the sunday good news -...

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The Sunday Good News Fourth Sunday of Advent The Church of Saint John Bosco December 18, 2016


Salvation Army Luncheon, hosted by SJB Social Concerns ...

....................... Wednesday, December 21, 10:30 to Noon

Project Andrew Dinner with Bishop Bambera .........................

................................................................ Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Epiphany Parish Prayer Exchange ............................................. January 7/8

Spiritual Reading, The Gift of Years, #4 .....................................................

.................................................................... January 10, 1:00 PM, Room 3

Resilient Heart ................. Tuesday, January 10, 6:30 PM, All-Purpose Room

Parish Pastoral Council ....................... Thursday, January 12, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

............................................ Multi-Purpose Room, (Snow Date, January 19)

STJB Book Club ............................................ Sunday, January 15, 12:30 PM

Parish Finance Advisory Bd .......... Tues., Jan. 17, 6 -7 PM, Multi-Purpose Rm

Liturgy Committee ............... Wed., Jan. 18, 6:30-8:30 PM, Multi-Purpose Rm

Spiritual Reading, The Five Givens, #3 ...... January 19, 1:00 PM and 6:30 PM

ARISE Season 4 Sign-Up Weekend ....................................... January 21/22

Grey Dog Raffle Drawing ................................................. February 5, 2017

HIS WORD TODAY BY Rev. William J. Reilly

“Greetings from Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart to proclaim the gospel of God which he promised long ago… the gospel concerning his Son who was descended from David… Through him we have been favored with apostleship, that we may spread his name and bring to obedient faith all the Gentiles among whom are you who have been called to belong to Jesus Christ.”

Not a Christmas card, but the beginning of a special inspired letter which Paul sent to the Roman community. He knew who he was, no identity problem. He knew his role as both servant and apostle. His greeting is directed to us, and like the many cards we receive and send, we realize we are servants and apostles too.

We are to spread His name because we have been invited to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We have the same mission to bring others to the Lord. It might be someone in my family who has wavered in the practice of the faith. It might be someone weighed down with a hurt or problem, asking us to help lift them in this time of need. It might be that person next to us, curious because I belong to Christ, and they only need our simple invitation. Our response can be a Christmas card and gift for them. ‘Come Lord Jesus.’

Therefore, the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)

Reflection Sometimes the signs God gives are unmistakable. Sometimes the signs are not so obvious. What signs do we see when we look around us? Sometimes it is hard to see God’s signs because the signs of our world are so ever present and large. How many times this month have you seen this sign: “ONLY 20 (or 18, or 10, or 6, or . . .) MORE SHOPPING DAYS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS.” Do we ever stop to think, “How many praying days left until Christmas?”

Prayer for the Advent Wreath Lord, our God,

we praise You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, for He is Emmanuel,

the Hope of all people. He is the Wisdom

that teaches and guides us. He is the Savior of us all.

O Lord, Let your blessing come upon us

as we light all candles of this wreath. May the wreath and its light

be a sign of Christ’s promise of salvation. May He come quickly and not delay.

We ask this in His holy name. Amen.

Advent Action Look around you for a sign of God’s presence. When you find it, share it with someone.

Prayer O come, O Key of David,

come and open wide our heavenly home; make safe the way that leads on high,

and close the path to misery.

CHRISTMAS EVE: Saturday, December 24 4:00 PM - Celebrant: Fr. Ric Polmounter

6:00 PM - Celebrant: Fr. Richard Hockman, C.S.C. 10:00 PM - Celebrant: Fr. Steven Brosk;

Concelebrant: Fr. Ric Polmounter

CHRISTMAS DAY: Sunday, December 25 9:00 AM - Celebrant: Fr. Ric Polmounter

11:30 AM - Fr. Walter Jenkins, C.S.C.

PAGE 2 The Sunday Good News

Faith Formation Corner

We wish to extend a warm and heartfelt farewell to Mrs. Kate Dagostin, who has served as our Faith Formation Office Coordinator for the past several years. We wish you the very best in all that you do, and thank you for keeping things flowing so smoothly on our Sunday mornings. You will be missed!

Signed progress reports are due this weekend. Please have your child turn them in to their teacher or the Faith Formation Office.

There will be no Faith Formation or CLOW on December 25th or January 1st. Faith Formation and CLOW will resume on January 8th. We extend a Merry Christmas to all of our students, families, and volunteers!

With the winter weather approaching, please remember to check our Parish website,, Facebook page, and Twitter, @StJohnBosco1963, for any updates and announcements.

Adult Faith Development ~ Growing in Understanding and Wisdom

In Step with the Mystical Body - “Blessed Are You Who Bear the Light”

On Epiphany weekend, January 7/8, we will again be invited to join in a

Parish Prayer Exchange. In 2016, five hundred parishioners prayed for

another’s intention as a way to build and strengthen our community bonding.

This year Pope Francis again calls us as Church to a Year of “Creative Mercy

and Hope”. “Let our hearts be touched by the suffering of others and our

response give them hope.” Think of Hope-filled Mercy as God’s kindness,

tenderness living through us. As we stand on the threshold of 2017 our first

act of kindness might be to fellow parishioners, with a promise of daily prayer for their cares and

worries and vice versa. Your prayer slip will be collected as a second collection and you will receive

another’s prayer slip as you leave mass. “Simple acts of kindness can be a powerful global force for

potential change.”


1,289 families receive envelopes

409 white offertory envelopes were used on the weekend of Dec. 10/11

Total Mass Attendance: 993 Total Sunday Offering: $7,263.00

Thank you for your generosity!



Religious across the United States offer sincere thanks for your generosity to last week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious.

CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS Let the theme of this Christmas be “giving and receiving”. Receiving first, the amazing grace of God in the gift of Jesus Christ. Then to give: a gift for someone in need; a Thank You Offering of your treasure for the work of the Lord at our parish. What do we have that we did not first receive? As you make your Christmas list and check it twice, please consider what your gift to Saint John Bosco Parish might be this year. Pray in heartfelt gratitude for all that God has given to us.

The collection on Christmas is very important for the overall church budget for the year. It helps us to pay major bills such as our Diocesan assessments, insurance premiums, utilities, monthly school bill as well as allow us to keep current on our ordinary expenses for our parish programs. Please prayerfully consider making a generous contribution to St. John Bosco Parish on December 24-25. An envelope is included with your set.

The second collection on December 24-25 will be used to defray the cost of our parish outreach to the needy during the holiday season and to replenish our St. Vincent DePaul fund. It will also be used to help defray the cost of a parish bus trip to Washington, DC, on Friday, January 27, for the Annual National March for Life. Thank you for your generous support.

GRATEFUL THANKS! On behalf of the recipients of St. John Bosco Christmas Giving Tree, we thank all who gave to this appeal for new toys and clothing. You have brightened Christmas morning for many children and families. Through your generosity, a child can experience the Joy of Christmas and hopefully connect in same way with the birth of Jesus. We are grateful to the coordinators of this outreach program, Donna Pesansky and her daughter, Jocelyn Buffone, who work in conjunction with Catholic Social Services of Hazleton.


Saturday, 4:00 PM December 17 Fourth Sunday of Advent Wilbur Shuman By Trish Kormonick

Sunday, 7:30 AM December 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent Living & Deceased Members Of St. John Bosco Church

Sunday, 9:00 AM December 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent Robert Martonik By Wife, Mary Susan & Family

Sunday, 11:30 AM December 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent Vera & Joseph Gallagher By Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gallagher

Monday, 8:00 AM December 19 Thomas Daniels By Jim & Elaine Hubbard

Tuesday, 8:00 AM December 20 Marian Battersby By Ron, Marla, Olivia and Veronica Sardo

Wednesday, 8:00 AM December 21 Catherine & Nicolas Raico By Pat & Patty Raico

Thursday, 8:00 AM December 22 Joseph & Anna Hanna By Cecilia, James & Joann Zielinski

Friday, 8:00 AM December 23 Luigi & Erminia Lamberti By Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Ruggiero

Saturday, 4:00 PM December 24 Christmas Eve Kevin VanBlargan By Family

Saturday, 6:00 PM December 24 Christmas Eve Lena Zanolini By Donna & Jim Cassarella

Saturday, 10:00 PM December 24 Christmas Eve Marian Papinsick By Mr. & Mrs. James Pintar

Sunday, 9:00 AM December 25 Christmas Day John & Christopher Smulligan By Nancy Kowalski Family

Sunday, 11:30 AM December 25 Christmas Day Mary Jane Hockman By Parishioners of St. John Bosco

The Sunday Good News




THURSDAY, December 22, Noon to 1 PM; 6-7 PM

ADVENT COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICES Tuesday, December 20, 7-8 PM: Transfiguration Church, West Hazleton

No Confessions scheduled on Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve.

LIFE LINE SCREENING: At St. John Bosco Church, January 12, 2017. For more information, call 1-888-653-6441, or visit the Life Line Screening website:

The Tabernacle Candle burns this week for George A. and Helen C. Kattner, Sr., given by June Leitner.

Altar Candles burn this week for Anna Mae Waskovich Miller given by her Family.

2016 DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL UPDATE Update as of December 12, 2016

2016 Goal ................................... $59,000.00 Pledged ........................................ $59,872.00 Over Goal ........................................... $872.00

Participants to Date: 385 individuals/families out of 1,317, 29% Received to Date.............................................................................. $52,000.50 Outstanding Payments due ........................................................... $7,871.50

As pastor, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all who donated to the 2016 Diocesan Annual Appeal. The parishioners of Saint John Bosco Parish should be commended for their generosity. Currently we have reached 100% of our assigned goal of $59,000 in pledges. However, donations/pledges can still be made to this year’s appeal. Please know that our parish has been blessed each year when we exceed our goal as we receive 75% of the overage funds back to the parish to support our parish programs. This year, although we reached our goal, we are about $9,000 short of what was contributed last year. PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER GIVING AN END OF THE YEAR GIFT TO THE APPEAL. You may mail your donation to the parish office in a plain envelope marked Diocesan Annual Appeal or use the pledge card that was sent to you. Whatever you can give would be deeply appreciated.

OPLATKI (Christmas wafers) are available at the Church entrance and at the Parish Office while supply lasts, $3.

RETROUVAILLE Marriage Help: If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, then the Retrouvaille Program can help you. Retrouvaille is helping couples put the pieces back together and rediscover a more loving relationship. The next local program will be February 24-26 at The Ramada Inn, Clarks Summit, PA. Registration is required. For more information or to register call 1-800-470-2230 or visit

BRINGING HEALING IN MARRIAGES When marriages fail, Catholics may be unclear about their relationship to the Church. “I am civilly divorced not sure whether I can continue to receive the Eucharist or be a part of the parish community.” “I am not sure about the status of my marriage. It would be helpful to talk to someone who could explain it to me.” “My spouse and I would like to explore having our marriage blessed in the Church.” “I don’t know what an annulment really is and why I would want one. Also, I heard they are expensive.” Do any of these voices sound like you or someone you know? In the Diocese of Scranton, the annulment process is now more “user friendly” than you might expect, and there is no longer a processing fee. Please contact your pastor or the Diocesan Tribunal Office, (570) 207-2246, to begin a conversation. It is possible to get clear answers to these questions and to renew your connection with the Church.

PAGE 4 The Sunday Good News


December 17-18, 2016

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

CHRISTMAS is just one week away! As is the case for most

parishes, we will see the largest crowd of the year for Mass.

In a recent survey from the evangelical research agency

LifeWay Research, more than three in four churchgoers

(77%), Catholic and Protestant alike, said they were drawn

to attend church at Christmas to honor Jesus and His birth.

Other motives such as tradition, being with family and

friends, or getting into the Christmas spirit were at a

distance as motivation for going to church. Even among the

“nones” (people with no religious identity), nearly 30% had

plans to go to church and they also named Jesus as their

primary motivation. However, family and friends do make a

difference in Christmas church attendance. The survey

found that among those with no plan to attend a church

(38%) at Christmas, the vast majority say they would likely

go if personally invited. They would go to be with people

they care about, even if it weren’t something they would

typically choose.

So my challenge for this week:

1. Personally invite someone to attend Christmas Mass

with you who might not otherwise attend. You might be

the reason they begin to attend Mass again during this

New Year.

2. Be welcoming and friendly when you come to Mass

on Christmas. Even if someone is sitting in “your” pew,

greet them warmly and let them know you are happy

they have come to our church to honor Jesus. Kindness

in the name of Jesus wins people over - rudeness gives

people a reason not to come back.

God Bless You,

Father Ric


From the Pastor’s Laptop . . .

FEASTS OF GAZING IN WONDER AND AWE Christmas, Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus.

Each celebrating a disclosure of Divinity! The whole season invites us into a celebration of mysteries.

Emmanuel, our God is with us. Hope dwells among us.

Christmas ~ The Divine Border Crossing God chooses not only to restore the world to right relationship (salvation), but to do so by

becoming one of us, by becoming human. The incarnation, in which God in Jesus, through Mary,

actually becomes human for our sake - in which God steps over the line, not only between heaven and earth,

but between divinity and humanity - is a border crossing beyond anything we can imagine.

There are (and will be until we die) plenty of borders that by grace, we can cross as we seek to follow Jesus Christ,

becoming instruments of his peace. Thanks to the Incarnation,

we come to see our own body and humanity, and that of our sisters and brothers, as something

embraced by God’s self.

Jesus is the key to understanding human life. Jesus is God’s legacy to us.

A WARM WELCOME St. John Bosco Parish extends a warm welcome to our new parishioners: PATRICK, LINDSAY, CONNER and KELSEY AGE and FRANK and PATRICIA BAJOR.

Saint John Bosco Parish Family Fully Alive

#Making Mercy Real by Offering to Light our Church Advent Wreath

Advent is a season of joyful expectation; a time of waiting and longing for the coming of our Savior. Weekly lighting an Advent candle on a wreath of four is a wonder-filled church and home ritual of keeping God’s time and joyful anticipation. December 17/18 is our final week of Advent. Our participants are:

4:00 PM - DeAngelo Family: Marc, Irene, Nekeya, Christian 7:30 AM - Frank Gavio 9:00 AM - Frask Family: Cory, Hope, Carter, Noah, Adam 11:30 AM - Norbert Kotzer and Judy Scarcella

REMEMBRANCE OF THE DEAD Your prayers are requested for ASHLEYANN TEMBORSKI, who died this past week. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

2017 GREY DOG RAFFLE – SUPERBOWL SUNDAY 2/5/17 Totaling $25,000 in prizes

Grand Prize: $20,000 CASH or choice of either 2017 Cadillac XT5, 2 year lease or 20,000 miles or

2017 Mazda 3 Sedan purchase under $20,000 2nd Prize: Vacation, either Vegas for 2 or Disney for 2 Adults and

2 Children, Air & Hotel or $2,000 CASH. Also 15 $200 CASH prizes Tickets available after all Masses or at the Parish Office.

Pope Francis issues a new call to Worldwide Catholics for 2017 “Opening every possible pathway to creativity of Mercy and Hope”

After a prayer thanking God for the gift of the Jubilee Year and officially locking the Jubilee Door, Francis headed out to St. Peter’s Square to begin Mass. At the end of the Mass, Francis signed a new apostolic letter titled Misericordia et Miseria. It means to let one’s heart (cor) be touched by the suffering (miseria) of another. Pope Francis called on Catholics around the world to “unleash the creativity of mercy.” “Let us ask for the grace of never closing the doors of reconciliation and pardon, but rather of knowing how to go beyond evil and differences, opening every possible pathway of hope.”

HOLIDAY MASS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES Saturday, December 24 4:00, 6:00 & 10:00 PM

CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES Sunday, December 25 9:00 & 11:30 AM

NEW YEAR’S EVE MASS Saturday, December 31, 4:00 PM

NEW YEAR’S DAY MASSES Sunday, January 1 7:30, 9:00 & 11:30 AM

A SINCERE REQUEST: Please consider attending one of the other Masses on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day other than the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass. Even though we use the Gym, we cannot accommodate the large amount of people who choose to attend that Mass. NO SEATS MAY BE SAVED! This year we have FIVE MASSES scheduled. Please consider one of those Masses that are less crowded.

PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE: PARKING WILL BE AT A MINIMUM. Do NOT park in handicapped areas (unless you are handicapped), do not park in designated emergency areas, and please do not park in neighbors’ driveways or on their property.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life, wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2017 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 11. COUPLES WHO HAVE MISSED THESE MILESTONE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS MAY ALSO PARTICIPATE. The event includes a 2:30 PM Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your pastor before March 13. Call our Parish Office at (570) 788-1997, ext. 3, to give the information as soon as possible so invitations may be sent out and plans made.

A NOTE OF GRATITUDE THANK YOU to the Wolk Family for donating our Family Christmas Tree in the church, and THANK YOU to our Faith Formation Families for creating ornaments for the tree!

RAFFLE WINNERS The list of winners for the Knights of Columbus Chance of a Lifetime statewide raffle are posted on the bulletin board by the coat rack.

Sunday Is 7:10-14; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24

Monday Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25

Tuesday Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38

Wednesday Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Lk 1:39-45

Thursday 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56

Friday Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66

Saturday Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79



Bulletin Advertiser THOMAS KITCHENS, INC.

Please support all our advertisers. Tell them you saw their ad here!

Join us in SJB’s Multi-purpose Room from 6:30 to 8:00 PM to explore the topics:

Tuesday, January 10 Resilience: Trusting your “ability to bounce back” SNOW DATE: 1/17 Taking the Time you Need to Grieve

Tuesday, February 14 Transition Limbo ~ Understanding the Space Between Endings and Beginnings

Tuesday, March 7 How Faith Helps When Bad Things Happen Where is God in my suffering?

These themes offer a larger meaning to our often unspoken life questions. Why is this happening to me? Why now? Please reserve your space by calling Sister Marilyn at (570) 788-1997 ext. 5.


Date: Sunday, December 18 Place & Time of Session: Office Conference Room, 10-11 AM Presenter: Sandy Topic: Fourth and FIfth Commandments

Sunday, December 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, January 1, 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

RCIA Sessions will resume January 8

Members of the RCIA Team: Fr. Ric Polmounter

Deacon Maurice Cerasaro Jason Seiwell

Thomas Pandolfi Sandy Honis

Frank Polidora Scott Green

Resilient Heart ~ Spiritual & Emotional Self-help and Support in Coping with: Mid-life/Long-life Transitions, Loss, and Grief

“In the midst of winter I finally learned that within me was an invincible summer.”

WE EXTEND PRAYERFUL CONGRATULATIONS to our 2nd Level students, who received their First Penance during a beautiful service on Tuesday, December 13:

Conner Age Caleb Aponick Andrew Ashton Michael Balay Philip Benyo Sylvia Byrne Adrienne Culp Olivia DeFuso Santino Delorenzo Adriana Demko David Drauschak Morgan Drauschak Samuel Farrone Lauren Harmonosky Logan Hearity Taylor Heck Jacob Hoover Jaxon Johnson Zachary Jordan Addison Kalinowski Julia Kintzel Evan Knelly Jonas Kozlek John Lincalis Chase Lower Andrew Lucarino Olivia Martini Macie Maylath Leah Meyers Niko Mihalopoulos Gianna Ostroski Giada Pavlick Tyler Rebarchak Sofia Rodgers Landon Rossi Ryan Ruggiero Landen Schattie Walker Sheer Milan Tomaino Gianni Turse Aiden Ustonofski Brayden Wolfe Daniel Zola Gavin Zola

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our 2nd Level Catechists, Mrs. DeDe Maylath and Ms. Marian Pekala, and our Aides, Mrs. Ann Marie Zapotocky, Macy Zenier, and Kayla Lincalis, for your dedication and commitment to growing our children in their faith. Thank you to Father Ric, Father Steven Brosk, Father Richard Hockman, and Deacon Maurice, and to our visiting Confessors, Monsignor Arthur Kaschenbach, Father Connell McHugh, Father Mariusz Beczek, Father Peter O’Rourke, and Father Daniel L. Schwebs.

Finally, thank you to the parents and families of our boys and girls. We are grateful that you continue to teach and guide your children by bringing them to Mass and class, and by the example of faith that you share with your child.

Please continue to keep our students, their teachers and families in your prayers as they continue their preparation to receive First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 6, 2017.

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