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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #28 July 8th

by Janet Spencer More than 168,000 cubic meters (6 mil-lion cubic ft) of water go over Niagara Falls ev-ery minute during peak hours. It has the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world, with a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50 m). Come with Tidbits as we remember daredevils and fools who have gone over the falls.OVER A BARREL • Annie Edson Taylor was the first person ever to go over Niagara in a barrel. A widowed and unemployed schoolteacher, she was 63 years old in 1901 when she pulled off the stunt on her birthday. She was strapped into a harness inside an oak wine barrel padded with cushions. A bi-cycle pump was used to increase the air pressure inside the barrel after she climbed in. Then she was towed into the river above the falls. After the plunge, she spent 17 minutes bobbing around before assistants were able to snag the barrel and pull her to shore. Emerging dazed but unhurt, she said, “No one ought ever do that again.” She was incoherent for several days afterwards. Alas, the fame and fortune she was hoping for eluded her – perhaps because she was neither young nor beautiful – and she spent the next 20 years work-ing as a Niagara street vendor, selling photos of herself with her barrel for a penny. She died, des-titute and unknown, 20 years later. (continued next page)


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From the Publisher’s

DeskEvelyn Bevacqua

We are announcing a new network and looking for members who service people in the age group 40 plus. The focus will be to Educate, Support and Expand. We are committed to mak-ing a difference, living simply, giving and receiv-ing with care and respect. Rather than a monthly meeting we will come together to help support at least one of our fellow members with a function or event that they may be hosting, especially our not-for-profit members. Coming together in this manner will help us all. A fresh way to network! FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUT PAGE 4!

OVER A BARREL cont’d • Circus stuntman Bobby Leach went over the falls in a steel barrel in 1911, surviving with minor injuries. While on tour with his fa-mous barrel in New Zealand in 1925, he slipped on an orange peel on a street and fell. He broke his leg, which later had to be amputated, leading to gangrene, which killed him. • On the 4th of July in 1928, Mr. Jean Lussier survived the trip not in a barrel but in a 6-foot rubber ball lined with rubber tubes and filled with oxygen. The tubes had valves that could be released, providing oxygen should he become trapped behind the falls. He was the first person to take the trip in an inflatable device in-stead of the more traditional wooden barrels or steel drums. After bobbing about at the bottom of the falls for an hour, he was pulled to shore and emerged unharmed in front of an audience of over 100,000. Afterwards he sold small souve-nir pieces of the inner tubes for fifty cents each. When he ran out of authentic pieces, he peddled rubber purchased from a nearby tire store. • 46-year-old Greek chef George Stratha-kis went over in 1930 to generate publicity for his book entitled The Mysterious Veil of Human-ity Through the Ages, which was a rambling in-coherent treatise. His barrel was trapped behind the falls for over 14 hours before it finally broke loose. Strathakis, with only enough oxygen for several hours, suffocated. However, his pet tur-tle named Sonny Boy, reputed to be 105 years old and taken along for good luck, survived. • Nathan Boya made the trip in 1961 in a steel sphere covered by six layers of rubber, which he called the “Plunge-o-Sphere.” He in-cluded 13 canisters of oxygen on the advice of Jean Lussier. He emerged unhurt to find the po-lice waiting for him. He was fined $100 – the minimum sentence for violating the Niagara Parks Act – and he had to pay court costs of $13.

An INVITATION to Come Together and CONNECT

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July 12-14Post Falls Days


July 13Hayden Sprint Triathlon


July 13-14Classic Boat Festivalwoodboatfestival.com

July 19-21Rathdrum Days


July 205th Annual Steak Fry


July 203rd Annual Muddy Miles


July 20 CHaFE 150chafe150.org

July 21Ride the Pass-50 Miles at the Pass


July 261st Annual “Spay-ghetti and No-Balls”

Tickets are available at Christmas At The Lake and at our website -- AnimalAlliesID.org


July 26-28 Julyamsh • julyamsh.com

July 26-27Old Time Picnic • harrisonidaho.orgs

July 26-27Hayden Days • haydenlakerotary.org

July 27Kids Day in the Park • cdakiwanis.org

Emailevelyn2318@gmail.comto have your event listed.


OVER A BARREL cont’d • Karel Soucek became the first Cana-dian to survive the plunge. In 1984 he went over in a cylindrical barrel with fiberglass moldings, liquid foam insulation, a two-way radio, and a snorkel for breathing. The fall took 3.2 seconds and the force of the fall snapped off his radio an-tennae, leaving him without communication. He was trapped in dangerous waters for 45 minutes before being pulled free. He suffered only minor injuries. He was fined $500. Six months later he was re-creating the spectacle at the Houston As-trodome in front of 45,000 spectators. His bar-rel was lifted to the top of the astrodome by a crane and released above a water tank only ten feet wide and ten feet deep. It hit the edge of the tank and he was killed. He was buried at the Ni-agara Falls cemetery. Of all the people who have gone over the falls seeking fame and fortune, he came the closest to achieving it. He would have earned a quarter million dollars through public appearance contracts in the year following the feat if he hadn’t died in Houston. • Dave Munday, a mechanic and skydiv-ing instructor from Ontario, has dared the falls on several occasions. In 1985 a police officer witnessed him enter the water and immediately radioed the Hydro Control Dam upstream. They cut the water flow of the Niagara River and the water level dropped five feet in three minutes. The barrel got stuck in shallow water a mile above the rim of the falls. But Dave Munday was persistent. Later that year he tried again, this time launching himself scant yards above the falls, and made the trip successfully in an aluminum barrel equipped with video and radio equipment. In another attempt in 1990, his barrel got stuck on rocks at the very brink of the falls and he had to be rescued by a cable on a crane. In September of 1993 he tried again, this time in a converted diving bell. At age 56, became the first person to go over the falls twice.

• “Popsicles and ice cream bars don’t make drippy messes when the stick is slipped through a small paper plate. Make a slit in the center, and push it through. You can even write names on the plate for fun.” -- R.E. in Michigan • “Purchase a brightly colored garbage can to corral outdoor toys in the yard. You can get them in red or bright blue these days, so they’ll stand out from the regular trash can and you won’t get confused. They work great to hold balls and even small riding toys for toddlers. It helps to keep the yard straightened up.” -- R.R. in Florida • “I wash and save the little plastic con-tainers that hold condiments from take-out or-ders. They are fantastic for keeping my extra buttons organized in my sewing box.” -- J.J. in Pennsylvania • “When filling your weekly pill minder, have a pair of tweezers handy. It will cut the alu-minum foil on the top of the pill bottle, it works well to get the cotton out of the bottle, and just in case you drop a pill in the wrong compartment, it works great to remove it and put it in the correct one.” -- A.S. in Colorado • “I keep a framed photo of my child on my desk at home. Behind the photo in the frame is a piece of paper on which I write important user names and passwords to sites I use infre-quently. This way I remember where they are, and they are still relatively secure. -- A Reader, via email • We all know how handy duct tape is for all sorts of repairs, but did you know it is just as nifty for quick decoration? It comes in all sorts of colors and even designs nowadays. I recently gave new life to a flowerpot by giving it a quick wraparound with hot-pink duct tape. It looks great and is easy to wipe clean.

Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Or-lando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at her-esatip@yahoo.com.

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 4 Tidbits® of CDA www.tidbitscda.com Page 4OVER A BARREL (cont’d) • A Rhode Island bartender named Ste-ven Trotter wrapped two plastic pickle barrels in inner tubes and a tarp and went over the falls in 1985. At the age of 22, he became the youngest person ever to make the trip. He was fined over $5,000 for the stunt, but he more than made up for that with his talk show fees. On the tenth an-niversary of the stunt, he returned with a woman named Lori Martin and they became the first co-ed couple to go over together. This time in-stead of pickle barrels, Trotter used hot water tanks welded together, covered with Kevlar, and equipped with oxygen tanks – a contraption that weighed 900 lbs. and is reputed to have cost some $19,000. The barrel became trapped in a rock crevice at the base of the waterfall. Mem-bers of the fire department and the police depart-ment were able to reach the barrel and pop the hatch, releasing the two unharmed occupants. The barrel remained lodged in place for 9 days before being removed by a crane. Trotter later re-turned to reclaim the barrel, but he had to pay the costs of the rescue before they handed it over. • In 1989, Peter DeBernardi and Geoffrey Petkovich, Canadian residents of Niagara Falls, were the first people to go over the falls as a team, face to face in the same ten-foot steel barrel. They had known each other only a couple of months. DeBernardi’s original partner had chickened out and Petkovich took his place. The steel-plated barrel was equipped with oxygen, two-way radio equipment, and two plexiglass windows. It was painted with the slogan, “Don’t put yourself on the edge – Drugs Kill.” The team suffered only minor injuries and refused treatment. Petkovich, who had been drinking, emerged wearing only a necktie and cowboy boots. They were promptly arrested by the Niagara Parks Police and charged with infractions.

Now that we’re fast approaching the hot-test part of summer, it’s even more important to take steps to guard against becoming overheat-ed.The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-tion has released a special report on seniors and the heat. It has suggestions that make sense -- especially since we seniors are slower to sense changes in temperature. That means we can be-come overheated before we realize it. Here are some suggestions:--Drink more water than usual, and don’t wait until you’re actually thirsty before having a drink. By then you’re actually overdue for water. Call your doctor’s nurse to ask how much water you should be drinking, and make a chart to be sure you get as much as you should.--Don’t cook with the stove or oven. It makes the house hotter.--Wear light-colored, lightweight, loose cloth-ing.--Cool down with cool showers or baths.--Avoid alcohol or drinks with lots of sugar.--Check the news for heat alerts. In some cases, cooling stations might be opened in your area, such as in schools. Or call the health department and ask if there are air-conditioned shelters near you. Libraries, movies and malls are good places to go during the heat of the day.--Keep an eye on friends and family, and ask that they do the same for you. --While fans are helpful at lower temperatures, they won’t help in extremely hot weather, and only blow the hot air around.--Watch for heat-related symptoms, such as nau-sea or vomiting, headaches or muscle cramps. Look for heavy sweating, clammy skin, weakness or fainting, which is heat exhaustion. Those are medical emergencies.For more information, go online to www.cdc.gov/extremeheat/seniors.html and www.cdc.gov/extremeheat/warning.html.Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Keep Your Cool This Summer

SENIOR NEWS LINEby Matilda Charles

Are you community minded, want to make a dif-ference, and are looking for a fresh new way to grow your business and yourself? We are proud to announce the expansion of TIDBITS and a new opportunity for youand your business or service: CONNECT, a bright new inclusive network now forming.We are looking for members who serve the 40 + age group and want to CONNECT and:

For CONNECT particulars and how to become a member Contact: Mary Thomas, at

Mail.mary.e.thomas@gmail.com or call Mary at: (208) 964-9357

An INVITATION to Come Together and CONNECT

EDUCATE BE KNOWN AS THE EXPERT YOU ARE AND SHARE THIS KNOWL-EDGE. You will be a featured ‘Expert’ once each month, answering questions, sharing informa-tion or updates about your business, or an-nouncing an event.SUPPORT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BUSINESS AND IN OUR COMMUNITY.Come together to support other members - es-pecially our non-profits, be a part of whatis happening in our community, and be of ser-vice. As we Give, we Receive!EXPAND GROW YOUR BUSINESS AND GROW YOURSELF! Get affordable exposure to new customers and learn new practices that will keep you and yourbusiness fresh and exciting. Many are mightier than one! Join, have fun, and be ready to grow.

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The universal thought regarding weight, is that once you lose weight, your health should improve. What if that were wrong? Although I would venture to say that it is not entirely wrong, it is backwards. We should improve our health in order to lose weight. Most of the time, the diffi-culty in losing weight is because there are health issues that cause the body to hold onto the weight as a protective mechanism. One of the biggest causes of weight gain is stress. Stress can be emotional, physiological, or physical. You can have stress because of your diet, or because you aren’t sleeping well. In order to lose weight, we have to mitigate the stresses on the body. Most people who are overweight are accused of overeating. Although that is true in many instances, people who under eat can have a weight issue also. They are typically malnourished! Yet they continue to put on the pounds, or have difficulty eliminating them. The quality of food is much more important than the quantity. They type of fat consumed is more important than the grams of fat. Counting calories is actually worthless! The quality as well as the quantity of carbo-hydrates (starchy foods) is a critical element, and one wrought with confusion, yet it really can be quite simple. Artificial sweeteners are one of the biggest faux pas in regard to weight management. Exercise, if done incorrectly can actually inhibit weight loss. If you are working out heavily and consistently and still not losing weight, there may be something in your exercise routine that is actually countering your ability to lose weight. Exercise itself is a stress, and though essential as part of a weight loss regime, the wrong type exercise for the wrong person can be a detriment. Physical symptoms, such as pain, inflammation and other health conditions have a great impact on health. While the body is trying to contend with a poorly functioning organ system, the body will respond by protecting itself with fat. This is a survival mechanism. Hormonal imbalances have a dramatic effect on weight – possibly more than any other cause of weight gain. The thyroid, adrenals, liver, pancreas, sex hormones, and pituitary – all have a role in weight management. The hormonal system is an intricate system of highly interdependent actions. When one goes out of balance, the others have a feedback response that tries to compen-sate. You can easily ricochet all over with your hormones, ultimately creating a physiological stress on the body, which, amongst other things, causes weight gain. If you want to lose weight, you must FIRST address the stressors that contribute to the weight gain in the first place. In other words, instead of losing weight to get healthy, you must get healthy to lose weight.

Weight Loss – the Wrong Approach?

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over 34 years of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and of-fers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthandfitness.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

By Dr. Holly Carling

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 6

Q: What event put the inland northwest on the map in 1974?

A: The Spokane Worlds opened in 1974 and was visited by more and 5.6 million people. Kootenai Title opened it’s doors in 1974 …….etc… making Kootenai Title the first and oldest title company in Idaho. Kootenai Title began business with a straightforward premise: “Always work with the contractor and the customers to give them the best service possible for the lowest price available. By making sure we understand the process, we can save them as much money as possible.” That goal re-mains the same today.

Roxanne GuntherPhone: 208-667-9431Cell: 208-755-1200Fax: 208-765-1654


Q:What is Tidbits?

A: “tidbit” is defined as “a tasty morsel to be enjoyed before the meal”. And that's just what Tid-bits® is – a non-controversial, weekly paper dedicated to publish-ing entertaining morsels for the mind, food for thought as it were: trivia, fun facts, amusing stories and oddities.

Our unique editorial blend is what hooks our readers and keeps them coming back for more. They will seek out each week’s new issue and take copies home or to the office to share with family and friends. As merchants discover this loyalty, more and more will want to place their marketing message in front of our readership.

For more info call Evelyn at


Q: Can you tell me something about your thrift stores, and how I can help your or-ganization?

A: Hospice of North Idaho has two of the finest thrift stores in North Idaho, located in Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls. Run almost entirely by volunteers, our thrift stores are a source of high-quality items available to anyone in our community for a fraction of the cost of department stores. Proceeds from the store support many activities at Hospice of North Idaho including:·Our community grief and loss programs for adults and children·Medical supplies and comfort medicines for those without the ability to pay·Specialty equipment to ensure the com-fort and safety of our patients·Ongoing program developmentHow can you help?Shop: Whether you are looking for home or office furniture, house wares, or the lat-est styles to spruce up your wardrobe, we have it all. Donate Items: Your new and gently used items are always needed and appreciated at both of our locations.

Volunteer: Volunteering at our stores is fun and fulfilling! Call our Coeur

d’Alene store – (208) 667-5128 for more information.

Hope to see you soon!

Q: It is a fact; a clean, fresh smelling home sells faster. Near-ly all Realtors are faced, at some point, with a listing that is a dif-ficult show. What can be done?

A: SERVPRO professionals offer a variety of cleaning and restoration services that can help you get your listings in top-show condition.

• Water remediation

• Fire, Smoke & Soot Restoration

• Mold Mitigation & Remediation

• Pet and Cigarette Odor

Call SERVPRO for a free quote at 208.457.1234

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Left to right: Evelyn Bevacqua, Dave Reed, John Hoffman Lori Chissie, Terry Peterson, Scarlet Kelso, Arthur Shaw, Barbara Smalley, Suzan Helmhout, Jacqueline Sergeant, Debi Melkonian

For more on CONNECTcall Mary at: 208-964-9357





Saturday, July 20th, is the 5th Annual St. Vincent de Paul STEAK-FRY. The food, fun, and festivities will be held at the Kootenai County Fair-grounds. Headlining the evening’s entertainment is Kelly Hughes, with Colby Acuff and Justin Sherfey opening the show. Admission is $25 in advance and $30 at the door.

Friday, July 26th, is the 1st Annual ‘Spay-ghetti and No-Balls’ fundraiser for Animal Allies of Idaho. AAID is establishing a low cost spay/neuter clinic in Coeur d’Alene and raising awareness throughout Northern Idaho that pet sterilization benefits both peo-ple and pets.’ Cost is $ 25, and it will be held at The Pizza Factory in Coeur d’Alene.

The CONNECT ‘hit’ list for two very worthy benefits in July.

Q: I’m getting married soon and I will be mov-ing into my future husband’s home. My husband insists on carpeting in the house but I have 2 dogs. He wants to install new carpet before our wedding. What is the best carpeting for pets?

A: Finding the best carpet for pets can be a challenge as you have so many options. Pets can be incredibly hard on flooring so I commend you on your concern. There are five main things to consider before making a final purchase.Carpet is made with one of two main pile types: cut and looped. Cut piles are the best for pets. Nylon and polyester are your two best carpet fi-bers. Polyester fiber is more stain resistant. Ny-lons offer more stain treatments. Choose either a gel back or waterproof backing; liquid spills will be less detrimental and easier to clean up.Choose colors or patterns that can hide the small messes.Consider carpet tiles. Easy to replace and ver-satile.

Stop by Carpet Warehouse and we can assist you in making a choice you can be happy with for years to come.

Carpet Wharehouse609 W. Appleway Ave. Coeur

d’Alene, ID 83815208-667-3249

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 8 Page 8

Susan Ashley MD is the owner of Family Medicine Liberty Lake, and is board certified in both Family Medicine and Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She can be reached at 509-928-6700

The Great Cholesterol Myth by: Susan Ashley MD

Not a day goes by that I don't have a patient tell me "My doctor said I have high cholesterol, do I have to treat it?" The answer is almost always a resound-ing "NO!". Today I'd like to review the fallicies of statins, cholesterol, and heart disease. There is so much to review, that this will be a 2 part series.Statins (cholesterol meds) are the world's most prescribed class of medications,

with now one in four Americans over the age of 45 on these drugs. This list includes Zocor, Lip-itor, Crestor, Mevacor, Pravachol and others. They are given supposedly to help prevent heart attacks and strokes, with studies showing that they decrease atherosclerosis. These studies are funded by the drug companies that make the meds, and are currently making more than 20 billion per year in these drugs. For more than 2 decades there has been a great marketing campaign to convince us that cholesterol levels are important. But there is a wealth of information showing us that cholesterol is not dangerous. Indeed, cholesterol is needed to sustain life, as it is in every cell membrane, is required to make our hormones, and required for brain function. What matters more than a cholesterol number, is the size of the LDL particle. LDL that is small, dense, type B, is more sticky and more likely to get stuck in an artery, contributing to heart disease or stroke. LDL that is big, fluffy, type A, is lighter and much less likely to stick to arterial walls. Statins do not effect the size of the LDL particle! One third of all heart attacks occur in people with a low cholesterol - was it their LDL par-ticle size instead that made the difference? Perhaps. I would argue that heart disease is a disease of inflammation, not cholesterol. This would explain why people with diseases that cause inflammation, such as rhematoid arthritis and diabe-tes, have an increased risk of heart disease. There are many studies showing that it's more dangerous to have a low cholesterol than a high one, and how inflammation contributes to this disease. And a multitude of studies showing the risks of statins, including an acceleration of heart disease, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, especially in women, increase in dementia, muscle weakness, liver toxicity, and a decrease in cardiovascular fitness with exercise, just to name a few. Next week we'll go into the specifics of these studies, and give you the information you need to make an informed and wise decision.

Tidbits® of CDA

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by Samantha Weaver • It was French Enlightenment writer Voltaire who made the following sage observa-tion: “Faith consists in believing when it is be-yond the power of reason to believe.” • If Niagara Falls emptied into the Grand Canyon, the giant chasm would be filled within 6 months. • Next time you’re rolling the dice, pick up a die and take a closer look. The opposite sides of each gaming cube always add up to 7. • You might think of Uncle Sam as a fic-tional character, but he’s actually based in fact. The original Uncle Sam was one Samuel Wil-son, born in Massachusetts in 1766. When he was 14 years old, he joined the army to fight in the American Revolution. Once the war was over, he moved to Troy, N.Y., started working in the meat-packing industry, and became known locally as “Uncle Sam” due to his jovial manner and ethical business practices. During the War of 1812, Sam won a contract to provide meat to troops stationed nearby. To keep track of which crates of meat were destined for the troops, he stamped “U.S.” on them, even though that abbre-viation for United States was not yet in common use. When his packing plant was inspected in October of 1812, a government inspector asked a nearby worker what “U.S.” stood for. Unsure of the abbreviation himself, the worker replied that it must stand for the name of the owner, Un-cle Sam. Though the answer was in error, it took hold, and soldiers soon began calling military ra-tions “bounty of Uncle Sam.” • If you remember the early-1960s TV series “Route 66,” you might be surprised to learn that the show was actually shot in Florida and Oregon, nowhere near the fabled highway.

Thought for the Day:

“Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” -- H.G. Wells

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 10 Tidbits® of CDADear Auntie M.,

Nine thousand veterans are going to re-ceive vouchers for permanent housing.A joint effort between Housing and Urban De-velopment (HUD) and Department of Veterans Affairs will spend $60 million at public-housing agencies across the country to provide Section 8 housing for veterans. Called HUD-VASH, for HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing, the program not only provides most of the cost of rentals, but also case management and services from nearby VA medical centers. Many homeless veterans suffer from chronic disabling conditions, such as men-tal health or substance abuse disorders, or physi-cal disabilities. Veterans who are accepted into the program are expected to participate in case management, treatment recommendations and assistance for recovery.Some specifics:--Veterans in the program won’t pay any more than 30 percent of their income for rent.--Both single veterans and those with families are eligible for housing.--Veterans must be able to complete daily living activities and live independently in the commu-nity, with the support services and case manage-ment.The VA is making headway in tackling home-lessness, with the goal of putting an end to vet-eran homelessness by 2015. Statistics show a 17 percent decline since 2009. So far, it’s put 42,557 formerly homeless veterans into housing through the VASH program. More funds will be announced this summer.If you’re a homeless veteran, or know of one, find out if you qualify for the housing assistance program by contacting the VA’s National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838). You might be referred to the point person for the homeless program at the closest VA facility. If you’re also unemployed, ask about the Homeless Veteran Supported Employment Pro-gram for job development and vocational assis-tance.Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his col-umn whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@

gmail.com.(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Housing Vouchers for Home-less Vets

I don’t know what to do. My husband is on his yearly camping trip with his buddies. I thought I’d surprise him by washing and waxing his pickup, but I’m the one that got the surprise – a big surprise! I found a pair of red lace pant-ies with a note attached –“Sniff and rub - just a reminder till next Thursday!” Next Thursday? Thursday’s are his weekly poker night. I work and there are no kids, but do I ask him for an explanation or do I just leave?Heartbroken in Wallace

Dear Heartbroken, Wow! I can only imagine your reaction. How’s the pickup? Does sex outside marriage happen? Yes. Does that make it acceptable? NO. The egotisti-cal person (read Villain) believes it is their privi-lege, a natural ‘right’ – just who they are. The weak person (read Victim) is helpless over the influence of others. One dares you to love them. The other dares you not to love them. Which do you love? Is he a cocky guy (excuse the pun) who thought you’d never find out? Can you ever trust him again? If he knows the panties were there he is so busted. And, poker - is that the game or an activity? Marriage is a partnership. This happened for a reason. You can forgive him, but every time you do he will respect you less. Be the Hero in your life and save your own life. Good luck. Let me know what happens. Auntie M.

Serious questions welcomed. I shall be frank and honest with my response and provide

resources where appropriate. Send your request to: Evelyn2318@gmail.com

by Freddy Groves

Tidbits® of CDA Page 11

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