three reasons to choose tablets for your school's one to one initiatve

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Thinking of implementing one to one technology, but not sure which device to use? Tablets and netbooks are both awesome choices. Today, we'll look at three key reasons why you should consider purchasing tablets instead of netbooks. There's not a lot of research on this issue, and I plan to change that. After you've seen the presentation, follow through to my blog to join the conversation about which device you think. And check out the progress of my research into which device the students at my school find more useful for their own work. Sometimes it's not about the tool, it's about the situation in which it's put to use.


Everyone’s Doing It.

Shouldn’t You?

San Diego Unified School District

has 26,000 iPads.

McAllen School District in Texas

bought 20,000.

Chicago, well, they only got


Are You Going to

Join Them…?

“Because infrastructure for learning should support learning in and

out of the classroom, students and educators need Internet access

devices for around-the-clock use from any location.”

National Educational Technology Plan

But Which One Is Right For Your School?

A Tablet or a Netbook…?

Clearly We Need Devices

Today, We’ll Argue for Tablets.


Let’s consider

these reasons


Where Can I Use It?

I can use it in a house.I can use it with a


Image Credit: Old House by borutc at Image Credit: Mouse by Alex Bruda

I Could Even Use It

In a Tree.

Image Credit: “Reading in a Tree” by John Flinchbaugh.

But a Laptop… I would not,

could not use it anywhere.

Pretty much just a desk. Cause this just ain’t right.

Image Credit: “Businessman with the Notebook 2”Image Credit: “Businessman with the Notebook 3”

Next Reason?

Tablets are awesome

for reading.

eReaders on steroids.

Netbooks? Eh,

they’re ok for


Books have looked like books for centuries.

It’s a pretty basic design.

And a tablet presents a reading experience similar to a book.

What a Striking Similarity…

Try Sitting That Close to

Your Laptop. Please Do.

Kindle and Nook

Books Resize Easily

Kids choose the font size that’s

comfortable for them.

Text just flows… without


PDFs and websites that you’d use

as “textbooks” on laptops include

lots of formatting.

They _don’t_ resize easily.

Does the Peg

Fit the Hole?

Tablets are made for

reading things first,

doing things second.

Laptops are made for

doing things first, and

reading things


Third Reason? Two Words.

Touch Screen.

You Ever Draw

Something… With a


That Many Letters? Intimidating for

Kids Too Young to Read…

But That’s Just


Ok Ok. Enough

Kidding Around…

Tablets are clearly better

at certain things.

I can use them anywhere, without

a workspace.

They’re super-useful for reading.

And touch screens are super-cool

and intuitive for kids.

Image Credit: “Serious Cheetah.”

So Ask


Do we want kids to take

these devices anywhere, and

use them everywhere?

Is a main goal of our one-to-

one initiative to replace

textbooks with eBooks?

Are we going to utilize apps

that take clear advantage of

a touch screen?

Image Credit: “Question Mark.”

So… Tablets or Netbooks?

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Read about my research on my blog.

Sound off!

Tell me what you think.

Curious for more?


By Brian Rock

Join the conversation at Tech

and Teaching.

Connect on Google Plus.

Twitter: @TechAndTeaching

LinkedIn Profile.

I’m a graduate student, and I am

researching the merits of both

tablets and netbooks in

classrooms. But I need your help.

Research requires devices. That

means money.

Spread the word about my

campaign on IndieGogo! Find

details on that and my research on

here on my blog, Tech and


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