the use of celebrities

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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The use of Celebrities

Done by Eman Shah

Advantages of using celebs in advertising

The use of a celebrity in advertising may help breathe life into a failing brand for example a perfume manufacturer might think about dropping the brand or a product, if it is not making enough profit. However, the use of a celebrity towards the brand or product may bring benefit to it and could help create new interest and excitement towards the item. Advertisers pay millions to celebrities, hoping that they will bring their magic to the products to make them appealing and successful., so customers will consume the product.

Celebrities sometimes can be a selling point, this may be because people may follow celebrities or idolize them in their life. For example if Beyoncé is featured on a front cover of a magazine then people will want to buy the music magazine as she is featured on the front cover and is one of the best singers in the world . This can be relevant for music or fashion magazine’s because many people purchase them because they want to keep on track with the latest fashion trends or music updates.

Another use of a celebrity could be that they could be an inspiration to people for example like Bill Gates who has donated millions of his money to charities to help save the lives of children.

Other Reasons: - People may want to know personal things

about the celebs - Many people want to know what celebrities

are wearing so that they can keep on track with the latest fashion.

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