thought for the music exam results week! · thought for the week! year 5 . ... copthorne carnival....

Post on 18-May-2018






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“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find

an excuse!”

Friday 15th April 2016

Thought for the week!

Year 5 Information Evening Dear Year 5 Parents

Can I remind you all that we are hosting an important information evening on Thursday 21st April, to explain life in years 6, 7 & 8. I will touch on how the Common Entrance syllabus differs (and is superior) to the National Curriculum (used in state schools); the way in which we assess and track your children’s progress; where next after Copthorne and the minefield that is Senior School selection at 13+. We will finish with a question and answer session.

In order to encourage you all to attend, we will be serving a buffet supper, together with a glass of wine at 6.30pm, with the meeting planned to start at 7.00pm. Year 5 children are welcome to stay on at school and be looked after until the meeting ends at around 7.45pm. In order to inform Karen in the kitchen, please can I encourage you to RSVP to Kathryn, my PA, at

MUSIC EXAM RESULTS The marks were particularly high this year! Well done: Kimberley A Piano Prep test Liban A Singing Grade 2 Merit Liban A Violin Grade 3 Merit Amelie A Piano Prep test Ella B Piano Prep test Rafe C Piano Prep test Jake D Singing Grade 2 Pass Ellie D Singing Grade 1 Distinction Sheen D Singing Grade 3 Distinction Sheen D Violin Grade 4 Pass Ben E Piano Grade 4 Pass Christopher F Piano Prep test Janith G Clarinet Grade 6 Merit Katie H Violin Grade 3 Pass Rosie H Piano Grade 3 Pass Alayna J Violin Grade 1 Pass Louis L-L Singing Grade 3 Merit Ewan M Trombone Grade 1 Pass Catherine P Violin Grade 1 Pass Luca P Piano Grade 1 Merit Sophie R Violin Grade 1 Pass Annabelle S-R Alto Sax Grade 1 Distinction Randeep S Piano Prep test Freya W Singing Grade 2 Merit Eva Z Piano Prep test Emma N Singing Grade 4 Distinction Gabrielle H Singing Grade 2 Distinction Shriya J Drums Grade 2 Pass Akshay C Drums Grade 2 Distinction Daniel P Drums Grade 4 Merit

Theory results:

Lily-Grace C Grade 1 Distinction Nicholas H Grade 1 Distinction Alastair H Grade 1 Merit Nathan J Grade 5 Pass Katherine M Grade 1 Merit

2016 Ski Trip Huge thanks to Carole Kinnear who has burnt all the ski photos onto a disc that should have come home with your child already (please let me/her know if it has not). As you know we brought all 42 children home safe and sound (albeit with one broken arm), and I hope that everyone had a great time. Apart from the odd incident they were a great bunch of children and everyone’s skiing improved enormously. The beginners made huge progress and this simply confirms my view that age 7 or 8 is the best time to learn to ski. I have already booked to return to Pila in Italy in 2017, same resort, but a different hotel. We depart on Saturday 25


March 2017 in the first week of our Easter holidays. If you are keen to be part of this trip next year, then you can provisionally book a place via email to Mr Jones or

Manners Maketh … (wo)man! We are having a focus on manners and consideration of others this term. This stretches beyond a simple “please” and “thank you” to table manners, holding doors open for others, walking (not running) indoors, waiting before speaking (and not interrupting) along with giving eye contact during conversation. We will also be reminding children to treat other people’s property with respect. These things are, of course, learned at home, but they can be usefully reinforced at school. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

SILENT AUCTION On offer … a week of dance, drama, singing and fun for 1 child (aged 6-21 years) at Bullfrog Productions’ Sleeping Beauty Summer Workshop, 15th-20th August, 10am-4pm daily with performances on stage at Chequer Mead on Saturday 20th, at 2pm and 6pm. This item is worth £160 and will go to the highest bidder. Money raised will go to St. Catherine’s Hospice, in aid of an ex-Copthorne parent, Margot Mulvey, who sadly died last year. Please email your bids to Susie Swadling at

Help for Heroes Triathlon Spaces are filling up fast for the triathlon on Sunday 22nd May, please do sign your child up as soon as you can to avoid disappointment! Registration and sponsorship forms are attached to the back of this newsletter. Sponsorship can also be made at Please send any questions to:

Year 7 Snowdonia Trip Parent’s & children’s Information Meeting Monday 25

th April, 6.00pm

in the Rendall Room Year 7 children depart on their trip to Snowdonia in June, and the meeting on Monday 25th April is designed to provide both parents and children all the information they need prior to departure. Please do make every attempt to attend if possible.

Cross Country Records are Broken! The following children broke the school record for their year group in the Whole School Cross Country on Monday afternoon.

Year 3 Girl Harley B Year 4 Boy Sam R Year 4 Girl Gabrielle H Year 5 Boy Alastair H Year 5 Girl Mallory E Year 8 Boy Daniel W Year 8 Girl Alice R

Their names, along with all of our other athletics record holders, are on display on the ‘Sports Board’ in the main school building. Hopefully this is the start of another successful year of broken records.

Follow us on Twitter @copthornesport

SUPERB FUNDRAISING IDEA If you like to shop online, please can I suggest you go through where you can access all your favourite online shops and the school raises funds as

a consequence as each retailer pays a percentage of your purchase to the school. It really is very simple and easy!

There are a couple of quick things to tell you before you start: Your unique easyfundraising URL is

This is the link you should give to your supporters when you ask them to register with us to support you. If you click on this link, you can then register and every time you shop online you may help to raise funds for the school. Thank you.

Copthorne Carnival This local event is taking place on Saturday 25

th June; the theme this

year being Tales from the Seven Seas. The school will be organising a stall once again, but we are also considering entering a float into the procession IF we can find a trailer which we could decorate and use for the day, and the preceding few days (for decoration purposes). If there are any parents who have a suitable trailer we could borrow (with sides so that the children/pirates do not fall out!), please contact the

Important Uniform Guidelines We have noticed that uniform standards are not being complied with. May I remind you that the guidelines are included in the Parent Handbooks, which can be accessed through the Parents’ Zone section on the school website. In brief:

Copthorne blazers must be worn to school and home every day.

Kilts, tunics and summer dresses should be worn at the knee.

Shirts should be tucked in and jumpers/cardigans must be in good repair with no holes.

Shoes should be black (patent shoes are not permitted), polished, in good repair and flat in style. They should have no visible markings. Laced shoes should have laces worn tied.

Outdoor coats must be the school black Copthorne coat (purchased from the School Shop) and worn to and from school weather dependent.

Personal Appearance

For girls - shoulder length or longer hair should be tied back off the face or held in a black, red or a school uniform band hair accessory. Hair should be well kept in a moderate style without streaks or other colour.

For boys - hair must not be cut in any extreme style, be coloured or streaked. If the school deems that a hair style is not within keeping of the school culture, your child may be asked to remain at home until the hair has grown.

For girls - no jewellery should be worn, except for one sleeper stud in plain gold or silver in each ear lobe. For boys - earrings and jewellery (except for religious reasons) are not permitted. No make-up or nail polish should be worn.

All Pre-Prep children should return at the start of the Summer Term wearing the summer uniform. Girls should be wearing the summer dress with short white socks. Boys should be wearing charcoal grey shorts (not combat shorts), short sleeved white collared shirts and long grey socks. For Prep school children, girls may wear either a summer dress with short white socks or the school kilt with a short sleeve revere collared blouse and short black socks. The boys have the option to wear the summer uniform of shorts and short sleeved collared shirts or to remain in long trousers. All other school uniform items remain compulsory. We expect all children at Copthorne Prep to wear their uniform with pride as they are representing the school’s traditions and values.

Science Year 3 have been investigating different plants this week in science. What fantastic observations!

Form Captains Summer Term 2016

3HC Biba M 3SL Matthew V 3CC Isobel G 4RT Charlotte P 4TC Ava F 4SB Esaam A 5ML Ruby H 5LD Mallory E 6MA Emma N 6MB Austin A 7IP Freddie H 7DJ Luke M 8JC Rohan P 8LC Elliott M

PREP SUCCESS STORIES Thomas recently competed in two Rugby festivals. The first was in Horsham where his team took first place, and the second was in Lewes, where his team were runners up. Well done Thomas and his team!

First Round Success Eva Z and Abigail G recently entered the BBC Radio 500 words writing competition.

There was over 123,400 entries and both Eva and Abigail’s stories have been picked. There are just 4,500 - to go to the Reading Agency for the second round of judging and both stories have been shortlisted for the final 50. The girls should find out in May how they have done!Congratulations and good luck Eva and Abigail!

A very well done to Sam Sypher, who fences with Taran Nicholls after school club. Sam entered his first fencing competition last weekend, he went in as an unknown competitor and finished only one win away from making the Nationals in a U12 age group. Well done Sam!

Last weekend both Dan and Sam played for Haywards Heath:

Sam was part of the Heath U9s who triumphed on Sunday at the Lewes Festival, winning all four pool matches which took them through to a competitive final against Uckfield, where Heath U9s won 6-3

Big brother Dan played for the Heath U13 squad. His team beat local rivals Crawley 36-0 to become U13 league champions 2016.

Well done boys!

Silent Auction On offer … a week of dance, drama, singing and fun for 1 child (aged 6-21 years) at Bullfrog Productions’ Sleeping Beauty Summer Workshop, 15th-20th August, 10am-4pm daily with performances on stage at Chequer Mead on Saturday 20th, at 2pm and 6pm. This item is worth £160 and will go to the highest bidder. Money raised will go to St. Catherine’s Hospice, in aid of an ex-Copthorne parent, Margot Mulvey, who sadly died last year. Please email your bids to Susie Swadling at


Copthorne Carnival This local event is taking place on Saturday 25th June; the theme this year being Tales from the Seven Seas. The school will be organising a stall once again, but we are also considering entering a float into the procession IF we can find a trailer which we could decorate and use for the day, and the preceding few days (for decoration purposes). If there are any parents who have a suitable trailer we could borrow (with sides so that the children/pirates do not fall out!), please contact the

Nursery The Coach House welcomes new friends, Sienna, Amari, Priyan, Idris, Maddy and Max this week, who all seem happy and settled already. The younger children have been getting ready for their new topic all about dinosaurs by making some

folders using paint and some special dinosaur stamps. We are all brushing up on our knowledge and as usual the children seem to be able to name more dinosaurs than the teachers!

Read Write Inc. has started in the Older Nursery and all the children are enjoying learning their sounds. This week we learnt that ‘m’ and ‘s’ are stretchy sounds and ‘a’ and ‘d’ are bouncy sounds. Please do come along to our RWI information evening on Tuesday 26th April at 7.30 to find out more about this excellent literacy scheme.

Year 1 The children have been very excited to return to school and be back playing with friends. Many have enjoyed lovely holidays at home and abroad and have told the class about their fun adventures. Our class bears have travelled far and wide and we have talked together about the weather and activities they enjoyed whilst away. The children were very excited to discover that Mrs Blacker’s class potatoes have begun to grow! However Mrs Lock suspects that under the earth her class potatoes are gathering strength ready to surge up and out of the soil and overtake them in height at least!!! ICT was a great success as we progressed from instructing our human robots on a grid to using Bee-Bots. The Bee-Bots were programmed with a number of forward and backward moves, left and right turns, then pressed go. An adventure every time!

Please can you ensure that your child has red waterproof trousers, coats and their wellies in school, as we are now playing on the field again each day – and we may also need them for our Wakehurst trip next Wednesday!


Tesco visit has changed from 19th April to 26th April – apologies!

It is so lovely to see all the Reception children back from their holidays, full of exciting stories! Many have also done some super writing in diaries – well done! Our new topic is “Minibeasts” and we have already been talking about minibeasts, painting pictures of minibeasts and been on a minibeast walk! We have also enjoyed our outdoor classroom this week as the weather has been so lovely.

In maths we have been counting forward and backwards and making sure we can order our numbers to 20 and beyond. We are also concentrating on good manners and kindness towards others in our school!

A couple of reminders for you: Word pots need to come in on a Tuesday. The children have the option of a new reading book on Tuesday if they bring their other books back.

All reading books are changed on a Friday but we really do need the old books back in or we cannot give them to other children. It’s easiest if

their books are kept in their book bags all week!

Children should have their trainers in school EVERY day as they use them for playtime. Please may we remind you that girls should have black tracksuit bottoms and not leggings in their PE bags.

Year 2 Understanding the concept of fractions is very tricky for most children. In Year 2 we have been revising ¼, ½, ¾ and mixed numbers. The children have been encouraged to count in halves and quarters to 5. Please bear this in mind when you cut up pizzas and cakes! Practical experience is an essential part of learning.

We have also started our history topic on seaside holidays in the past and present. We have plotted important annual holidays on a timeline. We all look forward to the long summer holiday we plotted on our timeline.

We have been comparing types of seeds and welcome any collection of seeds to look at during our science lessons.


Golf There are 3 spaces available to Year 1 or Year 2 children, to join the Prep School Golf Activity on a Tuesday from 4.30-5.20pm. Neil Powley, our golf coach from Copthorne Golf Club, has equipment for all sizes and is happy to include a few Pre-Prep children. Please let Beth know if your child is interested … first come, first served on this occasion!

Next Week Wednesday 20th April Year 1 visit Wakehurst Place

Lost Property: Marcus OB lost his school shoes at the end of last term. Does anyone have an unexpected pair?

Congratulations to the Stars of the Week from the last week of the Spring Term:

Rec SJ Darcy Being brave when coming into school and excellent work with her writing Rec JD Ryley Making good progress with Maths, and doing extra work at home 1 HL Josie Using good expression in her reading 1 DB Mia Working hard and making good progress with Maths 2 CP Harry An excellent term’s handwriting! 2 DP Anna Great contributions in Humanities lessons

WAITING HOUSE has moved! … to the Nursery! A few updates to the message emailed on Thursday

Tea is still in the Dining Room for Pre-Prep children. Nursery

children have tea brought down to them in the Nursery;

However we do need parents to sign up their children for

tea. We get mixed messages from the children, so from now on, unless your child is signed up on the sheet or you have emailed/rung in, your child will NOT be taken up to tea;

Pre-Prep children go up to tea at 5pm, and come back down at


We have a NEW PHONE NUMBER for Waiting House on the

O2 network which has much better coverage in this part of the school.

The new number is 07593 708900. Please use this number to

make contact with Waiting House staff. Messages regarding Waiting House can also be left on this number.. Log it in your phones please!

Good Manners Leaves For Our Trees As you may have heard from your children, or seen elsewhere in this newsletter, the whole school is having a focus on manners and consideration of others this term. Thus it seems appropriate to call the leaves for our trees ‘Good Manners Leaves’ this term. Hopefully you will have found a leaf in your child’s book bag, which I look forward to seeing back in school with the child having written some way he or she has demonstrated good manners at home. It could be waiting their turn in a conversation (and not interrupting), being polite to visiting relatives, looking you in the eye when they are talking to you etc. I am sure you will think of other ways to help us reinforce these very important lessons. Manners maketh man!

Join us for

A Night at

the Races

to support

Copthorne Prep


Eco Project

Copthorne Prep School Sports HallFriday, 24 June 2016First Race 8.00pm Curry plus Auction!Boogie til 1.00am to the sounds of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s

Tickets - £17.50 eachChicken Curry and Vegetable Curry included (don’t forget, you can bring your own snacks!). Beer, Wine, Prosecco, Spirits and Sodas on sale (no outside beverages allowed please!)Booking form on reverse

If you fancy being a champion jockey or owning your own horse for the night or having the best dressed table - there will be prizes!! Race totes will be £1 per runner per race.

A Night at the RacesFriday, 24 JuneBooking Form

Name _________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number _____________________________________________________________________

Email Address _________________________________________________________________________

No. Tickets Required ___________________ (£17.50 each) TOTAL £ _______________________

Guest Names (if booking a table)

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Each table can accomodate 10 guests. If you do not have a table of 10, don’t worry - we will arrange it for you!

Dietary Requirements ❏ Chicken Curry ❏ Vegetable Curry

Please return the form to the School Offices or the School Shop. Cheques made payable to Friends of Copthorne. An acknowledgement will be sent out on receipt of booking and payment.

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