the walking gallery year one

Post on 19-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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This every Jacket up till one week ago...


The Walking Gallery as of June 4, 2012Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health

The Artists of The Walking Gallery:

1. Regina Holliday2. Isaac Holliday3. Becca Price4. Miriam Cutelis5. Ess Lipczenko6. Ben Merrion7. Courtney Mazza8. Michele Banks9. Megan Mitchell10. Robert J. Filley11. Anita Samarth12. Mary Welch Higgins13. Richard Sachs14. Jonah Daniel 15. Fred Trotter

1. Jen McCabe Jackets #1 Data Prison,# 2 Titanic, #3 First Responder

2. Chiara Bell #4 Caregiver’s Clock, #106 Careticker

3. Roni Zeiger #5 Data Cloud

4. Lygeia Ricciardi #6 Rosetta Stone

5. Becca Price #7 Muerte Por Error

6. Megan Mitchell #8 Lost in the Slough

7. Mark Scrimshire #9 Half Past Midnight

8. Regina Holliday #10 Little Miss A-type Personality, #61 Oath of Office, #65 Health 2.0 Welcomes You, #118 Who Taught you How to be a Patient?

9. Ted Eytan #11 Shoot the Moon #148 Non-Compliant

10. Colin Hung #12 MRSA: Curse of the Black Spot

11. Ladd Everitt #13 The Gun

12. Carolyn Capern #14 Media Matters

13. Cindy Throop #15 Half of Me

14. Ted Smith #16 Something Sacred

15. Emily #17 Teaching to Another Test

16. David Hale #18 Medicine in The Matrix

17. Laura Slayton #19 Care Mom

18. Donna Scott #20 Health Literacy

19. Freddie Holliday #21 Death Note

20. Isaac Holliday #22 Doctor Who in Medicine, #140 Feelings

21. Valerie Barnes #23 Hospital Land

22. Lisa Emrich #24 The Vault

23. Liz #25 It’s a Spiral, not a Bullseye

24. Lizzie #26 Steampunk Health 2.0

25. Danielle #27 The Forest for the Trees

26. Susannah #28 Data Mote

27. Alex Drane #29 The Angel Eliza

28. Christian Liu #30 Holistic Medicine

29. Kourtney Govro #31 Call Bell

30. Mary Ellen Mannix #32 Never Enough

31. Marsha Goodman-Wood #33 Did you wash your hands?

32. Richard Upton #34 String Games

33. Trisha Torrey #35 Every Patient’s Advocate

34. Chuck Denham #36 CareMoms

35. Jodi Daniel #37 The Light and the Reflection

36. Howard Liebers #38 The Many Hats of Howard Liebers

37. Courtney Mazza #39 RX DEbT

38. Abigail Pritchard #40 It must be Tuesday

39. Karen Hwang #41 The Vortex

40. Whitney Zatskin #42 The 20Q of Medicine

41. Nicole Kemper #43 Keeping Covered

42. Matthew Browning #44 Both of Them #121 Earth Momma

43. Marilyn Langfeld #45 Women, HIV and anti-retroviral drugs

44. William Wolf #46 I am Negative

45. Amy Romano #47 Near Miss Mom

46. Heidi Sitcov #48 Saved

47. Leroy Jones #49 Supermom

48. Carol Torgan #50 Living Will

49. Dave DeBronkart #51 e-Patient Dave, #75 Meeting e-Patient Dave

50. Kristine Kraft #52 Stories

51. Koreen Olbrush #53 Data Mind

52. Claudia William #54 Vision

53. Leah Marcotte #55 HITECH Crossroads

54. John Krueger #56 Such a Little Thing

55. Maumi JC Chatterton #57 Nurse Power

56. Elizabeth Prevou #58 The Appointment

57. Mary Welch Higgins #59 Heart and Mind

58. Keith Boone #60 I think of Coding

59. John O’Brien #62 A New Day

60. Lindsey Hoggle #63 Rainbows and Butterflies

61. IHI #64 By Next Tuesday

62. Amanda Michelle Jones #66 The Game of Care

63. Clay Patterson #67 Play Ball

64. Kait B. Roe #68 Ephphatha, #95 Good Dog, #96 The Tipping Point

65. David Sides #69 The “Eye” in HIT

66. Anita Samarth #70 The “I” in HIT, #79 C is for Connected

67. Josh Seidman #71 Master of Ceremonies, Backstage at Meaningful Use

68. Paulo Machado #72 Custom Tailored Meaningful Use

69. Helen Haskell #73 A Wishing Well in Never, Neverland

70. Louise Schaper #74 HIT Passion, Bread and Salt

71. Cyberslate #76 The Female Condition

72. Eunita Winkey #77 No More Clipboards

73. Mary Anne Sterling #78 Washed Away

74. Antonio Fernandez #80 Clinical Love

75. Manny Hernandez #81 Acceptance

76. Alex Fair #82 Fair Care

77. Ann Bartlett #83 Baring my Soul

78. Andre Blackman #84 SOCIAL media JUSTICE

79. Craig Lipset #85 Subjects

80. Kathi Apostolidis #86 The Victim of the Game

81. Jane Sarasohn-Kahn #87 See Jane Think

82. Katerina Jackson-Suchkova #88 The Stream

83. David Harlow #89 Friendship Pins

84. Janice McCallum #90 The armor we wear

85. Karen Herzog #91 Sophia’s Garden

86. Joleen Chambers #92 Spare Parts

87. Gregg Masters #93 It is only an egg

88. Siobhan Champ-Blackwell #94 In Case of Emergency

89. Matthew Listiak #97 The Whirling Dervish

90. Brian Ahier #98 Living Wage

91. John Phelan #99 Midnight in the courtyard of Zweena

92. Alex Albin #100 The Sycamore Tree

93. Tobias Gilk #101 The MRI

94. Dale Ann Micalizzi #102 A Tale of Two Justins

95. Robert Filley #103 mHealth

96. Teresa Younkin #104 Profiles

97. David Collins #105 Minutes of Sunshine

98. Kevin Ado #107 A Light Shining in the Darkness

99. Sherry Reynolds #108 DEStiny

100. Ben Merrion #109 Steampunk Health

101. Ross Martin #110 Love is an ever-fixed mark

102. Kym Martin #111 Knowing the Score

103. Michele Behme #112 Patient Safety Day

104. Jason Bahn #113 Not Lovin It

105. Katherine Arbanasin #114 Welcome to Change Mountain

106. Trenor Williams #115 EBM

107. Todd Park #116 All’s Well That Ends Well

108. Linda Stotsky #117 Slides and Ladders

109. Tiffany Peterson #119 Tiffany and Lupus

110. Robin Miles-Mclean #120 Falling

111. Matthew Browning #121 Earth Momma

112. Sue Woods #122 It’s Hosted

113. Liza Sisler #123 Your Data Should Follow YOU

114. Ileana Balcu #124 Birth of an e-Patient

115. JoAnn Klinedinst #125 Out of Reach

116. Sarah E. Kucharski #126 méridienne

117. Andrea Littlefield #127 The Hand We Are Dealt

118. Lisa Fields #128 Sacred Media

119. Ben Miller #129 #OccupyHealthcare

120. Chris Timm #130 Health Zen

121. Kathy Nicholls #131 The Scribe

122. Jenny Pettit #132 Just a Picture of Health

123. Victor Montori #133 Patient John

124. Nate Osit #134 The Connector

125. Matthew Holt #135 ACES

126. Wen Dombrowski #136 Dance With Us

127. Richard Payne #137 Listen to Me

128. David Lee Scher #138 Return to Sender

129. Wendy Sue Swanson #139 The Sacred Duty of a Mommy Blogger

130. Gail Zahtz #141 There Was a Big Girl and she had a Little Curl

131. Gary Oftedahl #142 The Two Paths

132. Fred Trotter #143 7th Generation

133. Karen Curtiss #144 The Circle

134. Melinda Watman #145 Inside the Mirror

135. Jonah Daniel #146 The Rainbow Spiral

136. Sunnie Southern #147 Always Within Us

137. Ted Eytan #148 Non-compliant

138. Marianne Vennitti #149 Go Tell It on the Mountain

139. Angela Lynn #150 Greetings from Your Town, USA

140. Nikolai Kirienko #151 The Stamp of Gideon

141. Michael Millenson #152 Life, Death and the Clearance Rack

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