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The Triune Voice of Trinity


191 Nichols Street Spencerport, NY 14559

Number 12 December 2014

“The Mission of Trinity is to joyfully share the Gospel through Christ-centered

worship, teaching and reaching out to the community by acts of caring.”

From the Pastor's Desk

The Birth Announcement for the Ages

As of this writing, our son Lincoln is already two months old. It’s hard to believe how much time has passed since his birth. As time continues to come and go, we’ll never forget the day our son was born. I remember quite vividly just minutes before Lincoln was born, the doctor looked at me and said, “Would you like to call the gender?” Since Bethany and I didn’t know beforehand whether we were having a boy or a girl, the doctor was giving me the opportunity to announce to the room (and to my wife) the birth of our son or daughter. And sure enough at 10:54am on September 22nd, I announced to all, “It’s a boy!”

Go back 2,000 years to Israel. God’s people were waiting for the Savior of the world to arrive. The Son of God was coming but when? Luke 2 tells us that shepherds were out in their fields at night keeping watch over their flocks. But in just a moment, their lives would be changed forever! For suddenly the sky lit up with the presence of an angel from heaven with the glory of God surrounding the shepherds. Fearful of what they were seeing, the angel begins to share the birth announcement for the ages that “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (vs. 11-12) And if the angel’s message wasn’t impressive enough, “suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.’” (vs. 13-14) Not only was Jesus’ birth announced by an angel but it was celebrated by an angelic concert that filled up the night sky. Quite the impressive birth announcement, eh? But the announcement didn’t end there. Once the shepherds went and saw Jesus lying in a manger what do you think they did? Do you think they announced to others that the Christ child had come? I think so!

Dear friends, we have the opportunity to bring to a hurting world the announcement that Christ has come. He has come to bring healing to those who hurt, he’s come to bring forgiveness for those who are sorrowful, he’s come to bring peace for those who are divided, and he’s come to bring life for those who are dying. This is what Christmas is all about. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior may we continue to share the announcement that Christ has indeed come for you and for me and for the entire world! Merry Christmas! See you in church,

~ Pastor Matt

Sunday School News Trinity Sunday School will be presenting a Christmas program on Sunday, December 21st, during the 10:30AM church service. Parts have been handed out to the actors who have begun memorizing their lines, there are also reading parts. The younger Sunday School children will be acting out the Nativity and singing their hearts out! Anyone who would like to join this program is invited and welcome! We need people who don’t necessarily want to be “on stage” as there is much work behind the scenes – helping with costumes, music, set-up and clean-up, etc. Contact Cathy DeConinck if you are able to help. We hope you can join us for this annual holiday event to praise the birth of Our Saviour!

TENTATIVE Rehearsal Schedule

Days will NOT change, but rehearsal times may change.

Please watch for more in your mailbox, on the website or by phone.

Saturday, Dec. 6th 12:00PM – 1:30PM

Speaking and reading parts ONLY

Saturday, Dec. 13th 10:00AM – 12:00PM All Participants

Saturday, Dec. 20th 11:00AM – 1:30PM

All Participants Bring a bag lunch and we will provide

drinks and a special dessert

Sunday, Dec 21st 9:30AM Final run through

Sunday, Dec. 21st 10:30AM

Program will be presented

*************** This Advent season each child/family at Trinity will receive a different type of Advent calendar. It still has 25 “things” but for this calendar you add to instead of opening or taking from it. When December 25th arrives each calendar will be a completed Nativity scene to help you enjoy this Christmas season. The calendars will be handed out during Sunday school and before each service so every family has a calendar.

We will also be distributing a Bible verse to read as you build your nativity scene each day. On Sundays during Advent the students who can remember the Bible verses for the previous week will be rewarded for their efforts. We hope both the calendar and the readings will be enjoyed by the whole family as we prepare for the coming of baby Jesus. Questions regarding the calendars should be directed to one of our Board of Education members: Sally Steele, Craig Coon or Cathy DeConinck

One Final Reminder

There will be NO Sunday School on Sunday, December 28th

Trinity Women

The Women of Trinity met on Monday evening, November 10th, for a Thanksgiving Pot Luck Supper and Christian Fellowship. Turkey, gravy, squash, several potato dishes, stuffing, cranberry and fruit salads, breads and muffins, and delicious desserts were enjoyed by all. Our next meeting will be December 8th at 1:00PM, when we will work on a service project for our church. We will polish the communion silver and work to re-purpose some of our older paraments. Please join us for service and fellowship.

Trinity’s 2014 Holiday Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve Services Candlelight Communion Worship Services

Wednesday, December 24 at 6:00pm & 8:00pm

New Year’s Eve Wednesday, December 31

No Service

Pre-School News

Merry Christmas from Trinity Christian Pre-School! Our students have been working hard this school year as they learn their colors, letters, numbers and writing their names. The excitement in the classroom is building as we are busy getting ready for our Christmas programs, projects and activities.

Once again we have been invited back by McDonald’s Restaurant in Spencerport to decorate their Christmas tree. We are hard at work making ornaments and will be going to McDonalds on Wednesday morning, December 10th, to decorate the tree with them. Please stop by to see how beautiful it looks. Our 3 year old class will have their Christmas Program on Thursday, December 11th at 10:00AM in the Mary/Martha Hall. Our 4 year old class will have their Christmas Program on Friday, December 12th at 10:00AM in the sanctuary. A holiday party will follow each program with cookies, punch, gifts and hopefully a couple of “special guests.” We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the members of Trinity to come and enjoy the wonderful programs the children have prepared.

To all our friends Trinity Lutheran Church, we thank you for your unending support and wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year filled with blessings.

Jodi Blank, Laurie Butts & Betty Kelley Trinity Christian Pre-School

Words of Appreciation

Dear Friends, I am thankful for all the thoughts, prayers and cards during my recent hospital stay and rehab. It meant very much to me. God Bless, Jean Meskill

To the Trinity Youth, Mrs. Frey & Mr. Miller, I so much appreciate your time, energy and thoughtfulness for the awesome fall yard-cleanup.

Marie Feldmann

Dear Friends, I would like to thank everyone for all the cards and prayers that I received during my recent hospitalization. What a blessing to have such wonderful friends.

Charlotte Wasserbauer

Can & Bottle Fundraiser The Trinity Youth Group is holding a can and bottle fundraiser. Please bring in your empty cans and bottles to church and place them in the marked container. We appreciate your support in helping our youth grow in their faith through fellowship and fun.

Library News

“Have you ever wondered what the first Christmas gift was?”

That question was asked of the main character in Richard Paul Evans' first book. Being obsessed with work and not giving it much thought, the character answers “probably gold” . . . wrong answer! In 1991, Evans wrote, “The Christmas Box” as an ex-pression of love for his daughters. The book was eventually published and became an immediate success. Since that time, he has written twelve consecutive books that have reached #1 on the NY Times Bestseller List. We have several of his books in our church library, and hope you will read one of his inspiring stories this Christmas season. Do you know what the first Christmas gift was?

“Visit Our Home Bound”. . . or give them a call on the phone or send a card.

Above all, remember them in your prayers: Elaine Pratt Jack Dodgson Robert Schroeder Marlene Markham

Betty Ernest Marshall Ernest Fred Ayers Dorothy Ayers Marie Feldmann

Voters’ Assembly Meeting Sunday, December 14th

following the 10:30AM worship service

Items to discuss: Budget for 2015

Communion Format Bibles for Church Pews

December Anniversaries

Congratulations and God’s Blessings to:

19 – Walt & Gail Cranmer 22 – Ken & Cindy Ingham

December Birthdays Best Wishes and God’s Blessings to the following:

1 – Sasha Dodgson 2 – Whitney Widger

6 – Fred Ayers 6 – Geraldine Riexinger

6 – Luke Dusett 8 – Kyria Perrotta

11 – Baren Ritzenthaler 13 – Molly McCarthy

16 – Andrew Ernsthausen 19 – Noelle Anderson

19 – Gwen Pisaro 20 – Phil Blank

20 – Heidi Duran 21 – Mike Duran

22 – Vince Micillo 24 – Janet Cronin 24 – Craig Oswald 25 – Alonzo Jacobs

28 – Catherine Hammond 29 – Mandy Fisher 29 – Ilse Reichert 30 – Wendy Mayer

FOOD SHELF NEWS The Spencerport Ecumenical Food Shelf officially moved on Saturday, November 8th. Many volunteers helped moved the food, the shelves, and bins to the new location at the Parma Baptist Church, 4997 Ridge Road West. Although no longer located in the village plaza, we still serve the residents in the Spencerport School District Area. If you know of anyone in need of food, please have them phone our pager (277-4917) and leave their name and phone number. They will be contacted within 24 hours and a delivery will be arranged.

Spencerport Ecumenical Food Shelf

The Food Shelf serves those in need of food and household supplies in Ogden and South Parma.

If you, or someone you know is in need, please call for assistance at 585-277-4917

Monday – Friday between 9AM and 5PM

Tis the season for…..

Generosity? This time of year it seems like everywhere you look there is someone asking if you can spare some change, a minute of your time, or borrow your specialized skills for their good cause. This past month alone I have been asked to check out hunger, pack Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child, donate a winter coat, attend a chicken BBQ benefit, purchase books and citrus for two different Christian schools! It isn’t even December yet! As Christians we are to be generous. The Lord has blessed us with gifts and we need to be generous and share those gifts. 2 Corinthians 9:7 states “so let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” Most mothers I know are extremely generous with their time and love. They give all they have to their children and loved ones, all without ever thinking “What about me?” But what about when it is not the ones you care most about in life that are in need of your generosity? Can you give to them with a cheerful heart? What motivates you to be generous? If you’re a mom of young children come join us at MOPS on December 4th at 6:00PM when we discuss the courage to be generous. For more information please visit

Aurora House All services of Aurora House are offered free of charge. Donations, memorials, grants, fundraisers, and the dedication of our volunteers allow Aurora House to exist. For more information about Aurora House, go to and become a fan of Aurora House on Facebook at Aurora House (A hospice House). The Aurora House wish list can also be found at Thank you for supporting the mission of Aurora House.

Madeleine Antonio Aurora House Church Liaison

A Stewardship Moment

Jesus Who? Sitting in church Sunday morning, I had strange thoughts going through my mind. It occurred to me that Christianity had survived less than 2000 years and where have we gone with it in our corner of the world. We look at the events depicted in the Bible and maybe say to ourselves, “I would not have done that”. Peter said he would die before he would forsake Jesus and later that day he found that he couldn’t keep that promise. The Israelites made a trip through the desert accompanied by God, while being presented with numerous miraculous experiences and even after all that quickly decided to adopt a different religious life style, even when Moses was conversing with God about them. It turns out that from the time the Israelites left Egypt and Jesus came on the scene about 1441 years elapsed. During those years the Israelites had bellied up to many altars besides God's Altar. They made a trip to Babylon and even though God provided many satisfying occasions, their relationship with God was about the same as when they were in the desert complaining to Moses. So, after approximately 1,975 Easters, how is our relationship with our Lord & Savior? Can we rejoice over a better relationship with our God than the Israelites had? I suspect that the answer would be a resounding NO, and for the same reasons. Since the Israelites were constantly complaining to Moses about missing the materialistic pleasures of Egypt and that they wished they were back there, forgetting the torment and suffering they experienced while there. Today we have more “chattel” to captivate and enchant us than ever before and largely “Too Much is Never Enough”. Peggy Lee was a popular singer for over 40 years and recorded a song in 1969 entitled, "Is That All There Is?” In this song she relates events in people’s lives always followed by the lament, "Is that all there is? If that’s all there is, let’s keep on dancing, let’s bring out the booze and have a ball”. Someone with an attitude like that might never see the miracles that happen every day on this earth. In this “Dare You to Shock, Terrify or Dazzle Me” society it is certainly very difficult for people to see those everyday miracles. Jesus said to Nicodemus that he had to be born again and went on to declare that rebirth would be of “Water and the Spirit”. The Christian church has refined this into a “Sacrament” and rightly so, but there are other “Rebirths” that have similar impacts on lives. Howard Beale in the movie “Network” told his viewers to shout out, “I’m As Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take This Any More!” His despair was in the social and economic conditions and their degradation and he wanted to issue

an assertion that would compel his viewers to respond in a resolute fashion. Moses while raised in an Egyptian home and treated like Egyptian royalty experienced his “Rebirth” in Exodus 2:11. In that account, Moses witnessed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew laborer and in his anger responded violently. In every “Rebirth”, a compelling force that changes the course of someone’s life takes effect. In this one, it started the clock ticking on the Israelites return to “The Promise Land”. Without an “Overwhelming” but certainly not as hostile force associated with a “Rebirth” in anyone’s life that would cause us to seek that “Narrow and Difficult Road” as described by Jesus in Matthew 7:13. The occurrence may not qualify as a true “Rebirth” event. Some rebirths ultimately require CPR in order to retain that “New Life”. This is confirmed by the frequency with which young adults turn to “Science & Technology” for answers they could have found in “Biblical Writings”. Because organized education promotes hostility between science and religion, some 59-70% of these young people become disenchanted with their “Christian Affiliation”. Many of the disenchanted never return to “The Church”, subsequently lose all hope. Hope is what stands between each of us and spiritual death that can be accompanied by physical death. But “The Hope Prescription” can only be administered by someone in attendance and consequently isn’t always administered by “The Church” but rather by the “Congregational Members”. Christian Hope is the medication that provides confidence that Jesus has eradicated all those shameful misdeeds and provides you with a new lease on life. More than exhilaration in the loss of those sins, it provides a confidence that God is invigorating us to live our lives to “His Glory” with the understanding that He will always support us in that effort and the confidence that no matter how formidable the task may be He is there to provide the strength to complete it. The Christmas season is soon upon us and because many people get lost in the material aspect of “The Holidays”, it is every Christian’s responsibility to administer “Lovingly” the Hope Medication just as God guided the stone from David’s sling. Your message of hope will exterminate the Goliath of Xmas. You need to constantly remember that Goliath is the target, not those humans that exhibit that quality. Obviously, the challenge is how to extract the sinful nature without destroying the host and that is better left to Jesus. But each of us can still apply the aforementioned “Love” and the “Hope” that we all have in Jesus.

Joe Davey

Board of Stewardship

Help Your Fellow Neighbors in Need Meals On Wheels

Needs You!

Meals On Wheels is looking for volunteers to deliver hot, nutritious meals to elderly and homebound individuals in the community. Newly retired? Looking for a way to do your part?

Routes are easy to follow and available in all areas of Rochester and Monroe County. Delivery takes about an hour or so at lunchtime and you can volunteer either weekly, monthly or seasonally. Substitutes are particularly needed. Schedules are flexible and training is provided. To join the Meal On Wheels team call 787-8326 for more information. “Serving Meals One Smile at A Time for over 50 Years”

“Home for the Holidays” Advent Devotions

In Home for the Holidays, Pastor Wayne Palmer takes the reader on a nostalgic ride back to the days of Christmases past. Along the way he mines his own holiday memories, blends in contemporary scenarios, and adds a generous portion of Scripture. Palmer knows Christmas isn't just "fun and games" for everybody. Health and relationship issues, money worries, and a whole lot more rob people everywhere of the true joy of the holiday season. Yet, amid these strains, God makes our Christmas celebration complete through the "home" we have with our Christian brothers and sisters at church. It is there we can come together in Word and Sacrament to renew our faith and recall again the magnificence of God's Good News in Jesus Christ. And it is there—surrounded by those who share our faith—that we remember we have a heavenly home, prepared for us beforehand by Jesus Himself and secured for all believers through His work on the cross. The devotions are available online and for customized printing at: They are also available through email subscription and podcast.


The holidays are here! The clipping and saving of cancelled postage stamps is ongoing. Remember the holidays are coming and this means more mail! Please save the various “first class” postage stamps – NO pre-sorted or bulk rate ones – then clip leaving at least ¼ inch around the edge, this a must! Place in the specially marked jar in the coat room.



• DO make an ongoing commitment of saving and trimming stamps for the Canadian Bible Society’s mission outreach. Encourage your relatives and friends to do the same!

• DO pray often for this unique mission effort – the $5 per pound of stamps are used for making and delivering Bibles throughout the world.

• DO cut the stamps from the envelopes or postcards with a ¼ inch edge on all sides of the stamp. Torn, damaged or improperly trimmed stamps must be discarded.

• DO cancel a stamp by drawing an inked line through it – IF the stamp was not cancelled!

• DO bring the collected stamps to LWML society, zone or district events and direct them to the stamp coordinators.

• DO ask for the commemoratives when purchasing stamps; they are worth more!

• DO apply the stamp on outgoing mail by placing it ½ inch from the corner’s edge – then hopefully the receiver will cut and save it!

• DON’T tear or soak stamps off the envelope and try to re-glue them – they would be worthless!

• DON’T save “pre-sorted” stamps or imprinted postage labels – they have no value!

• DON’T send collected stamps to the coordinators as that is “wasted postage!” The stamps are taken to Canada several times during the year so there is no urgency; just simply keep collecting and place in the specially marked jar in the coat room.


Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2014

Members present: Dave Sylvester, Cathy DeConinck, Sally Steele, Ken Fisher, Chris Reigle, Ken Fisher, Mike Duran, Kim Rivers, Rick Behrens, Pastor Canaday, and Arda Davey

Meeting opened at 7:00pm with devotion (Matt 9:27) and prayer by Pastor Matt Minutes (correction Pastor’s report youth have ownership of their group with parents overseeing) were Approved.

Treasurer Report: Chris Reigle Approved Budget Actually Spent Diff (Budg. v Act) Amount Collected Difference Sept. $17,579.00 $15,169.93 $2,409.07 $13,702.55 $(1,467.38) Oct. $17,579.00 $19,313.85 $(1,734.85) $13,622.84 $(5,691.01) Ytd. $175,790.00 $134,120.24 $41,669.76 $141,684.84 $7,564.60

It was a 3 payroll period & the snowplowing contract was paid in full. Expenses will be high for Nov/Dec with year-end expenses.

Financial Report: (Figures off $100.00, corrected with bank notice) Approved Bd. of Christian Outreach: Kim Rivers

MOPS – 1 non-member attended 11/4 Pastor gave suggestion – on a prayer walk with prayers read in church Youth help with Cartons for Christ.

Bd. of Education: Sally Steele

Date and time of Christmas Program will be confirmed for Dec. Triune. This program will include all ages and does not include Bell Choir. Concern that students don’t know how to navigate the Bible. It was suggested use “Sword Drills” – the Word of God being the sword. This has been used by some already and helpful.

Elders: Rick Behrens Items for Dec. 14 Voter’s meeting:

1. Bibles for the Pews – money from Memorial Fund/Sponsor a Bible. 2. Communion – do we continue with Continuous distribution or kneel at altar?

Christmas Eve services will be at 6:00PM and 8:00PM. No New Year’s Eve service. Stewardship: Ken Fisher

A new envelope for the pews was shown which will replace the current “Sharing” one and has more options. It is a custom envelop that will need to be printed. Spiritual gifts forms will be tallied and results given to Elders.

Trustees: Mike Duran Vacuum cleaner and Dehumidifier purchased. Snow Plowing contract done. Had fire inspection – some lights out in Exit Signs, electrical room cleaning, etc. needs to be done.

Pastor’s Report: Matt Canaday Areas already discussed – Holiday Hours, Bibles for Pews. Spiritual gifts sermons and time to fill out form.

President: Cathy DeConinck

Received the letter from Synod for 2015 Missions Commitment.

New Business: Time for new directory. Last one in 2008 and now we have a new pastor. Marilyn McMullen will start with recruiting help. Need to improve sound system to make recording for website.

Old Business: None

Adjourned at 8:40PM with Lord’s Prayer.

SERVING SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 2014 Please check your dates carefully and arrange for a substitute if you cannot serve when scheduled.


8:15 & 10:30AM Communion

Worship Service

DECEMBER 14 8:15 & 10:30AM Worship Service

DECEMBER 21 8:15 & 10:30AM

Communion Worship Service

Children’s Christmas Program at 10:30


Worship Service 10:30AM

Praise Service


Ronnie Johnson Rachel Blank

Ali Reigle Justin Micillo

Ronnie Johnson Caleb Blank

Baren Ritzenthaler Alex Ingham


Mitch Frey Nick Frey Chris Reigle

Mitch Frey Nick Frey Chris Reigle

Mitch Frey Nick Frey Chris Reigle

Mitch Frey Nick Frey Chris Reigle


Ron & Bev Lillie Ken & Lily Ingham Art Reimherr

Ron & Bev Lillie Ken & Lily Ingham Art Reimherr

Ron & Bev Lillie Ken & Lily Ingham Art Reimherr

Ron & Bev Lillie Ken & Lily Ingham Art Reimherr

LECTORS 8:15AM 10:30AM

Joe Davey Eileen Bruton

Dave Clement Debbie Palumbo

Dick Norton Bill Rutter

Sally Steele Mitch Frey

ELDERS 8:15AM 10:30AM

Jay & Alicia Diedreck Bev Lillie Bill Rutter

Jay & Alicia Diedreck Bev Lillie Bill Rutter

COUNTERS Craig Coon Debbie Palumbo

Bill Rutter Ken Fisher

Tim Bruton Mitch Frey

Tim McMullen Ruth Hagmier


10:30 Service

The Miller Family

Ashley Ludolph

Lori Havens

Marilyn McMullen

ALTAR GUILD Ellie Graupman & Carol Ernsthausen


Chris & Betsey Reigle Ann Funk

Della Dusett Gwen Pisaro

Bob DeVantier Rick & Linda Behrens

Dave & Doris Clement Tim & Eileen Bruton


Phyllis Rutter

Voters’ Meeting

Kristen Sylvester Judy Vance

Christmas Holiday


Candlelight Communion Service DECEMBER 24


Candlelight Communion Service DECEMBER 24


USHERS Ron Lillie Ken Ingham Lily Ingham Art Reimherr Mitch Frey Nick Frey

Chris Reigle

Bill Craw Ron Graupman

Dave May Tim McMullen

Mike Mayer Dave Clement Bob DeVantier

ALCOTYES Brady & Megan Shepanski

Ronnie Johnson

ELDERS Bev Lillie & Bill Rutter Marilyn McMullen & Brian Miller LECTORS Phil Blank Craig Coon COUNTERS – December 26 at 9AM Ken Fisher & Chris Reigle

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 191 Nichols Street Spencerport, New York 14559

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Schedule of Sunday Services: Worship Service at 8:15AM & 10:30AM Pastor: Reverend Matt Canaday Cell Phone: (585) 730-1183 Email: Pastor Emeritus: Reverend John S. Collier Administrative Assistant: Phyllis P. Rutter Church Office Phone: (585) 352-3143 Fax: (585) 352-3172 Email: Website:

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