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Post on 31-Jan-2018






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by Mark Jantzi

LORD, we do agree with that which has been asked of You, that LORD we would see and know the anointing. LORD, we do thank You, that we have been able to dwell in Your presence. In this time, and in this season LORD, we gather together with brethren of like mind. So LORD, let the Word be anointed and let the ears be anointed to hear what the Spirit would say in this day and in this hour, in Jesus Name. Amen.

I want to say that I have very much appreciated the Word and the anointing that God has been bringing in these meetings. I’m sitting here going through some things that I remember going through in the past. I heard Brother Peter, and I’m thinking “My goodness! I wish I could preach like Brother Peter.” And I heart Burt, and I thought, “Oh my! I wish I could prophecy like that.” And Brothers Ces and Streblow, and I have just been so blessed by it all. Then I am sitting here an remembering a conversation that Burt and I had back in Nigeria in 1989, when we were talking about this – how somebody wished this, and somebody wished that, and I think that we kind of decided that we were going to be who we were in God; and that we were each going to flow in the way and with the gifts that God gave us. Isn’t that the best way to do it? And you know, God has made a variety of vessels, and there are many, many ways that He uses in speaking to and through us. Sometimes He needs a very particular vessel to move a very particular problem. Can we can identify with that?

I would like to turn to Exodus the 30th Chapter, and we are going to talk about the anointing. We are going to look in the 30th Chapter and I’ll start in verse 22:

Exodus 30:22 “Moreover the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,23 “Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred

shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels,

24 “And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin:

25 “And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

26 “And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony,

27 “And the table and all his vessels, and the candlestick and his vessels, and the altar of incense,”

28 “And the altar of burnt offering with all his vessels and the laver and his foot.”

29 “And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy.


30 “And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister unto me in the priest’s office.

31“And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, This shall be an holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations.

32 “Upon man’s flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you.

33 “Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger shall even be cut off from his people.”

Now there are specific ingredients here that God chose. If we believe brethren, as I believe we do believe, that everything that God set up in the tabernacle is a pattern of His Church; it is a pattern of God. Then perhaps we could pay some attention to what is being said here.

Why of all the ingredients did God choose these four for the anointing oil? And by the way, when you look for the incense, you find that it is four completely different ingredients. So we can’t say, well they are the same thing; they mean the same thing. They might not mean same thing. I haven’t looked into the incense, but I have looked into the anointing oil, and I would like to look at the natural thing here, and let us see if God can be speaking to us about spiritual things.

In my upbringing, I never had much need to know about these spices. I still don’t know much about them at all. So I had to go and look them up and seek out information about these things.

The first thing that I would like to mention here is myrrh. I’m going to make a list of these things. So what is myrrh? We can see that it is obtained from a thorny bush that probably grows in Arabia. There is a sap that is extracted from the bark by scoring it with a knife. It is a process similar to how they get the rubber out of the rubber tree. You’ve probably heard something about it. They take a machete, although rubber trees are probably a lot bigger than this, and cut a V-shaped slit in the bark and put some kind of a vessel at the bottom of the V to collect whatever sap comes from this.

Notice how they go about collecting this. This is what God has chosen for the anointing oil: something that had to be lacerated, and what came from these wounds then were tears, I suppose. They harden into a bitter, aromatic, gum resin, which is then highly prized as a perfume; or an unguent (a soothing or healing salve), and very costly. Yes, myrrh is very costly. Amen.

I understand that there are two methods of extracting it. I’m not sure which method was used. There is also a way that heat is used in refining this substance. I don’t know how, but I understand that heat and fire are sometimes used to bring this to purity. I am told that myrrh also can be made into a powder. And I suppose that the powder of this resinous gum that was then dried, this that began as a tear, was then what was made into, i.e. put into the anointing oil then. So, let us look at the four characteristics of myrrh, and see if we can understand what the Word of God says about this thing.


First of all, it is costly. Now we know brethren, that the anointing has a price. Where ever we find a situation where there is an anointing: an anointed Word, an anointed message, an anointed service; I believe it is because somebody paid a price. I believe that because there has been travail and prayer and the seeking of God, I believe this is what comes forth as the anointing. It may not necessarily be just at that particular time, but I believe that in the life of the one that God uses, there has been a cost that has been extracted from their life. Amen.

Now if you want to look in the Word of God, we can see first of all, that the wise men brought this as one of the gifts to Christ when He was born.1 They brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, so it was a fitting gift for Jesus who was to be the Christ, the Anointed One.

If you want to look in Matthew 25 for reference: it is the parable about the 10 virgins. The situation came upon the earth where there was darkness, when there was tribulation, when there was travail upon the earth; and some of the virgins found out that they did not have the anointing. They discovered that they were not able to overcome in the situation that presented itself to them, and they became aware of it. I believe that they had time to notice, that somebody was overcoming, somebody was getting through, somebody was rising above the situation – but they weren’t. So they went to inquire of those that were overcoming. My God! I hope that we want to be the overcomers? Amen. We are going to be inquired of. “My God! How are you making it?” “How are you getting through?” “How is it that the things that are distressing us, are not distressing you?” “What kind of price have you paid to get to the place where you are?” And the next question they were asking was: “Give it to me! I want what you’ve got!”

You know, I can remember in times past, that there were people that would come and would say, “What happened to you?” “Where did you get what you’ve got?” “Tell me how to find it!” And of course, that was some time ago, and we had time to tell them, “You’ve still got time to get it!” But there is coming a time called midnight, when the anointing will be manifest in some and it will not be manifest in others. And we are talking about the Church here brethren. We are talking about the whole house of God. We are talking about virgins. We are not talking about someone who is unclean. We are talking about people who have been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and have asked for the saving power in their lives, that they would be saved from the penalty of hell. Hallelujah! And yet, there is coming a time when some are not going to be able to rise above the situation, and for what cause? It will be the lack of the anointing. Their lamps had gone out. And so, “Give me of your oil!”

You know, I think it was yesterday that somebody read, “Woe unto them... that give suck in those days.”2 So the situation that is described here is that someone else has dependant upon you for their spiritual life. And you know brethren, if we have got people that are drawing their life from us, we had better start weaning them off, and we had better start getting them to where they are drawing life from the source of the anointing, which is Jesus Christ. We can’t sustain them in the coming darkness of the midnight hour. Hallelujah! So let us encourage

1 Matthew 2:112 Matt. 24:19


those that have been looking to us. “Go to the source yourself.” And this is exactly what the wise virgins were telling them.

An interesting thing, if we follow myrrh throughout the Bible, we find the first mention of it when Joseph was carried down to Egypt. The Ishmaelite traders that took him down were carrying myrrh among other things. And as I’m going through this study I am wondering, “Where in the world did the children of Israel get these ingredients?” I doubt that they carried all of this out of Egypt in their hands. Undoubtedly they had to depend upon some of these Ishmaelite type of traders, that were coming with camel caravans through the place where they were encamped at different times. And so they probably had to buy from them, this costly thing. We find something about it’s value also when Jacob was finally put to the task, where he was going to have to send his sons down into Egypt the second time. He said, “Well, if that is the way that we have to do it.” And he named off a list of things to “Take these as gifts to the Egyptian” (which he didn’t realize was his own son) and it included myrrh; which was apparently considered a very rare and a very precious gift to give.

The second thing that I noticed about this is that it is bitter. It you try the taste of myrrh, you are going to find that it is very bitter to your taste. It smells very attractive, but it is very bitter to the taste. You know I believe that if we are going to come into the anointing, sometimes we are going to have bitter experiences – are we not? And I think it is how we overcome these bitter experiences in life, how we come above these things, that we are going to find that we too can share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ; and that we too can be partaker of His divine nature. They say that you have to get used to it. You can take it; you can endure it; and you might even go back a second time if you finally get used to the thing.

I’m told it was also used as a pain reliever. Let me give you a little reference in the Word of God. It was offered to Christ when He was on the cross on a sponge at His crucifixion – and He refused it.3 So it must have been a pain reliever, and He decided that He didn’t need the relief of pain; He decided that He was going to go through the whole thing, overcoming the effect of the pain. Didn’t He say “the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink of it?”4 In other words, He was going to take the whole measure of what was given to him in our behalf, without pain relief. They would probably be offering Him narcotics today, to relieve the suffering. But He refused that.

A third thing, it was used in purification. I think that you find in Esther that the purification of women was a six month process.5 It wasn’t just myrrh, there were other things that were used as well, but myrrh was one of the things that were used. It was undoubtedly the smell of myrrh that they were trying to steep or infuse into the women so that their whole being and nature was a sweet aroma. I would think that you could take a bath and wash it off your skin, but this was their understanding. So purification was one of the purposes of myrrh. And I believe brethren that we can also see, that if we are going to be in the anointing of Jesus Christ; if we are going to be in His nature, we have to be pure. You know that 3 Mark 15:234 John 18:115 Esther 2:12


sanctification is very similar to purification, isn’t it? To be not only set aside, but to be set aside as a clean vessel.

God is not necessarily looking for clever vessels. He is not necessarily looking for “rocket scientists”. And He certainly didn’t get one with me. But, He is looking for vessels that are clean and pure. The motive must be pure. There can be no hidden agenda. Everything is right there in the open; crystal clear. You know, when we get a description of the throne of God in Revelation, what was it this throne sat upon? It was like a sea of glass, wasn’t it?6 And it was crystal clear. It was purity, and you could see that there was no impurity whatsoever. And you know, when we think about the kingdom of heaven brethren, we think about this total openness. You know, there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. So why not get it clean now brethren? “My God! Clean me up! Cleanse me!” This is what David asked for many times; “Cleanse me.”

The fourth thing here about myrrh is that there was a fragrance, let’s look to Psalms.

Psalm 45:6 “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter.”

Don’t we sing that as a song? We are praising the LORD here. Amen. 7 “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God,

hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”Thou lovest what? Righteousness. And in contrast, if you love righteousness,

you hate wickedness. You can’t be halfway about this. You can’t have one foot in each camp. You can’t tolerate wickedness and say I love righteousness. It has to go one way or the other. And I think that God is bringing us to that place, where we are going to have to make a choice. You are going to love righteousness and you are going to hate wickedness and unrighteousness.

7 “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”

Now he is not just necessarily talking about me. He is talking about the Christ and the Christ in me. But if we are going to be a partaker of His divine nature, we are going to be made like him. So let us see what His nature is like. It says that God has anointed him with the oil of gladness. So you see, this fragrance is also gladness, isn’t it? He didn’t say that he anointed him with the oil of sadness or the oil of depression; but the oil of gladness. Amen? And it brought him a notch above his fellows. In other words, he stood out; that anointing can be seen, above all the others. And this is what Jesus was – He was noticed above the others. I think many times of the things that He did. Just read, oh my, go back and enjoy the gospels again, and look for the evidence of the anointing upon Christ, as He was doing what He was doing.

You know one of the things I was thinking about is when they brought that woman caught in adultery before Christ. It doesn’t say much. “Well, shall we stone her or shan’t we?” “What are we going to do with her?” You know, I believe that these fellows were carrying stones in their other hand. I think that they were prepared to do the job, and I believe they had vindictiveness in their heart, along 6 Ref. Rev. 4:6


with resentment and unforgiveness. They wanted blood, and they also wanted to embarrass Him. They wanted to come against the anointing. They saw the anointing, and by the way, when you have the anointing, not everybody is going to appreciate it. Not everybody is going to like it. Not everybody is going to be glad about it. If you are not among the righteous; if you are not among the pure, (amen), if you are not among those who desire the highest, you yourself may not appreciate it. And some of these fellows didn’t appreciate who He was. But He just simply stooped down and He began to write in the dust of the earth.7 Brethren, we could stoop down and write all kinds of things in the dust and it wouldn’t do anything. But somehow, something about His presence; something about His being brought conviction upon them and they began to depart “one by one, beginning with the eldest”.8 Isn’t that interesting? “Beginning at the eldest”. There is something about the experience of the eldest; probably a little more realization of who they were by this time; realizing that they could not stand before His presence with their accusation and with their condemnation. Hallelujah!

So, there was a fragrance in that. Let me just finish from Psalm 45. 8 “All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory

palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.”By the way, this mentions another one of the ingredients (cassia), which we

will get to later. Over in the Song of Solomon, you will find several places (at least five: 1:13; 3:6; 5:1; and 5:13) that should be looked into. These are the attributes of the bridegroom, by the way. Only one place in Solomon, in which reference to the bride herself is made, is the term myrrh used, and that is where it is talking about the garden, where it is growing. But the ingredients, not the growing tree but the ingredients themselves are upon the bridegroom. So let’s look at one or two of these verses here.

Song of Solomon:1:13 “A bundle of myrrh is my wellbeloved unto me; he shall lie all night

betwixt my breasts.”3:6 “Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke,

perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant?”3:7 “Behold his bed, which is Solomon’s;…”So we are talking about the bridegroom himself I believe in this passage.

Let’s go to the New Testament here and in this chapter we are talking about the shepherd; Jesus Christ.

John 10:3 “To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth then out.”

4 “And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.”

Now why is it that the sheep follow Him? Is it just because He has a nice voice? No. It’s a long time ago that I looked this up, but I never forgot it; the real meaning of this is that there is something within His being that attracts them. 7 John 8:68 John 8:9


Something and I’ll use the word “intrinsically” within His character, that attracts sheep. Amen.

Do you remember the story that Janet told many years ago, about somebody having given us a little lamb? She was alone; I mean there weren’t other sheep around, and she began to get really attached to her mistress. This little lamb didn’t want to go out in the yard and the field and eat grass; she wanted to hang around Janet all the time. The Lord revealed to her that this sheep has got to go out and she has got to do what sheep do in the field, but the little thing was just so attached that she didn’t want to leave. I remember going out and I put up a little fence and I even put electric around it, you know, and I put it all at the right heights, and I thought “There, that will keep her in.” And we kind of tiptoed away and sneaked off, while she was sleeping in the grass one day. And while I’m watching from a distance she looks around, “Baah! Baah!” “Where is my mother?” “Baah!” CRASH! She crashed right through that electric fence. It didn’t stop her. It didn’t slow her down. So we thought, well, we have got to think of another idea. There has got to be something else that is going to keep this little lamb where she belongs. And finally, I said to Janet, “Why don’t you try the anointing?” She said, “Well, what do you mean?” I said, “Well, take an old shirt that you have been wearing to clean the house, and the sheep will think; she won’t know the difference between the smell of your garment, and you. She’ll think it is you.” (She said,) “NO, no, no.” I said, “Try it.”

So we took a stake and we put it out in this little yard, where I wanted the sheep to stay, and behind the little fence. We put the anointed shirt on this little stake. And I thought, “Okay!” and we tiptoed away, “Let’s see if it will work this time?” I watched, and pretty soon the little lamb woke up – looking around, “Where is she?” “Where is she?” And she went charging down towards the fence. And as she went charging toward that wire fence again, she went past the shirt. And she stopped, and “Hhmm?” “This is what I want.” And it did the trick. And we called the shirt “the Anointing”.

I’m not saying that there is a natural smell about Jesus. That is not what I am saying. I’m saying that there is a spiritual character about Him that His real sheep want to follow, and they are drawn to it. Amen. We are talking about shepherding. This is the shepherding ministry. If we are coming in that spirit, there is something that is going to draw the lost sheep. Even the lambs are going to be drawn to that.

The final thing here about this fragrance is that is was used for anointing the body of Jesus Christ on His burial.9 Now, we have talked about the purification. We have talked about the fragrance, the burial of His body. Now, what all does this myrrh speak of? What does this say? I’ll give you my opinion. You can have your own opinion of what it says. I believe it speaks of meekness. I believe it speaks of the character of meekness. It probably speaks of a lot of other things, but I believe this is what it describes. Gentleness – meekness is very much like gentleness, isn’t it? It is like patience, isn’t it? It is the fruit of the Spirit. MEEKNESS – my definition of meekness is that it is total obedience.

Now, what does the Word of God say about Moses? Doesn’t the Word say that he was the meekest man that was known? Was he not a meek man? Amen. And

9 John 19:39-407

you know, meekness does not mean weakness. I think sometimes people think that if somebody is going to be meek, he is going to be weak; he is going to be a little milk-toast type of fellow; he is going to have no backbone about him at all. But I think that a man who is truly meek before Christ is not weak, but he is very strong, and he is going to be very obedient. Jesus was totally obedient to the Father. Was He not? There was no shadow of disobedience. There was not a hint of rebellion in Him.

Saul, on the other hand, if you want an anti-thesis (it means the opposite); King Saul was the opposite of a meek person. He was a very strong willed man and he was not obedient. He was tested at least two times; thoroughly tested, and given instructions as to what he was to do. And both times he failed. He did not obey. He did not have the character within him that would allow him to walk in that meekness. So it is a quality of the fruit of the Spirit, meekness, gentleness, temperance, etc.10

1) Myrrh (the character of meekness)1. costly2. bitter3. purification4. fragrance

Now, moving on to the next one here, we have cinnamon. Now cinnamon is probably the only one of these that we are all somewhat familiar with. We know what it smells like. We put it in certain baking ingredients. I don’t know, maybe you make cinnamon buns or rolls or something like that. It has a nice smell; it has a nice taste about it. By the way, there was only half as much cinnamon as there was of myrrh. There were 500 shekels of myrrh, and only 250 shekels of cinnamon.

By the way, I tried to figure out what these shekels meant. There could be silver shekels, or there could be gold shekels. And of course if they were gold, there would be something like 11:1 ratio; the silver shekel was something like 11 times heavier than gold. And when I began to figure out what the “measure” meant using silver shekels, we ended up having more ingredients than we had oil. So I would say that it probably has to be the gold shekels, in which case the 500 shekels would probably equal about a pound (in what we would call a pound weight). By the way, this oil was a gallon and a half, so you see; you can’t put 14 pounds of ingredients into this and have anything that would flow. And of course, it is done after the skill of the apothecary, which is what we would call a pharmacist. Somebody had to put this together with some real skill.

Cinnamon is a different kind of tree. And by the way, these are all trees; these are all trees of righteousness. Some of them are very different from others and they come from very different places. Cinnamon is from the bark of the tree. I believe you can buy cinnamon bark today, and you can steep it and you can get flavor out of it. I am not sure that they use this bark in this form. I believe that they probably took this bark and made a powder out of it. It is a tree that is called after the laurel order, a type of the laurel tree. That probably doesn’t mean anything to you. But they would peel this bark off in long strips. Then they would make a roll of this bark, removing all of the bark from of the tree. I don’t know how the tree would 10 Galatians 5:22


live with all that bark taken off; it probably gave its life. It was rolled up like a cane or a tube. The tree is a native of Ceylon. So you see, not being a native, the cinnamon probably didn’t grow right here in Israel; although I’m told that it could also be grown in Arabia. The bark can also be powdered; you can buy cinnamon in the powdered form. There is something else unusual about this bark. It yields an oil that is golden yellow in color, has a very agreeable smell and is used as a perfume.

Now the character of this tree is what gives us the meaning of what this speaks of spiritually. The tree is a very tall, very straight and very sturdy. In the environment that it grows, I would suppose that it is probably taller than it’s fellows. The cinnamon tree would grow taller than those other bushes and plants that would grow around it; especially if you are going to find this in Arabia. There isn’t much that grows really big and tall in Arabia. So what does this tall, sturdy character speak of? I’m going to say that I believe it speaks of uprightness. Uprightness, strength, stability, pillar quality; “he that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God”.11 A pillar is upright. A pillar is strong. A pillar is stable. A pillar is unmovable; it is not shaken by every little wind that comes along. I see this as a characteristic of the anointing. If we are going to be anointed, we are going to have to be upright. We can’t just be a flash in the pan. We can’t just have some bright little message that we can move somebody by some psychological trick or something. We have to be there tomorrow. We have to be there ten years from now. We have to be standing straight and upright twenty years from now. We are not going to fall. We are not going to be taken down. We are going to be reliable, the same. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day and for ever”.12 He is not going to be brought low.

So I believe that this is a description of our walk before the LORD. On the one hand it is standing above, and yet on the other hand, it is not lording over others. It is just the quality of character that is seen above the heads of others, there is a spiritual nature that is seen. Jesus was probably not physically taller than anybody else, although Saul was. But you see that was a natural flesh thing of Saul. But I believe that Jesus was seen above His fellows.

It also requires something of the character of those that will have this anointing that is probably not required of others. Others can get away with weakness. Others can get away with things, if you want to use the term “get away with it”. But God requires things higher than that of His ministers. Now the example that I have found of this is of Aaron, after Nadab and Abihu were slain by the LORD. Do you remember what God said to them? Let us look this up in Leviticus Chapter 10.

Leviticus 10:6 “And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled.”

Eleazar and Ithamar were the two sons that were left. They were not the ones that were playing with this strange fire. Amen. And by the way, this anointing is not compatible with strange fire. You have noticed that already. Even though these 11 Rev. 3:1212 Ref. Hebrews 13:8


other sons had that same anointing oil poured upon them – when they are going to be fooling with things of strange fire – it still isn’t going to work. And God is still going to bring an accountability for it.

6 “And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled.”

Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; in other words, they were not allowed to mourn. So let everybody else grieve over the loss of your family, you don’t. You have got the anointing oil on you. You are going to do what I tell you to do. You are going to do your job. You are going to do your business. I don’t care how you hurt – God has called you to a business, and He expects you to fulfill it. Your father died – I have a business for you. You are going to do it.

6 “And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled.”

7 “And ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: for the anointing oil of the LORD is upon you. And they did according to the word of Moses.”

You have got this on you. You can’t act like the other people. Let them mourn. I require this of you. Amen.

8 “And the LORD spake unto Aaron, saying,”7 “Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou nor thy sons with thee, when ye go

into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations:”

They couldn’t take fermented drink into their bodies with this anointing oil and go into the tabernacle, and begin to serve God. Hallelujah!

10 “And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean;”

God expects a clear cut difference. Amen. 11 “And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the

LORD hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses.”So they represent the standard of God, and not the standard of flesh.

Hallelujah! 2) Cinnamon (the character of uprightness)

1. stripping (of flesh)2. taller than his fellows spiritually3. clear cut difference between holy & unholy4. perfume

The third ingredient was calamus. Now calamus was a very different kind of tree. You might say that it was half tree and half reed. It was something like a


bamboo, similar to that. They say that it grows in India. If that is the case, then this ingredient had to be obtained from a very long distance, from very far away, if this thing indeed did not grow in Arabia or anywhere near where they were. I am also told that it might grow in Asia Minor. Now these are things that we don’t hear about today. Asia Minor of course would be up where Turkey is, up along the Northern part of the Mediterranean. So perhaps it could have been obtained from there too, but I will it is from far away countries, and it has a very fragrant smell.

Again, one of the methods of obtaining this ingredient would be to cut, dry, and powder the tree. They would just cut it like you would corn or sugar cane. Cut it, powder it, and get out of it whatever you get out of it. Another method, the one that I would probably favor is this: it would be that they would break off the shoots that grow out of the joints. Do you understand what I mean by joints? When you look at bamboo, you would find these little joints. Well, at these joints is where the little shoots will grow out in the tree when it is growing. You don’t see that in the hardware store. But if you understand how it really grows, from these joints, little shoots would grow out. They would break these shoots off, and a milky resin would form, which would then be collected at this wound. In other words, you could say this was sort of a pruning process. We have to be pruned, don’t we, by the LORD? And if we allow God to put us through the pruning process, cutting us back, I think that this is one of the ways that God will give us His nature, His anointing.

It is also said that the tree is almost always found in a bent or a stooped position. And I am told that it grows in swamps, which might explain why it could be found in India. So what do we say when we are talking about a tree that is bent? I would say humility.

Are you seeing what makes up the anointing? Let me give you some examples of humility. By the way, humility is a servant attitude. It is one that is not full of self ambition, pride, self opinions or that type of thing. We can’t have that if we are going to be like the Christ. Now Christ is an example of humility. He was the king, and yet what did He do after the supper with His disciples? He got down and He washed their feet.13

David is another man that I see as a man of humility. David was not looking for promotion when he went down to the camp where Goliath was challenging the Israelites. David was sent there by his father. In spite of his brother’s accusations that he was just looking for mischief and looking for an opportunity, David was not looking for that. He was obeying his father. He had not abandoned the sheep; he had not abandoned his responsibility; they were left in the care of a keeper. He went down, and when he began to hear the curses of this uncircumcised Philistine, something rose up in David, and he said, “we can’t allow this to go on”. This is God’s people that this man is trying to curse. And we are not going to put up with it. So that was the thing about David.

And by the way, David had been anointed by Samuel; and how did that anointing first begin to manifest soon after David was anointed? Go back in your history a little bit. It was by music. The first thing that came from that anointing in David was not the killing of Goliath. But there was anointing on his music. And it didn’t take Saul long to discover that this young man had the anointing on his

13 John 1311

music. Now it seems that Saul completely forgot about who this same young fellow was when he showed up at the army camp. “Who are you? Who is your father? Where did you come from?” But the anointing had been able to drive off those spirits that were troubling Saul when David would play – on what I’ll call his guitar – I don’t know what kind of a harp he used but it was a stringed instrument.

Oh let’s ask God, you who are musicians, let’s ask God for the anointing. But you know, you can’t just say, “Well, I’m going to be anointed today.” There is something in the character that brings forth this anointing. There is something in the humility. The one that is pushy, pushing himself to the front, that wants to be promoted – he is not going to have that anointing. And of course you can see the character of Saul. He absolutely did not have the anointing.

Paul, was an humble man. Paul said of his own accomplishments, he counted them as loss.14 James speaks of humility and submission. Let’s just read a couple of verses.

James 4:6 “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

You see the anti-character to humility is pride. Now is there anybody here that has completely dealt with pride? Oh good, I’m glad you didn’t agree to that. Pride is the most stubborn, resistive problem of all. The thing about pride is that we will never admit that we have it. I one time heard a man say that “I am the most humble man that I know, and I am proud of it.” Now that is an oxymoron. I think he was saying it in jest. Okay, so let me go on in James here.

7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

He says, “submit yourself” – how do we deal with pride? How do we come to humility? By submitting our self. Amen. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t need submission. Submit yourselves therefore to whom? To God.

By the way, it is not our job to humble one another. It says that we can humble ourselves, or it says that God can humble us. I don’t see anywhere where it is given – “Well, my ministry in the house of God is to humble other people.” No, no, no. You are not going to find that here. Submit yourself – humble yourself before God.

7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 “Draw night to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

There is purity again. Amen. 9 “Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to

mourning, and your joy to heaviness.10 “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”

14 Ref. Phil 3:7-812

God doesn’t have a problem with promotion, if He does it. He can promote us; He doesn’t have a problem with it. But He doesn’t want us going around promoting ourselves, and that was the problem with Saul.

And again, as I mentioned before, there is only one time that this calamus is mentioned (along with myrrh) in Solomon.15 Where it speaks about the bride: “A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.”16 It is like a greenhouse. And the trees include calamus, cinnamon, and myrrh. I think it is a spiritual picture. These are the three that we have already seen right here. He is talking about His bride now. This is the first time that it is referring to the bride. Prior to that it is always in reference to the bridegroom.

3) Calamus (the character of humility)1. pruned2. servant attitude3. perfume fragrance4. purity

The fourth and final ingredient here, of the four, not of the total, is cassia. And I believe this is 500 shekels again, which would be like myrrh. In other words, there are certain things that we need a double portion of. Cassia would be one. Now there isn’t a whole lot known about the cassia tree. I don’t know much about it. I haven’t been able to find much about it, but I understand that its bark is similar to that of the cinnamon tree; that it can be peeled in like manner. Others have the opinion that it is the same as frankincense, but I don’t think so. It is one of the ingredients in the incense. So I do believe that these are separate things.

It is said to grow in a very hot, tropical climate, under a lot of heat. How many of us know that sometimes God grows the best things out of us when we are under heat and pressure? We don’t enjoy heat and pressure, do we? Does anybody enjoy that?. I don’t enjoy it either, but sometimes we need to ask the Lord to do the job, if we really want to come into the anointing; we need the heat and we need the pressure. Again, it is said to be a perfume. It is also said to be extracted by heat and fire. And I am going to say that it represents a deep inner cleansing.

We go over to Malachi the 3rd Chapter, to verses that I am sure we are familiar with. We are talking about the coming of the LORD. Who is going to be able to stand in this day? You know, I think for many, many years we have talked very glibly about the coming of the LORD. “Oh Hallelujah!” “Praise the LORD!” “The LORD is coming!” “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Isn’t that great!” “Oh yes! We are going to be a wonderful bride!” But you know, I have heard people talk like that, and I thought, “My God, they have no idea what they are saying.” And there was a time that I had no idea what it meant. I probably got up and said some of the same things like that and had no idea what I was talking about. But let’s go on.

Malachi 3:2 “But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fuller’s soap:”

Now, this is difficult for the flesh. Lord, You are going to put our flesh through refiner’s fire; You are going to put us through a fuller’s soap; what are You doing?

15 Song of Solomon 4:1416 Ibid. 4:12


We are getting a cleansing; we are getting a purifying; and we are getting it very deeply. . We are not getting a surface thing here. We are not just going to teach a guy how to speak; we are not just going to teach him how to behave; and teach him where to move his hands, and where not to move his hands; and don’t touch this and don’t touch that. You know, and make sure your hair is combed just right. THESE ARE SURFACE THINGS. This is not what we are talking about. Amen?

3 “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.”

He shall sit? Do you know what happens when you are sitting? You are taking your time. If a man stands up, he is in a hurry – he wants to get on with the job.

I remember when I was an administrator and I had people come in to my office. And if I wanted it to be a short meeting, I would stand up to greet the man and I would never sit down. I would just stay standing. And that was sort of an unwritten signal that this isn’t going to be a long meeting. We are going to get right down to the business that you came for and then get on your way. I’ve got other things to do. On the other hand if I knew that this was going to take time, I would sit down; I would invite the man to sit in the seat; and I would say, “Okay, let’s work this out.” And we would take our time. We would take an hour, we would take two hours. We would take whatever time was required to do the job.

Jesus is sitting, and He is taking His time with us, and we had hoped that it would have been over by now. I remember the time that I hoped that it was over, and that was long ago. And I remember the time when I thought that this is enough. I’ve been through the fire; I have had all there is; I’ve suffered all that I am going to suffer; now it is just going to be smooth sailing from here on in. My, oh my, what a shock I had about three years ago. It is not over. And then I hear Brother Cecil and I know that he has got considerably more years and miles and all that, and I hear him talking the way he is here the other day about what he is going through, and I realize that “my goodness – it is still not over.” If I live another twenty years there is still more. “My God, what are you doing to me?” “Well Son, I’m cleansing you!” Isn’t this what He is saying here? “I’m doing a deep work.” And He shall purify the sons of Levi; and who are the sons of Levi? Are they not the ones with the anointing oil poured upon them; the sons of Levi? They are special sons of Levi. They are sons of sons.

3 “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.”

That they may offer unto the LORD an offering in what? Righteousness! God doesn’t want any other kind of offerings. He doesn’t want a tithe from the mafia. Did you see that in the paper? The drug dealers in South America are giving money to the Catholic Church, and some of their faithful are getting very upset about that. This is not an offering in righteousness brethren. That is not God’s or my definition of it.

But think about our soul. What is God asking of us? What is He asking of the giving of our selves in righteousness? So consider David; I see that David was a man that asked for this cleansing. Look at this over in Psalms again.


Psalms 51:6 “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.”

We are talking about something that is really deep. I can get up and say, “Well I want truth.” But when the rubber hits the road, do I really want truth? Because do you know what truth is going to require of me? There is a price to be paid. In other words, truth is not just something that I seek intellectually. “Oh I want more revelation.” “I want to know more about the Golden Altar.” “I want to know more about the Holy of Holies.” “I want to know more about this.” “I want to know more about that.” Are we really seeking truth? Because these things are going to speak to us, something about God’s requirements. And if we are just seeking it because we have intellectual curiosity, and we don’t intend to change, then we really don’t desire truth in the inward part. And I believe the message that I have been hearing in this season of time, is that God is bringing forth “Sonship” and that this is the thing that He desires – the truth of the inward parts. Do you want it or don’t you? So, getting back here to the Word:

7 “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

That sounds like fuller’s soap, doesn’t it? It is going to make the thing white. 8 “Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken

may rejoice.” You know, we can’t just say, “Well, I’m just going to grind my way through.”

You know the first time that I got the message that we needed to praise the Lord in all things – I did not enjoy my circumstances one bit. And I remember hearing that Word, “In everything give thanks:”17 “Giving thanks always for all things…”18 I didn’t like it. I didn’t like to hear that. And I argued with God in my inner man. I said, “For all things? You can’t mean for this! This that is going on in my life can’t please you. How can I give thanks for this?” And yet, I found that there was nothing that I could do about it. And I remember getting in the car at something like five o’clock in the morning, not my favorite time of day. I was going down to the city to have a meeting, down into the capital city of New York. And as I got in the car, I began to say I must praise the LORD, and I was doing it with clenched teeth. Really! I began at first to “Praise the Lord”, and my mouth didn’t want to open. I didn’t want to give praise. But I said, “No flesh. You will obey the Word of the LORD. He said in all things give thanks, and you flesh will give thanks.” I was a LOT younger than I am now. And so I began to obey the LORD by giving thanks and by giving praise, even though I hated my circumstances. And you know, by the time that I got to the interstate, I was really into it. I was floating down the road. I was in praise. I thought, “My goodness, this is great!” It didn’t take but a few minutes to get there, but it was obedience to the Word of God that got me into that place.

No, I wasn’t anointed when I first started, but the anointing came from the obedience. When I got to the meeting, I was so glad that I had been praising God in the car. I was the president of this assistant administrators group, and we were having a monthly meeting in one of the most expensive conference/motels around, where you paid big bucks for your breakfast. I had arranged with a certain Dr. 17 1 Thes. 5:1818 Ephesians 5:20


Noble from Long Island to be the speaker. I set it up with him 3 months before that, and I expected he would be there. I got in the meeting. My fellows were in the back, eating breakfast – well, they weren’t when I started, but as I paced around, asking myself, “where is he?” This was before cell phones by the way. You didn’t just pick up the cell phone and say, “Hey, Doc, where are you?” No. You waited; you prayed; and the man didn’t show up; and my fellows were finishing their breakfast in the other room, and they were expecting a speaker. And I’m out in the lobby, “where is this guy?” “Where is he?” By the way, we had set the date up on a certain date in February. (Let’s say Thursday the 12th of February.) He wrote it in his book, right in front of me, and I wrote it in my book. I said, “Okay, the 12 th of February.” Do you know what he wrote in his book? Thursday the 12th of March. And there I am waiting at the lobby for the man to show up. And while I am waiting, the man comes down, stops at the reception desk, checks out, and walks right past me, like he didn’t even know I was there. I followed him to the door. I wasn’t really too meek at this point. I said, “Oh, Dr. Noble?” “Oh yes,” he turns around, like who are you? I said, “We are waiting in the back for the meeting.” “Oh – that’s today? I wrote that down for a month from now.” I said, “Well the guys are back there. They are finishing their breakfast. Do you have a few minutes you could give us?” “Oh, let me cancel an appointment, and I’ll be there.”

Do you know what? The fellows in the back room never knew what I went through. I was so glad that I had been in the presence of the Lord that day. I would have been totally embarrassed. To me, this was one of the first times that I had a miracle like this, and I went home saying, “Was this a miracle? I mean, I didn’t see anybody get healed. I didn’t see blind eyes opened – Did you do a miracle today Lord?” Now really, I believe that He did.

I asked the doctor, “Why were you here in this motel this morning?” “Well, I don’t know, I was just going south; I was going back to Long Island last night, and it was getting real late. I thought it was getting too late – I’ll just stop here at this motel and I’ll spend the night here.” I said, “You just happened to?” He said, “Oh yeah. It was getting late, so I just happened to stop in.” I thought, “Oh my God, the Lord knew the night before.” The Lord knew the night before that I was going to need him there. He also knew that I was going to obey Him and that I was going to praise His name. Oh, it was just a simple little lesson, but I never forgot it.

Let’s finish what David says here in Psalms.Psalms 51:9 “Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”This is what David was asking for, a deep cleansing. 4) Cassia (the character of deep cleansing)

1. heat 2. pressure3. perfume

Now, we can say that the fifth ingredient is what we will call olive oil. Now in a way, the olive oil isn’t really an ingredient. It is really the base. Is anybody here that is a pharmacist or that studied Pharmacy? It is the base; it is the thing that really carries the other four ingredients (there are actually five in all). We can call


olive oil the fifth. What does the number five speak of? It speaks of a couple of things, doesn’t it? It speaks of grace, and it speaks of ministry. I suppose it would be appropriate to say that this is the fifth, but on the other hand, this is probably the most important of them.

This is the liquid; this is the reason that it flowed. The other ingredients may very well have been in powder form, suspended in the oil. You know when you have pills; the active ingredient of the pill is carried in an inactive base material. You can have generic drugs whose active ingredient is the same chemically, but the inactive ingredient may be different in all of them. Some of them carry the main ingredient in alcohol. Some of them carry it in a plastic type of filler. Because, let’s take aspirin for instance. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. But you don’t just take that acid or you would get a pretty powerful stomach ache. So they wrap it up in something to kind of buffer it a little bit. So another manufacturer might wrap it up in something different. But what God has asked for in His anointing oil is that He wants olive oil to carry the other ingredients.

Now what do we know about the anointing olive oil? Well, first of all, its volume is about a hin – which is what we would call about six quarts. Now imagine Aaron is going to have the anointing. How we anoint somebody is we put a little drop on our finger and rub it on their forehead. This is not the way Aaron was anointed. Aaron probably had six quarts poured on him at one time. He nearly had a bath; he was practically baptized in it; it was almost an immersion. But really, that was not quite the definition, but it is pretty close. In this oil, he was saturated with it. And it flowed. For evidence of this see the following passage:

Psalms 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

2 “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;

3 “As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.”

Now how was this oil obtained? I understand that today they just crush the olives and squeeze the oil out of them. I have been told that this oil was obtained by beating. Beaten olive oil is different than other kinds of olive oil. Do you see the nature of Christ here? Do you see that He was beaten; by “his stripes we are healed”.19 How else are we going to get that gift of healing? It is by the stripes. Sometimes we are beaten, and we say that we don’t deserve it. Sometimes other people beat us up with their words and their criticism. You say, “I didn’t deserve that”. You know, Christ didn’t deserve that beating that He got either. And so the olive oil is extracted by being beaten.

There are four uses for olive oil that I am aware of. One is for food. The second use of olive oil is as a medicine. The Good Samaritan used two ingredients to heal the man. He poured in the wine, and he poured in the oil.

Why did he pour in the wine? I think the wine would have represented a cleansing, like alcohol. It would purge out the dirt that was in his wounds. Then the oil would be the healing ingredient that was put in the wounds of the man that had 19 Isaiah 53:5


been beaten up. So it is a food, it is medicine, it was used as a fuel to light the lamps and it was used as a refreshing for the skin.

So let’s look at the fuel for the lamps. This was used for the lamps in the tabernacle, but the lamps that were in the tabernacle did not have to have these other four ingredients in them. They were simply pure olive oil. This anointing oil was only for the sons of Levi, only for their anointing. Now in your old King James Bible it calls these lamps candlesticks. Everywhere (I have not found an exception) in both Old Testament and New Testament, if it says candle, or candlestick, cross it out. It doesn’t belong there. They are lamps, and they are lampstands. What is the difference? Candle wax does not flow, at room temperature, in the environment that we are. If you get paraffin on you, you will know that you don’t have oil on you. And the oil, the anointing oil is a thing that flows. It flows easily; it flows freely under the anointing.

The Catholic Church I believe was the one that introduced the candles, and probably influenced the interpretation of the King James Bible to insert candle where it should have said lamp. Somebody gave me a list of when all these things happened and as I recall, it was somewhere around the 3rd century that this introduction was made.

Now as far as the refreshing on the skin, this oil must be kept fresh. If it gets old or stays on too long it becomes sticky and dirty. David speaks of being anointed with fresh oil. Look in the book of Psalms:

Psalm 92:10 “But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.”

That unicorn should probably say “wild ox”. There were no mythical beasts running around, and still aren’t, so I believe that really speaks of a wild ox. So we read it as unicorn then. Now he is not talking about stale oil. Stale oil is yesterday’s anointing. What happens with Stale manna? It stinks. You don’t want to eat it. Nor do you want stale oil on you. Lets read from I John:

1st John 2:18 “Little Children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; where by we know that it is the last time.”

Little children - he didn’t say sons here did he? He is talking to the little children. In fact he says little, specifically “little”.

In other words, he is talking about the spirit of antichrist coming. How many of you know that the spirit of antichrist is very evident in our society today? “Where by we know that it is the last time.” He is telling you how you can tell it is the last time, by the action of the spirit of antichrist. And by the way, antichrist doesn’t necessarily mean that Jesus wears white and the devil wears red. The word Antichrist actually means it is a false or imitation Christ. If I make counterfeit money, I would try to make it look as much like the real thing as possible, so that you would have to be very discerning to know the difference. And I think this is what John is talking about here. He is talking about having this discernment. Now he is talking about some --- “they went out from us, but they were not of us.” How many of us know that God is doing some cleaning out, even in His own house sometimes.


1st John 2:19 “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

Now here is the contrast:20 “But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” In other words, the unction is the Holy Spirit, is it not? So he is saying that

you have an unction of the Holy One. Now this word “unction” as found here in 1 st

John, is the Greek word “charisma”. That word charisma has sort of got polluted in the last 20 or 30 years with the religious word charismatic. Actually, the word has almost come to mean in some circles just “full of mixture”. You know, full of old time religion; old stuff; new stuff. Basically people who have been baptized in the Holy Ghost and most of them don’t want to go on in the things of the Spirit. They want to hold on to the old denomination of religion that they were in. This is what the word charisma has almost come to mean. In fact, they have got a magazine named Charisma that really ministers to that clientele. The word charisma literally means to smear or to rub on. So we are talking about being anointed with something that is actually smeared or rubbed all over us. The spiritual meaning of the word charisma is anointed.

Now the word Christ has the same root, it has the same meaning and it means the “anointed one”; the “one with the anointing”; charisma= christos= Christ. Matthew warns of the coming of false Christs. So if you say “false Christ” you are saying “false anointing”. Let us read the passage.

Matthew 24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

False Christs – you know when I first saw this, I wondered, “Am I reading this right here? I thought there was only one Christ.” But he says, “No, there will be false Christs, and false prophets”. So that ministry will come with fallacious character as well; they will be counterfeits.

So this kind of false anointing is going to be very powerful; very strong. If it were possible, he didn’t say it was possible, but if it were possible, we could be deceived. Didn’t He say even the “very elect” here? Not just say the elect, but He said the very elect. Now I think when you put an adjective like that in front of the word, we are referring to the sons of God. So brethren, there is only one guarantee that we will not be taken by a false anointing and that is that we are going to have to come to the true anointing; that is the only way that you are going to know the difference.

You are not going to be able to tell the difference by intellectual examination. “List the points: A, B, C; list the points over here: A, B, C. Well, they look pretty much alike. One could be the same as the other. But, “No”! They can’t be. You are going to have to know the difference. So there will be many false Christs, and false anointings, and they shall deceive many.

So natural olive oil can be applied to the body. Let’s talk about how it is applied to us. Used as an ointment, it has to be washed off daily and refreshed daily. How many of you know that your walk with God has to be refreshed every


day? They have to be new every morning. Amen? Let me tell you what will happen if it is not. There are three things that will happen here. Number 1, it will take on a sour smell. Have any of you ever used oil in a very hot and humid climate when you put this on the skin? People used to put this on the skin; that was before Mary Kay and all these other lotions and potions and notions that they manufacture today. They would simply rub on olive oil. It kept the skin supple and you didn’t dry out as much. And maybe it kept the wrinkles away, I don’t know. Something must have really worked for Sarah. Here is a woman that is at least 80 and the king wants her in his harem? There must have been something working for this woman. I don’t know, I think it was more than just the natural oil. I think there was a walk of faith there that really gave a special anointing too. But I’m saying that there might have been something natural used here too.

So there is going to be a sour smell if it is old. What I’m describing here is if you don’t have the true anointing in your life there is going to be a sour stench spiritually. The second thing is that it will attract flies. Bugs, gnats, insects and flies, are going to start sticking to the skin. And we know that flies and bugs do not necessarily speak of something attractive and anointed. The third thing that happens is that it becomes sticky, and you are going to have dirt and sand sticking to your skin.

Now what I am talking about here is when the anointing becomes old. If this is yesterday’s manna it is going to get sticky. So the lack of fresh anointing is not a very attractive thing. Let me refer you to the Word of God here in the 2nd Chapter of Acts. You know very well what it says and there was a flow. I said it before, the oil has to flow, and not only flow, but it must saturate.

Aaron had the oil poured over him.20 It flowed. It flowed from the top. It flowed all the way down. It covered his beard. It covered his garments. The description that I read is that the man was saturated with this oil. A gallon and a half I think would saturate you. It would saturate me. My clothes would be totally immersed in oil. These clothes would have to be changed again tomorrow. They would have to be fresh, and there would have to be a fresh anointing to come again tomorrow if I was to serve in the tabernacle and minister in the holy places.

So what happened in the 2nd Chapter of Acts? They were gathered together in the upper room, and there appeared as tongues of fire upon them; so you see this spiritual oil is a fire lit by God. There was an anointing on the tongue, and a fire that burned as well. And there was a flow; it flowed to the whole group of 120. And when they got out of that place and out into the streets, it began to flow and there were thousands that began to be attracted to what was going on. It wasn’t just somebody getting up and pounding on the pulpit and saying “you had better repent, or you are all going to go to hell.” This isn’t what they were doing. There was something that was very attractive that was going on. And they could see it and they could hear it and they didn’t intellectually understand what was going on. “What are all these languages that we are hearing?” “What’s going on in the streets today?” And the apostles got up and said, “this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;” where he said in the last days I will pour out; it is an outpouring.21 The anointing is poured out from heaven. It is a spiritual outpouring. Who is going 20 Ref. Psalm 13321 Acts 2:16


to get it? Your sons, your daughters and your handmaidens. It is going to go from the least to the greatest in whatever term you want to call it. It is going to go for the older. It is going to go for the younger. Anyone who has a heart to receive is going to be receiving this blessing.

I heard the testimony of Brother Streblow this morning.22 You were 17 years old when you got the baptism of the Holy Spirit. How I wish I would have known about the baptism of the Holy Spirit at that age! I wouldn’t have waited until I was 32 to receive it. My goodness, I would have asked the same day. Oh I like that! While your presence is here Lord, give me the whole thing. Let’s be expecting the anointing of God to come as we minister to others. Let us preach the fullness of the anointing. Come on! I think we have backed off somewhat on preaching the anointing and the infilling and the baptism and the fullness of the infilling of the Spirit of God. Let me read again in Psalms the 72nd Chapter. You know, the anointing a lot of makes a difference.

Psalm 72:6 “He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.”

Hallelujah. We are talking about the coming in of the sweet fragrance of the presence of the Lord. How many of you like to be out in the country when they are mowing the hay? You can just smell that sweet aroma. You’re driving along and you’ve just got to open the windows and let that bouquet of the fresh mown grass come in. He says He is going to come in like that; just like the rain comes; like that fragrance comes from the fields when the grass is just mown. And I tell you, that was the one thing I liked about growing up on the farm. I didn’t like handling the hay afterwards, but I liked the smell when we were out mowing the fields.

Now, go back to Exodus 30 and we will finish up here in a little bit. There are three other principles that I want to discuss here. One is “not on flesh”. You say, “Brother, how could Aaron have avoided this?” He couldn’t. The flesh was going to be involved. If the anointing is there, the flesh is going to be a partaker. But that was secondary, not the main purpose. The objective was not to make Aaron smell nice. Do you follow what I am saying? It was not to make him aromatic so that people would be attracted and say, “Oh my Aaron, you sure smell so good today.” “What is that stuff that you are using?” So in other words, the first principle here is that it is not for the promotion of flesh.

When we are applying this to ministry here, we are saying that this is not for personal exaltation. That is not what this anointing is for. It is not to sell more books; it is not to sell more records. It is not to promote a big fund-raising where we can attract money because of personal charisma of man. That is not the purpose of it. It is not for personal recognition, gain or exaltation And if you are using it for that purpose, you are violating the principle that God laid down in the anointing.

Exodus 30:32 “Upon man’s flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you.

33 "Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people.”

22 See the Book, Mr. Pegelow, by Bob Streblow, Jubilee Design, 112 Horseshoe Dr, Burnet, TX 78611-5919


Number 2, it is not to be duplicated. In other words, this anointing has one and only one purpose. This does not speak of man’s programs. It is not to say, “Well, these ministers are doing thus and thus and it seems to be working pretty good. Let’s all go over there and find out what he is doing, so that we can do that and we can attract a thousand people too.” So this becomes the program of man. This is man trying to duplicate what he thinks is some kind of ingredient.

I remember a time back in the seventies. Everybody was going over to Korea; to find out what Dr. Cho was doing. Oh my goodness, what a crowd going over there! And they were all sitting in these little grottos, and they were sitting in the 10,000 seat auditorium he had built, trying to figure out; “What is he doing?” “What is Cho doing?” “We are going to have to do the same thing, and we will be sought after like Cho.” This is what man was thinking in those days. And they are still following some other men and movements now. So it is not following man’s methods; it is not duplicating man’s organizations – BUT it is God’s program, and that is what is going to have the true anointing.

The final principle here is – I’m sorry these are all “not’s” - not for a stranger. What does stranger mean? Stranger means “I never knew you, depart from me”.23 If we are a stranger to the Lord we will hear that word; “Depart from me, I know you not.”

To have this oil is a mark of one that is chosen; the one that is sanctified before the Lord. Those who are His own are the only ones that can have the true anointing of the Father God upon them.

5) Olive Oil (the character of the anointing)1. not on flesh2. not to be duplicated3. not for stranger

God bless you!

23 Matthew 7:2322

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