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James J. Gibson, 1904-1979. Papers, 1922-1980.

G. Solomon, June 1982 M.E. Wgrren, May 1988 ( a d d ' \ )



iii Description of c o l l e c t i o n

S e r i e s arrangement and desc r ip t ion BOX l i s t i n g s and Folder l i s t i n g s for :


Se r i e s I. Material p r i o r t o 1928 and Gibson's Profess ional Career

S e r i e s 11, subse r i e s 1. Teaching and Pro fesso r i a l ma te r i a l

S e r i e s 11, subser ies 2. ~ e a c h i n ~ and p ro fesso r i a l ma te r i a l f o r a course on Propaganda

Se r i e s 111. Material f o r pub l i ca t ion

S e r i e s I V , subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Se r i e s I V , subse r i e s 2. Reprints by o t h e r authors

S e r i e s V. Material of an experimental na ture , d r a f t no ta t ions f o r l a t e r work

S e r i e s V I , subser ies 1. General Corres- pondence

Se r i e s V I , subse r i e s 2 . Houghton Mi f f l in Co. Correspondence

Se r i e s V I , subse r i e s 3. National Academy of Science Correspondence

S e r i e s V I , subser ies 4. Navy and A i r Force r e l a t e d Correspondence

S e r i e s V I , subser ies 5. Research Career Award Correspondence, subse r i e s 6. Symposium on Oral Sensation Correspon- dence

Se r i e s V I , subse r i e s 7. Correspondence concerning small manuscripts, subse r i e s 8. Correspondence concerning v i s i t t o I t a l y and v i s i t of Mete l l i , subse r i e s 9. Correspondence concerning t h e re t i rement o f Robert MacLeod and h i s untimely death, includes remarks f o r t h e Necrology of t h e Faculty (Cornel l Univ. Pub l i ca t ion ) .



s e r i e s VI, s.&series 10. Correspondence related t o conferences, subseries 11. Correspondence w i t h Leonardo magazine

Series V I , subseries 12. Correspondence with major psychologists

Also included i n tkis guide is a complete Bibliography of the writings o f James J. Gibson

Series V I I , Additional material



iii i i

L Description in DOCUMENTATION NEWSLETTER Spring 1982 C

ul n 73 -

. . 71 -4

GIBSON, JAMES JEROME, 1904-1979. Papers. 1922-1980; 14.0 cu. ft. Professor ul

of Psychology, Smith College, 1929-1949; Cornell University, 1949-1979. Pro- m

fessional papers include extensive drafts, notes, outlines, and occasional c z letters related to colloquia, conferences, courses, lectures, seminars, and - symposia given at Smith College and Cornell; also included are magazine arti- 2

73 cles, newspaper clippings, notes and pamphlets for a course on propaganda ul - planned for 1939. Gibson's experimentation and research papers include drafts, notes, and pertinent correspondence in many areas of perceptual psychology in-

2 cludingaviation, perspective, and physiolouical o~yics. The documentation for

P 70 0

~;llblishe? mzterial includes draft copies and ty?e_ccri;.t copies of zrticles, - I 500::5, essays, 2nd short 2apers an2 is com~lementeC 51, diagrm.~, origin21 sketches, < m photosraphs, and tables. Many annotated reprints hy Gibson and other prominent ul

psychologists are also included. The correspondence includes letters to and from . n

the Houghton Mifflin Company and Leonardo magazine concerning Gibson's writing 0 73

career. There is also correspondence with groups such as the National Academy of Z rn Science, the Symposium of Oral Sensation, and the Research Career Award. Corre- r r sponcients include Rudolf Arnheim, Jacob Beck (University of Oregon), Edwin G. Boring (Hzrvzrd University), James Bosma (chief of Oral Pharyngeal Development, f - National Institute of Dental Research), Michelangelo Fluckiger (with a recomrnen- dation from Jean Piaget), E. H. Gorrbrich, Mary H e ~ l e , Gunnar Johansson, David N.

2 iO LP

Lee, William Mace (University of Texas), Norman ~zlcolm (cornell University), - '.

Frznk J. M&lina (founder end editor of Leonzrdo macazine), Fabio Metelli (Italy), 4

Albert :,:icnotte, Joseph M. Nottennan (Princeton Advisory Council), Joseph Royce 1 (Center for Theoretical Psychology), and Robert E. Shaw (University of Connecti- m

73 cut). (14/23/1832) % -

rr ul - 3

James Jerome Gibson, 1904-1979. Papers, 1922-1980.

Series arrangement and description:

Series I: Material prior to 1928 and Gibson's Professional career. Material is arranged chronologically and include high school course books, course notes, and papers.

Series 11: Teaching and Professorial material. Material is arranged chronologically with folder titles and is divided into two subseries.

subseries 1. includes colloquia, conferences, course materials, lectures, seminars, student papers, and symposiums. subseries 2. includes material for a course on propoganda c. 1939 with pamphlets, newspapers, and magazine articles - complementing course notes and other general information.

Series 111: Material for Publication. Material is arranged chronologically and includes articles, draft copies of book material, essays, short papers, visual material (such as diagrams, original sketches, photographs, and tables). See also: Series 11, subseries 1. for additional short papers and Series VI, subseries 7. for some manuscript material which has been placed with its pertinent correspondence.

Series IV: Reprints. The reprinted material is arranged in two subseries.

subseries 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson are arranged chronologically with a listing of their titles in this index. subseries 2. Reprints by other authors are arranged chron- ologically with a listing of their full names in this index.

Series V: Material of an experimental nature, draft notations for later work. Material is arranged chronologically with folder titles and includes research files, notes, and draft copies (mostly un- published material. )

Series VI: Correspondence. Correspondence is arranged by subject with inclusive dates in twelve subseries.

subseries 1. General Correspondence (1941-1980) subseries 2. Houghton Mifflin Co. correspondence (1948-1979) subseries 3. National Academy of Science correspondence (1966-1974)

subseries 4. Navy and Air Force related correspondence, includes grant proposals and reports (1936-1971)

James Jerome Gibson, 1904-1979. Papers, 1922-1980.

Series VI: Correspondence (continued) 0 m

subseries 5. Research Career Award correspondence "J 2,

(1963-1972) T: subseries 6. Symposium of Oral Sensation (main correspondenG is James Bosma) (1964-1966) 2

r3 subseries 7. Correspondence concerning small manuscripts, includes several papers for conferences (1941-1975) % subseries 8. Correspondence concerning visit to Italy (1969-19721, and a visit by "Metelli" to the United

? 2:

States (1972-1974) 5 0

subseries 9. Correspondence concerning the retirement TI w

of Robert MacLeod and his untimely death, includes remarks for the Necrology of the Faculty (Cornell

X University Publication) (1971-1972)


subseries 10. Correspondence related to conferences C Z

(1964-1979) subseries 11. Correspondence with Leonardo magazine

: (1967-1977)


subseries 12. Correspondence with major psychologists e <

(1940-1973) 2,

z Series V I I : Additional Material

Series I.

Box 1

Fldr. #



Material prior to 1928 and Gibson's Professional Career.

Inclusive dates





Title -

card from New Trier Township High School

X "The Electoral College" w % The Logical mundation of Mathematics 3 rn

z -4

Observations on the Evolution of Language in the Light of Psychology 41

Addition of velocities in the Theory of 5 z

Relativity 5 n 7J -

Wulf in Psychologische Forschung (translation): VI

Philogenesis of Labyrinthine Function GI -

Perception of Form (History)

course book--History of Science

The Characteristics of Vertebrate Behavior i P 7J

Physiology of the Labyrinth n I - < m

General Notes, notes on the Epistemological Problems

n 0 7J

6 r- r-

5 - 2 7J (P - i < r- .-.

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material


Fldr. # Inclusive dates Title

student paper

student paper

student paper

student paper

student paper ii5 z 5 student paper, corresp. with Erissman, notes on

adaption - P student paper, corresp., notes w -4


student paper 01

C z student paper -

< m P

student paper, notes, visual material VI - Conditioned Response theory in Social Psych.

2 g ,-. L'

24 1932 student paper, visual material I - < m

2 5 1932-1933 Social Psych.--course notes on Specific topics .m

n Social Psych.--Bibliographies of Topics (mostly g personality experiments). Z m Social Psych.--of Animals, Bibliography, and r- r- corresp. student papers, notes 5 -

< m student papers Z) u- -


Social Psychology--course notes <

1 student papers %

7 -

9 7J

Printed Tests and Attitude scales, corresp. - ;n VI .

Various Experiments on Constancy, Bibliography - Psych. 31, course notes

2 .5

The Problem of Group Thinking, intro. and notes, Ingenuity Test

Srudent Attitudes, studies 5 < 0 7J

student papers T w C CO IS1 w

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 1

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

student papers

student papers

student papers

44 - c. 1935 student papers 0 n

student papers, course notes 5 z

student papers, course notes 5 n 72 -

student papers for Soc. Psych. course, w -4 V)

notes C1

student papers "Cooperative Thinking" C z

student papers "Level of Aspiration for College " Grades" and course notes s

72 V) -

"Measurement of Aversions" Course notes and experiment data

2 % n

Robinson's seminar--learning, interests, - I thinking from the Sociological point of view 2

V) . "Class Stratification in the United States" 0 Bibliography, course notes, and reprints 0 72 "Gerber on the Measurement of Taboos" 6

r r

student paper 5 -

student paper, corresp. < m R "

student paper, course notes - 4


"Cross-out technique for stereotyped Words r - paper" student papers, corresp., tests m n

topics in Soc. Psych., bibliographies, course g - m

notes V) . "Attitudes" Questionnaire, studies with data

0 Psych. 12--first semester, course notes, exams, .* general information

Box 2 < 0 72

Fldr. # Inclusive dates Title E - +d

C 1 1938-1939 Psych. 12--second semester, course notes, questiong

for review, general information w

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 2

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

Student papers and course notes, reprint 0 rn

Social Psych. lecture notes z "Driving' lectures, manual for high school

2 rn Z

teachers --I "Driving" lecture notes with psychological basis

7 1939 "Smith College Driving Test" 5 z C ul

8 1939-1940 Psych. 35G--Experimental Soc. Psych. n P - . . D

"Public Opinion Polls--Opinion at Smith College" ;t corresp., data, notes


C "Attitudes toward Psychical Phenomena," student z - papers, study, survey, and bibliography 5

52 ul

Psych. 31b Experimental Psych. - 2

Psychology and Marxism % n 1

Student Paper - 2 ul

"Item Analysis of Smith College Driving test" . n 0

Student papers, course notes P Z rn r

"National Stereotypes from photographs" r

"The Prob. of Agression in Social Psych." 5 - < rn iO

"Resistance to Social Change," corresp., CP - and course notes -

< r-

"Status Quo Attitudes and estimations of - w

Social conditions," questionnaires, student papers 9" -

-7. ,., ul

"Driving Test," corresp., gen. info., manual, . notes, tests -


"Notes on Social Distance(race prejudices)," $ n

includes biblioq., notes, reprints >

Psych. 2 5 , notes for second semester, exams 5 <

"Goldstein's Experiment on locomotion" paper W x with notes, tally sheets -

C m

"Level of Aspiration," bibliog., notes VI w

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material


Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

"What students want to know about Soc. Psych."

Psych. 35a, and Seminar on Social Patterning, includes corresp.

3 3 1941-1947 Psych. 31a, course exams and notes, outlines

"Social psych." old exams, prelims, and final exams

"Stereotypes of the Opposite sex--checklist technique" includes student papers

37 1946-1949 "Smith College--Psych. 25 second semester"

"Social Patterning of Behavior" with corresp., notes, student paper

Psych. 251 Univ. of Chicago, summer course in Elementary Social Psych.

Psych. 351 Univ. of Chicago,summer course Social Patterning of Behavior

"Measurement of Aversions-Trevellyan"

"Joliffe and Weld on Nonsense Scribbles" includes student papers and visual material

"Talks on: Space perception, ESP, and M. D. Vernon's book on Visual Perception,') with bibliography and notes

Psych. 25a first semester course notes

Psych. 11 lab experiment sheets from Mrs. Gibson's course

"Perception and Brain Injury"

Psych. 311b

"Psych. 451b spring semester, Smith College, notes on Socialization"

"Psych. 45a Smith College, Social Patterning of Behavior"

Psych. 11 Lab Mrs. Gibson's course

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 2

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

52 1948-1949 Psych. 11 Lab Mrs. Gibson's course

53 1948-1949 Psych. 31a course notes

54 1948-1949 Psych. 25, first semester, corresp., course notes

55 1948-1949 Psych. 25, second semester, course notes

"Notes on Experimental Transformation of the Optical stimulus," inlcudes notes and student papers

57 1949 Psych. 31b. "Projects in Experimental Psych."

58 1949 "Study of distance estimation--Berry and Nore"

"Psych. 575b--The Social Patterning of Behavior" corresp. and course notes

60 1949-1950 Psych. 207-- lecture course notes

Psych. 48b, Visual Perception, Psych. 575 Problems of Perceptual Constancy, bibliog., course notes

"Notes on Geometry, Projective Geometry, Gradient theory and Relativity"

Box 3

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

1 1950-1951 Psych. 513 (Fall 1950) Seminar--"Relation of Learning to Perception"

2 1950-1952 Psych. 101 lecture notes

Problems concerning perception of pictures and movies, draft for later paper, inlcudes corresp.

"Plans for Perception--Motivation Learning courses" includes reprint

"Notes on the Psychological Basis of Know- ledge--Psych. 112"

Series 11. subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 3

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates


Title -

"Experimental Projects on social learning, socialization, and social patterning of g behavior"

Psych. 207 Perception Lecture notes

Psych. 207 Perception Lab notes

Psych. 324 Soc. Psych. course notes 5 z - L Ln

Psych. 571a "The Development of Social n Motivation (with Lambert) "

io - -0 2 7

Ln Psych. 207 Perception lecture notes


Psych. 207 Perception lab notes C z - <

Psych. 511 Seminar on Fundamental Problems m io Ln in Perception - 2

Psych. 107 "Psychological Basis of Social Behavior" %

Q I -

Psych. 207 "Lab notes for Experimental < m

Psych. Perception" m . Psych. 207"Lecture notes for Experimental g io Psych. Perception" z E

Psych. 101 Elementary Psych.

"Research Conference--Orientation in Animals" includes corresp.


"The Visual Perception of Surfaces (Johns < Hopkins) " r- -

% "Perception Seminar--Social Events" includes io ?= reprint - rn

Ln . Psych. 107 "Psych. Basis of Soc. Behavior" - Psych. 207 Experimental Psych.--Perception

i! ?=

lecture notes .g Psych. 207 Experimental Psych.--Perception lab notes <

% x w L-

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

27-28 1953-1955 "Notes and reports on Optical Transformations" includes student papers, corresp., notes, %

v and photographs

2 9 1954 "Space Perception relative to Social Perception 3 z -4

3 0 1954 "Seminar on Human Learning and Memory" % Psych.101 "Outlines and Exams" 5

z 5

Psych.511 "Seminar on Basic Problems of Perceptmn m -

Psych. 131 (Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley)-- v -4 m Perception m

Psych. 207 Perception lecture notes c z - Psych. 207 Perception lab notes 2 m

m - Psych. 100A--Experimental Psych.--Survey of ~ e n z Psychology %

Q "Seminar on Perception" (Univ. of Calif. at A Berkeley) 2

m . 39 1955 Several lectures on Space Perception 2 -


"Notes for talk on Motion Parallax, motion 6 perspective, and the Control of locomotion for A. J. P. --Sept."

5 - -. "Psych. 511--Perception Seminar on Impressions 2 of Light and Surface" includes reprint m m - + "What Constitutes an Experiment on Perception--< BPA Conference in Manchester--April" K

m i3

"Psych. 485 Contemporary Psych. Theories-- Seminar notes"

% - m m .

"Psych. 491 Classic Problems in Psych. theory Honor's Seminar"

h "Psych. 207 Perception lecture notes" >

"Psych. 207 Perception lab notes" @ <

"Psych. 511 Graduate Seminar on Perception" % E

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 3

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

"Psych. 107 Psychological Basis of Soc. Behavior" 0 rn '

"Classical and Modern Theories of Perception, w with a look into the future--Purdue Symposium" 9 :

3 '

Psych. 485 Contemporary Psych. Theories

"Psych. 207 Experimental Psych. Perception lab notes" 5 I "Psych. 207 Experimental Psych.Perception Z 1 n lecture notes" 3 i

T ! i i

Psych. 511 Graduate Seminar on Contact with ~ r l

the Environment (draft of a paper) ^ I C

Psych. 107 Psych. Basis of Soc. Behavior contain5 [ work on motion perception ,$ ; 3

i "The Info. in Stimulation--lectures" ;!

"Psych. 207 Perception lab notes" g : I

1 . - , "Psych. 207 Perception lecture notesW(Includes < :

rn 1 Johansson reprint) ~ r l . , "Psych. 107 Psych. Basis of Social Behavior"

", - 3 "Psych. 511 Special Problems in Perception and z

Perceptual Learning" (includes reprint) rn r- r-

Psych. 207 Exp. Psych. Perception lectures 5 - <

Psych. 207 Exp. Psych. Perception labs rn Z) CP - + Psych. 501 General Seminar for Grad. Students < r-

Psych. 511 Some trends of Contemporary Research , on Perception 3

g - .-

Cornell Conference on Basic Research in percepti* . "List of the Sources of potential stimulation in the Terrestrial environment--The ordinary causes of actual stimulation"

Lectures and Colloquia on Perception--various locations (Preliminary versions of later book ? in 1966) <

0 w x Psychology and the visual arts-- The consequenes,

$ of the Pictorial attitude, The Psychology of w Pictorial Representation w

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 4

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates


March 1965

March 1965

March 1965

April 1965

October 1965



Feb. 1966

June 1966

June 1966

Title -

Psych. 511 Issues and Controversies in Perce~tion


EPA Conference paper Atlantic City, N. J. % -- 3 - 1 1 1

Psych. 305 Basic Processes Perception lecture3 notes 0


Psych. 305 Basic Processes Perception lab 5 notes z C

m A . .

Psych. 512 Problems of Space and Time - i3

TI --I

Notes on Constancy (Reformation of the m

the Problem) with corresp. m C Z

Psych. 511 Seminar on Perception - 2 i3

APA Symposium on the Contribution of Pro- 2 prioception to Perception with corresp. --I <

short paper-"The Comparison of Mediated % Perception with Direct Perception" 0 * - . .

rn short paper-"The Physical Causes of Optical Textures"

On - ?J

short paper-"Optical Magnification and Minif-z rn

ication" r r

short paper-"Two different usages of the 5 term Information in the study of perception 2

m and discrimination" XI VI - 4

short paper-"Four related Problems in the < Visual Perception of Environmental Layout" r - Psych. 511 Seminar on Perception

Psych. 512 Seminar on Perception

short paper-"Note on the Perception of Slant"- rf P

short paper-"A further note on the ~erce~tionc of the motion of Objects as Related to the Perception of Events"

< short paper-"The Optical Geometry of Edge Pero

i3 ception and its Accompaniments" x w C m VI W

subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material Series 11, 5

Box 4

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates

July 1966


short paper-"Note on the theory of a Just Noticeable Visual Motion"

0 m

short paper-"Tentative plan for a show of dis- 2 plays to Illustrate the structuring of


light by Nature and Art." 2 m Z

Nov. 1966

--I short paper-"The Illusion of the Apparently Bent Stick partially Immersed in Water" $I

z Nov. 1966

short paper-"The Stick-in-Water Illusion 5 c (revised) " VI

0 i3 -

short paper-"Discussion topic for Psych. --I '0 511 Seminar" VI


Dec. 1966

Dec. 1966

Psych. 305 Basic Processes Perception-- c z lecture notes and lab sheets with reprint " s

;o Psych. 512 Perception (innate perception) VI - Psych. 511 Perception "The Problem of

2 Change and Non-Change in Perception" %

C1 I -

The Structuring of Light by Nature and by < m Art (notes and plans) with reprint . VI

n General Lecture Series "The Useful Senses" 0 e 1966, 1972

Jan. 1967 L m

short paper-"Note on the Interpretation of r- Experiments Concerned with Perceptual Adaptio E' -- - short paper-"A Note on Innate Perception" < m


Feb: 1967

Feb. 1967 . . v'

short paper-"Projected and Unprojected - 4

Surfaces in a stationary Optic Array" + with drawing r- -

m i3

short paper-"Contrasting Assumptions of a)the classical theory of vision, and

% - n

b)a new theory of vision" VI

34 Feb. 1967

- "What gives rise to the Perception of Motion?" (draft)

i! > .g

Do Animals have Illusions -

3 5 Feb. 1967

i 36 April 1967

How are straight and crooked sticks seen 5 <

as such? A Preliminary to Consideration of the Stick-in-Water problem x

37 May 1967

+J E

Apparatus for the Experimental study of w 0) visual perception (draft) w

38 May 1967

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 4

Fldr. #



Inclusive dates - Title

May 1967 New Reasons for Realism

June 1967 A Study of the Stick-in-Water illusion with children (draft)

July 1967 A new theory of scribbling and drawing in children

Auq. 1967 What is perceived? Notes for re- classification of the visible prop- erties of the Environment

Auq. 1967 Note on an Elaboration of the Dist- inction between the Proximal and the Distal Stimulation

The Consequences of the Pictorial Attitude Sept. 1967

Oct. 1967 Toward a Nomenclature of form, pattern, and shape

Situations requiring different types of Exploratory Ocular Behavior

Nov. 1967 Invariant detection for perception of a Constant Object-property

Nov. 1967 Direct Observation of Matter in Relation to its Physical State

Nov. 1967 Is there a mathematical model appropriate for a general analysis of Optical Motion?

Nov. 1967

Dec. 1967

Note on Illumination and Space (draft)

"Conflicting Object-Information on the two Retinas and Confictinq Object- Information on Opposable Areas of the Skin"

"Ideas worth thinking about" for participants in the first Rochester- Cornell Conference on Vision -2 The Development of Graphic Activity in the child. A theory and first Experiment

z < n ji; x

The Problem of Consistent vs. discrepant stimulus information. Corroburators E m conflicting information. cn


Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 4

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

55 1967-1968 Psych. 511 Perception "The [legacies inheritance] of Gestalt Theory" g


56 1967-1972 g

The motion of an internal image (reprint) -i 3 m ...

57 Z

Jan. 1968 A Tentative Psychophysical law for -i

Progressive Occlusion % 58 Feb. 1968

59 April 1968

60 April 1968

61 May 1968

62 May 1968

63 June 1968

Sept. 1968

Sept. 1968

Oct. 1968

Oct. 1968

Nov. 1968

Nov. 1968

Outline of Experiment on the Direct 5 Z

Perception of surface layout (draft) c z \ , 72

"The Analysis of Spatio-Temporal - 71 Organization" -i VI

m The Stimulus situation of the Infant

C in Peek-a-boo Z - < m Two short papers--Dimensions of Differencesio VI Among Forms and The Concept of the -

Stimulus. A Revised Formulation of the 2 Alternatives 5

i' Supplement for Outline of Experiments 1 - on Direct Perception of Surface layout $

VI . Three short papers--Consistency vs. o Discrepancy of Stimulus Information. % The Contrast between Physical Motions 6 and Optical Motions. Psychophysical r r Hypotheses for Stationary Edge Perception.

5 Wave train Information and Wave front Information in sound and light, with a note on Ecological Optics

Psych. 511 Seminar on Perception

A Glossary of Terms used in Ecological Optics (second edition)

Memo on Motion

Two short papers--The Perception of Surface Layout. The Relation between Haptic and Visual Space

Two short noces on Ecological Optics

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 4

Inclusive dates

7 0 Dec. 1968

75 Jan. 1969

76 Jan. 1969

Feb. 1969

March 1969

May 1969

June 1969

: Sept. 1969 1

Oct. 1969

Title -

Three short papers--The Construction of Meaning vs. the Detection of Meaning. %

w On the difference between Perception and % Prioperception. The Puzzle of the Retinal 3

m Image. z -4

Psych. 511 and 512 Perception--Psych. % and Light (corresp.) 3

P Psych. 512 Perception--Experiments on 5 Direct Perception of Surface Layout n w - (corresp.) 2

vi Two short notes--Information in Visual o

Theory. Outline of theory of direct C

visual Perception. z - 2

Three short notes--For a Collection of w VI papers in honor of Kai von Fieandt. - A reconsideration of Eye-movements and 2 eye postures based on Ecological Optics. > w A list of Ecologically valid meanings in a stationary ambient Optic Array. -

5 a , , VI

Three short notes--Course of Readings . for grad. students interested in n 0 advanced work in Perception. On the w Z Conflict between vision and Touch. m r References for Eye Movements and r anomalies of Localization. f -

< Two short notes--A Further note on 0cclusion.m w The Theory of Images transmitted to the CP - brain. i <

r Experiments on Perception Considered - as Illusions %

g . - - Two short papers--Homogeneous Optical ili

VI Perception. Heterogeneous Optical . Stimulation. -

2 Two short papers--Three kinds of Equivocal 6 Information in line drawings. Psych.


511-The Image.

Two short papers--The Psychology of < Representation. Does the ability to %

iT Visualize depend on Visual Images? -

E m Cn w

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 4

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

101 Sept. 1970 Psych. 511-Perception, Koffka --

102 Oct. 1970 The relation between Retinal Stimulation and 3 rn visual Sensation. z


103 Nov. 1970 Inquiry into Sensations--Seminar. The Problem % of Event Perception. 5

z C

104 - c. 1970 Notes on radiant and ambient light and "natural n VI

Perception" - i3 - - .. w

--I Box 5 v,


Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title c z - 1 1971 Psych. 512-Ecological Optics 2 i3

v, - 2 Jan. 1971 Four short papers--Anomalies of Form Perception.

Loss of Word-Meaning with Prolonged Fixation. 2 P

Concerning Onset and Cessation of Stimulation ;D B

and Disturbances in an array of Stimulation. - I Current Problems in Ecological Optics--Psych. 512 2

v, . 3 Feb. 1971 A Preliminary Description and Classification of n

Affordances % 2

4 March 1971 Three short papers--Is there a Geometry for r- r-

Ecological Optics? More on Affordances. Still more on Affordances. 5 -

5 May 1971 < rn

Do we ever see Light? The Problem of Information ;n CP

Pick-up--Psych. 512 - -4 <

6 June 1971 On the distinction between Objects and Substances. r - m

7 Aug. 1971 i3 A Note on the Muddle of extrasensory Perception z -

8 Sept. 1971 The Crisis in Sensory Physiology . v, rn

9 Oct. 1971 On the Concept of Optical Texture -

10 1 Nov. 1971 Note on Terrestrial Orientation

11 Dec. 1971 A Note on Conjuring Tricks and the Psychology of event Perception d

S Psych. 511 Seminar -Perception, Ecological Approach X

to Visual Perception (with corresp.) - C OD ,." W

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

"Form Perception without a Retinal Image" The Concept of Formless Invariants. (with reprint and corresp.)

Ryan on Perception of "Relevant" facts 14 c. 1971 -

15 Feb. 1972 Two short papers--Note on the differences be- tween a sensory modality and a Perceptual System. Two Methods of describing Ambient Light.

16 March 1972 Three short papers--Note on the Distinction between Stimulation and Stimulus Information. Note on the Concept of "Formless Invariants" in Visual Perception. Lecture on Occlusion in Perception

17 April 1972 The Exploring, Selecting, and Enhancing of Optical Stimulus Information: A new classification of Occular Adjustments.

18 June 1972

19 Sept. 1972

20 Oct. 1972

A Note on the El Oreco Fallacy

With What do we see?

Two short papers--On the concept of the "Visual solid Angle" in an Optic Array and its History. On the Nature of Pictorial Representation.

2 1 Nov. 1972

22 Dec. 1972

Note on the Concept of "What is Given"

A Note on Visualizing Conceived as Visual Apprehending without any particular Point of Observation.

2 3 1972

24 1972, 1976

25 Feb. 1973

26 April 1973

27 July 1973

28 Sept. 1973

Psych. 511--~cological Approach to Bisual Perception

Psych. 512--~ffordances and the Problem of Meaning

What is meant by the Processing of Information?

A Classification of Environmental Events

Note on the Perception of Displacement

A further note on Formless invariants as optical information for Perception

29 Oct. 1973 Note on the conceptual muddle underlying the Optical Inversion Experiment

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 5

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates



Psych. 511 The Processes of Visual Information Pick-up (with corresp.)

Overt and Covert Attention Jan. 1974

Feb. 1974 A Neglected set of facts about Vision that can only be comprehended by Ecological Optics

March 1974

April 1974

A Further Note on the Perceiving of Hidden and Unhidden Surfaces--Psych. 512

Psych. 512--Note on the Act of Orienting and the state of being Oriented (J. J. Gibson/David DeVilliers)

The Perceiving of the Hidden-A Tentative set of Theories

May 1974

June 1974 The theory of Proprioception and its Relation to Volition, an attempt at Clarification

July 1974 Two short papers--The Puzzle of Optical Structure. A Note on current theories of Perception.

Aug. 1974

Oct. 1974

Note on Perceiving in a Populated Environment

A note on the relation between perceptual and conceptual Knowledge

Two short papers--A listing of supposed Operations on the data of Sense. A note on the directness of Perception.

Nov. 1974

Dec. 1974


c. 1974 -

Note on the norms of Surface Layout

Psych. 512 The Processes of Information Pick-up

Photocopies of short papers and notations from Bill Adams, Howard Flock, and Julian Hochberg with annotations by Gibson.

Psych. 512- Seminars- The Relation of Perception to Action (includes corresp. to/from Robert Shaw and Gibson).

Psych. 511-Perception-The Study of Optical Stimulus Information (includes reprints)

April 1975 Two short papers--Affordances and Behavior. The Psychophysical Experiment and the Perception Exp.

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 5

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title 0

r? 47 May 1975 What is the relation of concepts to percepts $


48 June 1975 Note for a tentative redefinition of behavior 5 z --I

49 Oct. 1975 Note on proprioperception in relation to somaesthe&?s self-awareness, and introspection.

5 5 0 Nov. 1975

51-52 1975

53 Jan. 1976

54 Feb. 1976

5 5 March 1976

56 April 1976

57 July 1976

58 Oct. 1976

59 1976

60 1976

Z On the new idea of persistence and change and the 5 old ideas that it drives out. n w -

T1 Psych. 511-Perception--Cognition and attention, in the perception of the environment (comments on drafts of Ulric Neisser, Cognition and Reality 1976) $ -

< rn

Philosophy 437c and Psych 401B--Ecological w w Approach to Perception -

2 Note on the Apprehension of Formless and Timeless B Invariants g

i - <

Two short papers--Note on some types of Visualizin~ considered as Extended Forms of Visual Perceivinp A Note on the Argument from Equivalent ConfiguratGn

% What is it to Perceive? z m

r r

Two papers--Notes on Theory and Experiments in 5 Pictorially Mediated Perception or Perplexities - < and Fallacies in the study of pictures. (with m al corresp.) Memo on the process of perception CP -

Invariance Detection. - <

Two papers--Theory of Affordances and Design of 1 the Environment. Five kinds of knowing. w w

g - Symposium (Society for Philos. and Psych.) Ted ,n Mischel (chair), Hamlyn vs. Gibson. m . Psych. 510-Perception--The Problems of Pictorial Mediation in Perception (includes r~print)

i ,S I

Psych. 511-Perception--On the relation between seeing, perceiving, and knowing (with corresp.) @ Psych. 511-Perception--(includes reprint and corre &- Anthony Barrand, An Ecological Approach to ~inocusr

m Perception, The Neglected Facts of Occlusion "7

W (includes reprint, corresp.)

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 5

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates

Feb. 1977

Title -

Preliminary Tabulation of Processes that have been supposed to Mediate Perception rn

2 5

lecture at Boston Univ. Perception and Pictures --I 3 (reprints and corresp.) rn z

--I I

April 1977

May 1977 A Note on Direct Perception. Various kinds of Indirect Apprehension, and Degrees of Indirectness 5 1

June 1977 On the Analysis of Change in the Optic Array- e 1 VI (published) % i - .

7 1 A Tentative Formula for the Perception of Persistence ;I ;

and the awareness of Reality I m i

i C I

Psych. 512-Perception--The theory of Processing and 5 I the theory of Pick-up 2 :

XI i VI 8

Psych. 231 Univ. California--(Davis), Perception' - (includes corresp.) 2 ' -

% ; Talks given by Gibson in California, Stanford Univ., o ,

I Santa Cruz, Davis, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley - . .

rn ; VI

Psych. 511-Perception and Orientation (reprint, . corresp. ) o

0 72 1

The Dependence of Perception on Locomotion Z rn r r

Memo on Vision and Touch considered as Perceptual c z Systems. A note on what exists at the Ecological level of Reality 2


Sept. 1978

Nov. 1978


Feb. 1979

Seminar at Salk, at Cornell (with reprint) - - <

Ambulatory Vision and Knowledge of One's Habitat r - (at Univ. of Calif. at San Diego) m


% 1 ,- - : Notes for Seminar at UCSD, A Terminology for rn

VI Discussing Images (the Image-Concept) . lecture for Pat Carlson, Kurt Koffka and the Roots of Ecological Psych. (includes corresp.) 2 April 1979

I i ~ a y 1979 What is involved in surface Perception? (draft for

Padua Conference) <

A note on substances, surfaces, places, objects, even& x

June 1979

July 1979 -

Two short papers--Various kinds of Cognition. The c m

Gap in the Ecological Approach. VI W

Series 11, subseries 1. Teaching and Professorial material

Box 5

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

8 2 summer 1979 Seminar on Magic (includes corresp.)

8 3 Aug. 1979 Ecological Physics, Magic, and Reality

84 Sept. 1979 Two short papers--Conclusion from a century of 2 rn Research on Sense Perception (APA). The Z

--I Perception of surfaces vs. The Perception of markings

0 on a surface. T

85-86 Fall 1979 Psych 511-Perception--Visual Perception, Visual 5 Z C

Kinesthesis, and the control of action VI n i3 -

Prelims--Some distinctions for cognitive terms on 71

decorative art --I vl


Jean Graham's report on Optical Tunnel and Photo c Illustrations (with visual material) Z -

Notes for The Affordance theory of Meaning 2 1)

Series 11, subseries 2. Teaching and Professorial material for a course on Propaganda

Box 6

Fldr. # Inclusive dates Title

1 1931 Social Psych.

American Facism

Conununist/Socialist Propaganda

Miscellaneous propaganda

Religious and other propaganda

Employer propaganda . . A 1 .

Birth Control propaganda

American Liberty League



21-22 1935-1937 World Peaceways 2

Propaganda clippings

Nationalism and War

Roosevelt propaganda

Political propaganda

r- Republican party propaganda

C z - Political and Economic propaganda "concealed" < m

io CT

Democratic party propaganda - 4 <

Facist and Anti-Semetic propaganda L m n

Anti-Labor propaganda % - rn

Anti-Labor, Labor propaganda m

Indoctrination Issue, Impartiality in Teaching

"Skepticism"/"Value Judgements", .g

40 1936-1941 Notes, clippings and misc.


Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

1 1937 Consumer's Union

2 1337 Propaganda and Labor

Series 11.


Fldr. #




subseries 2. Teaching and Professorial material for a course on Propaganda

Inclusive dates


c. 1937 -


Title -

Steel Companies

American Birth Control League

Spanish Loyalist Government propaganda

Propaganda Analysis

Propaganda and the Movies

Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy

CIO Material, Pro Labor Material

Pro-Japanese propaganda

Ideas for Psych. 25

Diagrams of propaganda

Propaganda Analysis

~nti-Consumer Movement Campaign

Movies and Propaganda

Coughlin "Social Justice"

~nti-Vivisection material

Teacher's (American)

Politico-Business Ads by Good Housekeeping.

Anti-War propaganda, belligerents vs. anti- belligerents

Bertrand Russell Case

Propaganda Bibliographies

Propaganda Analysis

American-Russian Institute

CIO PAC propaganda

Principles of propaganda technique

Series I Material for Publication


Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

4 2 1935-1938 Notes for General article on dimensions and norms in Perception (with reprints) o


Box 8

Fldr. # Inclusive dates


Motion. picture testinq and research. . Aviation i Psych; Research Reports,' no.7(photos) 3

m z

PTFU Research reports on Aircraft Recognition 4

Training %

mist. terms 5 Z r

"Size Constancy and Visual Acuity"

Research Bulletins--test film unit

Aircraft Recognition

Title -

diagrams--Fig. 1. to accompany Gibson and % Gagne's Learning to Recognize Aircraft-- c I The nature of remembered shapes etc. page 7 - 5 , .,

rn diagrams--Fig. 7-A and 7-B, 7.2, 7.3, . (from same title as above) o

Sketch of a theory of Learning for Soc. Psych. 6 . . r

The Perception of Visual Surfaces (with corresp.)r

5 Clippings, The Perception of the Visual World -

2 zl

illustrations for The Perception of the Visual World A - <

photos for The Perception of the Visual World ;D P

sketches for The Perception of the Visual World 2 m rn

The Identification Experiment Notes for paper . and APA conference (with corresp.) -

3 6

Picture Perception--corresp., drafts, notes, and9 revisions . "The Visual Perception of Motion in .cpace a survey of the Problems"

5 < $ x

Notes and translations on Space Perception, ,- Gibson and Purdy E m


Series 111, Material for Publication

Box 8

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

"Social Perception and the Psychology of Perceptual Learning" rn 0 - "Motion Parallax and Motion Percpective during Aircraft Landings" Gibson, Paul Olum, 4 rn Frank Rosenblatt z


0 "The Result of Homogeneous Retinal Stimulation 71

for Visual Perception" with Dickins Waddell 5 Z

A Tentative set of Postulates for a theory of s 0

Picture-Perception (prepublication draft) - rn A Theory of Pictorial Perception (published title)-

-i m

18 c. 1954-1972 Notes on Ecological Optics (inclues reprints) m - -

19 1955 "Accuracy in the Visual Perception of Speed," 5 - Smith, Smith, and Gibson 2

m m

20 1955 The Optical Expansion-Pattern in Aerial ~ocomotion~ <

2 1 1956 Studies on Aircraft Landing--Response to P m E. S. Calvert (Royal Aircraft Establishment, t, I -

See also: Box 15, for oversized Farnborough) (with corresp.) material, Aircraft Landing

s m .

2 2 1956-1957 "Visually controlled Locomotion and Visual Orientation in Animals" (with corresp.) g

7 - Z

Perception (from the Encyclopedia of Sci. and Technology) r -

"The Info. Required for the Visual Control of 5 - 2 Aircraft Landings" and "Research on the Visual 73

Perception of Motion and Change" CP - Report to Gordon: Helicopter Simulator Report Gibson and Smith

chapters 2-7 from The World and The Senses (preliminary title for The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems) ( chapter 7 includes f igures)

- 3 1

k: = 1958-1973 short papers entitled: Exploration by the X! Ocular System

Review of McEwen Figure-After Effects (with corresp., monographs, and notes)

33 1960 "Observations of Active Touch"

S e r i e s 111, M4teTial f o ~ Publicat ion

Box 8

Fldr. # Inc lus ive da tes - T i t l e

34 Spring 1960 "The Concept of t h e Stimulus i n Psych."

The Contribution of Experimental Psych. t o t h e 3

35 c. 1960 m - z formulation of t h e problem of s a f e t y --I

0 n

36 c. 1960 - An A f t e r e f f e c t i n Haptic Space Perception 5 L

3 7 1960, 1967-1968 "Behavioral Approaches t o Accident Research" (with corresp. and r e p r i n t s )

5 n 72 - - v

38 1960-1964 Notes on t h e Auditory System Ch. V (with corresp . ) 2 m

39 1960-1964 Notes on t h e Haptic System Ch. V I C z

Notes f o r an Ecological Approach t o Visual percept ion2 m w m

Gibson and Stanley: Form Perception with th ree - types of Tactual Input (with corresp . ) 2

42 1961-1964 Further Implicat ions of "Explorat ions i n Active % n I

Touch" - s m

43 1961-1966 s h o r t papers . n

4 4 1962 Manuscript on Depth Perception ( f o r Encyclopedia 0

Socia l Science) 2 m r r

4 5 1962, 1966 A C l a s s i f i c a t i o n of Illusions--Notes on deficiency of perception (with r e p r i n t ) f -

5 . , #

Notes on Ecological Optics ( b a s i s f o r "new" book on - v i s ion) (with r e p r i n t s ) -!


Gibson and West--The A r t i f i c i a l "Looker" (with r e p r i a ) m,

Notes on Occlusion and Disocclusion (corresp. and 2 - r e p r i n t s ) ;ri

m . Notes f o r a poss ib le chap te r on sensat ion .-. Manuscript f o r Journal of Experimental Child Psych.


(corresp. and r e p r i n t s )

Summary of t h e Inves t iga t ions made under Research $ Career Award <

8 Notes on Color Vision (with corresp. and r e p r i n t s ) -

+.. C

The r e l a t i o n of v i s u a l sensa t ions t o v i s u a l percept*. W

S e r i e s 111, Mater ia l f o r Publ ica t ion

Box 9

Fldr. # Inc lus ive d a t e s - T i t l e

Constancy and Invar iance i n Perception, with notes 0

and corresp. rn TI

Memoranda on Ecological Optics z . - -i

Reprinted f i g u r e s from The Senses Considered a s a Perceptual Systems

Z -i

0 5 1966 Photocopies of i l l u s t r a t i o n s from The Senses 71

;f 6 c. 1966 Notes f o r in t roduc t ion t o The Senses 2 - 5

n 7- 8 1966-1968 The Stick-in-Water Problem (with corresp. and r e p r i n t s z

TI --I

9 1966-1968 The Analysis of Reading S k i l l Progress Report (with corresp. ) 0

c L

10 1966-1970 "Scr ibbl ing Paper" (with corresp. ) - < '2

11 1966-1977 Glossary of Terms used i n E c 0 1 0 g i ~ a l Optics from ii, - The Senses --I <

"New Reasons f o r Realism" % n I -

Notes f o r Revision o f Visual World (with r e p r i n t s ) 2 m .

Report t o t h e O f f i c e of Naval Research on Published Research Studies--Contract NONR 401 (14) 0 e

Miscellaneous no tes on perception

Notes f o r t h e Evidence fo r . t he Di rec t Perception of 2 t he layout o f su r faces (ch. p a r t I11 a ) (with r e p r i n t s

n b-

17 1968;1975 Notes on a Visual Control of Manipulation (with Pat y Yonas) <

r- - 18 1968, 1972 Following I n Chicks, Peek-a-boo i n babies m a

19 1968, 1974 %

An o u t l i n e of experiments on t h e Direc t Perception ; of Surface Layout . V)

20 1969 The Legacies of Koffka 's P r i n c i p l e s

2 1 1969 "A Theory of Di rec t Visual Perception"

2 2 1969-1972 Notes on t h e s t imulus (with r e p r i n t s )

< P a r t 11, The Information f o r Visual Perception-- 0 w Ecological Opt ics , B. The Ambient Optic Array x

" E

Paper f o r Workshop on Ecological Optics m m W

Experiments on t h e Direc t Perception of Surface Layout (with corresp . )

Series 111, Material for Publication

Box 9

Fldr. # Inclusive dates Title

3 0 1970-1973 "The Problems of Event Perception(1)" ,.,

Part I The Environment to be Perceived $ Further Implications of the Ecological Approach

2 rn z -i

3 3 1971-1972 Film on Events, Reversing and Non-reversing 0 TI

3 4 1971, 1973 The Errnironment to be Perceived, Part I of an Eco- 5 logical Approach to Visual Perception c

Ln n . . 72

Note on the Visual Control of Locomotion (with - 71

corresp. and reprints) --I VI

m 36 1972 Proof of Reply to Gyr - Direct Visual Perception

E t

3 7 1972 Memo and Notes on Visualizing 2 72 ," u,

Photo of Bob Shaw holding the book, The Senses - 2

Ronchi's New Optics (with correspondence) g n

A Note on Visualizing--conceived as Visual Appending (Leonardo magazine) (with corresp.) <

m Ln .

Work on Part 11, Notes on Events and Information n 0 70

Review of Pickford (for Leonardo magazine) (with z rn

corresp. ) r r

Part 111, Visual Perceiving--notes and outlines 3 - < m

Supplement to Boynton's chapter by J.J. Gibson ZI CP - -

Events are Perceivable but Time is Not (with corresp.)< r .-.

Notes for ch. 3, Locomotion and Manipulation ZI m g

"Events are Perceivable but Time is Not" (with correspa Ln .

"Naive Realism" and "Reply to Richards" (with corresp,.)

"Perceiving, Anticipating, and Imagining" 2 P, P

Ch. 15-16 notes on Motion Pictures (with reprints) $

Ecological Approach--Bibliography

Various Kinds of Knowing ch. 13

Illustrations for "new" book

S e r i e s 111, Mater ia l f o r Publ ica t ion

Box 9

Fldr. # Inc lus ive d a t e s T i t l e

56 1976-1977 Direc t Visual Percept ion ch. 1 3

Box 10

Fldr . #


Inc lus ive da te s


The Control of Encounters with the Environment, m 71

The Problem of Fores ight s rn J o i n t Paper with Alan McConkie z + To Perceive an Affordance is not t o C lass i fy $I

Occlusion ( add i t ion t o p. 2 1 of ch. 10) 5 z 5

An Ecological Approach t o Visual Perception 0 72 - 71

The theory of continuous Information P i c k u p - + l.n

Notes ch. 13, The Ecological Approach t o Visual 07

Perception c z - -

Ecological Optics--Part I1 s e c t i o n C < m w in

1. A Prefa tory Essay on t h e Perception of Surfaces " vs. The Perception of Markings on a su r face 2

2. Foreword t o The Perception of P i c t u r e s (with % corresp. ) n

I - < rn wl .

T i t l e -

Manuscript--annotated copy of The Ecological r 6 Approach t o Visual Perception r

c L

o u t l i n e , notes f o r book p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e s u b j e c t - < of Socia l Pa t t e rn ing of Behavior "The Problem of $ Si tua t ion" (C -


4 Gibson--Research on t h e Visual Perception o f motion o r change -

m 7,

Notes--Evolution of Vision f o r Ch. V I I I 2 -

Series 111, Material for Publication


Fldr. # Title

6 7 The Senses Considered as Perceptual Svstems - criticisms and comments

68 The Senses Considered - criticisms of various chapters; reviews

69 The Visual Perception of Motion and Space - contract

Series IV, subseries 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson BOX 10 Fldr. #15

Gibson, J.J. The reproduction of visually perceived forms. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1929, - 12, 1-39.

Gibson, J.J., Jack, E.G., & Raffel, G. Bilateral transfer of the con- ditioned response in the human subject. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 1932, 15, 416-421.

Gibson, J.J. Adaption, after-effect and contrast in the perception of curved lines. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1933, 16, 1-31.

Gibson, J.J. Retroaction and the method of recognition. Journal of General Psychology, 1934, - 10, 234-236.

~ibson, J.J., & Gibson, E.J. Retention and the interpolated task. ;American Journal of Psychology, 1934, - 46, 603-610.

Fldr. #16

Gibson, J.J., & Hudson, L. Bilateral transfer of the conditioned knee- jerk. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1935, - 18, 774-783.

Gibson, J.J., & Robinson, D. Orientation in visual perception: The recognition of familiar plane forms in differing orientations. Psychological Monographs, 1935, - 46, (6, Whole No. 210, 39-47).

Gibson (Ed.) Studies in psychology from Smith College. Psychol. Monogr., 6, No. 210, pp. 98.

Gibson, J.J. A note on the conditioning of voluntary reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1936, - 19, 397-399.

Gibson, J.J. Review of E. Freeman, Social Psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 1936, 33, 664-666.

Gibson, J.J., & Raffel, G. A technique for investigating retroactive and other inhibitory effects in immediate memory. Journal of General Psychology, 1936, - 15, 107-116.

Fldr. #17

Gibson, J.J. Adaptation, after-effect, and contrast in the perception of tilted lines: 11. Simultaneous contrast and the areal restriction of the after-effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1937, - 20, 553-569.

~ibsan, J. J. Adaptation with negative after-ef fect. Psychological Re- view, 1937, *, 222-244. -

Gibson, J.J., & Radner, M. Adaptation, after-effect and contrast in the perception of tilted lines: I. Quantitative studies. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1937, - 20, 453-467.

Ser ie s I V , subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr . #17

Gibson, J.J. , & Crooks, L.E. A t h e o r e t i c a l f i e l d a n a l y s i s of auto- mobile-driving. American Journal of Psychology, 1938, - 51, 453-471.

Gibson, J.J., & Mowrer, O.H. Determinants of t h e perceived v e r t i c a l and hor i zon ta l . Psychological Reveiw, 1938, - 45, 300-323.

F ldr . #18

Gibson, J.J. Smith College Driving Tes t , 1939.

Gibson, J.J. The Aryan myth. Journal of Educat ional Sociology, 1939. 13, 164-171. .-

Gibson, J.J. Why a union f o r teachers? Focus, 1939, - 2 , 3-7.

Gibson, J.J. A c r i t i c a l review of t h e concept of s e t i n contemporary experimental psychology. Psychological B u l l e t i n , 1941, - 38, 781-817.

Gibson, 3.J. "Applicat ion of t h e Concept of Perceptual Constancy t o Aviat ion," Psychology s e c t i o n ( F T C ) .

F ldr . #19

Gibson, J.J. The Aviation Psychology Program of t h e Army A i r Forces, Psych. B u l l e t i n , Vol. 40, No. 10, Dec. 1943.

Gibson, J.J. Organizat ion and Research A c t i v i t i e s Psychological Research Unit No. 3 , Army A i r Forces, Psych. B u l l e t i n , vo l . 41, NO. 4 , Apr i l 1944.

Gibson, J.J. Psychological A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e Training Command, A i r Forces, Psvch. B u l l e t i n , Vol. 42, No. 1, January 1945.

Gibson, J.J. His to ry , o rgan iza t ion , and research a c t i v i t i e s of t h e Psychological T e s t Film Unit, Army A i r Forces. Psychological B u l l e t i n , 1944, 457-568.

Gibson, J.J. Studying perceptual phenomena. I n T.G. Andrews (Ed. ) , Methods of psychology. N.Y. : Wiley, 1948.

F ldr . #20

Gibsoq, J.J. The percept ion of v i s u a l sur faces . American Journa l of Psychology, 1950, - 63, 367-384.

Gibson, J.J. What i s a form? Psychological Review, 1951, 58, 403-412. -

S e r i e s IV, subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr . #20

Gibson, J.J. Theories of perception. I n W. Dennis (Ed. ) , Current t r ends i n psychological theory. P i t t sburgh: Universi ty of Pi t t sburgh Press , 1951.

Fldr . #21

Gibson, J.J. The v i s u a l f i e l d and t h e v i s u a l world: A reply t o Professor Boring. Psychological Review, 1952, 59, 149-151.

Gibson, J.J. The r e l a t i o n between v i s u a l and p o s t u r a l determinants of t h e phenomenal v e r t i c a l . Psychological Review, 1952, - 59, 370-375.

Gibson, J.J. & Carel , W. Does motion perspect ive independently pro- duce t h e impression of a receding surface? Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1952, 4 4 , 16-18.

Gibson, J.J., & Cornsweet, J. The perceived s l a n t of v i s u a l surfaces-- - o p t i c a l and geographical. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1952, 4 4 , 11-15. -

Gibson, J . J . , & Dibble, F.N. Exploratory experiments on t h e st imulus condi t ions f o r t h e perception of a v i s u a l surface . Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1952, - 43, 414-419.

Gibson, J.J., & Waddell, D. Homogeneous r e t i n a l s t imula t ion and v i sua l perception. American Journal of Psychology, 1952, 65, 263-370.

Fldr . #22

Gibson, J.J. Ordinal s t imula t ion and t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of a g loba l psy- chophysics. Proceedings of t h e 14th I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress of Psy- chology. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1954.

Gibson, J.J. The v i s u a l perception of ob jec t ive motion and sub jec t ive movement. Psychological Review, 1954, - 61, 304-314.

Gibson, J.J. A theory of p i c t o r i a l perception. Audio-Visual Communi- ca t ion Review, 1954, - 1, 3-23.

Gibson, J.J. Review of M.D.Vernon, A f u r t h e r s tudy of v i s u a l per- ception. Psychological B u l l e t i n , 1954, - 51, 96-97.

Fldr. #23

Gibson, J.J. The o p t i c a l expansion p a t t e r n i n a e r i a l locomotion. 1 American Journal of Psychology, 1955, - 68, 480-484.

Beck, J., & Gibson, J.J. The r e l a t i o n of apparent shape t o apparent s l a n t i n t h e perception of objec ts . Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 1955, - 50, 125-133.

S e r i e s I V , subse r i e s L. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr. #23

Gibson, J.J., & Gibson, E.J. Perceptual learn ing: ~ i f f e r e n t i a t i o n o r enrichment? ~ s y c h o l o g i c a l Review, 1955, 62, 32-41.

Gibson, J.J.,.&:Gibson, E.J. What i s learned i n perceptual learn ing? A Reply t o Professor Postman. Psychological Review, 1955, 62, 447-450.

Gibson, J.J., Olum, P., & Rosenblat t , F. Para l l ax and pe r spec t ive during a i r c r a f t landings. American Journal of Psychology, 1955, 68, 372-385. -

Gibson, J.J., Purdy, J. , & Lawrence, L. A method of c o n t r o l l i n g s t imula t ion f o r t h e s tudy of space percept ion: The o p t i c a l tunnel . Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1955, - 50, 1-14.

Gibson, J.J. The non-project ive a spec t s of t h e Rorschach experiment: I V . The Rorschach b l o t s considered a s p i c tu res . Journal of Socia l Psychology, 1956, 44, 203-206. -

Gibson, J.J., & Smith, O.W. Apparatus f o r t h e s tudy of v i s u a l t r ans - l a t o r y motion. American Journa l of Psychology, 1957, %, 291-294.

Gibson, J.J., & Gibson, E . J . Continuous pe r spec t ive t ransformat ions and t h e percept ion of r i g i d motion. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 1957, - 54, 129-138.

Gibson, J.J., Smith, O.W., S te inschneider , A. , & Johnson, C.W. The r e l a t i v e accuracy of v i s u a l percept ion of motion during f i x a t i o n and pur su i t . American Journa l of Psychology, 1957, - 70, 64-68.

Gibson, J.J. Opt ica l motions and t ransformat ions a s s t i m u l i f o r v i sua l perception. Psychological Review, 1957, 64. 288-295.

Gibson, J.J. Technical and s c i e n t i f i c communication: A r ep ly t o Calvert. American Journal of Psychology, 1957, - 70, 129-131.

Fldr. #24

Gibson, J.J. The r e g i s t e r i n g of o b j e c t i v e f a c t s : An i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of Woodworth's theory of perceiving. In G. Seward & J. Seward (Eds.). Current psychological i s s u e s : Essays i n honor o f Robert S. Woodworth. New York: Holt , 1958

Gibson, J.J. Visual ly c o n t r o l l e d locormtion and v i s u a l o r i e n t a t i o n i n animals. B r i t i s h Journal of Psychology, 1958, - 49, 182-194.

S e r i e s I V , subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr. #24

Gibson, J.J. Research on t h e v i s u a l perception of motion and change. In Second Symposium on Physio logica l Psychology (ONR Symposium Report ACR-30). Washington. D.C.: Of f i ce of Naval Research, 1958. Reprinted i n I. Spigel (Ed.) , Readings i n t h e s tudy of v i sua l ly perce ived movement. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.

Gibson, J.J. After -ef fec ts : F igura l and negat ive. Review of P. McEwen, F igura l a f t e r - e f f e c t s . Contemporary Psychology, 1959, 3, 294-295.

von Fieandt , K . , & Gibson, J.J. The s e n s i t i v i t y of t h e eye t o two kinds of continuous t ransformation of a shadow-pattern. Journal of Exper- imental Psychology, 1959, - 57, 344-347.

Bergman, R., & Gibson, J.J. The negat ive a f t e r - e f f e c t of t h e perception of a su r face s l a n t e d i n t h e t h i r d dimension. American Journal of Psychology, 1959, - 72, 364-374.

Gibson, E.J., Gibson, J.J., smith, O.W., &Flock, H. Motion p a r a l l a x a s a determinant of perceived depth. Journa l of Experimental Psychology, 1959, - 58, 40-51.

Gibson, J.J. Perception a s a funct ion o f s t imula t ion . In S. Koch (Ed. ) , Psychology: A study of a science. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959.

Fldr. #25

Gibson, J.J. P i c t u r e s , perspect ive , and perception. Daedalus, 1960, 216-227.

Gibson, J.J. The information contained i n l i g h t . Acta Psychologica, 1960, - 17, 23-30.

Gibson, J.J. The concept o f t h e s t imulus i n psychology. American Psychologist , 1960, - 16, 694-703.

Gibson, J.J. Dist inguished S c i e n t i f i c Contr ibut ion Awards, American Psychologis t , Vol. 16, No. 12, 1961.

Gibson, J.J. The con t r ibu t ion of experimental psychology t o t h e form- u l a t i o n of t h e problem of s a f e t y : A b r i e f f o r b a s i c research. In Behavioral a p p r ~ a c h e s t o acc ident research. New York: Association f o r :he Aid o f Crippled Children, 1961.

Gibson, S.J. Ecological Optics. Vision Research, 1961, 1, ,253-262. - Gibson, E.J . , & Gibson, J.J. Pick, A.D. , & Osser, H. A developmental

s tudy of t h e d iscr iminat ion of l e t t e r - l i k e forms. Journal of Comparative and Physio logica l Psychology, 1962, 55, 897-906. -

Gibson, J . J . Observations on a c t i v e touch. Psychological Review, 1962, 69, 477-491. -

Ser ies I V , subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr. #25

Gibson, J.J. The s u r v i v a l value of sensory systems. Biologica l pro to types and s y n t h e t i c systems (Vol.1.) New York: Plenum, 1962.

Gibson, J.J., & Flock, H. The apparent d i s t ance of mountains. American Journal of Psychology, 1962, - 75, 501-503.

Gibson, J.J., Sch i f f , W. , & Caviness, J. P e r s i s t e n t f e a r responses i n rhesus monkeys t o t h e o p t i c a l s t imulus of "looming." Science, 1962, 136, 982-983. -

Fldr. #26

Gibson, J.J. The use fu l dimensions of s e n s i t i v i t y . American Psychologist , 1963, 18, 1-15. -

Gibson, J.J., & Backlund, F. An a f t e r - e f f e c t i n h a p t i c space perception. Quarter ly Journal of Experimental Psychologx, 1963, - 15, 145-154.

Gibson, J.J., & Pick, A.D. Perception o f another pe r son ' s looking behavior. American Journal of Psychology, 1963, 76, 386-394. -

Gibson, J.J. Research on t h e Visual Perception of Motion and Change, from Readings i n t h e Study o f Visual ly Perceived Movement, Harper and Row, New York, 1965.

Gibson, J.J. James J. Gibson. In E.G. Boring and G. Lindzey (Eds . ) , A h i s t o r y of psychology i n autobiography (Vol. 5 ) . New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967.

Gibson, J.J. On t h e proper meaning of t h e t e r m "stimulus." Psychological Reviaw, 1967, - 74, 533-534.

Gibson, J.J. Inva r i an t p r o p e r t i e s o f changing s t imula t ion a s information f o r perception. In F. Kl ix ( E d . ) , The organiza t ion of human information processing: Symposium von X V I I I n t e rna t iona len Kongress f u r Psychologie. Ber l in : Akademie-Verlag, 1967.

Gibson, J.J. New reasons f o r realism. Synthese, 1967, - 17, 162-172.

Fldr. #27

Gibson, J.J. What g ives r i s e t o t h e percept ion of motion? Psychological Review, 1968, - 75, 335-346.

Gibson, J.J. Depth percept ion . In I n t e r n a t i o n a l Encyclopedia of t h e Soc ia l Sciences. New York: Macmillan, 1968.

Gibson, J.J. The change from v i s i b l e t o i n v i s i b l e : A study of o p t i c a l t r a n s i t i o n s Perception and Psychophys. with G. Kaplan, H. Reynolds, and K. Wheeler, pp. 113-116.

Ser ies I V , subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr. #27

Reprints from SCIENCE, review of Baird, John, C., "Psychophysical Analysis of Visual Space." X -

Gibson, J.J. Are t h e r e sensory q u a l i t i e s of o b j e c t s ? Synthese, 1968-1969, z --I

19, 408-409. - 2 z 4

Gibson, J.J. Fur ther thoughts on t h e perception of r i g i d motion. In J. 0 Jarvinen G d . ) , Contemporary research i n psycholoqy of perception: In honorem Kai von Fiendt Sexagenarii . Porvoo, Finland: Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1969.

£ z 5 c. ~,

Gibson, J.J. On t h e o r i e s f o r v i s u a l space perception: A reply t o Johansson. iO - scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 1970, 11, 75079. w

- 4 vl

Gibson, J.J. On t h e r e l a t i o n between ha l luc ina t ion and perception. Leonardo, C1

1970, 3, 425-427. C z - <

Gibson, J.J. The information ava i l ab le i n p i c t u r e s . Leonardo, 1971, 4, m - 7J 27-35. VI -

Gibson, J.J. The l egac ies of Koffka's Pr inc ip les . Journal f o r t h e History of p t h e Behavioral Sciences, 1971, - 7, 3-9. i~ n

I - Fldr. #28 < m

Ln . Gibson, J.J. A theory of d i r e c t v i sua l perception. In J. Royce & W. Rozeboom

(Eds.), Psychology. New York: Gordon & Breach, 1972. 0 iO

6 Gibson, J.J. On t h e concept of "formless invar i an t s" i n v i s u a l perception. r- r-

Leonardo, 1973, - 6 , 43-45. f -

Gibson, J.J. Di rec t v i s u a l perception: A r ep ly t o Gyr. Psychological B u l l e t i n , $ 1973, - 79, 396-397. z1 V-

Gibson, J.J. A note on ecologica l op t i c s . In E. C a r t e r e t t e & M. Friedman (Eds.1, Handbook of perception (Vol. 1). New York: Academic Press , 1974.

Gibson, J.J. Visual iz ing conceived a s v i s u a l apprehending without any p a r t i c u l a r po in t of observation. Leonardo, 1974, - 7, 41-42.

Gibson, J.J. "Comment t o Rochi, Vasco," Leonardo, l e t t e r s col . Vo1.7, 1974.

Fldr. #29 i

Gibson, J.J. Events a r e perceivable but time is not. In J.T. F rase r & N. Lawrence (Eds.), The study of t ime, 11. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1975.

< Gibson, J.J. Pickford and t h e f a i l u r e of experimental e s t h e t i c s . Leonardo, 0 w

1975, - 8, 319-321. n -

Ser ie s I V , subse r i e s 1. Reprints by James J. Gibson

Box 10

Fldr. #29

Gibson, J.J. The impl ica t ions of experiments on t h e percept ion of space and motion. Off ice of Naval Research F ina l Report (Contract NO.

NO00 14-67A-0077-0005)- Arlington Va.: Of f i ce of Naval Research (Environmental Physiology), 1975.

Gibson,J.J. Three k inds of d i s t ance t h a t can be seen, o r how Bishop Berkeley went wrong. I n G.B. F lores D'Arcais (Ed.), S tudies i n Per- cept ion: F e s t s c h r i f t f o r Fabio Metel l i . Milano-Firenze: Giunte Ed i to re , 1976.

Gibson, J.J. Themyth of pass ibe perception: A r ep ly t o Richards. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1976, 37, 234-238. -

Gibson, J.J. "Comments on Maurin's Discussion of Visual Perception Hypotheses," Leonardo, l e t t e r s col . Vo1.9, 1976.

Gibson, J.J. On t h e ana lys i s of change i n t h e o p t i c a r ray . Scandinavian Journal, 1977, 18, 161-163. -

Gibson, J.J. The theory o f affordances. In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds . ) , Perceiving, a c t i n g and knowing: Towards an eco log ica l psychology. Hi l l sda le , N . J . : Erlbaum, 1977.

Gibs0n.J.J. The eco log ica l approach t o t h e v i s u a l perception of p i c t u r e s . Leonardo, 1978, 11, 227-235. -

Gibson, J.J. an in terv iew: I n D. Ecker and S. Madeja, Pioneers i n Percepiton: A Study of Aes the t ic Perception, St. Louis: Cermel, Inc . , 1979, 89-142.

Series IV, subseries 2.: Reprints by other authors I Box 10

Fldr. # Inclusive dates - Title

Samuel Fernberger (1941). Olin Smith (1956), ! 0 1

Julian Hochberg (1957), Walter Cohen (1957, 1958) 7 ;

3 1 1960-1962 Fred Ficucia (1960), E. H. Gombrich (1960). g ; -i x '

Contemporary Psychology (vol. 5, no.8, Aug. 1960). rn I

Rudolf Arnheim (review, 1962), Julian Hochberg/ 3 1 Virginia Brooks (1962)

Gunnar Johansson "Event Perception" .$ I t? VI

Howard R. Flock (1963, 19641, E. H. Gombrich (19641, Samuel C. McLaughlin (19641, David H. Hubel/

- 2 : w I

Torsten N. Wiesel (1964) -i I V I l

Jacob Beck, William Schiff, Robert B. Freeman, Jr., 0 ;

Anne D. Pick, Howard R. Flock Cl Z i - < ,

Roy Mefferd, Jr. (et. al.), T. G. Sadler (et. al.), g 1 Carl E. Sherrick, John C. Hay, Madjid Mashhour, 2 i Robert B. Freeman, Jr., Julian Hochberg, Olin W. 2 Smith/Patricia C. Smith g

0 1 - D. E. Broadbent, William Schiff/Herbert Isikow I -

2 1 Vi William N. Hayes/Edward I. Saiff, E. Sture Eriksson, .

Norman Malcolm, S. S. Greenberg 0

% Jan B. Deregowski, E. Sture Eriksson, John C. Hay, m Z N. S. Sutherland r

r C

Jake Beck z -. - < m

Charles S. Singleton (1969), Ernst Poppel (1969), Z ] CP

Ernst Poppel/Henner Giedke (1970) - A 4

R. K. Davenport/C. M. Rogers (19711, E. M. r - Gombrich (1972) w ;r)

g Jacqueline Metzler/Roger N. Shepard, Lynn A. - m Cooper/Roger N. Shepard . VI

Univ. of Uppsala: Sverker Runeson, Gunnar Johan- sson, Kare Rumar, Ulf Berggrund

Science (Jan. 26, 1973-vol. 179, no. 4071, James T. Walker, Albert S. Bregman/Andre Achim

< Vasco Ronchi (1974), Lars Gunnar Lundh (19741, % David N. Lee (1975). Graphics Newsletter (1975/1976) , E

Rudolf Modley (1976), American Psychologist (May 1979g 03 "7

Series V . Material of an experimental nature, draft notations for later work

BOX 11

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates


Title -.

Gestalt Theory of Perception . -

The Reaction Experiment 3 rn Z -4

Experimental Problems--Perceptual Adaptation 0

(with paper by Fritz Heider, 1930) T

Experimental Problems--Learning and Memory 5 z c

Notes, projects on Simultaneous Contrast m n

for curvature, The Contrast Phenomenon 7J L-2

71 4

Experimental Problems--attitude, meaning, m

motivation, problems, reasoning, thought o C Z

Notes on books, Personality and Tests +. < %

Notes on Constancy--Visual forms as variables

Field-Driving 2

5 c Projects and Notes on Tilt--adaption and I +.

negative after-effect 2 m .

Notes on a psychophysical theory of n perception (notes from ch.1 and ch. 5) 0

E 6 r- Notes on Freudian theory, abnormal theory

1936-1941 Notes on Postural and Visual Orientation and 2 Space Perception (notes from article with 2 Mowre) The Spatial Ego Z]

(P - 4

Notes on Voluntary Set (in relation to < conditioning--Voluntary-involuntary r- - dichotomy) includes correspondence m

'D Y

Notes on the nature of tasks and task-sets m m .

Stereotyped Gestures (hands and arms) data, film, notes includes correspondence

n Notes on set as a determinant of perception .P (and memory and thought) z

m s Notes on Learning and Intention. Association < and neutral set o

7J F

Kinaesthetic Horizontal Experiment. Wardell - E

on Kinaesthetic and Visual Adaption w L" W

Notes on set

Series V. Material of an experimental nature, d ra f t notations for l a t e r work

Box 11

Fldr. #


2 3

Inclusive dates T i t l e

Test sheets 0, . . , 71

Conceptual izat ion and reproduction of non- g sense forms, Wheeler 2

m Notes on form-perception. Past experience f

versus s t ruc tura l determinants (with corresp.%

Distance Estimation Research (Distance 5 z Estimation Test c P212A) 5

n n

Notes on "Landing Cues" (with corresp. ) - 71 --I vl

Notes on Texture And Acuity m

C Estimation of Velocity Test CP 205B-I z -

(answer shee ts ) , Ident i f icat ion of V e l o c i t i e s Test 8 205B-11, F l ex ib i l i t y of Attention g Test CP 411 E , Plane Formation Test CP 805C, " Intesrat ion of Attention Test CF 415A 2 -

Meaning of correlation coeff ic ients (and g n I

s tanines) - < m vl

Intercorrela t ions and fac tor analyses of . Perceptual and Motion Picture t e s t s . n

0 n

Motion Picture Tests, Keys z m r r

Notes for applications t o a r t , Psychological 5 problems i n Visual A r t , a l so Socio-psycho- - log ica l problems i n a r t

< m n (li -

Minimal Movement Test CP213C, Dr i f t + <

Direction Test CP221B. Estimation of r

Relative Velocit ies Test CP205B 111, Tests. - m

Answer sheets w % , -

Minimal Movement B 1 S t a t i s t i c s and Validation ul

Data . - Landing Judgement Test CP505E i!

P n . .

Film Industry ~ o t + n Picture Test (with corre&.) z

Drawing Experiment--Remembered Shapes of ~ i r c r a t <

Successive Perception Test I , and I1 CP509C % x answer sheets +d

r w L" W

S e r i e s V. Mater ia l o f an experimental na tu re , d r a f t n o t a t i o n s f o r l a t e r work

Box 11

Eldr . # Inc lus ive da te s - T i t l e 0 m

39 1945 Fly ing Or ien ta t ion Tes t CP 107A -0

g 40 1948-1950 Notes on Physio logica l Optics ( including Eye 2 m

Movements and t h e s t a b l e world) 3 0

Notes on t h e theory of perception (and the 71

t h e o r i e s ) £ z C

P o t e n t i a l Experiments on Space Perception m n w . -

Notes on Meaning i n r e l a t i o n t o Perception -0 I

(Mary Henle's experiment) m 0

Notes on Learning i n r e l a t i o n t o Perception c z ("Innate" pe rcep t ions ) notes f o r ch. 12 - <

m w P o t e n t i a l Experiments on Gradients and Surface

Perception 2 >

Notes, Experiments on Or ien ta t ion (with c 0 r r e s p . p and r e p r i n t s ) G

I - .. . m

Apparatus Experiment and ma te r i a l s (with . m r e p r i n t s and samples) n

0 Draf t r e p o r t s , i l l u s t r a t i o n s , and notes on 2

m o p t i c a l t unne l (with corresp . ) r


50 1952-1955 C St imul i , f o r information f o r margin on Contour z -

(with corresp . ) < Y . - m

Opt i ca l Tunnel Experiments--reports on J. Beck i

(with corresp . ) < r

Reports and Notes on Perspect ive transformationsrzl and "k ine t i c" depth (with r e p r i n t s )

w z . - - 5 3 1955, s.1961

m Notes on Pe rcep t ion , Perceptual Learning and

Memory (Koch's volumes 4,5,6 with r e p r i n t ) .-. 5 4 1956-1957 7' An a t tempt t o measure t h e d i s t i n c t i v e n e s s of g

wines .g

55 1957-1958 Notes on P i c t u r e s and Perspect ive (Panofsky's p ~ p e r ) ( inc ludes corresp. and r e p r i n t s ) 2



56 1957-1967 Space and Motion Experiments t o be t r i e d w x

(ONR c o n t r a c t ) +d C m

5 7 1958-1967 Notes on Opt i ca l Motions (with r e p r i n t s ) w VI

Digest ion and Ind iges t ion i n t h e Assimilat ion o f c u l t u r e

Material of an experimental na tu re , d r a f t no ta t ions f o r l a t e r work i S e r i e s V.

Box 11

Fldr . #

5 9

Inclus ive da tes

Jan. 1961

T i t l e -

Outline of a new attempt t o c l a s s i f y the 0 ' rn 1

senses and t h e sensory inputs 0 ' g 1 . - --I

Tactual Perception (ONR research) (with corresp. ) 9 I --I I

Notes f o r t h e useful Dimensions of S e n s i t i v i t y (APA address-and t h e M s . ) % I

i Notes on "Sensations and 'What a r e They?"'

5 I z :

(with r e p r i n t ) 5 1 0 . w ,

Unpublished d r a f t : Four cases of t h e percept- ion of s i z e i n Space

Ju ly 1962

Oral f e e l i e s ( includes example s e t s of f e e l i e s and corresp . )

Experimental r e p o r t s : Exploratory vs. Perform- a tory Acts

Box 12

F ld r . #


Inclus ive da tes


c. 1963 -


T i t l e -

Notes on t h e chemical Value System

Oral f e e l i e s

Visual motions and transformations (notes) The temporal order problem. Fldr . #3 inc ludes c o m e n t s on Appendix of David Bohm (1965)

General Notes f o r book i n 1966

Notes on s t imulus ecology and meaningful s t imula t ion ( including evolut ion of cogni t ion)

Draft copy of "Optical Occlusion and Edge- Information i n an Optic Array"

How do we see t o do th ings? Visual Propriocep- t i o n with monograph

Notes f o r Review of Savage (with r e p r i n t )

Notes on Hal luc inat ion ( w i t h r e p r i n t )

Notes on t h e perceptual-behavioral phenomena of Or ien ta t ion (with corresp. and r e p r i n t s )

Series V. Material of an experimental nature, d r a f t notations for l a t e r work

Fldr. Inclusive dates - T i t l e

c. 1973 - Phenomenal Time VS. Physical Time Cspace- time and Relativity--as based on the speed of l i g h t )

Je r ry Cline on Distance Perception on Pictures which a re impoverished

Perception of Visual Surfaces I1

Notes and suggestions on curvature experi- ment (including curvature adaption with l i n e pat terns) (with visual material)

Depth-Shape: The Problem of Protuberance and Indentation

Notes on Merleau Ponty

Location of an object on a background (includes photos)

Morality for children--Elements of na tu ra l i s t Ethics

Photos of superposit ion, perspective scenes, and Optical Tunnel

Unpublished paper: Sensory cues and Dynamic Distort ion i n a Helicopter Fl ight Stimulator

Series VI, subseries 1. General Correspondence

Box 12

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

2 4 1941-1958, fragment from 1963

1960-1965, correspondence with E. Ames about Gould's experi- ment on "Rubbery Motion"

2 6 1964 (includes reprint)--includes correspondence with A. Michotte

3 0 1970 January-May

1970 June-December

1971 January-June (includes reprint)

33 1971 July-December

1972 January

1972 February-July

1972 August-October

1972 November-December

1973 January-May

1973 July (includes reprint)

1973 August

1973 September report on Gerontological Blindness

1973 September charts on Gerontological Blindness

43 1973 September appendix to report on Gerontological Blindness

1973 Sept.

1973 October-December

1973-1974 Correspondence with H. T. A. Whiting

4 7 1974 January

Series VI, subseries 1. General Correspondence

Box 12

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

48 1974 January

49 1974 February-May

50 1974 June-December

51 1975 January (includes reprint)

52 1975 February-August

5 3 1975 September-December

54 1975-1976 Correspondence with Harry Heft

5 5 1976 January-May

56 1976 Correspondence with Hubert F. Dolezal

57 1976 June-December

58 1977

59 1978 February (includes reprint)

60 1978 March-November

61 1979

62 1980 January-April (includes reprint, photos)

63 n.d.

Series VI, subseries 2. Houghton Mifflin Co. Correspondence

Box 13

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

1 Oct. 1948-1949

2 1950-1953

3 1956-1962

4 1964

5 1965 January-November

6 1965 December

7 1966 January-March

1966 April-December





1979, n.d. 2 - < rn ZI

1978 January-September photocopied illustrations with correspondence LC - . . 4 <

1978 November-December photocopied illustrations with correspondence r-

1978-1979 photocopied illustrations with correspondence

Series VI, subseries 3. National Academy of Science Correspondence

Box 13

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

19 October 1966-December 1967

Series VI, subseries 3. National Academy of Science Correspondence

Box 13

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

2 2 1971-1973


Membership Booklets for 1966, 1967, 1970

2 5 Membership Booklets for 1971, 1972

26 Membership Booklets for 1973, 1975

Series VI, suberies 4. Navy and Air force related Correspondence

Box 13

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

2 7 1936-1943, Stereoscopic size consistency tests

28 1942

29 1943

3 0 1944

31-34 1942-1944, Lowenfeld's Tests

35 1945-1948, Air Forces correspondence

36-37 1948-1949, n.d. Air Forces correspondence

38-39 1948-1950 ONR Fund correspondence

40 1953, 1959 Navy Correspondence

1963, Horowitz survey (with helicopter report for ONR)




Series VI, suhseries 4. Navy and Air Force related Correspondence

Box 13

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

49 1967 January-June

50 1967 July-December


1969 January-August

November 1969-June 1970 Workshop Plans and correspondence




Series VI, suhseries 5. Research Career Award Correspondence

Box 14

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

1 1963-1964

2 1965-1966

3 1967-1968

Series VI, suhseries 6. Symposium on Oral Sensation

Box 14

Fldr. # Inclusive dates ,

6 April 1964 (with enclosure)

7 July 1964 (with enclosure)

8 Conference on Oral Sensation and Perception October 1964

9 December 1964-March 1965

10 June 1965-March 1966

Series VI, subseries 7. Correspondence concerninq small manuscripts

Box 14

Fldr. #


Inclusive dates

1942 Application of the concept of perceptual con- stancy to Aviation

Feb. 1964-March 1965, correspondence and notes on Optical Texture as Stimulus

April 1965-December 1965, correspondence and notes on g z Optical Texture as Stimulus 6 - < ,

w c.1966-2.1967. correspondence and notes on Optical - - -0 Texture as Stimulus --I ul

0, 15 1966-1967 New Reasons for Realism

C z - 1968-1969 Visible to Invisible film <

rn w in

1969 Reply to Johansson - 1970 Comments and Paper on the Problem of Event

2 P

Perception w c I -

1970-1973, 1974-1975 Events are Perceivable but Time < rn

is Not V1 . 2 1 1972 Reply to Gyr

2 2 1972 On Naive Realism (Mary Henle)

1974-1975 Scientific Aesthetics, Sciences de 1'Art The Theory of Affordances

Series VI, subseries 8. Correspondence concerninq visit to Italy and visit of Metelli

Box 14

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

24 1969-1970

Series VI, subseries 9. Correspondence concerninq the retirement of Robert MacLeod and his untimely death, includes remarks for the Necrology of the Faculty

Fldr. # Inclusive dates

Series VI,

Box 14

Fldr. #



subseries 10. Correspondence related to conferences

# a Inclusive dates w

E 1964-1966 Psi Chi lecture--Consecutive stimulation &

z Piaget Rediscovered, A Report of the Conf. at Cornell e

1966-1968--JosephM. Nottennan(main correspondent), Princeton Advisory Council

2 5 i

1967-1969--Joe Royce (main correspondent), Center for Theoretical Psychology

5 n E a

1968-1971--Banff Conference with paper entitled, Outline e In

of a Theory of Direct: Visual Perception m

C 1970-1971--Indiana Conference, "The Information available z in Pictures" 2

1972--Symposium on Space and Motion, Tokyo E H

:: 1972-1973--London Ontario Conference "Representation w Paper" m

1973--Talk at Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science 3 In

1973--symposium at Hampshire College 2

1973-1975--Marlboro,Vennont lecture on Art and Visual E m t+

Perception t+ ?.

1975--APA Chicago (Division 26--History of Psychology) 2

3 1975--Hartfordflew Haven "The Ecological Approach to $ H Perception and Behavior" 2

t+ 1975-1976--Seminar at SUNY Binghamton H

E 1976--American Society for Aesthetics, Toronto "Affordances T j for Behavior in Architectural Layouts" m V)

1976-1977--Cognitive Psychology Conference, Penn State u e s 1978-1979--~bano International Seminar on Perception, G Italy

Series VI, subseries 11. Correspondence with Leonardo magazine

0 Fldr. # Inclusive dates .%

Series VI, subseries 12. Correspondence with major psychologists

Box 14

Fldr. # Inclusive dates 2 e

1940-1941 Correspondence with Edwin G. Boring on 0

Size-of-the-Moon Illusion q

1942 Correspondence with Edwin G. Boring with Annotated 5 Z

Bibliography on Camouflage 5 n . . 21 H

1948-1950 Correspondence and general critiques of TI

The Perception of the Visual World (with various 2 correswndents) m -


1951-1952 Correspondence and general critiques of The Perception of the -Visual World (with various correspondents)

9 z H

2 1964-1972 Discussions with Norman mlcolm and reprints gr

a ~, 1966-1969 Correspondence about New York State x H

Psychological ~ssociation's dealing with John H. Marino 2 V]

1970-1971 Correspondence with Micnelangelo ~liickiger o including a recommendation from J. Piaget z

m 1972-1973 Correspondence concerning University of t-

t- Edinburgh, including several additional letters from Michelangelo ~liickiger g 5

1973, 1976-1977 Correspondence concerning an honorary group of papers for the Scandanavian journal honoring


Gunnar Johansson 2 H

Series V I I . Additional Material

57 Material related to aircraft landing z m V]

Box 15




Edward Reed's collection

Edward Reed and Rebecca Jones correspondence

Reasons for Realism, edited by Edward Reed and Rebecca Jones , 1982

Series V I I , Addi t iona l ma te r ia l

Box 15

F ld r . #



Inc lus i ve dates

Correspondence, 1942-1 944

Correspondence, 1945-1 958

Correspondence. 1960-1 968

Ret i rement correspondence, 1971 -1 972

"Social Percept ion", 1953

Secur i ty clearance (ATC) , 1954-1 559

Correspondence - t r a n s l a t i o n o f Senses Considered

Correspondence w i t h l v o Kohler r e preface t o t r a n s l a t i o n o f Senses considered

Notes on perceptual learn ing : problems of in format ion pickup and i t s development

Dennis Couzin: "On Gibson and Goodmen on Depiction", 1972

"Conclusions from a Century o f Research cn Sense Perception", 1979

U l r i c Neisser: "Changing conceptions o f Imagery"

Student papers

Papers on p i c t o r i a l percept ion

Graduate school record books, 1926-1927

Diar ies : 1942, 1950, 1952, 1953

Army A i r Force OTC diploma and photographs

21 Hi scel laneous


Gibson, J. J. The reproduction of v i s u a l l y perceived forms. Journa l of

Experimental Psychology, 1929, - 12, 1-39.

Gibson, J. J . , Jack, E. G . , & Raf fe l , G. B i l a t e r a l t r a n s f e r of t h e con-

d i t ioned response i n the human sub jec t . Journa l of Experimental Psy-

chology, 1932, - 15 , 416-421.

Gibson, J. J. Adaptat ion, a f t e r - e f f e c t and c o n t r a s t i n t h e percept ion of

curved l i n e s . J o u r n a l of Experimental Psychology, 1933, - 16. 1-31.

Gibson, J. J. Retroact ion and t h e method of recogni t ion . Journa l of

General psycho lo^, 1934, - 10, 234-236. ( a )

Gibson, J. J . V e r t i c a l and h o r i z o n t a l o r i e n t a t i o n i n v i s u a l percept ion .

Psycholoyical B u l l e t i n , 1934, - 31, 739. (Abst rac t ) (b)

Gibson, J. J . , & Gibson, E. J. Retention and t h e i n t e r p o l a t e d t a s k .

American Journa l of Psycholoqy, 1934, 46, 603-610.

Gibson, J. J. (Ed.) S tud ies i n psychology from Smith College. Psycho-

l o g i c a l Monographs, 1935, - 46 ( 6 , Whole No. 2101.

Gibson, J. J. , & Hudson, L. B i l a t e r a l t r a n s f e r of t h e condit ioned knee-

j e r k . [ Journa l of Experimental Psychology, 1935, - 18, 774-783.

Gibson, J. J . , & Robinson, D. Or ien ta t ion i n v i sua l perception: The

recogni t ion of f a m i l i a r p lane forms i n d i f f e r i n g o r i e n t a t i o n s .

Psychological Monographs, 1935, - 46 (6, Whole No. 210, 39-47).

Radner, M. , 6 Gibson, J. J. Or ien ta t ion i n v i s u a l pe rcep t ion : The pe r -

cept ion of t i p - c h a r a c t e r i n forms. Psychologica l Monographs, 1935.

46 (6, Whble No. 210, 48-65)., -

Gibson, J. J. A n o t e on t h e cond i t ion ing o f vo lun ta ry r eac t ions . Journa l

of ~ x p e r i m e n t a l Psychology, 1936, - 19, 397-399. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Review o f E. Freeman, S o c i a l Psychology. Psycholoqica l

B u l l e t i n , 1936, 3, 664-666. (b) - -

Gibson, J. J., & R a f f e l , G. A technique f o r i n v e s t i g a t i n g r e t r o a c t i v e

and o t h e r i n h i b i t o r y e f f e c t s i n immediate memory. J o u r n a l o f General

~ s y c h o l o g y , 1936, - 1 5 , 107-116.

Gibson, J. J. Adapta t ion , a f t e r - e f f e c t , and c o n t r a s t i n t h e percept ion

of t i l t e d l i n e s : 11. Simultaneous c o n t r a s t and t h e a r e a l r e s t r i c t i o n

of t h e a f t e r - e f f e c t . J o u r n a l of Experimental Psychology, 1937, - 20,

553-569. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Adapta t ion w i t h nega t ive a f t e r - e f f e c t . Psychologica l

Review, 1937, - 44, 222-244. (b)

Gibson, J. J . , & Radner, M. Adapta t ion , a f t e r - e f f e c t and c o n t r a s t i n

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of Experimental Psychology, 1937, - 20, 453-467.

Gibson, J. J . , & Crooks, L. E. A t h e o r e t i c a l f i e l d a n a l y s i s o f auto- I

mobil8-driving. American Journa l of Psychology, 1938, - 51, 453-471.

Gibson, J. J., & Mowrer, 0. H. Determinants of t h e perce ived v e r t i c a l

and h o r i z o n t a l . ~ s y c h o l o g i c a l Review, 1938, - 45, 300-323.

Gibson, J. J. The Aryan myth. Journa l of Educational Sociology, 1939,

J. J. Why a union f o r t eache r s? Focus, 1939, 2 , 3-7. (b) -

~ i b s o n , J. J. A c r i t i c a l review of t h e concept of s e t i n contemporary

experimental psychology. Psychologica l B u l l e t i n , 1941, 38, 781-817. (a)

Gibson, J. J. Review o f S. H. B r i t t , -. Psychologica l B u l l e t i n , 1941, 8, 895-897. (b)

Gibson, J. J. V i s u a l o rgan iza t ion i n r e l a t i o n t o camouflage. I n S. W.

Fernberger (Ed.), Percept ion . Psychological B u l l e t i n , 1941, - 38,

432-468. ( c )

Gibson, J. J. H i s t o r y , o r g a n i z a t i o n , and research a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e

Psychologica l T e s t Film Uni t , Army Air l o r c e s . Psychologica l B u l l e t i n ,

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Gibson, J. J. Motion p i c t u r e t e s t i n g and research . Aviat ion Psychology

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Readings i n pe rcep t ion . P r ince ton , N . J . : D. van Nostrand, 1958.

Gibson, J. J. Studying pe rcep tua l phenonena. I n T. G. Andrews (Ed.),

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Gibson, E . J . , 5 Gibson, J. J. The i d e n t i f y i n g response: A s tudy o f a

neglec ted form of l ea rn ing . American ?sycho log i s t , 1950, - 7 , 276.

(Abs t rac t )

Gibson, J. J. The pe rcep t ion of t h e v i s u a l world. Boston: Houghton

M i f f l i n , 1950. (S)

Gibson, J. J - The impl i ca t ions o f l e a r n i n g theory f o r s o c i a l psychology.

I n J. G. M i l l e r (Ed.) , Experiments i n s o c i a l process: A symposium on

s o c i a l psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. (b )

Gibson, J. J. The pe rcep t ion of v i s u a l su r faces . American Journa l of Z C m n

Psychology, 1950, - 63, 367-384. (c) w - > - D

-4 m

Gibson, J. J. What i s a form? Psychological Review, 1951, - 58, 403-412. ( a ) 1 C a

Z I < !

Gibson, J. J. Theor i e s of percept ion . I n W. Dennis (Ed.) , Current t r ends rn ! z I i n psycho loq ica l theory. P i t t sburgh : Univers i ty o f P i t t s b u r g h P r e s s , : 1

< . m .

Gibson, J. J. The v i s u a l f i e l d and t h e v i s u a l world: A r ep ly t o Professor ." ,

Boring. Psycho log ica l Review, 1952, - 59, 149-151. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. The r e l a t i o n between v i s u a l and p o s t u r a l determinants of

t h e phenomenal v e r t i c a l . Psychological Review, 1952, - 59, 370-375. (b)

Gibson, J. J . , & C a r e l , W. Does motion p e r s p e c t i v e independently pro-

duce t h e impress ion of a receding su r face? Journa l of Experimental

Psychology, 1952, - 44, 16-18.

Gibson, g. J. , & Cornsweet, J. The perce ived s l a n t of v i s u a l surfaces- -

i o p t i c a l and geographica l . Journa l o f Experimental Psychology, 1952,

44, 11-15. -

Gibson, J. J . , & Dibble, F . N. Explosatory experiments on t h e s t imulus

condi t ions f o r t h e Percept ion of a v i s u a l su r face . J o u r n a l o f

~ x ~ e r i m e n t a l P s ~ c h o l o g y , 1952, . - 43, 414-419.

Gibson, J. J., & Waddell, D. Homogeneous r e t i n a l s t i m u l a t i o n and v i s u a l

pe rcep t ion- American Journal of PsycholoW, 1952, - 65, 263-370.

Gibson, J. J. S o c i a l pe rcep t ion and the psychology o f p e r c e p t u a l

l ea rn ing . I n M. Sher i f & M. 0. Wilson (Eds . ) , Group r e l a t i o n s a t

t h e c ross roads . N.Y.: Harper & Brothers , 1953. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Review of E. F. T a i t , Textbook o f r e f r a c t i o n . American

Journal o f Psychology, 1953, - 66, 678. (b)

Gibson, J. J. Ord ina l s t i m u l a t i o n and t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of a g l o b a l psy-

chophysics. Proceedincp of t h e 14th I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress o f Psy-

chology. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1954. ( a )

Gibson, 3. J . The v i s u a l pe rcep t ion of o b j e c t i v e motion and s u b j e c t i v e

movement. Psychologica l Review, 1954, 61, 304-314. (b ) -

Gibson, J. J. A theory of p i c t o r i a l pe rcep t ion . Audio-Visual Communi-

ca t ion Review, 1954, 1, 3-23. ( c )

Gibson, J. J. Review of M. D. Vernon. A f u r t h e r s tudy of v i s u a l per-

c e ~ t i o n . Psychologica l B u l l e t i n , 1954, - 51, 96-97. (d)

- Beck, J . , & Gibson, J. J. The r e l a t i o n of apparent shape t o apparent

s l a u c i n the p e r c e p t i o n of o b j e c t s . Journa l of Experimental Psy-

chology, 1955, - 50, 125-133.

Gibson, J. J. The o p t i c a l expansion p a t t e r n i n a e r i a l locomotion.

American Journa l of Psychology, 1955, - 68. 480-484. (a)

Gibson, J. J. Opt ica l motions and transformations a s s t i m u l i f o r v i s u a l

percept ion (motion p i c t u r e ) . S t a t e College, Pa.: Psychological Cinema

Regis ter , 1955. (b)

Gibson, J. J., & Gibson, E. J. Perceptual learning: D i f f e r e n t i a t i o n

o r enrichment? Psychological Review, 1955, - 62, 32-41. ( a )

Gibson, J. J., & Gibson, E. J. What is learned i n pe rcep tua l learning?

A reply t o Professor Postman. Psychological Review, 1955, - 62,

447-450. (b)

Gibson, J. J . , Olum, P . , & Rosenblat t , F. P a r a l l a x and pe r spec t ive

during a i r c r a f t landings. American Journa l of Psychology, 1955,

68, 372-385. -

Gibson. J. J . , Purdy, J . , & Lawrence, L. A method of c o n t r o l l i n g

s t imula t ion f o r t h e study of space percept ion: The o p t i c a l tunnel .

Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1955, 50, 1-14.

Gibson. J. J . , & Smith, 0. W. The percept ion of motion i n space. I n

Symposium on Physio logica l Psychology (ONR Symposium Report ACR-1) .

Washington. D.C.: Of f i ce of Naval Research, 1955.

Gibson,*J. J. The non-projective a spec t s of the Rorschach experiment:

I V . The Rorschach b l o t s considered a s p i c t u r e s . Journa l o f Soc ia l

Psychology, 1956, - 44, 203-206.

Gibson, J. J. Opt ica l motions and transformations a s s t i m u l i f o r v i s u a l

perception. Psychological Review, 1957, - 64, 288-295. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Technical and s c i e n t i f i c communication: A reply t o

Calver t . American Journal of Psychology, 1957, - 70, 129-131. (b)

Gibson, J. J. Survival i n a world of probable objec ts . Review of E.

Brunswik, Perception and t h e r ep resen ta t ive design of psychological

experiments. Contemporary Psychology, 1957, - 2, 33-35. (c)

Gibson, J. J., & Gibson, E. J. Continuous perspect ive t ransformat ions

and t h e percept ion of r i g i d motion. Journa l of ~ x p e r i m e n t a l Psy-

chology, 1957, - 54, 129-138.

Gibson, J. J., & Smith, 0. W. Apparatus f o r the study of v i s u a l t r ans -

l a t o r y motion. American Journa l of Psychology, 1957, - 70, 291-294.

Gibson, J. J., Smith, 0. W . , S te inschneider , A . , 6 Johnson, C. W. The

r e l a t i v e accuracy of v i s u a l percept ion of motion during f i x a t i o n

and p u r s u i t . American Journa l of Psychology, 1957, - 70, 64-68.

Gibson, J. J. The r e g i s t e r i n g of o b j e c t i v e f a c t s : An i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

of Woodworth's theory of perceiving. I n G. Seward 6 J. Seward (Eds . ) ,

Current psychologica l i s s u e s : Essays i n honor of Robert S. Woodworth.

New York: Hol t , 1958. (a)

Gibson, J. J. Visual ly c o n t r o l l e d locomotion and v i s u a l o r i e n t a t i o n i n

animals. B r i t i s h Journa l of Psychology, 1958, 49, 182-194. (b)

Gibson, J. J. ~ e s e a r c h on t h e v i s u a l pe rcep t ion of motion and change.

I n Second Symposium On Physio logica l psycho lo^ (ONR Symposium Report

ACR-30). Washington, D.C.: O f f i c e of Naval Research, 1958. ( c )

Reprinted i n I. S p i g e l [Ed.), Readinqs i n t h e study o f v i s u a l l y

perceived movement. New York: Harper 6 Row, 1965.

Gibson, J. J. F u r t h e r experiments on o p t i c a l motion and v i s u a l depth

(motion p i c t u r e ) . S t a t e Col lege , Pa. : Psychological Cinema Reg i s t e r , - -

1958. (dl

Bergman, R., & Gibson, J. J. The nega t ive a f t e r - e f f e c t of t h e percep-

t i o n of a s u r f a c e s l a n t e d i n t h e t h i r d dimension. American Journa l

of Psychology, 1959, - 72, 364-374.

Gibson, E. J. , Gibson, J . J . , Smith, 0. W., & Flock. H. Motion p a r a l l a x

a s a determinant of perce ived depth. Journa l of Experimental

Psychology, 1959, - 58, 40-51.

Gibson, J. J. Pe rcep t ion a s a func t ion o f s t imula t ion . I n 5 . Koch

(Ed.). Psychology: A s tudy of a sc i ence . New York: McGraw-Hill.

1959. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. A f t e r - e f f e c t s : F i g u r a l and negat ive. Review of P. McEwen,

F i g u r a l a f t e r - e f f e c t s . Contemporary Psychology, 1959, - 3 , 294-295. (b)

I von F i q m d t , K., 6 Gibson, J. J. The s e n s i t i v i t y o f the eye t o two

kinds o f continuous t ransformat ion of a shadow-pattern. Journa l

of Experimental Psychology, 1959, 57, 344-347.

Gibson, J - J - P i c t u r e s , pe r spec t ive , and percept ion . Daedalus, 1960,

Gibson, J. J . The information contained i n l i g h t . Acta Psychologica,

1960, 17 , 23-30. (b) -

Gibson, J. J. The concept of t h e s t imulus i n psychology. American

Psychologist , 1960, 16. 694-703. (c)

Gibson ,3 . J. Review of E. H. Gombrich, A r t and i l l u s i o n . American

Journal of Psychology, 1960, - 73, 653-654. (dl

Gibson, J. J. Percept ion . I n Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.

New Yorkz McGraw-Hill, 1960/1977.

Gibson, J. J. E c 0 1 0 g i ~ a l o p t i c s . Vision Research, 1961, 1, 253-262. ( a ) -

Gibson, J . J . The c o n t r i b u t i o n of experimental psychology t o the

formulation of t h e problem of s a f e t y : A b r i e f f o r b a s i c research.

I n Behavioral approaches t o acc iden t r e sea rch . New York: Associa-

t i o n f o r t h e Aid of Cr ippled Chi ldren , 1961. (b)

Gibson, E. J . , & Gibson, J. J . , Pick. A. D. , & Osser, H. A develop-

mental s tudy of t h e d i sc r imina t ion of l e t t e r - l i k e forms. Journal

of Comparative and Phys io log ica l Psychology, 1962, 55, 897-906. -

Gibson, 3 . J. Observations on a c t i v e touch. Psychological Review,

1 ~ ~

1962, .69, - 477-491. ( a )

~ i b ~ o ~ , J. J. ~ n t r o d u c t i o n t o I. Kohler, The formation and t r a n s f o r -

mation of t h e pe rcep tua l world. New York: I n t e r n a t i o n a l Universi-

t i e s P r e s s . 1962. (b)

Gibson, J. J. The Surv iva l Value of sensory systems. Biologica l

p r o t o t y p e s and s y n t h e t i c systems (Vol. 1). New York: Plenum, 1962. ( c )

Gibson, J. J., & Flock, H. The apparent Z i s t ance of mountains. American

Journa l o f PsycholoW, 1962, 2, 501-503.

Gibson, J. J., S c h i f f , W . , & Caviness, J. P e r s i s t e n t f e a r responses

i n rhesus monkeys t o t h e o p t i c a l s t imulus o f "10oming.~ Science,

1962, 136, 982-983.

Gibson, J. J. The use fu l dimensions of s e n s i t i v i t y . American Psycholo-

gist, 1963, - 18, 1-15.

Gibson, J. J., & Backlund, F. An a f t e r - e f f e c t i n h a p t i c space percep-

t i o n . Q u m ~ o , 1963, 15 , 145-154. -

Gibson, J. J., & Pick , A. D. Pe rcep t ion o f another person ' s looking

behavior . American Journa l o f Psychology, 1963, 76, 386-394. -

Gibson, J. J. Constancy and inva r i ance i n pe rcep t ion . I n G. Xepes

(Ed.) , The n a t u r e and a r t of motion. New York: B r a z i l i e r , 1965. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Review of R. J. H i r s t 2 , Percep t ion and t h e e x t e r n a l t

world. American Journa l of Psycholoqy. 1965, 78, 700. (b)

Gibson, J. J. The problem of temporal o r d e r i n s t imula t ion and per-

cep t ion . J o u r n a l o f Psycholoqy. 1966, 62, 141-149. (a) -

Gibson, J. J. The senses considered a s pe rcep tua l systems. Boston:

Houghton M i f f l i n , 1966. (b)

Gibson, J. J. James J. Gibson. I n E. G. Boring & G. Lindzey (Eds . ) ,

A h i s t o r y of psychology i n autobiography (Vol. 5 ) . New York:

~ppleton-Century-Crofts, 1967. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. On t h e proper meaning of t h e term "stimulus." Psycho-

l o q i c a l Review, 1967, - 74, 533-534. (b )

Gibson, J. J. I n v a r i a n t p r o p e r t i e s of changing s t imula t ion a s in fo r -

mation f o r percept ion . I n F. Kl ix (Ed. ) , The organiza t ion of human

information processing: Symposium von XVII In te rna t iona len Kongress

f i i r Psychologie. Ber l in : Akademie-Verlag, 1967. (c)

Gibson, J. J. New reasons f o r rea l i sm. Synthese, 1967, 17, 162-172. (d)

Gibson. J. J. What g ives r i s e t o t h e pe rcep t ion .of motion? Psychological

Review, 1968, - 75, 335-346. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Depth percept ion . I n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Encyclopedia of t h e

S o c i a l Sciences. New York: Mami l l an , 1968. (b)

Gibson, J. J. The change from v i s i b l e t o i n v i s i b l e : A s tudy of o p t i c a l

t r a n s i t i o n s (motion p i c t u r e ) . S t a t e Col lege , Pa.: Psychological

Cinema Reg i s t e r , 1968. ( c ) i 1

~ i b s o n . J. J. The senses considered a s pe rcep tua l systems. London:

G. Allen & Unwin, 1968. (d )

- ~ i b s o ~ , J. J. Are t h e r e sensory q u a l i t i e s of o b j e c t s ? Synthese, 1968-

1969, 19, 408-409.

Gibson, J. J. F u r t h e r thoughts on t h e pe rcep t ion of r i g i d motion. I n

J. ~ S r v i n e n (Ed. ) , Contemporary of perception:

I n honorem Kai von F iend t Sexagenari i . Porvoo, Finland: Werner

~ 6 d e r s t r o m osakeyhtib;. 1969. ( a )

Gibson, J, J. var; Sinnen som p e r c e p t u e l l a system. Stockholm: J.

Beckmans Bockforlag, 1969. (b) (Trans la t ion of Gibson, 1966 b ,

by L. Eriksson.)

Gibson, J. J., Kaplan. G . , Reynolds, H. , & Wheeler, K. The change from

v i s i b l e t o i n v i s i b l e : A s tudy of o p t i c a l t r a n s i t i o n s . Percept ion &

Psychophysics, 1969, - 5 , 113-116.

Gibson, J. J. On t h e o r i e s f o r v i s u a l space pe rcep t ion : A r e p l y t o

Johansson. Scandinavian Journa l of Psychology, 1970, a, 75-79. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. On t h e r e l a t i o n between h a l l u c i n a t i o n and percept ion .

Leonardo, 1970, - 3, 425-427. (b)

Gibson, J. J. The informat ion a v a i l a b l e i n p i c t u r e s . Leonardo, 1971,

4 , 27-35. ( a ) -

Gibson, J. J. The l e g a c i e s of Koffka ' s P r i n c i p l e s . Journa l f o r t h e i -.

~ i s t o d of t h e Behavioral Sciences , 1971, - 7, 3-9. (b)

Gibson, E . J., & Gibson, J. J. The senses a s information-seeking systems.

The London T i m e s L i t e r a l y Supplement, June 23, 1972, 711-712.

~ i b s o n , J. J. A theory of d i r e c t v i s u a l pe rcep t ion . I n J. Royce &

w. Rozeboom (Eds . ) , Psychology of knowinq. New York: Gordon &

Breach, 1972.

Gibson, J. J. On t h e concept of "formless i n v a r i a n t s " i n v i s u a l per-

cept ion . Leonardo, 1973, - 6 , 43-45. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. D i r e c t v i s u a l pe rcep t ion : A r e p l y t o Gyr. Psychological

B u l l e t i n , 1973, - 79, 396-397. (b)

Gibson, J. J. Die Wahrnehmung d e r Vi sue l l en Welt. Weinheim and Basel :

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Gibson, J. J. Die Sinne und d e r Prozess d e r Wahrnehmung, m i t einem

g e l e i t w o r t zur Deutschsprachigen Ausgabe b e i J. J. Gibson. Bern,

S t u t t g a r t , and Wien: Verlag Hans Huber, 1973. (d) (Trans la t ion of

Gibson, 1966b, by I . Kohler, E . Kohler, & M. Groner.)

Gibson, J. J., & Kaushall , P. Revers ib le 2nd i r r e v e r s i b l e even t s

(motion p i c t u r e ) . S t a t e College, Pa.: Psychologica l Cinema R e g i s t e r ,


Gibson, J. J. A no te on e c o l o g i c a l o p t i c s . I n E. C a r t e r e t t e & M .

Friedman (Eds . , Handbook of pe rcep t ion (Vol. 1) . New York :

Academic P r e s s , 1974. (a) I

Gibson, J. J. v i s u a l i z i n g conceived a s v i s u a l apprehending without

any p a r t i c u l a r p o i n t of observat ion . Leonardo, 1974, - 7, 41-42. (b)

Gibson, J. J. La percepci6n d e l mundo v i sua l . Buenos Aires : Edicianes

Infinite, 1974. (c) (Trans la t ion of Gibson, 1950a, by E. Revol.)

Gibson, J. J. Events a r e perce ivable but time is not . I n J. T. F r a s e r

& N. Lawrence (Eds-1. The s tudy of t ime, 11. New York: Springer-

Verlag, 1975. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. Pickford and t h e f a i l u r e of experimental e s t h e t i c s .

Leonardo, 1975, - 8 , 319-321. (b)

Gibson, J. J. The impl ica t ions of experiments on t h e pe rcep t ion of

space and motion. Off ice of Naval Research F i n a l Report (Contract

No. NO00 14-67A-0077-0005). Arl ington, Va.: Off ice o f Naval Research

(Environmental Physiology) , 1975. ( c )

Gibson, J. J. Three k inds of d i s t ance t h a t can be seen, o r how Bishop

Berkeley went wrong. I n G. B. F lo res D'Arcais (Ed. ) , S tud ies i n

perception: F e s t s c h r i f t f o r Fabio Mete l l i . Milano-Firenze: Giunte

Edi tore , 1976. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. The myth o f pass ive perception: A r e p l y t o Richards.

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1976, 37, 234-238. (b) -

Gibson, J. J. On t h e a n a l y s i s of change i n t h e o p t i c ar ray . Scandinavian

Journal of Psychology, 1977, 18, 161-163. ( a )

I - ~ i b s o n , ' ~ . J. The theory of affordances. I n R. Shaw & J. Bransford

(Eds. ) , Perce iv ing , a c t i n g and knowing: ~ o w a r d s an e c o l o g i c a l psy-

chology. H i l l s d a l e , N . J . : Erlbaum, 1977. (b)

Gibson, J. J. The perceiving of hidden s u r f a c e s . I n P. Machamer & R.

Turnbull (Eds.) , Studies i n pe rcep t ion , Columbus: Ohio S t a t e Uni-

v e r s i t y , 1978. ( a )

Gibson, J. J. The ecologica l approach t o t h e v i s u a l pe rcep t ion of

p i c t u r e s . Leonardo, 1978, - 11, 227-235. (b)

Gibson. J. J. The ecologica l approach t o v i s u a l perception. Boston:

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Gibson, J. J. A no te on E. J. G. by J. J. G. I n A. D. Pick (Ed . ) ,

Perception and i t s development: A t r i b u t e t o Eleanor J. Gibson.

H i l l s d a l e , N . J . : Erlbaum, 1979. (b)

Gibson, J. J. Foreword. A p r e f a t o r y essay on t h e percept ion of su r faces

versus t h e percept ion of markings on a su r face . I n M. A. Hagen

(Ed. ) , The p e r c e p t i o n of p i c t u r e s (Vol . 1) . New York: Academic

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Gibson, J. J. [The ecologica l approach t o v i s u a l perception.] Munich:

Urban N. Schwartzenberg, 1981 (Scheduled German e d i t i o n of Gibson,


Gibson, J. J. [The eco log ica l approach t o v i s u a l perception.] Tokyo:

Saiensu-Sha co . , Ltd. , 1982 (Scheduled Japanese e d i t i o n of Gibson,

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