time stress, predation risk and diurnal–nocturnal foraging trade-offs in larval prey

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Time stress, predation risk and diurnal–nocturnal foragingtrade-offs in larval prey

David Berger & Karl Gotthard

Received: 21 December 2007 /Revised: 7 April 2008 /Accepted: 8 April 2008 /Published online: 9 May 2008# Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Insect larvae increase in size with several ordersof magnitude throughout development making them moreconspicuous to visually hunting predators. This change inpredation pressure is likely to impose selection on larvalanti-predator behaviour and since the risk of detection islikely to decrease in darkness, the night may offer saferforaging opportunities to large individuals. However,forsaking day foraging reduces development rate and couldbe extra costly if prey are subjected to seasonal time stress.Here we test if size-dependent risk and time constraints onfeeding affect the foraging–predation risk trade-offexpressed by the use of the diurnal–nocturnal period. Weexposed larvae of one seasonal and one non-seasonalbutterfly to different levels of seasonal time stress and timefor diurnal–nocturnal feeding by rearing them in twophotoperiods. In both species, diurnal foraging ceased atlarge sizes while nocturnal foraging remained constant orincreased, thus larvae showed ontogenetic shifts in behav-iour. Short night lengths forced small individuals to takehigher risks and forage more during daytime, postponingthe shift to strict night foraging to later on in development.In the non-seasonal species, seasonal time stress had a smalleffect on development and the diurnal–nocturnal foragingmode. In contrast, in the seasonal species, time for pupationand the timing of the foraging shift were strongly affected.We argue that a large part of the observed variation in larvaldiurnal–nocturnal activity and resulting growth rates is

explained by changes in the cost/benefit ratio of foragingmediated by size-dependent predation and time stress.

Keywords Predation risk . Growth rate . Life history theory .

Body size . Seasonal constraints


The foraging decisions of prey are predicted to shift inunison with levels of predation risk and food abundance sothat the behaviour serves to minimise the risk of mortalitywhile at the same time reassuring efficient energy gain(Kozlowski 1992; Lima and Dill 1990; Werner and Gilliam1984). Adaptive responses of prey to shifting levels ofpredation and food might involve the choice of at whichrate (Abrams et al. 1996; Sibly et al. 1985) or time(Metcalfe et al. 1999; Werner and Anholt 1993) or inwhich habitat to forage (Gilliam and Fraser 1987; Wernerand Gilliam 1984). Obviously, predation should select forcautious prey. However, being able to forage only inpatches or during periods of low risk is a luxury that allprey may not afford. If low risk periods are few and farbetween, prey might be forced to feed during high levels ofpredator presence in order to avoid starvation (Clark 1994;Lima and Bednekoff 1999; Werner and Gilliam 1984).Seasonal stress might also limit the available options to theforager as certain rates of foraging are needed in order tofinish development within a specific time frame (Gotthard2001; Nylin and Gotthard 1998; Roff 2002) so theindividual might not afford to practise a risk aversivestrategy (Clark 1994; Ludwig and Rowe 1990).

How important predictable fluctuation in predatorpresence will be for the shaping of prey foraging behaviourand patch use will depend on the absolute level of risk

Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2008) 62:1655–1663DOI 10.1007/s00265-008-0594-4

Communicated by T. Moore

D. Berger (*) :K. GotthardDepartment of Zoology, Stockholm University,10691 Stockholm, Swedene-mail: david.berger@zoologi.su.se

K. Gottharde-mail: karl.gotthard@zoologi.su.se

experienced (Lima and Bednekoff 1999; Sih et al. 2000).For example, the difference in mortality between high andlow risk periods will be great for size classes of preypreferred by the predator but negligible for other sizeclasses. As an individual progresses through ontogeny, itsstate changes; it attains a larger size, which, presumablyexposes it to different predators or levels of predation risk(Werner and Gilliam 1984; Roff 2002) and attains a largerreproductive value which will alter the cost/benefit ratio offuture foraging decisions (Clark 1994; Houston et al. 1988).Therefore, the optimal behavioural strategy and patch use inresponse to time stress and temporal variation in predationrisk might change during juvenile development (Clark1994; Houston et al. 1988; Ludwig and Rowe 1990;Werner and Gilliam 1984). In this study, we provide a rareempirical evaluation of these theoretical predictions whichexemplifies how time stress and the perceived level of riskmight affect the appearance and strength of ontogeneticniche shifts in temporal patch use.

Predation risk is usually high during daytime when bothvertebrate and invertebrate predators are active (Kronfeld-Schor and Dayan 2003; Park 1940), and prey subjected tovisually hunting predators might benefit from using daylightas a cue for increased predation risk, a pattern found in bothfish (Bradford and Higgins 2001; Fraser et al. 2004; Imreand Boisclair 2004; Metcalfe et al. 1998), zooplankton(Lampert 1989) and aquatic insect larvae (Baker and Ball1995; Culp and Scrimgeour 1993; Macchiusi and Baker1992; Tikkanen et al. 1994). Visual predators are in factbelieved to have driven prey species to a strict nocturnallifestyle in a wide variety of taxa (Kronfeld-Schor andDayan 2003), and in plant-feeding insects, high levels ofdaytime predation is held as one reason for instances of strictnocturnalism in the larval stage (Hassell and Southwood1978; Heinrich 1993; Reavey 1993).

Visual predators that hunt for insect larvae duringdaytime (mainly birds and fish) are great threats to lateinstars while smaller larvae instead typically are preyedheavily upon by both diurnal and nocturnal arthropods (seeexamples: Atlegrim 1992; Buckner 1966; Feeny et al. 1985;Kristensen 1994; Zalucki et al. 2002). Thus, for smalllarvae in general, mortality risk is likely to show littlevariation over the 24-h period (Hassell and Southwood1978; Zalucki et al. 2002), but as they grow bigger, their sizemay protect them from most nocturnal invertebrate predatorswhile instead they grow into the window of daytime birdpredation (Buckner 1966; Hassell and Southwood 1978).These conditions should create a size-dependent cost/benefitratio associated with diurnal–nocturnal foraging, and thus,set the stage for the evolution of ontogenetic shifts in larvalforaging behaviour.

The mechanisms behind and ultimate explanations fordiurnal–nocturnal ontogenetic niche shifts have been poorly

studied in insects, and the few rigorous studies found on thetopic concern aquatic species (see Culp and Scrimgeour1993; Tikkanen et al. 1994). Like other insect larvae, largelepidopteran larvae are heavily preyed upon by day activebirds while different arthropod taxa usually are confirmedas main predators on small instars (reviewed in: Buckner1966; Dempster 1984; Heinrich 1993; Montllor andBernays 1993; Reavey 1993; Stamp and Wilkens 1993;Zalucki et al. 2002). We here test the hypothesis thatLepidopteran larvae economise their foraging throughoutontogeny in relation to the perceived level of risk and timestress on both the daily, as well as the seasonal scale. Wemeasured the rates of diurnal and nocturnal growth ratesthroughout larval development in two butterflies showingclear differences in phenology: Pararge xiphia, occurringthroughout the year without any clear response to season-ality, and Hipparchia semele with one clear flight periodand a highly flexible growth trajectory responding toclimatic conditions (Wickman et al. 1990). The larvae wereexposed to two photoperiodic treatments in order to inducedifferences in (a) the length of the night (i.e. the timeavailable for foraging in the dark) and (b) the perceivedtime of season. If predation risk is size dependent andtraded off against growth rate, the following predictions canbe made: (1) Both species should, at small sizes, maintainhigh growth rates by practising both night- and daytimeforaging, but at larger more conspicuous sizes, shift to astrict nocturnal mode of foraging. (2) If there is a size-dependent shift, the strength of this shift to nocturnalismshould be affected by the fact that the treatments differ intheir time available for night foraging on the daily scale sothat larvae in the treatment with short nights (short low riskperiods) may be forced to utilise daytime (high risk periods)for feeding due to starvation risk. (3) Finally, if larvae showsize-dependent shifts in their use of the diurnal–nocturnalcycle, we also predict that these shifts are affected by theperceived time of season so that larvae exposed to high levelsof seasonal time stress must maintain higher growth rates andtherefore be forced to use longer parts of the day for feedingthan individuals exposed to lower levels of seasonal timestress. If so, a clear prediction would be that this effect willbe present in the seasonal H. semele where delayeddevelopment should be associated with great fitnessconsequences but absent in the non-seasonal P. xiphia.

Materials and methods

Study species

P. xiphia is endemic to the island of Madeira wheregenerations are continuous. The larvae do not diapause orshow any clear growth response to naturally occurring day

1656 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2008) 62:1655–1663

lengths when reared in the laboratory (Gotthard, K., Berger,D. and Bergman, M., unpublished data). H. semele has onediscrete generation per year all over Europe (Tolman 1997).The population used in the experiment originated fromSweden where the flight period extends from late July toearly September (Eliasson et al. 2005). Thus, growth in H.semele should be governed by seasonal light regimesenabling timing of metamorphosis in a beneficial part ofthe season while no such response seems likely in P. xiphia.H. semele larvae have been reported as strict night activebased on natural observations (Eliasson et al. 2005) whiledata on P. xiphia show that growth rate is relatively slowand development time is long in the last instar compared tothe earlier instars (Berger et al. 2006), indicating size-specific foraging behaviour. Larvae of both species arecryptic and feed on grasses like other satyrines, but arerelatively large compared to sympatric species of satyrines(Eliasson et al. 2005; Tolman 1997) and attain weights of400–500 mg before pupation. Hence, these larvae spendlong times at sizes that are potentially conspicuous to visualpredators in spite of their cryptic coloration.

Growth experiment

The larvae used in the experiment were the offspring of 12wildcaught females of P. xiphia and eight females of H.semele. The larvae of the Swedish populations of H. semelewere reared outdoors over the winter months as this speciesnaturally diapauses as second instar larvae through thewinter and resumes growth in spring when temperaturesagain are warm. In the experiment, larval diapause wasterminated by transferring larvae from outdoors to theexperimental treatments. P. xiphia larvae were put into thetreatment directly after hatching. The growth rates ofthe larvae were measured from the second instar at weightsbetween 3 and 10 mg in P. xiphia and from the third instarbetween weights of 4 and 14 mg in H. semele. Larvalgrowth rates were measured up until pupation, but in thestatistical analysis, only measures taken when larvaeweighed less than 300 mg were included. This was due tothe fact that larval growth rates usually decrease prior topupation (D’Amico et al. 2001; Esperk 2006). Sixty larvaeof P. xiphia and 55 of H. semele were split by family andthereafter randomly assigned to one or the other of twophotoperiodic treatments: the high-stress treatment with a24-h cycle of 19 h light and 5 h dark (L:D 19:5), and thelow-stress treatment with L:D 15:9. The photoperiod in thehigh-stress treatment is equivalent to Swedish summersolstice but never experienced on Madeira, while thephotoperiod in the low-stress treatment is equivalent toMadeiran summer and Swedish spring conditions. Thetreatments render two important consequences: (1) Thehigh-stress treatment has shorter nights, leaving fewer hours

of darkness left for safe foraging for both species, possiblyimposing physiological constraints on feeding. (2) H.semele development might be under more severe seasonaltime stress in the high-stress treatment since day lengthsmatch late season conditions while the low-stress treatmentis equivalent to early season conditions, still leaving plentyof time until the window for metamorphosis opens. SinceP. xiphia has continuous generations, no response tophotoperiodic cues is expected in this species. Each larvawas placed in a 0.5 litre transparent plastic cup where itsfood plant was kept in water culture. P. xiphia was rearedon Dactylis glomerata while H. semele was reared onFestuca ovina. The cups were randomised among fourclimate cabinets (two cabinets per treatment), with aconstant temperature of 17°C. Growth rates during dayand night were measured for each individual at severaloccasions throughout its development by weighing eachindividual at the start and end of the day period (start of thenight period), and then again at the end of the night periodduring one 24-h cycle. This made it possible to calculatethe relative size increase per hour during day and night.Since insect larval weight increase is close to proportionalto the size of the individual, the calculations of relativegrowth rates were based on the formula: [Ln (end weight)−Ln (start weight)]/[time]*100 (see Nylin et al. 1989)yielding the increase in body mass per hour calculated asa percentage of the start weight. Since H. semele goesthrough five larval instars and P. xiphia goes through four,the growth rate measures were obtained once in the thirdand fourth instar and twice in the fifth instar (once at smallsize and once later at larger size) in H. semele while theywere obtained once in the second and third instar and twicein the fourth instar in P. xiphia. In order to estimatetreatment effects on development times, the starting day ofthe experiment and date of pupation were noted. Inaddition, 16 individuals of H. semele were reared outdoorsunder natural light and temperature conditions in order toassess the time of pupation under natural conditions.


To confirm that obtained growth rate differences betweenthe diurnal–nocturnal periods also corresponded well withdifferences in the foraging behaviour of the larvae,behavioural observations were performed on the third andfourth (last) instar of P. xiphia and the fourth and fifth (last)instar of H. semele during light and dark periods. Theobservations were carried out on larvae exposed to a 19:5L:D cycle in 17°C. For P. xiphia, individual larvae were putsingly on pots of D. glomerata. Their movement andposition were registered three times in both light and dark,respectively. Observations of behaviour were carried outonce in the middle of the light and dark periods and 1 h

Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2008) 62:1655–1663 1657

after the start and 1 h before the end of the respectiveperiod. A light and dark average was calculated for eachindividual. Movement was measured at each checkpoint bymarking the placement of the larva with a sticker on the leafand at the next checkpoint measuring how far it had movedwith a ruler. The position of the larva was coded as eitheron top (individual on the upper half of the leaf), or at thebottom (lower half). For H. semele, three to five larvaewere placed on tussocks of F. ovina and behaviouralobservations were carried out two times during the darkand light periods, respectively. Averages were then calcu-lated for each tussock. Movement could not be measured asobservations in the dark had to be carried out in lowluminosity and very quickly as the larvae tried to hide byescaping down towards the bottom of the tussock as soonas the light was turned on. Instead, the placement of thelarvae was recorded by measuring with a ruler the distancefrom the larva’s head down to the bottom of the tussock ateach checkpoint.


Since repeated measurements of the same individual weretaken over both the 24-h period (day and night) andthroughout development (instars), it was necessary toconvert one of these repeated measurements into a singlevariable. The growth rate measures taken from each larvathroughout development were transformed to a singlemeasure describing how growth changed with larval size.For each larva, we fitted a linear regression to the values ofinstantaneous growth rate on larval weight taken at therespective census points. The logarithmic value of larvalsize was used in order to make the relationship linear (seeFig. 2). Regressions were fitted to day and night dataseparately, so for each individual, two regressions wereobtained, one describing the relationship between larvalsize and growth rate during daylight, and one describing itduring nighttime. The slope coefficients of each regressionwere subsequently used to test for significant growth ratedifferences between the treatments and day and nightperiods. A positive slope coefficient means that the growthrate of the larva increased as it grew bigger while a negativecoefficient means that it decreased as the larva increased insize. To improve criteria for parametric statistics, the Box–Cox family of transformations was used to search for themost appropriate transformation of the slope coefficients(see Quinn and Keough 2002 for further description of themethod). The statistical analyses were performed on thetransformed data, but we have chosen to show the raw dataon slope coefficients in the figures in order to keep a higherlevel of clarity. Only larvae that were successfully measuredthroughout development were included in the statisticalanalysis. Out of the total 60 started P. xiphia larvae, 52

fulfilled the criteria for the growth rate analysis, while 37out of 55 individuals did so in H. semele. Missing valueswere due to deaths, escapes or incidents where the observerfailed to find small larvae. Treatment effects on size-dependent growth rates (the slope coefficients) during dayand night were analysed with mixed model ANOVA bynesting the day/night repeated observations in each indi-vidual subject (larva) with photoperiodic treatment set as afixed factor. Since the size-specific effect on growth rate isincorporated into the slope coefficients, a significant effectof [day/night] means that the pattern of how growth rateschange with the size of the larva differs between day andnight. In addition to the figure showing the slopecoefficients (Fig. 3) on which the analyses were based, wealso present a figure on the raw data from which the slopecoefficients were calculated as we think this helps theinterpretation of data (Fig. 2). In the text and in all figures,the variation around the means is given as ± two standarderrors.

Treatment effects on the final sizes and developmenttimes were analysed with ANOVA except for the develop-ment time in H. semele, which, due to heterogeneousvariances was tested with the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test. Pupation of H. semele, both outdoorsunder natural conditions and in the main experiment,resulted in many failures and deaths; this is also the reasonwhy the sample sizes between tests performed on H. semelepupae and larvae differ so much. This species buries intothe soil prior to pupation (Eliasson et al. 2005), which wasnot possible in the plastic cups in the experiment; this is alikely explanation for the low success rate.

The behavioural data were analysed with repeatedmeasures ANOVA. We analysed differences in movement(centimetre per hour) and frequency on top of the grassleaves for P. xiphia and larval distance to soil (centimetre)for H. semele by using [light/dark] as the repeated measurenested in subject with [larval stage] set as a fixed factor.The sample size of P. xiphia was based on individualaverages of three observations per individual in dark andlight, respectively, while the sample size for the analysis onH. semele was based on averages for each tussock asseveral larvae were placed on the same tussock. In total, 25third instar and 47 fourth instar P. xiphia larvae and 29fourth instar and 21 fifth instar H. semele larvae wereobserved.


Out of the 16 H. semele larvae kept outdoors, eightsurvived to pupation. These eight individuals all pupatedbetween the 24th of June and the 9th of July. This indicatesthat the high-stress treatment (L:D 19:5) was accurately

1658 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2008) 62:1655–1663

mimicking late season conditions since day lengths inStockholm, Sweden in late June (midsummer) reach amaximum of 19 h.

Growth experiment

H. semele

There was no effect of treatment on pupal weight (F1,21=0.24, p>0.6, high: 315±35 mg, low: 330±49 mg), but astrong difference in development time between the photo-periodic treatments with a shorter development time in thehigh-stress treatment (Z=−4.36, N1=14, N2=20, p<0.001,Mann–Whitney U test; Fig. 1). The considerably shorterdevelopment times of the larvae in the high-stress treatmentsuggest that the treatments exposed larvae to substantialdifferences in the level of seasonal time stress. There wasno general difference in how the diurnal–nocturnal feedingmode changed with larval size (day/night: F1,35=0.25, p=0.62; Figs. 2a and 3a), but the size dependence of theforaging mode was affected by treatment (treatment × day/night interaction: F1,35=14.0, p<0.001). This was due tothe fact that larvae in the low-stress treatment in essencenever practised diurnal feeding and developed at slow pace

while small larvae in the high-stress treatment fed alsoduring the day and developed faster. As larval sizeincreased however, diurnal feeding finally ceased also inthe high-stress treatment whereas nocturnal feeding in-creased at large sizes, allowing for sustained fast rates ofdevelopment (Figs. 2a and 3a).

P. xiphia

There was no treatment effect on pupal weight (F1,48=1.46,p>0.2, high: 272±10 mg, low: 263±11 mg), but develop-ment time in the high-stress treatment was, in contrast to H.semele, prolonged (F1,48=11.9, p<0.001; Fig. 1). All larvaeshowed clear ontogenetic shifts in their feeding mode; therewas a significant difference between day and night in howthe foraging rates changed with the size of the larva (day/night: F1,50=52.5, p<0.001). As the size of the larvaincreased, nocturnal feeding became the exclusive foragingmode while diurnal feeding ceased regardless of photope-riodic treatment (Figs. 2b and 3b). The size dependence ofthe diurnal–nocturnal feeding mode was also affected bytreatment (treatment × day/night interaction: F1,50=4.07,p=0.049). In the high-stress treatment with fewer darkhours, diurnal feeding was more pronounced at small sizesand nocturnal feeding increased more strongly as larvaegrew bigger in comparison to the low-stress treatment(Figs. 2b and 3b). We interpret this result as a consequenceof the number of dark hours being limiting to the feedingphysiology in the high-stress treatment, forcing individualsto practise diurnal foraging to a higher degree. At largersizes, diurnal feeding was abandoned which explains thefact that larval development times were prolonged in thehigh-stress treatment (Fig. 1).


H. semele larvae positioned themselves closer to the bottomof the tussock during the light period in comparison to theposition in darkness (F1:10=77.0, p<0.001). There was nodifference between instars (F1:10=0.97, p=0.35) and no







H. semele P. xiphia






e (d




Fig. 1 Development times (means ± 2SE) of H. semele and P. xiphiain the high-stress treatment (grey bars) and low-stress treatment (whitebars). Stars indicate p<0.001

Larval weight (mg)300100101

Light High

Light Low

Dark High

Dark Low







H. semelea)

P. xiphia





Fig. 2 Hourly growth rates(means ± 2SE) in the differenttreatments during day and nightin H. semele (a) and P. xiphia(b). The average weights of thelarvae at the time of the meas-urements are plotted on a loga-rithmic scale against the averagerates of growth of the larvae.Each individual is representedup to eight times, at four differ-ent occasions throughout devel-opment, during both day andnight

Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2008) 62:1655–1663 1659

significant interaction effect (F1:10, p=1.77, p=0.21;Fig. 4a). P. xiphia larvae moved significantly less in thelight than in the dark (F1:67=43.9, p<0.001). There was nomain effect of instar on larval movement (F1:67=0.07, p=0.79); however, the fourth instar larvae moved mostly duringdark periods while the third instar larvae showed similarlevels of movement during all periods of observation(interaction effect: F1:67=15.2, p<0.001, third instar dark:3.28±1.25 cm/h, light: 4.17±1.40 cm/h, fourth instar dark:6.48±1.80 cm/h, light: 1.49±0.77 cm/h). Results on larvalposition on host plant were very consistent with themovement data: fourth instar larvae were found on top ofthe leaves during dark periods and in the bottom during lightperiods while third instar larvae positioned themselves moreindependently of the light conditions (light/dark: F1:70=43.9,p<0.001; larval stage: F1:70=0.63, p=0.43; interaction:F1:70=11.1, p=0.001; Fig. 4b).


Our assessments of foraging behaviour showed that largelarvae seek refuge at the bottom of the plant or at theundersides of leaves in daylight conditions. The responsepattern of behaviour between night and day and instars wasvery similar to the response of growth rate. Thus, eventhough a perfect correspondence between foraging behav-

iour, feeding and growth rate cannot always be expected(Arendt 1997); in these species, for the general questionsasked here, we conclude that the growth rates obtained aregood estimates of larval foraging and risk taking. Theresults show that, in general, daytime feeding decreasedwith larval size while nighttime feeding was practised athigh levels in both species throughout their whole sizespan. Basing our conclusion on what is known about thekey predators of Lepidopteran larvae (reviewed in: Buckner1966; Dempster 1984; Heinrich 1993; Reavey 1993; Stampand Wilkens 1993; Zalucki et al. 2002), we contend that thereason for this ontogenetic feeding shift is that levels ofpredation risk during daytime increase in relation to the riskat night as these larvae reach larger sizes.

Although the exact shape of how the terminal fitnesschanges with food consumption will be important for theoptimal foraging strategy (Koops and Abrahams 1998;Krivan and Vrkoc 2000), prey should primarily utilise theperiod that renders the lowest risk of mortality per energyunit gained by foraging (the “minimise μ/g-rule”, analyti-cally derived for spatial patch use reviewed by Werner andGilliam 1984) and only use suboptimal periods whenforced to fulfil nutritional demands. Therefore, wheneverfood levels increase, or low risk periods become commonenough to satiate the prey’s hunger, high risk periodsshould be spent in refuge or at high vigilance (Lima andBednekoff 1999; Metcalfe et al. 1999; Sih et al. 2000;

H. semele










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P. xiphiaa) b)Fig. 4 Behaviour of last- andsecond to last instars of H.semele (a) and P. xiphia (b) inlight (open circles) and dark(filled circles), (means ± 2SE).H. semele means were based onaverage positions of larvae pertussock. In total 29 fourth instarand 21 fifth instar larvae wereobserved, three to five larvae oneach of 12 tussocks. P. xiphiameans were based on individualaverages from 25 third instarand 47 fourth instar larvae





High Stress Low Stress


High Stress Low Stress

H. semele P. xiphiaa) b)





Fig. 3 Slope coefficients (means ± 2SE) based on the correlationbetween growth rate and the logarithm of larval weight for eachindividual of H. semele (a) and P. xiphia (b), during day (open circles)and night periods (filled circles) in the high- and low-stress treatment.

Positive values indicate that growth rates increase with larval sizewhile negative values indicate a growth decrease with size. Thehorizontal grey line is set at y=0, i.e. where the slope coefficientsequal zero and there is no size dependence of growth

1660 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2008) 62:1655–1663

Werner and Gilliam 1984). In the low-stress treatment, witha 9-h night length, larvae showed low levels of dayfeeding, while in the high-stress treatment that limited thetime available for safe foraging, daytime feeding was morepronounced (Fig. 2). Thus, the high-stress treatment madelarvae accept greater risk in order to maintain growth rateswhich ultimately changed the timing and appearance of theontogenetic shift. However, as larval size increased,daytime feeding finally ceased completely in both speciesalso in the high-stress treatment. A likely explanation forthis last result is that daytime predation risk at the largestlarval sizes become so high as to shift the cost/benefit ratioof daytime foraging further towards complete nocturnalism.However, it cannot be ruled out that the completeabandonment of daytime feeding might have been causedby: (a) large larvae building up their reproductive value andthereby standing gradually more and more to lose by riskydaytime feeding (see Clark 1994) or (b) a decreased cost ofreduced growth if for example large larvae were in less of ahurry at the end of development (see Metcalfe et al. 1998).These processes are not exclusive and may all be at work.

In the seasonal H. semele, development time wasshortened in the high-stress treatment (Fig. 1) and thefeeding shift to strict nocturnalism was delayed to later indevelopment (Figs. 2a and 3a). This was an expectedresponse as the photoperiod of the treatment mimics lateseason conditions, and seasonal time stress sets limits tothe minimum rate of development. Thus, seasonal timestress increased the costs associated with slow growth and alow risk foraging strategy, shifting the balance of theforaging–predation risk trade-off towards faster growth andacceptance of greater risk. In the non-seasonal P. xiphia, thehigh-stress treatment did not put seasonal constraints ondevelopment. Instead, the treatment seemed only to limitfeeding by the time available for safe foraging during itsshort night length. This resulted in a small difference in thesize dependence of foraging mode between the treatments(Figs. 2b and 3b), which, probably can be attributed to thefeeding physiology of P. xiphia apparently not beingadapted to strict nocturnalism in the night lengths of thehigh-stress treatment. This forced individuals to compen-sate by feeding during daytime. However, at large sizeslarvae in the high-stress treatment also switched to strictnocturnalism which resulted in longer development times ofindividuals in this treatment (Fig. 1) further underlining theprincipally different response to the growth/predation risktrade-off in P. xiphia. Comparing the responses of oneseasonal species with one non-seasonal species is not arigorous test of any hypothesis concerning the combinedeffects of predation risk and time stress on optimal foragingbehaviour. However, the two within-species comparisonsbetween individual larvae belonging to the different treat-ments illustrate the trade-off between safe foraging and

feeding constraints (seasonal and physiological), and theseresults correspond well to what would be predicted byforaging theory for seasonal and non-seasonal prey,respectively (Abrams et al. 1996; Johansson and Rowe1999; Johansson et al. 2001; Lima and Dill 1990; Ludwigand Rowe 1990; Metcalfe et al. 1998). Thus, this studyprovides a rare example of how time stress might affect theappearance and strength of ontogenetic niche shifts intemporal patch use.

The optimal behavioural strategy will not only bedetermined by the relative risk associated with the foragingdecision, but also by its energetic gains (Clark 1994;Gilliam and Fraser 1987; Werner and Gilliam 1984), so theprey’s own foraging efficiency in a spatial or temporalpatch will be of highest importance for the decision ofwhether to forage or not. For example, Metcalfe et al.(1999) showed that low risk nighttime foraging remainedmaximised as food concentrations were experimentallyincreased, while high risk daytime foraging drasticallylevelled off in juvenile Atlantic salmon enduring winter.The authors concluded that under low food concentrationsthe fish was forced to feed during daytime, during which, theprey’s own foraging efficiency was high so only short boutsof compensatory feeding was needed. Even so, in high foodconcentrations fish became strictly nocturnal illustratingthat not only changes in risk but also in prey foragingefficiency (i.e. food concentration, handling, finding anddigestion) will be of importance for the optimal foragingdecision. A shift to strict night activity will set newdemands on prey physiology (Kronfeld-Schor and Dayan2003; Park 1940). For larval insects, often living on theirfood plant, finding and handling the food do not seem to bea great problem in the dark. However, even though thetemperature in this study was held constant in order toallow direct growth rate comparisons between dark andlight periods, natural temperature variation between dayand night is likely to be of great importance. Thephysiology of ectothermic organisms is more efficient inhigher temperatures up until detrimental temperatures arereached (Angilletta et al. 2003; Atkinson and Sibly 1997).This also holds true for larval growth in insects (Casey1993; Kingsolver et al. 2004; Kingsolver and Woods 1997;Slansky 1993). This implies that there are physiologicallimits to growth efficiency during nighttime when temper-atures drop. Thus, even though predation risk may be lowerat night, foraging during this period might have negativeconsequences for the butterfly larva if temperatures arelimiting growth rates (Stamp and Wilkens 1993). This is onereasonable explanation as to why ontogenetic niche shifts tostrict night foraging mostly have been observed in aquaticorganisms (see Culp and Scrimgeour 1993; Tikkanen et al.1994) which live in a medium showing less thermalvariation. From this reasoning, it also becomes quite clear

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that thermal adaptations to cold or varying temperaturesmight be expected in terrestrial animals that switch tonocturnalism at some point in development (Stamp andBowers 1990).

A shift to strict nighttime foraging might also generatechanges in life history. Most obvious is the prediction thatdevelopment times are likely to be longer since strict nightactivity will reduce opportunities for feeding, and low nighttemperatures will reduce growth rates. Also, evolution of alarger size at maturity might be expected if predationpressure on large individuals is relaxed, decreasing size-dependent costs associated with prolonged growth. Theseinitial changes might then drive selection on correlated lifehistory characters. A study by Takeda (2005) on twosympatric populations of Hyphantria moths provides a goodexample. In one of the populations, individuals areunivoltine and the larvae feed mainly at night, whereaslarvae of the bivoltine population utilise both day and nightto feed. The populations also differ in larval developmenttimes and the critical day length for induction of pupaldiapause. The author speculates that the univoltine popula-tion is not able to complete a second generation due to lowtemperatures during night feeding but instead gains theadvantage of lower mortality from predation in comparisonto the bivoltine population, although this remains to bedemonstrated.

We have not been able to assess predation risk in thefield during day- and nighttime to different size classes ofthe investigated species. Instead, we have based ourunderlying assumptions of this study upon the data for theLepidoptera as a group, thus, not on the particular speciesinvestigated. Apart from the effects from predation and timeconstraints, other factors may also influence the evolutionof size-dependent foraging strategies during the diurnal–nocturnal cycle. If for instance temperatures reach harmfullevels during the day, larvae might be restricted to shade atthe bottom of the host plant or to undersides of leaves(Casey 1993; Reavey 1993; Slansky 1993). This explana-tion, although applicable to other cases in which temper-atures get hotter at the end of the growth season whenlarvae have reached large sizes, does not seem probable inthe species described here. Firstly, even though temperaturewas held constant in the experiment, both species showedclear ontogenetic shifts in their feeding. Secondly, small H.semele larvae occurring naturally in spring when daytemperatures seldom are high also seem mostly night activeand engaged in daytime feeding only when time stressed.Thirdly, in P. xiphia, larvae of all instars are presentthroughout the year as generations are continuous onMadeira, but only fourth instar larvae practise strictnighttime foraging. Another reason could be that larvaeactively feed during the night and use the whole day forbasking in order to increase the rates of digestion (Casey

1993). However, observations of behaviour show that thelarvae of these species do not bask but rather hide awayfrom light when they have reached large sizes. Thus, wecontend that changes in predation risk ratios between theday- and nighttime is the most plausible explanation for thegrowth patterns observed in these species. Nevertheless,since the thermal conditions experienced during night andday will influence the benefits associated with this type ofontogenetic shift, it seems quite clear that the feeding modewill be dependent on species phenology and biogeography.As a consequence, changes in foraging mode are also likelyto drive selection on thermal adaptations and on correlatedlife history traits such as development time and size atmaturity. Thus, incorporating foraging theory and “theontogenetic niche shift” into the classic life historyframework is likely to broaden our understanding of theobserved variation in physiology and life history amongand within different ectotherms.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank C. Wiklund, C.Stefanescu and N. Metcalfe for valuable comments on the manuscript.We are also grateful to the young and talented students of theStockholm Research School that helped in collecting data onbehaviour. This study has been performed in agreement with theSwedish current laws and regulations and was funded by grants fromthe Swedish Research Council and Formas to K.G.


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