thinking about psychology, second edition module 19: classical conditioning iclicker questions...

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Thinking About Psychology, Second Edition

Module 19: Classical Conditioning

iClicker Questions

Charles T. Blair-BroekerRandal M. Ernst

Questions Written by Kent Korek, Germantown High School

1. In classical conditioning, the UCR:

a. happens after the CR.

b. is the response to the CS.

c. is the response to the UCS.

d. triggers the UCS to occur.

2. The process of learning or developing a response is called:

a. extinction.

b. acquisition.

c. discrimination.

d. cognition.

3. Kathleen developed an intense fear of flying five years ago when she was in a plane crash. The fact that today

she can fly again without distress indicates that her fear has undergone:

a. discrimination.

b. extinction.

c. generalization.

d. spontaneous recovery.

4. Proof that extinction does not completely destroy a response is:

a. discrimination.

b. generalization.

c. spontaneous recovery.

d. conditioned stimulus.

5. In Pavlov’s experiments, the dog’s salivation triggered by the taste of food

was a(n):

a. conditioned response.

b. conditioning stimulus.

c. unconditioned response.

d. unconditioned stimulus.

6. You’re watching a commercial in which your favorite musician is selling

a new brand of cat food. The advertising intends _____ to serve as a

conditioned stimulus.

a. the new brand of cat food.

b. the response of liking the musician.

c. your favorite musician.

d. your response of buying the cat food.

a. a person shows prejudice against someone else due to a personal characteristic, such as race.

b. a very specific UCS causes a specific UCR.

c. an organism responds to a specific CS, instead of all similar CSs.

d. an organism responds in the same way to all similar stimuli.

7. Discrimination occurs when:

8. Months after she was raped, Mary’s heart pounds with fear merely at the

sight of the apartment in which she was attacked. This best illustrates;

a. extinction.

b. generalization.

c. panic.

d. reinforcement.

9. Behaviorists define learning as:

a. a relatively permanent change in behavior caused by experience.

b. memorizing and recalling specific information.

c. what happens when you remember how to perform a certain action or skill.

d. when you understand something.

10. John Watson’s experiments with Baby Albert showed how classical

conditioning could be used to explain:

a. extinction.

b. unconditioned responses.

c. spontaneous recovery.

d. emotions.

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