three parishes newsletter june & july 2017

Post on 04-Jun-2022






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Saltford, Corston and Newton St Loe

Three Parishes Newsletter

June & July 2017

Dear Friends In the next few months, people in Saltford, Corston and Newton St Loe will give up their valuable time and energy for the common good of the village in which they live. It’s the season for Saltford’s Village Festival, Newton’s May Day and coffee mornings and Corston’s Open Gardens and Country Fair - just some of the achievements of people planning and working hard together all year round for the benefit of their community. Centuries ago, Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, urged the people of Israel in exile in Babylon to work for the common good. ‘Seek the welfare of the city’, he said to them, pray for it and be a full part of that place. Jesus, too, urged his followers to work for the common good. ‘You are the salt of the earth,’ he said. By ‘salt of the earth’ he did not mean something that must be sprinkled on food to preserve and add flavour to it. The phrase refers to farming, not condiments. Here, Jesus means potash or some other fertiliser which is dug deeply into the soil to give nourishment to all kinds of plants. Christians are to be the salt of the earth, bearing the life of God to those around them. So let’s give thanks for the Christians who – working with others – in Keynsham and elsewhere are providing foodbanks so that the most vulnerable can put food on their tables. Let’s give thanks for the churches in Bath which work with others to support the homeless in the city. And let’s give thanks for the people from St Mary’s, Holy Trinity, All Saints and others in our three villages who will organise the kaleidoscope of community events and activities planned for the next few months. Part of our Christian calling is to work and pray for the places in which we live. This is not something extra to what we do. It’s central and for everyone! Best wishes from Robin Dixon


Parish Registers Baptisms Sophie Thain 14th May (Saltford) Weddings Jessica Edgley & Ross Exton 13th April (NSL) Funerals Hayley Worth 16th May (Saltford) Gerry Hones 18th May (NSL)

Information regarding the Three Parishes Magazine

Colour edition For those who only received the monochrome printed version of the Newsletter, a full colour version can be viewed on line on any one of the three church websites. Alternatively, if you would like to receive the colour version by email, please email Howard Griffiths at and he will add your email to the distribution list.

Copydate for the next newsletter will be 10th July at the latest. Please deliver all copy to the Parish Office. If you produce it on a computer, it would be a great help if you would please email it to: Thank you for your support

The Three Parishes Editorial Team


A Praying Community

Opportunities to pray across the Benefice Monday 7pm Silent Prayer - an opportunity to pray silently with others in St Mary’s Church, Saltford Thursday 9am Morning Prayer - in All Saints Corston Prayer Meetings Each week in Saltford people meet to pray in people’s homes, please see the weekly notice sheet for details of where and when these take place – they are open to everyone. Prayer Book If you would like prayer for yourself or for someone else, each church has a prayer book in which you can write the names of those you would like us to remember in our prayers. One to one There are people available to pray with you if you have a particular need or find something within the service has challenged or inspired you. Please speak to one of the wardens, readers or clergy and they will find someone who is willing to pray with you. Alternatively, if when you receive Communion, just speak to the Rector and she will pray for you then.

How Do You Pray Much has been said and written about how we should pray…..what we should do when we pray, but not so much about how we feel when we pray. How, or what, do you feel when you pray? Here is a list of some of the words people use in response to that question: worried, anxious, uncertain, shy, determined, weak, needy, confident, sure, certain, loved, strong, afraid, confused, tearful, happy, accepted, nothing at all….. Some of those responses may be about the feelings that turn folk to prayer, while others may be about how the process of actually praying makes them feel…..but that raises some questions for us; questions which keep returning. Is prayer an activity or process or attitude of mind? Is prayer controlled by the mind or the heart? Who is in control of prayer? Is it something we do, bringing our agenda to God or….?.....? Prayer is a precious privilege granted by our gracious God, but do we make use of it or join in with it?

Ken Plant


Come and join us in St Mary’s Church Hall on

the first Sunday of ‘most’ months during 2017 from 4-6pm


4th June 2nd July – change of venue BBQ at the Scout Hut

August – no Messy Church 3rd September

1st October-Messy Harvest 5th November

3rd December- Messy Christmas Messy Church is a way of being church for families involving creativity,

hospitality and welcome, or simply fun and food for all ages! It involves a variety of activities, a simple act of worship and ends with supper and refreshments for all. All children must be accompanied by

an adult.

For further information, contact the Parish Office on 01225 872275 or email

Just turn up on the day, but if you can let us know that would be a great help to make sure we have enough food!


Heritage & History at the Festival The emerging and early beginnings of the Saltford Heritage Centre, a joint project from Saltford Environment Group and St Mary's Parochial Church Council based at the Church Hall, will be open on Saturday 10th (2pm-4pm) when it will host the Bath Record Office Roadshow (including activities for children) and on the 'Old Village Day', Sunday 11th (12 noon - 4pm). The Heritage Centre opening on Saturday 10th will be preceded by a presentation on "Life in 19th Century Saltford" by Dick Bateman and Saltford Drama Club - in St Mary's church at 1pm.

2017 coincides with the 150th anniversary of the death of our 19th Century local hero the naval officer, liberator of slaves and benefactor, Admiral Kelly; so watch out for the "Admiral" appearing in uniform outside Saltford House (by his blue plaque) on the afternoon of the 'Old Village Day' (Sunday 11th).

An Invitation to Afternoon Tea

An invitation to afternoon tea for those who have recently been bereaved or

would like company on a Sunday afternoon.

This is a monthly event and we are meeting on the following Sundays

between 2 and 4pm in St Mary’s Church Hall.


June 2017


July 2017

A warm welcome awaits you

St Mary’s Ebay Shop In April we achieved £132.40, so thank you for all your donations. We sold a guitar, some toys, computer peripherals and other "stuff". BUT THE BIG WIN WAS the "no-longer-wanted" items from a lovely lady's jewellery box. Some gold, some silver, some neither but just pretty, some broken, some with bits missing, some complete and cute. Even a tie pin!! Well, surprise, surprise ..............£125 for the lot. So the first £50 to the church and we split the other £75 half to church and half to donor. SO......... let's make May and June the gold, silver and jewellery months. Ladies please check your jewellery boxes for bits that you no longer wear/want/need. And gentlemen you too can join in, tie pins, cufflinks, signet rings, they are jewellery too you know. And silver ornaments can join in the fun too, no need to clean them they just need a hallmark. We are in Saltford Church most Sundays, if that is not for you then pop your donations into a bag or envelope with your name and a contact number and pop it through our door, 4 Collingwood Close. Let's see what we can do together. P.S. If the ladies of Corston and Newton St Loe prefer their donations to go to the Vestry Restoration Fund please say so and we will make sure they are dealt with separately. Contact David and Vicki on 01225 354535 or


Situations Vacant - Can you help? We are looking for people to:

help with washing and ironing altar linen at St Mary’s.

help with our Sunday School?

help with and serve refreshments at a new toddler group that may start on Monday mornings in the Church Hall

If you would like further information, please get in touch with Daile. Can you spare an hour or two to help support the activities the Church are running at the Saltford Festival? Please see notice boards, Daile or Robin for more information.

News from Saltford School

Ascension Day Walk to Kelston Roundhill

On Friday 12th May the staff and children from Saltford Primary School decided to take a chance with the weather and make their annual pilgrimage to remember the events of Ascension Day on Kelston Roundhill. The children set off with a spring in their step and made good progress towards the summit. Once everyone had assembled at the top of the hill, they had a service with prayers, a Bible reading, hymn singing and a reminder of the significance of the occasion. The children were then able to tuck into a well-deserved picnic lunch. Refuelled, they spent a little while playing in the fresh if somewhat damp air before retracing their steps back to school. This memorable day also gave the children a chance to chat with their friends, teachers and other adults, enjoy the scenery and observe nature.



News from All Saints, Corston


A concert in Corston Church by the Lorien Ensemble

Corston Church Preservation Trust are delighted that the Lorien Ensemble, led by Lorna Osbon and

Matthew Bale, are returning to Corston for what promises to be another wonderful Summer evening

of great music. Last year’s “Four Seasons” concert by the Lorien Ensemble was a triumph, and a sell-

out. This year’s programme promises if anything to be even more exciting – it includes JS Bach’s great

5th Brandenburg concerto, with its fast and furious harpsichord solo, a gorgeous flute Concerto by

Vivaldi, Barber’s beautiful Adagio for Strings (who could forget when it was performed at the Proms

just after 9/11?) and for good measure another chance to hear “Summer” from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

These concerts are held annually by the Corston Church Preservation Trust, which exists for the sole

purpose of raising funds towards the cost of maintaining the church building. The Trust has already

provided substantial sums to the PCC towards paying off the loan for essential tower repairs, and has

offered to help with the cost of two other significant items of repair work now being considered.

Tickets are £12.50 (£8 for schoolchildren) and are available from Anthony & Liz Acton (873955),

Rosemary Thompson (873688), Roger Blackman (874556),

Martin Seymour (873677) , Malcolm and Liz McDowall (01275 331797) and the Corston Village Stores.

The price includes a programme and refreshments.

Tickets are running out fast, so please don’t leave it too late or you might be disappointed!


Pet Service All Saints Church held their Pet Service on Sunday 21st May which was very successful. Attended by many dogs, 2 guinea pigs, a hamster and owners. All behaved well, especially the animals!! Daile blessed them all but is still holding out for something more exotic. So if you have a snake, or even a Lizard please bring them along next time! Lovely coffee and cakes served afterwards thanks to Hannah and her Mum.

News from Newton St Loe Gerry Hones The news of the death of Gerry Hones has saddened all who knew him in the three villages and beyond. Gerry made friends easily his charm and interest in people endeared him to everyone. Gerry served Newton Church for over 40 years and was enthusiastic in many village events. He was proud of his home town Fowey and joined the Royal Navy and served overseas. On leaving the Navy he trained as a teacher which brought him to Bath. Geography was his subject and he excelled in it, gaining a Doctorate and doing research for oil and chemical companies. One of his interests was compiling a biography of the author Arthur Quiller Couch who also came from Fowey. Despite his wide ranging achievements Gerry was a modest man, a pillar of Newton Church serving as Churchwarden, Secretary of the ‘Friends’ and he researched and organised the churchyard records. We will all remember Gerry as a wonderful man, a proud father and grandfather and a gifted and happy companion.

May Day The traditional Country Market held this year on 1st May at Newton St Loe was a happy and successful occasion. The village was buzzing with more stalls and exhibits thanks to everyone who supported us to raise badly needed funds for the Church – over £5000 ! This was a great day out for families especially for the children who loved riding on ‘Chuffy’ the train. We also owe thanks to the people who worked very hard, the organiser Wendy did a fantastic job. This event depends on the goodwill of everyone particularly Hugh & Celia, the May Day committee and helpers. Newton’s Queen of the May...Day

Monies specifically raised for the Vestry Repairs, from the raffle and bric a brac stall, totalled £669 and separate donations totalled £121.26.

Bellringing at Corston & Newton St Loe for June & July

Friday 2 June – Corston

Friday 9 June - Newton St Loe

Friday 16 June - Corston

Friday 23 June - Newton St Loe


Friday 30 June - Corston

Saturday 1 July Wedding ringing at Newton St Loe

Friday 7 July - Newton St Loe

Friday 14 July - Corston

Friday 21 July - Newton St Loe

Friday 28 July – Corston

If you are interested in learning to ring or would like to look at the bells and find out what goes on

upstairs in the belfry, please get in touch and we'd love to 'show you the ropes!' We have ringers of

all ages and you don't have to be very strong or even musical to be able to ring bells. I promise your

feet will stay firmly on the floor too!

Nicki Lang - Tower Captain, Newton St Loe (01761 568729)

Friends of Saltford Library at Saltford Festival Monday 12th June - What was in the newspapers 90 years ago? 2pm to 4pm Material from newspapers dating from 1927 in the archives of Bath City Library, researched by June Wentland the Outreach Librarian. There are only 20 seats in the library so please ring Cynthia Wilson on 01225 874259 to book a place.

Friday 16th June – Readings from the Saltford Poetry Competition. 10.30am to 12noon

Friends In Need - Appeal for more drivers! Can you drive a car? Do you have time during the week – on an ad hoc basis, to take someone for a medical appointment? For over 40 years, Churches Together in Keynsham and Saltford have offered a transport service to people in the community who need to attend an appointment at a hospital, or a clinic, or to the doctors’ surgery. This service is in danger of ceasing to run, due to the lack of drivers available. Could you help?

It is not a regular commitment, and you are free to say no if the timing is not convenient. Drivers are able to claim mileage expenses at the rate of 45p per mile. People using the service are encouraged to offer a donation towards the cost of the journey. We ask that you think and pray whether you could join the team of drivers to enable the continuation of this much valued service through Churches Together. Please speak to Daile and they will put you in touch with Mary Face for more information.


A Message from Bishop Peter

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you read this one of the issues dominating the news will be the General Election. Some wit once said: ‘If you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results you expected.’ Witty that may be, but it is also somewhat cynical and it is one of the things our Archbishops have warned us against. In a Pastoral Letter released to all parishes and chaplaincies they have said that the first obligation we have as Christians is to pray for the election and to recognise the very real burdens and responsibilities carried by those in political life and their families. The second obligation they suggest is to set aside apathy and cynicism and to renew our commitment to the virtues of love, trust and hope in God and in each other. These virtues they suggest should guide and judge our own actions and shape and determine the life of our nation. Faithful, humble, trusting prayer is one mark of true discipleship and I hope that many of us will be engaging in the opportunities to pray with others between Ascension and Pentecost. If we do we will be praying with millions of other Christians across the world, praying that many more people, among them our own friends and families, will discover and open their lives to the love of Jesus Christ. Services are being held in Bath Abbey on 25 May and in the Cathedral on 4 June. At Bath Abbey there will be interactive prayer stations, mixing traditional and contemporary worship and at the Cathedral there will be a Prayer Fayre. We are all invited to take part and to pray together expectantly for the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Come and join your bishops in praying: ‘Thy Kingdom Come’.

+Peter Bath & Wells

Archdeacon Andy Following the announcement that he is to retire at the end of June, a farewell service to celebrate and give thanks for the ministry of the Venerable Andy Piggott, Archdeacon of Bath will take place at Bath Abbey on Monday, 26 June at 7 pm.

This is not a ticketed event and all are very welcome to attend.

No Boundaries "Oh bother!" exclaimed George, "and I still haven't finished."

"Well, we'll have to go now," said his friend Roger, "or we shan't get any dinner."

George and Roger had been working hard on their class service. Every Friday morning the school service was taken by a class, and this Friday it was the turn of George's class. Because they had been learning about it from a television programme, they had chosen the theme of Boundaries.

“You know," George began as they ran across the school hall, “l never realised just how many types of boundary there are."

“How many have we thought of so far?" enquired Roger.

"Oh I don't know, let's work it out. We've got field boundaries, city boundaries, parish boundaries and county boundaries," began George.


“Not to mention cricket and football boundaries" 'added Roger.

“And then there's the various ways in which we mark these boundaries," George went on enthusiastically.

“There are hedges, ditches, fences, walls, streams, rivers, the sea....."

"Not to mention white lines!" grinned Roger.

By this time they had followed the line of boys into the hall and were sitting waiting for their meal. George's teacher came up to their table.

"I couldn't help hearing you talking about boundaries," he began, “but one thing you haven't mentioned is what they are for."

George gazed at him for a moment before replying. “Well, I suppose they're mainly for keeping people out or keeping people in" he ventured.

Roger added, "Or they mark the boundary between one person's property and someone else's."

"Well done" approved George's teacher, "You have obviously got a pretty good grasp of the obvious boundaries we meet in our everyday lives, but why did you run over to dinner?"

George stared at him. It was always the same with his teacher. You just got going on a sensible discussion and he would suddenly throw in a completely unrelated question, or so George thought.

"Because we were late, Sir," George replied truthfully. "I'm very sorry Sir. You see we were …”

“No, no," his teacher interrupted. “You were late because you were on the wrong side of a boundary. You see, twelve o'clock is the invisible boundary that separates school time from lunch time. Like most of life's boundaries it is man made. We are hemmed in on all sides by boundaries. Rules and regulations are only another type of boundary. They are simply limits beyond which we must not go. All created by man in order to make life easier, or so he thinks. Now God, on the other hand, created very few boundaries."

“What about day and night?" suggested Roger-

“Or life and death," muttered George. “They are pretty rigid boundaries created by God."

“You're quite right," agreed his teacher. “Of course God has given us some boundaries, some limits to our lives and our activities, but not nearly as many as those we have created for ourselves. You take the language barrier for example."

"But that was created by God, not by man," objected George. "It was God who created the different languages of the world."

“That's as may be George. I won't try and argue either way on that one" but what is certain is that Jesus wanted the boundaries created by language to be broken down."

"Oh," enquired George, "and when did Jesus mention this?"

George's teacher smiled at George's indignation. ”He did even better than tell them, although in fact he did this just before his ascension into heaven. On the first Whit Sunday, the Jewish feast of Pentecost. Each one of them felt its power and its presence was visible to them all in the form of tongues of fire which hovered above the head of each of them."

“But that has nothing to do with boundaries or the language barrier between the nations," George persisted.

"Ah, but what happened next has”, continued George's teacher. "When those twelve men rose from the table they found they had the power to speak in different languages so that foreigners from many countries who had gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost could understand what the disciples were saying."

“And what were they saying?" interrupted George.

His teacher looked steadily at his enthusiastic pupil now starting on his prunes and custard.


"They were telling everyone about Jesus and his unfailing love, a love which has no boundaries whatsoever, a love which continues for all time, which is just as real today as it has ever been. A love which actually breaks down barriers, the boundaries between classes and nationalities. I tell you what George, I think I have a poem which you could use to round off your class service which would sum up this idea of God's love. It should lead our thoughts on from the boundaries, limits, rules and regulations of our everyday lives to the limitless, boundless joy of his love'"

Prunes and custard finished - as finished as they ever were - the boys returned to the classroom to put the finishing touches to their service. They collected the poem from their teacher and, as George later admitted, it sounded a lot better when all the class joined in with some of them dressed as disciples. However, this was their poem:- When Jesus stood on the mountainside He spoke to Peter and John. He explained to all his disciples How they should carry on. "Go forth!" he cried "and spread my word Throughout the whole wide earth Go out to every country And preach for all you're worth!” "In me there is no east or west In me no south or north But one great fellowship of love Throughout the whole wide earth” But Peter who could see the snags Stood up and asked him straight "Do you really mean we've got to go Outside the Jewish state?” “For surely, Master, are we not The chosen race of God? If we go telling other folk It's sure to look most odd" "He's right you know," the twelve agreed "Our boundaries we must keep. To go beyond is not our job" Our Lord looked fit to weep.

He gazed upon his twelve close friends And sadly spoke at length. "Alas my friends I've little time But please God give me strength. Throughout the last two years I've tried To show you all God's love. I've tried to make you understand The way in which he moves There are no boundaries to his love No limits or degrees; No hedges, ditches, fences, walls No rivers, streams or seas. No race or colour, size or shape Can bar its mighty Power. Go forth! And feel within yourselves Its joy each passing hour-" "We will! We will!" they all replied, Their doubts now put to flight, And off they went to lands afar To spread God's joy and light. "'We're off to the ends of creation No boundaries hinder our way. Our hearts are all filled with elation For God's love has come here to stay!"

By David Cox


Turn off your TV * Leave your house

Know your neighbours Look up when you are walking * Greet people

Plant flowers * Use your library Play together * Buy from local shops

Share what you have * Help a lost dog Take children to the park

Garden together * Pick up litter Support neighbourhood schools Fix it even if you didn’t break it

Honour elders * Invite people in for supper Read stories aloud * Dance in the street Talk to the postman * Listen to the birds

Help carry something heavy Barter for goods * Start a tradition

Ask a question * Put up a swing Organise a party for your neighbours

Bake extra and share Ask for help when you need it

Turn up the music * Turn down the music Listen before you react to anger

Mediate a conflict * Seek to understand Learn from new and uncomfortable angles

Know that no one is silent although many are not heard Work to change this

Living As Community Copied from a poster at the Quaker Meeting House in Salisbury.




Sunday 2nd



VILLAGE HALL 12.30-5pm

Garden/Plant stall

Tickets on sale 12.30-3.30pm

£5 per person - Accompanied children free

Proceeds to Corston Village Hall and All Saints Church


The Benefice of Saltford, Corston and Newton St Loe

A Safe and Welcoming Church for All

The Benefice of Saltford, Corston and Newton is committed to making the Church a safe and welcoming place for all through the implementation of our Safeguarding and Safe Recruitment Guidelines. If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding children, young people or vulnerable adults, please contact Revd Daile Wilshere 01225 355910 or Mrs Sue Dixon, our Safeguarding Officer on 01225 359014. The Benefice Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment Policy has been updated and outlines our commitment to the welcome, care, and protection of all in our Church community. A copy is available for all to read in each of the Churches Benefice Contact Details The Parish Office, St Mary’s Church Hall, High Street, Saltford, BS31 3EL Tel: 01225 872275 Rector: Revd Daile Wilshere Tel: 01225 872275 St Mary’s Saltford Churchwardens: Dave Faulkner 01225 874133 John Norris 01225 872750 PCC Email: Holy Trinity, Newton St Loe Churchwardens: Ian Tadd 01225 426489 PCC Email:

All Saints, Corston Churchwardens: Liz Acton 01225 873955 Diane Phillips 01225 873643 PCC Email:

The Benefice of Saltford, Corston and Newton St Loe

PCC Meetings 7.30pm

6th July – Saltford 13th July – Newton 20th July – Corston

Please remember in prayer all who serve on the PCC’s

across the benefice

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