the vatican on ufo disclosure, alien contact

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The Vatican on UFO Disclosure, Alien Contact, Extraterrestrial Life.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Vatican is attempting to get out ahead of the Extraterrestrial issues before the

announcements by major world governments.

The Vatican is playing a leading role preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure.

There are few things that are sure bets in this life and one of them is that the Vatican would never have come out and told the world that they believe extraterrestrial are real without emphatic proof, without advance knowledge that some type of disclosure is imminent.

The Vatican is not a cutting edge group, they generally move so slow that it is painful to much of the world's congregation. After all, this is the same organization that to this day does not allow woman to be priest or any form of contraception. This is the same organization that forced Galilieo to recant his finding and put him under arrest for the remainder of his life, for telling the world that the earth is not at the center of the universe.

• For the most part the Vatican is stodgy, archaic, slow to move on major issues and generally behind the times. So what prompted them to move at lightening speed on the difficult issues of extraterrestrials life and full disclosure. Well they have been receiving information from their embassies that is hard to deny and they attended a series of secret meeting in NYC at the UN that changed everything. Shortly afterward the Vatican gave the infamous "Aliens Are My Brothers Interview" that should have garnered worldwide headline but it was typically played down by the mainstream media.

• The Vatican’s new openness on extraterrestrial life is consistent with reports of secret discussions held at the United Nations that began in February 2008 and are still ongoing today. The Vatican’s permanent representative to the UN, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, was reported to have attended along with a number of other prominent government officials to discuss increased UFO sightings and the implications of extraterrestrial visitation. Significantly, Migliore's position requires that he maintains close relations with the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

• At the time of the secret UN discussions, Migliore made a presentation on moral issues associated with scientific problems such as climate change. Most importantly, the UN discussions reportedly led to a new policy of openness being adopted by approximately 30 nations that would begin in 2009 and culminate with full disclosure to the world. This is extremely significant as there are approximately 22 nations that have begun full or partial disclosure!

• The meetings that the Vatican had with the UN in New York City were also attended by a host of US government agencies that moved this announcement along quickly. We can only speculate as the agencies involved and the content discussed. You can be sure it was blockbuster information because shorty afterwards both the UN and the Vatican came out with their startling announcements.

• This lists contains countries that have actually disclosed, those that are in litigation to disclose all or specific files and countries that have released significant aspects of UFO and alien encounters.

This is happening in rapid fashion and will continue until we have some undeniable facts put forward that the UFO and Alien Phenomena is real.

Countries that have actually disclosed

• 1. Argentina2. Australia3. Brazil4. Canada5. Chile6. China7. Denmark8. Finland9. France10. Germany11. India12. Ireland

13. Japan14. Mexico15. New Zealand (Additonal Report)16. Peru17. Russia18. Spain19. Sweden20. Ukraine (not in English)21. United Nations22. United Kingdom (Additional Files July 2012)23. Uruguay24. Vatican City

• It is very clear that mankind is being prepared for disclosure. It is no coincidence that more than 20 countries have started partial or full disclosure. Also comments and actions from the Vatican and the UN indicate that the "so called powers" want some of this information to become public. The preparation process is well under way and it is not that difficult to connect the dots. The time frame for proof is expected to be late 2012 - 2014.


• Some things simply cannot be debunked as much as people would like to do it, no matter how hard the debunkers try sometimes the truth just keeps coming to the surface and this is one of those times.

• Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia, the governing body, and highly placed Vatican official who is close to the Pope has been on Italian Television, no less than five times stating that etraterrestrial contact is a real phenomena. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology.

• Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, they are not a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully."  Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.

• The bottom line here is that the Vatican has moved as fast as lightening on the extremely difficult issue of extraterrestrials and religion, they have attended secret meeting at the UN on just this subject. They have met once again in secret with a host of US officials and after evaluating all the information made their astounding announcement.

Disclosure of secret files

Disclosure of secret files on UFOs in Brazilby Group Vision Ufology Brazil

Air Force records show that military repression, flight controllers, MPs and even UFOs sighted diplomats

Swiss propose a petition to allow government UFO files to be disclosed to the public. to sign and send go toUFO disclosure OVNI déclassification

Brazil Discloses additional UFO documents

Feared by opponents of military rule, officials of the defunct Department of Political and Social Order (Dops), an agency of repressive dictatorship, also took their scares. Some claim to have seen unidentified flying objects in various parts of the country, including in Rio. The reports are among the first sighting of UFO records released for public consultation by the Air force. On Tuesday, the Force has published ordinance guiding professionals and users of the national air traffic to pass on information about the apparitions allegedly extraterrestrial Aerospace Defense Command, which compiles with the existing files for further dissemination. The news was revealed exclusively.

For more information and read the full Story;

• Update March 3, 2011LONDON (Reuters) - The government Thursday released 35 previously classified files documenting sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by the military and members of the public dating back to the 1950s.The files contain around 8,500 pages which mainly cover the period from 1997 to 2005 and include photographs, drawings and descriptions of flying saucer sightings, as well as letters the Ministry of Defence sent eyewitnesses in response to their accounts.

• "The Russian Navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website".,2933,534960,00.html

• Spain declassifies 83 documents

• Sweden is releasing thousands of UFO files beginning May 9-10, 2009, according to a news story in Swedish online news magazine Expressen. Translation of the story was provided by Exopolitics Sweden and editor of Soul Travel Magazine. Sassersson’s translation states that:”Besides the 18,000 Swedish cases are thousands of cases from Denmark and other Nordic countries. Thousands of US cases on micro film are too included. The archive (Norrkoping) will be open to the public domain starting with May 9-10, 2009"Sweden is releasing thousands of UFO files beginning May 9-10, 2009, according to a news story in Sweden.

Danish UFO files now open to public

• Categorized | Denmark, General, Lifestyle, Society

• Posted on06 February 2009. Tags: Denmark, Denmark air force, UFO

• The top secret UFO files compiled by Denmark’s Air Force over the past 30 years have finally been declassified and opened to public perusal. Some 15,000 reported UFO sightings are detailed in the files, offering plenty for UFO buffs to drool over. The Danish government decided to release the files because they felt “there was nothings secret in the files.”

Read more:

• The Copenhagen Post reports that most of the sightings remain unidentified because there was not enough precise information to make a judgment. Many of the sightings, however, were found to be aircraft, weather phenomenon and the like. But not all the sightings were over Danish territory, and rumor has it one sighting over Greenland is drawing particular attention from UFO enthusiasts.

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The Greenland incident happened on 5 January 1981, when a square flaming object appeared over the frozen tundra near Thule Air Base. The object disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Interestingly, the neighbouring American military base recorded the exact same thing.

Danish Air Force Captain Thomas Petersen is an expert on the UFO files, and told the Copenhagen Post that the Air Force’s primary concern is defending Denmark against outside threats. “UFOs are not a known threat,” Peterson teasingly commented

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• It really makes no difference if you believe the announcement from The Vatican and the UN are a prelude to a false flag event or they are real. One thing is for certain, some type disclosure (probably partial or limited disclosure) is imminent and coming soon (most likely late 2012 or 2013). It will be up to each person to decide on the authenticity of the actual announcement.

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