the ultimate how-to guide to nearly everything …• present party favors. guests like taking home...

Post on 06-Oct-2020






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discover new york’s best kept secret


Michael C. Fina, the ultimate resource for Interior Designers.

The business of design is in the details.

With increasing regularity, more and more interior designers and es-tate curators are coming into Michael C. Fina these days with table-top at top-of-mind.

After many years of successfully servicing the most eclectic and savvy clients in the selection of fine furnish-ings and artwork, designers have seen the light, recognizing that stunning homes – even yachts and private planes – have a new focal point, the dining room table, and that the table-setting has assumed a new level of significance in elevating the overall entertainment experience.

Meanwhile, estate curators are marching to a similar drummer, grasping the hard fact that table-settings – and the tables themselves - fetch higher prices when presented in tasteful, dramatic fashion.

Even our retail customers are readily seeking, and buying into, our table-top expertise, including the following truths:

•No sophisticated family wants a generic table-setting characterized by the exclusive use of a single upscale brand, no more than a woman wants to dress from head to toe in her favor-ite designer brand

•Effectively mixing brands can create the desired one-of-a-kind look that makes your table the special place it is meant to be, esthetically and conversationally

For those of you who want your dining room table to elicit a sense of awe, accepting these other helpful hints would be a giant step in the right direction:

•Firmly commit to the notion of change

• Read all of the home magazines you can get your hands on, especially those featuring multiple dining room shots

• Think about the style and look you want future at-home dinner par-ties to portray, including those with a family-orientation

•Find a true table-top shop, one with an immense selection and a knowledgeable staff. We’re proud to tell you that, in New York City, there is none finer than Michael C. Fina

•Allot an entire afternoon to working your tablescapes and count on us to provide you with an empty table to utilize

•Explore various options and don’t hesitate to ask questions of the staff

•Remember to experiment with many brands and thus avoid the bore-dom trap

•While it’s more expensive, it’s worth asking about custom-designed merchandise

Remember a successful dinner party, no matter how beautiful the table-setting, is incomplete without a sumptuous meal. Even a talented staff like ours must recognize our limita-tions and advise you to look else-where on the food and drink front.

How To Design A Dynamic Dinner Table


Finest Quality DiamondsGuaranteed Best Prices

917.434.8989 •

In this climate of corporate d ow n s i z i n g , wo r k - r e l a t e d extravaganzas have paid a price through budget cuts. Plus, thanks to concerns about drinking and driving or inappropriate workplace behavior, gone are the days when an employee could toss back a couple of alcoholic beverages on the corporate bill, or treat coworkers to “off-color” entertainment in honor of a birthday or other milestone.

Some companies do sti l l continue the tradition of office functions. According to informal surveys by the National Seminars Group, Padgett-Thompson & Rockhurst Conferences, 84 percent of respondents agreed that corporate parties are still good for morale and shouldn’t be eliminated.

The fact is many company events are boring at best. Employees often let their guard down in social situations, something they’re not anxious to do when the boss or coworkers are watching. Mix in different departments and outside attendees such as spouses or children, and this melange of people can cause a party flop. An office party needs to be a relatively good one to beat the

odds of becoming a snore-fest or an uncomfortable few hours together.

While there is no surefire recipe for company party success, there are steps to take that can tip the odds in your favor.

• Be as generous as you can within your budget. Show your employees that you appreciate them, especially when they’ve been working hard all year. Smaller companies may not be able to host weekend sales-incentive trips to resorts like bigger outfits, but they can still cater lunches, treat employees to dinner at a restaurant or offer tickets to a sports event or theater show. Don’t skimp or else employees may realize it.

•Consider hiring a party planner. A party planner can handle all of the details and provide unbiased opinions on everything from food to favors. He or she may also have contacts in the industry that can lead to discounts not readily available to the public. Plus, you won’t have to waste a company worker’s time to organize the event.

•Select a unique location. Employees spend eight or more hours a day looking at the same work surroundings. When it comes

time for an office event, choose a unique place outside of the building. Think of zoos, aquariums, local hotels, restaurants, parks or even sightseeing boats as options. An interesting location will be a conversation point.

• Plan on entertainment. Whether you hire a DJ, band, magician or comedian, entertainment will help limit those awkward silences that often pop up at office functions. It also prevents Bob in receiving from stepping up to do his karaoke rendition of “Eye of the Tiger.” A professional will help guests mingle and break the ice. Use caution when selecting entertainment, however. Not all entertainers are appropriate for the broad spectrum of people who will be at the party. Steer clear of offensive content.

•Have plenty of food and refreshments. A well-fed guest is usually a happy guest. Offer a variety of foods for people to munch on. Keep in mind any special dietary restrictions and aim to have a few different food groups available to compensate. You can take a poll of employees to determine what they’d prefer to eat, and narrow it down to

a few choices. It’s easier on everyone if you use the services of a caterer for food and beverages. In pot-luck situations, when employees each bring in a homemade item, guests may feel uncomfortable eating foods from other people’s kitchens. In terms of beverages, clearly spell out drinking policies so that there are no misconceptions about alcoholic beverages.

• Present party favors. Guests like taking home a memento of the affair regardless of the event. Therefore, plan on favors to offer to work party guests, too. Boxed chocolates, paperweights, gift cards to a nearby store, or other favors are all good ideas and can extend the feeling of hospitality and camaraderie.

•Don’t forget to mingle. Although there will always remain a level of hierarchy at the company, higher-ups should definitely mingle with all levels of employees. This can help lower-level employees get to know supervisors or directors and vice versa. Mingling amongst coworkers and other departments also promotes more networking contacts and can foster new friendships.

Get ready for a piece of sober-ing news:

Maybe, just maybe, you didn’t get the great deal you thought you were getting on the precious diamond you recently bought at a wholesale price.

While you no doubt paid less than “sticker price,” practically every-one in this age of final markdowns can make a similar claim.

Without attempting to over-educate you, it’s a hard fact that many retailers portray themselves as having a wholesale division in their business model that enables them to miracu-lously provide you with a wholesale price. It’s nothing more than an exer-cise in gamesmanship.

To determine whether you’ve been taken in by this scam, ask your-self the following question: did you buy your diamond from a wholesaler with a store front? If he had one, you were the one being had because a true wholesaler doesn’t sell direct to consumers. Put another way, store fronts convey the existence of em-ployees, rent and other overhead, all of which means that the purveyor has to build these fixed costs into his prices and pass them on to you. The greater his fixed costs, the smaller the discount you get. In other words, the more you pay.

The next time you’re in the mar-ket for a precious diamond, consider an alternative option – it’s actually a new and emerging business - that

will enable you to realize deeper discounts. The reference is to private jewelers, smart and savvy operators who don’t have overhead costs to cover, making it possible for them to offer clients “rock bottom” prices.

But here, too, do your due dili-gence by making certain these private jewelers are legitimate operators who possess the proper credentials and have access to inventory. Check them out on the Internet before deciding to call for an appointment.

If you’re looking at precious diamonds as an alternative investment opportunity, it’s an option worth ex-ploring, but it requires a combination of good taste and business sense in order to be successful. So educate yourself to the fullest extent possible before pulling the trigger.

And a big part of your learning experience is to align yourself with a smart, reputable private jeweler. He can be your ideal scout and sourcing agent to help you find the right mer-chandise in which to invest. Also, be certain to ask him whether he belongs to a buying group, better known as a consortium. It enables private indi-viduals to invest in a select portfolio of rare and precious diamonds.

When you do it right, the cost of entry is low and the return on invest-ment can be very high.

Or, as one diamond jeweler said to another, “That has a nice ring to it.”

How to Plan an Office Party

How To Buy Precious Diamonds




Most people would prefer to go the length of their careers without having to ask for a raise. A difficult subject to broach, asking for a raise can be uncomfortable for both em-ployee and employer.

Sometimes, however, asking for a raise just needs to be done. To ensure your next request for a salary increase goes well, consider the following tips.

•Do your homework. Before go-ing in and asking for a raise, do some digging and determine how much someone who does what you do with your experience level typically makes. A great, and free, way to do this is by visiting a Web site such as, which provides basic informa-tion regarding the national average salaries for your job. In addition, the site takes into account where you live, and provides the average for a given profession depending on the city. For example, salaries tend to be higher in larger cities such as New York and Los Angeles because the cost of liv-ing in those cities is higher than most other places.

•Be realistic. Your background research should give you a good idea of what you should or shouldn’t ask for. Don’t throw caution to the wind and ask for the moon. Chances are, you’ll not only be denied the moon, but you’ll be denied a raise as well. Keep your salary increase request reasonable.

•Be flexible. Particularly if you work for a smaller company, a request

for an increase in salary might not be something the company can do. If you don’t get all of what you’re asking for, that’s no reason to offer your two weeks’ notice on the spot. Instead, be flexible and ask if other perks would be acceptable, such as possibly working from home (be it full- or part-time) or getting extra vacation time. If your work is appreciated but the company just cannot afford to give you a significant raise, they could very well offer more perks as a token of their appreciation.

•Don’t let your work speak for itself. Assuming your work will speak for itself is a recipe for being denied a raise. If your work truly did speak for itself, you’d probably be offered a raise, as opposed to having to ask for one. When requesting a higher salary, have a detailed demonstration ready to show just why you deserve a raise. Include accolades, any added respon-sibilities since your last review and all other information that’s led you to feel you deserve a raise.

•Make your request formal. While you shouldn’t need to request a raise in writing, you do want the process to be formal. Schedule an ap-pointment with your boss as opposed to asking in the corridor, elevator or lunchroom. You don’t want to blind side your boss with a raise request. It may make your boss uncomfortable and less likely to grant your request, regardless of its validity.

•Don’t push your luck. If you’ve recently receive a raise, you shouldn’t

be requesting another. This is both unprofessional and makes you look unappreciative of the raise you just received. Similarly, if you were re-cently turned down for a raise, don’t be quick to ask for another as well. Instead, work to get better in the areas your boss mentioned when de-nying your initial request and you’ll be better prepared to discuss why you deserve a raise the next time the subject comes up.

•Don’t make demands. Keep in mind you’re requesting a raise, not demanding one. Giving your boss an ultimatum could quite possibly get you fired, so keep your cool and calmly request a raise using the infor-mation you’ve already gathered.

•Keep your future in mind. Being denied a raise is not a good feeling, but it’s no reason to quit your job. Instead, you need to consider your future with the company. If you’ve been denied a raise because the com-pany simply can’t afford it, that’s not a negative reflection on your per-formance. However, if you’ve been denied a raise because your boss or supervisor doesn’t feel you’re deserv-ing, you’re either under appreciated or you are, in fact, undeserving of a raise. If you’re not being appreciated, it’s still no reason to immediately quit, but it is a reason to begin looking for something better. If your boss has good reasons why your performance doesn’t merit a raise, inquire as to where you can improve and begin doing so..

How to Request a Raise

By William Lee

There are many things that contribute to making a great Su-shi Restaurant. First of all, you have to begin with what holds it all together…the rice. Sushi rice is not the same as standard rice and though more expensive, the right rice will add to the flavor and consistency of the roll. It also needs to be cooked in the proper way. Daioh Sushi employs the use of a special rice cooker that will prepare the rice to a pearly white color, delicious flavor and perfect consistency. Manning this cooker is an Assistant Chef that is responsible only for preparing rice throughout the day. That way the rice is always perfect and as fresh as possible. If your restaurant’s rice is sometimes hard, or “flakes apart” while you are eating, then they might not be using the best quality rice or cooking it correctly.

Consistency is not only im-portant in the rice. It is important that the overall quality of the sushi is consistent time after time. Ev-eryone has experienced going to a restaurant one time and having great sushi and then having a ter-rible experience the next time with food that just didn’t taste as good as the first time. Sometimes this can be caused by a lesser qual-ity seaweed wrap material, but most times this erratic experience is caused because of the inconsis-tent freshness of the fish. In order to create a dining experience that our patrons could count on, Daioh Sushi owners or chefs go to the Hunt’s Point Fish Market, at 3AM almost every day, to hand pick the freshest fish. In choosing the fish at the market the chef checks the clarity of the eye; the color of the fish; the firmness; the color of the

gills and the smell of the fish. The fish must pass tests in all of these areas to be considered “fresh” for Daioh Sushi standards. The sushi chefs at Daioh Sushi have come from such prestigious eateries as Tomo Sushi and Sushi Samba and Daioh has trained Sushi Chefs who have gone on to work at Haru and Sheki. If you are dining at a sushi restaurant ask the proprietor what establishments their chefs have come from. Daioh Sushi attracts its share of celebrities; in fact, it is always requested for the cater-ing trailers on the location shoots for “Law and Order”. But more important to the owners is that its prices are affordable for any New Yorker…not just celebrities!

Also, be willing to explore the creativity of a restaurant’s Sushi chefs. They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Has a unique sushi roll, which was created by your current restaurant, found its way to being imitated by others? At Daioh Sushi we created the “Chelsea Roll” which is now being imitated by many other restaurants. It is a unique combination of shrimp, avocado, cucumber, asparagus and Seared Tuna. Our Signature Daioh Roll (Eel, Shrimp Tempura, Cucumber, Avocado, Tobiko, Shitake Mush-room and Eel Sauce) is proof of our commitment to create “sushi as an art form”. This also high-lights another important point.

Your Sushi restaurant should be as known for its kitchen dishes as for its Sushi. If you aren’t an adventurous eater you can always get an idea of the quality of the kitchen by ordering a roll that has some cooked portion (grilled chicken, seared tuna, shrimp tem-

pura, etc). If your restaurant has won accolades for its kitchen as well as its Sushi, like Daioh Sushi recently did in a review in The Resident, then you can feel confi-dent that you have a well balanced restaurant that will deliver meals with consistent quality.

Finally, is the restaurant a good destination to bring friends and family? Not all Sushi restaurants are “children friendly”. Not all are wheelchair accessible. This is im-portant to know if you are plan-ning a family outing or private party. At Daioh Sushi, the quality of our Sushi brings us both new and loyal repeat diners and that helped us to expand our family and wheelchair friendly restaurant to twice its size with over 65 eas-ily arranged seats. We also added a full bar with a Hot and Cold Sake Bar, Japanese Beers, Japanese Wines and even Japanese Vodka, for the full Japanese Dining Ex-perience. Traditional alcohols are also available.

William Lee is the Co-Founder and Proprietor of Daioh Sushi Japa-nese Restaurant. It is located at 300 West 23rd Street, Between 8th and 9thAve. Free local delivery is avail-able. Hours are 11am-11:30 pm and till Midnight on Friday and Saturday. 212-727-0888

How to Find the Best Sushi

Now Showing

Sunday – Thursday: 11am to 11pm

Friday & Saturday: 11am to Midnight

There are nearly 200 galleries in Chelsea, but only one restaurant that treats sushi like art!




By Al Adri

For years consumers have saved money on their prescriptions by substituting brand name drugs for equally effective generics. This has become an almost universally common practice. Yet when it comes to using that same wisdom in buying quality electronics, at a fraction of the cost, consumers are still stuck in a brand name mentality.

The truth is that most brand names are actually produced in China and the same companies that are producing these products make non brand name “generics” of equal and sometimes even greater quality. Because these products do not utilize the marketing, packaging and merchandising of name brands all of those costs are removed and the product is then available at huge discounts.

There is a “key” however that will open the door to the world of understanding discount electronics. Buying quality electronics at “generic” pricing has an important thing in common with buying prescription medicine. Finding an expert source of information you can trust. In the prescription world, the pharmacist is the expert w h o h a s been trained to tell you when you should stick to a brand name, o r g o w i t h a gener ic and what

combination of products will work well together.

An independent electronics expert can perform the same service, allowing you to feel the same peace of mind in knowing that your “unknown” brand is as good as the “name brand”. In most cases the non name brands even carry longer warranties then their name brand competition! This is another tool the smaller companies use to stay competitive. It should also be noted that many of today’s name brand companies, like Sony, Panasonic and Samsung, once began as high quality, less expensive far east competitors to the then name brands of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

At Uncle Steve’s we have compiled a staff of electronics experts that each have almost 20 years of personal experience in the field of consumer electronics. We have the expertise to help the consumer to know what products will perform as well, or outperform the brand names, while at the same time allowing them to purchase items at well below the big “Brand Store” prices. The staff can help you to build commercial sound systems

f o r b a r s , c lubs and restaurants, o r h o m e t h e a t r e systems. We can help you choose your best choice for a wide screen TV or a small screen MP3 player. They

can even help choose the best sound system for your car. They can even find the best in-car TV and satellite systems. Throughout the process you will be assisted by a trained electronics professional with your best interests in mind.

Unlike the big chain stores, we have more then enough sales

c o n s u l t a n t s and pride ourselves on prompt courteous service. Our staff is also multi-lingual and can help you to find products that will work in the United States or other countries. Our camera division carries a wide array of name brand and upcoming far-east products. Our cell phone division has a tremendous variety of unlocked phones that will work anywhere in the world. Our sister store can even answer all your laptop computer needs!

Uncle Steve’s is located in the heart of the Canal Street shopping distr ict at 334 Canal Street (between Church and Broadway). We are easily accessible from the A-C-E-N-W-R-1-2-3-4-5 and 6 trains.

How To Buy Quality Electronics At A Fraction Of The Cost - Uncle Steve’s Has The Rx

All Your Electronic Needs in One Stop

Uncle Steve’sCar Stereo & Pro Audio

The gift of travel can be a surprising and one-of-a-kind gift for just about anyone on your holiday shopping list. From parents who could benefit from a “second honeymoon” to recent retirees who now have the time to travel abroad to students who can expand their horizons studying different cultures, travel may certainly be one-size-fits all.

While travel can be a cherished gift, planning and forethought is required to make this gift truly enjoyable. Here’s what you should keep in mind.

Even though you may want to surprise the loved one with the gift, a trip is a large undertaking and one that should involve the person doing the travel. What if he or she cannot get off from work or school during the time you planned? Do you know where he or she has his/her heart set on going? Do your homework and involve the person as much as possible. You can enhance the “surprise” aspect by including a separate gift to take along on the

trip, such as a carry-on bag or gift certificate to a restaurant.

A tr ip overseas can be a memorable experience. However, many people are hesitant to take such trips because they’ll be traveling to where they don’t speak the language. While English is spoken in many areas of the world, it helps to have a general idea of the native language of the destination. The LINgo Voyager 12-Language Talking Translator can be an asset whether you’re giving the gift of travel or want the perfect item for someone who is a recurring jetsetter. This portable, pocketsize talking interpreter translates, displays and correctly pronounces over 240,000 words and 27,000 typical phrases in 12 languages. It translates between and among English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic. For languages with unique characters — such as, Arabic and Japanese — translations are clearly displayed in their own script (so locals can read it) in

addition to being transliterated in our alphabet (so you can read it). The gadget also features a built-in currency and metric converter, clothes size converter, and world time clock. It is available at all Sharper Image stores and at For more information, call LINgo at 1-800-697-4825.

Explore travel options without set dates. Hotels, travel agencies, airlines and restaurants may all have gift certificate options so that you can let the recipient choose and confirm the travel plans. If you do purchase tickets, consider refundable airfare. Or simply reserve the seats on a flight and then book it only after you’ve confirmed with the loved one that he or she will be able to take the trip.

Cleverly package travel gifts, whether you choose to craft a travel itinerary or a gift basket filled with travel essentials, such as guide books, a LINgo Voyager translator, traveler’s checks, camera memory cards/film, or any other travel-related items.

How to Find Travel Gifts Span Many Ages

When asking for a raise, have a detailed account of Why you deserve an increase in salary.


give her the ultimate symbol of


New York’s largest selection of designer engagement rings & wedding bands.

Michael C. Fina, experience the service, love the selection.

Talk about being in over their heads, most men will readily admit that the popping is easier than the picking.

As in popping the “will you marry me” question versus picking the engagement ring you will put on the third finger of her left hand when she says yes.

Given a choice, the majority of guys who shop for an engage-ment ring yearn for an easier choice, like meeting and beat-ing Alex Rodriguez in a home run-hitting contest.

Although his comment was clearly tongue in cheek, one cus-tomer recently told a Michael C. Fina sales clerk (actually, the appropriate term is a ‘graduate gemologist’), “I know women have to go through the birthing process, but men have to select an engagement ring. Of the two, I think our job is harder.”

Without minimizing the degree of care that needs to be exercised, the selection process is far easier than you can imagine, thanks in no small measure to the growing popularity of heavily advertised designer engage-ment rings. And, the comfort that comes with selecting a recognizable designer brand is as true in the realm of rings as it is in jeans.

If, as Confucius suggests, a jour-ney of a thousand miles begins with a single step, begin in the most rudi-mentary of ways: purchase or bor-

row several ad-fat fashion magazines - Vogue, Lucky, Bazaar, Marie Claire, to name a few - and tear out the

ads for designer engagement rings; you’ll have no trouble finding many of them.

Next, show them to a woman who knows your future fiancé and is familiar with her tastes, perhaps even her ring finger size. From the sheath of advertising pages, ask her to select the brand and the look of a ring that, in her estimation, would be well-received by the love of your life. If she selects more than one brand, don’t hesitate to solicit the opinion of a second friend, although this time show only the first friend’s selections, not all of the tear sheets.

With the final selection in hand, it’s time to visit a retailer offering a wide selection of engagement ring

brands. Here you can order the spe-cific ring design and, with the help of a true professional, pick out the diamond that will adorn the ring - that is, unless you suddenly make the common and often ‘fatal’ error of ‘doing it on the cheap’.

What does this mean? It means making a trip to your local jeweler and asking if he can make a ring

similar to the one you’ve chosen, at a significantly lower cost.

Take it from us: the ‘knock-off ’ will be just that - an imperfect

imitation of the designer ring, one that lacks the precision and detail of the real thing. Not only will the money you save be purely illusory, but your future fiancé will probably recognize what you did, either at once or eventually.

There is much to be said for great designers and the products that bear their names because, whether it’s a handbag or a pair of jeans, a knock-off is a knock-off and it never, ever feels the same.

At least one other thing needs to be said about designer engagement rings:

don’t expect the retailer you choose to perform a miracle by get-ting your ring made overnight. Gen-erally speaking, he will need four weeks to have it tailored to your specifications. But take comfort in the fact that it will be worth waiting for.

We promise

How To Buy Her A Designer Engagement RingWith a sewing

machine, that’s how!

With show business flair, Brother International Corporation will showcase their Limited Edition Project Runway sewing machines at the Stitch & Bitch Café, located in Sew Fast Sew Easy, at 147 West 35th Street, Suite 807, NY, NY from 4 p.m.-9 p.m. on Wednesday December 19. This will be a perfect time for fashion designers (or aspiring ones) to show off their original designs!

Attendees can learn how to whip up their own fashions on the consumer versions of the machines that were used on this season’s Project Runway series while indulging in drinks and nibbles. Customers are urged to bring in their latest projects and “Show It Off ” or become inspired from viewing other designs. Anyone who purchases a Limited Edition Project Runway sewing machine that evening will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to Sew Fast Sew Easy - perfect for the holidays!

Elissa Meyrich of Sew Fast Sew Easy has been teaching her professional sewing techniques for 16 years and continues to unveil her tricks of the trade customers, enabling them to make ideas come to life.

“At Sew Fast Sew Easy and in our Stitch & Bitch Café, we are constantly adding new classes, products and exciting ways for people to learn to express themselves with sewing. We are proud to be New York City’s Authorized Brother Dealer,” said Meyrich.

Brother, an official licensee of the Emmy-nominated fashion reality show Project Runway, is out to prove that there’s no business like sew business by highlighting its achievement with the addition of an exclusive, Limited Edition series of Project Runway sewing machines to its extensive line of sewing, embroidery and quilting products.

These new Project Runway Limited Edition machines - the limited edition versions of the Innvo-ís 40 and the Innov-ís 80 - are branded with the Project Runway and were made available to consumers at Author ized Brother Innov-ís dealers, just in time for the anticipated season premiere broadcast of Project Runway Season 4.

One of the first to create a little fashion magic on a limited edition Project Runway machine was Project Runway Season One alum Austin Scarlett. He says:

“The Project Runway sewing machines from Brother are perfect tools for creating your own holiday magic at home. What a wonderful

gift for any aspiring fashion designer, any home decorator or anyone with a creative streak. The machines are so easy to use - they are perfect for a beginner yet specialized enough for the most ambitious design project.”

Having gained recognition and praise for his sophisticated and striking designs on Bravo’s Project Runway, Scarlett now wields his creative talents at the helm of bridal house Kenneth Pool.

“Brother has aligned itself with this fashion-oriented, hip brand to appeal to a new generation of designers who are inspired to create and design like those on Project Runway,” says Dean F. Shulman, senior vice president of Brother and head of the company’s Home Appliance Division. “The Limited Edition Innov-ís 40 and I Innov-ís 80 computerized sewing machines are perfect to carry the Project Runway logo; they are affordable, easy to use and feature-packed for both the beginning designer and the advanced sewer,” he says.

Stay tuned this season to see where these new Project Runway Limited Edition sewing machines take the fashion and embroidery world. Prices start around $300. These new, inspir ing sewing machines have just hit the runway at participating Authorized Brother Innvo-ís Dealers, timed perfectly for the gift-giving season.

How To Create A Little Fashion Magic

Entertaining at home is on the rise. Where it was once trendy to go out to celebrate special occasions or just to socialize, now 80 percent of women choose to take party planning into their own hands. The simple secret? Arm yourself with insider short cuts and easy tips so you can throw a memorable get-together that is both effortless and less expensive.

Here are a few tips to turn a blasé bash into a party with a punch:

•No more “Menu Mania.” Although food is often a vital part of any party, you don’t need to be a gourmet chef to apply for the position of host or hostess. Save time in the kitchen by taking advantage of the wide variety of prepared foods available. Dress up store-bought quickies with fresh herbs or dressings to faux a gourmet feel. If you splurge on one great dish, whether it is caviar, pâté or your own signature creation, the rest can be simple and no one will notice the short cuts you took — guaranteed!

•Become your own bartender. Beverages and good food go hand-in-hand. Luckily, there are ways to make drink mixing a no-brainer for amateurs. For example, Rose’s Cocktail Infusions help you achieve a fun party experience that is both hassle-free and enjoyable for all. With these martini mixers, simply mix equal parts of the mixers with vodka to create drinks that are easy on the hands, eyes and taste buds. Also be sure to stock your home bar with a few “cocktail complements” like cherries, lemons, limes, fruit slices, and sugar and salt for rimming glasses; all of which can add some quick kick to your cocktails.

•Small touches have a big impact. A professional party planner always knows the key to a successful party is often in the details. Create a cohesive theme at your event by color-coordinating napkins, dishes, glasses and even drinks. Deck out tables in coordinating colors, depending upon the season. For example, a summer

table looks great layered with orange, fuchsia and cranberry. Also make sure to play around with lighting, room fragrances and music to set the right mood. For instance, if you want to throw a fiesta, try using colorful paper lanterns, an exotic scent and a variety of Latin music to spice up the room. Tip: Mix up the party by using Rose’s Cocktail Infusions to provide a vibrant color theme and tropical scent to your festive drinks.

•Join the party. What’s the point of entertaining if you’re not in on the action? Take the time to socialize with your guests. If you’re the type of person who usually becomes holed up in the kitchen all night, hire one or two “helping hands” who can help pass hors d’oeuvres restock snacks, and clean up after guests. This frees you up to have fun!

•Send guest s home with something special. Treat your guests to a small parting gift. This can be something as simple as a wine charm so guests can keep track of their

drinks at the next party you throw; a handful of cute cookies wrapped in a t h e m e -c o l o r e d cellophane for those who “couldn’t fit dessert”; or flower seeds of a fragrance infused at the party that will a l low guests to fondly remini sce about your party when their flowers bloom weeks later.

For more tips on creating an event to remember and drink recipes, visit

How to Entertain with Style COCKTAIL

CheAT SheeT

Sour Appletini

11⁄2 oz. Rose’s Cocktail Infusions

Sour Apple 11⁄2 oz. vodka1 cup of ice

Garnish w/ apple slice or lemon if desired

Shake and strain into a martini glass

Mango Island Spritzer

Over Ice (non-alcoholic)

21⁄2 oz. Rose’s Cocktail Infusions Mango Twist 21⁄2 oz. Schweppes

Club Soda

Shake and serve over 1⁄2 cup of ice.


By - Thomas Schnabel

Buying a vacation home can be a very rewarding and fulfilling thing to do for you and your family.

When contemplating the pur-chase of a vacation home there are three main things to consider:

1. USAGE: Would I be using the place often enough to warrant invest-ing in ownership?

2. COST: Is this something I can afford?

3. LOCATION: Is it close enough to enjoy? Can I get there easily, yet feel I’m on vacation?

If you answer yes to these three points, then you should consider va-cation home ownership.

Making your vacation purchase decision:

When exploring the viability of a vacation home or second home you must keep a few things in mind and consider them carefully.

1. What kind of place? Beach, country, mountains? What appeals

to you and what will take you away from your everyday grind and place you in an environment that appeals to your spirit?

2. You do not want a second or vacation home to be a burden. This will impede your ability to enjoy this type of ownership. You want a place that will free you from stress and worry. If you choose a standard purchase home and use a first or sec-ond mortgage to make this purchase you may find the ownership to be a burden. Many things need to be ad-dressed. Payment, maintenance, taxes, utilities, furnishings, etc. Be careful not to end up with a “big box” mort-gage for a “big box” mansion way out somewhere that you can’t enjoy because you’re too busy working to pay for it. It should be proportional to your needs and finances.

You need a place that’s affordable, convenient, appealing and manage-able. They are out there. For those few fortunate ones, there are unique rus-tic properties in the Delaware River valley or off shore beach properties,

available for maybe 400k to 1 mil-lion. Get a good agent. Tell the agent you want something that’s rustic, off the beaten path, well priced and easy to heat up and close down if you use it in fall or winter. Yes, this is hard to find.

But there are still places around where you can buy your own vaca-tion home or cabin, whereby you purchase the structure and pay a fee for the usage of the land. It’s safe and not at all complicated. It affords you the ability to leverage your buying power into something more appro-priate for your vacation needs than an actual second “house.” Hard enough paying for one. And it’s cool too-be-cause most such places are nestled in natural, distinctive areas, mountains, watersheds, glens and knolls.

What’s the catch? First, there aren’t that many around, Second, you generally can’t get a mortgage for a structure owned as personal property, therefore, the prices are usually way lower, some available for around the price of a car. Properties like these

are generally, by design, easy to own and operate and are purpose-built for vacation use; easy to maintain and op-erate on an “on again, off again” basis. It’s important to be able to open and close it up easily, including draining the pipes when you leave. Lots of places like this also have a proprietor who looks after things even if you’re not here, so there are fewer headaches worrying about your investment.

If you are fortunate enough to find such a place, ask yourself if this is something which resonates with your lifestyle; might I be bored in the middle of Mother Nature, or would I be stimulated by the peace, quiet and inspiration of my natural surround-ings? A cottage in the woods might be your answer to life’s dilemma: how to be connected, yet inspired? You could escape to your getaway when needed, entertain on your own terms, and drop off the grid, recharge and replenish your soul, in your own vacation cottage, secluded in the woods.


How To Buy A Vacation Home

By Sheryl SteinEl Al Israel Airlines

With so much to see in a country

of such compact size, Israel may just be the perfect place to hit the road (or off-road) by bike. And now, El Al is partnering with the Israel Bike Experience to offer active and eco-conscious travelers to Israel week-long bicycle packages for riders of all abilities.

Travelers can bring their bicycles on board the El Al flight to Israel (for no extra charge), and then choose be-tween 7-day bicycle tours on either a Northern Central route or a South-ern Central route. With the Northern Central package, cyclists begin with a circular route through the hills of the Galilee, then through the Beit Keshet

Forest to the city of Nazareth, on to Jerusalem and ending at the Dead Sea. On the Southern Central route, riders embark on a ride through the Negev Desert gorge, to the Dead Sea and Masada, and on to Jerusalem.

Along each route, riders are of-fered the option of a challenging off-road route for intermediate/ad-vanced cyclists, a popular off-road route for intermediate cyclists, and an on-road route for beginners.

Package prices start at $2,575 per person, and include roundtrip airfare on El Al from New York (JFK/New-ark), 7 nights accommodations based on double occupancy, daily touring and full board.

For more information about the package, visit

How To See Israel On Two Wheels

AMIT Builds Israel. One Child At A Time.

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In 22 cities throughout Israel, and more than 70schools, the AMIT educational network provides asafe nurturing environment and quality education forover 20,000 children and young people each year.

Every day, children from all walks of life aregreeted with open arms and open hearts withinour network of schools, youth villages, and childcare facilities. Students in kindergarten throughjunior college benefit from our exceptionalprograms and values-based philosophy.

Our diverse student body also includes new immigrants from Ethiopia, Argentina, France and

the Former Soviet Union. Children from disadvan-taged families, those with learning difficulties,developmental disabilities, or in severe distress,all have a place within our network. We raisefunds to assist them with their basic needs – hotmeals, books, tutoring or psychological counseling.

AMIT students are provided with the skillsneeded to develop as productive members oftheir communities, and the opportunity to become future leaders in Israeli society. They areimbued with a firm foundation in Jewish values,and a deep commitment to Zionism and theState of Israel.

By Dr. Francine Stein

As the new president of AMIT, I often am asked why I have chosen to devote so much of my time to this organization, and what criteria I use to evalu-ate charities. In today’s hyper-competitive philanthropic world, the savvy donor wants to be sure that his or her contribution is a wise investment. With so many worthy organizations vying for your attention – and your dol-lars – I believe there are several questions to ask that will help guide you in determining if you are choosing the right charity for your support.

Does the organization have a direct impact on the life of others? And, perhaps more im-portantly, will it have significant impact? Will your contribution help not ten or twenty, but thou-sands of children or families to live better lives and have a better future.

Does the particular charity speak to your heart? If you wish to alleviate hunger among the world’s children and give them hope, seek out organizations that emphasize education, the teach-ing of marketable, vocational

skills, and community-building, as these are the keys to break-ing the cycle of poverty within families. If you are interested in the future of Israel, look for a charity devoted to training for leadership, values education and Zionist ideals.

Financial transparency and integrity are a third, crucial com-ponent in choosing a charity. Visit the organization’s web site. Does it meet all the Standards of Charity Accountability of the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York? Go to and review the fi-nancials. What percentage of the organization’s budget is devoted to supporting its program and what percentage to overhead? Will the greater portion of your charitable contribution be going to the cause you care about – or somewhere else?

Find the time to review what the organization has to say in its literature and its advertising. Does it have a long and proud history? Does it emphasize val-ues you care about: excellence, compassion, quality? Has the or-ganization met challenges suc-cessfully in the past and does it relish the opportunity to find

creative solutions to new chal-lenges in the future? Does it possess an entrepreneurial spirit that bodes well in our high-tech, ever-changing world? Can the organization point to years of success, making you confident that if you contribute your phil-anthropic dollars on its programs, this will be money well spent?

And finally, what about pas-sion: the passion and commit-ment to the organization’s mis-sion of its leadership, its donors and its professional staff. This is why I chose to commit my time and energy to AMIT, because I’m passionate about the work of this organization which to-day is helping more than 20,000 children and young people in Israel receive a quality education and secure a better tomorrow for themselves and their families, thus building the future of Israel.

As the Talmud says, “Charity equals all the other command-ments.” With a bit of research, you will not only do good, but do it wisely.

Dr. Francine Stein is a devel-opmental pediatrician in private practice and president of AMIT.

How to Choose a Charity

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By Mason Resnick Editor, Adorama AIRC Learning Center

Do you feel that your creativity is stifled by the limits of your compact digital camera? Do you want to focus closer, zoom farther, and catch the peak of the action? You may be ready to move up

to a Digital SLR. If you’re serious about photography, a DSLR is essential. Overall image

quality is better because the imaging sensors are larger. DSLRs react faster and focus more accurately. A host of accessories, from specialized high-quality lenses to powerful flashes that can light up big room, are available.

DSLRs used to cost a small fortune. Not any more. A new breed of inexpen-sive, high-resolution entry-level cameras, led by the Nikon D40, Canon Digital Rebel XTi, and Pentax K100D Super, have made it easier than ever for you to make the transition from compact camera snapshooter to DSLR photographer.You are ready for a Digital SLR if…

…You can’t enlarge distant subjects enough. Compact cameras have one built-in lens, and you're limited to its short zoom range. Digital SLRs have interchangeable telephoto and tele-zoom lenses so you can bring distant subjects closer.

…You have an impossible time catching the action. Most compact cameras react slowly when you press the shutter release. This"shutter lag" can lead to frustration when you miss fast-changing moments. DSLRs have virtu-ally no shutter lag.

…When you photograph the Grand Canyon, it doesn’t look so grand. Compact camera lenses aren't wide enough to create those dramatic landscapes that the pros shoot. You can buy special wide-angle lenses for a DSLR that will do that.

…Night time is never the right time to take sharp, clear pictures. Compact cameras that boast many megapixels produce a lot of distracting "noise" (which looks like film grain), especially when shooting dark subjects, ruining image quality. DSLRs have larger sensors, which produce clearer nighttime pictures.

…You can’t get close enough to flowers to show detail in every petal. While some compact cameras have a macro mode, it only works in wide angle, and you don't have much control. Macro lenses make stunning super close-ups possible.

…When you make big prints, the results are disappointing. Although manufacturers may boast that you can make huge blow-ups with compact cameras, overall image quality is simply better with a DSLR.

…You want to hold the camera up to your eye, look through a viewfinder, and see exactly what the picture will look like. Most compact digital cameras force you to hold the camera at arm's length so you can see what's on the screen. If the sun's out, you'll barely see what's there and

it’s hard to hold the camera steady. Hold a DSLR up to your eye and you’ll see bright, accurate images in any light.

…Your flash won’t ade-quately light anything that’s more than ten feet away. Compact cameras have weak built-in flash that won't il-luminate beyond around 10 feet. DSLRs with built-in flash will do a bit bet-ter, but you can also add an external flash, which produces enough light to illuminate more distant subjects.

Are you ready? Visit and look for this article online. It will link you directly to the best DSLRs available right now, as well as to articles that show you how to get the most out of your DSLR.

You Are Ready For A Digital SLR If…

Amazing Superzoom CamerasBy Mason Resnick

Editor, Adorama AIRC Learning CenterOne of the hottest new trends in cameras this year is the superzoom. If

you’re a snapshooter, these cameras are a great way of expanding your abilities to capture subjects near and far. If you’re an advanced user, they let you keep shooting when you can't bring along your big rig.

At the widest setting, Superzooms are well equipped for photographing large groups of people in tight spaces without cutting anyone off. It's also very useful when shooting travel and landscape photography. Without changing lenses, the same cameras can zoom out and make far-away subjects appear to be up close.

How can you tell if a camera's a superzoom? Look at the optical zoom specifications. If a camera has an 8x or higher zoom range, it's a superzoom.

"8x" means the longest focal length is eight times the shortest focal length. So, a camera with a 28-224mm lens would be considered an “8x” while a camera with a 28-280mm lens is 10x, 28-336mm is a 12x, etc. Currently, the longest-range superzoom on the market, the Olympus SP-550UZ, goes up to 18x (28 - 504mm)!

Some cameras, such as the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3A, sport a 10x zoom lens but are no bigger than other compact, pocket-sized models with more modest zoom ranges. Others look more like an SLR, sans the inter-changeable lens.

Camera makers are able to make cameras with longer-range built-in zoom lenses thanks to advances in optical technology, aided by sophisticated computer-generated designs. Smaller imaging sensors also make it possible to produce smaller lenses with longer ranges.

Superzoom cameras are packed with features, but if all you want to do is point and shoot, they'll let you do that. Many Superzooms have EVFs (elec-tronic viewfinders); you look in the viewfinder and see a displays with the same information as on the LCD monitor on the back of the camera.

A few words of advice when shopping for a superzoom camera:

1. Make sure it has anti-shake technology, because when you're zoomed all the way, that long lens will magnify any shakiness. An even better solution to avoid shaky shots? Get a tripod.

2. Look for a camera whose zoom range starts at a wider angle, like 28mm rather than 35mm. This will make it more useful indoors.

3. Don’t confuse optical zoom with digital zoom. A digital zoom merely enlarges a portion of a picture; overall image quality suffers. Optical zoom lenses will produce the best picture quality.

Look for this article online at for a complete list of links to Superzoom cameras.

Photos by Mason ResnickCamera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3A

By Mason ResnickIf predictions are correct, a lot of people are going to be buying digital

cameras as presents this holiday season. Prices have dropped, and features have improved. But with over 200 models to choose from, how do you choose the camera that’s best for you? Here are six features to look for:

1. Slip it in your pocket: Compact cameras are, well, compact. Most fit comfortably in your shirt pocket or purse; some will fit in your jacket pocket, but all are amazingly tiny. But just because they're small doesn't mean you must compromise on features. Thanks to built-in microprocessing power, most com-pact cameras offer features similar to those found on bigger cameras.

2. Face recognition: Some cameras, such as the new Fujifilm Z10fd (ap-prox. $160) even have Face Recognition, a new technology that recognizes up to nine faces in a scene and chooses the best flash, exposure, and focus settings to flatter the subject.

3. Clear, sharp images: Thanks to recent advances in technology, most compact cameras offer image stabilization, which reduces blurry images caused

by users shaking the camera during exposure. The result is sharper pictures in many instances. When shopping for a digital camera, look for Optical image stabilization, which is the most effective.

4. Come closer: Almost all compact cameras offer a zoom lens that will allow you to zoom out for group shots and landscapes, and in for portraits. Many offer a close-up mode that lets you shoot flowers from inches away. When shopping for a digital camera, make sure you get one with an Optical zoom lens, not a digital zoom, since digitally zoomed images have poor overal quality. A 4x optical zoom lens of-fers a range where the longest focal length is four times as the shortest, so the subject will appear four times larger when the lens is zoomed all the way out.

5. Many modes: While all digital compact cameras have a program mode, which is the set-it-and-forget-it way to shoot, most also offer many scene modes designed to get the ideal shot in specific situations. These are designed for the best results when shooting tricky scenes such as sunsets, snowy scenics, the city at night, and so on.

6. Red-Eye Reduction: There are two ways to fix that ghostly red glow in flash portraits called red-eye. The old-school way is an annoying pre-flash that causes the subject’s iris to close, reducing the chances of red-eye. But New technology built into some cameras--such as the HP Photosmart R847 and Nikon Coolpix S51C (shown)--fix red-eye via onboard software after the picture is taken. Presto: no annoying pre-flash, and no more red-eye!

And here’s one thing you don’t need to worry about: Megapixels. Any camera on the mar-ket today has at least 5-6 MP resolution, which is more than enough for the needs of a typical

snapshooter. Unless you plan on making huge blowups (11x14 or larger), don’t pay for more reso-lution than you need. Instead, save your money for extra memory cards and batteries, which you'll need.

Go to and look for this story online to find links to Adorama’s recommended compact cameras.

By Mason ResnickEditor, Adorama AIRC Learning Center

It’s gift-giving time! Here are ten great gift ideas for the photographer in your life. Each of these items will help get better pictures or protect valuable and frag ile photo gear.

1.MonsterPod: Funny, it doesn’t look like a tripod! Using a patented viscoelastic morphing polymer super grip, Monster Pod grabs hold of almost any surface and gives your camera support in unlikely places. When do you need it? Whenever you need to keep your camera steady. We wouldn't put a digital SLR on it, but Monster Pod’s fine for keeping smaller cameras still. Price: Approx. $32.

2. LumiQuest Soft Screen for Pop-Up DSLR Flash: Improve the quality of portraits shot when using a DSLR with its pop-up flash. The Soft Screen softens the harsh light, creating more flattering skin tones. Price: Approx. $13.

3. A camera vest: A good camera vest can be more convenient than a camera case because it holds your gear securely, but it also distributes the weight evenly, preventing back problems. When buying a vest, look for: a padded collar for extra comfort; securely closeable pockets; adjustable closures; machine washability. Domke PhoTOGS and CampCo Multi-Purpose Vests are available for between $30 and $100.

4. Memory Cards: With digital cameras delivering 7-, 8-, 9MP and higher megapixel images, the more memory you have the better. The well-prepared photographer should have plenty of extra cards, preferably with higher capacity. The price of memory cards has gone down—a 2GB card can cost as little as $15. If you use a compact digital camera, shop for the best price. If you own a digital SLR, look for cards with faster write speeds, such as the Sandisk Extreme or Lexar Professional high-speed series. These will let you shoot faster and donwnload images more quickly, and are worth the higher cost.

5. eBay tent: Are you an eBay seller? Studies show good photos result in higher bids. Soft, even illumination is best, and eBay tents like the Interfit Photographic 24-inch Pop-Up Tent (approx. $70) surround your product with diffused, flattering lighting, even if the light source is direct sunlight. Some tents, like the American Recorder Studio In A Box (Approx. $60), even come with their own self-contained light kit and camera support to make it really easy.

6. UV and Skylight filters: If you own a DSLR, the most vulnerable part of the camera is the front of your lens. If it gets scratched, you may need to replace it—a costly proposition. But if you keep the lens cap on all the time,

you could miss photos. The solution? A UV (or Skylight) filter. This clear filter screws into the front of the lens. If it is scratched, replace it. Even if you splurge on a multicoated filter (which we recommend for best image quality) it’ll cost a lot less than a repair bill or replacement lens.

7. Compact camera skin: They make protective and decorative skins for cell phones, so why not cameras? Skins may provide just enough protection to save your camera from damage if banged around. CGI International and Delkin (Snug-It) make skins designed for specific popular digital camera models for less than $15.

8. Digital Picture Frame: You’ve shot all of those pictures; now, it’s playback time. The digital picture frame looks like a regular frame, but it contains an LCD screen that displays your digital images. Some even play videos and MP3 music files and have built-

in speakers. Load your pictures onto a memory card and slip it into a slot in the frame. Use a remote to select how you want the pictures displayed. Check out models by Astar, CTA, and MediaStreet. Prices start at around $60 for 7-inch screen models. Displays can show up to 11x14-inch images.

Ready to fill those stockings? Look for this article on for direct links to each item described here.

8 Essential Photo Accessories For Under $100

Six Things To Look For When BuyingA Compact Digital Camera

Wide: I shot this with a 10x superzoom camera starting out at 28mm; what's that in the distance?

Medium: I zoomed in to 55mm to get a “normal” view of the scene. Now we know where we are.

Long: At 280mm, lady liberty fills the frame.

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