the vidette ~ ~eporrterr

Post on 19-Nov-2021






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rll'\c~llt'IIC~. Thr 'Hltlll rYlle of Ih ~ Ihrol1ll1"llIl~

rejl1d lpl' lo ~reHIlI ~ollfrom Illy perfCi'lloll, a hlxllrl R""d

ates to Clube,

Store. for your trncle in t1 1~ fully sohcit a COli '


nd Shoes N 1) G I\i\TI.I~M EN.

ItA(lIH. J\ III').'H I(I(I /tlld t'11I~ r~ \') !'el h'lIl nllt·,.... II .... Ir.·~ 1!1II1111111~t.l. 11 •• 111

. lit lIn ('11111011 I.


ua ranteed.

The Vidette ~ ~eporrterr. VOL. XXlIl.

Th Vi lett -Rcp rtcr 1 UfO


Dur/~g ColI.glal., S. U. I.

1"'1,11 II I a' 1I~"tlhllp,," om' .... "''''''1111111' '11 St.

HUH)' 1'- "111.1.\. }; IiIllt.)""·,, irf.

11. u. W ~. ~K. I .. II. ~:I.I.IOTT.

,11'1.1< I-:. 1l0!l~K~.

II ! 0" ,1/1'/ f: liIo,..

lIa" 1'. '"A1'I"·UII. {'ORSI! I ·1l1l~Y. Ii~n. II .\lWI.I I . II'KIIH ('A1II'8RI.I.,

.1 int f:,Ii/'Ir •.

TERMS. Hat 1.)' t tHll ff'rlr, .. fl.~'

nu'" ''''1,,.~''11 ,""rt It )111·11 .. "(h'''''t·.,~ 1.~

" D·:I- I'OI'Y. 00

TI ... I"''' r wll\ ,'" 11110 .. hI "'I'''''·rU''' .... 1111111 OI'I~f I ~I"I' I' .1 RII.I 11m' fRII I' Id.

For .. I~ lit Ib, l.ouk.IA.rt alltl "' \\,1~lIrl"" • '11 1111' f . h'I01t ,bplr I' I.N·" f '"ulnrl), "'l\l

101 ~ Int(lnn II All l'Omlllunh'Rllnn hould.>I' Iltltlr~'" .,


Iowa City, Iowa

High Schools and the Uni­versity,

The committee of the lloard of R . g nt COil I ling of 'tate ' uperintend· ent. 'abln, llon. A. bernethy and 'u, perint ndent J. J. Mc on11e1l, appoint d to consider a pll\n for s curing mOf intimate conn ction between the lIigh .' hool of the state and the l' ni ver ity, mt't at De ~Ioin(>, Oct. 30, together with l'r sldent • chaeffer and ]>rof. Cooper, and adopted the following r '

rt, providing for the admj ion to th L"niversity of gradllates of Uigh

hool without xamination, and bav· ing In view the encouragement of Iligh .' hool Jlupils toward a hlgber educa· tion:

1. The school applying for accepted r lations shall be inspected by a {'ni· \ersity ollIcer or appointee in it dif· ferent departments with r pect to (1)

It cour e of study, (2) method of t('aching, and (3) facilitie of instruc­tion.

2. Th Collegiate FaCility of the L"niversity shall pa s upon the r port of the Inspector.

3. The conrse of study of such school shall be adapted for fitting it graduate for some one of the Collegi· ate cour e of the L' olver ity, and the school authorilie aU agree to meet the r quir roents f the rniverslty rei· alive to examinations and futur in· spection.

4. At the requestor accepted schools their pupil will be examined hy the

niversltya a convtlnient time in any subject or subjects selected by the school authorities Crom the schedul of studi required for arlmi ion to the


l Ilivt'r Ity. an(1 'itch \mpil wl11 r' 'ely from th l ' niver Ity a credit rani fllr Il 'h ulljt'rl pre l'U.

fl. The ' xllnlllllllion <i" tlOIl!! h.11 II fOfl\'ardl'd In 8 alro en\' lope to till' city SIIIH'rintl'IH1t'nt or principl or t hp chool an I at tI." hOll r l't for th' • -

aminalion tht~ principal or til cXllminer shall open the ((UP lion In th prl' cnce of the cia tI. L"von forwarding th paplml to the l lniv r ity th pam· iller hiLIl certify in writing tim the r" ql1iren1l'1lt. of th l ' uiverd ty con ern· illg the II I' of th (11ll' lion and th conullcti ng of the xMuillrlliun hay been fully complied with.

i . 1',\per6 sball be graded nd m rked lllluer th direction or the princill' I of the high chool and b forwardod by hi m to the 1 ni veraity to be r vi wed. '1'he cal 100 sbilll be l\ ed ill grading the pnpers.

. The l'niverslty shall provid tor school d Iring the same at th gin· ning of each year, a. yllabu of ach of the sllbject in which examination I to be taken .

n. .All schools in ac pted r lalion shall be inspected at thd pI llSure of th niver Ity, the expense of the In· Sllection to be borne by th r ni v r Ity.

10. Th authorlti of ac epted schools shall r port annually to th rlliversity all change mad in til cours of tudy and submit a Ii t of tll name of the Instructor' mploy 1 in the cllool

'fhis r qu~st was int nd 1 by the committe to be tentative only, and W!LS referreu for dl Cll' ion to the meeting of city superint nd nt and high school principal wh convenl'd the next day to the number of about thirty.

'I'h pruvi ion of th r porI wer duly con ider d and wer p liupon by tbe "Hound 'fllble" without recom· mendation of clmuge.

The ' mmittee had prepar d in ad· dltion to the provi ions named abo\,e. a table of what are now eutiaUy thp requirem nts for admi I n lo tb> 'n ver ity and referred this tnble to the "Round Talll " for con ideration:

1. Por admi ion to 'Ia ical or PhU· osophical course, group I, II, IY, and any two subject in group Ill, except


2. For admi ion to General 'ci ntlf· ic, L tter, or E gineering courses· group I, H, and a1Y ix ubjects in groups 111, or group I, Il, 1Y nnd one u bjec In grou I' 1\ L

pro­and the

A Study Utop

THE V IDE T T E - REP 0 .... 4 E R.

thuuj{h the writE'r 01' lho artll'leleCt out the intE'rmE'diato stop and Imply IIf . 'ented th two Ilxtrl'me. epurat d by too :whle n gulf, 1 think thn th ;lY has accompli h'<1 1\ prnl eworthy ml .

o 8iol1 if it hn lleen the mean of etlin 0111', Hen on6, student to thinking Nlf'

ne tly and sincerely on this que lion. For 1 consider it a 1]11 st/on of 110 m an illlportunc '.

1'h who I u llject of colJllge culture Is illd d 1\ grnv 011. On upon which th young III n and women of our colleg IlIm~ either risen or (,ilien. On over which many a stud lit of brilliant (lnrt and perhnps gr at pas sibilitie hn stumbled, stagg red, and then gone down. 1t is upon a wi and prud nt con id ration or thl CJu tion that th good nnd vII, th gains nnd th 10 s s of a college COllrse will to a gr !,t xt nt depend. And ot till va ter ignitlcance the succ or

failllr of 1\ life will dep nd upon it. I ref r not to 8UCceS,<J 1\11<1 failure In ma· t rial things, but to that Sllcce S which is inllllitely higher th llC S9 in tru II1l1nlin S

Of very student development i ex· pected. It is not the amount he II a "Iulred; but how and to what extent he h, be n develop d. .\. coli g cours gives him comparatively lillie of thnt which may be called tallgilJl knowledge. It aims simllly to bring ont allll develop his iatent powers; to put the intellectual machinery and til lUelltal engines, where h call get bold

III to l'OUllt lIiUlC ' . Th humane of them anti lise them. [n other word t'llIlrnrlt'r of rtopian warfllre hs l>een I hidden power llre llrought to light and

itl 11 lind ·ieoti/lea.IJy deviat d from; cultivated. Thus we g t the id a of lit tli' allle tim • ollr intt'rpr tntioll of culture. College development then i th principl, th t Illl i fair in war, is culture. nlJt mor liler.1 than WlI theirs. 'I'hls culture is of two kinds, intel·

tbe uinet emil c ntllr),. 'I'll lnw or Cll tom of a«lvising or permitting lIle a d and d crr[)It to end their liv 1111'

lIaturally. i a hadow projected through III from the l'Ipartan tate. J t i a t mpered or timid imitation (It a Ii rc r doctrln in the UH public." • ' otbing, bowt:ver, is mor rrpug· Dallt to our high t ideal of SOCiety, nothiug carri us back nearer to our • ' omadic anc tor than th family life ot til tOllian. But I t due weight lJt' gh-en to More's saving explanation, that he "cannot agr with everytblng Haphael III r lated;" but that "tbere are many things in th Commonwealth of Utopia, that I rather wi h than hope to followed III our governments."

[ ctual and social. Tbe one educate the inner III an ; the other retines the outer. But the question is, what rela· tiOll exists batwe n these two sort of cultur ~ Ar they of equal import· ance'! How far should each be car· ried'! To answ r these questIOns we Ulust lir t 'ee what intellectual and social culture really signify.

Intellectual culture is the bringing out, the unfolding, of latent power nod possibilities. It is the developing of the intellectual facultie. taking the word intellectual in its IJroadest sense . Thi culture widens our view, and reo moves all that which makes us narrow and one sided. It gi ve3 us the power to under tand, and to understand rightly. It deepens our views of men and their characters; so that we can see through outwardavpearances and look into the hlllut and soul. Through it we get a corr ct apprehen ion of the underlying

A Word on College Culture. principl of science, art, ,md letters. It give llS a keen apprecintion of the

appeared an Ull Igned article multitudinous forms of nature; brings under the omewbat unique heading, Ill. s iuto barm.onY witb the univerde-its "An E ay on a Poiut or Two." It music. Inarticulate silence becomes would S In, however, upon a careful a prophet who e empire is "higher than r 'lding, that the say dealt for the th stars, deeper than the kingdoms of mo t part wilh aile point only, viz: d ath." If we have tbis culture we can social and intel1 ctnal clliture in th enjoy life of, by, and wiUlin ourselves. college But wheth r one pOint or 'litude hecom a. charm. In nature two [loint were dl cu I, matters w hall find our highe t pi asur . The little; the fact that the idea of coli g weMher beat n rocks and hill will be cultur run through the entire pro· grand r than all the dom , fanta lie dnction is quite sullicieut. And, al· 1110 aies, angels of sculptured alabn ter

• 'ow it is in ''''',IW''Ll~ valu of the two pha es the que lion becoJll one. It is rigbt her mi take is too often winch in lime may pitiable con quence. ta.cbing too much signi culture that wesom ti fall. And wben once more strength than get liP agaiu.

I. k of what cultur a compared the intellect ~ ']'lte lor; lhe other is m what weight are all the li of ociety when pla« anc with intellect ~ , smiles III tha pr ence 0

tellect·~ or what con rnle for etiquette \Vll 1

of life ar staring yo 1'h nre {Iue tions w to think about.

DEl< F.

Livery If you want anythinl

line, caU 011 Foster, ' II everything new nnd sty gies, n w harn al 11 orses speedy and. tyli po Ite City Uall. 'tlld cited.


t~r oj' tho artil'lt- loft out est p and Imply lITe extr nw, eparat d by I think that til ~ ay

etl 1\ pml eworthy 011 . II the llIean or tUn udent to thinking nr er lyon this (III tlon. a question of 110 mean

jeet of coil go culture ave ono. On ullon

men and women or eith r ris n or faUen.

many n student of d perhaps gr at po -m bled, stagg red, Ilnd

1t is upon a wi nsideralion of this

lJe good oud evil, th es of fL coll ge course t nt d pend. And of cance the suc or Ul depend upon it. I s an(( failure In ma­to tbat succe s which

th ucce in true

l development is ex­tho amount h h and to wbat extent

veloped. .A coli gl' comparatively IitOe y be called tallgibltl

s simply to bring his latent po wers; to I mllchin ry and the ere he cau get hold

lelll. In other words brought to light and "e get the idea of lovelopmellt then is

of two kinds, intel· The one educate

Ie other reU lies thij estioll is, what rela­

these two sorts of of equal import­

ould eacb bo car­these q uestlon8 we at intellectual and signify.

re is the bringing f latent power and the developing of ultie. taking the its broadest sen e. our view, and re­

I makes us narrow VC3 us the power to understand rightly. s of men and thei r e can see through and look into the

ough it we get a of the underlying

c , a rt, and I tters. ppreciation of the

of nature; brings b the universe-its

silence becomes ire is "hjgher than

the kingdoms of this culture we can

witbin our Ives. harm. In nature

he t pi a ur . Th '8 and hills will be dome. fantastic

ulptured alaba ter

of St.Peter·s and Ht. rippling of th bro' k cry of whlp·poor-wlJl mor mu ic than ev r

<-am · from til ,1~0Ilan hnrp. This is jnt 'II 'chi 1 cullllT('! It el vnt

OO\' th llroletary; tak \III to th hordl'r 1 lid of knowll'dg; and if th r W 801ll what of genills in liS it will It-nd us into th r aim of til un­kllowabl'. Thl It is that lifts ILt tim' Ollt of and above this too s Ifl h, t !) d bast·d, too unsymllnthetic world of t.'lIlllty forms and insinc rity, into til t Ind ('ribabl 80methiug It car­ri ollr thoughts to th eternlli. By it

e Itr IIble to 1.'1.' t h truth; d tl.'ct the hows of things. And It i jll t thi lI!tur that I milking til world cos­

mopolitan. It i this that gi ves the h 'art sympathy. It t nche that ther 15 a gre tnI.'. s be hi that of th plu III 8'\d crown a greatne S lIUS en, un­heard, unknllwn.

But what shall w ay of social cult­tllr. [r fer to that culture which c m from social gatherings, from tll prior and th party. That cultur , hich giv graceandsmiling ociallty_ 'ur Iy ther is no on 0 mnch of a c1odpol 8 to d{'uy that this, too, is a )art of a !Stud nt's development. . 0 on , I think, ho!d h rmitagl.' lind awk­wardne to be virtue in themselves. ,ociai cultllr is a relining cultur. For it tak 'S away coa.r eness, and adds p)li h. It knocks 01T the rougb edg s. I t glv grace and elegance. It makes on polite, amiable, genial Rnd agr -able. It impart ea and If posses­sion; cultivat good behavior, good m nners, good s n e. and good tast. In hort social cultur is that which mak men social beings.

Xow it i in timating the relativ valu of the two pha s of culture that lhe qu lion becomes an important one. It is right h re that tbe fatal mistake is 100 often made a mistake wblch in time may lead 10 the mo t pitiable consequence. It is upon at­taching too much igniflcanc to social cultur lhat ",esometime stumble aud fall. And when once down it require llJore slrength lhan mo t men have to get lip again.

I k of wbat cous quenrc is social culture a compared to the culturl.' of the intellect: The on is most infer­ior; lhe other is most superior. Of what wight are all the conventional!· tie of society when plac d in the bal­anc with intellect ~ Where are your miles III the pr ence of profound in­

tellect? Of what com fort are yOnt

TIll for etiquett when lhe hard fact of lire ar staring you in the fac ? Th nr que tlons we would do w 11 to think about.

D.;~ F. ' I!AlIBAUOI!.

Livery. if you want anytbing in the livery

line, C<'lli on Fo ler " 11 ess, They keep v rything new and stylish; new bug­

gies, new barue lind uew robes. Horses speedy aud tyHsh. ,'tab11.' up­posit ity II all. 'tudents trade soli­dted.

THE V IDE T T E - REP 0 R T E R . 3

125 W ash i ngton St reet. I-itllc1 nL will lind Ollr tock r pi t

with lIovelti s ill v ry depnrtm nt, II lid Ollr pric . the lowe t. ITo iery, glov and unden\' ar n specialty. G ntl men will lind it a gr at aving 10 II on furni hing goods beror th y buy.

C. L. }lozlI,n.

T he M ikado's Garden atCedar RapIds.

IOIl~ CIIY hll It1 orn I'Alne~. Olllll1lwn It. ('0111 I'/tillct'. 'r!' 1011 II, 1111111 Onl /'I1II1I'i'. /·'0'1' L CIIY It. I:hlx Pllinc allel ('l'th" 1I1111111s. lIoL to btl 11111110111' bv Iht' 81~lercltll' IlItJOyd elll!'rl>rl r, I~ Ilrt'l'll rlll" for 1111' \,rollucllollu[ 1\ lin",! Flow!'r IIIIlI 1""lclIl l'e Ihlli. to l fl hrld '\01'. ~ 10 InchI1Ivt'.lIl1ell'r II 1IIIIIIIIIIOlh 1'111 \\ hleh will be comfortlllJly ht'lILl'tI. brill/null) Ih:hl~d aJIII decurtlleel, I~rom Ih~ ro 'ftl R'lrde'lI o! JIIIIIIII II/lye l"'tll "Il'('\~11 Ih~ l"llUke t I'arit'lie or tbelr 118110nlll 1I0IIl'r \\h!ch "II/ her II ho\\ II In til lI:l'l!lItc. L llrofllioll or color 111111 form.lollelllt'r with a Ihll'tll Ilhl) oflro"lcltl ,,11\111 ; Iialm from tile I nde ; cllell from Ml'.lcfl.ort·hlll 01 Iller) hlle rrom tht' lIn17l1lwn rtlrt'~I~. I\I~o thp large .. , c~nlur)' plllllt In Ihe \lorld, with II f( ueral eoll,'ctlOIl or Ilw choler. t trl'll: up, fromlhM Iloral khlillinill. Thl', \\lth boothM Clllllnll1lnl( ~1I1 fmlt' Ihe IWI'ole,lo<,m lind lIrll~h. \I 1/1 combine III nlllking "11\11 MlkMo'~ Ollrllell " Ihe 1lI0~L 1I0Vt'l. Rrtl"tlC IIl1d In IrucllYII 'nlt'rlllinment eler otTen'ti 1110 peoplo of 10\\11.

Farmers, Planters, Breeders, Ranchmen,

n '. Iron or 'It'Curlnl! n home or foothold In lite i"!ttnllY SOlllh. hC')'ond thelllteof nllwlrd • no\\­blockml~ lind It'e-ehul l'l 'lln .' houltl rt'lIh mlll'r

ill'e Ulrlh~::flf~f Queen & Crescent Route In

Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana

lire hundred o[ lIlOusalld of ;Icn' of the Oflr I Grain, C:nllll1j!. ~·,.nlt autl Mlutrul J.and 10 be foull" hi th~colllllrY.lllllch ellil ~el he purdlll I'd ilL II ngllr~ far helow Ihelr IIClllltl \ ahl~, lIud Itt II Ilrlre Ihnl will III lire Ilul"k all<l IJUIIIIUrut r'l uru ,whelher bought for Ih or (III , Ill'clllu-11011.

Th. QUEEN .t CRESCENT RUUTE I. 114.,1'., tAt ,ho.t.Jt Cincinnati to N8U1 •. /I 0 ml/" the Iho.tul Cinelooallio Jaehlono/ll"

FLa. 20 mil" Ihr .ho,t"t Cincinnati to LnlnaUn. K\·. 6 hou •• quiD>'" Clnel.n.tllo Knoxuill •• t"on. Iltl mil., th •• hortut Cincinnati to AIIanta and

Aug.,'a. Ga. 114 ml/" the ,ho,tul Cincinnati to AnnlJon. Ala. lB mil" Ih' ,ho,tf$t Cinel.nali 10 BI,mlngham,

Ala. 16 mil .. thr ,hort .. t rlncl""at/ to 1II0bfl., Ala.

Pllr l l~ <lp. lrln" IU[OIrll1llIlll" of (,holc~ IAlCII­tlOII' /0' f Building Situ. IIIln"al. 11mb". GrazIng and Agrlcultu,al Land., can obtHl1i rellalll .. luf<lrltlnllOlu II Ilh l'olllltv MU I> • by Hlldre Sllll(

U. 0. ~.t)\\"AIII) . Gell. Pol ellser . Ticket Ageili.

Queen & Crescent Route, CincIn nati , Ohio.

......".. IOWA CITY ,

. D.

am L'lund

A. r_ OALKINS, Propfi,tor,

FINE BOOT lallt· III .. III... 1·,'lf,· .. 1 all r ·,10,"

, ulrall!t, __ I,

P. BRYl E, M tropolirnn Hln t III Ul'111 IllTllI ..... •• 1' 1' r " ,.


~ JdE7I~[ + ~7i~l{E1{ FH.lNK • '1'B1JlUN." 1'/ ,,1'.


Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry A'O ,\1.1. KISO or

Musical In lrumcnls. R.pal,I", .... tt, Do" • • Dubuqu,St.

~tutB ' UniVBIsity - (w-

Iowa. The Several Departments W ill

Begi n tl'\ e Year 1890-91 o n Septem ber 10.

Each Department i. thoroughly .qulpped for effiCIent luorlt, and no pain. will ~ .pared to offord .tudent. the b"t PO",· ble oppoltunity to pUrlue cho .. n line. of .tudy. For partIcular InformatIon 08 to the re'pectiue Departm,nt., add,. .. as follow.:

~ \ • • '1 •

First Notionol Bonk, IOWA CITY, IOWA,

CAPITAL. .100,000. SURPLUS, .18,000.


\. 1 ' , II •• \1"

Collegiate: CoUeg Challe. A. Schaeffer, PreSIdent, Iowa (My.

st L iver y Stable.

L a w: fmlin McClain , Chancellor, Iowa City.

lUc dical: W. F. Peclt, M. D., !Jean of Faculty, Oauenport.

HOIIJO!opatbic ltledlcal:



Little Dnl tf 'lor no lb oro r Pill 1 (OR. I!lt. on H 01 P. O.

A. C. CowperthwaIte, M. D., Dean of K Faculty, Iowa City.

Dental, A. O. HUloi, D. D. S., Dean of Faculty, Iowa CIty.

Pbarmaceutlcal: f. L. Boerner, Ph. G, Dean 0/ Faculty, Iowa City.

Expen s ill alJ D pa.rtm ot are rNI ultable. ( '0 t of bOard III pri vat famille . 83.00 to - .00 per week; ila cillb, 1.:iO to 2.:iO per we k.

For Catalogues or for genelol info /rna­tion, addre .. -


STUDENTS .\ im'lled to calJ nnd amin our






Irs, Tray ' requ in truction in th wnltz to Ix- at th Ilohenschuh h..'lll promptly a eight o'clock tbi



Our Former Professors. Pmf. f" 111)\\ is p, tor of th M. Eo

church in ~I. m'h t r. 10wlI. Prof. Philbrick i ~lJgagt:d in railroud

building ill Loui iana. Prot. Eggert h r al estute an<llll\

01\1 ,in . It Lak 'ity. in Indi na. ditor of


Linder is studying botnny in

Firs Young Lady (who has vivid r oUections of certain experience at I 't nmm r's watering place) - ' y, D lli why is McKinley like one of tho horrid .Jersey mo qultos ~

Della- I really don't know. Why? First YOllng Lady-Because he did

it, ith his little bilI.

Lat t lJattern in ladle gold walch clnin at ~L lI. Gr r·.

Spoils. 'ophomor's IIr~ r 1I11in'd to l'xerci

thre lIud II half honr ellch" 'k It

lhl' ('nl. S. l . W hl\v ju L read for thl' twenty·

Ufllt Um III t ~atnrdtly'8 YlllfTrJ:'

Hf'l'lIItTflt. - l'lIe {lI1it.

('0 'ol\('gl' (Ct'dllr H:lpi<ls) h38 a new monthly, Til CU,VIIII/,V. Th Uti Iltl

II(' t IIl1d originul.

\I HAT '11K 1I1K\'-t'Uy' IPIr.If,

I:rt~'It·.11l! gl'l!~11 YUlilla: IIIIIW, That ~H'r 1111 C~II )IlIlIlIlIIlRII,

hll\ll) IIlIh""I';II>I,., 1""lIr" !llId cnra\ll~,

Uught In htl bOIl II ,.,UIIIIIIII1U


Tntl All 1111 II I,,· ) (Jllllj: 111110,

A 11111_ h~ h! Ilrl/~ 10tlllir lIIall, II), t I's:ull!llil'1I1,

~·Int· nlld "<lI,bl_lIe,II,


WMllt to ~dtt 1\ 1,.l\wr YOUII" 1111111, Trl. to Ih'~ 011 hI. crdtJil YUIIII/( 111"11,

IIu\llll-go·llIcky, Witt)' <11111 III lick) •

. \llIa) In 101'\\ ),OUIIII1I101l.

1':\1011 •

• \ prld 01 th,· ('olll'gt' )'OUII~ mUll,

('nllll Cull oC kllo\YI~lh,e )'UIIII' 111'111, au O()II to leave U~, 11011 It 11'111 grl~le II ,

Ourh. ml~lIlealld II'llt)'I'OIlIlj( IlIUIl. - J! .

The Halo. "Our London dealE'r in bird, rec iv·

ed, wben th fashion wa at its height, It single consignment of thirty·two thollsand clead humming birds; and auother received at IUlother time thirty thollsand aquatic bird, and thr e hundred thollsand pairs of wings:'

Think "hllC a prJ.' 10 (lAT, Jo:a. ... hright nllll gllY,

.) 11.1 for II hilt! .'I"w~"''·d, morning, U lUlU "1r,

M·roOg 1;l\re of Ib,' wln~ th I "\·,,,wuuII.­BIU'eoI1u81 for Iblll.

Thln1< IIf Ib nib ... .,., 100, OlbN'lIl1nd 1Il01b""" \00,

llrlgbl· j Y('l! In bM! lIt· r ),ou 110 molber- roan nOll tI o/C In I\lr, lIear you 00 IIttl~ 11I01\I1,-blrllllll 'ti "lla1r,­

• mc",bcrl', for that1

C&UJ(llt 'IIIJ!1 80UH\ mother ~'ork1 Toro 1;y a hunl~r Turk,

.11I.t for your hAtl I't nl)' of 1lI01l1~r h~"",, yet In IbI' world: All Ulf'. mol'tl wlol\' LO \<'ar, ~ar ·fully twlrled,­

WOOl 0 ", .. nl lllaL!

Oh, but Ibp hnlllp of Il, Ob. 1;UI tb~ hll\m~ of It,

f'rlell of a b/l Ii Ju.t for n launUne. brightenIng Ih~ treet! Tbl~ I your bill", 0 flU·p"..o 'wePl,­

\)~I\Ib; and for UIIlI! - W. (', U/l.UnclI.

.. . ·our COIDIlIIllll'IIts mue ono bluFb, Three blush mue one tender 10flk, Your tender loolLs ma1<!' onf'l ramble by Uloon­

light., T"\I I'&IlllJle by moonllgbt mnke ulle Proll&­

IIIIt, Two proposabl (oue to papa) lIIake one wed-

ding. -E,c.

The Band of t h e UnIversity Batta lion.

A nently uniformed ~Iilitary B nd, comprising twenty members, Is now prepared to take engagements. For term , etc., apply to M. L Power , eLrnm major, or F, W. Thomp on, mil 1-cal dirt! tor.

All the Latest Novelties in Hats and .Furnishing Goods at Bloom & Mayer's.

I t from in the city I

Talbott' .

Wisdom Cries Alon~ I And , : 11011 1001l:,Ob.

trs oltoll? how long w!llll ROBINSON'S NEW 1

t. t'

:polls, ~ r<'1i II i n·d to (' tlrel , honra l'/lch w k ilL

all )lag

r in llirds, receiy· was nt it height,

of tbirty·two ming birds; and

another time thirty bi rds, and tim:

pairs ot wings:'

make o~e I)rol)l)o

Military Band, members. Is noW

For M. 1. Powers,

. Thomp Oil, mu I·

'1'111 ,II lIlICl1\' ho\ I thllt lCIurk III hOoI or I'amlng: \ 1\, b 1\\-" \ 11t h,! I brll) '" 1"'1 • ""1- ! 'l'lIh, 'Mlh, 'r h! I""" 'l-Ia _, ""m ·Ikal I >In ,I II. I 1000l\l! 11 •• 1 1

ml" "' w'loll\-~II" W Il III\I! '1'>111. 'rlll, 'nil!" 11.,,11111 -" It~h , nil. I'll". Mlh, 'r.lh, 'r h!" "lIIornl -" II A. h.I.'ha' '11\Cornla! \',1

I IIr. : lil': 1",,-'Q11 b" I b)" I-II)! ' 1I1h, 'l'IIh, 'rllhl" "llIllIblll " ""rnll . h,ma, hurl'll. I'

I I '" I~I ,I!" ( rll 1I-"I~'rl"'II, ("'rn II, (" oro I II! I )t'lI,

)1'11,)1'11.\'".,11'111" 1I.lrIIll IIlh-"W.II. IIIb,'. III hI Wil li. 'h ...

_,Ill I lot •• 1I,1I. 1).lrllll'lIIlh ! Wllb. who. a1ll" 1101 klo,;c>ll-" ItI,.. ·n.h. bll , bl I 11111111 n·

Ifl .. 1 !" Il - ,r ~t"\ln (I). "l-"OI"I'lII'L<11III, nih I

f, 'r')1rh."II, rah! (. "'f"itt.,\lt. 11 t r, • bclOnl.llh!"

1/ mlllull "/l1\h. 'mh. 'r b I II 111 ·11· ton I 11 1111110 n! lll'. • .. h. l- III!"

II .. nl -" II h.·1 h. 'rolt! ' I '1:,,11 '1'II1t. r II I " r. rtl'"

lI"harl-" 1111" I/"hull 1111'. 110 rt: II I". CW' III" , h .. : 11111,11.,\ rtl"

lud lllooa-" I. I ! I. \ ! I, "1 '/I:lh. 'r /0. " h: IIh. !In<'/II. bllll !" 1 ...... 1 ol"rll\ -" " \I III: Il l! lI.ll, I ! (.Id,l,.

C;hld)'. Ulil •. 11: I I" K II ., 1',,1 •• ,.,.11)' ot-' II.) k,

1111k' K.t'I" K 11)11" -" ' !tub.r h. 'rull:

K~I' )I/II!" It lli'll'Ile-" 'Ullh, ·rllh . 'rahl

fa, Ih'!" I ... hl~h -" II'.I nIh. h''''I)! lIOtH,lh. h'ra) I

lI'ro, . h'I'1t): 1 ... 1 11~1l!" \II,ldlclolln -" \l llhl', ",ld', MIoltllehllr} I

·nall . 'r II. 'iahl" 111111 ' Ilil. l ·llln· .... lIl ot-" 'It h. ·nlh •

• )Ullr 111",,1 ,IIUlltHI()·'." .11 lilt ,'I. 'l:oty ' -"' It h. ' ... h, · .... hl

-to t ·a·r·\ "!"l" :\ .fal \, "Iplllv-' " nrrah!

nih! "urt.lh: 1 IKtr-Zlt-'.T! \c..- \ orl;. l'1I11~1' or Ihtl

~ nah. ',,,II! t . (" :\ . "I" ~cw ,,,,10..['1111.,..,11) of 111 ('It~ Ilt-.. 'I' h,

• ... b,'nlhl !\ , Y. UI ~I, I hOlllll! ah·hh !" ~(lI'" IIHllle ..... ' \lilli, ·r .. l l , 'l'1Ihl 1I,:\ ·1l 1

","·111" 1\'1"1')1\'1\111:1 l ' nlnor .. lly "f-'lloo·roh! 1100

rahl ",~ .. r;\hl l't·1I11 ,)1·,,; 1I111!" l'rhll"'ln" "Uurnlh: IIlIrrohl TIKI't· I !

bncllol ah~H 1I,.'h,,,,\,·.-"1I0l! hoI! ho.1 'talt, 'roh. 'rab l

Rotb tet!" Trl llll)-" Ilall. 'r: It, 'n.h: TrInh): B<)"no.

·r lJ! bvODI ' rull:' Turt.- . ' Itab, 'rnh, ' rIth, 'rah, 'nlll , I'llb!

Tuf!:!!,' l:1I1r.U-" · It.,h, " II, '",hl l nlolll hlbll,

hlk.h: !llkah:" Vtnnoat, nIl' .... Itl' t>f- " ' Itab. ·rab. 'm,

'r;t b, ·tah. ''''h:l'.· \·.·~I : ·lIuli. • ... b:·· \'1111111 101. l'ol ........ II~' or-" Itah, • ... b. 'ralt:

l -nl, V! 'rah, • ... 10. mh! Valr I·I),! \ 'I r-gln ' Ii!"

W. IIlnlllJn lid I ... -"( 'hlclI a-R'I-I un~1 Ito­took ' c,"rullkl lin, 110. Ill, hoI W, 1t·lng·ton and Let!" W~ I.)an lJllh r~II}-" · ltalt. 'mll, ·rah. ' rab!

\'~ h·l·an-.J 'rnh, 'nah. frail, 'nlh!" Wllllall1 -" ·lIl1b. 'l'Ilh. 'rab! WIII ·)UlII. I

, tnl yam ! WIII'yulII !" \\'1"1 u 'Io\~' l ' ulVtr lIy .. f-"t'l 'rail, 'nh, 'rail!

Itutge ..... - .. · • ... 11. 'Mlh! boWW01",\0\l! ItUIgt'I'!!" IlIe~ens In-lItull'- "Boom· ... b! \loom·rab:

BOIlIll-tab: ,' Ie" ell, t" t. J nlln --.' .1: 'J! IIII' , hlp. boora).

bnora):" ... aIlJlDore-" 'Jlall. ·l1Ib. 'l1Ib, ·l'lIh. ·rob.

'nlh! ",anllloor. S"MrIIlIlIOrel 11110 rdb!" ''''~nll '. Unhel'!lltl or-" 'llllll , ' rabl bIOI'

boom·bet'l ' (I;,h. 'rallt 'r lin I" l'nher1!ll) or til .. UI'J-' '!lab. ' rab. ' rahl

r·ol V. 'rob, 'nit, 'nllll \'ar \·t) of Ibe • UUI. ·w~·nH'! "

WOi ter. Unlvc .... lly 01-" ' Itab. 'mb. ' Iabt W! 11\'0 , Ifr! bilng! botllnl "bbl"

Yale-It 'Rah. 'n,", 'ruh, fr1l.b, 'rah, 'ntb, 'rail, ' ralt, 'nlb, 'rab! Yalto!"


Wisdom Cries Aloud in the Streets I And 3~ : How long. Ob.)e 8011 and d3l1gbt·

ers ot toll1 bow IOllg will ye neRlect to vi It

ROBINSON'S NEW YORK STORE, wbere YOII CliO get lIlore J(ood tor a dollllr than anywhere el ? \ e Iluot : Ladl 'b • 6. 10, 11. U, up to i5 ct. ud rwear. 3.'i, ~3 cu. up 10 Il.OfI HAndkerchIef. I, 3, ~ ct., up to 11 ,00. AU· Ilk rtbboo , at 6, 10, 13 ct . up to 50 cu. about

two-tbird \'lIlue. Lad le- nod II \Its hOf', 1.00 up to 3.00. 24 hetL' of r,31'1'r ut 3. 5 aOlI 10 cts. Bett ellV'el pe for 3 CI . rubl I .3.5 Hnd 10 CI . We cafT)' eve!')lhlog; elCIl lead )leurll [or J teDt eMb. I

, ..


l~in tllllor 'lII d 0" variety a\ld low~. t pri May('t'8.

Ov r)oo golrl \. drawn in .\ , ~I. C:r 'r' "'"tl'lI

nob· Tal·

Buy uud rw [U' Dud j r .~ of m III

" taYI'r and av' mon .. ·. mol' , we' hay o\'~r tw

ent tyll' to. 1 t from at Talbott' .

Students. .tol) th old Red, Whit lid

oU wag n ! r tb I t oi amI in lh mark t.

2:> dozen mor of those extra width Black Four in nand Ties r celved at

u.sbman ~~ Talbott· .


Finest Neekweatf Obtai nable.

A,ency for the "F moua Dunl p H t, ......... _


'icc'l and He'( 1 ntlcrwcar in t he Cit 'hirt () all kind

ry d riptiun

\\'111'11' lV,

")fon~k r 'hie s C nO · «ni) eu GIVE us A CALL,


• ole :Rooks

Smile Because Can Buy the

I' '1 () 'I,r

36.60 in HaU RllSSi I


Dill rat Bookstore

"rllt; 1'14-\C I. 10 nr.r IT

The Biggest Bargain Ever Offered . in Iowa City.

Be Sure to Call and See It.

(o()e to (')r~er. We b \'C In tack allldud of X ebook of 1li4t 01111 lila); , and are prerared 10 o pply n '­

DE:o.~ In ALL URr.utnn;:..'T wltb anytb1n tlley nmy \\1 b In our line. W can mall an), \rind f ~ I ord r eh p. Old Boo lBgallu and Pam·

phI n ' til' d ch pI hound . J~.l order at I • HI, ' BooIt l


6 T H E V I DE T T E R E P 0 R T E R. . I lit I hUI RllUlhl'T I . IIIl'h of till' I'lf

111 ulll 1111'11 uf 'IIIr Illulltr) III Itt hi III hf I Ullt IIItI trlllheuf\\hal

rcom -

, ~, \\ r {lIlU '

III th 1:!lh

prilt· . 1.1'1 :11 who c II writ, com· I tl'. Thollgh YOIl lIlay 1I0t. "in the flv!' dollars,yollr work may hI.' puulI hed In thi uook. II tho jok which hS1'1 III()fr~lJul'lIt1y in lniv raily r ci· tntlon lin' wnnt d uy tit editor, who \\ 1II carllfully r ord til m nnd I ct lh 'b t fllr publication. All h rmle a

fI nrl' Ilk wi d Irw. In th at· tt'mpt to b' funny, howl'v r, it i the Inteution to pubU h notbing which would wonnd th Ce lings of the roo t

n ltive. Th pie, ing /Teet of la l )'I.'ar·s "Cyclone" of Iowa Coli g ,other' wi 1\ lery abl work. was greatly marr 1 by an pith t culling attention

I'r('<1 mith i 'hic.'Hgolng it. ~\: ~J

to some IIhysical deformity of n tutor. on, Any sugg tlon regarding thia depart·

m nt wlll not only 00 thankfully reo

TheJunlor Cia s and Co llegi­ate Department of t h e

Junior A n n ual.

c iveO but i rn tly sought. To mak tbl d pnrtm nt a succe

will r 1I1IIr time.laoor and douutle s som II gll.'ct of tudi 9, but th acri· fice mu t be m de. The tori a and poem and joke will refl ct tb ability and quality of our tudent. From till Annnal conclu ions r pecting the L'niv rslty will be drawn in tbe bomes of t1\'e hundred student wbere tb An· l1unl will be read. It will be mentioned uy tbe pl\per of every college with which it i xchang d and will be r . view d by fraternity magazine all o\'er tll t:nil\!dtnt . Therefor lhe duty d volve upon lb editors to do tbeir work ° tboroughly that the /lrst volume of th "Hawkeye" may be afely insnred again t the lir of criU·

GEO. W. l'iTILE..,.

A Letter. EOITon "IDETTE:

Deal' • ir: - Hegard ing your statement in la t week'" is u~ "f the Yl1>ETTE

concerning (;arl.')" of Princetoll. run· ning 100 }arcls ill tI% econd, 1 beg to say that at a r~eut meeting ot tbe Board of Ianogement of the Amateur Athl tic ('nion held at Pbilad Ipbia, th papers claiming Carey's record were rejt'Cted by the Record 'om· mittee. Tbere lVere many reason for the rejection of the record. 1st. The time-keeper were not officiaL. 2d. Ramsdell, to wbom Carey was only con· ceding" yards start, bas never beaten

t n and till e Ii nh~, let ('lIr Y (lilly lI1all g d to hl'Hl him by ix inch 'I'hl would mllke Bamsdell a t 1\ eo ond m811, to Wllich h ha not th slight t claim. :l!l. The track w. lightly down hill. Th papers cl im

lug .Tohn OWl'n, .Tr.'., r c rd of lIin and four ncth 8('cond wet llC pled by till' Record Com mitt , nlld th world'S amateur r cord for 10) yards 110\\ stunds 1/4-;; econd. Let me aJ

IIY thllt arey was n competitor In the r Cl.' with Owen when he mnde hi r e· ord nnd got ueat n by auout olle fool.

HespecLCully your • "' /1,1. 1'. 1\1,"TT~lt "


0 .... 10. MOURS I

10 A. 'f. to 12 M. 2 I'. M. to 4 P. liT. 7 1'. M. to p. ~J.


OFFICE, 2 I 6 Clinton Street

DR. LEORA JOHNSON, Jll!}t Wl\~blnl!ton fll.

Iowa City, Iowa, Telephone No. 32. OFFICE HOURS-From 8 to 12 a. m.

From 3 to 6 p. m.

DR. A. C. PETERS, 216 Clinton Street.

Opera House Block. Teltphone, 47 OFFICI': "OUII • •

Prom 10 to 1\ a. Ill .. 2 to 3 p. 111.


DENTAL ROOM 112 South Clinton St.


OJllc •• No. 14 North Clinton SI • /OUia CltV.

Onlet'liOllr : 10 " II. 111 .. 2 to ~ ". 1\1 Rt<l· denr~. '/lnUme t corn r Cllutoll lIud Fllirthlld tr~1 . TtleIJbon~. No. 16.



O v ... r L<>".r ..... Gr:::en'Y St:>ra.


UUIU. O v ' I' Johns on Coun ty nonk.

University, Academy, Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Text Books at Lee & Ries', THE LARGEST STO ':K AND LOWEST Pf( I':ES. PIONEER BOOK TOR E 117 WASHINGTON STREET.

BET1fED Chl~, M inneapolis

v 1& lb. ) . Albon

St. Louis, M inneapolis VI& LouIa, polio.& t.

0. J.IVla, i'reo'tctGm'lBap'l.

CIDA :t "A~tD ••

w/\ a c mpetllor In lhe well when 11« made hi r . beaten by about one foot. Hespectrl1l1y yours,

WII, /. P. HL.\TT~ln.


A. lIr. to 12 111. 1I!. to 4 P. M.

to ti 1'. ~I.


OFFICE, Clinton Street


No. 32. 8 to 12 a. nt.

A. C. PETERS, CII nton Street.

Block. Telephone, 47 OFYICP; IJOUII • •

10 to 11 n. Ill.. 2 10 J p. Ill.


AL ROOMS, South CI i nton St.


STREET, Gr::oollry St::ore.


&lftl~t. o unty nonk.

Lee & Ries', EET.

THE V IDE T T E - REP 0 R T E R. 7


"The Modern Family Physician & Hygienic Guide."



"The Best" And ALWAYS Please

Our Patrons.

/,'u/' , o.

F. X . RITTENMEYER.' - llt'nll'r III .1 Io;llId 01-

1000 ~ile~ of ~olld . ) R D ~ TO D 10 VA, lit I HARD o;:~ UUMBER

MINNESOTA L ave orders t Fink' B;ll, r. -.,,0--



Chl~, Minneapolis and St. Paul Via u..l ......... .Albertu.. IIouI&

St. Louis, Minneapolis and St. Paul Via t.. LooIla, _""IlI.1t ~ P&al 00" Ll .


Through Sleepers and Chair Cars B£T1fl:EN


Via u.. Famou.Alben X-llcute.


~ SPI RIT LAKE ~ The Great Iowa Su.uu:ner Resort..

For BaU_" and Hotel Batl'8, De8crlptlv PlUIlpblete and all Informatloot addrt>a

Gen'I'1'lck t and PlIS8Cogcr .agent.

rOACHEAP HOMES On Hne ot thI8 road in Northw tern Iowa, 8oulh~rn Mloneeota and Central D&kota, wbere drought and crop failures are uolmown. 1houlI&Dda ot 000100 acrea ot land ye un6Ol4. Loca1 Excmaloo rates Bil'en. For full infor­Illation u to Ilrloe!J 01 laod and ra of fare. Idd Geo'l Ticket and P ngel' 4geoL

Allof the Paueoger TraIns 00 all DlvItlonI Of tbll RaIlwayare b8llted bI StClllD from the eocInc. and tbeMalo Lloe ~QIIer'l'ralDc are IJgbted with the Electrlo t.

Map .. TIme Tablcl!. Through tee and all in· tormatlon farnlahed 00 appUcatlon to .Agent&. TIcketa on salo overthls route at all prouiloent JlOinta In tbe Uoloo", and by Ita Agent&, to all pan, of tho United I>tatca and Canada.

" For announoementa ot Excuraloo Batel, and local mattc1'8 ot loterest, please refer to tbe Jocal columna ot thlII paper. Go oJ. IY •• , oJ. L HANN. CAN,

Pre.'t.t OeD'lBap>t. Gen'1 TIt1. .t Puo. AIlS CIOA :l "A~ID •• " ' ''''A.

r§oerner ~rot11ers,

pqarmaci t perfumar~ •

Specially: fille GoodJ. "' lI'aUoi"llto .. ~n t. lIJlrA CITl'.


WBtche~, C1oc~~ OPT! '.\1, GO I ,.


Anthracite and Bituminous

C0HL. 417 Burlington 8treet,Oppoait6 B., C. R.

cI. N. Dppot, Iowa City.


R E T A R A T. Board by Day or Week.

OYlIl.:r in every tyJ. off e and • 'olldwich at all hours.

B .... akf t. ':I~ '0 0.1.. 11. llIoor.. 12 to I:. 1'.)1 ""'-1l1Ii.(or.6to":':. lp'. liI.

DlIbuque ~'treet and IClI!a Avm:le.

U 10

Beard by til Dau or th We k. 1 • •. '.I'I'If, Propr' lor.


Mrs. Parrott's ~g JOE CORSO

Dining .;. Hall. Fino Fr~it~~l' gandio8 Board by day or. k - I I I'll IlOIlo , 1/ 'I' •• ',.1

I 1.11. I, \ 1111 t u 121 SOUTH CL.1NTON T. r I . Iou ( Iy.


THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLIID I PACIFIC RAILWIY, InclucUnr main lInea ... brancbea and exteILIloILI ~t. and WNt. or Ule Mlsaouri RIver. Tbe 1)1rec~ Rou to and tram Chl~, JoUI!~ Ottawa, Peort&, La Salle :MoUne, Bocll: Ialand, in ILLINOIS-Da enpon, JIU18catine Ottumwa, o.kiioo8!l-, DeaMoine ,Winterset, Audubo1!J!arlan,and counCil Blu1fs,ln IOWA-Minneagll.u.. and S Paul, In )(IN,,u:;~OTA-Watertown

~~~o~I~~i::;" ~ur:.~ctw=D,rnt.J=~~f= -?o~'k~ HutchJol>Oo, WlchJ~ BelleVille, AbUenlb. CaldweU",..!.n KANsA§.:.pOnd Creek, Klna1!8ber, Fort Reno, In the IND.LAN TERRh:vRY-and COlorado Sprtnp, Denver, Pueblo. In COLORADO. FREB Recllnln. Can to and !'rom ChJcaco, C&ldw n, Hutcblnson

ii and Dodge City. and Palace Sleap­

ina Cars be ween ChJcaao, WIchita., an Hutch1riSon. 'rraveraea new and vaat &r'e&8 or ricb f'anD.1D. and gnWD.g lands, atrol'dl.q th best facUlties of int.ercommunlcatlon t.o all towns and cltle8 east and w t, northwest and 80UthW L of ChJcaao, and Pacific and traru5ocean1c Seaporta,

MACNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, LeadIng all competitol'Sln eplendor of equipment, cool, well vent1lated(~~ tree trom dust. Thro~~oacbe8. PuIlinan Sleepel'S. FREE Reel ChaIr Cars, and (east or uri RiveI') DIn.inr Dally between ChJC&lrO, Des MOines, COunell Blu1fs, and Omaha, witb Free Recllnl~ Chair Car to North Platte, Neb., end between ChJCIo4ro and Colorado Sprlnlr!',1 Denver, and Pueblo, via St. J:f~ or Kansas Ctty and Topeka. Splencud D\n.lng Hotels 1fw'n1ahln£ at aeaeonable b0111'll1 west or Klaaourt RIver. CaIJ!omla Excl11'llrona daily, WlUl OHOICE OF ROUTES to and !'rom Salt ~.!lJ Orden, POrtlandJ LOa Annles, and San Francisco. The DIRECT'Ij!i to and !'rom PUt ... Peal~Lllanltou. Garden of the Goda, the Sanltart­uma, and SCeolc Grandel11'll or ~lorado.

VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, SoUd E~reaa Tra1n.a !1allY between ChJ~ and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Recllni!lir ChaIr (¥REE) to and from those points ana K&nB88 CiW. Through C&I' and Sleeper between Peort&, Spirit Lake, and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. The hvorite LIne to, Water­town, Sioux hlla, and tha Summer BesoN and Huntlnr and F'18h1nr Grounds or the Northwest.

THE SHORT LINE VLt. SENECA ~ KANKAKEE offel'S tacllltiea to travel between Cincinnati, IndJan&poUs, Laray~tte, and Council Blldra, St. Josepb, Atchison, ~veDworth, Kansas City, Klnneapou.., and st. Paul

For Tickets, Maps, Foldel'S.L or desired Infonnatlon, apply t.o any Ticket Oftke In the United States or uanada, or address

E. ST. 'OHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0aen111auger. OHICAGO, I LL. OeIl'ITictat aPaa ApDt.

THE V IDE T T E - REP 0 R 4 E R.


Price on -thiT(1 to 011 -halll

Itcaller than Bl ewhere, - ---_ ...... AT +<411 _____ -_



J 11. T GL\ \\01l1i: \.'11 LO\ rill f' • OOR IU; 1'()~IIR~CE "OI.1C'1n:u. TI f'\ ,rro, 'it,ll n!tlll.

l:v.!J:L'VV.A. 'U'XEE, 'VVJ:S.


- R-

\' taple and Fan'r ri '

- GO TO-

~~ff>ed's Fine nfeclioneI'Y and I'

ream. Hot Soda Water, Beef Tea,

Arcadian Ginger Ale, .\nd man) other arbonized drink

Foreign and Dom tic Frui . Fine igars and Tob.'\cco.

O~J" rJ J !,'ed iN el'c,'J (~le, 11510wa Avenue, Iowa City.

IIm.\ rlT\ IIU'k. II \1111 ' 8\1;1.\1;[ WE.

H ck fllmi. hed at any hour. day or ni~ht.


T "phon, 84 and 4 ,


trailJht Cut 0 1. CIGARETTES.

('1\; ~ R T1, ,'II' .... IIR \I ho aM' ,,1II111Jl to \,<'Y • 1I111~ ,u re .hun Ih prl rh"rg.,1 lor .Iw onl\nMI') tra"r \ ' IJlar It ... wlll nu~ nil ' BIlA . I) III",rl')r to all OIh~ .... .

n RIC'.,.. Sflli'l Cil I . I tlllli Ar Rl8" I""" I bt brillhl I. IUIl'<I ,t .. IIC<llfh n., M\'d 8'1" hl~h t r .. ,t (Joti Ltor J(roWll In \ " raln • Tb' I' Ih .. O/tl and O,llIinaIB,antl or Iro/,./ C.t ('IJ!11l't'tlf' • nud \I., oou;:llt out hl'

u lu .hr e. r 1 .~. BEWARE OF IM'TATIONS I\nd ob erve Ihut

tb I"" no .. , o. "/0. I. on e\'cry Jl:Irk8lte.




PREMIERE QUALITE CICARETTE. :w""' ... r~ A SUPERB ARTIOU The, llllulnrd of Ilu rlty and excellence. The laull tJ:NIi!f;, union or Iwn lIIat~lJle 110bacco prevent Ibat drIne of Ihe Ihroat, ,&alIT

11 Jlmclu~ ... 1 by moklng oth~r brand. . 1>0 nOI allow pll'jl1d l'e to wevent )oulMIII Illvln~ thl, In 0Il 'I""'1lble Chellrette 11 trial. It Is simply pi!rfectloll. a luxury n4 1I0t II low priced IIrtlcle.

Onr \'111111)' fl llir aod varioll Smoking Mlxtnr are the One t for III plrt,

W • . 8. II.BALL It CO. BRAlICH, The American Tobacco c.. 11 First Prlle lied. Is .


.... :~~~~£n?,4'n$. I NO&. 404. 332. 3'JO and £04.

lOll lI:\J~ "R(TL ~) .No. )')). and Ladic \ 170.

I 1111 UUO.\D W'RITI,\O. Nos. 2)4, 389 and Stub Point. ~9.

H)1t AUTI,TI t; 'J; In nol' drawloj:1l, I Nos. 659ICrow-<julll), "90 and "),.


THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Gold Medals Paris Exposition ,I878 &.1889 Gillotl & Son" 91 John St::..New YO~'1


PhotographBr, 126 Clinton St. . Ground Floor,

Call1lnd examine w rk and IItlsf)' YOllr If II ho I doln tile 00 t work In tbe ell)

ltoehester. ~. r.

CITY BAKERY, Confectionery, Cakes, Pie ••

Wedding ak~ Made to rder.

Home Made Bread a ' pecially

Reduced Rates to Clubs. 10 CLINTON ST.


Drug Store. We thank YOII for YOllr tr. d in the

past, and re p ctfully solicit a COli ' tilluauce.


Boot and Shoes FOR I .AJ)1f~S A~n UKNTI.t\MEN.

Ollr Fr~lIch Hid. Dung-oIR. 1{1111J!1,ron Rn~ ~'h,p Call, 111 h.,,"1 w ... ~d. lire e~cl'lI~lIt Hlle ..... 1I1M1 ltoo(\~. Knt! bollu", prl<','. jllII1nllllee.l. \I 111\1 1111)' yon 10 ~p" ollr ):OI~ I •• n~ 115 ('11,,1011 I.


Trousers made to your measure at $4.60. 100 patterns to select from. Fit Guaranteed. CHICAGO CLOTHING HOlJSE.

T VOL. XX/ll.

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O",I.g CJII"lnl, r.a,. 8.

t .' I( JlU"1l II ORI r.

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a enl'e for Friday cOt' grant d. TillS agreemeo 'Iigned by Pr . Gat 0

I ge, and the que tion natl wby was not this agreemen on Prf . Gates as on I'r How could th same rilles .rinnell team to obtain a.

sence for Friday and keep team at home?

W bop there i a ti planation tor tbls, for if no a. breach of faith wbicb " sorry to I am that Pr . guilty of.

top related