the top 10 badest popes in history betaenglish.pdf

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 The TOP 10 Badest Popes in History betaenglish.pdf



    Evil is a familiar and ugly face. Rearing and peeking around dimly lit cities and

    alley ways at night, evil stealthily rapes, murders and tortures its victims. Evil

    Popes have riddled the history of the Vatican more frequently than most

    nations have ever seen a tyrant ruler. While a majority of black-hearted, evil

    men and women are brought to justice in today’s world, it is sad to know that

    some sources of evil cannot be vanquished as easily as a court verdict. Perhaps

    more abhorrent than that, is the fact that evil still hides away waiting to take

    more victims. Worse still is the plagued history of truly evil acts that have been

    committed throughout all nations. When evil deeds are done in the name of

    God, they not only scar our histories with shame, they blaspheme in the

    highest against our benevolent creator. It is only at the very pit of evil where all

    things are frozen in Hell from the constantly lamenting, flapping wings of Satan

    do we find places for the men described here. Those who’ve propagandized

    and spread evil throughout the world while sitting on the Throne of Peter have

    claimed justification through the Lord. What is to follow may disturb you, upset

    you and ideally cause you to shed a tear over the tragic misdirection of the evil

    that has been demonstrated within the office of the papacy.

    *     ote: As a disclaimer for this controversial topic, the statements following have been verified across several esteemed informational

    sites. Though the information presented is widely accepted as fact, not all sources will cite the exact information presented, if they

    cite information on these topics at all. The List Cafe and author’s opinions are not expressly represented in what is to follow. Thank


  • 8/16/2019 The TOP 10 Badest Popes in History betaenglish.pdf


    1 0 . P op e A l e x a n d e r V I


    Pope Alexander VI had a special place in Hell reserved for him in the circle of

    lust. On Halloween night of 1501, he was said to have organized and

    participated in the “worst orgy ever in the Vatican”. While sex with promiscuous

    women while unwed and sworn to celibacy and a life devoted to God may be

    forgivable in certain circles, his other most awful sexual conduct would be

    frowned upon by just about any member of our currently civilized society.

    Alexander VI also was known to fornicate regularly with his two sisters and his

    daughter. For the crime of incest, Alexander VI is surely damned to the core

    and quite prodigiously ‘evil’.

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    9 . P o p e D a m a s u s I(366-384)

    Individuals who lived to see Damasus’s

    rule saw a bitter day: women and

    children were bought and sold as sex

    slaves to increase funding for the

    church at Damasus’s design. Those

    who opposed the tyrannical rule of

    Damasus would be tortured and

    literally burned alive after their lands

    were seized and used for church

    designated purposes. Worse still is that

    the women forced into prostitution

    were not always simple subjects of

    Rome, but female priests and nuns

    themselves. So much for serving in

    humility before God…

    While some light could be said to come

    out of this, there were forty-four

    bishops who abhorred the acts of Pope

    Damasus I and had found him guilty of

    adultery on many counts.Unfortunately, the office of the Pope was a strong central figurehead and Pope

    Damasus I weaseled his way through being convicted of the crimes that he was

    known to commit on a regular basis. After the charges had passed, all forty-four

    bishops were murdered at the order of Damasus I. What could be done?

    Nothing. Damasus I was also the first among Popes to instill the concept that

    the papacy was a supreme office of God, using the Petrine text in the Holy book

    of Matthew to support his claims. Nothing like divine intervention eh? Among

    the populous these heinous crimes went without retribution. For his adulterous

    behavior, the public commonly referred to him as “Auriscalpius Matronarum”which means “ladies’ ear scratcher” in Latin. It’s a shame they didn’t name him

    “constituent back-stabber”.

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    8. P o pe Se r gi us I I I


    In seven short years as Pope, Sergius III was bad the minute he was made

    Pope. He took the Papacy through murder and while in office, lived quite

    contently unmarried with a concubine by the name of Marozia. While his

    political affiliates may have enjoyed his murderous tendencies for the sake ofgaining control of the papacy, Sergius’s concubine may have rivaled him in true

    potential for evil. Marozia personally assassinated Pope Leo VI who followed

    Sergius just seventeen short years after Sergius left the Throne of Peter in

    order to claim the throne for Sergius’ and her son, John XI. Wicked.

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    7 . P o p e B e n e d i c t I X


    Nephew to the previous two Popes that resided in the Vatican, Pope Benedict IX

    was touted in the Catholic Encyclopedia as, “a disgrace to the chair of Peter” –

    which would be absolutely correct. Bishops in the service of the Lord, and

    particularly Desiderius who was later crowned Pope Victor III believe Benedict

    to be moreso the progeny of Simon the sorcerer rather than Simon the apostle.He raped the office of Pope in every way he could from murder to adultery and

     just about all else. Because of the horrible things he did, the people literally

    drove him out of Rome. His violent and sexual crimes were committed under

    the blazing bright sun instead of through stealth of night and when he left, he

    did not go with empty pockets. Before accepting his fate of having to leave the

    Papacy, Benedict IX sold the office of the papacy to John Gratianus (Gregory VI)

    who was fortunately for the people, labeled among the most religious of his day

    and age. After Gregory VI’s rule as Pope, a Pope known as Damasus II came

    into power. Benedict literally poisoned Damasus II and reclaimed power overthe Papacy. This was when the crimes of Benedict IX were so much to bear that

    the Romans could no longer stand it – they expelled him from the city entirely.

    Later, Conrad reinstated Benedict IX despite his atrocious crimes.

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    6. P o pe P i us IX


    Let it first be known that Pius IX resided in the Vatican as Pope between the

    years 1846-1878. Let it secondly be known that there was a direct correlation

    between his constant scheming within the realm of politics and the

    assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Both funding for and the mission

    plan itself had made its way from the papal office, through hands undisclosed

    to eventually meet with John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln dead on April 15th,

    1865 at the Ford Theater in Washington D.C. Yes, despite popular belief, Lincoln

    died as a result of orders from the Roman Catholic Church – not a fanatical

    maniac who really wanted his slaves. What an addition for the history books…


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    5. Pope Urban II


    Pope Urban II was the benchmark for

    where the crimes against humanity and

    God became genocidal. Between the

    years 1096-1099 Pope Urban II ordered

    the slaughter of roughly ten million people

    where there were men and women but

    mostly children in efforts to procure

    Belgrade, the Orthodox Church of

    Constantinople in Yugoslavia as well as

     Turkey, Syria, Antioch and Palestine. Just

    for reference, Hitler killed in or around sixmillion Jews during the Holocaust. Wow.

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    4. P o pe In n o c e n t I II


    While Pope Innocent III didn’t reach the epic numbers of slaughters that his

    predecessor Urban II had, he still aided and abetted in the murder of well over

    one million people during his papacy between 1198-1216. His were words ofwar: he rallied military support in favor of the Inquisition after

    excommunicating Philip II of France and had put both France and England

    under interdict which was the Pope’s granted power of punishment. What was

    unique was that the Crusade he waged after supporting the Inquisition was not

    against heathen scum following a far carried faith – he went from the Vatican

    directly to England and had his military might wage war against European

    brothers. He had also began a Crusade against the Albigenses where upon his

    military constituents were ordered to butcher them by the tens of thousands in

    horrid and unholy ways. Dracula, eat your heart out.

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    3 . P o p e B o n if a c e V I I I(1294-1303)

    Again a Pope that was so evil that he made it into the Catholic encyclopedia for

    his grave injustices against the people and his God. Boniface VIII was described

    in the Catholic encyclopedia as having, “scarcely any possible crime omitted –

    heresy gross and unnatural immorality, idolatry, magic, simony… his whole

    pontificate was one record of evil.” Quite an accusation coming from the

    Catholic encyclopedia… When the poet Dante wrote his eternal masterpiece,

    “Inferno” it was the deepest pit of Hell that were assigned to Boniface VIII,

    Nicholas III and Clement V. Needless to say, this was one bad dude.

    Boniface VIII was a self-proclaimed Atheist. He didn’t even BELIEVE in God yet

    he somehow managed to obtain the position of Pope. In 1302, Boniface VIII

    instituted a commonly quoted misconception of Christianity (thanks) called

    “Unum Sanctum” where through no faiths but that of the Catholic faith were to

    be saved come the day of Judgment by Christ. All outside of the Holy Roman

    Catholic Church were to be damned eternally in the pits of Hell. As it turns out,

    most of those he damned did in fact go to Heaven, but as Dante predicted, it is

    Boniface VIII chilling with Satan over poker and shots of Johnny Walker Red.

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    2 . P o p e J o h n X X I I I


    Not to be confused with Pope John XXIII of the 20th century.

    Why people called this man the most depraved criminal who sat on the papal

    chair rather than calling him the most depraved criminal of all time may never

    be understood. Perhaps it was simply because they didn’t understand thescope of his evil. This “man” if you can call him that, committed almost every

    heinous crime imaginable – by the hundred. There were thirty-seven clergy

    members who witnessed and professed against him on the following charges:

    Fornication, Adultery, Incest, Sodomy, Simony, Theft, and last but not least,

    Murder. Even more members of the church than the thirty-seven who had

    accused him had been witnesses to the gut-wrenching fact that Pope John XXIII

    had a harem of mistresses in Boulogne numbering two-hundred. Even more

    disgusting yet was the fact that these two-hundred women consisted mostly, if

    not entirely of nuns. Thousands of lives were lost during the schism enacted inefforts to depose John XXIII, but luckily for the people, and the two-hundred

    nuns, he was indeed deposed.

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    1. P o pe P i us XII


    As though one horrible Pius wasn’t enough, Pope Pius XII came into power over

    the Vatican not long after his predecessor Pius who supplied the orders to kill

    Lincoln. Again, take careful note of the era during which Pius XII held the Chair

    of Peter – it was 1939 to 1958. Well, if anyone had ever been curious as to why

    exactly Hitler got the notion that Jews were to be exterminated by the millions

    between 1939 – 1945, it may have had something to do with the fact that Pope

    Pius XII personally handed him detailed instructions on how the methodicalextermination of non-Catholic minorities across all of Europe was to be enacted

    and how death camps were to be constructed for the sole purpose of their

    murder. According to Pius XII, people of Jewish faith and other “heretics” were

    not only supposed to be shot or killed, they were to be burned alive as to stay

    consistent with the Roman Catholic Church’s designated penalty for heresy

    against God. In 1946 he came to the aid of war criminals including Ante Pavelic

    who was known in Croatia for leading among the most satanic and kill-happy

    regimes in all of world history. The group went by the name of the Croatian

    Ustashi. Taking a note from Pavelic, Pius XII established his own mini form ofthe Ustashi known as the Catholic Ustashi (guess he liked Pavelic’s work?) and

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    the Catholic organization was responsible for the murder of more than 600,000

    people. Not only were the murders enacted but they were done in such hideous

    ways that it’s probably a sin just to think about how they may have looked.

    Killings ranged anywhere from excessive torture to another visitation of

    crucifixion (it’s not just Christ this time), cannibalism (mmm, mmm. Finger-

    lickin’ good), live dismemberment (remember the saying ‘I’ll cut off your armand beat you with it?’”) and burning alive (oh so they gave the Jews a few

    friends to dance on the hot coals with). If all of this is true, this man was not

    only truly insane, he was quite possible the epitome of evil in the 20th century.

    All in all, it seems as though the papacy has been littered with more criminalsthan good hearted Christians. While this short list of ten is only a fraction of the

    fifty Popes who’ve been said to have sinned unceremoniously against God on a

    regular basis, there have indeed been two-hundred sixty-five Popes in the

    history of the Vatican. God willing through the other two-hundred fifteen there

    has been enough good instilled throughout the world to overcome these jaw-

    slacking evil peoples’ works. Just to paint a portrait though of how rampant evil

    was and has recently been within the office of the papacy, there have been

    forty-four US Presidents to serve in office since the establishment of the United

    States in 1776. If the Presidency were to have followed suit with the papacy,there would have been eight Presidents already who’ve committed cardinal

    sins such as adultery (cough, cough, Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower,

    and Roosevelt), murder (come now, that’s already at least twenty of the forty)

    and other sins that God-fearing and decent people would shrink in cowardice

    over simply hearing about. Well, maybe the papacy isn’t as evil as some offices

    that have been held in the past few hundred years…

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