironiolcrs havejost unaccountably forgotten lo record.3eing still unmarried, and, ' though>calthy, of no very refined bnbita. lie

wont'to p t u s l h evenings here withlurprising regulirityi in fuct, it fonncdiis only relaxation after .the Jatigues of

iDcaa and he often protested, andiveu swore u]>on ecciiBion, that of all bisiquaintan'cB Mastor Joruip was the manmst after bis own hear t " I don't knowow it is," be would suy, "though Joram

has all his ale from my brewery, yetlotaobow or another tbo liquor tunicsiwicEj as well at the bonny Bluo Dragon,ban when it'eoraes from my cellar,ava board folka uny thai yonr sherriesnproffo by a voyage to hot parts, and

BJppose it's tho Batne with my ale, II•ipous in its journey from my hougo toromm's."

Tlie brewer was from the first mightilyakou with Anne's appearance ; but being, prudent man ha would not ventareipon BO bold a Btep as a matrimonial

proposition till Ue know a little more.Every evening for three long trialmonths his first in quip* upon enteringthe don of ' the Blue Dragoon was,'Jorum, Anne got on ?"—and

thut answer being nlwnya satisfnnlory,_jd oonflrmed moreover by bis own ob-servation, at tha end of that time hi,hought ho miglit veutura to marry her.

Tho humlilo pot-gitl had thus mountedtbe first round of Fortune's ladder. Shenow enjoyed all the comforts of nffluonocand what moy scetn surprising, she nolonly rose up to the level of her new con'dition, but oven went beyon d it, BO ibiin a short time alie seemed rather to havidespcnUod from her proper ^epbera iimarrying tba browor, than to have beoielevated by him. Nuturp had cvidoutl;Intended her for a lady, and Fortujnow Beomed resolved that sueh good

ntenUonB should not bo disappointed.;.It waa not long before tho honeal

brewer took it iu his head to die, leavingbcr possessed not only of iodopendence, bat of oonsiderabla woaHh. Ilwas thercforo not a t all wonderful thai

ie met witb many suitors, rich am"handsome young widows being a premium in the matrimonial marketAmong the rest came Bir ThomrAylcBbury,aBULUuclitrieiidtotbetbronithe inheritor of goueideible landed proferty in tho county ot Bapktngbatn. pn<Bomo time MftBtur-ot tbo BcqyesU auof the Mint. Buoli a nan was not liki

ly• to boarrnnsnecosafql wpor, w i d f cwill be surprised upon being tpld tjnin r. sliort time ho enrried off tbo widefrom all competitors. Euro, tbeu, Annhad monnted the second round of Foi

being of a complicated nature, and pro-tracted after tho usual fashion uf nil lawproceedings, it inario many visits requis-ite to bor legal adviser, in tho cuurso ofwliioh elm was often oocompuuicd by bcrdftuglitor.rrauccs, wilh wtiomthe >oungbaitiuturfulliu luve. The young l i ly 'saCiictions were quickly won, aud tliurowero many poiuto iu bis favor wilh liorjpureutH, tbuugh he was deficient in thogrand ri'iiuifiilo of loitune. To mulieoracuds fur this, he was tbo nephew oftho eclobrutud Bir Nicholas Hyde, waa

ing to eminence in his profession,and could plend tlio same political opin-ions as the very loyal and devoted SirTnunuui, although he did not as yet car-ry them In tlio same excess ; ntull eventsthu koiglit'a.^i^out to tliiijr uuiuu muatbuvo been obtained, for we hereofterind him bequeathing all his property to

Troubled times now came on. Thea standard of eivil war nt

[oltiuglimn, where ho was. speedilyiucil by Sir Tuoinua, who reudorediod service to tbo royal cause, aud iniiisequonco wus set down by tho Parlin-

nonturiuus in tbo roll of iuvctorato miv;nnuts. His hall in BucuinghutUBbircis burut, and after nmny hnlrbrcadth

ecupes, upon tho cxeputiou of Charlesi fled, first, to Antwerp, und afterti'da to Bredu, where Im died ut tbevunced age of eigbly-ono, in tbo year

057. Having thus followed tho oldintlumau to bis grave, we return to his

idauLe, Bupiiomiig ulwuyB this Sir'lioinas was roally the fatlier-in-luw ufyde and tbat there was no other knightbm-ouct of tbe same name. There ismo tojBtory in the matter, which themug counsellor htmBelf wasatnopiiiusclear up. Ho simply Btatus iu hia an

ibio^raphy that ho maided thu duugti-or of Sir Thomas Alyesbury, whoeiic-

idtoniafatuor 'aestutc.Fur about two years after tho death of

•buries the First, Hyde remained in thuind ot Jersey, whero bo amuBed liim-

df with composing tbe great history'bich has done more toward mukiugim knows to ua tlinn all his services iuio royal cause, or even than bia subse-

quent alliance with tho house of Stuart.!ow bo afterwards exerted binmilt ii'inging about tbe restoration, and rosothe highest dignities of tbe state, bo-

itigs to another ehaptcr, and need noti recorded In th.B place. Ithsuffloieutobserve, thut ho became lord cuancel-r, in which situation notwitbstaniiidg

[B abilities ha contrived \o make himill unpopular with nil parties, aud oven

lose tho favor of the king, whom bohad served with so muob neal and talentCho fact is, he was too austere atid uti*•ending to he a favorite, especially a t alourl, liko that of Charles the Second,•bleb not a Uttlo resembled Unit of Mil-on's euchantcr, Comas.'

I t was now that the king's brother,Tames, fell in love with A tine Hyde.' His

first effort was to seduce her | failing in;lmt, ho contracted-a private tnarriago

itli bor. Of course sueh an event couldlot hb long kept Bcorot,and ou coming toie chancellor's ears greatly eioifed bit

Indignation. With more lityulty than paornal regard, and - perhaps with' moroilflaliness than" strongly orgtd

,lio king to commit his own daughter to'lie Towor ; hut Oliarlea, who was lesslensitivo choat Uie royal dignity thai

i cbnncellor, bohaved with Rreat jua-ico and propriety in tbe mattci ; he for:

.gave the young lady's indiscretions,useriis best influence to softon the reaoutent of the qnooa mother, and com-

pelled iTamea to acknowlerlgo tho wifirbom he bad basely denied aud evenandercd. • - •.

Anno was now publicly receivedluchcBB of York. Sbo gave birth to two

cliildren. Mary and A one, nudalthoiigbibe borsoir never bad tbe good or ill for-

me to share* the crown of. England,which iu duo time devolved to her bus-band, jot both her daughters in succes-sion attained that honor., In tuts way

as a brewer's wifo, wbo had travelledirefooted to London, the grandmother

if Queen Anne,

Such i i the popular tradition tbat hasbeen vary gouorally received with Uttliloubtor hesitation. . Maab of it, how-jve^was in all probability mere slander,invontod by tbo numerous enemies wbomOtarendonhad provoked by liis nnster.ity and no loss than by his political coiduotj and who finally SUOOBCIIGCI iu dr!y<

" Thereing him into unmerited >ire no proofs, BO far as wo oaL aoe, olJie low origin of bia mother-in-liiw-uone at least upon wbioli a sober bialorian would oboose to rely ; at tho same.late it must be candidly admitted thaithere is no direct or positive evidence tcdi3prbvo that a brewer's wifo'wns QOEESAHHB'B C

Knowledge of tbo world is regard*as a useful if not an elegant-, aocora.jlUlimont, but this advantage, liko.evcryotber good, ia mixed with Bomo alloytbo acute observer of men and mannercannot but be disgusted with tho iscem.that takesplaco around him, and blknowledge may at last have the effectsouring his own disposition.

We aro told to plaoo no fatth in tpoorances, yet it will - be found a wiicouno to judge from tho buman count'tiqnoe pillicr tliaffMho Jiujnsn voicemoat men plooo a gTiiinJpvcrtbcirfind tlieir cctionB. hnt very {oyt can bluithe expression that i s gonvpyed by \hfcaturea, • ' . • ' '


A little sloop-rigged boat wus diou tbe min.l, I manifested no

irUe. Ho looked not up. Thrustinglie half finished whintlo into bis pocket,

arose aiidtuiid, looliincr out upon tlioitcr, "Wuut to K«O me cuteb tbat 'ga-

ar?" I thruw down my turkeys andmked out over tho wnter. . Ja«t out-do tliu brciik of tho Hiuf. on the bench,

tlio bend of au iilligalor—listltHf,L'cmiagly Iife1una, asleep, drifting on

gliiKBy water with bulf cloniid cyus.Ini!5p(irli3uoud eyes thut head woulda u bluett knot uf wood homo by tbuus ; to uiy eyes it appeared tlie

aati of u nine-feet ii)lig,tti>r. Wilimitliting rejily, Jjm waned iu—deeper

nd dupper; tlio water reached hit,liat and dutslied lazily nguiuat hidOiist nn bo lmuiod Hie stepping saurian,:IQ bi'ut of a twiol-trupiciil BIIH bud lull-liis senses to repose, eluo Jim could

il 'uuvo aj>|)roaohod. BO cluuely imaeeiia unnoticed. Onntioun1y dippinga hand iu the water, aiidiiutidiiig ovorthat bis face wax Btpmroly reflectedtbo wntur? mirror, Jim niiddonly

iseJ iipiiii the tbin, Bermtud tail, uud(ill braced himself quickly baclc tocot thu expected nliock. I t o.iine. Otiu-

cutrating Iis dormant energies in a HIU-I, tha 'gator louped forward will.o splashing of his puwd ; but ho

rove in vain against the Btrcngth of my!ro, for, tliongli be could drag him, boIUUI not tlirow him, ILB he hung to tbo:fl with both bauds. Tho gleam oflot Bntinfiiclion (bat shot from hh

•CB aa his bund clnuped tho 'gutur'ti tailrus gone, aud iu bis face tliero was a;ud determination burn uf tho btiuy-&—tlie first recorded of the strengthman pitted against that of a Hi (jut or.

ut, as might have litiou cxpccLcd, thontust could nut liu't lung. I do uotilult thut Jim mciiut tu cunturo thoiptile, only to impress mo favorablyitb his prowess by au act of bruviulo.iudiug ho could not escape, the nlligii-ir punned a few Rucuiidu, quiveringith rage, liiu sullun eye emitted luridnine, ovftry scalo on his mailed backIgid with auger. Only a moment ofiinc—a second or two, perhaps, whonmuttored, gitUorol bellow, liko thut ofmlf-Btruuglud bull, he throw himselfit of iho water, swinging ii round tilla boruey snout nearly touched hisit! and tho horrid jaws clashed iu Jim's


Tbe BpdClaelu will lost while memoryTlio blnclt hulk, hut a few miu-

ton since iuert and apjmrently lifotenH,oiaed in air, litlio nnd torribly vigor-

IUB, the water dripping from its mailedid slrcamiug from its armed jaws.

iLis not Btronge tliut Jim loosed hisild, oven if tlie Budden jerk had not

urced him, with thut cavernous moutb,rlute wjth bared and glistcniug faugy,i near bis face, lie full b'ucliward intoio wnter, end the nlligutor, instead ofovouring liiin, an it bad good cimao tto, darted boueatb liim with tho rapldi-

of light. A low ifliia mvay the hlneklined reapjiparod, and tho evil eye glit-

iring coldly beucath the projectingitne of the ukul!, watched its lato an-Eonjbt as ha floundered whore. Aintterod. eurao or two ou Jim'a part

ind a whirlpool of loam on (he alliga-s a ball from iny rifllc da-iliod tbe

Ight from bit. oycfl forever, ended tbelomedy that had threatened to be atragedy. Wringing tho wntor from his

iirt end rugged breeches, Jim spreadiltnself and them upon the sand to dry.It transpired in tie courae'of the day,int the captain bad met Jim', told him!my circumstances, and bad hinted iumoment of remorse, tbat it would bowell for mo if 1 were off the island,a slorm was throateniug and^bo ;

ing water would suddenly covor mycamping place—too rapidly for escape.

Thin actually happened a few* day'siter, but we were safely clear of tbeilitnd then.•Tim was garrnloue, and delighted to

'date his many advonturee, mainly withpanther and alligator, "Why, thisvau't nothing to wliat 13id once upia Banauna Eivor, as any body on theivcr can tell you. You see there's a

big 'gator holo up there, where's jesttbe biggest 'gator tbat ever you did sec.

Ud Oup'u Crongar WUB with metumped mo to dive down aadynnk him

out. Well, I wa'u't tu be heat on tbat

, A. Man's temper in uioot vulanble to him*Bclf, iwdhe ehoald keep if .

;ame, and I jest stripped and went forlim. There was jest the tip of bis tailBtiokia' out, aud I knew from its clam-

sy look it belonged to a big ono and Isbould have a tumlu. Well, you uea, Ijot hold and hauled and braced my feetagainst tho bank, but I couldn't startlim. Then I had Ui come uptobreatho,

the wuLer was inoro'u fifteen feetleep, and then down I went ugnlu wook nuoth&r pull at it. X uwcar 1 I be-love that tail was rooted in tlie bank,md I. bad tried tiiree times and wasjest Rivin' it up when tho darned thingicgan-td move. I t didn't sort of yield

gradually like, but Boomed to came, oulof its own accord, and as though il

['n't In any bnrry about it either.Well, I found 'two'u't no use pulling,md I jest watched It bnokin'out till il;ot to tuoiare-dboultleru, and much asI [teen foot was In sight and moroi-cgmin', nnd the uboiildors wan-"broadas a boar's, and tbca I ticoutod, I wa'n'tnone too quick, I tell you : and thai;bar 'gat or bo streaked her fqr tlio boat,ind took a piece uut uf the gunnel olone side jest as I was climbiu'in t'other.The cap'n he WUB BO ncnrt iiis hair Bloodright up, and he didn't have sen*enough to paddle ashore, but*sat tbeitmying, 'Wo'ro gone coons sartin 1 we'regoDe coons I' Well, the t'gator loft uianil pat for his hob, witb tho piece olour boat iu his month, and we ouldbear him fl-chawiu'otit nnd a-growlhi1

over it. lie was a twenty footer, sunnipreaehlu',"

This aopount wns RubHlontlullyfled at a later date by an old iububitanJ tho eoiut, who nddtxl thai Ji:

not afraid of Ibc devil.himself.

A few weeks later wo wero at an iulotOD tho const, fishing for sea bass, which Iwere unusually plentiful, rippling tbewater in their cagernoBS to take ourbooks, I was engaged in catching them,throwing my lino into the su'rf and then'aoning up thi bench with the powerful]sb, .wbilo Jim lmi| gonfl to the hatl of;h« onptaln pf a BUialltohoonor anchor-ed inside tbe bur. Soon 1)0 appeared,

1 rannlng Ilia RJO Qyer tho long rowpf silver-sided fi»l], uniil J had. con ~enough and must go witk. him taiu rcgoTcripg tho captain's anchor. 0*course I obeyed, bud we moored our

[bont as near as possible above tha place

2 tlia aiielior wns lost. Thu fustig lidu rail lujiidly by us, duallingst our botit and singing agutuut ouriiigH. On either eido u muUituu.

if sharks dibturbsd tbe water, their tri-fiua imijocliup: above tho sur-

lacu und Htttaking it with foam. Jimituched a lino to liis naked body, lulling

me to haul in rupidly ivhen aigaaied, iiudAuxinusly wo ivuitud for ilianice, and when lie came up a

y and ruportud Ihu uuchor caught bu-itli n maiigrovo rout, wo iiryud him

tot to go down ngain; but, with a;lm.c<» ut ttie incra:i><ing iinml.tir of I.UH,logitvo me dinjutiouH ah uut the liuoid to Ituep up n coiitiiiniil Bphi»1iiiig,

ud tlieu dieajniearuJ. ITp again ; a>st uf a miuutfl, uliuging to tlie aidu ofitibuul, audagiiiii beneath Iho angryiitem Tlio fourth time he was sue-•^(ul.auJ o.i I helped him into tho

mat, exhausted und * breathless, heud faiutly, "Mudo thut V easy,


I bavo Been him Him toll a bird fromlie juws of nn alligator and lliuu udd aip over the nnsu thut greatly hnstenod!ie dopiirtiiru uf the astoiiiHhoil rcptilu,iius beaidud in liia own dun, A miniir instuiieooeciirred wliilo Im was HI>ing us (jiiido to a staij eulle^e jn'ofoasorho n(>xtye:ir, as tho jirofui-jjor aforusaidflights to iiari-ate.—Forcxt ami Stream.

(jumi l-ll/^liclli ami the Hint,'-" HUH tho common Btory, rwpcctiiiff

ie E:irl of Esai'i sending a ring tn QucotiKlizaboth by tbo Countess of Nutting-mm, in order to procure hispurdon.anylundiition in fact ?" oska a corn-spou-

lent of the Notes and Queries, WIIOHGiditor roplioa, thut Mint: StncUhud seemsi) tiiiViioxiiiiitiKid tlio traditionary noti-

f tbis luvo-tolion. Sho Buys :—"Tliooinnntiu slory of the riujf, which, it mkid, tlifl QIIL>I>II bad given to Eaaei in ainment of fomluuHH as a pledge of herflection, will) nil intimation,'that, if hebrfeitod her fuvor.ifho sout it baek tojcr, tho Biglit of it would insure bor for-qivouess,' must not bo lightly rejected.X is not only related by Oiiborno.who iaconsidered a fair authority for otherhiugs, and quoted by historiaua of nilirtien, but it is a family tradition of tbe

Careys, who were tho persona most like-ly to bo in the ucorct, as they wero tho

uliuns and friends of all the partiesconcerned, and enjoyed the ooufideueoif Elizabeth. The following is the ver-sion givon by Lady Elizabeth Spolmnn,

dcBceudnut of that bouse, to tbo uditorif ter great uncle Bobert Carey's Me-noirs : 'Wbeu. Easex lay under BOU-,OIICD of death, ho determined tu try tbe•irtueof theriug, by Bonding it to the

Qucoii, and'clmming tho beueflt of heriromirto; hut knowing ho was (surrounded>y the croaturca uf tlioao who wore hentipon tuking bis life, lie wns fearful ofmating it to uny of liis attendants. Atlength, looking out of liis window, hesaw one morning a boy whoso countc-incco pleased him, and whom he in-lucod by n briho to carry tho ring,whichio threw clown to him from above, tolicLady Borope, hie cousin, who hadtaken so friendly an interest ia his fate.Tbe boy, by mistake, carried it to theConulCBS of Nottingham, tho cruel sis-ter of the fair and gnntle Hcropo'fand asbolh tho ladies were of the royal bed-chamber, the mistake might easilyoconr. Tho Conn teas carried tho ringto her husbADd, tho lord admiral, whowas tho deadly foe of Essex, and toldhim tho njeesago—but be budeborsup-ircssbotb.' Tlie Quoin, unconsciousA tha accident, waited in tbo painfulHBpenso of nn angry lover fo<- tbeiccteu token to arrive ; hut not receiv-ing it, she concluded be was too proudLo make bia laat appeal to. her tender-IICBS, and, alter having once revoked thorat-rant she ordered the execution tojroceeil. It was not till the axe hud ab-ilutely, that t!ie world could bo-cvoihat Etizubeth bad tJikoii tbe life

of Essex."

» >•»• '-

A Comedy .«r ErrorB,

Here is an amusiflfe comedy of errorswith a Puriaiaj edge : JIm«. de V. wnsvery joaloUB and determined to wutcb

iiBuand. Ono day he told her lieoing to Yersnilles, and when he

went out Hho put on her bonnet and fol-lowed him. Sbe kept him in eight untilhe turned iuto a paBBago which short-ened tho way to tlio railway station,/Lero sho iniBBed him. She stood for atw.minutes in the passage looting about,

and suddenly emw a man coming out ofa glove shop with a rather overdressedludy. From tho distance sho mad,o sureiho man was her husband, and withoutu word of wurning, fibe gave him threeor four sounding boxes on the cor.

When tho gentleman turned around toconfront bis assailant, sho perceived thatibe bud mudo a mistake, and ot tbe Gamemomenl she caught sight of her bus-

"band, who had replenished his cigarcast, at a tobacconihl's, and was crosuing.he'street "What could she do?

Bhe faiutea\ in tlio arms of the stran-ger whose curs iho had. boxed, while tbeother lady ran off as fast as Bke could toavoid ecandul.

The stronger, who was- a comedian,was astonished to find au unknown ladyin bis arniB, and while his ears wero stilltinfiling Iroui her blown ho was agaiustartled, A gentleman collared him,andibakiug him roughly asked him what IKmeant by embracing a lady in tho street.'Why, she boxed, mj ears aud fuiutedl'

Ecrenmed the Motor. " Sho in my wife,"iUouted Ihoirnto husband, "nnd wonlinever have fctruek you without causo 1"The infuriated gentlemen BUook thci

sts uutil the lady, who had been carrindiuto a shop, recovered sufficiently to tellhow it bad happened.

WAIT.—Wait, liuflband, hoforo youwonder audibly why your wife don't gelon with tho household affairs "asyon:mother did ; " she is doing her best, aino woman can endure that best to beBlighted. Remember the long wearynighlsshosat up with tho little babthut died—: bor Iho lotHhe bestowed upon you wben you ha,tbut long Hpell uf sickness. Do yoithink ubo is oindo of cast-iron ? Wait—wait in silence and furbearancc, nnd thlight will come hack to her cyea^-tlie olilight for tho o\i\ (lajg. Wait, wife, be-fqr;p you epeak reproachfully to. you:husband when he cornea homo lute, wen j ;and "outof sorts." Ho, worked hardfor you all tiny—-perbtips, far into i bii )iaa \vrcsllc<l, hand iu hnnfwith oare, and flelflahncKs, and greed,aniuud (.111)i6 dciuouB tbat follow in thtrain of uionoy-mnUing, Lot homo b<pQoihcr atmosphere entirely. Let htafeel tbut there is one place in-ibe worlwhere ho can Qnd pence, and quiet, anperfect love.

Ity tlie .Sin! Sen-Warn.Walking along the white sands of Co

iey IBIUU2, I«BI\V him ueciaionully sloplick up ii elum-alioll uud throw- it intoio Bn<i teii-vvuve , I did nut need to Ii

old tlutt ho \\.\H a pbiliiuthropist. IIid(j itself npjiareiit tu me from bii•e, his ti Miu mid cluthirg. Good-

ions It^ituiiil tliruiigh tliH gruun glunit cuvBi'Cil liia oyiw, and gculluuei*

uug about tbu Uuai of bis mouth. Hioice pumpod up tender tones and In

id to mo :"Huw full ot grimiloiir in this scene 1"I looked iiloiijf the liarrun beach,ion on t« tliu wuturs, wht-ro the Jerfieylore is visible, und othor fnroi^iWH uro biddcu from view, und I (lieniHwurcd :*lt is, indeed 1''And yet,' IIB muHI;:], stooping to picki IL HIIHII—'ami yl it <i!l» mu witb Bad-•.as wiiou I lvflr.'et Hint here, iu thoico of tho mighty ocean, whero the-oezou blow and nuturo offurs nuch glomm recreation, there should be sharksing iu wait for those they may devou

'Sbatlta?' I repeated in amuzcmcuL•1'CM, my yuuug Woud, BI.IUIIH. Nottho pibcutoriul ty[>e, but of a more

uigeroua obnructcr. Sharks wlio walk'cr tlieso satnla in tho ishapu of men—.ud HlmrltH.'

•I see,' ifuid I.'This very duy,1 ho continued, 'have It!U beset by ono of those monttoi-a, I

ma wandering alouo on tbu upper partthe ixliiud lUttuuing to tbu murmur oft! waves, wben I 'WUB accosted by thuid shark. Ho invited me to join in a:t\a gamo which was played with three-irds, mid called, I tbiuk, monkey.'

nronte,' I interposed.You ure right,1 replied tbe philau-opiHt. 'Il was uiouLu, I uiu a e trail-

;r to Hiipli thinjjfl, ami it is not surnrm-tliut I mtsluko tho liuino. Well, I

istcucd to tho vuicoofa siren—thnt iatho voice uf tho nliurk—3iid I won

ist. So wan tho live dollurt} which Iragorcd. The shark vus poaitivo thatcould'not toll where the card was withpicture of a woman—'

•Tlio queen,' I interrupted.'You are right—tho queen. He wasinfldiuit thut I nuiild not. Our indi-idual connduncea amounted to live dol-

lars cuoli. Aud I luStC

'That wus unfortunate,' said I. 'Butires card inonto in a deceitful game/'Itisinde<id,'rnplie.l tho philanthropist

ud my indignation towards tbe sharkOHO ta such a pitch that I came verytear strangling him. As it was ho took

liia heels, dropping his cards ns ho ran.itoru'ards 1 picked thorn up, and—anilhave them' here.''And ns ho spoko ho drew forth from

io inuer pocket of Imcoiita nine-spotbfiainoudt*, dcuuo of lieurla uud (pioon ofpadea.

'XUaro is eomo eatwfuction in gotting!d of tho iniplemcuta of evil,' I- ro*

lurked.'Tbi>re is indeed—hut there was no

itisfaction in lmowing hotv to use thoseiplcoients. It leads only to wrotolied

oss nnd misery. Novetthelesa, since *Iime in poaeeaaiou of tleao ouida I haveecu practicing—merely for my own

ineemont, you undcrHtantl—Ilio num-ier ia which the shark threw them, I

convinced, that it was owing to theskillful or perhaps I should Bay to thelecoitful way in which he handled them,.tint I lost nil my money.' .

By this time the philanthropist and Iid reached a spot on the island wbonie visitors eeldom go. The crowd wi

iad left behind, and feeling somewhat•eary with our long walk, we sat downpon the ruins of the bathing houses,

ie waves had washed up on theleaoh. There, with tho cards J n hisami, my companion began to oxplai:

me what, he thought bo understoodibont tbe game of thrco-cardo monte.

•' It was in eomo snob way as this," helid, " that the shark throw tho cards,"'hereupon be made every bunglingflbrt to imitate manipulations of a pro-essional player,

'I fear that you wo'ild have to be moroeiterout than tbat in orfer to deceive

iny one."

'But I have not n desire to deceive anyinc. I n tn practicing this Binful game for

purpose—a. noble and philanthropic.urpuse." Hero ho again threw thocards with even loss of SUCCOSB than

fore, • • *%'If I could become nn adept at this

game I*would spond my leisure hours intalking up and down the benoh here,rarniug others against tbe tribe piiliarks. I would first show, tliem hov

certain they are to Idsa their money,md lliou, haying won it I wonld return

tpjliem, together with h little whole-omb ndvico. In this way I should ao-louiplish a world of good.1 I should saveithers from losses eimilur to that which

LavB snffcrcd myself.'During (bin speech tho plilanthro-

list continued to pick up and tbro<down theeurdB, making very little pro-gress, however, iu ukilltnl inauipulations.

You Bee that. I am improving,' hasaid, 'and that iu a taiort time I shall to deceive tbo • Bharpcst eyes. Da

m tliink that you could pick out thatioen now yonrself."I did as ho deeirod without n momont'

icaitation. Tbo experiment WOH re-leated a half dozen times, and as oftenoleotcd tho winning card,

l a m afraid, sir," I snid laughingly,

if you were to put up your money on•our would bo vory oxponalvo

And yot,1 ho rejoined, throwing thecards nguin, ' if it were not for m;lonsoicntious scruples againat betting,'.

would bo willing to wagor you 310 thatyou oannot tell mo which us tbo queen "

' My dear sir," I annwered, ' I nlysetf mornlly ox>poscd to belting, «nd

vet I am half tempted to accept you;uffer, simply to Blitw you bow sadl;miataken yuii nn;.'

' If tbis wager is mado at all,' said liiit will be on my part, at least fromihilanthropic motivcH.' And I coven ~ru wager.

' Now, then,1 Bald he, ' which is thiqueen ?'

My eyes hnd bcon fixed npon tho coinil rJnng. . 'Indued, a small hlackvHp<on ono corner enabled ma to" identify .with ns miioh certainty 5B though tuifaco bad beim turned up t

1 Which is tho qnoen ¥' inquired tinuliiluutliropist, .

'This,' naid I^KUag tho curd with tspot,

It was the nine Bpot of diamonds.Quietly my companion slid off (hi

bntning house, and made his way alor*Iho wUfce suuds of Coney Isliad. WJjfI camo to enter the expenses of that di,ia my journal, I put down, along iritltlip clam roust nnu lager, this Item ! ' Tphilanthropy. £1Q/

Clergymen'is i'inh Slorln.

'Tbo Pnmuukr reniiutled me of a fi.suitory. Sol told itJtoBrother Peteruou.;t rim this way : A shark camo up thutivcr. A citizen saw it, took a sturgeon

pooD. went out iu a. cunoe, and seutibu steel barb into tbo shark. Tho sharklurted. The cord to tlie harpoon hungu the bow of tho bout, and that end ofhe cauoe started under water. The manjumped UJJ to tho stern, and leaned buckvur tbo rudder to keep tbe front fromlipping. Tho shark was doing bio best,

ug (nay, roughly,) fifty miles auour. The fisherman could not go for-ard to unhitch thu cord, for the bout-ould go right under like a mole iu alowod field, but quicker. So the maniad to "rare" back, liko he wus drivingfust horsein a sulky before his sweet-

ii>art's house. Hisnuighbors hailed him-om tlio bunk, but ho hadn't time to

tain. Tboy went home aud told theirives, ami wonder (id, Tho boatmen ou

iho river shouted at him as he akoetedy. Eo was going too fast to answer,'ho sbitrk turned out of tbe Famunkyto tha York. Cap&ized in a river threeilles wide, und a mad shark close by,rus an ugly thought. The mat) wished) hud been from homo tho day theark came by bia house, and was 'ro-

irutful' Generally, The shark made aide circle in tho York, nnd returned upo Pumunky, and, nearly opposite the

•arting point, suddenly sUtpped, rose toio top—dead. The man was glad,ow, this ia not a small Btory. It is ofio Centennial Krupp iron calibre. Iniched Brother Peterson, He didn't>em to givo way under it as I liked.[e took a fresh bito of tobacco aud snid ;

kuow a bigger one.' 'Tell it.' 'I..I. Iu Ohnrleatou harbor a fish swal->wed the anchor of a Ecbooner, put outid dragged the vessel under.' 'Oh,'id I, ' thut's apocbry vbal. Mine wuutrue story. Dr. Loroy M. Lee vouchesr it,' Brother Petorsoa chewed brisklyBccond or so, and said : 1 heard

lishop Wightman say miao was true.'schooner against a canoe, a Bishop

t a Presiding Elder, tho odds wereio great, worse tban 'eight to seven,'was no UBO, 'to attempt Gibraltar withpocket pistol.' As at Appomattoz,ielding to superior numbers and over-helming resources,' I quit"

The Menu Small Boy.The mean small boy is different fromto mean big hoy, because all. of hisicka are calculated to make other hearts

Ho now takes a silver- quarterid makes it fast to a Btring,. sod to saom hanging about the poBt office oneould aot him down as one who never

iad an evil thought He BcleoU a via-m and drops the quarter wherB it will

lo the most good. The ring of theiota! commands attention at bnco, andio program mo is canied out as in a

case yesterday. The victim was a shortinn, with a very rod ncok, and whon he

ieard the quarter drop ho clasped hisind on his pocket'and looked around."Did you drop a-quarter?" mildly

iked the mean small boy,- pointing tomo ou the stone floor."

Ah I must be a hole in my pocket,"iplied tbo fat man, aa be palled up the

:neas of his pants and bent over to pickup. 'Ho had his fingers on the money wheuslid away, and as ho straightened up

io was greeted with. fiendish chuckles:om half a dozen mean big and • mean,

small boys one of whom' inquired %-" Which pocket has a hole in it ?"Tlio man didn't'say. For Bome inei-licahls reason ho refused to enter Intoly explanations, hat hastened sway,—

Oetroit Free Press. '

(Ttie Land of Rases.Tho valley south of the Balkan, whore 'on, Qbonrko lost 8,000 men in rotrcat-ig before tho ooInmnB of Suleiman, is

ibo -centra of ths' most remarkableipecies of horticulture in the ^world—.ittar of roses. The mussuhnaQ; tradi-lon assigns the origin of tlio roee to theIght of Mahomet's journey to Heaven.''bo white roses sprang from the drops" sweat whioh fell from tbe. forehead of .

,be propbot himself in tho toileomo as->cnt j thoBweat of Borab, tho miraoa-IUS animal he rode, gavo''birth to the

Follow ones, while the celestial dropsrhioh (oil from Gabriel were the sourceif the red roBe. The appearance of tholeighbo'rhood of Kassaulk would flavorauspioiou thut the heavenward^ourneyinst have SDrely tried tho Archangel;

md Count Von Moltke, who vos wellicquainted with Bulgnrin and tho Bol-:ans, has styled the' Valley ot Tondjathe Ctwbmero Qf Eorope, the Turkish

3nlistau, tbo land of roBea." Hoses orenot grown there in isolated patches, butIn fields'and ridges, as if they, were nojotter than potatoes. •

(Jotttnp SatlBuiGlIoii.

A woodman in Austin, Nevada, hasjamed his team of eight oxen after lead-ing citizens of the place. . Every day heis heard shouting to thorn liko this, ex-cept ho'also UBOS profanity:

Goo, thoro, John Lyons,"Whoa, Dr. Sheridan, you blamed

lazy beast."

" Haw, thoro, Ool. Price, or I'll breakivory bone in yortr darned body.

"Gitup, Jack Squires." .Then ho wbaotta the minister with the

butt of the whip and throws a stone attho bnnlc president. Notes.Three acres of. cucumbers, an the

vinos, near Savannah, Georgia, sold thisyear for $1,2150.

The product of beeswax in the UnitedStates is stated to be 20,000,000 poundsannually and increasing—worth in mon-ey $0,000,000. Of thia about 5700,000worth nre exported, and about 8200,000rorih of honey goes abroad. The total

prodtiat of honey and wax is worth atpresent in the United States nearly S15,<000,000.

.Tbo destruction of weeds should boconstantly attended to, for, like pests,tboy multiply enormously. A weedplucked before it goes to seed will pre-vent the growth of hundreds tho fol-lowing year, for hero the old ad&gd ismcommonly true, that "ono joar'B seed-

ing causes fifteen year's wooding." •An old stylo fanner had his eyes .

ipened to the utility of "book foiming"lately, by a suggestion that even sandand swamp muok, proporlj applied,would increase tho production, of1-his .stiff clay land from SO to T5 per'cont.He was tempted to try the experiment,ami found it resulted even so. , *:


SHtnnhi3r» Sejit.

;i»i^Ji wttt! SiMatLU I'it-aic * ' d j Iclitg-litp. Hrijui

icalv «"Je of tLe tau

jiiijJ. Cfliifrs- j XLf. Coart» ujti PB iloodajr, and in theci-J**r a po*- Q ^ ^ ^ - S Orort the Ci»aer of tLe esreplion*

n Lsgb triLntt ^ &r cco-nti of P- Viola liigliter aad Gto.K i £ RigbUr, adiiiiiustraior of

- - : . " ~"T^- ,U.:LL

M. LuiiU AJu'j'b Thitrs, tLe grw! nusnjTrt-i.fh diiAviusiiil, author aL>l sLutts- Ionic,Uiuo. JieJ OL Monday, a: tLe nge of WJ.; U4 i.Hi; life w.'iS au evealful arid cbeqoertJ . t-i-li;out-. He was a mf-mlxr cf t ie C'aLi- '.'<;"-•ij..t t,l t ic la-it French King, Louis. I-U:*. :

\»bich bacctwitd, at one tiaie a tap-! j ' j j j ?p >rtt-r of of Luuis Napoleon ncJ a^ iu | St;_Tt}.ao Jufi'ccicut of the Empire, bacU-ei : ' ^ . ^tsoiu 1*1 r* country, nnd rttormujj r>rt.*:ifE£ (

iti tii-ht Pre-.iJtut iiuJer t i t Jtef/aWJc I LiyUyTiuoush it all L« was nu arJcEt patriot. | ^ . ^Darin? the stormy jieriwl at which Le , Uj t j l t ,van ui tbe bead or tun KUtc be tivli *»Le j to «BTuliuli; Fr(:«cu touiutv together. l ie j tiio»-.(.IICTUOILJ fiiullyio qu*Hiog ttie Cutrt-; *,- f<,taiiue. l ie it-cured the j/ayuit-'ijt t>{ tLe , ;«;J 1.indi-iiiHif siscU-d l»J Gem-airr. and tbe; mit'lretirement cf tbe hostile bittalliooE ol;Lo«c»ihu ciiiquerer frota tLe of France. | -"-I1 *lie Jevihtd a jK-raianeut Constitution— , *fc'"JIJ'and tuen faction triuiuphfcd nnd be|i<jUi '- ;

#UA liiiinfee-tl train power. Siuce l i en , ; *^ '" e*'Wfori?. l a baa btcn tbe vigilant.*1'frieud of liberty and the watotiful fr* ut; j £ ^t. [.[irefjiion, Bad bod just put on the bar-; ,Q

ness* agu.ii'.

t:u cl il-

- di.r. s. j-i.

Oa tL*, ultb as-

.-clic*-' »i:n an itviuiion. :

t in itr. t i l " DtU K»B !-. witli LU•A cs. tie fifr ~=i f ft- '•t «ir «r&f to tLe old

V. :=M Bikki

-. -i i,..i 'Le S^

jjiUt f-niiljr,

] Orp>E."

r the

cf t

uji. Tiie otjaction*titrt, rvjire*cLt*d by Mr., and »llrgc« that the

ueglt«tci to cLarge

riglt title i-

( of c

Ei-rLt. \.J t ie a


-akifbl weald likef jmt* I ttor claiu.

. ' ic of tLe Jtiv-ticii>g »!r.*ily tbm.

niu tLt Ea-ifl r^iuilj w

: text rtsniosto Lite !•

dfrititds to •tu-nd

ace in Scj-t. 1^7 ,

t. I m-J-t itaks ILTa- »i---- * Jo * I

So | l

*:iliin tic range of

:cb mirw'ed 117 ati-.-

if the Ei*. I i A b o u t o n e baudrcd »td fifty new ta

« M. IM.JLO - •"**- *dJ'-"I lo tJjfr r^-gistrr tLU vtiir ical

,e c.tirt i tcilrer Blx-ut tigbt bu-.-drid.

Tl't- ti :t-t ;c vas tlott-Uii'giy pleat

u ' " ^ 1 LOtLi'S *«.ffriCB to dirtarb t ie o u r ,

tL.jou ' hfcmio: y a-d good (evli'gwliicb prevs

, a (jf.; Auo:.y tht- multitude which tuttberrd fcboot

*-as*b' a v t tho-iMttd. ALu--d»3t eatekk-s of all

MUi ' 6ei*f.i*:oi.* WM »uw.liil. to which t-T.-r;

tfonu . o^t yttmKd wrlcone ttluther they wtn

A die r,rijke out ID HUIH"» ['un» fac-torv at 9 30 A.M., OQ Momii-T mcrnin/.'Jtilh buildt'Hf iu lx-(««-a Teutli flE'lntrvffiitli Avt-DDLS 8Ld »as i'«!it siom-t-high nnd iiud a fruutage of U" i « t ou35lh ciiJ 3Glb strt t ts . Tbe fire wwcausfd b v i o a e uter-beated varui-.b auaii-rt-ud rft|*itllj. Seven factorit-s, tbirivU'lit-llJ'jUt liotW-* and Dtimcruus hhau-lit-s wtre destroy«J, coveriug almrrtt thttntirt- block betwei-o 85th and 3Clb Bh.A number ot tbe teneiccut bon«s ue-hlr'iytd were in the cectreof tbe blocklwtvccu !(5tli and 3Ctb (streets. Th twiliU'bt t-iciti-meiit raped atuoug tbe iii-li;ibit.iDtsuf tbe tebt-i&ent bou»tB. wbo1-fotjnxi witli wash towels or^w artiuU?, losing most of tbeir


(fc* (Ii!rftC« tO "J*1 ' l*s'"-> » c i c i i n i m « ="j>fif•-•; — - —

u* srltEiUJW dtcoratrd I ol all «ho cbo&e torarmfce. Many oj i£cvcn axracged ia j o . : ! * ^ ^ Lowcvtr, took tlitir lo'jcte»ff

,tood a smaller ouj f l t lALd aud ruirvlild'. C<

fatLd tally

tool th^l= of tbe

Licl<Drum Corjthe cjct-taion. TLtritaiued and l^tw

ing all over tbfoat of which cry til vox \

for \htjtimuul

,u| plifcd tlie lausJc forplatform tw was g«?y

-oi.twl of a

of thi g.ptrtj vithiu

, for tLe day. for tl>* 7111

rjd cctjclitious ^ Bale and» we to the same tffrt-t,

i stbjrct w B iuori^»g* of £ to.OO0 h t ' i IJJ th?j Mctul life IiuturAtc* Couip-uy of Stwwk,J koil L&rx£g bro'UijLt vulv tlie iiuouct of tl±«I LAQTViTze tlitT r^&iizt^ rjotl iiijT froio it-

ceiu^d widoT. P. Yioia iiigbUr, *a« thejiurtlai-.r. lira. IliguUr rfill iiTfci ou the[il«ce. The cr^ilitori &l-a object UD a cLATgtly the ftdmicifctnrtori of yl,000 for

tier claim la t i w r jiht httUmtbt of an icsolviU tsti>

William Smith anil William Reynolds aretie eietutors of the last will acd ttstanitutnl Rmh Vtttr lit* tA Mrudliam. ilr. Key-

ild> who was a D'of htr lrgat*«a, £!<

board, Ac, V)1legat*** object, >Ir. Cltilil and Titacy

Oaa ilrH. Couklin, died, learkg a willwhiil njul-i Sarah Pfirrutt hfr Ugat*e. BuiJITR. I'firrcrtt bad dtj<irUd before Ifrs

AHn, aud tlie qurMion VHS whether thvucf lnpficd to Mrs. Coriklirj'a heirs [two

It n

the U'p lotbt; ho\l



a prof u

niturc. Tli* nap|>1y «f | "Wtlcotue to th« Kiuiwatt-r gave out at eome of tbe byiiruijts ; reumou." Ik-als wtrono atMiiner wasdestroyt-.] anil seveni J,he u,aiu nUtforio, Liflrcmca wt-ro injured by blliaff walls.Ej>bt ptrsoits »ro knnu-n to bo kilted,uud it ia thought tbat others ere in tliern'uiH. Loss'8500,000, iusuraactt aboutbalf that amount

Gregory's Business College.Tbi'* coflrge ia locnitd ut Tl'J UrotA **-,

o p i a t e Centre markst, on tbe second floofiaud the rooma »re newly fitted aud furuiiihedIbrounhoul for the Fall aud Winter term,wlik-li alrtady beani evidence of Ueiug Ttry

the tthorttst t^osoiblt tpace of time, the bektfuuilitieK forotiUiniiiK » knowltdge by theoryfind practice or tbe braochea of educationgi rurally ackflowltdgfed by all to be tbe

yl or pradical for young

md wonjtn who h a r e tbeir own way\n makft in the world, o r deure to paaitihcuiKclvts more jiroflcletil in ashort t imit t A tiooll expecEG, tb&D they could attain iulong yt&n of l a r d experience by ordinarymethods.

of the right t tud , find there are net a # "many vucb, is a meana by which young mand ypuafj women may gain certain ponitioin life in l e u time than witb'iut them. TbejjriccijHj hmnchea taught and practiced iithe mhtltatioa ot wLieL we are now (jvdiiog,arc, Uuhiueui Ponna, ^ustotuB and IlahiU;Arithmitic, Fcnniannbip, BookVeepIng,'ITifory of r n c i i e e , Actual Bnmneiw Practice,Commercial Low, Correspondence, Spelling,tlmwmuT, and Ccrmut. There ia no wanthftre ; nothing purely ornamental—all the*things are practical and in daily U M toyrtater or le*a extent among all chims cnudity. Grcgory'k IIuiiitiefiM Collega nmkesthese tbings a Epcciality. Teachera and pa.)>iln are mutually interested iu the roo*t ruid progrtfu that can bo secured, coasivt«iwitb thcrooglmeRf. Tbe pupil knows thaiho viU ueed to ave all the*e thlDgs—tberen o iloabtDhout IL He fetU a direct pt-r& IUUTEHI not usually secured to a boy in 1ordinary school, whera many atudies aforvfl BpCQ him without reference t o lown twtefi, and for which he cannot a«e aipractical future good, and because to<"American Boy" ia ao practical, b e ofUialiirkatbe dutyutngned him and wastes ttm<in ^airing iehetstf to thwart the objects oftboso v b o conmltcd themselves more than

KZkDRfO HIM TO MCBOOL.It is very rarely tha case that a fails

-,.. tohecema re*Uy int^reatcd io ir •-->'' Mr. Gregory, in addition to tbo natural

iloity between a young man and a hnaiocollege courw, U a deioUe (n bis profc«siJfe u • cowpanJoo and friend of liidi ftni

" yooug men, and so Iu iw we tan learn, the;think btf ia jort &bont right. Certain It 1that Ibtro in a feeling of Bymjctbj bet'and hi* pupils which accare* for thembii

^'''Mrriues, Bud from them tliuir most earnedefforU

• One Df our Tonng fnendu from thla t o nB M jaEt gone to this College, and from klw/aro long we elutll expect «n aocuanlthis inBtitutlon which at present we ci

' only notice briefly. See advertiaementanother column.

Imnortwt to Mutual Policy Holders,A. notice ho* been publiHlieJ hy ei-Go'

r*rlf(.r, an receiycr of the Ktw Jcmcy U»-

tual Life Imraranci) Cotnpuuy, tlint under an

order from the Cnurt of Chancery,

policy bolder of tbe bnniurnpt compoc

ahull,witliin s i ; raontlw from the 27th day

Anfort, IBT7, ]>resent and prove Din clulu

the Knfidnclion of (be rccelrcr, or be exclac

ed from Ueljeacfit of «acb dividend AI

hereafter be rrndfl and declared from tin

- - proceeds of tbe corponitloi). Tbo Lwt

cuipls for tho premium paid on tho po

muttt accon/jjony iJio policy, oud wbcu

I»liey1iiM boca aasigued, tho deed of os-

BiguniODt must be produced.

ind, a fri---ijdh

J in front of

uitiiiitm hadcoiuft widu* of |l«e mark iu their calculation

ol t ie naiubtr likely to U- pr^btnt, howtver

no cause was ani>r.ijt for ferumbling from

auyooe. At nLout I0-.;W A. SL.tlie IYesi-

J-Lt Cf lLe A'rfOti>'.!iOTf CiHtd t)*i

to order, ntid inntti] miuUtere of Ibe gospel

and rejireMLlatircti of the prtss, to Bf;aU ou

the platform, wbci* tbe iniuuteMOf the intel-

jg of luit year wt-re riad yi»iug the esti-

lakd numtn-r of penons preu-ul ibtn as

,5W, and KUting that it bad passtd off

ithout the least thing occurring to mar it.The money received wau $S0.2-~*; expend'-

* 479.45, knring a Email balance in thshand* of the Trtwurer. Iher tlection of

tha ensuing year wag :hPreai-

:e Pre#-

o( $Tohihiti.

tU : limit wKcu might breed aSo ntill ;jg but mtloijt* wort *old utar thtgrfjids, a*:d this rale tbe Aj»sot:iatiou bnT'tt«.' to er.force in tbe f'lture. They

hfcJ beiacfftrtdcDiMdiTxiAR minis for this "Injeui- priviligeof utAi d»oa the groui-ds, hut postLe word-, iitivtly nfused to ei-UrtoIn sojtlitt;g of thi

Courttbe former.

Tbe ulbcr

j of U

k3:.d.p t i n g tbf genfral fentnres nud chat

wAeftblicH (jflbeHntJtbsBEil thecoiupiny ou

t ie grounds, the sirue thing innj be wid of

«rp* number cf vehicle*

tu> w<ut mid aboat themand Hm »iry I«rp

ich th

Et» Lj.t year, a* th

friends i

oiwtut yveut io (bwe not

ie fiiuily ui firaithfi.

Tlw pjrty I was with Itft t

.<• hornmiird Uck highly

ieir Lrltf vinit to tbe couHid

uitlix, rtwljirjg homo

and witbemt accident.

g order, resulting as follows:dent, Isaiah Smith, pf Mitlbom; «ident, Abram Snutfa, of Putpack; Becretary,Janus C, Smitb, of P(8]«wkt Treaaum,OnciLr Smitb, of I'c&pock. It wan tbendecided to told another reunion fic-nlc onthe mine gmnnda

Seiitetnbcr, 1876.

the firtt Wtdntuday inAt this point further

d il f di

flytfrfo Lake.

. Tho pwty I * ) a t nilsed "Ciln" n

lladd's I A I O a few ulcltts ago may got the!

... "effect*" li-fl by thorn on tbeir "etumpti

ground" by cnlliny at n renidenca in tlio iin-

. medlnle nui[>tinorhDO(1, TLo iiiuividaul K

Jbigollm wife on the occasion will hi

of Bomething to bis dtAudvuulnge befoi

- long. Tills must be tbo name party that

fur forgot OtonuKlroH recently while tilettliu,

p<.-ncbei) in thut nnigliborliood RS to iuclr

Indies' wenring npiwrel. Ttih won't do

at), gontleneo, you tnaei tad soinethliii

. moro voluabla Umteal—something \

prorliio yoa ihtb fair winter quartern and

> witli n good locntite.

Different Results.. -On Sunday night Itabert Burna, etnployei. at Mr. /obn Davu1, "under Uio Mountain,

walked ont of a third story window insloei> and fall a dlnUlice of Ii5 feet tnta n trel, the head of wl fch orusiied in, brokefall, and no doubt lined bin life. Burns wanuliplitly bruUicd ouly. lie Bays he, y»\dreaming that ha waa getting out of tie weof n locomotive. t

The ocxi day itichacl, a eon ot itr, John- DavU, foil 00 a chair irbila adjusting some. BCinerrin Waahingtoa Ball and broltohis

trm. Yoa enn't moat alwaya aometlraes gen.erally eror toll about tbo result of a full,—

New fork Produce MarkeU. New York, Bept.T, '11.

Flour firm and barincEJ morfmt*, wilhlnncbaagtd- t firm, qalctprfew n g , p

ftituwfl J@2 eta. lower ;BftleBst call, Ko. 2/Winter red, October t fl.Bfi]®1.36tKa. 'i


|XMtt]iDDed until after dinner.At l:!10 v. u. theBuiitb family were arranged

ih-family groups with thiir frieeds intlie rtar, acd a pbotoijrapu taken of thewnolc. After taking one negative tbe rick-ety ronw-m on which the camera W&R placedgave wuy nnd k t the apparatns dowu in anjiviuier to pOBtjHiDi! indefinitely the takingof any more pfctuten. At 2 p. u. cxercbuawero rtsumtd at Ute jjlatforn. optninu withpraytr £y the Re». C. T. Anderson, of Pta-puck, followwl by ringing "Har t the Bongof Jubilee," by the Glee Club, when tbe*pi-*ktTot the day, Rer. A. B. WoodwortJi,if fiuraoiit, «{ut introductd who dtUftrtd 1rery able an inUresting addreen on "Thi

destroyer of thu HraitLi," Rwelling at cuufiiderable length on the family circle, iU

istitulion, the relfition of its as t ra l mem-ben to each other, their influence, responsi-bilities and the ultiawU dw'gn of thinDivinely ordained institution. After ahiing the good rwullii which follow welldirected /auily CesdpVaie tho Pfttriarcbtbat branch of the gmitb family Uien repre-sented, Mr. Jobn Henry Smith was referred

coming from Hofiand, making Lta wayinto New Jeraey, inarryiog Misa ChriKtiana

assell in 174IJ, to whom were born nina<ni anil eight daughters, then followed tblodus nntJl now uicmbcre of thia family are

scattered ia all of tha States and: some of theterritories of the Union, numbering bundraluand thousands. The Hmith family was diu-Unguisacd for thtir Bttrling bounces quali-ties, but few of them chose a professionalcalling, tbe large majority being mcrch&nltt,

Hxhanics and Itumen, and withal men andiftmea who lived Christian lives, loving lai

and order, having the proud clwuiio bo»lthat tbtir family biuWry so far was untaintscby crixofl. i le ezhorUd tlio descendanta ofthe faintly to copy tha example of tbeirancestors end prove tb,enuu:lrcs worthy ofthe honored name.

The Frenchtown Cornet Band which waitpresent played "Tbe Smith* Grand March'"composed for the event by ita leader, whithe following gentlemen mado Buort addrewfla, five winulcB only Iwing allowedspeaker: Rev. Ur. Woodmff, of DunellcuIlev. Mr. Anderron, ot New York; Ilev. ~Fenglee, ot Mt. Freedom; BOT. J. R. Adam,ofBcrnardsvillei William Bmllh, Preaidcntof the York SUto branob of this family;William B. Bbropo, or Jersey Oity, gmndnon0/ John Henry Bmkb*. and Dr. Quimby, ofJersey City. Mr. "Wooaru0'B addroes wascomposed of Mlliea of plcaaaati? and, con-grotulatiomt to the* Bmltifl for their." greatincrease in nnmburef on tbeir ScanClal m&n-sgcnteiita§AD awocktion, on their patriotladiitphiy of the stars and ktripen oa thogrounds, their sterling qunliUwt as ' "and tbeir fair fame aa a family, and exprcthe hop* that thesa reunions wonld long con-tinue, Ur. Anderson was formerly ttutioncd

:, having passed the first sevenyears of hli ministry lit the vtUflgo, leavingthere twonty-oirt yearn ago, VnWi made thisreunion ono of pocullarintercU to him. Uebid the pleasure of looking on faces bo knowover twenty years ago; on limiting Inquirynfler others learned tiut they had paused/ram the scenes ot earth, aud urged all itprepnre for a glorious reunion boyond th<

:d iiwuicthln

confines of tima.' Bjrain jnflntloning

d babout a coon bunt and was pointed to a coonperched on o branch OTcrheod/ Olio Smithsbad token the advice ho gata them a yearHjo and caught the coon. Uefenvd ta him-wht as cementing unions in wedlock, 1night fiddle for them if ho felt BO deposed.He too exhorted nil to look to Hint rtaliionin tbe future when las ncem'e of tliin worldh&va pawtod away. JIo thought lUere werettts thonfiand more pconlo on tlie ground

there waa a year ago. Sir. Adamtouched on the origin of Uio name of Smith

traceable to some mechanic art as black-ataith, gnntmith or locksmith, and binUdthat the disinter to the photogrnpa apparatuswas occasioned by the pretty faces who werelooking at It at the time, and wanted thosoiho thought themselves Implicated In thislauncrwith Urn cntaatropho to hold up tbeir

bonds; noon were raised bowercr, Mr. W.Smith, «pruBenting tbosu of tie familyseltled in tlA State of NuW York, said t u tUte oldest soa of John Houry Sroitb, namedChristopher, ialt this BtoU. in 1501 or 1803,sad Kttiei is Hcaccn-~Coanlj, New York'That branch organized an aiwociatJon about

years aga; that abont two hundred oftheir descendant aro now living, and invited•11 to their reunion to lake place at Tunk-

lUtb, 1879. |

Mi. Hliropc, »' finndson of John IlanrySmith, who appttmi to bo between flfty-fNo>n<I tiityyearnof103^, referred to a state-

mt in thf H. Si HeraW, regording tbeMiie ami the cirigh ofOtt [ Bmllh /woU/,

tbe re-nninn WHH nil that Id

i»o» wihh for It, and WEB I


Valuation* and Taxes-The llorrin County Board of Assessor* m

> the Cnunty UAII, Merri^on-n, Ust HOliy, aud made up tbe vuluations and a]'i*or-tioutueuta of thik year. A. D. Gnerin, ofLoouton, was fleeted Chairman audMelvin

, of Chatham, Beeretary. Thei th

JIappy BlalMown! It only has only omat.E. W. OKUJUIJ, editor of the HaekettstowB

Gazcite, Is traveling in Colorado,for the ben-it of his benltb.Tlon. Robert Hamilton, of Newton is

named for Governor; but we are afraid bislQs'are not he&ry eA labor dub hw been orj^nlzfd at Oxfordurnnce, and numbeiK i\m tuemben. They

propose to vote Ibis Fall as ft unitTlie farmers in Ibe upper part of Warren

:ouniy now fear that tbtir corn crop will beit gn&tiy filrort by thereceat &ry weather.The Warren FrcilioWtre met again yeeU-r-

dav to talk a!<otit rcpnUiug or rebuilding ilcounty building*. If tb*y would do eom

ig instead of speudiog money for theseli-occfjrfonal talks, the tax-paytre would

no doubt be Uetttr KdtiF^ed.

The Ccnleairy Collcj iata InstituteHftckttUtowo -XM organi7^d tltree years ftp).

nil vulnatioa of pcounty this you i« nearly tw

rH less than Lint. The fIB different valnatioa

in the

inllluius of

following htbli

aud Lbeprtn-


gas i f f


;r fifteen StatesIreland, Den-

mark, Inilia, Jupon tin] Mexico, The fourthopened on

MHAJ «wa big djy /or (lie c^ rcd cam))mt-*lingat frnnklw.. Ilio coluivd|iari

iff air corip?i»sti!') of tbe three tnfnffttera,ami th? «iwd, which namlKrcd be I wet

tVO0 »DI] 3,00O,UindDtjp tha ether part }iconvert* rtjw-tcA.—Register,

llje Wiur>:n Jourual mye that " ttiue-uthfi ol tlu voUre of that county are in fa-

vor of reducing tha nxa of inltrett to nilper cent" 'i'h* only wonJtr t» {hat they an!not in favor of Hbolisblng BUCII an inconve-nient tl'lug an interest altogetbtv.

Tho coliired pecrpln of Korthaniplon andllonroe counties, in Pennsylvania, and War-

>n county, N. J., atn holtliDg a camp moct-

re niilea above Eni-tnti.Baturday, and coutitnea until Uondny even-ing.

Typhoid fejcr ifl awurolng an epidemicform at Oxford {uniwo. Beicrai personstare already died \rllk Ibo diseaie, aud Itis spreading daily, Among these latelyattacked was Dr. Hurt pence, a pro minephysician 0/ that towu, who IIAS laboreddiligently u prevent the spread of the con-

ipoo. ,-

The house occupied cy Jobn Hunter, nearthe Belvldiro Dulawnre Railroad, below

Berkshire Valley.Wo are called upon to record the death ol

ono of our ntft&t inhnhitantqtlouiB Gordon,who deported tlita lila Aaguiit 27th, Thodeceased woe born at Luxitmburg near PortOnun in tha year 1707. When quite younilie moved in the* Yallev where ho resided tillthe end of Uln long life.' He was a man no-ted for hit honesty and strict liuslness prin-ciples. For several years ho bos been ifeeble health and during tha hut year, he,with fad wifc.IiTcd with their daughter, Sirs.W. N. Spencer. During bis'last sickneM hegave good evidence of MR shnplo trust inChrist on his- Saviour and during tho ltsthours of hii earthly life called his childrenand grand-children round his bedside-ssdwarned them not to live worthless Jives andthen ciprctslng to them bis firm'In tho Redeemer, fell asloep. Ho'wacTidtoddurinRhisiUn«sflbybispaftto! * " ""Tynck, who preached hi* funeralfrom the text, "Tha'd&ys of our ycius 1, y

and ten; and if by reason ofstrength tboy bo four-score yenrn, yetfi thoirstrength brimr and Borrow, for It is soon catott mi we fly owsy." Tea. xo 10.- A largeconcourse of people followed him to his 1rcstlnc>placo where mny ho peacefully awthe morning of tho rcmirrcction. Turn. '

' Make'Him Fork Over.As Muj. Wm. llinlon wan driving from

Dover to hi* homo List Saturday be lout bingold-beodedcano. Stopping nlJ. D. King's

itteed the. cane, which budtho lioggy, and tetumod Itnmadklely, hnioonld not find it. A fow fltiys after' lielearned that it VM in the pnsbcsflioa of ontCbrwlie StarUo of Fort Onun, who hadpick-ed it up eoon aflcr it bad dropped from tliebaggy. On making appUcatlun for it theUnder refused tn hand It over, demandingtwo dollars reward. ThoconawM Yalnod atabout JIG, being a heavily ttonntcd onS.andwas paritcnl&Tly valntihla because it wji pre-xenttd to tbo Mujor an tlio flftloth aanivei-Kiry of hu ronrriago. Bin naniA being oc-gravotl npon tbe head gave satWuolory proofM toowncnWp, «nJ tha llijor tilnks howill pay tbo owonLt tlcmntided, and evenmore, in a lcgnl pracegB to "uhLitu It httonbo will snbniit to the extortion demanded by

> man woo ocidenbdly caao in pacseatlono i i t , . " • • " . - -

: ••• ( . » • '. •'•• '-•

m'.--•• ' • • ;


H^iery i» growiag uurtf 1

*ljlt of partithe It>gcftlt« ttoefcisgloi*. one *itU t c j l r l »

Mwk, tiie the drw» Df > f iiwisf-Uc* to chfst* Mil dilxin tctle nng I.«>L

in fa-1i. XLcj, or rfi-jwo ci»-j

otbirj, i-^Iv-j *

"ill jr I-



raia-r t^i-ry «bi b| IV13"XV -

i-j. ma be o

fiuil-u A pai



cl fi.rThe

Monday decided in favor of

caf£fi are adjcumiid until the1th, to which time the Courts are oil &d-

find (La patrocoge extend oin the Piu'on, nnd

-J'n eg?, c r Iright «Mr-!

I «itb Uw iit luaieruil ol ] tj

whin trimrc^il vilh de#p iide pWtinK ot':'1

roiiLiI Ihe batiom »nd i-Jri-vta, and j

A L.J» of p-ite blue ribbon at the t b i t u t !

Tbi»s« iu*de in wsirlot nwy be tuuul down j : '

.Ion ami edg« cf turchou Uci* and i

bhek vt-lrtt LOWIL Tbtae Kir.jafai are UMiie |ii

rut), find are half fitting aud cl-st-d Jorn : j

le frant. * 11

Cl'ith Bdfqari lire Ke<*ti, made '

1 tbe Euglibb fctjle, bh<'rt nnj di'tiliU1 breast-1"

i They cwwe in Ihjbt

imrned witb htrciilt-s l>r>iid

attoBs and go well vilh tbe <l;-tby Lit with

:be turu down trim which huul>een Lvtilv

•liic^d fcr Lulieft, Xhc&£ liut^ are wioe.

times lriiumtd nlih a long VL-H of tlirk blue

r grt-eo liwue.

The leyhorn hat with wide hrint U dihap-

L-nring us full edvnLces, an i we iiare in

btei.da fiort of jncke) torkiu ia^d« of the

ue straw nud trimmed «ith wide vi-lvet

id a oil pearl l>iit:kl'j, Tbt^e ji»k*-y* tn-

ii>g to all but blender faces and jwrlica-

Ir becoming to prttty oces. La<Yunmake

H mistake in wearing ihtte hu'j vrilh nnj

bat dt-nii toilette. Tbej-fje otily saituble

'ur moruiuf wear, shopping, excursions,

;tc, and weoot of ]ilucc ut church or iu a

With the advent of cooler weather vcgiad*

t j ' m u to kill gloves as a auMtlute forbct-

Biittu and lisle tln-ud. The new n'mileii are

inviting—iniI»U? 'iud [rastJiclit, witb oue or

to diJvrr BTJ>>8 aud the rocj ml^uouc-lte.

The prctth«t BltpLwntare the M.rie An-

toinette, with ivo ttraps QCTtwa Ibe itstejt

id bows of velvet vilb *te*I ImokleR. Ox-

rd lic-K f*rt us popular 0.1 «vcr, 1'Ot Ihe lie els

I bin eeAKon me les« pretty, uad coustqrttiitlj

Wliilo lien for the thrrnt nro DJWII In fu-

ror for morniiig «&ir, nnd ar« laaili of fine

lawu or cri-nuily i\ud tritumed nt tbe emU

vilb toichuQ lui^criiuii or Klexictiu kitting—

\ befLuliful .(itc'ii flmlitied U> ho j>r,|itil.(r.

Uc.uilkcrcliitfH wtre uever GD jirKltv or

c^cip. Oujirrod1 hwdtiw iu &un It'it^lhwitiv

Htri]K«nru tho to<n>t ttylUli, and initinlti Kecto

to bo goitig nut i>rfuvor.

Haul urinint of netlcd cotton,



ti^nber will own a CASH STOSC is the fin* larpc hwl..jristriy ufcnjjic-l b j J>. b. Alien 1 Co. i cunipItU fctut



BOOTS AND SHOESnil CTCDmWEAIljnj UOSIKIIY will b«ktptou bind tni will lui enld at very lutrra

THE! O -SiX3a-ill U mivOj tuksnt! Io. vUcli u'mv »ill soiiip it pOfSjiile hi a*

1 l'lUCUi uliicu we iiifcui: ii.all prenil. i tv\'l''i c

ril-; Ot" bi'


llutchinson's Statiou, won luiing. Early In Uio

Hunter wcot up in Ibe garret with a lamp tolook forBOtuethiDg. He says tbe lamp ex-ploded unexpectedly and set fire tosoma dryoomlittstibles near, and noon tho flames wereip strong that there was no hops of eitin-

and hod to moke his escapefrom tho room,

' They liftd quite an excitement at tbe Dela-ware WiiUr Gap tho other day. I t scoma

it an artist who WAS out in the woodstransferring natnro to canvas fell aateep, and

a mored a tow came along an<1 lickedup tlio Hcc&e as well on tbe paint on thtplates. This so enraged the artist tlirvt hikicked tbe cow, aud tho cow returned thicompliment,, Trw artist in now traveling oncrutches, and thirty-seven babieB are sickfrom drinking tnilk mixed with all eorts ofpaint.—Warren Journal.

Itr, DarnetCrew, a wealthy fanner resid-ing near Vernon, while in one of bis mend-ows recently killed a snake with his scythe.Tbe snake was either a pilot or a water blacknnake. Ho at once noticed a small

out of the wound, nnd hln cnrionit'being excited, he cut tho scaks open, amono after another ho took out thirty.threiyoung siiakeB averaging eight fnclea irlenjjth. These h'tLlo fellows were snagl;toiled np, mirrouuded by n fatty substaacc;md although prematurely brought forth,they, make like, at once began to wriggle.

Ool. Chos. S^ninUm and daughter,Villiam n . Bcranton and wife,-last veelwero in Connecticut and' atteudcifthb grantreunion ojf the Celchratod' Seldon' family,which hoa EO many illustrious descendants,

y of whom aro la d Btlll n greaterouruber miuistcrs. Chief Justice VTaitis tof the desoendant^and the mother of Messrs,S. ,T. and Clias. Sematoa was inother. DelOhoa Soranton mado on address on this ooco-don'that woo received with marked appreci-ation. These SeUlena &TQ descendants of Uicsnma family to which' the immortal John

contemporary of BbokcBpcare he.longed. —Belvidora Appollo.

On Sunday evening, tho 2Gth ult, afireenned in tha valley between Washington andAnbury, upon the premises owned by QeorgoFritz, ofClari8VtlJo,aoJ occupied by JoHejihMajbeny. A largo barn and cowshed*, to-gether with three large LamcVs, were hunted.The bam contained t ie bay crap, about 1100sheaves of wheat, one thresher nnd power,two drilfc aae reaper nod mower, four netsof heavy barnenfl, one cutting box, 0ning mill, oao corn plow and four commonplowH,besidcs all tbo farming utoasiht usuallyfound about a bom. Ono of tbe barmckj*contained wheat nod the other two onto. Tlfiro Is believed to have been cansed by on iacendi&rj. .

On Satunlny momlpg, as JJra. JoraiVnnkirk, living near Wahant' Talloy, was intbo cellar anil was about reselling htr handnpon a nhclf, she waa surprised to see a largopilot coiled, upon the board, about ready tostrike the fatal blow. Sho lit once beat %bAGty retreat, and alter arming herself, dii-

*t-ied the unwelcome -riiltor. On theim« aflrmoon, u the same place, an anight year old girl v[ Mr. David Vaakltlt, Iu

company with Ur, James Vankirh^ was en*taxing lbs front gato, she started bock withtbo exclu&ation, " V?hy, there's & mak;'and opon looking, Mr. V. uw, not teninches from lb« lltUo' eirl, another pilot, stilllarger than tna one killed in tin morning,which ho Bu^eeedea in Uuing.-Bhdrstown


1 1 1 . • r. D.

.Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!i-w Jt-rf'y S.iprjoit Court. Auftlti Sncidcr,Titisuter, v«. AnR.iitm F. A. 1'ruden. Fi.fa de biHi. el Ur. In can-. It^turnshk- tiJUUB Term, A. D. 1S77.

JiOLT N103., Ml'}*.

THE BileoDbiUalfcrHir abovL-iuDici] parlie* is idjimriiE-d to take pU-:e ul 1 lie UciloJ

Slates Uokh In UorrUiown, K. J., on

MONDAY, October 1st,A. ». 1877, Utwtco luo tnuri or 12 M. »nd 5

' rir.r.^oN A. vttnniiAy. sheriff.D»twl Juno 4H,, Wl. [i'r. fi. (1.50

Morris Femle Institute!TIIBTrustee* of the Uorni- iVuiilp Inatitctc

fttl coLBtnincd to submit tbe fniluinn- plnte-

ionl fvir (Le uuncfiltn'tiuu ol the i-iiiEiuaof

(o.natoKn. .

lilnce tLe crtction af tLe bulidiay LGJWQ I^lThoMor.-l< Female liiMilulo" in 166?, (with

t),e t-xeeptioD ot one ytar)It hit&cpa oeeupieii

bceu no popuLir tlmia^h (heof their liglit, faimy t

wide niib regret, eveumore duwblo oma Iu f^lil rc]ihjx9 lire nrnamented with counlkw* little

bows uf ribbon mid soiDetlmcs lony euibi al

liich luivtiuiuet be-

tflfot, will heftrtbe pretty

The Tr&ma Question Again-With tho approach; 0/ the frost comes nat-

ural anxieties respecting tho tniupn,' fromwhose depredations we are quite free in thnSummer moi.Uis, In a few weiku tbo, greatanmiiU pilgrimage will commcuce, and uu>Jens VB adopt Bome stringeul measureujitonce to abnta the nuisance tbeir prcucncewill again rest npon UB lika an incubuii, anddnricg tbo coming "Winter thousauclH ofracah; will bo given to these • nomads—ofwhom it may be «W nwe-tmihs ore worth-UBS vagahondfl—while the families of worthymen In our own town will be suffering forbread. In Morris townBhlji (hoy have al-ready begun a war upon them, hy arrestingand incarcerating (hem, & procedure not atall rtliabed by thn scamps, who seem to en-jay liberty of movement as well, and hater,than other people do. If UIIBIB continuedthey will avoid the county tuai nnd Doverrill become thcr principal (topping place in

this county. The condition of bu&inetis con-vinces ttithotwewiUltaveaUwecandotolookifttr our own poor thin Winter, nnd tho

Township Committee of Randolph will earntlie lasting gmtihido of the people if thrywill tuetltute at once—and continue to eforce—mearoreB that will rid as of their foulpresence for at least ono season.

etters rciuaiuinR micliiinieii(9 (lie Pout Office a( Dover. \ . J.

SEPTZUUEK 71b, 1877.Jhnford Tli-anrio, J . OaHion,F.rarai JarriH, llbadi Kynor,Jouu LUCOB, Msry Uefler,Jntepti Miltrarti, E. Kaauwaii,UartiiaerHtuitl!, •-• Anni A.Neal.To obtain *uv af thn ibovo tttlera s*y "»(]•

«rtlaed" and giw duto of thli lint. ", • • " A. MliEyEB.P.U.

RIU.QOtlE-In Utica, N. Y., August 201 Ii,1377, UUAHLES VAN SYCKEL, InfantCliBilta snil Ida Killsuic.iftod H I m

G0I1DOS—At Bcrkaliiic Valley, Angaet27tb,Jyjtns QOUUDM in hii Mtb j tar -

KINO-At Pallas, Te rn . AuKtit lOIti, IB77,ol Leirt dittBw, KIKO. f m ! *U.irri<(owft,fnhfB 40lti ycir.

m3»U,"JulT 39th. t i u r a H., 01Andrw O ami Maty Atler ag.iuKtilcr or Andrew O. ami

nr amntlii >nii eight Jays.

ulT 39th. t i u r a H., 01O. ami Maty Atler, agedht Jays

nOI!-KfS'ER-Al No. 21 Weh( nodding Placo.t i t . Tabor, August tfllli, 1877, bv HUT. \V. I t .Dictftson, GBOROX 11. ItoE, ufDcnvllle, «uJMiafl E t t * I I . KIKEU, or Ooontuu.

TALUADOE-LYON-At Dortshlre V»l]ev,toRUHt 1U1I1, uv UL-V. Tiim, Tvacb, QEILU'iLVAiMiEtad A K K A U . tins, toli'lLVAIMlE

ifWOud, -OliNSSHOAnsScptctrl^r l t l . 1877, byIlev. E. D, UrcgoiT, or '.lurdlown, £VUE»KAOKKiorClicBLtr and Alba CtUJU* anoiai

LOST!BED SETTER DOG, iniweri 10 the nime

mliahlo remrd will t>o p&td for his retnrn. orfor information kmV

l>o ri&tu roing Iu hit r

\, JOSEPH L. SHAPEH,Huec.Bontia, H.J.


"Portfolio," • .i \"What to Wear,"

and "Magaaifle."AiaorimcntorPitteruH. Send fur citalugi

W. 8. BABBITT, MoniBlo-

W. P. aUEGOIlY,jPriactpa! ioJ Pnipriefor,

710 BROAD BTKKET.mbcr l»t, Ifc77. E3-tf

ai It by tne ityrl

'bee («(!, the

iviug been 1 endered hy 51 r.litine, tho Stockliuldi-rs sere c

tleciilo apun in fat arc dfipoodion. ImprctHcdwith ibe cooTictinn tbat if diverti-J froia Itsoriginal fleiigo, msiiT years would dupst befoniijotl fapilitin for ee'&ulfrlifng a first-ct»«eD^irdhig nud Day Kchool fur Olrtt would bvprovided, the Stcokholdrrs decided to waivethdlr ]>r-!H>ut ptonnl»ry intereit, und make onemore effort to lecure suoli 1 sclool.ind direr tedI tie Trnstreatu take h>oa»nres for Iliat pnrpone<

lite Trnatces h u e according!? Icnicd tlieprnpirty, for a nomtml rent, to 1113s E £U.tNA,ivLo]i>9hitbcrto(ncccieri]l|yconi1ucltda limllar icbool ot DobVii ftrry, iu tlie Stateof New York, and who comci to as with the

Tlie advantages of IUVIDS inch a ichoot InDor town IN ii now contcmulatcd, in- too man-\fait toii-M<luien([oo. Tfierccan^otrevcr.litno fucctti wllhout jiDpilj, and It now remainsWith our cltljwni to decide whutlier tba Hchoolaball be an patroolivd »i to ensure (is pcrm».ncnt EaccuflB, nr nhcther tbo property iballbeRold and the procG«ds rttorned 10 tbo piock-

Ibnuo rfiiilioff outride (he Hmlti nt tintnwn wlm htiodnnglittrs tocdneMo tlio T iWUea feel warrantcft In giving tlie auarauwtint tliliiobool will not disappoint nnj reason-ible expeptatlouB,

I'a-Eo. LrrrLK,VfM. O. C M K I ,

Augmt 20th, 1877. Trances.

SHBRIPPS SALE!ID CSaacery of Keir Jnrretr—Pi. ft. tar taHe ut

mor'8B(;ed pitminKi, WLurclu tnaii I..Conifvrl in complainant, and James ti. Uel-llok, Uvmy W. timitn and C.rtillne a hi«wife, are defendm!*. ItelnrballetoOcln'ierTerra; A. D. 1877. A. B. BuYD, BUY.

Y of tlie ahnvo itMed mil of fieriBYr2— J ifl I» 1'UlJLia Y L ^ U D , >t iu«.Hotel, ia Morrii-tunn, N, J., on

i.v liauds, 1 rhall ciposo1NDUK, at lU^UuilcU

/or Kale

MONDAi', tlio Btb day of OOTOBEIln; i t t A. D. 167i. between tlie houn of 13 M.

Lt i o'clockin. A, u. ion, netweidso'clncL P. SI., thatand & o'clock f. SI., that is to SIT, nl 3 o'clock

ID the afternoon ot said day, nil thai certainpiece ar parcel of Itad a ad frtmieoB, Jiflrein-alter panicuUrly dearribrd, aituatu. lying andutlug in ilio To«rnsbi[» a! JcflurHon, ui IbeCounty vt Morris and Btate or Now Jctwv,ucflinhtnc at a chestnut irre marlicdou fourKiuta wiilt a iilase and thrw uatdies ulumliiiL'at tlie uteoDii euruLT or a tract of rhiriy tcre*aoi<fuHy.lbreebiindRflthiiDfiiuicri',retnri)L'(lto John DfLincey, and recorded iu bnok B 8page B3; thouce' oouth eliditv-nlno cli-Errtvent ttn ch»lu»aod eighty liobi; llionct scini;Oltjr-Un. decree* *ad ttilrie jpinnUs <*sttnruty etinlosnoil Qlty links; Inonco tiortli twuOcgrcea taut twenty-cue chain* anil nuty Luks;tlienve north elRtity.pjutit ilfRree* and OHICBtninutoti east nftio cliifus siit j Ifnfis; tjiemitnrtlt twentjr-Alx JpgrteaeiM ci(;li1etn qbtlntltencooortli icvcntT-uiue Jegrcoa uutl Ibirtnlnnteii west fomtoco chains and tncntvlmlctbuuee toutti tun decrees vat ten cliafnii atwenty l ints; Hence north aevtnty-mvea dgreen and lorty mlnntpR went efgbt clinitweiil? ha**; tbcnw »oelh lifetvo derivVCBI twenty chains to tho tjlice i>r bcgiunlncnoUlblnji Brij acrca »nd flfly-se»en IIJ

PIEIWOXA.DBte<lAuir. l»t, 1877. •

u LDLII. Call ndBieiriilu our prijet btfor* riurrhidnc elFtwher





G4S2O. F 1 B I B ,Clothier and Merchant Tailoi;^ 1 ; HtocU of clothing ombraucB sniti frniu a child to a msa, wtiioli I have witl

jicjtiiBius inHMgoil to necuro ao lovr os Io SELL TORY ADVANTAGEOCSL'u (bese bard (iincs. Mt rmcEsAit&Aa roLLotra :


$7to $:Uio2to8:09 to-ll to4 to2 toOIUXDJIEN-B BDITS, tiom


FOREICN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODSof nil gr&dcs aDd mnterlals. Strict uttcutiou is IMUI to my Cua'om Depnrttrjeninit,7 T ..*^}f ttmt 4,,#i f««i n m t**<1 fit . 1 * **.-• A^ I^ jih .1 ylnt** *m h.>.^iri!n>. it . t. - j •

g m l . i l t e u u is imidaud I will gnnruotec a good fit or no *»)<?, and defyscosou I bavc also ou baud a full line nf

m Deparltnentlfrauglioat tlignruotec g o d fit or no »)<?,

cosou. I bavc also ou baud a full line nf.

G-ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS.Bcmemlicr I ipll a good, warm nndcrflliirt for 85 cents. ,A full ntouk ol MenToutlia* nnfl Hoys' HATS and CAPS just arrived. I earnestly invite the pnbliocoma to tli« old staud, NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE, ana be clotlind frohead to loot for very little money, hy . • •

GEOBGF, PEP'flB,Dotor, liny ll tb, 1877. . ELACKtfELL ST.. I J O V E P , N.



they have just received for SPIUNO and SuiraEB, compriuing evurjTthin|new and dcsirablo for lndieB wear. A complete new stock of






The Randolph Comet Fand,v

OF DOVSII, nil] g\te • OJt\ND HOP iiUcPAH£>H'SaiU)VE,un

Wednesday Even'g, Sept 12th.Tins licut ol BtrinK snd Br&u Mujtia * | i : be

i l d f t b l . HLonliltlictvcilbul t i

FOR RENT CHEAP.Tho Canal 8loro *ad Btabln near tlie

gnunl lock, Dover, Tbii Is nn old, eitnb-lished cuud burfncea itond and, la alvnyncare of a good trade. * Apply toU-it EAMOEI/OOSS, Dorcr, H. J.



Mule for Sale!Tbo subscriber boi a good VJJhE viiich! will sell lit a fcrj reasonable price. An;

ptnou deshiog to porcbaae BUCD. an •" IT" ' 1

will do Well by caUlDg on us. .' - ^

'•'••'.: '•'-.'.HB.jumenoitco.Hocluwaj, Sept, Ut,187t. r M-->-«tfl

' SHERIFF'S ,§ALE![11 Ctanccrj or' Ho-v Jersey—Tn. fa. for itilomortgaged ftromisei. therein Satoaiil Tritmori«4.-uni|ilalnaut, and Williom U. fLaiand Carulmc 0. his wire, AJOfu 1). l h s oGuardian of Unv Hagor and Lytlla Ha«(iurauls.l ficfJIe K. To{tplnut Adailnfutrairof XLtudoio Topuinc, uDoeuiu-d. 'iliLiitlun

' Allfimnd Janalliiu A lieu, are <Mi-niln,itgltolurmlite to Febtoarr Turn, k. n. 1877.


BY Tirtuo or tin* above tUtud writ or nofacial in my handx, I >buli cxpote tot sa

• 1 labile Veudao xt tl e VtiUotl tUnleaHoleluUorridloHii, N. J.,on

UONDAY, tho Mtli d.17 ot OCTOBEIlnuxt.A. D. 1877, benreen the boon ot ia M.aad 5 u'clocf. P. i l . , llmt Is to toy nt 2 uV-loc1 " 0 aflt-rnuun nf »ih\ iky, .n thai trac'

:l of iaud mill pruruIiM, niluate, hins

tj t.r*Morri« atnl Htmo ui Now. Jersoy, buitctlandbunnded HB follows: UcKinului; at the•onth-caat.cijrmror ttiOHtotiu acbosl buttrpf t ol tLe public roid teuhng from Fvafmto CbOfttor, and rnnuioR tbeiico accoidinc"the -TUSLBI bearing 01 tha cutniiw* l\) uurfitty-iuc degree east dowu Ihe litllu road

Eliiis'AnRfotmo'n coruur nxfwh citatui atbiriv-livQ links; Ibouco (3) alons aald AnciL1-mirrfl line uortb tbirty-flix degrees arid urtvniuuloa wear tbrto chains aad "iuka; tlitoro (0) still alotig iM Augletiuc nortb ttreuty-oisbl dcuruci and fun j -oinulcacist Iwuuty uliams and llilrtjHlu)i* to a nJont* Jii-sp; tljii<»ct-(J) noilli liiti-lirvuittiffn-i'O nnct tlitrtv-tbrco miuult-9 aunt

.wentt-i'iDO cliitus ami thirty lipba l*> Win. T.Melioi's hod ; tboucc (G) nortfa torty iieEretiwen [ufriv cliaina and nineteen hots (o aebottnut i r ro ; thonce (C) nnrtli filt.v n>no do-

" fiftud fiflv-ona minutOH e»»t ciue rlmniililrtjUuti; tbtDi-c (7) north llifrlj-nlno

. . » i and tlilrly-nlne miouttB weit-*icbalni »atJ foru-ouo liuht tu tho mltldlu ur tbroad; Ihcncti (8) sonlb flft* dtt^rrvn and llilr*minutes treit iitt:iity-iiroBlt&lnaandfiflf-ihrtllnka to tbu. middle of ibo mail; thence (Similh thirteen depicennriOUiirlyniluutei cuttno chains and aixtt-ronr links; tbenco <l(j)south fifteen dc-greui wett four cUtia* ta-ilxty-oiubl links; tboitco (lt) |->utli Hiilv-tnJcsn.fiiWi-at ttracnalnsana tvcnty-two'linUIbcnre (1'J) wtnlli nlty-tbrce degnics tvronlnilimtun ne*t %\x cliftttm BUU toriv-flvo linlintbuutc (13) unnlb Efly-n»o(lcgrceB wunt tncntytwo cbnlna and ninety-seven links to a Itcaubt Jtuijp, r»tl*'* cornor; fli) aontb tnent?degree* cast «levcn cliains and Dlnely-di^liticbith near a cittfrpoat; tbtneo (15) nlirtb;lurtT-tlviiftuda liall Ocgrtci t i t t twoelioinimd clghtj-»tx links into lite raid IctJhc /ram?e*pitiL to Cbwter; tlienco W) notjli cl«btr1I1 dcgroM and forty mlnntvx oaatlnotlialmind Mjfentr link* (6 a carter or a post-and raili-nce; tlioneo (171 «oolti fifteen minutes wc»tiscbolna and clfiutv-two huhe t o n stake intia levee \ tbooec <lB).Ror1» dcbtT-tno nml

Ink* Iu to the n'on-Mid. roiO; tlirnro (^3)luatb IwcntT dtfircr* cast twGnty-ol|;btctiamimd seven KTIBI to ttie hejAvt'nn, contaluicitwo haothfi) "nil luieeacrrs and pi-vi<u\<t-maelinoilrcdtbn of in acre, tnoni. or k»». Itrinjithe Mine prelude* rfinrcvod to ,tbo laid Wm,IL BbsrpbyAbrtmWortiaioBi)awire.bvdeeddated March « J , 16C5, %ot recorded ia book

0 ol dceili. ntfrt* 126. As. • -

PIKTL80N A. FBEEMAJJ, BLerlff.31S[,l877. [Prt.fs.lia.0O

TblB cot repri'Bi-ntH tliullt\U^M.\HK ltiat mil be tun ml np»uBrtD of Every Grnaln« Singe. Rr»ln«.»«rililnr. Sl/eoof "Tlie Hinger HinnraMnriDp Coroiiany" it alao printed ontor ofllie >"» f »" o'licra not bcatii'K tliia Irad^tncrk andTnaiare trortblcaa iuItatlouB. Bon»re of tlietn,' Bay oaly of our r«gilar aconts. Tim Finger bis lor r e i n been tbe. rreat papular mil i e , ipd. more of tbcm areFolu tlian of »ll nibtrapnt tpcetl

m r tlgielciitnduntod to 2C2.310 mschlcen. ItrasalBO•••-- -ttboOENTEN«IArar>i1e»nirloirmDrh

/rom tho Udiea c.»Uoctcd willt tuo Womrti'i Department of tl£ihtt)c((on. Tkn tiltizor, kidiaa Iu cooipotifcnr* in ererything chled (hour*1an In rednctt-g pricei bj plac-blji tbe mnelilne tlteit-g prieoi, bj plidn^ tbe mnehlni

::™S * THIRTY D0ILAI.S.n o a allotlior Hiylai. HnvinB SKILLED AQENTK ONLTT to »el

our iniclilifB, iHitiiliniLTs mnv It t Hire ofgetiluiT proper Inntrnctions, inrl aro GtJAltAM'JEEIHATlKFAtniON iiitvciynnriiciilsr. Send Ti-r circular. Orders bv mail promnJt attendedSt Bw , T'UiiBIKaKllJlFO.Co.jrbilaaclrhliOillce.l 'lfHI--1 '• • "•,lMC'iit'ntiH)t Blieet.



COE'S PHOSPHATE.Xnw U the seasou Io enrich your tumls

iuul Cue'i* l'linspiiAte 1H the les t fertilize.know S W b


SHERIFFS SALE!i Cbancury ol Neir J M B O J - F I . f«. Xor aalo of

QcorEO is, eompUiuani, and Pbillp N. Wan*Is dcfi-ndniit. ltuturniblo toOctobcr'Term,A. D, Vi77. • •. . •

i:iIJ,SiCIIDR0II.fl' virlne orthotaburu »titcd writ ur Ot>viI fadi* Iu my bahO*, I ulull uipofo for Bilo

*• I'ablic VUHJHC, «t HM Uultod bUtea H0I0I,

KONpXY, (he Bib day ofOCTOHlsn next,A. D,im,- bniwcen Uic aunta'or 12 « . and So'clock P. SI., tbal Is to say at 1 o'ri.x.* in ibo

oD of " *

Karris Cotmty Snrrcgata'B Office:.• AOQDrtTOtb,H)77. >••&

tlio n-alior at John D. Laurecw, AdmiBtratororFran^fD.Ijiorfnce.doc'd boKatu'i Ordor to Limit prcdiiora.

0« Bprlication ot tlio abrmj-n&mcd AclmiI s i n t o r i t U a r c d b t l B ]

M d A l b i l

spnceoftlnut Itbnttarft htr Dotico to bo ttiiiiecf

MLidA.linbislr.tnr ftivo pnbil. ._ . .'ulitum of tbo cBtalu cf ttald (kctilcnt to brin1 tbeir iMtfs, demanrlii and claimx acainst tl;rr]E, anOur ozlh, wltiua nice mnallta Inin»ds!o,by*ulUijj, copy or IhU ordu

HhiD twoiiiy-,dny« bcronm-r, In .rlvc ..f Ibemost luibllii plicut in tho County or Morris fortwo mouthi, and alra.vffhfp' ttie smd twentydajt by advcrtiiiug tho fianw iu thulnox liju— • • " ' late fortlibwj

•Urn within ttiBMifl pori"*! Of ulmMic notice ixlneRircTi it rtr '

suchcroditur shall bo forever debarred „. „.or bcr action thBrofur ajrainut tbo i>ald Atliniu-isirator. A true cony from tbo ulnntea.

Oe-ICw -E. E. WILUH, ?urrotate.

In Chancery of New Jersey.•> Miry Ann Gli-Uen, Murtba I-.u-lnonWarKirtt Hugbson, widow or Jobn Huglno.Kr^ Ann Karat, ArasaJab HnKlmon, WilliamJtnwi.llvitlifoa, Ht.y Jano Snchum aullortliaUusbsou.dauBbterot Joun UuglSOU, i,\ • • ',-y -

\ y c - • - - - - - - - -. . . ^.. cnlerof tbo ConrtofOban-of New JeiBi'v.tnRitenn ttie day 1 cause ittifrcin Julia Anu

Leek aad Ttioiuas K. IJC«): «ro eompliiniints,antl von and olhcra an) dcfomlant*, VDI•uqniied to appear- nnd plbad.dcmur or BL . . .

mt'a billon or before tbo tOiliit, fir tlie eiifu bill Till bi

on and olbcq t c d (o nppeni-tbe eompluiiiiint'tfor tk|iUm

ikcu »* cnnfewnil m&lim von. ' .Tho Mid WiliB filed foe parllllonorccrtaiiounty nf Morris, ot wblcb. larai-1 Hucbmrnled BCJECJ, am! you. Mary Ann Glulrfin amindowdotLudaiitbtRinjo yoa nro nncofl lm:nrnta ID caramon t but tin ; and * M S l

b M o t HucliaoHcbKnn onsaid, ar

r m

ID caramor MMirnrct 11IIE1I»O»* nldonr •«

rnnuo 4 dofenuant Waniojfiu? in


st one hnndrol andflriv feet) i biny-nixdeprenBarwl tljirty uitun'fM"it sixty-one fett: thence tB) flltj-tlirco do

men «ml fifty mludtoa cnat OLD bondrad »mli Tett; thtueu (4) nortb tbirly-alx docrcD«

toBmlniilcF vrat flftr fuot tn tbo ixfriD-

' - .BnlteltonolCoDiiilRiiiintB,Dover, Morris Connlv.N.

VilctUsliOlh.lSm ' r . Ai

uly 81at, 1877,dUAN.fihpr

[Pra. ft, I


{•fsia'jlii. 15MS™I.I'«JISJ3, o 'S"5i£b I,U. in t . 1»BI d tn Mraious. Mlitr of Oeo.


, USE -1 : W E L L S > CflRBOLltfTABLETSi-

r /or CO0GHM, sod U) dtmaw olL D N a B > o u k t t T toa M D C 0 U B

Oo»r, H, I., A

PUT OP OKItf raBLUEBOXKS.SOLD BT ATT-nilVfljirTl.-'" •' "



Local Hews Journal


Subscribe at Once!



„ . nkty or Bear,UlcodUfiunu orHpitr,F I torn Fits

AnElcRiotCarr i iFi.Opulmi t" - • ' - •y.(jtei


Ipnloiit SI«rri«|Plsv, ConcertBUti


clltn gay creaturetlisnioDrte,Pt-irh,

HufortLeirfcstoreiT« UuTftny odd Ibine,Or aeu any odd tbiuR,Gala,Data.M-U,Vlat0,But*,Pantaloons, Hitp, 'Rcfpluuritnt Uravala, -IKiiti'O nrVcoltKinnuciillUllt-r, . -Piocha ; !

Lt,Koefcn, - - - • 'Port raw tciu GrBox,Pie,Bhecpor Ox,Or even a BGKD—Tbeniaa IricttT«ku tbe ailrlcsWritteo lwlow—

lluata,Votct,A !)«,>.» or a Flonow,A CJICfi>r Di«u*e,

A Muntia uutiuiie,ClicoiC,Teas, ;


DivcrBicin*,Clotben readT maIntrmse of Trailr,Cot)*, Cnke aail IVod,Pidn

tcre, TeucmPDt,Cub ti. bo l*'DtiOatti to b<i Hpent,Wcrot.TVDt,Itotnati Cement,OoIteid tbo idTtwFar bbynnri ptkoWntltn boluv—












1 Inch.

!1 "4 "fi "

l Column.

i .,1

$ tt r.ur> ut(i r>o8 W)

10 00• W'fiOIf. 01)

I B r>n1)2 00

1)7 fiO| flr>CO OOJIKO



Tltrdifffli Hail,0,25 A. M.J Oawego Esprcss.

(.55 A.M. J Euntmi'E»liri-BBll.B3r.M ; Canto:

£i|irett>, 5.8J r . H- ; OHCTI'KH Eximn^fl.OT I1

M.; IIiwsketlstownnxitrosB.l.ffllP. 11,; tlari'U-

burs P]«d»l, 10.33 T. M.


Harrlfburp Spcdnl t 4.U A. I I . ; Cover Ei.

prcKS, 7.00 A. V . ; Harketlntonn Mail, 7.37 A

M • FtRlonKxiireiHi.fUtiA.M.; Illiifllinmiitoi

Et'invu, 2.07 f. II . ; Throw* Hill, 8.(7 P. Jl.

tixprour, B.03 r . M.; Eastern Accoiu

A.M. P . M .10.G7 0.65

- 6.47


10.4710.37l'l.'ffin.1710.09111,11.110 00



A.M. fl.EfiC.G3 1 1 fi7.007.(15

HsCaluvllli 7.OSM. A K. Juncl'n 7.191'f.rtOram 7.1SJlnver 7.20



DOWH TIUIMjp TRAINS,A.M. P.M.R.45 4.0U7.80 3-80



Pliilodi.lnlib,IfiL'ti llrfdge,Cdlifon111*1 l

Lti llrfdlifon,1*1 lo Val


NiuijrlirlglilJlstrtlev,Plunders,Kfttvll.Pbit Orsm,

o.r-n O.GS10 SO 6.1)1

7.43 *.tfl7.37 4.197.1C 4.007.07 8.BS7.01 S.S211,65 fl»tun

Weekly Statement of Iron OreP A S S I M TIJF, HACKETTBTOWN HOALIM, vu

M. Jfc J3. R. B. TO pEHKBYIirANrA', FOKTnE WEEK KNDINO TltUIiHDAY EVES-ma.Boi i t . fllh, 1877. '"*•


n o r h t w a y . . 70J 03

ChoHtet It. It. (Morion a, Conrin'*,tJiiccnsiiuno, Vaiintta nuiI Olios-tor-Junction BtMlonn,)...

Droliotillo r . . . , .tt'utorlw, ,

m 18058 01

. 63 10ICO 18

Totn l : 2,407 12


And now whenever a-woman can slie conn.

La-tmontli-was the LottCBt August Bfnce184:1.

Vigilant HOBO meeting nextevening.

Common Council meets celt Mondayevening.

Tlio Morris Plains Asylum uses 240 quartsof milk daily.

The hotels at Greenwood Lobe ntlll con-tinue wall filled.

Old clifoa aud antique slmpeu of table sli-XBX nro becoming faslilonuble.

Tho leant of Hoeh HaBlanah, or the Jew-1Ibh New Year, began yestojfljiy. • '

•Itniidoiph-will bo represented "by BOTCHPetit Jurors at tin noit term ot Court,

An excursion of colored jieojilo wan madofrom Orange to Greenwood Lake on Thurs-day. :

On tlie ninth of September thoplanttJlamwill ba ne*aret tho earth than in thirty yearnbefore. ' . ' . ^

Ono of our employee, Mr, Vfa&IJ. Mon-tague, filiowB UB a bean pad justtwo'teet inlength.

ITrs. Alice Young, thePoElmiBtrcnuatllotria Plotnu, keeps a store and. teaches a schoolbrides,

;Bev. B. Van BeuEcbotun, of the Horn's,town M. E. Church, taken this month for hisvacation. , ••;' , •

A party of twenty.flvefrom Orange wentto Greenwood Inkoloetw^ek and held it granddnm-bnko. ' • .

Caminunion service will' ho observed htho Roakuway Presbyterian church to-mor-row morning.

Thero aro 7B0 children enrolled fin thecen-maoftho Dover school dibtrlct- G2 wore*lmn lust year.

I t in rumored that the Eellik'bera IronCompany contemplates putting theiion hall tlmo, .

Jacob "W. WelBli haB been appointed Post-muster ut Middle Valley in plnco of John 0.

P. H. Yonngand J. H. Sheldon, of Stan,

hope, hnvo received & patent for barrel stand*

and ironing boards. . - :

Tbe Banner IB authority for tho

that there has not boon a Smith in Morris

towuBbip In five years.

" Tommy " Allen, with & gang of railroad

men, in building tho long needed sidewalkln

front of tho company'n property, on orchard

street. •

H a 1 tammsB at Glonilon has been in Unst

since last Saturday, and is turning out Bomo

excellent iron. : Tho fnrnaco never worked

better than t t present.

Ycntis can now ho eoon in the west from

teven o'clock uatil a quarter before elglit

Jupiter, Mars nndSitum can BIBObo Beonii

tho nonthem aud South-eastern sties,

• Tho puplifl of tha ^ort Morris Sfthbatl

School wlU bo given a plo-nio in the grovi

new the roond house on Tuesday next, thi

l l th lns t . AgmnatlmewUlnodoubtbobi

Tho Hoebawny school meeting on Honda;

• evening was an interesting ono. Drs. Jact

M D and Aye« nnd Met; Mr. -Ptatta

nominated for truetec)md Dr. Jackson

decu-a.; ; • : . ' : ' . . . v / *

"W. 8. Bubbitt,' of Horristown, has ro

* cctvedUmo. DomOrest's "'Wliatto

how to nmkoi t" "PortfoltM" and wppl.

of fail pattoniB. . Catalogues tamlshtd on


:• Tbe block baan will soon ocneo to bo ft lion

among fish, and then thero won't be BO mm

• -lyin'about him. . Mnny people. prefer tl

pensive catfish, which fa twice as good ai

not half so hard to catch.

Twenty thounand salmon fry, hutched

tho Thompson establlBbmont, New Hopi

Bucks Co., hnvo been during the fast yew

diBtributeain tho waters of New Jonier, in-

eluding the Delaware River.

- Mr. Geo, A. Slanchftrd,. of tliia place,

llocdny toot charge of the pnblio schi

at Uontville. • Ho will make an efficient

tencher and tha people of that ploco aro fo

tunate hi eccaring his nervlcra.

LadJen are beginnrng to acknowledge

fact that Baker &. Beemer'a 1B headquarter

for eTcrything Ihoy need in drcea good

•With thu ajipMrneh nf 'opld weftther they

offering fabrics that aro new, styluihi

fioasonable,; ' , . / ," • . .' ' . :

Thus far thn DoL, lack. A Wc*rt l U h v f

Oompariy have diKihairgodabdutfittyofthoir

" • • " • • ' — . - • . . .i— i- cre»tlr-

b e t

" liutt Huabnud of I

'unchea like photogropljji of bm- t l

nro plimlv.

Gov. Etdlohas appointed Edward E, Lyo

ofBoouton, a Notary Pul

Mr. Will George and party nru speuiing

anon at Greenwood Lake.

The trampa in tbe county jail ara ngi

?ut to work B t breaking Htono.

Over r.,iHjo liaiikeb or -pcadiei ha

nliippcd thus far from Morrihtown.

The HcpubllcanB will probably /

MBUI Mr, E. E. WilliH for Surrogate.

Mrs. T. Pierwin, i,f Morrihtown, brflkoher

log loBt week, on alighting, from a carriago.

Kai.t iu iu the hands of

nt Long Hmuoli, trjlug to (jut rtlitf frotu


Frank 'ttllyer, Chnrley Cain and Whit

Qillen will walk a flve-iailo match on Oruhard

street (fiie a]

Father Jamefl Hnnloy, of Mount Hope,

reached the funeral gorvioe of David O'Murn

• Newark, on Friday,

Between (WO and 400 cam of coal a

ire now being shipptd from the Inrgocoal

poeketa at l'ort Horns.

The UdlM of tho Whippany M. E. Oliurc]

will hnvo a pettuli and loo cream fcstiviU at

io AcadoinjonTuesday,

On Saturday night MorriB ClawBon, i

itiloriouH thief, was arrostod by ooiiBtabli

lunyon of Gcrmnu Vnlloy.

Itev. A. HiHcr and family and Rev. E. P.inneJl, of fiennou I'alJoy.hnvo uuen ejig u BCJiBou ut Ociiiin Grove,

Tlie bouno cf Win. Unnberry, of Pic

3rovo, was robbed of fflO wliito tho family

as at church, en Sunday the 20lh ult.

Ou Tliuredar last O. Bnrnet, a farm hand

i the employ of Mr. David Mooro, of Grillage,dlcd audddiily while at work inafleld.

A. W. Bell, of Morristown, boa a Bwioa

umpklu growing in LI a gnrdua which now

ensures five feet in cirflumfcratico and isitill gronriug,

The Lutlierau Church at German Valley

in bocn completely ovcrlinulud.and with tin

id of kalBOmino, paint and new carjietecon-

[dcrably Improved,

Independent HOBO, of llorristown, pre-

teiifcd a full net of china to their fellow

number, D. H, Itoilnoy, on the occasion of

marriage, Jfltt Wednesday,

Tho Itaudolph Cornet Baud will give a

lopnlight hop In MuFarlan'* Grove ueit

Ttdnesday ovooing to which thoy Invite the

public and proiuiua them a good

Tho prayer meeting of tho T. II . 0. A.

bo held in their room ou Sussex

Irect to-morrow afternoon, and will be CDII*

nctcd by Mr. Wm. H. Muse. All a n In-

It Is rumored that Rex, W. H, BeHen,

iraucriYillo, ucphow of Eev. B. O, Mnglo,

asceptcd n call from tho Second Froeby-

terlan Church of Scnuitou, Pa,, atafolnry

$2,000 a year. ^

A CATO of earth occurred by tba breaking

ig of Bonia slope Umbers In tho Hedges

In Cheater, last Saturday, a little

a van dope to tlie pumping machinery,

utuo ona was hurt.

Itav, John Gkn,paBtor of the Free Melho-

it Church, Dover, closes hia second and

st year's labors to-morrow. Preaching,

irning, 10$ o.olock j evening, 7) o'clock.

:ordial iuvltiitiun is extended to all,

Tho Annual Sesalon of The New York

lonference of the Free Methodist Okurch

iH*l>o held at WllkeBbarra, Fa., ooinmeno-

WeduMday Bept. 12th. Thaohurdiin

>ver is oounccted with tblti conference.

Peer, tbe Sussex street tobacconist, IB of-

ng nn unexampled stock of plug and fine

chewing tobaccocs, snioking tobnecoes,

idnding the celebrated " Vanity Fafr,"fluo

and the " Boss " fivu cent cigar. l

The stockhoidura of the Morristown Firnt'

Bat'onalBankvoUdThurBdny nnrmlmoualy

a reduction of the capitalatock, The ra-

ilion will take pliwo on Uie first of October

id will be made in tbe ratio of 40 pqrcont'|

Tbe evening mail on Thursday

mr and a half lato In consequence of tbe

inking of tbo connecting rod of the loco-

>tJye'»tBoutbOraufle. Aliolewnsknockcd

the boiler and OBA nide of thB cab was

lashed. No ono wS injured.

The 27th Annual rio-nie ot tho Crane fam<

on tbe old homestead at Pine

•odk on Friday of last weok. Sfiventy-flvo

it of tlio qne hundred And twenty-six do-

endontfl of tho late 3tiO\tf, • Crane wore

int, and a number of invited quests.;!

C. A.^Gillen, Eeq., is Bgiiin named for the

uuocratfo nomioation for Surrogate. T»T

ite Senator we henr only of Hon. Aug. 0 .

.tiBcld on tho Demooratto tuda; on the Ito-

jblican tilde aro mentioned ox-Aaaemblymcn

oungblood, Mile* and Hulsey''nnd W. W.

ireh, Ee(f. *

You will have no need for the.Bfrvicea of

cHropodiHt if yon procure your bootaaud

of Wright: A Heinl, who are

ur.tbe fall trade the ncaUfit, caaltEt, most

bBtnntfol and styllnh toot gear SOT men,

llea, minacB, boyaand childi

this section. v

The Montclalr and Greenwood Lake Bail-

iy Company-lww withdrawn tralnofruiri

uoWakliung Lranch of the road through

)rnnge. The branch hiuj never paid iU cx-

DseB, and all efforts to make it pay expen-

i hnve boon fotiU, which accounts for its

idng to public travot

Wcitflo, the artist, Is opfning a vigcrooB

'all cam'liaiRO'in pictures, and Is ready far

,hotograpblo work of all kinds, introducing

rerything new in hlfi art and doing tho best

ork at the very lowest figures. Now IB the

to procure your "shadow{" don't

icgloet tho opportunity.

ito. John W. Searing is iatroduoing to the

joople of ibis section tho latest nnd beat

[hing out in. tbo wpy of lamp btti

' j)roj>crly liasMcwe. Greenwood L IIUJ

IJECU re^ouvcyw] to tlwi» by g

Himi obligations given to the creditors.

The ptopurty wa» fouiti to be worth a much

larger BUIQ than the amount of tho g1Joiis, altliQugh much of it was of BUCU a

nutum that a forced sale would result, prtib-

i\y, in a losu to all jmrtifH, nud t!j« above

ranjombnt has been made which will prove,

in exjiucted, advantageous to all oou-1 m fcd.—J v taey uian.

ifr, Uulrjllo H. Coadit, of Pamippany, wo

link can have the County prizo fur lnrgo jio-

.loL-s, nnd ab>o for Lirge yield pur aero. He

iau one polato which wcigbii two p

ix ounces, threo which weigh ecvcnpouudH,

ud eleven weighing nineteen nud thrno-

imrtcr pounds.—From one acre and fonr-

uths of ground he had ii't, buRhcls, liberal

k meiwnre. T,lio variuty in Early Itoue,

and Ilia seed cmuo from MHIIIO. I t will

^nilly pay farmery to procure need potatoes

roin a diutuuee at a high price rather than

eplnut from their old stock. Tbo above

.Id in Piiuivulunt to 2GS bushels per ncre.—

Wo ho vo A Hplocdid breecb-Ioading double-

irrfllcd chol-gun tbnt (lout $17fi and which

IH Been but little Herviue. We were about

ad?ertino it for sola this woek, hut a

itiid suggfHU tbo idi-a that we offer it as a

rize to the individual who will return to UB

largest number of now subscribers to tlio

L by the list of January next. Wo don't

tiuk the huutlng-groucdH of Morris County

of a Very "happy" nature, now that the

intbition of our boyhood in only a remem-

irnnce, and having no uaa for tho ahootii

on wo will dlopoRo of it aa above providing

* who wish to cuter for tlio prize will

r with us soon. *

slf.llghter.Belf. -ley are a decided convenience and shouldie la every household. They will be *«ont,y mail upon receipt of the price-forty:nt8-Tho Pmbytery of Morris and Orange

ieeU at Pleasant jQrove onATuesday, Sept.»8lb at 8 o'clock, W M. Members who laketbo x. H. train of the D., L . i W , railroad to

dretifitown will find carriageB waiting Uta them to Pleasant Grove. Baaion Bookito bo presented for examinnlion at thi

meeting. .A littla son of William Ht Howell,

U/Wbfpp«ny, fell from a tree Dn Hondo]loRt breaking a leg and. sustaining otherInternal InjurieB which were at I n t thoughtto bo if a very BcrionB character. He iaakml ten years of age. I to parenta worelbseutlrom lomo at the Ume the accidentDocurred.—Jeraeyman.

Thopoliticianwho seeks the Eympntbdof the voters in tho approaching elecUtBnouldwear upoUeiu. linen nnd bear a'clean

." IB tbo procuring of which he will fln<*Tompkin's BO»PB » valuable agent Wo d'not «ay that they can clean the characters e

ne politicians wo wot of, butwe do t " "they cant be beat for general piirpoBCi.'

ItiBwith regret thai we learn of tho dijArturo from among us ol Rev. J.lorofthflFrce MethodiBt.Church, yhob;tho rales of bis church will next week be an

ft new charge. By bis uniformearnest piety, *nd zeal in poBtorol

work be hM gn'ncd tho erfocm of this entiicommunity, *nd we can only hw>° that biaHuccessor will prove equally worthy.

ThB ladies of Uio Mt Freedom M.Ohurch will told' their aanoal Ffirtival-wblch all the ff"^ &&& oi ">• «eM0I»'wi

boprorided-ontS" grounds adjoining tbichurch during tho afternoon and evenings•ffedocflday, BepL 10th. The annnal te

pftrt Its m*Aa " "

Tho nine cf ProlccUoa Hook uid LHVT

Jomponv p]ny«l osothor goia« witi 8 picked

nlnu on the grounds of Mr. gam. COBS on

Tuesday afternoon. Buvtm iuiiiugii had been

ilaycd at six o'clock, tho score being aatolti

in f uvor of the Protections, who at this poini

withdrew from tlio gaiuo on u^count of the

•\ioe of a uumber of tit. ir pinyera, whero-

ipon the uuipiru dcoidtd it iu fuvor of the

[ticked nine.

Port Oram,We had a ucbool incotUig hero hut Moa-

light us la a Bchoul niecting—none of those

leollii^B wbeie ODO la Cbninnin, ouo

iL-rotiiry and one audiuiico—not ouo where

hdaCta}, bnroly enough to oiiou n nieetiug,

ut ut HID bchoul houBO aud elect u Ttu»-

i—but a real live school moollng, comjioa-

of BovGiity-two voten, wilh tho Usual

umber of lugill -VOICMOU uuch occnBloun.

Loug uefure the time ofojieuiug tho clti-

ins bugrtn to owiumblo nnd occupy teats in

mpe uiwu thOHe time-honored uttiim.>R and

lies, wlioro tholr children hnvo so hug been

impelled to •'rough it," cunning miiny on

IXIOUH rnotier lu the midnight to BOW (euro

,-hilogirU ulopt, and fond fulliora lo grieve

er the Iowa of many solus which biwu been

iwhud to pieces upon those volorun buul-


TheanivaloftheDlHlrictClurk with hlu

uigula of office nud lamp was tho plgnal Co

i, Tbo mooting won cullud to order

;J. E, Oullur, who WUB ro^lectod to pra-

' on that occasion. The District Clerk

d UH Secretary nuil rend tho call of the

leetfug. Tuo fluimcful report was Mod anil


Tha next buplueits WM tlie clcctiua of two

juteea—ouo fur three nud one for two

irs. For thu loug term A. D. Berry aud

'ui. Toukia wen nomlaateil Tha votingbybidlot, iho'Chnir npiiointiiig E. 8.:e aud D. A. Sunrlag as ttllont The

iilloting resulted in the election of Mr.ikiu by a tnnjorily of twenty. E. J. Mu-

>il nud E. S. J3n»co wore then nominatedthe two yeuni' term. Mr. HHIK-O boing aidlduta roodostly Oueliued to net on teller

id IJr.,Thatcher uran appointed In hi* balloting waa quite spirited, a hirger|U being polled, nud resulting in tho e l« -

of Mr. McNeil. Robert expressed MBaitudebythauklngthMiewho luuiuted in

uctlng him to the houombb position otrustea of the Port 0mm school, and hopediy would never have etuse to regret it.

Tonkin being absent ifns not heardTho meeliug then adjourned, . •

Tlio Doiird now stftnda: Win. Tonkin, 3i n ; Hubert McNeil, 2 jcurs; Jan. Uo-

inghlii). 1 year- , •Tue Oeutnil Railroad Company is butlri-

n commodiouu depot at their Rtntloiiioh*ill danbtlosn bo fully appreciated byIs community. • It k loaitod north of the

il.'near Ihe bridge which spans thaA VT. Builrodtl. • . *

The Lenna Ls-napes,"And much of wild and wonderful,'Mid these high liilln might fancy cull;I'or hither came tn llnwn afar,Stern I*no's BOHB of rovintj war."

Tbo Lennn Lo-napo's (Delawnrcu) wanthe ownero of Schey-lch-ly, (Sew Jer

ley); it was our ulrei prond boost that everynt of rail was JicneBtly bought and paid

, and ft wan to them that rftern mcl

idian) applied,thu pioml rognomr-n ofSft-gD-rich-wl-yog^tha". (doers of good.)Tile mighty tribo hold Umr chief ll

ires lit Eadton, at tho'Lc-«haw (Lehlgh)lich stream they claimed, Irom lit sonrcflthnt part whexe Ito waters becftmo Halttho tide in tho Delaware

j id wo can trace each stone they trod,ill, brook. n*r dalo nor rook, nor stone,les on their path to us unknown.Their pathway extended north-vest, from

ienr ''Embali" (Araboy) as laid down in oldiaps near the East and West Jersey line,

i w»t*of lake "Hati-ca-wa-un,!1 nowOB Budd'tt Loko j hora thoy' hod au

icompment j • • ' ' • ' • . " ' •'And here by Hatlcawana's Lako,

His dm.kj bride tho warrior woood;Or chased tho deer thronfth tnnglnd brakeOompaDious of Ills oolitado "

t# theMiniBlnkj.the council flre ofo IDnso tribo, flvo miles above tho Water

th J bGap.** From thenco . kcrout tinbannn (Iiickawanna) to tho head waters o:ae'Suft-quathahna, then south-west from thilohecan "Winittuck" (Hudson river) to the'otomucl. - Thix waa the extent of territorylaimedby tho mighty'tribes of the Dela-ware in tbo days of great Tadeuscnnd'sTon&iro to.wboue war-cry two tbousandrar-wboopBresponded. Andyetlheirdown-

1 was BO upoody that in .1833 tliey'nuin-•ed only forty persona { when througb the

J d of Hoa. Sainuel L. SouOiard thoy re-ceived $2,000 fLT their roBerved rights to'flab andhunU"

Republican primary Meetings,Tho Prluiaiy meotliigH for tbe elootior

olegateB to tho Hepublioan Btnte Convon

nn tobohi'ld at Trenton on tha 135lh of

imttmlMT, iws^i " " ' " •» beM-ip lbo HBvernl

ownnblpB of Morris County, on Wtdnendttj,

.ie 10th of September, at 4 o'clock in the uf.

icnioon (witb tbe exception of the- Towu-

i"of Morris and Bardolpb, wlicro ther

„... ^ boM a l 8 o'clock in tho evening,)

Lbo places hLTOinatlor deHlgnato<J, t U i . ..

ioonlon-W^bington Hi.ll Hoonton, 2.

Ibatlinm-Wuverly Hotel.Mj.dijRU, 3.

jhCfiter-Emmou^ Hotel..Ohwbr.l. ••

Hauover-Tn>y Schopl Houie,3.

e HdU-1, Mendhnm.iSoSffl tK-ioourt Hotel, MOltltiU0,l.Morria-\Yn«hington Hftll, 4. .,1/t. Olive- Sohool UouBe, Jfl. OIlw. 1.

U l H f f i n a n u ' s Store ifycnvilla, 1.t l P l


d l \

Piiatalo— lloUluanu H mure, JIJIIBMHU, I .[•oqimnnoo — Gilliind'B Hotel, Pomploi

n Council Room, Dover3.L'B Hntcl, llopkiiway, 3.'a U tt l , Suitoununa,

Attention Miner*.Boderer*Hetganare soiling*warranted

mining boot, n»«da oxprefcy for ihemselveifrom a pattern of their own make} wroughtIron tips, stayed Bide Beami and all the im-provement* thnt our own ronke boot possets,for *3.G5 This is the first time that a boo*of this grade lias ever been offend for thtiamount and Is » genuine, bargain. Callexamine, oppositf the depot.

'RAVELS AND /lEWS IN SUSSEX.Ouo oruiug in tho t r y

itb of June we left tha qulfrt, Bobur village

•, for tbo puriHiSP of rusticating

imid tl.D hlllu mid viillrjH of ul.l Hairnet.

Jurf free from tbo tirewinic vreuriug ruutinc

' nehuvl Ufn, we took our neat iu. Ilia ours

ith a hunrt buujiuil «Uli thu anliiupatcd

iys of viniling old faiuiliar Irieuda and


Tho old locomotive puffn, whizzes, and

we flio off. Lulling at Die ninny stationa on

our way and passing over a scope of conn try

rather rough and rugged in oHpect, we ore at

fawUn tho eonuty et-at of fiussex. In a few

minutes wo move on toward Frauklin. Tho

iceneryuow assumes a different form; we

have loft the tot/ka and roughutiA behind us,

now our way liet through beautiful flelJM

waving corn and nu'tidows rich with

rurdura iu closo proximity to tho mil>Htnntiol

aud ofteu elegant furm houses.

Passing through Franklin nnd Hamburg,

on we go to Deckertowu, tha jilnco of our

lutinatlon, and Uio ultimatum of our'de-

rcB for the present It In just 12 u. nnd

a Cud not only good friends wlio make glad

iie heart, hut good cheer, of which Wo par-

:o for the etomneh'H Baku.

After bring refreshed in tho inward and

itward mnn we hngiti to look around us nud

ira pleased and outoniuhed at too improve

mts of tho [>laeo and lla flourishing con-

ilion. Wo Buo no el gnu of the hard tiniou,

iich scorn tabs so prevalent in other-towns

tnd communities. BuninaiB Es brisk aud tho

[roetfl, parti culnrly toward even lug, are litcr-

ly lined with fair ladles shopping and

iriviug farmers, exchanging homo produce

ir thf, ueuewary arti uie of* morcbaudiso.

ith all tliis activity and bustlo around us,

i feel as If tho gates* to a new life have

bean loft ajar, and can butoxclalin, beautiful

iwn; happy people, rich in God'n bless,

iffl; may your reeourooB and tho rc-Bourccs

the fanning community around, from

iuh jou derive your thrift nud SUIMJOM,

w richer as time progresses.

Much more might be said of thin sprightly

ild placo, but tuna proaacsand we pans aa to

farm threo and a bnlf miles northeast of

skcrtown, Bituatod on *' lluugry Itidge."

'hat a sad mlaaomcr? Tbe people herocr go hungry for it ie, or scorns to bo tho

iry Bourco from which milk aud honey flow.3 w.ti Haw furm life Iu all ita epirit offily and onjoynionts and vlco versa tho

ifection cjinglit us aroused our dormantLee, and we were active aud enjoyed it

DO. We wandered through the fields,Inlncd our bondf and Hpu with thu lusciousijibcrrlea, pluclccdtho fat flborrion, tnt. un?men111 the liarvcHt troo and gathered tlioIden apples as they dropped from thenvily luden boughs, (did not like Sir Isaacjwtou, stop to tipoculato and tbo cauee.)From tbe karrcst true we strayed to what

nud tho summit, from which wa gazedtho remote Highlands and Cafadilllii of

!to Empire State as well as the more ininc-luto Blue llidge; us far as tha cyo could

ib van Boon tbe srajling faco of tha fertileralley, and the frowning brows of rugged

luntoins. My pen in inadequate to describei grandeur of thii vast panorama. " O;

Lord, haw manifold are thy works 1 tn wl>t-i bast Thou made them all j tho earth 1Bof thy riches." '

But our farm life like everything earthly ia closo, aud ho for tho mountains, j

Ino fiuo afternoon iu July wo fiud ourselvesand baggngo on ro'ito for Wawayanda

.oke, not drawn by tho iron horsa thinIO. Fan aud Noll, the two bright bays, i

id tbe carry-nil are pressed into service,'we go through D., croBs tho FapakaUngI very soon aro in the Wallkill Valley.

Ills valley is fertile and eitonnlTe; throughtbo t&utiful Wallklll wouds Ito way to

leet the Lohle Hudson. Now it rushesiftly along as if impatient to-ba gona, and

lien slowly glides in gtratle onrvea as If lothleave^tbe scenery it enriches and adorns.

tt onward it moves under banks halfidden with rich foliage and clinging vines,is beautlfullybriUinnt flowers now ftud theninming from amid the vivid grcon. Farmueca dot tbo valley in f very direction, tbo

lowing* of tbe patient cattle come up fromfltilda, tho air IH full of the fragrance of

•r mown hay, tbo golden grain Is fallingicneath the stroke of the sickle, and tbe

fllick of tbe mowing machine constantlygreeta the ear, side by elia we BCO nature's

ndest works and man's wondDrful inven-is. . - .-. :

tcaving the valley we* climb old Pochuoktn tiia top of thiB rough mountain we find

_ood farms with fino pench orcbarda evin-jcing man's skill and energy. In tilling tbU

B lmrren region., Iler* wo find Decker'sd, so renowned in piscatorial tales. Wo

ive time only for a glanas and on we gthrough tho pleasuit 'village of Veruon, andtro at tho foot of the Vernon mountains,commonly known as Break-neok, and- on

tbe Bleep ascent, wo propose wft'fa-ig up, and accordingly alight Tho walk

thrangb tbcBC fomt abadea 1B delightful,lie bougLc ot Uie mnjeutio trcco interlace,arming a craod arch, tho nun's rays poep

through at interval*, t ie twitting birds flitfrom leafy bough to bough, thu trailingAitraliM, tho'lovely Cleir ".'a, tho queenlyLcuroi ^fth iho red berrioa of the Sumach" '--between aro glowing pictures fromihe finger of Divinity,mmmit, but BtilUn tbo forest In ibo West

one sheet cf fire, great banks olids hove- caugut £•*« tir.'out1" glow and

be day la dying in regal Bunses.mdiMioo.Now we come tS Wawayanda IAV-, alre.v!y

foci the cool breexoH. from tba water andiearthewavetdashngnimtUiotbo». This

a large, beautiful sheet of wutnr, dottedith fins iulands and the boats of flBhermciiid Burrounded with pictureBqoo BConery.A fflrtnlgbVi stay amid the lonely gran.

]eur of tha mountain ana we wo again onbo *lng. Wo .would like to tell you of oniido through Via Wawayacda and Greenwood

luntains to Oreanwood Lako; of thoIUUCB of tba CJo»o Vnlfcy, of tbe town of

Oloreville, romantically nestled at tho 'the Blue Hidgf hat time will not permit.

Jafflce It to my we arc b lek to our startingAbt, nockaway. .No more wandering^inly in imagination) this year. Theinilng mouths niU flnd.tu iu tha halls of

Bcicnce, " teaching the young Idea how toshoot" higher than a kiU.

Itockaway, Aug. Slst,

Hiorn's County Coeman on tirevr thi

following panel of Putit 3\ITOM for thu Octo-

Jobu Wootton, IKdwardDell.Boxhury.David L. Minion, Clmt"Jumi>u C. Yawger, OhutCbarltK A. UcCnrUiy. 1Wm. Ilillittrd, ChHtur.lAUibcrt Beatty, ^ ..WtilUr B. Do1a:np, 3Jacob S. Palmier, rWalter H. Witcbfl, Haoover.Jamas llunyoo. P^eaie.IHOAO W. Searing, Uaudolpb.J. Henry JobLSon, MorriB.Alex. W. GanoguB, Oajidolpb.Iwuic N. Beach, Rockawft?-URome W, Fockbam, XiooDlan.Klijah Dufford, V " "Cliarlcs Lum, ChItiuluird Durvea, JWilliam Fisher, W _Willjntn H. Snwnrd, (Williuui M. Budd, (.Edward O. Lord, Jlorritf.John L. Buldwin, Hanover.Huiiry Rversoo, PciiuaT'uO<1*Mablou H. DIukentoD, _Attio VUIIUCBS, Moutville.Joel T. llobout, Fussaio.Henry W. Miller, Morris-Oeo. W. Smith. Cliathnffl.Horlan 1*. Sanderson, i^vndiJohn A. Howell. Eoibury- 'Oorui-lius L. Leport, Eiiiidr1

John 11. Obnniborln|U| Moulllcliard Smith, Hanover-

glout week of American pig

Wo lcamof no lnrgob d t

ghave been sold at ouHpiotatlom. A number

the Lehigh collieries have resumed work,mdLtho balance will probubly Btort on[ou3ay. This will remove »» cauao of fear,

far as a scarcity of ooal is concerned,wttgh Uio bott«r priuon 8*° coin]mnica areoiving for their coal at lido-wotor may

ltiidthem to demand, tcmrora r ily, a higherirloo for fumaca coal, Tticrafa a general

iprcasion tliat tho price of i»n has reachedttoin. Thin belief In not without Bomo

ounflation. It IB a-weu.jinown faet that thortiaccn e&pablo of making iron nt a profitthe prices that have ruled during Uio pastty darn, could not -Niipply Uw demsurt,

Imltcd as it is, while there are bo Indicationsradical economies being introduced to

ablo further conocBsionM. ThiB of itselfmild prevent a further decline. Should

iucreaso of general business that is ro-^kcd in nearly all M0tiouB of the countrytinue, on 3 tlio railroads reaUae their an-

IcipiitlonB of a largo carrying trade duringi fall and winter toontliB, '*• iu but naturalButiolpnta a considerable inoreniw of

om&nd, in whiob ovont some recovery iu tho•rift) of iron may bo anticipated. Atireseut, howover, buyers ft™ only autlcipa-

ig their early wimta, wliilo there Ia noeculation whatever, yfe oontlhuo to quoteo. 1 foundry at ftlB®? 101 No. 2' foundry,

SIS; und forge, «ltf(@$17.

no Greenback MoYoment,While In Warren County lost week we

learned that tho greenback movementassuming grcnter proportious than It was atirattliouglit It would. The exponent* of

t new political theory a " holding meet,igs In different parta of tho county, htrhloH Unjor Hoxey, their candidate f

ire tho princip&l speBkcrs, Knd clubs areIng formed in' dtturent pnrte of tbounty. At Hacketbjto*n Iho club now

umbers nearly ona hundred members, andt Washington »club'bafl *«» ' formed of'hich Maj. Ilerriok. is Fwaident, with aaerabershlp of about one hundred &nd ^f-*>f course there is noppsBiblo hope of BDO-

IHS, ur even of their carrying that should tbo movement continue to spreadiroughoutvNorthern'New jlenioy,. it will

. rove of confelderahio import in determiningtbe remit of the approaching ehction forlovernpr. In Warren tbo adherents to thiBaw theory mto neaty all BemocmtB, an we

Nothing does a community BO much goodas onergetio and cuterpruting young men,Succoaunnn possessea uevBral of (his charoc-

r, and among them may bo mentioned ineso trying times Messrs, CharlcBB. and£.

H. Vannior. Tho hitter is well known be-_.iune of his enterpriBO and Bagadty parUcu-ldrfy in the erection of tha ttaeei summerboarding hotiRB in Morris. county on themountain side catt of ancr' OTeriooldng thabeautiful Succasunaa riaino, taking in a viecf almost the antlro Schooley's Mountain andHopatcong rouges. The former gentlemanins just entered upon an enterprise thatodds to tbo business of the village very ma-'terially and cannot but result in mncb£»odto the country round about By referring

- tlio double^rfumn BdverUaemcnt'On thejpposlto page It will be seen that he has ta-ken the Btort house lntely occupied by Allen

Uonkgton,undhcui stocked It with a cholcowriety of sloro goods, which he proposes tod i p o . snoh prices as will tqnd to draia good trade and bnlld up a good bnaincsB.Mr. V. undentands himself, and instead ofwaiting ft long time for peophV to learn bymore rumor that be has established n nowbusiness he tnkes advantage of printers Ink,and b j the jndicllini UBB of our colomni,large fasten and numerous handbill* he Im-mediately notifies tTeryiman, voman andchild for milaB around that ho is ready to o[fer inducements for their trade. Wllhpleae-

icru nnd libatal dealing ha wUI da

good busineis. .

The Baiwi Acatssors made tha valoatioiof laxablo property $18,210,734, or «lt73<l,

loss than last. year. Tlie Slate

.Jolm A. tyon, llaujolph.InrsL'l Mooro, Ff"*alo.Jarcd Goo, llandolpa.Miller Smith, Koibury.Wm. Becker, Jr., Morris.Hubert CorutHli, Po&uuo.Ja'muB Vaudorvoer, CUont«r..WiUiauiT. Brittou, Chatham.David Carlialc, ModbAlbert VoorheesJCBSO HuffmanJolm Oliver, P

The Iran Market

The Engineering and Jliniug Journal sayst k f A r i c a i

Small \

j y,orcrnor, and J. A,

h riialer, of Nowark,


) that they will carry enough votes to make a **a>6BB ft" tho Bepubllcan

• . Pub/to School Opening:l^o Fall term of tho pover Public School

>pencd o ^ Monday morniHR with an aiten.daueoofaoouHOOpupllB. Tho iutroduotoryexerclBeB eonslstcd x&.frmte* by Rev. Mr.HoUowflyandBinsiogbythBBrhool. Theseconcluded brief addresses * mado by Hov.

r. Halloway, Dr. O. Be**. Heury MoFar-. i, Esq., Prindpal Koynolds, and TrusteesLambert and Perry, purlng. tho .recentvacation Uie school building has beon thor.raghly renovated from* top. to bottom, and

Monday pwsantcd & neat and tidy appear.inoa. Tbfllu'Blructtoa"oorr«t

y remains about the~ eame as last tonn,'ion being but ono. chango-JUsa Fanny E.iowcll, who eotnes froio Flanders Btrongly•commended, and takes tUo place of Missiaggorty. Undor aneh auBpicos wa predictjot tho present term w # r r°vo moHtbeno-

jctal to tha intereBta'of " ' ' concerned^ and•hould receive the hearty co-oporation of

oilMtu vho have .ohildron i

' A Brent Erc'tinion. -,'The Delaware Witer G*!1 E> wrfon of the

Wh'& WM.Bafnl andnesfiay, wd.« »-o of tha v>

icct Attended i**i bra tetn giyen In thla(ction for BOVBrol years.' The train loft

3o?er at 10 o'clock literacy p«cked withKople. There wcro sixteen cars In all andivory Beat and bit of standing ploco was oc-

pltd by tbe people, UdieB OToabcfng com.ellea to occupy seats upon tlio platform

lpg. I i c dunndred people upon the train and him1'arods more at thB static** between Chathamand Dover staid home &>r *ytf, of room or adislike to go hi such a crowd. But notwith-standing Jts great»«,»»«» lhe jmrty WM anunusually merry and tocM one, and at theGap all seemed to .enjoy themselves in thoheartiest manner.' Tlio train arrived homeat about a quarter toeifiut in the evening,all weU satisfied with tbo eicnnion despit*

the inconveniences such R great

•incendiaries at Work-It was clearly demonstrated that thofiro at

thooldBchool building ""> "PWday nigbt oflast week was created by <"> bcendiary, wholoft traces of hia deeignfl in spots of keroaonofound upon the foundation, stones of thehouse. Booio time during the night follow!fng a similar attempt «"" maxls to b u m sdouble houea o& ponn avenue, a part of

^ is occupied by T"u°*i Lynoh, andlhi_ ir part empty,; Tbfl n»eal took a ehild'a

bonnet which way haDging tppn the roilingot tlie Btoop, saturated it with jten»cno, aocplaced It between tho bottom step of thifitoopandthe"building.. -They bSjipenedtoget it'nextto tha Btona /oucdaUo^fhowever,and tho building did not ignite, although thestops were found somewhat burned when itwaa discovered the next morning.-: Traces ofkcroBono w e » fcUo found at itJa place,nhoW'ing that wo bavo * par^ 'o f bouso. burnersamong UB, and that people cannot lie to Tig.tot for a wbijB in.guiurdin8 ih^r properly,

Firemen'* Relief ABBOcfatfpn-AnnstingoJUie Firemen's Belief Asao-

ilation will be held in the EogiDO Hotae on' l, Bept. 13th,-at B o'clock..

JOHW B.'Qn»few, VivaXWa. T. IJPQPT. Bagretary. . - . ,

. The Washington Star, will leroaftcr 1V. V. Caater-


Charles Watnou and his Wend BarneyUulvcy uro nynin in Umbo, (rom which it iulot likely tUey will bo r.lauw J i« BIHJU M onfofiucr occaaiou. 1'hn pjtrti^ulitrH of thejr

arrtit and the cause* wbiub IMI to it arc iu-md we 'givo tha particuhint an

joined from a reliable source.For several ycurs part tho D., L. & W.

UaUioad Ootupany bura been considerablyannoyed by the thfft of the braae bos^a

eneoso tho journals of their coal cars.Sometimes -whole enn would bo founditrijipcd of them, canning great danger in•tinning, and ouco now and then setting thecom on fire. OBO duy limt Stiiuuior, within,bout three ilayH after tlio discharge ofCharley Watfion from tbe county jail a trainif twenty cars standing on a siding at Port

Morris was completely denuded of thesetioxcfl. Aa pacb fir contains 1(1 pieces ofJieso bnuw canting*, they Biicroedisd in git-ing 820 pieces. AM these piixio» weigh from

to nine poiinda each, nnd COBI whenIOW tbirty-uve cents a pound, the loss to tbeimpany wan uonsidoroble. The method of

itcollng them was by raising the car witb a|ack and slipping them out.

Detective Stcpbcn A. SJcSnner, employediy the Goiupauy. Uid a Special Deteelivo «f:he city of BrooWin, K. V.-rlho samo whoirronUd Galiflghcr and Willlnms, Uio ruilro;iditrikerx—began about fho weckH ego to workip tho case, nud accidentally came acrosH a

to the perpetrators. On tho Uth ofLuguBt a party who were engaged iu robbiugIOXOS from a car ou tlio Hiding near DouvilJe,

tre Bur^rlsod by a bmkcniau and decamptdsuch a hurry that ono of them left his coat

Thin contained a note book, iuwhich wero papers identifying it as bcloug-ag to Chnrloy Watson's old ohuui, Baniuy

Mulvey. liiese included a Murphy temper-io pledgo signed by himself and n buxi-a letter from hia counw-'I, E, C Sfogle,

<r., of thiB plooo, There was also fouiidconcealed In his coat a letter from liiu

jpbew, J. H. MeKonnn. Tbo Ibices inieir hurry also left behind them a jack thuy

liad used in Uieir cpomtionfl, vrldeh ww nub-iquentlylndentlflEd by Mr. John C. Force,r tliis placa, on one btolcn from him luut

Iprlug during tbo raining of tbe old M. E.Ohurcji.

tiaapectlae Ohatiey Watuon's cojjjpljfity inthe ftitlUr the detective ascorUiiied that lieroa Btopping at a low Cornish brothel at 10Itatfl ntroot, Now York, and proceeding therotouud him absent. After calling every dayfor BOino time lio flnally found him iu onnridny morning of but week, and In order

lure him over to Now Joreoy ho ropre-•entcd himself ta a brewer and engagedCharley to work for him, After crowing thoTerry and reaching Hobokou, Skinner in-irniod his man Uiat he was a prisoner and

ibowod tbo warrant for his arreat. WaUon,inding he had bo'en duped, at craoo showedresistaaue, but succumbed to tha persuasivepowers of a revolver wbbb tbo dotooUvo pro-lentcd, nnd wont with him. Seeing that horas-completely scoured, Charlie at onco lo .

peniUut and Vauted to turnState's evidence before somebody else did.Bo be confessed to Uie dctuCtlvo that be audothem had been operating iu railroad brasslor two years, and seven nioutlm, and tliatthey had stolen fivo. tons, which ia probablyFar from the mark as the Company> claimsthat they bavo lost at loast forty tons. Haalso gavo further particulars ruspocfing (herobberies which liavo not 'yet been modepubh*o,,but wbick aro uald to . inipliooto-l-tinlUiy ana prominent men of this county.

Jho detective brought his man 4o Dover ibogame duy aud took iiim before Judge Wood,

ho committed Ulm to tbe county jail,hither he vos taken tlio next duy,AB soon as "Wulmm wn» seourcd- the-dQtoc-

ve turned bin attention to Mulvoy, trackiiip;htm to Albnayv N. Y., where he found Jiimat tbe house of hlabrother-ln-law. With theassistance of Juallee Clute"and District Attor-ney of that city, bo succeeded in arrestingand lodging MnWey In Jail on Saturday but.

t first Uulwy refused to come to tliia Buvtairithout a requlaltion from tbe Governor, b it

.lostthought bettfir of it, and voluntarilya Monday, frommade,, by Judge

Wood, ho was consigned to the county jail.Even Bdniittiug that tbo roseola havo

stolon but five tons of brass, as confessed oyWaUon, tho roognitudo of their crime may

iea la the fact Utat thoao brass castingscost tbe company about £700 per ton. Theirplan of operations has bad ita basb in thelouse of Mulvey, u tbo rear of WaUou'a oldbotel from whence they havo Dallied outipon their raids, using Wateon's horso nnd

igon for carrying them and conveyingback their booty.. ArrMng at a train Oharioywould attend to the wagon whilo Uulveywould jock up the train and take out thoirons boxes of tbo journals. In tliis way it

believed they have operntcdaloug the road:rom thin vicinity all the way to FhillipB-i u r g . • ' . ; - • ,

For years this gang bavo corriudou in thislommunityk general thieving business BO

adroitly,'that although they have boon fre-quently implicated In Jorge fats, tidy haveonly been detected and/ convicted in pettycoseB that havo deprived them of their liberty

it for a few Jnontbs nt ft time. That tliiaJob will Bend them to State Prison for somoyears thorn can bo no doubt, and ItetectiraSltinuer' iB de BUTT ing of tlie thanks of thiscommunity for having worked up tba COBOIO completely oa to rid us of their preBenae.XboBO who knew Wataon bofow he

accompanied him to Dover,whence, on a commitment

tills country « y that bai l i

Uiief nodtill ntry yreceiver of Btolcn goods in England and fledfrom there upon being detected.

District School Meeting,A. etrangLT would hnva said that our pco-

, a took a wonderful iuterest In educationalmntters had ho dropped'In njion'our schoolmooting for tho election of a Trustco onMonday evening. Had he dropped in at thespring meeting when tbe Important businessjftho year ia transacted, ho would havethought they cared very littla about i t Atthe time appointed tho room*was crowdedwith'intercsted eleotora who held Uio causeof education W now: to their hearts that theaharactir of the coming Trustee wan to them

i all important matter. - 'Ur. Lambert, the District Clerk, called

the meeting to order, and upon notion O.B. Gage was elcated Ohalrauta and Wm. H.

smbcrt SwreUry.The call of the meeting was read by the

Secretary after which the District Glurk pro-,seated tbo following report:

In hands of Township CollectorBepL 1st 1676 $2,tQGA0

Froni Stnto Appropriation.'" District Tax ,

Boaoolfucs. ...'....

,„ Total* . • m i s s i s .

TeftcherB salvlca «

- ' '"• "iuiog and irttt'tionery,..

, ,, 8,513.10




. 1GD.08

. - 177,811, 178.W1. 87.86. 120.00, 1,245,00

Total.... $5,772.80

Itcpafcaof _ D -Coaland wood,. ;Cleaning .£'.„.';.Imromneo .,Bonda and iat«rcBt.,

wgiBUr........*;....Avengo attendance for the year...

U ti th t d

Bali in hanil» of collector $3,442.24Number of aensus ot 1875 BH

• I87fl...;.. 724' 1877 780

No. or obildron enrolled on uhool -C07

.822Upon motion l i e report « u adopted.It was, retoWed that tbo vote for tho eloo-

Uonof TruBtoobe received by tellers oppointed by Uio Chair, nnd bo token by ballot.

.Vfa H. "Dambort and B. O. Magie, Jr.,were placed in nomination for Trustee.

"W. I I . UoDavit and "WarTcn Stgur wemappointed tell cm.

The ccmiat showed that 24S Totee faodbocnifit,asfollDWii Wm. fl-UmbutllS; B.

Bj b lank/1 .•BM declared elootcd and Uio

L , i - r - OK loio than Wi year.' Iho "Biato and linfl fiU.nU. tbtf.lqia'>Up?rtment, . From* 0. Mogie, Jr^SCjolank, 1. . . . .wton again beat lUci.lUtown at gtou gounty tax U »1.W'» «»«• than hurt v^^^^ffJaitf^texXoU ^ g f f i » J ^"^ " ^ "^


Tho PifUtonth Aununl Meeting of this Ail-

louiuliou convened iu thu Dover l'ruubyU)<

inn CJburcu uu Wtduesdiy. ut 10

.. M., thero bi'inj; iu »tl*mliinee ft v.-ry (urge

lumber of dulf-gntt-H and viMiting frii

The meeting Wiia cnllud lo order by the

*KHf.k>nl, W. W. Munb, H ^ , and tbo ill

hnlf-bour W.IH Hpont in devotional eiercim

conducted by I(«v. A. Eidiimu, of Jlorria-

I'licso Coumutttd of (h<i uiu^'luR

GoHjtel Hymns, aud brief pmyeni by Itev.

A. M. Palmer, Thoa. Bouper, a C. Fitrker

id otlicm.

Htv, H. H. Hoouoy, ia Uie eXuxuca of the

[«ulor, I>cv. Mr. llullowny. mado tlio ad*

HL-lcoiuo U, tho Auiiociutiou find ex-

[ir BKcJ llio gratitude of the pon[)le of nil de-

uilious I but tlie Anaociution hnd du-

lohuld thi» meuliag io our town,

niiionl Miiruh oij>re**d the thunks

he AnBO(;iiilion fur Ibis cordinl wi-lcoino, iiud

ailuuiiiidtircnt UJKIII tbo rhuructor of tbi

khbath Suliool work, as it ruliUea to tin

uiili1. (he Cliutcli aud tbo Slute.

Upou inqjlou lbo ru'idiiig of the iiilnutei

of Ihe liiat meeting were dinpeUHiid witli.

Tbo report uf tho SucM-try Mr. Goo. E.

lii^'hter, was read and accejitcl.

It showed tlmt Ihara bid Uen bnt ICO

mvoniinus In (he Siibbutli ticlinolu lhi»ycur

n conniilL>rnblu fulling off from tlio yuur be-

ro when tliitro won nearly a tlununnd.

itecu uchnol in nil buve nut sent fu ro-

[inrti. Tbernnre 114 Kcboolii in the county,

of wLfch OKeej]t 7, nro kept ojien tlio en.

ire year. Tha number of sdjoliirn bus dl<

ilulHliBd by about 400. Kincty-two BCIIOOI*

*b Ihe uniform lonsona. Iu wujiouno (o tlie

leiupfniucu renolutiouH adopted nt Iho liwl

wetuitf tha Frtmhyterlau School ot Dover

ut iutroihtcodft iiledgo for voluiitury ht^un-

ire, which has mut with grent tiiiccuHi. Tho

[ilnn for teiuiiemucn work fu tho Sunday

School BliyRuslotl by Mm. Dr. Oruia, of I'at

union, hud been curried out successfully nt


AiUr aiugiuR tbo Trcnmiror rcporlcd in

leutll tbe receipts and disbureoiiic'iibi of the

cur, which wo bummarizo ; Itoccipls, *1C2,-

85 i dliiburacmcntjt, $170.71 ; Iwluuco duo

1'rcflnntt-r, $14.3<}. Beport referred to Aud-

IIIR Oo:niuittee.

Ou niotlou ot a, L. GftrriHou, thouu urea-

[it from uthor couuiiea who wore not dclu-

Uefl, but frluudu of Uiu SuuJity Sehoul

luuo, wcru invited to not ua nieiiiburu.

Mr. UlacGredor, 1'renident of tho l'usuaic

ibocintiou. reported the work iu that Cuun-

r nud wuutod to know tbe secret of lbs suo-

;w of tbo Anuuul Couvoutious iu tbis

Oounty. luPc'iaifcllicyare hulslinily at-

ndud In tbo inorulng and afternoon.

Mr. J. B. Lnbnr made a conniso report of |

ia work in Warren County. Ho bud been

•turcHtud iu &kbbatb Sebuol work CD yenra

itiil WJIH not ilDue yoi. 'Tha Hohorfts nt the

Bounty nro iucrenuiug iu uumbcra und in-

terest-great efforu being nmite lo gatber iu

;ho children who do not ntluud Stindny

Rcliot'L Excluulve of tho Cttlbulio schoolfl

Ihero aro 8'i schools iu good working Orilor

with nbout fl.OOO pupila and 000 tuacher£

\bout 1,300 of the ncUol;irn lire church meia-

icrH, which in accouuled for by thu fact

Ihut lu (tome ot the BOIIOOIH old aud you us

id—in 8ooib schools futheiw, mothi

uud Dbildreu occupying Iho Hume el;wa. Suu-

d:iy School Institutes nro held tbroughi

tbe county, and last year thero wcru about

10(1 convcnloUH ninoDg tbfl scholnm.

ThcOhtiiriiitpoIuladltovB. I). E. Flnltci

A. 1L Puliuer and L. I. Slouteuburg a Com-

itleo ou Itesalullons.

Ilev. Ur. Ouuhniu, delegate to the Tiut-

wiio Convention, reported that-about one

:hird of thb tiuuiluy achoola nf*Mliat 'county

are eioauil In (Its winter, which ho (liouglit

ilia ctuisu of luck of interest iu tbu euuven

Mr. A. II. Troadwell reporlcd vluitn to Uu

miLKEt and Kmuunutli KnciMir-, '11,

riiwrwm well nlteudod and the latter nHm-. About GOO conventions wero reported in

ManmuUtb. Only tvbout iwo-lLirJu^of lhaRchoobi lu botb cunnticH aro kept open theWire y«Sr.A di'lvgrtto reported nn inteiuting &

'eution in. Hudson. Thoy bwld luslilutbsand aro ahead iu Sunday School work.

Iteportaof TowuuUip Secretaries being iuonlnr. Kev. L W. Oochron, ot Mendhamreported 12 convotvloni in tho ecLoolitltulntontowu and 19 Iriulllu tbotoimublp.

Ilev L. I. SloutouburgroportoJthtBChooliof ML Olive in a nourishing condition, withconuidentblo rell^ooa intercut

Upon iuvititioupf Rev. Dr. Parker Pur-slppaiiy wna eelccted as (bo ucxt phce

ooting. - / , ••Upon notion a commlttuo to nrrnngo vbi-

tilion of tho Buhoohi that are not kept opeuro juir wiut appulutotl, oo

of Revs. I. W. Gocbrnn and A. Erdman, nndMr. A. M. TrendwelL

Tho following additional Committees were1!ippointed: ' .To audit Treftsnrcr's- account—A. 0 . Bmith,

and tt. U. Ditlrymplo.To prt'pnro buaineas of next annual raeet-

lupt—Iluv. Purker, Boonoy aad Deyo. 'To Belect olllccra and delegntes—JOB H.

Ndgblionr, Itlcliard Stephen* and Her. Mr.

Tho meeting adjonrned and'procceiled toIlia bufiotuuut of tUe church, where'.wa huudredaud ulty of them were bounti-:ully cntertaiued by tba laiiieu of tbo town.


convened at haU-paat two o'clock and wivith singing followed with prayer

Liy Ilev.-1. Thomas. ^ : ,

Tho Oommtttco for Resolutions reported.Tbo dret recognize a iho goodness of God,ind In view of tho small number ol conveyilous culls for renewed earnostnena and worki

Tba sccoud reported tboconeusiui nbowing,000 more children in t i e connly thnn

tbuBe atleiiding FaSbath Sohooi, and favored[•nuiireH to Wing tLem in.Tliiy rrenlntton cxcltcil qnito some dSu-mmon, Rev. Jlr. Booney leading and coll-

Tor notion. Rev. Mr. Conklin thoughtthose fignrcB did oof include (ho OadioHo orEpiscopiJ Suliool, and that they coveted tbogreater part of theui;Mr.*R!gbtcr£aid the factswere an staled ; '(hat three years Ago tbo num-ber of children on the general census wns0,500 greater than on tho School census. Adireful estimate was mndo, including- allBchoola bnt the Roman Catholic. Mr. Gar-ritou did not tbiuk tliere wero over 3,(100

in-attcndnnta Kncrtidtlug out tbo (MholiiscbooK Tho resolution yms amended (oruid "several ttiDuinud.'"

Tho third recommended temperance work3 tho Sabbath School*.

The fourth urged lbo attendance of adults.Tlie flflJi mjaefitod all the townships io

bw»r their equal proportion of tbo expenses.Tho rcBolntioas were adopted.

The report of the Committee cm Perma-nent organization was in fairer ofirotaintngtlio oM officers except thorn 'who jmil remav*el) from the county, as follows:

President—W. W. Murali.Vice Frefiidcnuf-RoT^ Oliiu. F. Ilnll,

Methodist; Rev. A. Ililter, Rcrormcd; I. N,'Fiorsan, Bdplfst; Ilev, I W, Codimn, Tres.bjterlnn ; A,^M. Treadwell, Episcopnllau \

"!, H. Collier, Lutliernn: Eov.'TrankJohnson, Oougrcgntlonal

Secretary and Treiumrer-tjeo, £ . Bighter.Execntlvo CaiaaiHteo—JIoa. John Hil],

Rev. A. Erdman, Rov. L . . L Sloutenbnrgb,W. W/Mnr»h,'J.ia H. Neighbonr, "E-Rlgbter. " ' ' " ,. '

All tbe Township Becrotnries wore re>elaclttH ejeept Randolph And Washington—D. S. Allen being .telttoteil in tlio lormer inplace of D. AT Deny, aud L. L SLonton-burgh iu the latter iu piiQQ nf Rev. 3. Saw.yer. .

Tbe following delegntea to othtr eocietieawero elected: ; -

HuuUrdon—W, ,W. ILtrsh, Rov. A. ItPalmer. , ,'••'

PflBMio—Hera.—Fcrgnson and a . 8.F e o g i e g . •-• • ' " • • . . ' ' • • • ;- "' "'

. Somorset—Hon. John Itill,

Buuhox-Eeyn. R- S- Gro«n and 8. B.oom-y.Muumonih—KUVB. I). E. Flatter and A.

Hi Her.WnrreD-H^vM. I t A. Uuttz and J. B-

Iew>ird.I W i - I l e v . c . C. l'urktr, I. L. CoudioLIferBffii-Uor. L W. Cochma, Win. E.

inin-h.UuJwju-ltev. M- BurdwvH, C. O. Cooper.UuJwQ-Ifev. A. Erduuin, W. S. Babbitt.Mr. Rifjhtor raid u number of Teachers'

ana SupfriateaiieatB' Councils bad beenheld under tha direction of tbt» cxecntiCommittee

Rev, T. Tyack reported au interesting(Jouuril at IJurluaire Vullty, which resulted

i the foriiiiition of a tctnpetnuce society.J. I!.,Kiny reported a Toiupemuee Com-

iiitiou nt Buciiiwinniii, u-ilh gnod rt*ults-RBV. C, C. Parker, D. D., followed with

nn (juturUniug diaeouruo n|Kiu""ThoToaeb-\"wl ih Kpocinl rufcreiice to Uie persouulctor, nud wiw foilnwed UJHIU thu same toj>-Ijy Hou. John Hill.

Aftnr uingiug liov. U. 8. Green, of Uor><•istnwn, made nil nddrewt of coimiduniblumgth and great inlercut ujuu the mibjuot of_>eciul trniuiiif-tfjowiiig fltut tbo neudofind tben tho method of ohlnininr; it, ubow-ing upon the b luck-bun rd pinna fur obtain-ing knowledge of tbo cbrounloyy, geographyuud hlstoricul cvenlH of Iho Bible

Tlieu fi)Uo*v.i(! (he iin«t4-cm to tha latcrto-utiima phccf] iu tbu rjucutiou boi, made bylev. I. W. Codiniu, iu tho courm of whiche and Rev. Mr. Erdman cugiiged In an In-:rcHting tluologiuil dtiul.TJJO Coiumitlce oil ResolutipuB reported

ae expreBfliug lhuuk« to thepeopk of Do-ur Tor their huejiilallty, to Lbu {item for iu,mrlL'sy, (ind to Dr. Putter and Rov. Ur.

Green for their (uidmsica.

After biuging and prnycr by Mr. W, E.'hurch. Rev. Ur. Philter pronouueed the3cnodic!iou.

After tbo adjoiirnmout tho grL-iit«r part oflie dulegjilcfl ]mrUiok of tea with tlm Lidk'H

lu tba banoiueut.THE XTEKIKO BEUVICE.

Aflt-r hinging prayer wits offered by Itov.Mr. Ferguson.

tho nbseuco of tho I'resiilenl, nnd atoqtieut, Rev. A. M. Puliuer, of Dover,led, with J. 6. OHbHOU acting us Secre-

ury in Iho absence of that officer.AlUr ntaglug ugitln Rev. J . It. Freeman,

>, D., oilitor of tbe Advocuto and olhotundny School publications, mado a grandMeass upon two of tho chiiructeriutlca oliu CliuruL to-dny—BU lucrciislng intereut iu

ihilUbood, and an iucroahiug intcraut in3ibla study. At tbo oouelusion a voto oluunlm wot tuuilvml t la 8}i&akct.Tlie rloalug faoiurea wore singing, a few

amurUit by D. A. Decry, nnd tho Boacdio-iou by Rev. Mr. Rouiiuy.

PQftfMORRlS,Our flotilla went to Brooklyn "Pond Riilnr-

ay artornnoa, wull uinuucd, and had A big:1am tuko. They nay they hiid a good Unitand [ am willing to dike their vrord for it.

Our school opcuwl Tiu*dny. Mr. Parkerif tjehooley'ti Hountnlu in lbo now toAcltir.Tito hfggetit eieurnion I ever saw go ovtrio*toiid waa thnt. from MorrUtown wlilcbout to tho Wutcr Gup Wodncbdny. 10 care,

cruwdodfull, drawu by 2 laooniotives. T*iry

iloppod here a minuto nud seemed to enjoyleiuttulvcB itmnouHoty.Ou the Bamo duy tho Bohhalb Schools at

iuinhopo had a plc-nlo at Budd'B Lake,rhkh I nn told WIIH a very pleasant affair..'lie Ktiiubopu llriiKa Bund made tholr DKSUT,heliavo il'oy cull I), vhkh, being intt'r-ratod luenuii their first appeuranca in pub-

' TIIOHO who were there say tho musio was>xcellent. It Is ono uf Iho inconveniencesuf hums' r°°r and compelled to work for

i'a living that a fellow^ can't afford, lo golo auch things oiica in a while,

* the children got Boated at tho tohloind rendy.lo do justice to tho good things;he liiblti brolie dowu find dUhenand viclunlfiwent to tho ground in one promiscuousicnp. Sly informant snya there was not a

riiflb broken,. I have kean] of tables grouu-ig beneath the weight of good things, but

thiBiatho flrat tlmo I huvs heard of.oneireaktng down. ;

A parly went to Luke Hopatcong from niiiijotning town a short llmo ago and canipod

out for & week. They took a boat rida "ofcourse, while rowing merrily along on*, oftbo kdiefl nroso to ndjust her drapery andut doi-o in tho lake, lyduiatake of course,iho was rescued before fino had a chftnee totry wbother^fihe could wulk on the, waterandlbavc not heard that the involuntary<afb hurt her any, .

Ilur name? O no, thank you 1 1 don't tallhat. ... • . - • ••"'• ' • ' • .

What will I do with Ikla petky kittenrhich insteta on climbing on (ho tablo and

purring arotitid mo as I write? Bho walehesUB intently at If sho were determinod toru tbe trade. You can't, pnasy, bnt

loarine il'cuts could only write out whatoyjftlulr? • ' , •.} * ' •• ,

Tlie Stella Is kid up for the acasqn, and.he traius stop nt Hopnlcong atation'nomom.' , - . ' • v- • ' • • ' . ' ' . . "

Mr. John Lawless bos' completed 2 Urst-osa bridges on the new road.-.-''" D. 3.

Beyond lite U««eli of Human Skilli the poHtr 1J rostoru tbs liiir to bald headiliou the bulb* at tlio roots are destroyed by

«O or diietso, bnt (boro are donbtleiB manyerioti* becoming bald, whoio hair by catefulttcntnn taiaUt be restored to Itt orinin*!uxurianco auu beauty, l'arkor's llair DaTiaPia an clegiut prep»r«lion,de»I(njed lo moot tbemlillc wmt lor a barmksH btir droning uxAtgtoratWo, It *cta like magic, coramencinK

at tbu vurj igoU, rcinuies DaiidrufT and tillurn frum tbo scalp, acd sever UlU to

. „ . j r e s»y o' f>'Iod tiair to tb« original coloraud tho nun, rich tnd glosNy »ppe*r*oc* oCvoutb. 1); It* oce«iluu»l uio falfinB of tbolimr is imucdiaUily checked, ind a luiurlmtaud beautiful growlb o! jourg lialr induced.Tliocsquisite perfume ind tho purity of itscoinpoBitioEJ*-* biRbly appreciated, and M Itis uotadje and docs cut itiin tba skin orilolblag, it la • growing ;»»tritn of Ibo toil01•ble wcrvTbere. Buy a bottle from your

JruBRfet, Voaght k Killcorc, Dover: Onm.Hauce A Co., l"ort Oram [ F. N. Jenkins, OLei-tor i W. 8. Cli»rd»Toyu«, btiDhopu, and («»tils merits.

Wltb a take of Glenn'i Bnlpbur Ba»p and aoouinodioQs bith-tub. tlie victim of thronie

itincousornptioM can improvise nulphurtli. which DO professed bilhing eiUbliih-ouloan •uwplv? Bold it Dmsgiati. Hill'i

Uair ind Wbiskar Dye, black orliroTrn, 60 cti.

Stlttnck'a l 'almoule Kyrup,EOK TBE Cum or CoKsnurnoif, Couana ABD

Co Lot. •••Tbo Rrekt virtun of thii rncdleino IB that i tpem tbu nut tor tod tiirow» it out of tlio^Blem, jmriflce tbo bloul, tod thui effccti •>


Tue Tonic produces t uekltbyilonmcn, crcotmg an appetite, Ioind cntiag tbo most obitinale c

DyslT-MIl, iNDlQUTlQK.Ac.Tue Tonic produces 1 liealtby notion of the

Htomucb, crcotmg an appetite, forming cbjlo,nd enrio tho oat obitinale CMOK of Icdl*


Tncso pills i ro aftenilvo, and produco %_CRltbv actlDO of Iho liter without the lenitUaiiRur, • • (bu; are free from calomel, and retmore efficacious in restoring % healthy action\*X the Urur,

Tlit>«c lofflfillsn ire a wrtain mn for Coq-lutupllcn t t lbo pQlmonlc Brrup rlpons tboaaiUr MB& porifiei the blood. The S m d n i o

Pilli act udon tbo livor, tre.te a liealtbj bile,and rtmovK all dineisoi of tbo liver, often *

DUIO or Comumptfon. Tlio Be* Wood Tonloivee tonn aud itrength to the utonuob, makesffood dlcoHlion, tnd cnablea tbe or»u> to •

rorm ROOU blood ; and tbu* orcitcB I ncallliy'irculstion of botllliy blood. The oomblnfflaction of tbfio mctlicImVu thus expUincd,will cure every case of Consumption, if takenin time, nud tho use of the mcdlcinea par-

^Dr. Hcho'ncit Is proreialonally at hIB principaliGko.coruerfiatb ind Arob BtB., PliUidelnhfa, .jverv Moudav, wbero all Jetton lor advicetnuit lie iddro*ecd. Hchoack'a medicines torlaleby all PrURgiiili.

FerEona deilriug to viiit tbe I

xutniTiDK, the great American IndustrialFftUco—tho lirgoit, ertndcit, and most com*plole exhibition ID tbe world—at IlieCnilcn-uial Riouude, PhilBdolphla, » n ecenreexenr-ilon tickets any diy, on ipp)ic*tlou. to the•*llw*T iff cut, at ereatly rt-t1u»d rates. TIJONBwhD are vlnitlnff the oil/ should bear thU In

' and profit by (be atrangemont. ~ .

FLANDERS, • . . - \ •The M. E. Sabbath Bohool held its monthly

concert exercias'last, Sunday evening.'' Theattendance was good and eo were the «xer-CIBCB. ' ' " Tbe^'emple of Truth," B> piece wellcalqulaUd to illustrate the nteoluta neccasityif rcpentaacj to secure on entranco to the'Temple," was well carried out by lEgsen

Fannlii E. Howell, Jennia BovercJgD, MarySTDongall, Ada Sleight, Mary Martin andMatilda Alpaugb on tha part ofihe ladiet,and Messrs. Geo. W. "Wontwortli, Sainuel

lli&iuu, Philip T. Sowers, UenryHopler and Gideon Wack on the tho gentle-men's side. Tbis was followed by a loctare

tlie important Bnbjdot of temperandg byE. E.- Fatter, E«i.'i of Port Oram.. Thespeaker-eloquently and forcibly presentedtbo progress mado by work done in the greattnd good eaoBe and argued with cogency tbaiced of a 'prohibitory law to strike tho rumtruffia'from existence. Hoheldthe&udlonoo

close attention for Uu-ee-quartcrs of anur. Pflino exprcRsedf preference for Mr

Potbr's jcctnro na compared wiUi that of Mr.Mnrphy. Ho certainly has the qualificationsif a Bucoewful pnblio speaker.

The'annnal Eeliool; rrioeUnR wnsw«l] at-tended. Mr. James Dafford was chosenluairroan and Mr. Banmd 'Whita van eltsUidtraetea. Stops wore taken to ro-lasttre tbeinilding. : ' • - • ' "

Sigma in his short ortialg saveral vookgago bad na refer onco to tho young 'peopleliving in tho Immediate vicinity of Flanders,and by d a w ' inquiry I find that bo la sotqulto certain that any referred to lire withinthe village bounderioB of Succaflanna, Thisstatement is.mnde IUBB .wrong'lmprettdansmay ba tire rcauH of my last, for tbe writingof which I bad tbe beot of authority. Thosefho chargo tho vov DE FLUKE fiigina to a

professiDnal aro mlEtnienj therefore theycan pass the doctor without judgment.

nt was a mean thief who ntolo a flnolargo dtron from tbo gtirtlen of Ur. SamtBAbel and when he found out that It was i|iita watermelon bad not decency enough to re-turn it, as l i r a A. bad. mado considerablereckoning an that particular vegetatila. '

At tho conclusion of the exorcises in theDbckwell Street M- E. Sabbath School,- onSunday afternoon lu>t, the following woro of-fered and ndopted by a rinlng -vote :'

KBOLVED, That the sincere thankn „.nnbool bo tendered to tbe Cover Baud

for the excellent' munic which addedmuch 1o the ploiuuro of Ita recent eicursliand pic-nic; and bo It

ItEooiTED, • f l iot oar thuukfl lie s l u etended to Mr. BenJ.-T. Iliion foi furaiidilugmenns of ' conveyance and in other -wayscoudaoing to our eujoynient; and ba itfurther ,

RMOLTEn, That we'giro cxpreMlon.ofgmtitude to the many othen who in vnricHwwnys contributed to mako our plo-ujo the

Ipiodauccessitprovedtobg, ..••. ..

i Tba Sabbath School or the McFarkn structM, E. Church will moke a. canal excuntiontoMcCainsviUe DO Wednusdaj next, and enjoytheinsulves in the UBUBI manner.

And u wbolexome diet at tbl* icaion of tha..,_. u.»y speed ily c«rrf you to tbe gnvo.Wrkor1! Ginger Tonic, by ilicorrfetive aetlou

i the entire dlRPBtlveipjinratua.wK/ cot onlyifiillnulr care Disrrbosi, Dysentery, Choleu,

Cliolcm lutnuium, Co]ic,Cr»nipii,Wp»inif, etc.but will pretent thoae dan^rous disordersTromatUcltiiiH tlio ivsUra. it maj aav« fourUie, trul ihfjuld alwa'yv be Jiept iu Die henrc.Tliliplcixkul reiindj it uneqaalL-d IT Uetli-mg cuiltiitm or Damtig uiath'.-rM. YiMvauUtg

" • • ' al virtues of other vnluoblo

, _ . jupurior to EMHUCCBof GiUK-r,iritbtiut tti«ir coustipaliiiK cfTooti, and wLliumoreinflgormtlnjr titan iiqnom iiovor intoif-» t e i , our CHBUB an; desiro for ttimolsut*.It cures Dvipepsis, Heartburn, Hour Htoniiicli,otc, euMit you to enjoy tbe fruit* and veg-i tablet of tbe I ess on wilbout feir, and Kivu«jomferttDd e«BP after «lieirly meal, ifuy A(1 bottle or your UruKKlit, Vuugltt & Klllcorr,Dnror; Orwn, IInoco k Co.. l'ort Ortm ; F. N,

oltiiiB, Cuuitcr i W. 8. Cbardaruyne. 8lau->po, or • isniple buttle at 15 els., and tett»uitraardinwv mcriti.

The Amcrlc*n TcoB^e.

Na people ia tbe world Bufler »i roooh withDyipupila *i Ataericam,- Although yean of•-—lunce In mfldldoe hid failed to »ooom- ,

a certain and suro remedy for IhUdlaoiieind Ha eSocli, such as • ur «ttm»oh, Heirt-iurn, WHai-bruMh, Sick Uadtehe, OoBtfTe-iii , palpi tntlon of tho Utarl.LlverComnikJat.mlug up of tbe rosd, loir spirits, generalibillty, «tc.,' yot ilnco the Introduction ofHours AUGUST FLO WEB we believe tliore is noie or Dyspepsia tbatciouot be Immediatelylievud, 30,001} dozen told lint ytisr wlthouEie cflso of filluru rjporlod. Go to jour dmtr-at, VOUKIII 4, Kilfirore, aodRot w. aampla - 'ittle for 10 ceo ;s and try II, Two doioa willbore jou. ItcgaUr alia 70 cents. : ' . ,

Delay* mn Dangjarou«.£-If tblB ftXtom la. .troo respectiDft tbo ordiniry aOalri or life, ilill,mare bbrfouily to u rogtrdi tlie exlgencloi ofiuprmchlng dlaoise. UnnaeitlonablyI Tot'ow aunt nrglect to praotlotUv recognise this .<U(D trulb TiEen bcaltb Is in the balance. Ot,lie miDj premonitory lyrDptomiofdneiu »

backing conuh la the moat prophetic or. peril.Arrest It U flje outset with Dr. Wiibart'a PiueTree Tir Curdfaf, tnd to avoid, Coniumptfon,Bronebltis, luflarntuation of tha Lungi, Coldi,Gougfai, »nd, Indeed, all AOoctions of tba.Bnplnitory Organi aro ontlroly enren by thisBovoreieu remedy, wblch »lertertdto»te»Dti-penala, Gravel, Ptina, NCITODB Debilltv, Torpid-, 'fly of tbe LlTcr, Uriuarr BiDlcnltlei. Oonali|i>,<(ion, Par t i t ion of Ae fleirt, tterotnleas •>-.Affection*, and tbe Inflnullioa poculiai-to tbegentler tex. Thii Cordial derives Hi virtues' ;from tbe vegotable kingdom, and It Inflnlleljto be preloma, both on account of ita ipperiorufucscy ind freedom from mmsebuB ind inln-rtonu propflrtlca to tbe offlcm] drngi io oftenedmjntalorcd with DO oltior effect thin to offand -tbe p«Ut« Knd dUordertbeitoiaacb. The 1*1 no. „Troo Tar Cordial o n a(wavi bo rolled on to do .what ii oUimod^ftir^U^^ld Vj all drugglilB,



B B II £ £- B ft R B w


•. ™a;l».>>.-

. I i eziiibltiiig aa olcgutt stock or*



Household Ornaments.

Confectionery,«lway» pnr . and frofib.


BLANK BOOKS,Stationery. &c.

/ ' Thflhestbmnas'of .




17-tt DOVEll , N. J.


All ORABES and STYLES onband to select from.


orV*rit«-Vor price-lilt.

N. H. WHITE, *41 BROAD St.,


<?PP. l i . * B. B. B. DEPOT.


Be*t and Xn>t Economical Mode ut llrao-mtlug uur FartlAU; Exkato-U-d Soil.At tie July meeting vt ihe Ea-itru

EijK-rimeiiUlFiirBj Club, at Wt- t <irt>v,\

the following pt t l** r o u l l l i s •'•ilt'Jt'rt B l "iwul b j Tbotua* Wood, \\\>.-t M:<tlljt.r-

•Il ellun-U'J,


"'THURSDAY. Octoter t t h .


Wl.L-ii soil* becomeas DWirl.v all tbe farms iu «--•t**i mill Si*titliiiru ^nn*blvr 4fifty jeara ago, rcnuy Wuicitii>r.,vtil their lauds In limiiii.K rl'iVt-r aud l o w i n g it J»-jin;cti 'i! uwtc-outiuiii-il mid

ticl. *

*»itli U

u tL.-ii,ase t l i t 'tLi i >i •

r:<i otht-

until guutio was tliifiiruicnt lioiight auilVji j i l i i i ilnht-at crops. I t uctuit-i] t'» iticji ifcliici Ijut so too fc«ui tan i<!<-did t u t imiirove tbc-ir soils wtii-iVtori-! | u l .Jy. As guano bec-Jine sturrur aiiO dearer j (h'*'Himtutaeturtd fertilizers fo l low^ . Ma- j »l*.inv fumifTB bongbt and ajiiilieJ tlietn amitLe practice of flowing in g"'«n croj>,nearly ctaiied, which I think was L J ' Ipolicy, as it appears to me with all tin-money expended in tlie jmrclasc ami&}i]>tica.i(.<n ul the manufacloml fertiliz-ers t l « productiveness of our farms bav«not increased BO fust a s nuder tli« grtcucr.ip system. In my own experieucr Ihuv«) Ixjen more suecessfnl iu ibcria-Mii;.?W«JJS bj- pJuiriog down clnverfcvt;uaf:orllie firat crop was taken ofTtiiiin by l i enp|..ication of pbosp lu tw or gnxiudbrnip, and surely i t ctisf 3 loss. I «:" a ' -

riicjht ready lometimta tu think I'lal t hu•whole artificial fertilizer Ijiisiutss hiuK e n on UDfortuuatc Ibing (or the iarin-:i»K ink-rent. When we we hy the re-1ports of tliB hut two ceuMts that ourluuds in eastern Fenrjs\ivauiu, whereteuH of tfiousandi ofdcJfcih. l a r e h te t , ,expended in w ra"ed ft-riilizers, thai Inot OIJI.V the production of grain de CkrkV Ofice,creast-9 but live tUxrk also, anO the do-cruase is quite comiderible io holh.Now tbnre are several economical rjjode*vt increasing fertility. Tlia plowing»Jo%u of clover alter a growth nf tj e n r s when roctfl become large ; bayingand feediEK large quantities of braD , in-creasing tho ilFe stock, particularlyohtujj and swine ; liauling into theiryards nod JWBS all kinds of substuncesBailable for raaDore, as muck, soil.gruss,

leaves, veet)&, a i ra« , fodder, potato l<iiiB'1 in fact all kind.* ot vegetable wroiabout tlie farm. B u t do it before 1Dfcions seeds are ripe, still better iu1<Hie soiliDg Hjstem. There ace two vimport not advantages in it; Srsi, thgreat increase in the quantity and qiity of manure, and second, t be keej;of about twice as mtich sUtck on tinearae amount of land. Iu tbiathera wbo (oand ft profit greater than all tadditional outlay for labor, etc. A SiStewart, of Hasnacbmett*, nays I hbave practiced soiling for three yeaiaedfiod it a benefit both to land aanimals. In my experience I find thioneacru is equal to (oar acres 11age. The manure thai is saved by tbisystem more than pays till the eineniattendant npon it. aud the saving of lea-cea would, in raany localities also pay alltlie expenses. Tbe increase in tbo valuof aDimnln V(!t>t is abont ttiree folj,this system I nuke $500 a year more tbniby tbo old system of pifttnniffc. Tbent fo'lder for the purpose of soilinggrasa, oats, com auJ rye cut green.IIM been dcmoBstnteJ. that ono ocroland in a goodBtftte of cultiTntiou iviafford uaSciefit fodder fur tlireo canthe season, ' One member of tbiseiution at leant, is now pmcticiug Lh<Boiliog Bj«tem. He removed all theside fences of liii form, except his yiand pens, and keeps fifty bead o[ calwhere only twenty were formerly ke[iand after a triol of three or four yearsliiglily pleased vitli tbo change,' Sgentleroen, I mnet any, thin lueationthe deterioration of tbe Boil' is of woniroportnnco than any that baa ever cotmt>efore tills clab; and onr attcntiehoalil be more forcibly directed on thisubject; a more efficient, prsdent, nVfal and scfentiflomcMlo of cullivatiinail renovating tba soil is absolutely hiliflpennflble io the fattire prosperityonr calling and our Stute. I won!iera recommend oar farcocrs to try tniUtioo, as maoy item* might bo fitially irripted vitli little expariBG.iincreaue considerably tho grass crovhich now in Eastern Fennsylvaniitbo important crop, and f bo oue hecalouiatod to keep up t ie fertility of tlsoil. I once llred on a farm i n tcounty wliicb had nearly two mitesditch for the pnrpose of irrigating lanot only along tlie one strcntn bat ?conducted in long and high troughacross a larger Btzeam and its I01for watering the higher grouoda on thiBtream also. The whole constructedquite considerable' cost, which I tbialan the owner was quite a"wonld noTerhave bcon incurred with-out previous sobatantial evidenco of Ihtgreat bonefits of irrig^IioD, Tlie satrnsystem ww formerly practiced nileastern Pennsylvania and sevenl otliiStates BnecessfaUy. I am not yetclear on flhat some call old fogyism bitbat I would recommendbeing mode in that direction now in ouday. The facilities for getting vaterton tha high lands are much greater tbthey were a hundred years ngo. W<now fiave the (team eogine, wind pumj

"bydrafllio ram. as3 eten siphon:cisterag may ba constructed to fucilitalthe process of irrigation, BO tuat miland that ooold not under tha old pyiteia be irrigated might be now. Soiof our western plains, otherwise entirol,barren, are rendered profitably prodiUVQ by artificial irrigntion. In movimy yard this Butnmar I foand thrc<times as much grass in tho samoainotmlof space \fliore tbe water had spread f ronthe conductor of tho house roof. Eve:in ordinary seasons I think, we adoahh oar haj crop by irrigation,often oar grain crop too. I also fnvo;tbe use of gypsum, particularly o;


SLoeal h i s Journal




KEill A X S f i L CLEAI'.UiG K.tLEOF



liss!, Casiiic 2 : . fcmls! SUITS,I Farasols, ebo.! J«Jr uiii. 1*77. DOVER. Pi, 4.

IAI:OS l'JUiEr.T'iOS,Wir I I\M DF.I.I.T' S; AKrt MS.

j . . , , . ({'"ITi^'i'i'A'j"'

In Chancery of New Jersey.TO WM:I;W T. I I \TE- . \V.U.TKK ^. LOG AS*

*:,•! Jfiia. W.ttrjJB K. LytflX

H V virtue of u i onlt(.'hapi-..ry of Sew nftbe d-it" ht-TfcOf, iu n caus' L ' i i IiKH

of tlit Court y, iuwle ou tb

i, d jou

rt rcquind^-trtu ttt-he i*th dayll U takt-u

bars tli.f'*tnljiit.-i, vou

if (Jclobei iiTit, or the hftid billj> uijiiIiiiTfil against J O J .

The <iiid bill i* fil'--d to foreclose a certainiiortyd^c- givtn IIT Ijiltoy S. (love tu L.

i-'»rilham (.Virwin, o'li lands in Koibury town-.. ilorris CVwnty. >;. J . . d*t*d lite-mba

!iJtL, ibTl. and rtconli-d in tLe llorrtt CountytxHik V 'i of Mortgage,

.- „,.,, „ . . , -..d you Andrew T. llatts are\t- a d>'fendaijt bviiiuhi- j"ou own t>aid\s orKOtne imrt tlier*f-C : aud you Walter

8 Logan are ui&dc a rleft-adaat because youowu hiid IAUUH or eonie part ther--«f j andjou 3In. Walter 8. Logan ore wale a dv-

V."ft!ttr B. Logau, iind by reavon thereof mtuLaiiu to hare uiiae iaUrt i t in w d laiids.

SElfiHBOVIl A W1ITJI,Bnli^ii'jrs of Ci>ui|'Uitiint,Dover, MomsCoautf .S .J

Dilt-J Ac^oit "tli. 1577.


Subscribe at Once!

In Chancery of New Jersey.To JOSEPH WILLIAMS nod JAKE liU wife.

' virtue of an onl?r of the Court ofCtiAUcer? of N.w Jersey, made 00 tlie

day of the dale hereof, ia t cause wbtreiaBobert F . Oraui 1* complainant, and youJoseph Williams and Jane Ins wife art de-

' inUi. you nre required to upjioiir amiL Bttsutr or demur to the bill of said

or before the lM day oftlie eaiJ bLUwill tw taken





. BlaokweU St, Dover, N. J.

Now aiitl ahr»;i on huti > cotopUU lino o!


STOCK/ In eteiy ode< of tLe above dopnrtmenU, in

; • bracing the beet ffoodj, which arc sold nt:.tb« lowest ntetj < "Wo have not Biiaco to• ennmet&t* bni wilt satisfy any who will• ^ • T o r u ^ r i t l i ' U ' ^ * '

$55 to $77'110 OUTFIT FBE1!.




178 UALTIO ST., BBooKt-vs, S. T.. I

il. R. SncvtK*. TJU\.Dear tiir: -yrnmlH^KODiiiwncfltrertlTCilb;

1I1 UHC, •<« well i t Ironi in-rHunat tnowicJge olihvfb wbL-tii! carts tbcrcuj hire tC'Cmtd *lp(i(mrtcainas, I eta juost Ijt-urtjly an'l sincerereummi;lid the VcK tiDu Tor tlio com^Iaiulft-bichIt il clumiid (ocorn.

JAMES P. LUDLOW,Laid l'aitor Calvary UiPtim Clinrcli,

fiacrampnio, Cml.•\-EflETINE is iirepared by H. 11. STEV.

EN'S, lioatoa, Maw. For wlo l y all Druggistu. 38-4i




ddrcHibymtil , ltf



CR0SS"7siTnnrCRESCENTt 1 . P. DItOGKETT. UuToli i l i t i l d l f l

1 . P. DItOGKETT.Kjcili, political, *t,d rtlfd Hlttorj of tlm ItuBi

r th ht i

By t ie emu' c BitftDgo

lUrliiL-K t u u ,irkt* cadioor the wir, niighty isUruMtHiko; Biuffripliitii of Ituiorn, etc. HjulilT

. ntr*teii: For Lortni, nldrcua qnlcViy. HUBBAUD BROS., I'ubt., 783 Sin«on. 8 " "delplnt. P». • -•

RUPTURE.TIIOBO wisblnjr Rollafand Ccro rorllDFnJ

*Q\\V\ eomult Dr. J. A. Bbprniin,. 3SttUr(iaKIT, Kow York, or wend fur Us neF book, wit!"'joioftnplik Hknatuxan nt b*A casei hnfer,_J<1 »lttr enrs. Ikwtro of eliantii who prctcmto Turoiab Dr. Shcrmio'i treatment.

ODD tif tiicio followi.fc oortniD clerk, mcalling Ulmwif Dr. W. G. Cr»mt>lei.,!• Inulctou compuint ot Dr. B. mil awaits trial Tor Toigery irifl i*n)ljp/zlijiTi0ut. •* S

Q a n f n r r i ' c T l l (1 »K1T combination ot t

Aromatles and French Brand-io t dellotom, hartnloiB, «htrengthcniiig sulinttlnte Tor

, , kinds of iiimulanti, ItprampiJamaica r*»|.D |.wi. ;vo™™3

of Indlgtatiou, correct* » l ldtnrbancti ot the Htomncli mliovrcli and e nre iC ramp i, OhillF a U l E . Anil fi


nd e nre iC rain a UalarEa.G


Uli RHdlory ofCoranianUm aud Ti»'U o n B y tlio popular nutlior Hon.. J, '.Headier. AU cliBSetfrint thtithoak, iUpictlnth fen of terror In ten Btitci. The ben

k for A con Is. Hovrraadv. QGOra£«!i3 IlluBlratidnBji, Bond SO coofa for outflinil territory, t . H. TUBAT, Pabliihcr, rroadwaT, S w X r t 8 8 *

dier. AU cliBSetfrint thtithoak, iUpictln£refen of terror In ten Btitci. The ben I

MuliinR book fo A I H d QOS3 IlluBlratidn

l i t . H.Xort.

County Surrogate's OSes.AUQUHT 201b, 1817.

VtrotTr Df Cluirlcgi1}}., decV Burro-gatt's Order tn Limit Creditors.

O H ajipllcalion or tbe abova-named AdniniIrator, it it ordered br tha Hnrrofftta Ik

iaid AilniinlHtntor film l'ublic Notice to tlcreditors or tlio eatato oriild decodont to britin their dubta, demaniln and claims sfrninst tbiBdinu, uudcroatti, wltblD nloe roontlit from BCttinK up acopy oMtals order, wltlitwonly daji hereafter, 111 OTO of tlic mmitniibMe placei in llio county ot Uorrli for tw<

-• 1, tudi lso ffltbln tbe said ttrc

iniceofUpio (llio Sorrogilo Iti'Iglnjr xay furllier notice .ID bo aauuceMarj); and If an]creditor aball nrcleot to oxblbitbli ur ber dcdemand and clalro within tlio iiid periodnine niDDlbR, publfo nnllco tolnp giveniforetaiJ, BUBU creditor ibill lie foioilubarred zt bin or liur aetiita tbxrefore aeaitthe laid AdmlDiitrator.

E. E. WILT,I9, BowA traoenpy from thi • •• -

Frtekte*. Tan, tlollipaicti,all discoJoratlons or ttiofiblD.

Il isporrcetir HARMLESS, whl DDIinjore. tbenhio tu (bo Bllglitcit.illacd acoordinfr to directions, am]wul iiiruly tlo tin wot It, leiTfoc tlrioupleilon iraooih and clear, riftoenUabnttto. Bold by •IIJmiCK!«ti,.at tbo Urlok Dmn Sloro, Vf. H.Qoodalo, DoTer, N,J.

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!.'fitr nal

ei, wbcrein HenryurJ and Jllflun Foul, truatoci under tbe tailil and IbKtamcnt at Henty A. Ford, due <I,

ere cmuphiuonta. and Cl*nda II , Oipnon*rid Asa Ilia 11. Oinnoni lili wlro wero fo<

tndants. Itbtarnsfilo fo, Star T T H J . A. Til. JACOB VANATTA, Bol'r.

Tlio •«)• on Wiiatr or tba »boi(fn»nif(J p.ritei adjourned to take ptaeeat IUB UNITED titlTSS[OTEL. In Mtirri.towD, N. J.,on -' •

MONDAY, Sept 17th,877, between ibo bonra of 13 M. and 5


4'IALOefiUl 'PLYJnftt received ..{rccUrA . IrcmMICHlOAS, ielocledbyCol.iltiwre. In ponoa, Bail curcfnil? TO'dmaoiirenly for Scud, fr«e from Jtyp, Cocklo anIOIIOUU wotli. IIr. Uaava toys ot It: "rill Had II Die ilonnl I crer aflnt to Now Jer-

f , tnJ all railed t>r one tntrj." Tliia Cela-ited Wlitat hai alrcidy cnlaMiilioiI a rcry;b rujiptaliwi, an1 fi truly a Mlaabln icqyif-KIO lo onr ccreali i s it .mifita onr io*BreDICN. Yields moro Iirgoly, wltli a ntllTuran-, thfmcr liran, and fl produces a whiter

t l i u tde old Tnrlotio". All unlera ad-WH,-V.W00DVARD.

• . - • - • • . • ' Nowlon, K. J.frocblra prompt ntltrjilon. SQ4v-,

I Old rPlicOr'lentkrvs

I'upulu Frtaclieri,

IkKik«;To Hire or Let,Ofliws,Fir*i Fluor,Canemtnt,To Parcbart % Tet—

MankejBicodbFtcetmIV) Hire

Mire," ' or Bear,

mndurt ipiu,101 Fits,1 a H*ll,

iHiWer ot Cm.'An Elezaot CirrfiRC,An Opaloot U^rriagi;Clay, Concert or Ball,

Tu avU'ui sty creature*UianKiL"1"Pearli,itingt.Cnrlt,Wasb for their fealaroH,To trayxny ctid IIIIQKJOr dell anjr odd tiling,Citt,

._ .eMoraFloonce ,A CJTC fur DioeatG,Abindy Yaline,

Or are proneToroakekoownYour State,UostelryDry OooJa,Uptiolitery,


I»cli,Hockl,I'orlmantcaa or Box,PiictlicoporOx,OroTonaKaon—Thooina triceTake iho advice

'riUcn below—


Clolbci rciiht mInureuc of Trade,Coal*, Cnko anJ Wpod,I ' i t i

All klndi gf Food,Wurkt on Tbeulogy,tfapic. Ailroher,Wt«ltb o r l'«licitv,

* tide Publicity,


lilrli nr Colbri,D-iy Lollars,

Houses tu Bout,tHoro, Tcucmcni.CaitH to be Lvnt,Casb to bis Hieat,rtccot,Tiinl,.Ionian Cement,GoBead Ibo ail vicePar boy.iml priceWrittca below—



BOOK a n l JOB


U-.-«t,jswl asjald bill iis fi f l

mortgage gm>ii fay vou, Jofit-jih Williamsami wife, to »^iil Iloliert F. Oram, on lauds_ ihe Loo-iislisp of Rnndoli.b, Morris County,

X. T., dit-d H*y L»'Rh, A. D. 1R7U, *nd yonh Williams ore made » defutiAnt, be-TOO own Raid mortgaged prcmifieo, andatie WiUiitm are m.vlb n dcffiidant

bj(«use you ara tbe wife o ' said JosephWilliams an J ninj d u n to IIATB some inter-cat iu said mortgaged premise.

NElUHllOUlt 4 Sil lTII ,. Solicitoni for Complainant,

Dover, SrorriH Co., K. J.Dated August 1st, 1S77. 33-W




Goods, CaslimoTi^, S' :p&, Brooidcs,

; Diagonals, AJ|Sawjoing, Kid.*, i c . >"ov«liit-s aw »Jilfrotn time to time a* Uity sppcnr io m a r tIu WHITE GOODS, a very full line. 11111chsstd Of importers «aJ at icc-nus, aud FOIBALK CIIEAt*. Domestics. Sheeting, TicksSfairtinp, Stripes, Uentius, Frinls, r -"

Ln». Giwitwau. Ac. Th^ reo.nt a-bduuirEtic* could iiot be- nuttaiued.idi of fjna<-lsan>tiaaivwlii>t!o*eriuul KJIUi chtdi^'r tLAZt before tiitf AJ[ Ltji [irints are nulling at T rfs. j«.-r yardi } wide DSCS* CAUUJJIC, n«w stylu amors fur « cla. Oiir LV1IGE CAltPiTJ

HOOM is fuUy .stocked withCA.UPET3, OH. CLOTHS.


Full lino DHCBRELB Cistcr, Imginnicg


g; of relia-

liP y&nt good oi^itttitint; of r i a

ble maker in good styla for $1 . la rge linINGHAINS beginning at > eU. jwr yard,usortmeut very large, and prices lower thanfor uiauy ytans- We ku^p the best goodsmndi> in this conntry.. We mauurf apart-

itft, make and lay carp*to, out and iit oi]h l i l e u m t t i l u l o anditf, y p

cloth, linoleum, matting, lb l A d t

> and }u , ing,A c , ftfld guanntee k fit

Our aaionmeut in all departtueaU itrgiT thna can be found ouUife the hugeitita, sot] ao ouo oadsre^Us u& Exmuina-

Uon of goods and prices requested.


Jlorrifitown, N, J. , April 7iht JB77.

fork 'if tlio a«<id ready iile;

Agonta ^tToiaiod!For ilii* ComprebensiTB, SujKfrblr Illnatnl

liis'»r» 'if Oil pr(-»i*rtt moinnatniiii airiiSL'litthe Ei«t. It* acciratc ilapn, Plans and ma(rli-K»iit ?;nKnrinci are & ipecial a Graplii'! Hiitorv of each Cunolrr, wliVfa*ijric aurl Ot(cnptl™«kelc(iBi at tlie prirtlieiiianncni, jticturcsqne ca«lomi and ilniatiuliftoflhe couUstauU. De:ctiU« tbi

DREADFUL MASS'ACnE OF CHRISTIANlIn BnlKorii; tbo Fright I ul Turkish AlrnuilIu otlic pl.iRR? ; llii' I'pruins t>[ tljp mjuwfUerz<g€viat. It giro* the Hnrrinp Bill

id TlirillinK Iuciiloot.of t i e war, auJ [i *loat TarcinatiuK andciciling work 'if tlii

'fu^ueeint Book* now ready.Alco AgeoU Wanted on onr OUAti'fJ CO]


150 Olstinct BooksjfUnircmllntercsl . It incladc* ARrlcnmUIu«t*plti(.nl, Hlatontal, KeliaioUB and Mine.lantousWurlit. *[tli RiE«,Tit)u and Dcec.iptiiof eacb Bunk, Rpecimca Fdgr<s and HpcciniJlliiBlrailonR. Kak-a taarto frnni tbli I'roipcrwbun all Ktngle books fnil. Also on oar

FINE FAMILY MULESEKGLTHn and QEBXAN, P1LOTE3TANT atUA7H0LI0, wiib invalQiblo itlnatnUd aan J f upcrb blndincH. Nearly IdOmlei. Hnrior to all o t b m anil luOiapcmabU to e nrannljr. lartlGiibrtilrcc, Addren

JOIIN £ . 1'OTUEH i CO.. Pulitlnhrra,86-ly I'lULADELPUl

tKAN « F BEAUTY J!fi nd foremogi

bum naiin regard to huuit

Il d f l i i

MAIllUN'B UltKASI U P UJcliarmiDg, llcinly it Urn*, an

I nmkR nr society Tlirj»<i to nlhi»Lcca';

•grrcabletoiti-t article bouwn Agtbc"Cr(of BCBOIV," vhirh has bt-cp in tm<laccd I otocountry(i>T>T? A ffrp-TT.ooJtbnrhirmliiR ipiilt.-aliuu, wbich banlubcii ill

4 l fon ' f IdtTOWII, VCttt*K4 tAU, irOCHlGV, mialoration. from tlio iiklD, lo.viug 11.tic]

cam leslura clrar. Tiilreiv find imoatli. Ho!t y j . i l . HI1OWH, liwiir, II. J .

1877. SPRING. 1877,













READY-MADE SUITSof my own manufnctnraaa


KTXIA Call and BOG thorn.

P. U. UOFFMIAX.UorriitowD, March 15th, 1677.









Morris County Mntual

H0EBIST0WS, N. J , .

OliArtorodl Isa. 1O4O.





JA3. M. BONSA1L,: Seo'y,

N. j .

Life anil Plrc Irianranca Cowpiiij. Ibjit ,tlil>pahllo »cknowlf dBtncti t bo mide of th«i«ceip^

them this d»j or tlio fall imonnt of thsincn.(|l,EMJ oil tbcBon(b 8t»ofICborcli,

witliuat rebate of intercut, for ] O I I b j the OreIIIB lOtli Imt., »Bd to oipniM oar g n u r o l

ipprccUtfon of tholr HboriUna prompt action.H. O. HAIWH,^

Traaaorar Sonlh St. Pretty teriin OIIUKI),7f J J


F"MS«°.Jffi:'.'i.!g.°cS'"l8llU'Pl'a''LI0HT BAT H0B8E,"

t bind root wblta aDd'a Wwte alar la fa:

'SftSS n; K, J,

Freeman Wood,FIHB



DOVEB, IV. J..'g*ll; .uttiorized .geut of'tbo folletrlpt; lint '

r l u . compaalefl—tlie b««t in llie world:


HUME, Capital i±\mH,W


Cajilal 810,000,001



Capital 310,000,001


Capita] $5,003,00

HOME, - . . " 000,001

STAB, Jersey Citj, " lOO.OO


• Capital (900,001

STANDARD, Trenton, " 300,001

PEOPLE'S. Nenark, . " BO0.0O

HIBERNIA, " • " 200,00




Choice Lots in Dover,Icrzaia tltetp, tad

* • * . • & *

. Freeman Wood,Jnatlcs cC the Peace and Palloe M& lit,


W00DP0RT, MORRIS Co,, N. J»-mli l t old eiUWiihtd Hotol •• oaen far thaJ . anil I* MrtleiUrlT ilMlrabio for tlw«e •

a retired iiirotuer reildincB. flltnalodal tl ._offjle UapttOiiaif It* Ititart* ot We* ao4 taouiUln larue'r, Bicellnnl bunlluK aqii nililuK. anil tlflrivcamakalt omurpwied bjooj-ln "•-* ---•For ptrtlcuUra ul J>*M u iboTa.



lias a oouploU) itftcl of


Builders' Hardwire,





Brass Band and String MusiiIrnm 1 to 20 piecn, for all DCUSIODI,

. SHEET MUSIC for brmsi baitdi ana all t(niof instruments wold. .32-tr . BUSHES STREET, Doras, N.

A L L E N & M O N I N C T O N



KAHtnuomnku or IKD SBILXHI IH '



i»ihporUble aDd brick wt. WE ALSO HAKE

PLUMBING WORKSPEOULlTf, and employ only praoUcal

PLUMBERS for tin bniob ot tho trade.

Plani tn^pcsISoitlont RITHQ if hen reqnired.

R O O F I N G , G U T T E R S , & C ,


""Wood and Iron Pumps and Pipe

BBAIN TILE, aS B!ZCB,ttingi or ill kfndi tor DMTES WXLL8,ir nwtiy yrwa «pBnenc8 lo tbeafeoTB trade

inabloi m to aiiert mtb conflilonee oar •bllityo do in r «•(! all work la thii Une or traJo to

mtlio latiaftctloQ ofttio eapluycr.


itliholory rofan'oce ^i««|. wbdn reqniraa.

taai, _ . ; a, Luomsiniis.




Gltiui's Sttlpltur SAMP, brides cradi*ftinp lociJ Jli^riitpf of llie ^kii]. bsiiisbis dc-at of tbe complexion, sad imparts to itratifying clearness and HAOOthricss.Sulphur liatlis are celebrated for coring

eruptions and other diseases of, the ilac, atveil as Rheumatism and GouL* Glentl'SSulphur Soap produce* the same effects;t a most trifling expease. This admirablepedficabo speedily beats sorts, bruises,3(aldf,

turns, jfrtim and cuts. It removes dindrttlm d prerecu the haii from falling out




FJUACi STO. \ i :S ,


WEANN'S PHOSPHATE,Cone Dust, GtiEtuu. Potnlrcltc,


WOOD sawed in etovo lengths.


Capital, - $200,000.


COLUMBfft IIEACII, Pfta't.JAY. 8. XltKAX, CwliitT.

' r> i u i; c x o u s,HUE I t i r i u n u , KIUH.UM Lisosu:y,




B g yClothing and linen used fn tbe sick roc

_ disinfected, snd disease* communicablecontact with the person, prevented by iu

"The Medial Fraternity sanction iu me.

Prices-25 and 50 Cunts per Cake; piBox (3 Cakes), 60c. and $130,

I( HILL'S HAIB ASD TTIIISEEB BIE,BJjuk ar B n w n , 3D Ccnu.




Dealers in




Glass War

W o o d & "Willow "War


Iron aad Steel,

tins Pipe and Fittings,



Powder , Fuse and Mlliilii

Materials constantly on


Cor. Blackwell'and Morris Slrecl

jiropcrtloi and materials, probilly tbe ...rare In line, surely tbe mo*. IUCCUMIJI cuiliJnatioo of m i i f i l y i / i y J J Jt t k

ypomI ^ to okUmoit alterative, lnvif;iirit.n(r and purify

— .nantfl (Uat c»n bu selectod from Ibo TOKObio kinpiora. Hold ty J. H, OROVK, Dover.

OKHOHKE'S MAG1O CATAI1HU '*£Xi>EtLEn Inilantl, dl^ulgon M i l «

ion. from tits Lead, i

tbcae datl- vA.* AAlllll catBtnii wluo orfjaoa to a natural aod Leiltliy cnndiHipurifyieg tbo oiroruivu hrualb, caimtcrautiuatl tho poisoning gaatB ortgiuatlDg in llie aol

"t':'5 K X P H L l E R i ^. : 5 . J i i i ^Dtlng bcallb, pleatoro, comfort, and hannMB fur tlm aufforar. and fortune fur tltcor

mator. f*nt br mail. Price 60 cl». AddiOSI1ORHK & Co.. 1*0 Ilrciidwav, Kov YoBold by J . H. BHOWN, Duver. N. ' i .

Frank Cox's


M fu-aU Uudj of freib a

Er«ryihlti({ of tbo beil ind tl

H ' Tlie beat in mar-

U. lag for

3k CENTS !por pound. All kinds of

^•VEQETABLES -«*roceired fresh orery day tipon tboir arrii

In market.

•STI have attached to mj hxwnciB at tlieStickle House Stables, Bcroso tbe vny,first-JSlius UVKltY STABLE and will ieon hand tl.11 Summer a flna iot o( drivin

MRS? £ . BEEMEBIs now r u d j iritb all tho nuw atjles for

SPRING-of 1877.'asliionable Millinery


Fancy Gf-oods."'" '** . THE , *"'


^ ntnxs iHo. &OTS&, » . J . .Tbo largont and moai complete itocli gf HU11-

DM7 Mil Pane? Good* to bo found In Doverjompriibs •- ; •;.-< ; . ;

HonnetB, ITats, Flowers, Fiatera, lUbiions; Lacci—realand iiuitfUfou—NeulLtier

' arid Bows, Collars,Lace and .Linen

(iu Crapes, fllournluff Bonnetsahdllolls.

A flne'asaoitracnt of

SWITCHES/ BRAIDS, 4c.Alw, a Tory Urgo rarlety c

ZEPHYR GOODS,And » A M itook of

Indies1 Furnishing Goods.erftUnff of tho I«B'S material andtnadotraHe moit competent auIiUnti,, :


Stoves StovesTHE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,JJhiUdls t reut , Dm-cr,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tlie latest and laiprorwl styles, frit

inciiuMicand jirivntc tniil.liusa. A largeassortweti! i#f Stun*, chi-ap t»r until.


STOVESf RANGES,i c . Also a variety of





| Capital,-S

l'Ue 3Zinei'-s' S.MingsOK liUVI'-K, N. J .

|WliT. ill" VIIK SiTKlSil. CMO.f IfAM

, t will bfiiiafi! mi ULIHIMI' i:i;i(lo rm-ti« liivl tlayiof JUi:t:ii, J t ' s t .hE£Haud lJtt-j.3in:ii.-OjK-u (ijily lr»tu K U 1 ^ . ^ . A. ti. tu

1 I A S A O E U 8 :


llY JlcIAi:\AN, Pr.milcm,fcl'in.AIM UNUMXY, Vii-t Prta

JAYS. Tlii'AT, r r f isunr ,cr.Feli, 17,I«73.



pr»![)arc«l iu furuisli KAHMEltH Brn in car-loud InU nil citro rjmlit; n


will [K auld r.t Inner ratcw tlmnIk- Iim' ul I IK- 3if,rr.» &. t .sc

' iu tlio bi-st tnsmntr mill i t the itii'uinotice. Highctt prices j»ald tor aJ<i Iron,

Cop,,or Uo.1 mill ]*ntcr taken in nclis

' ALEXANDEU WIOIITON.December 'lith. 1870.




RcpiTrtng cheaply done and varrnntetf.


E. & G, H. Ross & Brecse,oxxeui. nflr. un UFE

Insurance Agents,OlDce, Old lion Ilanu ISuilJiu

Morristown, N. J.OKO.] ] . Hoaa, BT£Final£i

A. J OOE, Collector,DOYER, N. J.

COMPANIESAmerican. Matmt IDS. CO,, sf K^wai

N.J., Assets over 61,00.000

MerohanU' Kntnal Ins. Oo,, of Kewai, J,, AseeU over 600,0(

Firomen's Mutnal Ina. Oo-, of NewarS. J,( issBt) CTOT 600,000nania Motual TOE. 0O., of HawaiH.J., Capital, • 100,000

JBtna Insnranoe Oompan, of EartfoiConn., AsBotB, 6,000,000

Ooctinental Insurance Company, of Hitork, Capital, ; 1,000,000

ttutuat Benefit J&tfe'Ina. Co., ofNewttH.J., Ami*, 6,000,000


Tho Utgcit BBSonmeDt of WATCHES AN:LOCKd botircoD New York and EistoiiAoothor groat redaction In WALTUAM

ELGIN and SPRISaFXELD VTATCUE3. TUqalck-irain movement, manufactured lu Rock-Tord, Iilinals, talios ilia IcaJ; tlio bcsl "

w riilway timn koewr mad?.


ll dc».<Hptinni. B^utifol do-BB3 of SILVER PLATED-WAIIK; evcrytlilorked ilown to UOT-1-UM PKICC. Aftei



EKOIIATIXQ NEATLY DONE., July 6tli, 1877. -

Adjournoa ZIAITB Sols In Cliancory nf Now Jorsey-FI. In. Tor BalemorlgaL-tid preralscB. Wherein Doraetua

id Tho Ironla Lot

ilmliiiEtratotii oirld Hbarp, litW. Dodcc, Titii

. Tim

B. Mt

Durneti, Jofin VauKom.-ind, Tliu Dovci

J"lin n . Piper, Tlio Kntjiiiia] Vn\oa IJanL oDwur, FrnEoU H, Frcenun, Jolm O. Hill," " " • A. Dronlifirld, Edward W. HobaW,

t iUcbwda, Iticliard QcargK James IIWilliam Smhli, JUMI.IJHI-.1RCi ant.

A. DoMntt arc dcrcDilanta. Ho-to Oulobcr Terra, 18T7. ,. N£IGHBOUl.A8Hira,Eol'n>.

Tho n io on Iwiiair of Uio aboveTnamod par-es, !• aillnurnod to toko flaco it Ilia UNITED:ATES llOTEL, in UurrlBtnwn, N. J., o

HOlOJAy, Sept., 17th,•a oM3 SliitnJ 5

McdJnni) J«h,lB77.'A. FllEJSMAN, Blieriff.7 3 7 l


NOTICE,Iberi littTlnR Kith'Tnwntbcir

•r^'-f—Inl'j n-qncBt tbat'aiMnil'olitedIbbm on boob acconnt will tall and ititUaaae liaaioJlaloli ut ai intont ln Doriir^.'

N.P. BUBNHAM'S "187d""WATER-WHEELa dooUrcd tlie " BTASDAnD TDRDINE," br

er GBO pmwini who n » u, p r i e ( . B toJuood.i » pwnpUlot, free. - • •

• i K. P. IlDnimAlt, York Pa.

Crescent Bone Dust,

Nortli River Barrel Lime.DCLIVEItCD A l DOVGlt.

Uuife'l'.Ht. SlrrVvt?'1Wr t W ' 1 ' r-n

Siirlb Jl(vi-rLi:tii|i WHIP. l>er bill.Ntirili JIJI'LT I-inii-]jinj^l>iiiitv|)crbb

I.ii.m tl.-livcrM to nnv )>-iiutuu tV.u\;,,?,\ >t 11J d ? . ,,,-1-1.^,-1.

A fine quality rjf WHITEWASH I.IME Oilbaud mid belli in nny qnauiitios.Order* will receive prompt attention. Address

B E K 3 I B K &. P A L M E R ,Furbnury Ctli, 1B77. DO\1i3t, N. J .

1.75u Cboslci-






.<: . H'HJTiJJL-K, . O. G.2J-tf HIMON

»* i\;

Dsvsr Savings


iWia . . . .

Hunry lialitr.M U U i l

The New EmpireIIot-,Ur, Gns & Rnsc-bani.

ing Onoktiii" «t'<v«.

FOIT SUMMER & WINTER USE.Al^o, 6 cliolca Rtocb of

llm'dwii'e, Uutlcry,aloes, Woatlcn, Copper, Tlaltt aud Japauatt


rpets, LBtheru,

CXplotflV.) Aafid, ^:DEA.L.EU UX COAL.

Uooiin^, Pluraliing and JoliWork promptly ottomlea to.


Oil Clolhs, Cbird Cages, Fu

l f ) A

turcr's prices;Old Iron, Oinptir, Brase, I^ad, Bapa anfQrceubacbs tak^n in oicbnnce Tor goodi.

• J A M K H H . i n U E S i C Q . ,nocfenway, Uaa-L 1,1873,


The Old Reliable.Market in

'••••NJ3W Q U A R T E R S !

,T. K. BEEMEEbaTing romoTeil bis mstkot—tha oldeit n

Dover—to liis

NEW BUILDINGID SUSSEX BTIHiKT, two tl.wri* icutti uf lbs

ulil stand, will burcaf lur (urohb c lie ice


FOItaiN& of all DESORLTTIOHSCOHNSara tbn moat pknUful tiuilDLenlD Iu

tils niartoL Rinf int bat a aupplj. (rum tliu llt-(Ig tbtet-yttt-oM child (a tlm •»>).. ,(«iid«J« ivTtf--- on to a liimilicil; iijliili, tumlMtiie yoinig

:• wbo dilly tirouvuadn f*(iLioualile imurta jtle-ifted uatttiua i ula lutida, droMuduptoirruuna»udv«yi dindU-i, with ILtlr (atntit

Irallicn, kid yl'i'ci, and iiivyltalila waJUux »(tct'nliitit.liiwj-tr.eltrkMamwIimf-nf ikllBflui luilaittluai. imvvB ruHtuiiiJlji nf coruL,btmtotia. b«d »*!!«, «oJ ct)>ur twlli«raiJuDa vf JJJB(**t, til or wtiiclian biuitalicd mid cured bj tho menfUri«e»' Com md Jlutiion Ituiuwties, Alkvlaior-'Gunt/<p' SoiqbyVoconr*Kiixaona..[)[»\TAC


Llrr-an 155,i>ffure(l Deal

IMisniUoent limn Kew (CM.ltusonoud riiniin ouly (175,

• Uprfgiit Ka'ooii littto usedonly 1 |]25. Parlor Organs 2 Bt«pa

— 13 Slop* O N U S7S. NoirlySinn KMII TU«SH AEdCunpli

cost Ol

it prWitoffBred Dent'ODlB J»JH l e t trial. Vnu n.k,ypliy I offer BO-clienn?. I ansn^Hurd Tiniua.l,D00 empjojees must have www. ]Ic«u)t of


mineed on inn lit tlagiog.,-^Particulars trc

' KKIFKAKIFX P.DEATTY,'- WaililnBtnn, Nov Jersey.


FOR AN ACRE!the iicitt




CINCINNATI HA'US,ict. Wo mabomoat, and tlicrAUkludaot.

Ibo ticslin-Uio oiirlict. Wo mabo a apcclallfi.f killing all m.r own moat, and tlicrofuio kDovtUittlisofthehc-d AUkld

nd M BOOH na tltcy aH, and noli] at rcMBoniblt tt d id

M by wrdara.


nd in A'. [EIHCA, neaOK pic:;'I0 ItAlLHOlD.

A PAJtJI FOR $200.CM.T pajraroiu wllb lev rskn cl interest.

1 iurormntian scut Tree, ethW'jia,. •''. O'l?. DAVIS. Lind Agi-ul, U. P. Jl?H"

UUAIU, Km. . ai-4vi

TjltOCEIlY A5l>

. PJ10TISI0N STORE.TLo aucscriber would most. r c e i J e c y

aforu Uw 'oitkons of Dover and vicinityhat ho han opened a QB0CEHY AM) PBO-

TISIOII SIOBE on • ' " '


near BLAOKWELL, Down, N. J.



aaon.AU goods vnmuiUid and guaranUed to barepresented. " - '

JOHNABNDT.r, N". J,, April Oth', ]877. 17-Cm y



I Betttcci! V^ortiecB Dros. TJanlnaro Slnro andNational Iiou Uiauti) '







Phannaceulical Preparations.


I"1 '

. " I K H B W Y O B K . • • "' '•" '-'.• •'••"

prinir a ml gaitiDirr B.TICB ofStrlwd,id l!'BulU am o n ) - - 'ircryatltftctiTo. - - •


B Ueu. LnboringUen^ allQ»1 tbo iliiii^ tbey n o d

PrcacriptloDn ciimrnlly prepared. KoJiiEuiiooaaHCtlur tbo ]wl qaality ana r^

pared iiccnrdip^to iho D^ltctl autiw rb»rffl*'copto!ator llie mbat approvoti iorraak.

A rail assortment of ->' -:--•:. .

. TOILET ARTIGLESuu ovorvtbinK muatl j romi4 In a droe »'or*'


HorriHlowu, N. J;, JUDO 7th. 1877

i», can get ]Q»1 tbi

READY-MADE OLOTHlNaio Iaif{CHt men tavn macli Iranitct to an, nit wo ort tilwiyn 11im. • JJOXB" DEPABTMENT

aftc tavn macli Irunllo b j ccitnlngt to an, nit wo ort tilwiyn iirtpsrsd to fit

IlOXri1 r>BPAlTM£KT miilotu intJnaBQiillycnuliuocij

;re Tor 30 yourB always »ol<3 Rood ROQOI B |nci'i, bat are mur Bttjlliifr at Inner rriecsever hnavYn liBrnnv WE OUALLKS'OB

HrEGTION and O H M J L E K Q E COKPETI-3N. a«inplc8orgp«iHwlirj iirioeH, rasbloten, and lontritDliani far uelfmcHaromeaiWrcoouippllcsliuuta ,


Stove and Tin Ware Store,



TUB mifaitcnt' flirt pleaeuro In illfor"''".'1UiadtiZDL iISiucainuDaaiiditi''""1'

ice COMB try, t t < h i bta c(tt»lilit>licii a •'and tin ware otaoaFlnnent al tho »bovo BU««.

- ' SOCMII oonilitloff or Uw I*'"1

PABLOB & KTCOHEN STOVES,RANGES tIn-and ain DEMON -JOnMING, at tholowfit BAH1Onr stock ot Un ware of o»er?aliu UBW, i>nd cheap. Call aud.bofuro iiarcbaitng tugewDoft

- JOS.J.i,j., ocii. ai.t, ins.

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