think like a black belt: campus edition

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Information on the THINK Like a BLACK BELT: Campus Edition for colleges & universities...


THINK Like a BLACK BELT: The Campus EditionYou want...

• More students• More students to graduate• Better students who adjust quickly to campus life

You need to book Jim Bouchard for your next campus event...

Jim shares his misadventures as a two-time college dropout and drug abuser to highlight the importance of staying in school and earning a degree.

His transformation from dropout and junky to Black Belt and internationally recognized speaker and author is inspirational. His frank discussion of the challenges he faced along the way motivates students and faculty to realize their full potential through the amazing opportunity provided by the college experience.

Jim’s THINK Like a BLACK BELT keynote and associated breakout workshops are perfect for student orientation, for professional development for faculty and staff and as a powerful recruiting tool for campus visitation days and college fairs.

Jim models and shares the power of Black Belt Mindset he developed through his life as a martial artist. He teaches the Discipline, Focus, Confidence and Perseverance essential to success in college and in personal and professional life.

You want more students? You want more students to adjust quickly to campus life? You want more students to graduate? You want instructors to be more effective in the classroom?

Teach them to THINK Like a BLACK BELT- book Jim today!

“I recommend every director of Events Enrollment and Retention secure Jim Bouchard to address their freshman class and make ‘Think Like a Black Belt’ required reading!”

Professor John BrubakerCentral Maine Community College

Exclusive Representation: DCPP LLC Contact Alex Armstrong: 800-786-8502

Campus Visitation Events:

Jim’s keynote is a powerful addition to campus visitation days and college fairs. Book Jim to kick off your day or as a luncheon attraction.

For college fairs, sponsor Jim as a presenter in a keynote slot. We’ll work with you to personalize his presentation to direct prospects to your booth.

Freshman Orientation Events:

Jim is the perfect addition to your orientation program. Not only is his personal story of transformation inspiring, he uses the challenges he faced as a college dropout to motivate students to stay in school and make the most of their college opportunity.

Add Jim’s focused breakout sessions to provide in-depth training in personal responsibility, focus and discipline to help your students adjust quickly to campus life and give them the best chance of graduation- and life beyond.

Campus Life and Student Activity Events

Jim’s message is evergreen- his message of discipline, focus, confidence and perseverance are perfect for campus life events at any time during the academic calendar.

His special workshop: Respect: The Campus Edition emphasizes tolerance and understanding. He demonstrates the power of building a respectful campus environment to reduce incidents of violence, bullying and abuse and to increase academic performance and cultural and social learning.

Black Belt Mindset Professional Development Training for Faculty and Staff

Jim’s workplace programs are as effective in an academic environment as in the corporate and business world. Perhaps even more so as Jim shares his more than 25 years of experience as an educator and professional martial artist to bring the powerful techniques of the “Sensei” to your faculty and staff.

Jim’s workplace programs include sessions in work ethic, professional ethics, leadership, communication and team building...all based on the engaging theme of THINK Like a BLACK BELT.

“Thank you for…speaking to our students – You were their favorite speaker of the semester!  You rock!”

Michelle NeujahrSMCC Entrepreneurial Center Director

Exclusive Representation: DCPP LLC Contact Alex Armstrong: 800-786-8502

Special Entrepreneurial Program Sessions...

If you provide a focused business or entrepreneurial curriculum at your campus Jim offers several specialized sessions based on his experience and success...

• Black Belt Presentation Skills• The Power Business Social Networking & New Media Marketing• Full Contact Ethics for the Workplace• Respect: The Workplace Edition• The Top 10 Stupid Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

Available as guest class sessions, special workshops and ongoing non-credit programs.

Booking information:Call Alex Armstrong at 800-786-8502Email:

Exclusive Representation: DCPP LLC Contact Alex Armstrong: 800-786-8502

“What can I say about Jim Bouchard- a GREAT deal! He is the alpha professional with a quiet demeanor that makes you want to implement his ideas ASAP. This is a motivational speaker you want to book for your event ASAP. In addition, his new book Think Like a Black Belt, is a must read!”

Dr. John Tantillo“The Marketing Doctor” & FOX News Contributor 

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