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Post on 04-Jul-2020






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A White Eagle Christmas Message

The Christmas story is much, much older than anyone at present realizes. Its origin was at the beginning of human life on earth, and it speaks of the birth of the Solar Logos, the second aspect of the Deity, to dwell in man. Throughout the ages the Story of the Birth has endured. It is a cosmic truth, a cosmic event which is continually being repeated for the blessing of mankind. It is a simple story, with both an esoteric and an exoteric meaning. At the this time of the year, the spirit world and the earth plan are drawn close together. The tale of the shepherds watch-ing over their flocks has its inner meaning. The shepherds are those who are the spiritual leaders of humanity, those who have ris-en a little above the plane of earth, who have opened their spiritual vi- sion and are trying to lead their human flock to the hilltop of life. These shepherds are very still watching, waiting, meditating. Suddenly the night sky is illumed by a heavenly light. At first the shepherds are shocked by this manifestation of the spirit life. But if they had not been quietly communing with nature and with God they would not have been ready to receive the visitation of the angels. This is a lesson for the people on earth who are so busy engaged with earthly thoughts and activi-ties that they cannot find the time to enter into the silence of the spirit within, and therefore can neither hear, nor see the heavenly hosts. Try to think about this at Christmas-time and do not let the material aspect of the season close your minds or your con-sciousness to the angelic visitors. Through the simple childlike spirit in your heart, you will be able to receive the great light which comes to earth at Christmas-time, and to perceive the visit-ation of angels who will help to stimulate the growths of the Christ Child in your heart. A very happy Christmas to you all. God will bless you as you seek His Son in the quiet hours of Christmas morning. White Eagle: December 1958

The tale of the shepherds watching over their flocks

has its inner meaning.







Time for Stillness

There is always time for stillness Always a need to retire

From the noisy rushes of physical life, To seek the silence of the inner heart.

When the burden of the world, Or the cross-purposes of your outer existence

Threaten to overwhelm your calm, Remove yourself from the pulsations of society

And turn inward to the instinctive, Sweet enduring stillness,

That lies in the core Of your eternal soul.

No harassment can touch you there, Nor can any of the thorns

Of daily living scratch your heart and mind, When you are at peace

In you own inner sanctum.

Only wisdom is here; patience, courage, Knowledge, and the love of giving.

These irradiate your soul and in return you swiftly To the true centre of your eternal being.

By Nancie Patterson

Tew’s Falls

Hamilton, Ontario

Margaret and Sue took this picture in 2014 during

their walk at Tew’s Falls. There are over 100 beautiful

waterfalls in the Hamilton , Ontario area.

BELOW: Niagara Falls, ON



Greetings from B.C.

They say there is no such thing as time, only the written dates and occasions on our calendars and maybe this is so, however, we move through our annual seasons and activities with increasing speed. One wonders if we will meet ourselves coming back one day! We have had some changes to note. I have happily moved from Mission to Langley after twenty two years. Our White Eagle work started out in Mission. We were dedicated as a Daughter Lodge while there, alt-hough our Dedication Service took place in Surrey. The Mission centre for the Daughter Lodge has closed now and that work is located in Lang-ley. Daughter Lodge meetings are on the third Sunday in the month. The open service continues to be in Sur-rey, open to all, and is on the first Sunday. Group meetings are at my new address on the fourth Sunday. For specific dates and times please see the Drumbeat or the website. Our usual Christmas Carol and Candle Lighting Service will be on Dec 20th at our Surrey location. We celebrate the Solstice and the rebirth of the light in all the traditional ways so much loved by us all - carols and bright lights, warm colours and White Eagle’s glorious teachings. White Eagle’s teaching on ‘The Meaning of Christmas’ tells us, “We would this evening emphasise the meaning of Christmas.” We are all accustomed to the idea that Christmas is the children’s season. I would stress the difference between child-likeness and childishness. The latter we associate with peevishness and foolishness; but childlikeness is

associated with the Great Master Jesus Christ. To be childlike in heart is to be loving, spontaneous, simple trusting – this is a childlike heart. You will re-member that the great Lord of this earth, the Son, came to earth as a little child. A little child shall someday lead men to live in Peace; shall cause the lion and the lamb to lie down together. Childlike simplicity, gentleness of spir-it, the hand of brotherhood and good-will- this is the basis of all harmonious and progressive life. Even in the midst of storm and stress of war, keep the vision always before you of the Star- it is the Star of Christ, which leads the Wise Men to find the richness of life.” Angelus 1941.

We wish you all a very Happy, Peaceful and Blessed Christmas and all the very best of wishes for the coming year.

From all of us in B.C., Ann Force

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely sing, fly Scare heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short day ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw the sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders Fields.

Take up your quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold high. If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields.

By John McCrae


In Loving memory of Elizabeth (Beth) Crewson

On July 11th a member of our Lodge and a friend of mine made her transition into the heaven world. I first met Beth about twenty years ago when she lived in the Toronto area and attended Nancie Patterson’s group whenever she could. Beth and Nancie were great friends and loved to play crib-bage together. Beth loved White Eagle’s teachings and especially ‘The Quiet Mind’, which meant a lot to her. Some years ago Beth moved out west to live with her daughter in Prince George and we kept in touch, at first writing letters to each other and then as Beth’s eyesight became too poor to write she would call me and we would have a chat. She had a list of friends she wanted to keep in touch with and I was one of the lucky ones.

Beth would phone quite often to order ‘The Quiet Mind’ – six copies at a time and on the back of one of the envelopes contain-ing her cheque for the previous order wrote – please send six more! Beth gave this beautiful little book away to anyone she felt would be helped by White Eagle’s gentle teaching.

Last year on January 25th Beth reached her 90th birthday and her beloved daughter Helen, held a never-to-be-forgotten party for her at home and everyone was invited. When Beth called me a few days later to tell me all about the wonderful time she had, her feet weren’t yet on the ground!

Beth was a member of the Brunswick Seniors’ Centre in Prince George and loved the activities and many friends she made there. Helen held a Celebration of Life for her mom at the Centre which was very well attended. Following a few speeches, everyone en-joyed a lovely luncheon whilst listening to a quartet from the Old Time Fiddler’s Association. There was love and laughter, and a few tears – just the way mom would have wanted it, said Helen.

Beth always ended her conversation on the phone with the words ‘Love and Blessings’ We send our love and blessings to our dear Beth in the Land of Light, and also to her beloved daughter, Helen.

Pat Harrison, a loving friend






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