thea reading objective #3 author’s intent. major concepts – gallery walk read/write...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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THEA Reading Objective #3

Author’s Intent

Major Concepts – Gallery Walk

Read/write connections: how do they connect/assist each other?

Prior Knowledge: what is it? Give examples of how it helps with reading and writing

Purpose- what are the 3 possible purposes? How do they affect reading and writing?

Audience – How does the specific audience affect your reading? Your writing?

The skills:

1. Author’s purpose2. Author’s Intended


1. Author’s Purpose

Definition: The reason the author wrote the passage. (why?/ porque?)

Tip: Author’s purpose is usually found in the beginning and/ or end of the passage

Possible Purposes , pg 16

To inform- author gives informationEncyclopedias, phonebooks, statistics,

news reports, history textbooks

To persuade- author attempts to convince the reader, or tell him/her what to doPolitical brochures, advertising, TV

commercials, Editorial section of newspaper

To entertain- the author shares amusing stories or personal feelings with the readerComic strips, fictional novels

Possible Purposes

To inform Encyclopedias, phonebooks,

statistics, news reports, history textbooks

To persuadePolitical brochures, advertising, TV

commercials, Editorial section of newspaper

To entertainComic strips, fictional novels

Remember, it isn’t what you get out of it, it is what the author intended

•My experience and education make me an excellent candidate for this job

• Adult stem cell research should be funded by the government.

• With funerals so expensive, I’d better not die soon; I can’t afford to.

•Thomas Jefferson promised his wife he would never remarry; she died at thirty-three, and he kept his promise.

•Eating disorders fall into several categories based on their symptoms

•July is Bargain Month at Fred’s Used Cars and Trucks. Now’s your chance to make a real deal and drive away with the car of your dreams.

• March 1 is the deadline for all applications for scholarships and student loans.

• The spaceship landed. Stella’s heart pounded as two aliens stepped out. Would Jeffrey be in there, and alive?

•Unless citizens work together to stop developers from turning parkland into parking lots, our children won’t recognize a tree or a blade of grass.

2. Author’s Intended Audience

Definition: This is who the author has in mind as readers for his/ her passage.

Ask yourself: WHO is the author writing for?


Time is dangerous. If you don’t control it, it will control you! If you don’t make it work for you, it will work against you. You must become the

master of time, not the servant. In other words, as a college student, time management

will be your number-one problem.

1. What is the author’s purpose?2. Who is the author’s intended audience?3. What is the Main Idea?

As a high school principal, I strongly believe that there shouldn’t be any

penalties for students who are caught cheating. After all, everyone does it. Besides, cheating in school will help

prepare these same students to cheat on their employers later on, to cheat on

their spouses when they marry, and to cheat on their taxes. In fact we could

help students even more if we offered a course on how to cheat.

1. What is the author’s purpose?2. Who is the author’s intended audience?3. What is the author’s Main Idea?

For w01,w02,w03,and w04: Townsend Press Assignment

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