the week at a glance -...

Post on 20-Oct-2018






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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Havdalah 9:13 p.m.

Shabbat Shalom! 23 Av, 5778

This week’s parashah is Ekev.

Sunday, 8/5 ~ 24 Av 8:00 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel

Monday, 8/6 ~ 25 Av 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 9:00 am Talmud Study, 61C Café, 1839 Murray Avenue 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel

Tuesday, 8/7 ~ 26 Av 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel 7:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting, Lehman Center

Wednesday, 8/8 ~ 27 Av 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel

Thursday, 8/9 ~ 28 Av 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel

Friday, 8/10 ~ 29 Av Candle lighting 8:05 pm

7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat, Helfant Chapel

Saturday, 8/11 ~ 30 Av Rosh Hodesh Elul Havdalah 9:04 pm

6:30 am Early Morning Shabbat Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 9:30 am Shabbat Service, Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom 10:00 am Youth Tefillah, Youth Lounge, then Lehman Center and Eisner Commons 12:15 pm Congregational Kiddush, Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom 8:05 pm Minhah, Discussion, Ma’ariv, Homestead Hebrew Chapel


Please look for this symbol inside for info on accessible entrances at Beth Shalom.


FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 4 - 10, 2018 23 - 29 AV, 5778 Yahrzeits

Isadore Alpern Harry Averbach Auvra Averback Kreinya Aynbinder Ruth Balber Dorothy Baltin Carla Brody Cantor Finley Bukaitz Dorothy Chosky Andrew Cohen Rose Colker Harry Cooper Ettie Dane Jacob W. Davis Benjamin Diamond Lois Diamond Ben Dinovitz Nathan Foreman Manya Friedman Sam Garfinkel Louis Garfinkel Yadin Goldschmidt

Solomon Goldstein Shirley Gordon Reva Gurevich Jennie Harris Hyman Herman Hazel Horowitz Charles Hydovitz Ann Hyman Fred Kaye Fannie G. Kenner Harry Arthur Kingley Clara Kuntz Sylvia G. Landay Charles Laufe Alexander Layevsky Darrell H. Lazarus David Marc Letwin Dr. Jules M. Levine Bernard A. Levine David Levison Rose Lieber Lotte Lippmann

Mina Mandel Jacob A Mates Philip Milgron Joseph C. Miller Abraham D. Miller Anne Morris Dorothy Ryave Harriet R Rosenberg Esther Rudo Anita O. Ruslander Nathaniel M. Schorin Helen Schwartz Helen Hyman Schweiger Charlotte Schwimer Bazalel Seiavitch Aaron Shapiro Albert Shapiro Clara Ida Shapiro Rachel Shapiro Jeannette Bonn Shear Benjamin Sheinman Phillip Sidransky

Martha Silberberg Irma Silverblatt Lillian L. Silverman Alexander H. Singer Frank Solomon Joseph Spokane Selma Stein Amalia Steinbach David H. Stern Norman Stern Irwin M. Surloff Fannie Surloff Meyer Maier Talenfeld Grace Tucker Louis Wakes Sophie Weinkle Ida Weinman William Weiss Herbert Wilf Semeon Zamakhovsky Samuel Zionts Aaron H. Zwick


Please refrain from using electronic devices in the

synagogue during Shabbat. Thank you.

The following Yahrzeits will be observed today and in the coming week. This list comprises those dear departed for whom there are dedicated plaques in our praying spaces, and those for whom contributions have been made to have their names listed here.

Early Morning Shabbat Service 6:30 am Homestead Hebrew Chapel

Youth Services


10:00-10:30 am - Gym is open before Youth Tefillah.

Infant - Kindergarten with Manny Theiner

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Hoffman & Zweig Libraries, 3rd floor

1st - 4

th Grade

Youth Tefillah 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Eisner Commons, 2rd floor


- 6th

Grade Youth Tefillah

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Homestead Hebrew Chapel, 2nd floor

Friday, August 3, 2018

Candle lighting 8:14 pm

Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 am

Helfant Chapel

Minhah, Discussion, Ma’ariv 8:15 pm Homestead Hebrew Chapel

Congregational Kiddush 12:15 pm

Palkovitz Lobby

Kabbalat Shabbat, led by Hazzan Rob Menes 6:00 pm Helfant Chapel

Shababababa 5:45 pm

Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom

Shabbat Haverim 5:45 pm

Homestead Hebrew Chapel

The Rabbi’s Assistant answers questions that someone might be too shy to ask.

Why Do We Sing “Tzur Yisrael” just before the Amidah, and Why Is that Berakhah After It?

At the end of the pages of the Shema, on page 158 in Siddur Lev Shalem, we call out to God - usually in full-throated deep voice - requesting that God, our “Rock” or “Stronghold,” arise and help us, and redeem Judah and the people Israel as promised. We then refer to God as our “Redeemer called Adonai Tzeva’ot (of Armies).”

And then we revert to the past tense, falling off into a softer musical tone, and offer a berakhah saying, “Barukh atah Adonai, who liberated the people Israel.” If only the leader is chanting, we do not break the flow from the Shema to the Amidah by adding “Barukh Hu uvarukh Shemo,” but we do (we must) say “ Amen.” And then we fall to silence with the Amidah. (“Amen” after a berakhah is always required when someone else is saying the berakhah.)

Our siddur and other sources tell us that this last blessing links the recitation of the Shema to the personal prayers of the Amidah, and thus we should not speak any extraneous words between “ Mi khamokhah” and the Amidah. The siddur mentions that “it is as if to say that the possibility of prayer flows out of our experience of God’s love as exhibited in freeing us from slavery.” According to Or Hadash by Reuven Hammer (commentary on Siddur Sim Shalom), based on interpretation of Talmud (Berakhot 9b) they started a custom that the leader say the berakhah quietly and there was no “Amen.” That continues in some congregations.

However, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly at some point determined that the leader should recite it aloud and that there should be an “Amen.” So it is done various ways: some congrega-tions recite the berakhah with the leader, thus obviating “Amen”; some congregations even begin the Amidah during the berakhah so they do not say “Amen.”

So the musical segue seems intentional. The tune, by the way - the Nusah - is in the freygish mode, which is also known as the “Ahavah Rabbah mode,” in non-Jewish terms the Mixolydian mode of a melodic minor, or a form of the Phrygian mode, depending on the tune.

We look forward to your questions (which may be submitted anonymously). We now have these columns online at http://

Rabbi Adelson joins the Officers and Trustees in welcoming all members and guests to our Shabbat Services. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

All are welcome to the congregational Kiddush, in the Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom immediately following services.



Family and friends of long-time member Phillip R. Hydovitz, who passed away on July 29th.

Condolences to

Kiddush Sponsorship

Celebrating a simhah or honoring the memory of a loved one? To sponsor a catered Kiddush,

contact Michelle Vines, at 412-421-2288 x113, or

Mazal Tov to

Avi Steindel, son of Rabbi Stephen and Lisa Steindel, on his July 2nd wedding to

Dominique Lellek in Saxony, Germany. The couple is residing in Ber lin.

Naomi Stein and Leon Valdes on their wedding on July 29th.


Palkovitz Lobby, Helfant Chapel, ELC, Front Offices: Enter at Beacon Street or Rear Parking Lot Entrance Eisner Commons, Homestead Hebrew Chapel: Enter at Beacon Street, take elevator to 2nd floor Faye Rubenstein Weiss Sanctuary: Enter at Beacon Street, take elevator to 3rd floor Shear Youth Lounge, Rice Auditorium: Enter at Beacon Street, take elevator to 3rd floor Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom: Enter at Shady Avenue

OUR LEADERSHIP Clergy Rabbi Seth Adelson, Ext. 115, Rabbi Mark Staitman, Rabbinic Scholar

Officers Deborah Firestone, President, Ext. 106 Ria David, Vice President Joe Jolson, Vice President Arlene Shapiro, Vice President Mitch Dernis, Treasurer Steve Albert, Secretary

Staff Rob Menes, Executive Director, Ext. 226, Dale Caprara, Controller, Ext. 109 Anthony Colaizzi, Communications & Design Manager, Ext. 108 Audrey Glickman, Rabbi’s Assistant, Ext. 112, Liron Lipinsky, JJEP Director, Ext. 323 Rabbi Jeremy Markiz, Director of Derekh and Y outh Tefillah, Ext. 111 Hillary Huelsman, Early Learning Center Ass’t Director, Ext. 390 Marissa Tait, Y outh Programs Director, Ext. 463 Michelle Vines, Events Coordinator, Ext. 113 Lonnie Wolf, Cemetery Director, Ext. 293

Auxiliary Presidents Ira Frank, Men’s Club Judy Kornblith Kobell, Sisterhood Amallia Rascoe, USY

Honorary President Ruth Ganz Fargotstein

Volunteer to Help with Kiddush! Really, we need YOU!

Please volunteer to help make the Kiddush happen - setup, cleanup, everything in between. We especially need volunteers for

August 18th

Please contact Michelle Vines, at 412-421-2288 x113, or

Have You Moved Recently? Will You Be Moving?

If you have changed your address or are planning to do so, please notify the Beth Shalom office of your new address.

High Holidays are coming, and we need to know where to find you to include you!

Please Sponsor Learning...

Rabbi Adelson has purchased a limited number (18) of the new Pirkei Avot Lev Shalem: The Wisdom of our Sages, put out by the Rabbinical Assembly, and he is eagerly looking forward to studying with the congrega-tion. Study with these books will continue some Saturday afternoons, after Minhah.

Please call the office to make your donations for honors and memorials for these books.

SHABBAT - 23 AV 5778


A summary of this week’s parashah, from Hazzan Rob Menes,

In this week's parashah, Moses continues his review of the exodus experience, reminding the

Israelites of how God has cared for them in the wilderness.

He reiterates the covenant and continues to review the general rewards that will benefit the Israelites

if they are faithful to God and follow God's commandments. It is simple: if the Israelites follow the

Torah, God will bless them in the land, and drive out their enemies. If they do not obey God, then....

Moses warns them not to follow other gods or engage in idolatrous worship practices. Moses also

reminds the Israelites of some of their earlier rebellious incidents, including the events around the

building of the Golden Calf and the destruction of the first set of tablets.

The parashah concludes with the passage which is used liturgically as the second paragraph of the

Shema. These words reiterate the connection between Israel's piety and God's blessing.

Aliyah Verses Readers Hertz



1st ראשון Deut. 9:4-10 Shuli Dernis 784 1042

2nd 9:11-14 שני Shuli Dernis 785 1044

3rd 9:15-21 שלישי Brenda Kurland 786 1044

4th 9:22-29 רביעי Mitch Dernis 786 1045

5th 10:1-5 חמישי Irene Kaplow 787 1046

6th 10:6-8 ששי Irene Kaplow 788 1047

7th 10:9-11 שביעי Irene Kaplow 788 1048

Maftir 10:9-11 מפטיר Irene Kaplow 788 1048

Haftarah הפטרה Isaiah 49:14-51:3* Judah Kass 794 1056

*Second of seven haftarot of consolation following Tish’ah Be’Av.

Please Contribute to the Sisterhood Flower Fund

Please contribute to those beautiful flowers on special days in our praying spaces.

Volunteer to Lead Services!

Want to take an active role in Congregation Beth Shalom services? Please contact Sheldon Catz at




’ B


Sweepstakes Tickets Are On Sale

Men’s Club 2018 Sweepstakes tickets are available now, at $75 each. Drawing every Friday, through November, based on PA Lottery number.

Tickets must be paid to win! Contact Ira Frank for tickets, 412-849-2937 or











Sisterhood Judaica Shop - Great Gifts!

Open Friday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (except holidays), or by appointment

Barbara Kaiserman, 412-422-5677

August - 30% off Wedding Gifts and Jewelry

Say “Happy Birthday” and Help the Shul

For each month, in advance, we produce a list of coming birthdays among our fellow congregants. The list is available in our office and also online. On the back of the list is

a place to order birthday greetings to be sent from the shul to the individuals you circle on the other side of the page. You can even stash some cash in your account and draw down on

it as you send greetings throughout the year!

Gardeners Needed!

We need volunteers with “green thumbs” to help get rid of the weeds around the shul grounds, especially on Beacon Street. (Please be careful not to pull up planted flowers.)

Mishpachtenu Ads Are Available!

Quarter-page, half-page, and full-page ads are available in Mishpachtenu, our seasonal congregational magazine. Reach our entire congregation, with a presence online, as well.

For a rate sheet, please contact Anthony Colaizzi, Communications & Design Manager, at 412-421-2288 x108, or

The deadline for ads for September’s issue is Monday, August 13th.

Beginning August 15th, 11:00 a.m.

Coffee with the Cantor - a stimulating discussion group led by our Executive Director, Hazzan (Cantor) Rob Menes.

Discussing "Jewish Influence in the Secular World." We ask the question, how has Judaism affected the non-Jewish world? Although some of the discussion will look

at historical influences, much of the time will be spent on current interactions. Coffee provided!

Every Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Lehman Center. Signup not required.

It is time once again to order your Lulav & Etrog sets!

By bringing together the Arba’at HaMinim - the four species of Sukkot - we cultivate a sense of gratitude in this festive season.

Sets are $45, and your order must be made and paid for by September 4th. Forms are available in the lobby, in our weekly emails, and in the Mishpachtenu, or

one may order online at

They will be distributed on Thursday, September 20, from 5:00-7:00 p.m., and

on Friday, September 21, from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

UPCOMING EVENTS For additional information, please see the flyers in the racks, or go to our website.

Check the calendar on our website for daily event information at

Jewish memories are the foundation of our rituals, traditions, and identities. During

Yizkor services, we remember those who have passed away in the Book of

Remembrance. An entry in the Book of Remembrance is a meaningful and tangible

way to memorialize and honor our departed loved ones. To include the names of

your family and friends in the Book of Remembrance, please complete and

return the form at by August 3, 2018.

This year, we are offering a new way to keep the memory of your loved ones alive

in perpetuity - a Perpetual Remembrance. For an $1,800 donation, we will continue

to place an entry of up to five individuals/couples in the Book of Remembrance

every year for as long as we publish our Book of Remembrance.

Save the date for Friday, August 24th, at 6:00 p.m., for Hod veHadar, our monthly instrumental Shabbat service, followed by

a congregational “picnic” dinner. More information soon!

Join us Sunday, August 19th, at 10:00 a.m.,

as we honor Milton Eisner with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Featuring Guest Speaker David Eisner, former Chairman and President of JTA / 70

Faces Media and The Jewish Education Project.

$100 minimum Israel bond purchase per person in 2018 purchased for Congregation

Beth Shalom required to attend. Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 15.

Reservations required. Contact Adrienne Indianer 412-362-5154 or 800-362-2669


Every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. at the 61C Café you can find Rabbi Jeremy Markiz learning Masekhet Rosh Hashanah,

a tractate of the Talmud about the many new years that fill out the Jewish calendar. Find it online at:

Around the world, people are studying one chapter of Tanakh each day. Entitled “929,” this communal learning “invites you

to read Tanakh with new eyes: one chapter a day, every day, in sequence.” Sunday through Thursday, you can join us in reading through the Tanakh.

This upcoming Sunday will be Genesis chapter 16.

The site is, an Israeli site in Hebrew.

Rabbi Jeremy Markiz has created a public Facebook group: 929 Tanakh Study Group.

Just a reminder that we do have services every evening: Monday through Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and Friday at 6:00 p.m.;

Saturday please check the website for the times, which vary with the sunset.

And we have services every morning, M-F at 7:30 a.m., Saturday at 6:30 and 9:30 (benei mitzvah days at 9:15), and Sunday at 8:00 a.m.

Special weekday morning bonus during the month of Elul - hear the shofar!

Please commit to attending daily minyanim at least sometimes: help us assure a minyan for those who need us. And brush up on your praying for the High Holidays.

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