three studies for a figure laced and unlaced (1)

Post on 08-Oct-2015






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Three Studies for a Figure Laced And Unlaced

It was that Day that I became a Transparent Shitball Emerson


In Notes *this Knots, I suppose: a Movement, Shallow in Breath, Hand in the Air: Signed (with) what I said: Some Lined for *this Bed.

We have gathered Ourselves in the Lines that have lied for some time in the Face: caught, as if, in a Whim.

There is Expulsion, there is Propulsion, in a way, from what, of the Head (grows)--------(thrs the Face: bows the Body to the blow, (-es) bl

If we do not Swallow it is not for Want of Hunger. If a Knot holds us, it is for Want of Restraint. For: it is easier, in that way, to Embrace: that way easier to Encase.

Thus, to Imagine then, when the Face encased, is no longer what you are but rather, a moreso, (soso) what you Hide deep within your Hide (so).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please understand but one Thing: Swallowing what will what may, what Penetrates. If we Collapse, the Lines Collapse *this City lights: Collapse. Thus: applying a little light Pressure, turning to you fucking in a gentle form of Capture

The way I See it: a Slash, not across, but over *this Face

So, why does *this Face curl, becoming a striking Provocateur whittling out of its deepest Knot: and how *this then darkens our Repose in *this City: and all at once everything becomes again other words:--------------(It is the freedom of Restraining from Swallowing that easier kind of Swallow.

It was that Day that I became a Transparent Shitball Emerson


There is *this how my Face------(look how I will tell you what else about *this I dont understand: it is only Love when the Sense of love comes slow under the Face in *this Risen. In Other Words-------------(dont over fucking Decay

So, Love in *this Sense is a Figure against performing the Basis of *this Body concerning *this Face in a Knot: an Evidence of attempting to convert *this City against being against you.

The City recedes from Visions: the Simulation of a Fault: a Failure:

Covering your Mouth, Swallowing and mouf: under and over *this Ends:---------------(a Body, crumbling in, and the Throat will glisten a Histen, and then:

One Figure, clippedOne Voice, chipped~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~then a thus:Concession: it is our bodies moving wild how we come loose one way and tighten in another.Of Course:---------(The Doubt always comes in, Ambivalent, Swerving within a Form we mustnt Accept. Because:---------(Only Something like an Atom of Meat is left. for:--------(A is a Discontent person. Therefore:----------(He is Attached to the Meat (of *this) World. However:-----------(The Meat never Congeals. Thus:-----------(The Real of *this is a Romantic Motion: like Violence of the World which causes it. Ultimately:-----------(I see *this is where *this Began. Increasingly:----------(What is Recovered well think of as Shit.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(-------------------------(:IN OTHER WORDS:(-------------------------(There it is: (is) Shit and we come to love *this fucking ShitFig. The Drama of *this Recognition, is the Desire to engage *this in its own Perverse exitings piled upon Exits

ThreeAt the Moment, I am Experiencing clusters of

I went for chronology, thinking that I might misjudge the symmetries in making an individual book

across the street from the house, a field. that was an era when the world was unfinished, when there were houses with adjacent fields, or, as in this case, across the street. in winter, the long wet grass & in summer the long parched brittle grass that rattled a little when we walked through it. underneath the grass the beginnings of the foundation of a house, somebodys abandoned dreams. for us, as children, a ghost house, unfinished as a work of art desires to be unfinished, the sleepwalkers map that imagination strays into I played there with the twins, a boy & a girl. I remember that he was a little slow. later she ripened &

in other words: There is no Receptacle for *this Gesture

Lines not the red of blood anyway blood is all over my Bed. We wonder what ties us and we wonder where and how we are tied. The Regurgitation that *this Proposes, is Something, that we do not, that we will never Know

BlusBls.ThroDoubly-Swallowed (-----------( || Dubitably-Knotted ||(-----------( || Doobily on *this Face, blotted1. Youll See how I suck the Belly right in2. I am terribly Beautiful yet terribly Dishonest3. Maybe *this is suctions Suffocations Suffuction 4. volley-hoom[!]5. There is *this fucking posture and *this Posture is a fucking Sacrifice6. No need to look back or look even. 7. There is suffering makes us antiquated in that it makes us human and human does not evolve with time. 8. Yes it is suffocation. 9. Perfect love. 10. Or: comes a come Coming comes open on Some. (--------------(in other words: (--------------(My Face is Seen but is not there My Face is Seen and is not thereThis Event of Swallowing as Inverted a Passage: Measure, Mustered, Mammothed as Space

Events have 'invented' a measureasspace. That occurred by their passages loosely extended not occurring any other way as life. Except that it is there.

"The people migratory, working on the roads, crawling out from under the corrugated zinc pieces under which they live -- where they are on the gorges at dawn burning the tar: dawn is -- life is nothing.That dawnis that. (At present.)

The latter is action that is its motion (doesn't exist -- 'there' at any place as a sole entity in the series or sequences or whole -- not in any other form than its moves) by not asserting its content simultaneously or sequentially. Authorityisignorance.

There is no reciprocal gesture held apart, so that all experience -- which is memory even -- at present is not observed -- there is no observation 'there' -- (motions one makes registering as memory are not observed -- in the sense that observation is something else, occurring entirely by itself) Cognition (which seems first, after) and events may occur at the same time but separately -- in experience. Obliterating observation by it being sole and experience by it being sole."

This occurs easily by simply giving up one's mind -- and the outside -- not hanging on. (Yet one has to hang on to write it?).Giving Up, Giving Out

Giving up the outside as 'conversation' and at the same time giving up the interior 'conversation' occursinthe 'viewing' of performing (these becoming the same).

from Three Studies for a FIGURE KNOTTED and unkotted

from Three Studies for a FIGURE KNOTTED and unkotted

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I realize *this is not

I Follow, (-err) Fumble the Impulse

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

I realize *this is not what *this is not

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