the ten most common questions - aht interiors · 2020-02-21 · home. this could include...

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The Ten Most Common Questions

Your Guide to Working With an Interior Designer

1. How do I know if I need an interior designer?

2. What is the difference between an interior

designer and an interior decorator or home stager?

3. How do I hire the right interior designer for my

project? 6 easy steps.

4. Can I afford to work with an interior designer?

5. How do interior designers charge for their time?

6. How does purchasing work when working with an

interior designer? Will my home furnishings cost

more or less if I am working with an interior designer?

7. How much does it cost to plan and furnish a home?

8. How can I make sure my interior design project stays

on budget?

9. How long does the interior design process take?

10. How do I ensure my interior designer is listening to me?



Over the years, I have heard many stories from individuals about interior design projects that turned into disasters. I would like to share some inside perspective as a professional in my field in order to help you overcome your fears, avoid making costly mistakes and experience a positive outcome for your interior design project. There are a few simple steps which, if followed, should result in a fun and enjoyable experience for both you and your interior designer.

It pains me when I hear that people are afraid to enlist the services of an interior design professional. Their reasons include loss of control, financial fears (surprise costs or unexpected bills) and concerns about the designer imparting their own personal taste on the client, among others. This doesn’t have to be the case. I will answer some of the questions I hear the most so that you know what to expect in advance and can set your cares aside while you enjoy the journey.

If you follow my suggested steps as outlined in this guide, I believe you will find both the process and the outcome to be a positive experience for all.

1Often people think that if they can do something themselves, it will save them money in addition to the cost of hiring a professional in that field. For example, many folks buy Turbo Tax software in order to file their own tax returns and avoid enlisting the services of a CPA. Others will drive their SUVs to the local home improvement warehouse to load them full of mulch and plantings; they will then spend hours and weekends in their yards on do-it-yourself landscaping projects. Certainly, if you LOVE these activities and consider them enjoyable, then it does make sense to embark on them yourself.

But you should ask yourself several questions: How much value do you place on your time? How much free time do you have and how do you prefer to spend it? How often have you spent many hours shopping for products for your home only to return them because they didn’t work out? And perhaps one of the more painful questions: How many thousands of dollars have you spent on products that didn’t work or that you simply don’t like … more than you care to remember? How much is it worth to you to get it right and get it done?

There are many parts of the equation to successfully planning, designing and furnishing a home. It can often feel like an overwhelming process when you are

attempting to handle it on your own. A skilled and experienced interior designer will help guide and navigate this process for you. She (or he) is quite familiar with the many resources that they work with on a daily basis.

Your designer should have a team of trade contractors to work with; they will coordinate the activities of those parties so that you don’t need to be bothered with all of the details that surround a successful installation. A reputable designer will recommend products from known resources rather than blindly

ordering from unfamiliar manufacturers on the internet. They are trained to ensure that the products that are introduced into your home are the proper proportion and scale. They know how to balance colors and create spaces that are harmonious. Working with an interior designer

will help you create a signature look that is unique to you, and not just a roomful of furniture purchased off a showroom floor.

If your project involves an out-of–state vacation home or second residence, it can be invaluable to have a dedicated professional who has the resources to coordinate all of the aspects of your remodeling or decorating project.

How do I know if I need an interior designer?

2This is often an area of confusion; I hope to provide some information that will help you determine the right fit for you and your project.

The term Interior Designer can have different meanings, and the regulation and licensing requirements vary from state to state. As a general rule, an interior designer has some established level of professional education and experience in their field. They should be able to specify and order custom products and oversee the entire project from concept to completion. There are many professional affiliations that an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator may

choose to belong to, depending upon their level of expertise. Some of the more widely known trade associations include A.S.I.D. (American Society of Interior Designers), I.D.S. (Interior Design Society) and I.F.D.A (International Furnishings and Design Association), just to name a few. Keep in mind, however, that paid membership in these organizations does not necessarily indicate experience or expertise. Some organizations require a formal degree and set number of classroom hours in the field of interior design, while others do not. So please keep in mind that initials after a designer’s name indicating membership in one of these

What is the difference between an interior designer, an interior decorator and a home stager?

organizations does not necessarily mean they are the right fit for you.

For example, much of the formal education required in some states to be a licensed interior designer may be geared toward commercial applications that may have little or no bearing on your residential design project. A licensed interior designer may be adept at planning a lighting scheme, but have no idea how to design your custom window treatments. Much of what a talented interior designer/decorator brings to the table is inherent. Yes, there are learned guidelines and basic premises to be followed that may qualify the designer to work on commercial projects or more involved residential remodeling projects, but many of the world’s most successful celebrity designers did not begin with a formal education in this field. Through years of experience, projects alongside other successful professionals, and exposure to many designers’ work, they have established reputable firms of their own. If you have a project that is multi-faceted (which requires working with a professional that can specify custom products, has established accounts with multiple manufacturers and is capable of overseeing the entire process) you will most likely be looking for an Interior Designer.

An Interior Decorator title does not necessarily suggest that this person has experience or education in their field. A decorator is someone who has a good eye for color, balance and scale. They will typically work on an hourly basis and may purchase some pieces for your home from local retail or design showrooms. They may or may not have the business structure or acumen to oversee the purchasing and implementation required of a larger project. If you are looking for help with rearranging existing furnishings, placing accessories or choosing a color palette, a skilled Interior Decorator could be a good fit for you.

We often receive calls from homeowners as well as real estate agents asking if we offer Home Staging services. My first response

is always a question: What do you mean by ‘home staging’? There are individuals who present themselves as home stagers; most often their skills are enlisted when a home is getting ready to go on the market. They are hired when a home seller and realtor want to show the home at its best in a way that is appealing to a broad base of buyers. The home stager’s role is to assess the current surroundings and make suggestions on how to best present the home. This could include decluttering rooms, rearranging furnishings, providing finishing pieces, etc. Some established home staging companies will even provide furnishings on a rental basis. There are also professional organizations that support the home staging community. One such organization is the International Association of Home Staging Professionals (I.A.H.S.P). They provide certification that distinguishes their members as trained professionals, but there is no formal degree, certification, level of education or experience required for someone to call themselves a Home Stager.

I believe the key is to know what your needs are in order to determine who will be the right fit for you. Ask for referrals, and actually follow up with those people to find out what their experience was like. No matter what your project may entail, look for someone who is a true professional in their field. This goes back to some of my other tips: ask for a business license, proof of insurance and other credentials. Your neighbor, friend, sister-in-law, cousin, etc. may have a good eye for decorating their own home, but that does not necessarily translate to an ability to work well with others, especially when their tastes differ from yours. You need someone who considers this their full-time occupation and is well-informed in this industry, not a part-time hobbyist looking for something ‘fun’ to fill their time.

3The very first step involved in hiring an interior design professional is to do some research. As mentioned previously, a friend or family-member’s talent in decorating their own home does not mean that they are equipped or skilled to work with you on a professional level. The interior design process can often be quite complicated when viewed from behind the scenes. Aside from the important creative aspects, a strong attention to detail and a tremendous amount of organization is required to successfully see a project through to the final installation. One of the primary purposes for enlisting the services of a true professional is to free you from the responsibility of managing the myriad of moving parts yourself.

Of course, the optimal avenue for discovering a designer that you can trust is by reference from a trusted resource. Your builder, architect or realtor are often great resources for recommending someone they know to be an experienced professional. That being said, you must still determine if that person is the right fit for you.

There are some key things that separate a ‘decorette’ enjoying a hobby from a dedicated interior design professional. Aside from the fancy initials after the name, here are some things that will help separate the pros from the amateurs:

The interior design firm should have a current business license. For that matter, anyone that you enlist to do

work in your home should as well.

Any reputable business should carry liability insurance. This protects you, as the homeowner, as well as the

person whose services you are enlisting.

Every project should have a written letter of agreement, or contract, that is reviewed by both parties prior

to starting any work. This establishes good communication up-front regarding expected costs, scope of work, timeline, and expectations.

Beyond any classroom degree or subscription-based professional affiliations, it is important that your

designer has experience in their field. Ask to see samples of their work and talk to others with whom they have worked.

Preview the design firm’s website as well as social media outlets such as

How do I hire the right interior designer for my project?






Facebook and Houzz. Are they representing themselves on a professional level? Are they staying on top of what is going on in their industry? Do they have professional photography of their work? Do you have access to solid testimonials from others they have worked with?

Also of importance: make sure your personalities are a good fit for one other. You will want to work with someone

who, in addition to their creative talent, listens to you, takes into account your lifestyle and preferences, and has good organizational and communication skills. You will be spending some time together, often over the course of several months, so this person should be someone whose company you enjoy.

There is a big difference between an interior designer and a person who can come in and rearrange some furnishings and accessories. Your interior designer should be able to skillfully handle all creative details as well as managing the entire project from concept to final completion. Whether you are addressing one room, addressing your entire home, or working from the building stage, it is important to understand what you are looking for.

Most design firms are able to provide purchasing services from a variety of vendors so that you are not limited to what might be available in a furniture store. This gives them the ability to tailor a solution to your specific lifestyle as opposed to buying what happens to be in a store.


Perhaps an easier question would be: can you afford not to? As I mentioned in an earlier chapter, I have seen people spend countless hours and thousands of dollars trying to plan and furnish their homes’ interiors, only to end up with unfinished spaces and pieces that simply don’t work well together. It is certainly easier, more fun and less costly to get it right in the beginning rather than trying to ‘fix’ design mistakes.

If a designer prevents you from making just one costly mistake, they have more than likely earned their fee. Consider what you would spend to have a professional house

painter come in to paint the interior of your home … probably several thousand dollars. Isn’t it worth it to get the color right? Could you do the painting yourself? Possibly, but how much longer would it take to produce a high-quality job? How much free time would you be giving up? Again, it does come back to how much you value your time and what you really enjoy doing with it.

4Can I afford to work with an interior designer?

5There are several different ways that interior designers charge for their time, and this can sometimes be a source of confusion for their clients.

Hourly Fee

For a long time, most design professionals have billed for their time on an hourly basis. This would include all time spent on a project for product sourcing, research, planning, client meetings, revisions, installation and follow up. Most hourly fees range from $75 per hour for a newer designer or design assistant to over $200 per hour for an experienced professional who has earned a reputation of excellence.

When a designer uses this method of billing, the question becomes: how long will your project take? It is important to be clear on this before engaging their services in order to avoid any confusion or unexpected costs. A seasoned design veteran who is very efficient with his or her time will be able to work through a project more quickly than someone who is less experienced. Some designers love to shop all around town, while others may have extensive resource libraries in-house; this allows them to get more accomplished in less time.

I do not recommend choosing your interior designer based upon their hourly fee. The $200 per hour designer might take 6 weeks to work on your project, while the $75 per hour designer could take 6 months to complete the same project. I have occasionally seen

interior design projects spiral out of control; those homeowners spent thousands of dollars on hourly fees without feeling much sense of accomplishment. Clear, up-front communication about expected costs and the full project timeline can help you avoid any misunderstandings down the road.

Cost Plus

Another method of billing that I have seen designers utilize over the years is the addition of a set percentage to the cost of the products they purchase for the client. For example, a $100 lamp for your living room might be invoiced at $150 to $200 to cover their time.

I don’t find this to be a very effective method of billing, because there are many aspects of a design project that require thoughtful attention and time on the part of the designer, but do not involve any product purchases. These aspects include selecting the proper color scheme and paint colors, placement of existing furnishings, specification of building finishes and materials, just to name a few. The cost plus method is based on a retail furniture store business model, where the staff designer is earning a commission on the products they sell. These ‘free’ design services are not actually free, but are rolled into the price of the products. If a designer is earning a living on product mark-up alone, they may not be the right one to help you with a project that includes some of the activities I mentioned above.

How do interior designers charge for their time?

Flat Fee

My preferred method is for the designer to establish a fixed, flat fee for their time and services at the beginning of the design project. Based upon the scope of work to be done for a project (or phase of a project), the designer quotes a fee to account for the time and expertise required to see that project through from concept to completion. When following this method, all parties know what to plan for from the very beginning and there are no surprises or unexpected invoices during the course of the project.

It is important to have a clear, written scope of work and to understand when and if any additional fees would need to be considered.

A written letter of agreement should clearly define the work to be done, the role of the designer/design firm, a projected timeline and an estimated purchasing budget. My clients prefer this over the open-ended hourly billing, and my firm does as well. It allows for more creativity without watching the clock. In recent years, this has become the most prevalent business model for interior designers across the country.

Regardless which method of billing a designer uses, the most important aspect is for all parties to be clear about the overall expected costs of a project.

6Most interior designers are equipped to include purchasing services. An established firm will typically have direct accounts with dozens of manufacturers. It certainly works in your best interest to have someone who is very familiar with the different product lines and vendors with which they work; they can specify products for your project based upon their experience and product knowledge, which will prevent you from making costly mistakes. As with any other industry, the home furnishings industry contains vendors and sellers offering varying degrees of quality. It can often be misleading and confusing to purchase products from unknown internet sources, or even large brand names, if you have no prior experience working with that particular company or their products. Images in catalogues or on websites may look great, but you do not want surprises when those pieces are delivered to your home.

An interior design firm spends time and legwork procuring products for you; after all, that perfect sofa doesn’t just fall out of the sky into your living room. Purchasing services will generally include the time required to check availability and pricing in advance on all products, before they are presented to and approved by you, to avoid unexpected back order dates or product discontinuations. There is nothing more disappointing than falling in love with a fabric only to find out that it is no longer available.

In addition to checking product information in advance, the designer will place all of the project purchase orders with the different vendors, ensuring that all item #’s, patterns,

colors and finishes are to exact specification. Tracking the status of each order, scheduling shipments, receiving, un-packaging and inspecting each piece are also very important steps in the chain. It is important to discover any imperfections before a piece is delivered to your home; if the designer is working with a reputable furniture receiver, this is part of the role they fulfill.

Although every step may be taken to avoid any potential pitfalls, occasionally there will be a problem that must be addressed; these issues can be resolved much more quickly when a designer is working with a vendor with whom they have a good relationship. Fortunately, these details are things you do not need to be concerned with when your design firm is handling the purchasing aspect of your project.

How does product purchasing work when using an interior designer?

This is just one example of the importance of strong organizational and professional business practices when selecting an interior designer to handle your project. Of course, creativity is key, but without the strong organizational skills to support that great design for your home, the best ideas may not have a successful outcome.

Many designers will establish a purchasing or procurement fee that is separate from their creative design fee. This is generally a minimal percentage of the furnishings budget; it compensates the firm for the administrative time required to handle the purchasing aspect of your project (from placing orders to successful implementation and placement in your home). This works to your advantage if your designer can offer you their wholesale or designer net pricing. Even with the purchasing fee, you will still be receiving a very fair and competitive price compared to standard retail pricing, and without all of the

headaches associated with shopping, placing orders, coordinating deliveries and potential troubleshooting. Of course, it is best to review the particulars of this service with your interior designer as it can vary from one to another. It is important for the communication to be clear up front regarding the way this service works and any costs associated with it.

7This is not a simple or easy question to answer. Costs vary widely from project to project based upon the client’s preferences and desired level of quality, as well as the size of their home. However, it is very important to have an agreed-upon budget before any work is started so that you will know what your costs will be. The first-time home buyer just out of college will have different priorities than the empty-nesters who are ready to reclaim their house and make it their dream home. It will certainly cost less to furnish your home if you are purchasing products from some of the big box retail discount stores; but remember that there is a balance between cost, quality and longevity. Most of the clients we are working with have moved beyond the ‘disposable’ furniture stage and are looking for longer-term purchases and higher-quality pieces that do not need to be replaced every few years. It is important that the quality and style of the furnishings are commensurate with the style and quality of your home.

Regardless of where you are located along this spectrum, I have developed a few rules of thumb that tend to apply in most circumstances. Based upon my 16+ years of experience in helping clients develop furnishings budgets for their homes, I have found that the overall cost of purchases to furnish a home from floor to ceiling generally equates to 15 to 25% of the value of the home. This is not a hard and fast rule but rather a guideline. For instance, if you have just purchased a $500,000 home and are starting from scratch, with only a few existing pieces to include, you should plan

on budgeting at least $75,000- $125,000 to completely furnish it. On the other hand, if you live in a multi-million dollar home on Lake Lanier, the cost to completely plan and furnish it will certainly run higher. This may sound like a lot at first because you have probably never sat down and added up all the purchases you have made for your home in the past. These figures are meant to include all upholstered pieces, casegoods (non-upholstered furniture such as tables, desks, beds, etc.), rugs, lighting, window treatments (shutters, shades and soft treatments), bedding, artwork and accessories.

As always, there are good, better and best options in any given product category; so costs will depend on whether you are comfortable purchasing lesser-quality products that are made for and sold to the masses or something a little more unique and custom-tailored to your needs. There are always choices. This is where an experienced interior designer can guide the way and act as your advocate, ensuring that the purchases you make are in sync with your lifestyle.

I am including a worksheet at the end of this section that I use with my clients to establish a purchasing budget. It breaks up the distinct furnishing items that may be included in different rooms with varying price levels, and is based upon average price ranges from the vendors that we work with. This worksheet can help you create your budget on a room-by-room basis as well.

Certainly, if you are willing to compromise, you may find more affordable options. Just know what you are buying; many pieces

How much does it cost to plan and furnish a home?

look fantastic on the furniture showroom floor or in your favorite retail catalogue, but can be disappointing when you don’t know the quality of workmanship. In most cases, you do get what you pay for. It is important that your furnishings are reflective of the value and style of your home; it is better to buy less home and be able to properly furnish it than to purchase a larger, more expensive

home that prevents you from buying the quality products that it would require. I will often encourage our clients to wait, if needed, to buy the products they will be happy with in the long run and will serve them well. It never pays to make a purchase because something was a ‘deal’ unless you also love it and it truly suits you and your home’s style.


Furnishings Nice Great WOW QTY TTL'

Drapery'Panels'(std.'length)'(ea.) $5006$700 $8006$900 $1000+

Valances/Top'Treatments'(ea.) $4006$600 $7006$900 $1000+

Blinds/Shades'(ea.) $1756$300 $3006$450 $500+


Sofa'or'Love'Seat $19006$2800 $29006$4900 $5000+

Chair $12006$1900 $20006$2900 $3000+

Accent'Chair $9006$1200 $13006$2200 $2400+

Ottoman $9006$1200 $13006$2200 $2300+

Chaise $17006$2400 $25006$3700 $38006$5000

Bench $9006$1200 $13006$2200 $23006$3500

Sectional $40006$5000 $50006$7000 $70006$10,000


Cocktail,'End,'Console'Table,'Chest $9006$1900 $20006$3000 $30006$4000

Entry'Unit $25006$2500 $36006$5000 $50006$7000

Desk $6006$900 $12006$1900 $20006$5000+

Filing'Cabinet $4006$600 $7006$900 $1000+

Bookcase'(ea.'piece) $12006$1500 $15006$2500 $25006$4000

Lamps $1606$275 $3006$500 $5006$900

Pendant'Lamps'(ea.) $906$150 $1756$295 $3006$500+

Chandeliers $8006$1200 $13006$1900 $20006$5000+

Accessories *add'10615%'to'overall'furnishings'budget

Barstools $5006$600 $7006$900 $1000+

Breakfast'Table/Chairs $25006$3500 $36006$4600 $5000+

Dining'Table/Chairs $40006$6000 $70006$10,000 $11,0006$20,000+

Hostess'Chairs $9006$1200 $13006$2300 $2500+

Turn'Key'Powder'Room $25006$3000 $31006$4400 $45006$5000



Turn'Key'Home'Office $60006$8000 $90006$12000 $130006$28000(includes'desk,'chair,'credenza,'seating,'file'cabinet,'


Bed'(Queen/King) $15006$2400 $25006$3900 $40006$8000

''''6'Upholstered'Headboard'and'Frame $8006$1200 $13006$1900 $2000+


''''6'Ready6Made $4006$800

''''6'Semi6Custom $18006$2800 $29006$3900 $4000+

''''6'Custom $34006$4400 $45006$5500 $56006$9000

Nightstand/Chest $7006$900 $10006$1800 $19006$3000+

Dresser $7006$1700 $18006$2800 $29006$5000+

Flooring Nice Great WOW QTY TTL'


''''6'5'X'8 $8006$1200 $13006$1500 $1600+

''''6'8'X'10 $15006$2900 $30006$4900 $5000+

''''6'10'X'14 $28006$3800 $40006$6000 $7000+

Carpeting'(sf)'(includes'est.'labor) $206$38 $406$49 $50+

Hardwoods'(sf)'(includes'est.'labor,'pre'finish)$66$8 $96$12 $13+

Floor'Tile'(sf)'(includes'est.'labor) $56$7 $76$9 $10+

Painting Starting'Point

26Story'Foyer'(small) $3006$400

Stairwell/Upstairs'Hall $4006$600

Master'Bath $3506$400

Master'Bedroom $3006$500

Small'Rooms $2506$350

26Story/Vaulted'Family'Room $5006$600

Trim,'(per'door'and'window) $25

''''Bare/Crown'(LF) $16$2

Ceiling'Small $1206$150

Ceiling'Large $2006$300

Misc Nice Great WOW QTY TTL'

Wallcovers'(SR) $356$45 $456$60 $70+

Sink'Chest'(PR) $12006$1800 $19006$2900 $3000+


Counter'Tops'(granite/quartz)'(sf) $35640 $456$55 $60+

Tile/Backsplash $126$20 $206$30 $35+

8I have touched upon this subject in prior chapters and will review more specifically here. It all starts at the beginning with clear communication between you and your designer regarding your needs, preferences and lifestyle. The estimated furnishings budget and design fee should be established in advance. All of this should be outlined in a written Letter of Agreement to avoid any misunderstanding or confusion along the way. Of course, overall costs can vary based on final selections that are made. For instance, I always let my clients know that if I find something I think is a perfect fit for their project, but exceeds the budget we established for that room, I will share it with them and at the same time let them know the cost is higher than we had originally discussed. I will also provide other options that do work within the established budget. That way, the client makes the final decisions on what works best for them.

Remodeling projects can sometimes exceed an estimated budget when unexpected things are uncovered along the way that no one could have anticipated. For example, the discovery of wood rot in the sub-flooring of your kitchen or bathroom when the existing flooring is pulled up would add to the overall cost of your project. Also, if you decide to select an upgraded surface or material that was not included in the original estimate, your project could go over budget. Again, this is something your designer should be able to keep you apprised of along the way to eliminate surprise costs at the end of a project.

I encourage clients not to get too caught up in the price of each individual part of a project as long as the overall cost is on track. After all, it doesn’t matter how much the steering wheel or tires cost for your new Maserati; your concern is the overall cost of the vehicle. I like to approach interior design projects the same way.

How can I make sure my interior design project stays on budget?

9The answer to this question is also something that varies from project to project since there are so many variables and so many ‘moving parts’. A kitchen remodeling project can take anywhere from six to twelve weeks from demolition to completion if everything stays on track and the subcontractors are lined up in advance.

While the overall design process will vary from designer to designer, I am happy to share the methods we employ with our clients. Remember that it is always best to have this discussion up front with your interior designer.

For home furnishing projects, the time frame from concept to completion can range from several weeks to severaI months, depending on the scope of work to be done. I generally plan on 12 to 16 weeks for each area from the time our services are engaged to the final installation date. Whole house projects will take several months to complete; this allows time for the initial in-home meeting with the client followed by 2 to 3 weeks to put plans together for the first areas we are designing. After the planning stage, there is a client presentation meeting to review recommendations and perhaps an additional meeting to review final revisions before ordering products. The ordering phase takes anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks for most products; some special order pieces can sometimes extend beyond this time frame. Whole house plans can run in consecutive phases or be spaced out over a longer period of time, depending on the pace with which the homeowner is comfortable.

I suggest addressing an area or two at a time to avoid overwhelming a client. Once any revisions are made to the original plans and final selections have been approved, purchase orders can be placed before moving on to the next area. I like to wait until all the pieces for the areas we are addressing have been received before we plan a final delivery and installation date. It is much more fun and gratifying for you to experience the unveiling of an entire area at a time rather than have pieces dribble in one by one. Of course, whole house projects may have several different delivery and installation dates; the key in that situation is to address and complete whole areas at a time.

Your designer should be on site for the final installation to oversee their delivery team and ensure that all pieces are in place and in excellent condition. Much goes on behind the scenes in order to ensure you receive the desired results; attention to detail is very important! My installation ‘rule’ is that the client is not allowed to be home or in the areas in which we are working until everything is ready and in place. It is most gratifying for you to be invited into your newly completed rooms (or home) to see the finished results without having to be involved with all of the details along the way.

How long does the interior design process take?

10This concern, unfortunately, is what prevents so many people from enlisting the services of a design professional. It includes the fear of losing control over their project as well as the fear that they will end up with a finished look that does not reflect their own taste. This should not be the case when you are working with an experienced, reputable designer.

There are some ways to avoid this scenario. First, during your initial meeting or phone call with a prospective designer, pay attention to the person who is doing most of the talking. At the discovery phase, your designer should be asking a lot of questions and taking a lot of notes; if they are doing more talking than listening, this can be a sign that they might

not be the right fit for you.

Second, during your first presentation meeting when your designer is sharing preliminary plans and recommendations based on your prior conversations, notice whether he or she is on track or way off base. If you said you love blue and would prefer to avoid shades of brown but their whole proposal is based on a brown color scheme, this is a good indication that they are not listening to you. A skilled designer should be asking a lot of questions about your preferences, tastes and lifestyle early and often through the course of a project. This should certainly be reflected in the recommendations they are making for you.

The best thing you can do is to provide clear communication up-front about your likes, dislikes and any other important considerations. After doing that, let go and allow your designer to do what they do best. Be open to their creative input, even if it isn’t something you would normally have considered on your own; that is one of the reasons you have hired an interior designer. Be careful of trying to micro-manage your designer or turning them into a personal shopper. If you are too specific about exactly what you want, you may miss the opportunity to experience an outcome that is better than you could have imagined. Your designer is exposed to new products and styles on a daily basis and is a great resource for making recommendations that work for you based on your conversations and information gathered about your preferences.

How can I make sure my designer is listening to me and not impart-ing their own personal style?

In Closing

There you have it … ten guidelines for helping you work successfully with an interior designer!

I decided to create this guide based upon the most commonly asked questions that I hear from people who are considering embarking upon an interior design project. While not all of this information applies the same way for every project or every client, I hope you will use it as a resource to ensure that you have a successful and enjoyable journey planning and furnishing your home. The key, as stated several times above, is having good communication and trust established with your interior designer at the very beginning of the project.

Love Where You Live!

Allison Havill Todd

Telephone: (770) 887-7612E-mail:

6495 Shiloh Rd, Suite 210Alpharetta, GA 30005






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