the suffolk journal 2/26/2013

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  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    VOLUME 73, NUMBER 14 February 6, 2013


    OpinionNews International Arts Sports"Seriously Bent brings

    laughs to 150 Basement"pg. 3

    "United Kingdom andthe EU: Secession or

    Endure"pg. 6

    "Kubrick Clas-sics debut at theMuseum of Fine

    Arts"pg. 10

    "Rams continue hot

    streak, edge Albertus

    Magnus 92-91 in

    excellent showing"

    pg. 15

    "Bipartisanefforts pave the

    way to legalimmigration"

    pg. 12



    Suffolk Universitys BlackStudent Union is holding eight

    events in honor of Black HistoryMonth, which began Feb. 5with the opening ceremony.The event featured Dr. JoyceMcNickels, a professor at AnnaMaria College, who focusedthe lecture on Bayard Rustin ,a fighter for African-Americanrights from the 1940s all theway into the 1970s.

    McNickels explainedthroughout the lecture someof Rustins efforts in his life tohelp push for civil rights lawsand put the issue in the publiceye as well as why she believes

    he has been ignored in theblack history books.Being a homosexual black

    man, McNickels believeshis sexual orientation is theonly reason hes stood onthe margins of black history.He wasnt the right flavor ofblack.

    Like Martin Luther King Jr.,Rustin believed in Ghandisphilosophy of nonviolenceand was a practicing follower

    Alex HallManaging Editor

    Black History Month CelebrationKicks Off at Suffolk

    Special Elections Still Under DeliberationAlly ThibaultAsst. Managing EditorFor the third time in only

    four years, Massachusettsvoters will go to the ballotbox this summer to choose a

    new U.S. Senator. The specialsenate election on June 25,after primary elections on April30, will decide who will fill theseat left vacant by last weeksconfirmation of Secretary ofState John Kerry.

    Former U.S. Senator ScottBrown, the republican whowas elected in the 2010 specialelection to fill Senator TedKennedys seat and recentlylost his 2012 reelection bidto Senator Elizabeth Warren,has declared he will not be acandidate in this race.

    I was not at all certainthat a third Senate campaignin less than four years, andthe prospect of returning to aCongress even more partisanthan the one I left, was really

    the best way for me to continuein public service at this time,Brown said in a statement onhis website.

    A host of other candidateswith big name recognition havealso declared their desires notto run, including MassachusettsAttorney General MarthaCoakley, former republicangubernatorial candidateCharlie Baker, Mitt Romneyseldest son Taggart Romney,and former democratic U.S.

    Representative Barney Frank.Only two democrats

    have officially declaredtheir candidacies: U.S.Representative Stephen Lynchand U.S. Representative EdMarkey. Lynch has beenendorsed by a few laborunions, while Markey has beenendorsed by many politiciansincluding Sec. Kerry, formerRep. Frank, Mass. AGCoakley, and two dozen StateCongressmen.

    Marisa DeFranco, an

    immigration lawyer who ranin the democratic primaryagainst Sen. Warren in 2010,announced on her officialFacebook page today that sheis looking for volunteers togather signatures as she isconsidering a run.

    On the republican sideof the ticket, only formerNantucket selectman DougBennett has officially declareda bid for the seat. Accordingto Cape Cod Today, Bennett,

    a vocal Ron Paul supporter,has lost twice in elections forBoston City Council but willrun on his libertarian policiesas a republican this cycle.

    Republican StateRepresentative Dan Winslowannounced today to the BostonHerald that he is forming anexploratory committee to testthe waters for U.S. Senate. Inan interview with the Herald,Winslow said, I have beendisgusted by the partisangridlock in Washington, D.C.,

    and we have a record ofproven bipartisan work herein Massachusetts. The StateRep. added that he is confidentthat he can get the 10,000signatures required by April3 to get on the ballot but isweighing if he can mount acredible winning campaign.

    Independent Jack E.Robinson, who announced hiscandidacy yesterday, has run

    of the Quaker religion. Hestood up for his seat on thebus before Rosa Parks startedthe Montgomery Bus Boycott.

    When asked why he wouldntjust leave his seat and obeythe segregation law, Rustinpointed to a young white boy

    next to him and said If I movenow, this child will not knowthis is injustice.

    When Rustin was drafted

    for war, he refused to fightoverseas and went to prisoninstead, where he tried to de-segregate the prison he was in.Rustin was such a handful, the

    warden of the prison repeatedlytried to transfer him, claiminghe was a schemer but wasultimately unable to do so.

    You think we wouldveheard about this but againthese stories go untold,McNickels said.

    In addition to these actsof protest, Rustin challengedthe Jim Crow laws with fellowblack and white activists bytaking part in Freedom Ridesin 1947, 14 years before themore celebrated FreedomRides would take place. Rustin

    was again arrested for hisprotest along with his fellowactivists, where the blackprotestors would be sentencedto 30 days in jail. The whiteprotestors received 90 days injail for their actions.

    When asking the crowd whythey thought this distinctionon jail sentences was made,McNickels joked, Today

    Photo courtesy of Alex Hall

    See HISTORY page 3

    See ELECTION page 3

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 2 The Suffolk Journal

    P O L I C E B L O T T E R

    Thursday, January 3110:18 p.m.

    150 TremontLiquor law violation- possession of alco-hol by a minor. Report fled.

    Friday, February, 11:15 a.m.Somerset StreetDrunkenness. Report fled.

    Saturday, February, 210:10 a.m.

    Of CampusOther agency assist- larceny. Caseclosed.

    Saturday, February, 210:32 p.m.150 TremontVandalism. Case closed.

    Sunday, February, 312:49 a.m.

    10 WestDrunkenness. Judicial internal.

    Sunday, February, 32:45 p.m.FentonLarceny. Investigation.

    Monday, February, 47:36 p.m.10 WestLiquor law violation. Judicial internal.

    The Puppy Bowl, anAnimal

    Planet tradition since 2005,was brought back for its ninthiteration this past Sunday,airing just before the 2013Super Bowl.

    The two-hour long programincluded 63 puppies, playingand interacting in a mockfootball stadium while a humanreferee kept watch and wouldoccasionally call penaltieson the puppies, such asunnecessary ruffness, andexcessive cuteness. Theformat of the show is veryopen, and allows for tune-in-tune-out viewing, which may

    contribute to the shows risingpopularity.

    While the formula ismostly the same, there are afew minor changes. Broughtback for this airing were fan-favorites such as the kitty half-time show, the fake blimp thatis operated by hamsters, andMeep the cockatiel, who livetweets during the show. Buta few additions include theCute Cam, which was a highspeed camera that could showthe viewer certain moments inslow motion, and commentary

    from some of Animal Planetsshow hosts. One substitutionthat was made was changing

    the piglet cheerleaders intohedgehog cheerleaders.

    The show has gainedmassive adoration since itsinitial viewing, with peopletuning-in numbering in themillions. All of the puppies

    are adoptable, and help raiseawareness to adopting pets.

    Every year a puppy is

    Joey JohnsonJournal Staff

    Puppy Bowl EntertainsAmerica Pre-Super Bowl

    named MVP, or Most ValuablePuppy. This years MVP was aschnauzer-beagle mix namedMarta. The pup had her sizetested by other much largerdogs, but stood her groundno matter what. She was

    fierce, relentless, and mostimportantly, adorable.

    Photo courtesy of ThisIsNotApril Flickr


    Craniumby Jon Langberg

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 3 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    For a handful of studentsat Suffolk University, makingpeople laugh just comesnaturally. Every Thursdaynight, for an hour beginningat 10 p.m., a few dozen

    Miles HalpineJournal Staff

    Seriously Bent Brings Laughs to 150 Basement

    students fill the 150 Tremontbasement for the weekly showby Seriously Bent, Suffolksown improv comedy group.Improvisational theatre orimprovisational comedy,

    commonly and more oftenreferred to as improv, is a typeof entertainment for everyonethat has grown in popularityover the last decade. Tothe great fortune and luckof Suffolk and its students,Boston is one of the biggestcities for improv.

    Like any other Thursdaynight, the basement wascrowded with an anxiousaudience, almost filling everyseat available, awaiting anotherdose of comedic hilarity. Thenight began a little differentlythan usual. As members ofSeriously Bent arrived on

    stage, the music that had beenplaying to get the audienceenthusiastic quieted down andcheers from the crowd grewloud. Then, they made twobrief announcements. They

    welcomed members of SuffolksProgram Council, as well as astudent from Emerson Collegewho visited to promote theupcoming film Identity Thief starring Jason Bateman andMelissa McCarthy. A key aspectto continue having big crowdsat each show is inclusionof audience interaction andparticipation, with suggestions

    for ideas, in each of the skits.Bridget McGuinness, a

    freshman majoring in acting,said she goes every Thursdaybecause it makes the end of myweek better, and that [they]are so funny and make myday!

    Asked what she consideredher favorite Seriously Bentskits, McGuinness replied

    [their] twobest skits iswhen they domy sex is likeand the pianoone whenthey have tochange whattheyve said.However, shealso addedthat their new

    skit, whenthey bringpeople up onstage, has itslow points.

    For thosewho have notyet gone toa Seriously

    Bent show, McGuinnessunhesitatingly said she wouldtotally recommend it, as [its]a nice way to end your week.And they are all really nice andtalented people!

    They practice twice a weekon Tuesdays and Thursdaysfor around three hours, andthen they have a brief meetingafter each show where theircoach, Tony Passafiume, aSuffolk alumnus and veterancomic with Improv Asylumin the North End, goes overwhat he wrote during eachscene and gives feedback both positive and negative on how they performed thatevening. Seriously Bent hasbegun to pick up a bit of namerecognition and trophies overthe past few years. In regard

    to competitions, they havewon many contests and awardslocally and nationally. Amongthe competitions they wonare the New England RegionalChampionships and the BostonComedy Festivals CollegeImprov Championships.

    They also participate in

    Photos courtesy of Seriously Bent Facebook

    From HISTORY page 1

    that doesnt happen, todaywe always get more time.She then explained that thewhite protestors were madean example of, in an attemptto scare fellow whites from

    taking part in similar actions.During his time in jail for

    this protest, Rustin was amember of a chain gang. Hewould write several articlesfor the New York Post afterbeing released from his 30-day sentence on the inhumanetreatment of chain gangs,which lead to the state ofNorth Carolina eliminatingchain gangs in any prison.

    Again this story goes rarelyacknowledged...hes not in

    history books because he wasa gay man, McNickels said.

    Rustins 1962 debate withMalcom X over separation vs.integration for black rights,organizing of the 1963 marchon Washington and his later

    gay rights activism was alsohighlighted in the lecture.

    McNickels reiteratedher belief that his sexualorientation is what has madeRustin a more forgotten figurein black history, believingthat when fellow activists talkwith historians , they overlookRustin for the same reason.

    His story has not beentold because he didnt fitthe narrow definition ofblackness, McNickels stated.

    From ELECTION page 1

    unsuccessfully as arepublican for several officesin the past decade, includingU.S. Senator, Secretary ofCommonwealth, and U.SRepresentative.

    Robinson told the BostonGlobe he is running becauseextremism from both partiesis preventing the 21st centuryfrom being the new Americancentury. As an independent,I can bridge the gap inWashington and be a voice ofthe people and not of a party.

    Libertarian Daniel Fishman,who first ran for elected officein a failed bid for U.S. Houseseat in 2012, also announcedhis candidacy. On his campaign

    website, Fishman said, Ibelieve in a system where Ican be for me, and you can befor you, and that doesnt haveto mean were against eachother. And when the timecomes for us to work together,we can do so willingly.

    With no blockbuster nameson the ticket, the race seemsvery unpredictable at thispoint. Rep. Markey, currentlythe longest serving Mass.state congressman, has themost name-recognition andbig endorsements but stillremains relatively unknown tothe average voter.

    In a statement releasedby his campaign, Markey hascalled for a "Peoples Pledge" onbanning third-party campaign

    donations, such as those fromSuper PACs.

    This race should be aboutthe people of Massachusettshaving a voice in the Senate,not the special interests,Markeys statement said. Lynchtold the Boston Herald he

    will follow suit and denounceoutside spending in the race.Republican candidates areexpected to make similar

    many shows off-campus. LastSaturday, Feb. 2, Seriously Benttook part in an entirely Suffolkjoke-themed show at ImprovAsylum.

    The group definitely has astrong connection and they sayone of the best parts of doingimprov is that it can be a greatbreak from the daily stressesof day-to-day life in college.They also added that the worstpart about Seriously Bent isnot getting to do it every day.

    As always, their showswill continue every Thursdaynight in the basement of 150Tremont beginning at 10p.m. One of the best parts ofSeriously Bent is that someoneattending never knows what toexpect in the sense that it is a llmade up on the spot all the

    jokes and plots of the storiesthey act out and portray. Nomatter what type of day youhave with classes, it is basicallyguaranteed that you will leaveany Seriously Bent show witha big smile on your face andhoping that the week goes byquickly for the next show.

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 4 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    Bristol, Rhode Island

    90%in Connecticut

    86%in Massachusetts

    86%in Rhode Island

    100%perform at least 50 hoursof unpaid, hands-on

    legal work

    100%acquire practical know-howin upper-level skills classes

    40%extern with judges,

    corporations andgovernment agencies

    35%represent real clients

    through our legal clinics

    Outcomes:RWU LaWs JULy 2012

    fiRst-time baR pass

    Rates exceed state


    Experience:RWU LaW stUdentsLeaRn mUch moRe

    than theoRy:


    RogeR WiLLiams UniveRsity schooL of LaW

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 5 February 6, 2013The Suffolk JournalInternational

    February is NationalBlack History month and noclub at Suffolk University istaking more advantage ofthis than the African StudentAssociation. This year, theorganization received a newpresident, senior, internationalrelations major, MohamedDjingo, who has been tryingto re-think its overall outlookon campus at Suffolk.

    Im just trying to put us on

    track, just to make us known,says Djingo, 22, to be likethe other clubs at Suffolk.

    As the current Presidentof Suffolk Universitys AfricanStudent Association, Djingo hasbeen working with studentsto create an InternationalDay to take place in March orApril of this year. Students atSuffolk University Dakar tookpart in events like this annuallyand Djingo has been trying tobring these festivities here.

    We had a fashion show,

    different types of Africanfoods, and we were taughtAfrican dances, says Djingo.Im trying to set up anotherevent called African Cooking101 at Suffolk also.

    Last year, the clubwas known mostlyfor offering tribalAfrican drummingworkshops for non-African students. Afterbeing taught routinesand methods, studentsperformed what theylearned and the teachers

    and students fromSuffolks now defunctDakar campus, attendedthe performancesto cheer them on.

    Professor Bellinger,who had connectionsto Suffolks Dakarcampus, and has beento Africa many times,advises the club. Hehas helped a greatdeal with workshopsand other activitiesfor the organization,

    according to Djingo.The ASA is in need, mostly,

    of awareness from otherSuffolk students. All of itsmembers, including Djingo,

    care a great deal abouttheir heritage and have thedesire to educate others.

    My goal is to makeAfrica knownnot the Africa

    they show on TVthe realAfrica, says Djingo. A childdying of hunger is what themedia shows this countryand its not the reality.

    We have all seenthe commercials andads depicting a youngstarving child staringinto the camera in needof food and donations;but Djingo says thatAfrica has changed.

    We want to showthat that was the oldAfrica, a lot of new

    things have happened.Djingo and the otherclub members wantnothing more, rightnow, than to get non-African students excitedabout their events andto spread the word aboutthis not-so-well-knownclub here at Suffolk.

    Students shouldcome to our eventsand see what we have.

    **Trigger Warning**

    Truly, its impossible tounderstand the atrocitiesthat are committed daily in asingle article but on Dec. 16,a 23-year-old woman on abus in New Delhi was brutallyassaulted while returningfrom the movies with afriend. The friends believedthey were taking a regularbus home, while it turned outthat the bus that they hadentered was stolen and allsix men on board (includingthe driver) proceeded to beatand dehumanize the victims.

    Abandoned on the side ofthe road and left for dead, thewoman and her friend werelater found on the side of theroad by a passerby. Specifically

    horrific was that the unnamedwoman was discovered toonly have five percent of herintestines in her body. Afterbeing flown to Singapore tobe treated for her injuries, shepassed away. A closed-doortestimony occured this week byher male friend who appearedat court in a wheelchair, stillbearing the scars of injuriesfrom the attack. The trial offive men charged with the

    attack has started this week.Following the ordeal,

    thousands of peopleharmoniously joined togetherin a peaceful protest againstthe injust rape law sanctions.Police sealed off large areas incentral Delhi that were neargovernment buildings, alongwith many metro railway

    stations. Hundreds of armedpolice and riot troops wereon duty and Delhis policecommissioner, Neeraj Kumar,called on the public to remaincalm. We dont want yourcondolences! We dont want

    your fake sentiments! Wedemand immediate action tostrengthen the laws againstsexual violence, read a bannerat the protest, while somemen wore skirts in support.

    A few weeks ago in Nepal,the case of a 21-year-oldwoman who says she wasraped and threatened with

    death by a police officerand robbed by immigrationofficials, prompted hundreds ofdemonstrators to converge onthe prime ministers residencein Kathmandu. In Bangladeshthere was an alleged gang-

    rape of a teenager by fourmen over four days in earlyDecember in Tangail, 40 milesnorthwest of Dhaka. The menwere said to have made videosof the attack before leavingtheir victim near a rail trackwhere her brother eventuallyfound her. These are just twoof the countless cases that

    have lead to the movement.For weeks, teachers and

    students camped out atprotest venues, marching andsubmitting memorandumsto government authorities tomake the city a safer place

    for its women. Curfew forstudents living in campusdormitories has been broughtforward an hour to 9:30 p.m.,and girls are now requiredto seek permission from thecollege administration beforegoing out with friends andprovide details of the friendsthey are going out with.One student said during thediscussion, Why shouldwe pay for the crimes mencommit? Lock the men up.We are not the culprits!

    Indian media recentlyreported that the governmentof the northern state ofUttarakhand passed anorder stopping women fromworking after 6 p.m. in bothprivate and government jobs.

    The regressive edict,conceived by the stategovernment as a way to curbcrimes against women, waswidely opposed by womens-

    rights activists and thepolitical opposition. Whilenumerous protesters havebeen beaten, gassed and shotat, one protester asked anofficer Why dont you comeand join us? Arent youangry at what happened?Truly, that is the real question.

    Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    On Campus: African Student Association

    Controversial Case in IndiaSparks Protest and Change

    Dan OlsonJournal Staff

    David Frederick

    Journal Staff

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    September 19, 2012Page 6 The Suffolk Journal February 6, 2013Page 6

    From All Corners:International pinionUnited Kingdom and the EU: Secession or Endure

    Photo Courtesy of Flickr

    In a time of crises anddecline in European Unionmorale, the United Kingdomis smart to hold a referendum

    vote on its EU membershipstatus. British Prime MinisterDavid Cameron gave a speechlast month promising an inor out vote to be decidedby U.K. citizens sometimein 2015 if he is reelected.

    Many leaders of otherEuropean nations, and the

    U.S., were displeased by theprospect of the U.K. exitingthe mammoth economicand political body. GermanChancellor Angela Merkeland a spokeswoman forFrench President FrancoisHollande both expressed theirpreferences for the U.K. to stayin the union to keep it strong,according to theBBC. They havedenounced a plan to exit as aEurope a la carte approach.

    The German foreignminister and the Austrianforeign minister echoedthis sentiment, describinga potential exit by the cherry-picking. Bothpoliticians declared that nonation should be able to pickand choose on their ownextent of integration, and

    that the aspects of policyshould be decided by Brusselsrather than domestically.

    But this approach ofcherry-picking or a la carteis exactly what countries inthe EU should be lookinginto now, especially in the

    U.K. The island nation holdsan interesting membershipstatus in the union to beginwithwhile it is a part of thegeneral body, it is not a part ofthe Euro currency zone or theSchengen Area, where passportchecks are not necessarybetween countries. The U.K isalready quite separate frommost of the EU and shouldnot be dominated by all thebodys centralized policies.

    The British Pound,although falling in value,is still stronger than theEuro and the U.S. Dollar,and the U.K. remains one ofthe strongest economies inEurope. While many people,notably the British ForeignSecretary William Hague, haveargued that leaving the EUwould do economic damageto the U.K., the move seemsto be more about politicsthan economics anyway.

    The biggest dangerto the European Unioncomes not from thosewho advocate change, butfrom those who denouncenew thinking as heresy,

    Cameron said in his speech.The elephant in the room

    within the EU now is the factthat policies and strategiesare simply not working wellenough or fast enough to

    fix issues within the membernations. A kind of slipperyslope is feared if one nationis allowed to exit the EU butmaybe thats what the bodyneeds to survive. As countriescontinue down the paths ofhigh unemployment, strictausterity, and major debtissues, it is time for individualnations to stop dependingon the EU and start makingsmarter policy decisions forthemselves. While this is notpossible or truly plausible formany members, the U.K. iscertainly in a strong positionto pack its bags and carryon friendly relations withthe body as a non-member.

    You may be surprisedto learn that Texas has aparticularly strong supportfor secession from the United

    States. But probably, this doesnot surprise you at all. Eitherway, the general consensus,both within Texas and abroad,seems to be that secessionwould not help Texas asmuch as staying in theAmerican federal system andpaying the minimal amountof taxes required of them.

    There is a similar movementin England championedlargely by ultra-conservativesand ultra-nationalists whoinsist that prosperity in theUK is most easily found bycompletely cutting ties withthe European Union. Whilethe comparison between theEU and the United States is adifficult one to substantiate atbest, the similarities betweenlanguage and rhetoric used byproponents of secession in bothstates are rather interesting.Also, unfortunately for the EU,reasons against the UK secedingare less straightforwardthan those of Texas.

    The last time that Britishsecessionists got their acttogether enough to get a voteon the question of secession

    through to the public was1975, when the EuropeanUnion was still the EuropeanCoal and Steel Community.While the referendum failed,the vote was certainly closerthan it might have been, with32.8 percent voting to leave.

    Furthermore, Britainseconomy was more stable in1975 than its current situation,in spite of the aftershock ofthe 1973 oil crisis. Nowadays(having adjusted for inflationand whatnot) the averageBrit makes 73 cents (or halfa pound) less than they didin 1973, according to the UKNational Statistics Hub. Thissalary dip alone is enough tohave fueled plenty of anti-European Union posters andadvertisements throughoutthe country, and if youre inthe mood for a sophisticatedlaugh, I welcome you tohave a quick browse throughof the many such anti- EUcommercials on YouTube.

    But does the average Brit

    actually suffer for having his/her nation be a part of theEU? Its hard to tell, especiallyconsidering that theyre still(and probably forever will be)on the pound. They do not payany more taxes than they wouldanyway, unless the government

    they elected took them outof the EU also cut taxes,which would leave a massivedeficit problem exacerbated.

    While some governmentmoney does go to theinfamous bailouts to Greeceand Spain, the UK wouldlikely be spending that money

    on some form of foreign aidor international trade taxanyway, as is the habit ofevery member of the top-10largest economic nations inthe world, of which Britainis currently number eight.So it really comes down to amatter of personal preference.

    If you view the European

    Union as the Third Reichslatest attempt to invadeBritain, like certain membersof the far-right politicalmovement, which the EnglishDefense League does, thenperhaps secession is in orderafter all. But if like mostBrits you just hope to geton with your lives, using theSterling Pound to buy yourimported tea while watchingimported soccer players runaround kicking balls made

    Ally ThibaultJournal Staff

    Gareth JonesAssistant Intl Editor

    in Indonesia, then closingthe immigration lines andbreaking off of the EuropeanUnion probably is not for you.

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    Page 7 September 19, 2012The Suffolk JournalPage 7 February 6, 2013






    In a statement to a French newspaper, Foreign MinisterLaurent Fabius has stated that French troops will likelybegin to pull out of Mali as early as March. This cameafter it was brought to light that hundreds of Islamistmilitants had been killed since the French invasion fiveweeks ago. On the other hand, France has lost only one lifeso far, a helicopter pilot killed in action in the first phaseof the operation. France has an estimated 4,000 troops inMali, while policy makers from many different sectionsof France and dozens of countries have been meetingin Brussels to discuss how to dissolve them. BBC WorldNewsreported last Tuesday that rebels have been ruling alarge part of the Saharan nation since January of last year.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian Prime Minister, hastaken further steps to solidify the newly patched upfriendship between his country and Egypt with a histor-ic three-day visit with newly elected Egyptian PresidentMohamed Morsi. Morsi greeted Mr. Ahmadinejad with asmile during a red-carpet ceremony at a Cairo airport. Thetwo talked about the crisis in Syria and how to improvethe relationship between their own countries, which hasbeen in a deep freeze since after the Iranian revolution in1979, reported TheNew York Times. The relationship hasbeen strained by pressure from the United States and thelikelihood of amiable, interconnected relations in the fu-ture is slim. The meeting has represented cooperation onan inter-Middle Eastern level, but with the lingering Syr-ian Civil War and chaotic post-Arab Spring atmosphere,communication is a step in a more unified direction.

    President Franois Hollande of France told the EuropeanParliament on Tuesday that countries like Britain were

    on a dangerous path that could jeopardize the EuropeanUnion. The New York Timesreported that Mr. Hollandetold the British foreign minister The Union is more than amarketplace, as the British sometimes see it, and he saidFrance would oppose British proposals for deeper cuts tothe blocs communal budget at a summit meeting this week.

    Its true that the scenewould be more flattering as asilhouette, but it has a peculiarbeauty. From where I sit on apark bench, I can see a handfulof people, their junk, and theirtreasure splashed with thepink light of sunrise. An oldwoman has wrapped herself inblack coats and blankets in aneffort to keep the cold a gooddistance from her skin, but sheaffords her bear fingers theeffort of setting out whatever

    goods she has to sell. A manin a green coat and earmuffs

    is heckling her, laughing;speaking in an accent I cantunderstand. She swats the air

    in his direction and cackles.As more vendors trickledown the sidewalks into themain streets the sound ofyelling and laughing riseswith the sun, echoing onthe cobblestone and brick,arcane and wild in the lastof the darkness. By thetime day breaks over usthe vendors have organized

    themselves in neat lines andlowered their voices as theshoppers arrive and begin torun their hands over books,bottles, coats, and records.

    El Rastro, the market,sprawls itself out a few streetsover from La Latina station inMadrid every Sunday. Our hostseoras brother, she told us,goes every week before dawnin search of first edition booksto add to his collection. Overdinner, she usually tells usquite a bit, makes suggestionsof places to travel or thingsto read, and sometimes getsup from the table to illustrate

    a story she was trying to tellabout the African dance class

    her daughter is taking in Seville.My roommate and I train

    our eyes on her lips as we tryto understand and translateher Spanish to English inour heads. Im proud to saythat every day it gets just alittle bit easier, and thatsawesome, because at firsteverything was really difficult.Contrary to what I believedbefore departing, cultureshock is a very real thing,and its almost debilitating.

    The curious traveler,however, will inevitably findhis or herself going throughthe motions of culturalimmersion even before theyrealize its happening. Bythe curious traveler I guessI mean me. Since Ive beenhere, Ive found myself at thetop of the Jiralda tower inSeville, sinking into the mudhiking up to the Sacromontecaves, and trying escargot ata tapas bar with some peoplefrom the hostel where Istayed a weekend in Granada.

    I do not yet know Spain inall its beauty and complexity,

    but in the three weeks wevebeen here, the people and

    places have been calling tous, inviting us to experiencethe countrynot a Spain I candescribe, not the one Ive beenlooking at on a map or eventhe one in all the postcardswith "bienvenidos" scrawledacross the bottom. Spain isa culture and an identity.Spain is a way of living.

    Op in ion On Abroad :A Semester in Spa in

    "I do not yet know Spain in all its beauty and complexity,

    but in the three weeks weve been here,

    the people and places have been calling to us,

    inviting us to experience the country"

    Molly ChandlerJournal Contributor

    Photo Courtesy of Mollie Chandler

    Mollie in Granada, Spain

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 8 September 19, 2012PAGE 8 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    Arts & EntertainmentNew dining spot visits Greek roots,

    Matt Bacon

    Journal Staff

    Beacon Street welcomes Piperi

    Are you a fan of falafel?Maybe you have never tried itbut are an adventurous eater,or just looking to shake thingsup. If any of these apply to you,then the new Mediterraneancuisine restaurant called Piperiis the right place! Located onTremont St. right betweenOne Beacon and GovernmentCenter Plaza, the month-oldestablishment boasts a varietyof menu items including Gozi(flatbread) sandwiches, and, ofcourse, classic falafel.

    The establishment is co-owned by Suffolk alumn TimOliveri and head chef ThomasJohn. The two met when Oliveriwas CFO of Au bon Pain andJohn was the head chef withinthe organization. They decidedto go into business together,starting a Mediterraneanthemed restaurant.

    Its one of my favoritecuisines, said John. Welooked at the trend of healthyeating and how people valuefresh food, we thought thatthis would be a viable businessopportunity. The name itself

    is the Greek word for pepper."Piperiuses fresh ingredients

    for all of their dishes andoffers a variety of toppings

    for their flatbread sandwiches,including feta cheese, olives,hummus, and a choice of

    three different sauces (yogurtcucumber, tahini, and spicytomato.) The bread for theirsandwiches, called Gozi, isJohns take on traditionalGozleme bread from Turkeyand is made fresh each dayfrom the restaurants owndough.

    Just as good as the foodat Piperi is the service.Oliveri is frequently presentat the restaurant to greet hispatrons, and the staff pridesthemselves on professionalismand service. Both Oliveris andJohns passion for making and

    serving great food is prevalent,and both are grateful for the

    opportunity to serve Suffolkstudents on a regular basis.

    As a Suffolk alumn, Oliveri isexcited for the chance to giveback to his old campus and

    serve the local students greatfood. They also proudly accept

    the university Ram Card.Suffolk students should

    waste no time in gettingover to Piperi and trying the

    excellent food. Each day thisweek, from 2-6 p.m., Piperi isoffering free falafel plates to

    Suffolk students. Just walk in,show your school ID, and Tim

    "We looked at the trend of healthyeating and how people value freshfood, we thought that this would be aviable business opportunity. The name

    itself is the Greek word for pepper."

    or one of the staff memberswill serve you up a free fala fel

    plate, which also includes Gozibread and fresh greens.

    Its something to offer tothe students so that they canget to know us and see whatelse we offer, John said of thepromotional deal.

    Piperi is a great newrestaurant, a break from sameold mundane college food.With reasonable prices anddelicious, filling, and healthyfood, Suffolk students shouldmake the restaurant a regulardestination for lunch anddinner. The professionalism

    and passion of Oliveri, John,and the staff are only an addedbonus to the great food youwill find at this establishment.

    We want to be known forgreat food and great service,John says.

    It is clear that they succeedat both, and Piperimay becomea hot spot around campus formany years to come.

    Photo courtesy of

    Justin Bieber's latest albumMackenzie Cummings-Grady

    Journal Staff

    showcases true talent

    While it may not be mytype of music, there is nodenying Justin Bieber hasimmense talent. Despite himhaving inspired many jealousvendettas in the testosterone--fueled community, theCanadian singer/songwriterhas become an internationalpop sensation. When Believewas released last year, it

    solidified Biebers reputationas a more mature pop artist.The days of One Time andBaby were behind him,Bieber was ready to leave histween audience behind and

    join the ranks of pops biggestmale stars.

    Despite many of the songsbeing over-produced onthe original album, Believe(Acoustic,)which was releasedearly last week, shows Bieberdoing what made him acelebrated artist in the firstplace: playing guitar andsinging. While many of his liveperformances have evolvedinto the classic Chris Brown

    Dance-And-Lip-Sync routine,the acoustic album reassureshis fans that he becamefamous because of his talentin constructing catchy, well-written love songs.

    While I wish Bieber hadtaken the time to strip downthe entire album into acousticecstasy, (especially the horridduet "Right Here"with Drake,which would have been betterthan the original release)the material Bebier providesis satisfying. The two newsongs "Yellow Raincoat" and "IWould" give Bieber an almostBruno Mars-sounding acoustic,and I would be severely

    disappointed if Bieber took thesound of raw auditory guitarstrums and turned it into abeat.

    While I cower in my dormroom writing this review to

    avoid teasing from my friends,I have no problem in sayingthatAcousticgoes farther thanits predecessor did in providingcatchy, satisfying popmusic. Anyone whosignorant about JustinBieber should at leastgive the ten songsprovided on the album atry, and see that maybethe pop sensation hassome value to it. At the

    tender age of 19, hesdone more than mostwill probably achievein a lifetime, and themusic speaks for itself.The hype surrounding

    Bieber will likely never die out,so we might as well get usedto him.

    This weeks upcoming shows & events for you: 2/6OfMice&Menft.WoeisMe,TexasinJuly,Volumos,CapturetheCrown@theParadise,6p.m.Doors,$18










  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 9 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal


    Brodway makes movestowards Las Vegas

    The Smith Center for the Performing Arts in Las Vegas hasbulked up its calendar for the upcoming year by adding tenBroadway musicals to its lineup, reported the Huffington Post.

    The Broadway series at the Smith Center, the $470 millionstructure that opened last March, will feature Les Miserables,The Wizard of Oz, War Horse, Sister Act, Evita, Mamma Mia,

    Flashdance, The Gershwins Porgy and Bess, Once, and willwrap up with a four-week run of The Book of Mormon. Mostmusicals will play at the venue for one weekend, and are set ata pace of roughly one per week.

    We are over-the-moon excited about the lineup, said SmithCenter President Myron Martin. There really was a pent-updemand for high quality arts and entertainment in Las Vegas.

    Bringing Tony Award-winning musicals to a city stronglygeared towards the performing arts will provide a wider rangeof entertainment for tourists and residents alike.

    Martin said that audiences will have a chance to be bothentertained and inspired at the Smith Center at reasonableprices, and they wont have to go to casinos or Cirque shows.

    Tickets to the critically acclaimed Broadway shows will start at$24.The Smith Centers goal is to serve an audience wider than

    tourists. Besides the upcoming Broadway performances, thecomplex features the citys philharmonic orchestra and providesa home for the ballet company. The Centers pilot sellout seasonhas set an optimistic tone for the upcoming Broadwayseries.

    This years theme of the "Focus Forward FilmmakerCompetition" at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival was ShortFilms, Big Ideas, and the winner took home $100,000 for ashort film called Cyborg Foundation, reported the HuffingtonPost.

    Rafel Duren Torrent, the Spanish director of the three-minute film, told the story of Neil Harbisson, the worldsfirst officially recognized cyborg. Harbisson was bornwith achromatopsia, a disease which causes complete colorblindness. He helped to create a mechanism that translatescolors into sounds called the eyeborg.

    The goal of the Short Films, Big Ideas initiative isto deliver films about progressive innovation in front ofaudiences. Other films, aside from Cyborg Foundation, were

    focused on individuals who use media, art, and design toimpact and benefit humanity.

    Marco Della Coletta and Zoe DAmaro directedA Glacierin the Desert, a film that encourages innovative solutions forclimate change explored by a Dutch artist. Music Man, directedby Steve James, is about the creator of the Smule app thatturns the iPhone into a musical instrument.

    The time limit for the documentaries was intentional toreach out to audiences who wouldnt normally watch full-length documentaries. Focus Forwardand Cinelanare workingtogether to provide these inspiring films to a wider audienceand also for possible inclusion in school curricula. There are30 of the three-minute films available on the Focus Forwardwebsite.

    Socially Conscious Films hitSundance 2013

    Soderbergh's Side Effects provesto be not your average thri l ler

    Ally Johnson

    Journal Staff

    Opening this Friday, SideEffects is a film with hyper-

    stylized directorial decisions,phenomenal performances anda script that refuses to succumbto the typical and managesto surprise an audience even

    when there doesnt appear tobe any surprises left.

    Emily (Rooney Mara) andMartin (Channing Tatum) area well-to-do married couplein New York whose worldcrumbles beneath their feetwhen a new-to-the-scene drugis prescribed to Emily to helpaid her anxiety. What was

    supposed to be an easy fixturns out to harbor more sideeffects than intended.

    Much has beenmade of this projectbeing the last filmdirector StevenSoderbergh woulddirect and his masteryweaves its waythroughout the filmwith elegance. Hisperpetual style ofdiluted and periodicshots continue hereas well as close action

    shots that appearminiscule at onemoment and thenmeaningful in thenext. Hes an expert atkeeping the audiencefrom breathing forlarge portions oftime, keeping themon their toes, wantingto blink but keepingtheir eyes wide openin anticipation. Hesproven in the pastyear with films likeHaywire and MagicMike that hes truly

    been able to defy the labelof a genre movie, always

    pushing the limits of what thestructured guidelines are of athriller.

    The cast was stacked with

    other actors like Jude Lawand Catherine Zeta-Jones.Law and Mara in particularare outstanding, both ofwhom perfectly convey the

    mannerisms of one who is losingsense of who they are, whattheyve done and what theirfuture may hold. Law has hada great year of performanceswith Anna Kareninaand Marais solidifying herself as theactress-to-watch, exuding arange that very few actressesof her generation are capable

    of. She is absolutely grippingand unpredictable, and youll

    be hard pressed to take youreyes off of her.

    Channing Tatum is solid,though not as charming as hischaracter in 21 Jump Street,he stills proves to be a reliable

    acting partner. The only weaklink of the four is CatherineZeta-Jones who seemed to hamit up a bit, making it obviousto the audience that she was

    an actress acting rather thanfully committing.

    This film has its flaws,mainly in the third act, butfor the most part its a highlyenjoyable, if not also a highlystressful ride, that was awelcome for the dead seasonof movies. January throughMarch is typically a bust for

    good theatre movies so its niceto see a surprise hit, especially

    since it appearsthat the nextone wont be foranother coupleof months.

    This filme n c a p s u l a t e sthe workings ofthe psyche, whohas control andwho doesnt,and it does itsbest at makingthe antagonistand protagonistindiscernible .Not perfect,but very goodand one of themore thrillingfilms youll seein a while, SideEffects is a filmI recommendall Soderberghfans, and fansof moviesalike. This starstudded film issure to providefans with a

    unique thrillertheatre experience.




  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 10 September 19, 2012PAGE 10 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal


    Leonard Cohen"SongSof Loveand hate"

    feeLin' SadmuSiC.- ethan Long

    iCe Cube"greateSt hitS"


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    of monSterSand men"mountain Sound"


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    PaoLo nutini"theSe StreetS"

    PaoLo'SdebutaLbumfrom2006 getSmorePerfeCtwith

    eaChLiSten.- giannaCarChia

    SixPenCe nonetheriCher"SixPenCe nonetheriCher"beStmovieSoundtraCktuneS


    Kubrick Classics Debut

    Bianca Rullo

    Journal Contributor

    Director Stanley Kubrickbecame a legend in the filmindustry through his acclaimed

    works that never failed toshock and captivate audiences.There is no doubt that his five-decade-long career produced anoteworthy catalog and gainedhim a cult following made upof people varying in age andbackground. If you are one ofthese people and werent bornin time to witness any of hismasterpieces on the big screen the Museum of Fine Arts hasyou covered!

    Throughout this month, theMFA is treating movie buffs andKubrick fanatics alike with anauthentic cinema experienceby screening a retrospectivecollection of Kubricks workfrom 1953s Fear and Desireto 1999s Eyes Wide Shut.With the exception of Lolita,2001: A Space Odyssey, andA Clockwork Orange, all filmswill be shown in their original

    at the Museum of Fine Arts35mm. Films included in theFilms of Stanley Kubrickseries will also be premieringin chronological order with

    ticket prices ranging from $7-11. Specific dates and pricescan be found on the MFAwebsite.

    From Kirk Douglass I amSpartacus! to Jack NicholsonsHeeeres Johnny!, StanleyKubricks films are fixturesin our pop-culture lexicon,declared the MFA in apromotional statement on itsFacebook page.

    Although the iconic

    one-liners and scenes arewhat initially draw ourattention to these films,what collectively makes thema staple of American popculture surpasses such things.Kubricks socially consciousfilms provide audiences withinsight into some of thethoughts and apprehensionsof American society duringthe time periods they were

    based on. This is evident inthe satirical Dr. Strangelove,which portrays Kubricksinterpretation of what would

    have happened if America hadengaged in nuclear warfarewith the Soviet Union, a redscare concept that Americansgenuinely feared in the 1960s.

    Kubricks ability to showaudiences, rather than tellthem has always separated himfrom other revered directors.When Full Metal Jacket wasreleased in 1987, Americanshad probably grown weary ofVietnam War films. However,

    Full Metal Jacket possesseda flare and an intensity thatother films with the samesubject matter lacked. Mostcritics find this intensityderives from the realism inits portrayal, which ultimatelymakes Full Metal Jacketjust asprovocative as it is striking.

    Unlike some other directors,Kubrick never lost control ofhis artistic vision and always

    pushed boundaries. He daredto create film adaptations ofhighly controversial novels,such as LolitaandA Clockwork

    Orange, and somehowmanaged to transform theminto groundbreaking worksthat were characteristicallyhis own. Whether you wouldconsider yourself a filmenthusiast or not, this is anideal opportunity to introduceyourself to Kubrick, revisityour favorite movie on thebig screen, or reflect on filmssurrounded by controversythat each defined particular

    aspects of their respectivedecades.

    The series will present filmsincluding Fear and Desire,Killer's Kiss, the Killing, Paths

    of Glory, Spartacus, Lolita, the

    Shining, Barry Lyndon, Eyes

    Wide Shut, Full Metal Jacket,

    2001: A Space Odysseyand filmfavorite,A Clockwork Orange.The films will play Feb. 1 - Feb.24.

    Chicago's famed Fall Out Boy makes acomeback after major hiatus

    Alxandra Martinez

    Journal Contributor

    Three years of denial andsilence were broken on MondayFeb. 4, 2013 when pop-punkband Fall Out Boy announcedthey were coming out of along drawn-out hiatus. Prior tothis the quartet from Chicago.denied any rumors of the bandever getting back togetherto make music. But Monday,the silence was broken witha promise to Save Rock NRoll and in doing this theband released a new single,announced a new record anda full U.S. tour all for May.

    The new single comesafter a rumor saying the bandwas making music in the lastweek of January was quicklysilenced across social mediaby bassist Pete Wentz andguitarist Joe Trohman. But on

    Feb. 4, the band dropped thelatest single My Songs KnowWhat You Did In The Dark

    (Light Em Up) which seemsto embody the new sound ofFall Out Boy. According toan official statement by theband, via their website, thisis the future of Fall Out Boy.

    The song is much older andmature to what fans heard on2008s Folie a Deuxwhich has

    a more somber sound than thissingle. The high beat singleladen with heavy guitar riffsand strong drumming showsa new sound for the quartet,one that is much more mature

    than previous records and ismore heavy when it comes toboth sound and vocals. A kind

    of anthem almost withhow the song presentsitself, it is a differentside to the band.

    From the backingsinging that remindsthe listener of a late 80srock-and-roll band toPatrick Stump's muchmore mature vocals,the band is ready to setoff a new year with analbum that marks the10-year release of theirfirst album Take ThisTo Your Grave. The new

    album Save Rock n Roll willbe available worldwide May 6with a full tour to follow laterthat month.

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    PAGE 11 September 19, 2012PAGE 11 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    PAGE 5PAGE 5OpinionStaff Editorial A



    I am disappointed toannounce that Scott Brown willnot be campaigning to replaceformer Senator John Kerry inthe upcoming special election.However, I am excited to seewho he will replace in 2014.Although losing a Democratic

    seat in the Senate would be aclear win for Republicans, it isbest strategically for ScottBrown to not run in this race.

    As one can only imagine,campaigning is exhausting

    both mentally and financially.Just look at all the debt ourvery own Senator ElizabethWarren got herself into. Afterhis last campaign, Scott Brownshould take his time to buildan even stronger campaign forthe next go-around. If ScottBrown were to be elected, hewould only be running to beSenator for the remainder ofthe former Senator Kerrysterm meaning that his timein the Senate would only be afew months.

    In my opinion, as tempting

    as the chair is, Scott Browndoesnt want the last sliver ofJohn Kerrys term. He wantsthe full term because herecognizes that there is a lotthat needs to be accomplished.Brown knows, just as well asthe Republican Party, he ismore than capable of executingthose accomplishments. Brownmade a statement regarding hisstance in the special election:I was not at all certain thata third Senate campaign in

    less than four years, and theprospect of returning to aCongress even more partisanthan the one I left, was reallythe best way for me to continuein public service at this time.And I know its not the onlyway for me to advance theideals and causes that mattermost to me. That is why I amannouncing today that I willnot be a candidate for the

    United States Senate in theupcoming special election.

    So far, there are only twodeclared candidates for theupcoming special election;both are Democratic U.S.

    Representatives EdwardMarkey and Stephen Lynch.Edward Markey stands close toObamas plan, stating recently,I am running to movePresident Barack Obamasagenda forward. This kindof comment gives me, as wellas all other Republicans, thechills.

    I see all of these newspaperarticles stating, GOPscrambling to find Senatecandidate. In all honesty,Republicans arent evenbreaking a sweat. The party is

    thinking long term somethingnot quite as popular in theDemocratic Party. It seems asthough the Republican Partyis strategically saving thestrongest candidates for thenext election in 2014. As thiselection unfolds, surely morecandidates will join, and I,as well as the rest of us, amlooking forward to seeing whowill be the final candidates.

    2013 to be a bridgeyear for Mass. GOP

    Julianne HollandJournal Staff

    Photo courtesy WikiMedia Commons

    **Trigger Warning**

    The Violence Against Wom-

    en Act of 1994 expired at thebeginning of last month as the112th Congress ended theirtenure. Both sides of the aislecouldnt reach compromise ona bill which should never havebecome partisan: this was anact of utmost importance.Whats even more infuriatingis that, even though the Sen-ate sent the bill to the Housewith 85-8 supporting, thereare still those out there fight-ing blindly against its passing.

    According to a stat sheetprovided by,the bill secured our nationsRape Shield Law, prohibitingthe publication of a victimsidentity and prosecuting theattacker. VAWA also mandat-ed that victims, no matter theirincome levels, are not forcedto bear the expense of theirown rape exams or for serviceof a protection order. In addi-tion, VAWA funds train over500,000 law enforcement offi-cers, prosecutors, judges, andother personnel every year.The effect of the passing of theact in 1994 has caused ratesof intimate partner violenceto fall 67 percent by 2010,while also causing state lawsto recognize spousal abuseand abuse by a stranger as thesame crime.

    Why, then, are there still

    groups balking at citizens towrite to their representativesasking them to block the Vi-olence Against Women Act?Well, the answer lies in dis-crimination.

    See, the big difference be-tween the bill being proposedtoday and the one Joe Bidenintroduced in the early Clintondays is the greatly enhancedprotection for immigrants,Native Americans whose hus-bands live and abuse themon tribal lands, and the LGBTcommunity. One major contro-versy is the al lowance of trib-al-courts to try non-Nativeswhen they commit rape onreservations. In addition, sup-

    port groups that receive feder-

    al money are prohibited fromdiscriminating against LGBT

    victims. The last large changeis that the act will allow the is-suing of a backlog of unusedvisas for undocumented immi-grants who are victims of do-mestic violence, according toPBS Frontline.

    House Republicans blockedthe passing of the act last yearbecause of these changes. Thehuge difference between lastyear and this year is the loss ofGOP support from immigrantsand women.

    Why, then, are people STILLtrying to block the bill? Thereare the anti-feminists who seethe bill as vilifying all men.Perhaps some of the men feelmisplaced guilt, or feel thateven just a finger-point couldhave people lashing out atthem, or worse, being pros-ecuted and sentenced by a jurywithout proof. Thats not agood enough reason to blockthe protection act. There arethose who dont realize thatthe federal funding needed forthe bill goes into training forjudges, prosecutors, and policeofficers.

    Its those who are still play-ing the party game. Its thosewho see people who are differ-ent from them and think Imbetter.

    Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) saidit best this week, stating that "I

    cant believe that there is anyHouse member whos going toget up and say there is some-body who lives in America whoI do not believe ought to notbe protected from domestic vi-olence." However, what aboutthe people who they represent;who vote for them? Why mustwe continue to tolerate hatredto this extent?

    Please urge your hometownrepresentatives to vote in fa-vor of passing VAWA -- its oneof the most important billspassed in the past few decadesand has helped protect victimsacross the country. Wouldntyou want protection for yoursister, mother, daughter,

    friend, or loved one?

    Dear students,The Student Government

    Association would like togive a couple updates forthis week.

    First, we would like toCongratulate GeraldinBatista for being appointedSGAs Public RelationsCommittee chair.

    This week the StudentGovernment Associationapproved two financialrequests. The first was forTheta Phi Alphas FoundersDay event, and the secondfor Black Student UnionsBlack and White Affair.Last week, the MLK Serviceday and luncheon were bothgreat successes. We wouldlike to thank anyone who

    volunteered at the serviceday and attended the event.

    Nominations for SGAExecutive Board positionsare coming up and if youwould like to run for aposition, make sure youpick up an election packetin the Student GovernmentAssociation office in D433 orat the HUB in the Donahuelobby starting February 7th.Its a great opportunity tobe involved and representyour peers and develop intoa student leader.

    We would also like toannounce the AnnualSGA Leadership Awardsnominations openedMonday, February 4th. Bygoing on, you can nominatedeserving peers, faculty,staff and organizations.We encourage everyone tonominate someone, yourvoice matters!

    Our weekly meetings willproceed as usual, they areheld every Thursday at1:00pm in Donahue 311.As always, if you have any

    questions please do nothesitate to contact us

    Have a great week,StudentGovernmentAssociation

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 12 September 19, 2012PAGE 12 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    President Obama has been

    very adamant about a majorgoal for his second term:targeting the immigrationpolicies of this country. He haschosen a bipartisan approachfor this task and has made asurprising team of Senatorsto help tackle this problem.This team consists of eightSenators: four Republicansand four Democrats. TheRepublican Senators includeMarco Rubio and John McCain.

    President Obama mostrecently spoke on stage atDel Sol High School in LasVegas on Jan. 29 in regards

    to immigration reform. Here,Obama explained to thecrowd that he expects a veryconstructive solution to thisproblem to come forward withmuch bipartisan agreement.Thankfully, our legislativebranch of government hasbeen able to come to anagreement and actuallysolve problems. Some of theagreements already made arepromising in that our countrymay actually benefit fromthese immigration reforms.

    The team of Senators has

    made it evident they want tohelp the estimated 11 millionundocumented immigrants inthe country and try to helpthem get visas for workingtheir way towards permanent

    citizenship. To do this, theywant to install such legislationstating, Illegal immigrantsunder the age of 30 who

    arrived in the U.S. before theyturned 16 and lived in thecountry for at least five yearsare eligible for deferred action.This new policy requires thatthese immigrants also have ahigh school diploma or GED,or that they serve in the U.S.military.

    Illegal immigrants withany criminal history will beexempt from these reforms.Additionally, reforms have beentalked about with bipartisanagreement where immigrants

    who graduate high schooland college with high GPAscan have extended studentvisas granted. Increases in our

    border patrols and tighteningthe grip on employers whohire illegal immigrants aretwo concerns which bothparties have brought forward.Overall, many of the issuesbeing targeted seem tohave exceptional and logicalapproaches taken towardstheir completion. Solvingthis countrys massive illegalimmigration problem is notan easy task. Thankfully,bipartisan agreement seemsdedicated to speeding up the

    entire process of requestingand obtaining a green card.

    This nation was built byimmigrants, and with that

    history being

    reminded to usdaily, it is veryimportant for usto remember thatit surrounds us.Nobody shouldever throw awaytheir culture,nor be forcedinto a meltingpot. Though theAmerican peoplenowadays maydesire differentthings than just thegood old American

    Dream, we allwant peace anda good economy.That is somethinganybody, no matterpolitical views, willagree on.

    Many parts of the countryare divided on this issue, withsome people more so inthe south not wanting aninflux of immigrants. Theytypically view this issue verypessimistically. I do not believeanybody in this country shouldview immigrants negatively.Our nations blood, sweat,and tears have all been madeby them. Many of our farmsand railroads were builtby immigrants throughoutAmerican history; these two in

    Bipartisan efforts pave the way to legal immigrationparticular vastly contributed toour growing economy and wayof life. Immigrants throughouthistory in our country arewhat have allowed America to

    become as strong and greatas she is. We do not live in asociety where we believe onerace is the most superior orrestrict freedoms on literatureand speech like Hitlers NaziGermany. America embracesdifferences in culture andways of life, as this makes usstronger by adapting moresuccessfully with change.

    The above reforms, shallthey come into law, wouldgreatly help our country andthe illegal immigrants thatwork hard. As long as the

    immigrants coming to ourcountry abide by the law,positively contribute to oursociety, and pay taxes, thenthere is no reason to viewthem negatively. I expect agood outcome from this teamof senators that Obama hasput together and hopefullythese reforms will inspireimmigrants to try harder inschool and further contributeto our society. DemocratSenator Chuck Schumer, amember of the bipartisanSenate group, stated that theSenators hope for a bill inMarch or April, and then avote by late spring or earlysummer.

    Photo courtesy WikiMedia Commons

    As most of America cheeredon their respective teams lastSunday at the Super Bowl,the rest of us tuned in to seethe highly anticipated releaseof new and old productsbeing shown in this yearsadvertisements. Whetheryou were at home enjoyingthe game or at a friends fora night of classic Americanconsumer traditions, thisyears commercials did notadd up to those of the past.

    In previous years we sawthe introduction of the OldSpice man as The man your

    man could smell like andthe timeless Betty WhiteSnickers commercial. Wehave seen talking babiespromoting finance companiesand screaming forest animalstrying to escape being run overby a car. All of these combinedhave created a whole newreason to watch the SuperBowl: to see which companysproduct advertisement willcome out on top as thefunniest or most influential

    commercial that year.This year was a different

    story. Some companies have

    gone fromfunny todesperate. Oneexample of thisis the is a sitededicated tohelping otherc o m p a n i e sor personscreate andmanage theirown websites.GoDaddy hasa reputationof having

    s o m e w h a ts e x u a ladvertisementsbut this yearsSuperbowl onewent aboveand beyond.To promoteits sexy andsmart side,the companyproduced a commercial wheretwo strangers make out for15 slow motion, awkward

    seconds. The camera is so closeyou can see the pores on JesseHeimans face and the sounds

    make it even worse. Thiscommercial made everyonewatching uncomfortable.

    Another disappointment inthe early commercial lineupwas the Century 21 mini-mart

    ad. A manand his wifestop off ata mini-martand afterwinning bigon a lotterys c r a t c h e r ,the manbegins tochoke on hishot dog ashis femalecounterpartshouts for aCentury 21agent to help

    them buy anew home.N a t u r a l l y ,there is aCentury 21agent therewho agreesto help themfind a newhome whiledoing the

    Heimlich maneuver on theman who has some requestsabout the house design the

    Megan DutraAsst. Opinion Editor

    Super Bowl XLVII commercialsfall short of expectations

    moment his life is saved.If this commercial soundscomplex and random, thats

    because it was. It made a sadattempt at trying to be funnywhen ultimately, compared tothe following advertisementsit, looked out of its league.

    Of course we had somegreat Doritos laughs (whosecommercials who never failto entertain,) a Taco Bellcommercial featuring a groupof senior citizens partyinglike they were in their 20s, anOreo whispering disagreementin a library, and an emotionalBudweiser classic Clydesdalecommercialall of which wereworth the Super Bowl hype.

    The sad thing is, these werepractically the only memorablygood advertisements duringthe entire four-hour game. Mypoint is this: if you are going topay $3.8 million for 30 secondsof ad space during the famousgame, make it a good one.

    Chris MuskJournal Staff

    Photo courtesy Flickr user Au Kirk

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    PAGE 13 SepPAGE 13 The Suffolk Journal

    I was an active memberin the Scouting Communityfor almost fifteen years. Iam an Eagle Scout, yet thisproclamation no longer fillsme with the pride as it used to.Truth be told, it leaves a verydifferent taste in my mouth.

    As I am sure some ofyou may be aware, the BoyScouts of America (BSA) isreconsidering their policy ofbanning homosexuals. Well,let me just say this: its aboutdamn time.

    This redaction of their banis being proposed during theirbiannual meeting in February.The general idea is that the BSAwill no longer ban homosexualmembership nationally, butleave it up to local troops andtheir governing entities (similarto their initial allowanceof African-Americans basedon local laws, allowing theestablishment of segregatedtroops.) Although I applaudtheir step in the right direction,nothing has been passed andeven if this does, it could verywell be a meaningless gesture,being that many governing

    entities are tied to religiousinstitutes.

    Let me first dispel theargument of free enterprise,and the fact that the BSA is

    a private organization whichsome propose gives them theright to keep whatever values

    they hold relevant in thiscase, discrimination. Thisargument at its core is in fact

    a fallacy, for any organizationshould operate for the good ofthe public and the good of its

    members: this ban is a directhindrance to that.

    To be fair, let us take a lookat some other private clubsthat fall into the same realm

    here: KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc. Ifthis is the type of companythe BSA wants to keep, then

    all the power to them. Now, Iwill concede that this may bean extreme comparison and

    I know what you are saying:those groups have killed anddone monstrous things, how

    can you compare? As far as Iam concerned, discriminationshouldnt be practiced noracceptable in any degree. Allhumans should be equal and

    Boy Scouts of America: Change yourpolicies or face dwindling support

    when the BSA bans an entiresect of humans, they ostracizethem in the public eye.

    This is not a new issue forBSA, as over the last couple ofyears: kids have been refused

    the rank of Eagle Scout aftercoming out, lifelong membersand leaders have been expelled,

    and kids have been deniedadmission into this programthat is supposed to help them.This, among other events, hasprompted hundreds of Eagles

    Many students and facultyalike might have noticed a newhindrance in their everydaycommute, and that is the randominspection of your personalproperty. Former Governor

    Mitt Romney reestablishedthe act of conducting randomsecurity inspections at stationsthroughout Boston. Accordingto BostonInno, Occupy Bostonstaged a protest and march forall major Boston and CambridgeT stations, to demand an endto random, un-warranted bagchecks in subways which

    are an egregious violationof [Fourth] Amendmentprotections.

    The bag checks take roughly10 to 20 seconds and are doneat random, as part of an overalllayered strategy to deter andprevent a terrorist attack.

    The inspections are conductedby swabbing the zipper,seams, or handle of a bag tolook for traces of explosivematerial. The technology doesnot require passengers to opentheir bags; however, a requestcan be made if warranted,according to the MBTA website.

    If you feel that the random

    bag checks are in any waya violation of your fourthamendment right, then youcan most assuredly decline tohave your belongings siftedthrough but you will notbe allowed to enter the T. Ifyou feel disenfranchised by

    this, then you arent alone.Constitutional and HumanRights activists are planninga five-leg march called TSAOut of the MBTA, which willculminate on Boston Common,fighting against the long-timebag checks, and demandingan end to the practice. Manyconcerned citizens have already

    to send back their awards andranks: I among them.

    Outside of the moral

    implications of doing the rightthing, as a club to survive,equality is a necessary step. TheBSA is a wonderful organizationat its roots and it teaches manyrespectable qualities to ouryouths. Consequently, all ofthat is undone by fosteringthis attitude of hate anddiscrimination. Any goodpublic relations person willtell you two things: dont lieto the public and if the publicdisagrees with your policies,then its time to change them.This last election truly showswhere much of the publicopinion is shifting; for thefirst time in history same-sexmarriage was legalized by apopular vote.

    So I leave you with thisfinal thought: On my honor, Iwill do my best to do my dutyto God and my country and toobey the Scout Law; to helpother people at all times; tokeep myself physically strong,mentally awake, and morallystraight. (The Scout Oath.)I think its time for the BoyScouts of America to startpracticing those last two; it

    is time to wake up, becausethe morally straight path isequality.

    joined the cause and havetaken to the Internet to spreadthe word of the march.

    According to Jamaica PlainPatchin August 2006, the U.S.Court of Appeals for the 2ndCircuit in New York upheld adecision that bag inspections

    on the MetropolitanTransportation Authority donot violate an individualsConstitutional rights, accordingto an MBTA press release fromOctober 2006. Following theLondon subway bombingsin July 2005, New York hadinstituted a policy that wasbased on the MBTAs random

    bag inspection program usedduring the Democratic NationalConvention in 2004. Clearlyit is an important issue thatcitizens do take concern for.

    Many of these concernedcitizens have also writtento Mayor Menino, Governor

    Patrick, and the Department ofHomeland Security. The marchwas called Defend the 4thand occurred from noon to 3p.m. on Feb. 2. The groupsbegan at Harvard Square, SouthStation, Lechmere, Kenmoreand Ruggles. It remains to beseen whether the MBTA or TSAwill cease its inspections.

    David FrederickJournal Staff

    Group seeks to end random bag inspections on the MBTA

    Joshua CaldwellJournal Staff

    Photo courtesy WikiMedia Commons

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    PAGE 14 September 19, 2012PAGE 14 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    Sports BriefsBraun on PED list

    A clinic in Miami is allegedly linked to supplying baseballplayers with PEDs, and one name on the list of players tied

    to the clinic is none other than Milwaukee star Ryan Braun.Braun was the only player in major league baseball historyto win an appeal against a failed test that showed he hadhigh testosterone (same year he won the National LeagueMVP), but plenty of fans and reporters did not agree withhim getting off the hook. Braun responded quickly by sayinghis name was on the list because he was seeing someoneas a consultant. The details are still coming out, but thisdefinitely puts Braun's name back in a bad mix.

    Rivers says Trade Rumors are "Silly"

    The rumors have been circulating over the weekend thatwith all the Boston Celt ics injuries, they might be looking tomake a couple of trades to clean house and start fresh. Thisweekend, a rumor started that the Los Angeles Clippers were

    interested in Kevin Garnett. The deal was rumored to involvesending Eric Bledsoe and Caron Butler to the Celtics forGarnett. Coach Doc Rivers shot down the rumors claimingthat they are driven by the media and nothing more. Hereferred to it all being "silly." The Celtics are currently ona four-game win streak, and look to keep pushing forward.

    Saints to Hire Rob Ryan

    One of the most shocking unemployed coaches this off-season is former Dallas Cowboys' defensive coordinator RobRyan, but it appears he will be packing his bags and head toNew Orleans. The New Orleans Saints finished 8-8 this pastseason, and Ryan will hope to bring the defense back to whatit was with Gregg Williams in charge. The St. Louis Rams

    actually brought Ryan in, but head coach Jeff Fisher claimedhe did not fit the scheme well for the Rams.

    Lindsey Vonn Tears Knee in Alpine WorldChampionships

    During her super-G run in the 42nd Alpine WorldChampionships in Schladming, Austria, 2010 Olympic GoldMedalist Lindsey Vonn tore two knee ligaments after crashingon Tuesday. Vonn was airlifted to a helicopter and taken to alocal hospital after the crash. The New York Timesreportedthat Vonn will need reconstructive surgery to repair theligaments. ESPNreported that during the television feed ofVonns run, she was heard screaming, saying yes, yes whensomeone ask her if she was hurt. The United States skiingteam did release a statement after news of Vonns injurybroke, saying it expects her to be ready for the World Cupseason and the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

    Men's BasketballSaturday, 2/9 @ Emerson 1 PMTuesday, 2/12 @ Mt. Ida 6 PM

    Men's HockeyWednesday, 2/6 @ Nichols 8:10 PMSaturday, 2/9 @ Wentworth 4:15 PM

    Women's BasketballThursday, 2/7 @ UMass Boston 5:30 PM

    Saturday, 2/9 @ Simmons 1 PM







  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 2/26/2013


    September 19, 2012

    PAGE 15

    September 19, 2012

    PAGE 15 The Suffolk Journal

    During a season therewill be many different typesof games. Some of them willbe memorable, some lessmemorable, while some ofthem you would rather forget.You remember the wins, thelosses, the ups and downs,but there is always that onegame which you rememberthe most, a team-effort winthat defines a season and isremembered forever. This winis both special and unique notonly because you win againstthe odds, but also becauseyou do it as a team through

    an entertaining and tacticallyintelligent way. When all theseelements come to life on thecourt, you can only expect adynamic, intense and brilliantgame, as if it was taken out ofa dream and transformed intoreal life. The Suffolk UniversityMens basketball teams 92-91 victory against No. 18ranked in the country AlbertusMagnus was a true spectacleof a game in which the Ram'sdream was transformed to theRam's reality.

    The way the team played

    that night was a pure joy towatch. They really showedan exemplary performancethat all teams, not only in theGNAC, could learn somethingfrom. The Rams proved thatwhen they play their owngame they can beat any teamin the GNAC Conference. Aftera game like this there is nodoubt that the Suffolk mensbasketball team is going for theGNAC championship this year.

    The Rams have played manygreat games in the years ofbeing in the GNAC conference,but this one definitely standsout as one of the absolute bestwins, if not the best, sinceSuffolks outstanding GNACchampionship title gameagainst Johnson and Walesback in 2002.

    When head coach AdamNelson was asked weather thiswas the best game of his careeras a coach he modestly said: It

    was a good quality win againstthe first place team in theleague, theyve only lost likefour games, I think four gamesin the league in the last threeyears, so it was a good team.They were nationally ranked,they dropped out, but they arestill getting votes from the top25 poll, so we beat a qualityteam at home and we did it ina good way so we are happyabout it. We know we have

    a good team and we are verytalented. We hit a rough patchin the middle of the seasonand we are starting to playwell now, we are just finallyplaying up to our potentialand we are doing it at theright time. There are onlytwo weeks left of the regularseason and then the play offsstart so we are starting to gelat the right time so Im happyabout that. This shows we canbeat anybody in our league

    when we are focused and weplay hard.

    Judging by the last coupleof games, the team has been ingreat shape and the only bumpon the road was Anna MariaCollege. In this game Suffolkhad a frustrating amount ofturn overs, which in the endcost the game. Yet hopes werehigh prior to the AlbertusMagnus game and the Ramsconfidently entered the court:

    Rams Continue Hot Streak,Edge Albertus Magnus 92-91 in Excellent Showing

    We won three outof four coming into this game, westruggled a little

    bit at Anna Mariaon Monday so wekind of refocused inthe last few days ofpractice. I thoughtwe would matchup pretty wellwith Albertus so Idefinitely thoughtwe had a shotcoach Nelson said.

    Every team hasits key players whoare able to changethe outcome of agame and createthe difference in

    the match. AlbertusMagnus has a lot of

    great players but themost outstanding of them allis Darius Watson, who wasrecently awarded player of theweek in the GNAC Conference.This tremendous athlete scored30 points in his 33 minutesof play against the rams. Inhis 21 games this season hehas scored 482 points in 675minutes, making his averagean incredible 23 points pergame. Coach Nelson and therest of the Suffolk staff knew

    that he is a player to watch outfor.

    Theyve got a really goodplayer in Darius Watson so wetried to deny him the ball allover the place, when he caughtit we would double team himat all times. No question thatDarius Watson is an extremelytalented player, but SuffolksJhonneris Mendez did notcare about that and made avital steal from Watson in

    the last seconds of the game.Colin Halpin (26 points, 1assist) and Caleb Unni (20points, 7 assists) both played

    an amazing game as well. Inthe end it was Mendez whosecured the victory for Suffolkand made the whole benchincluding coach Nelson andhis assistant coaches jump outof their seats and scream theirlungs out in celebration. ReganGym was ecstatic; everyone inthe crowd screamed in joy andthe noise level reached an ear-splitting volume. Coach Nelsondescribed the last seconds ofthe game and Mendez heroicsteal:

    It was great, it wasunbelievable. We had just

    scored and we were up byone and there was less than30 seconds to go. They call atime out. We knew that the kidWatson was getting the ball,so we had to double team him.When we double teamed him,Mendez just took it from him.He played like a man, just tookthe ball from the kids hand.

    This win is an astonishingachievement and not onlya glorious highlight for themens basketball team, but forthe whole athletic departmentof Suffolk University. Moments

    like these are what studentathletes live for. The Ramsmade the dream come trueand won against the odds,beating a top class team. Daviddefeated Goliath and createdperhaps the biggest upset inthe GNAC Conference thisseason.

    Vassili StroganovJournal Staff

    Photo courtesy of Suffolk Athletics

    It has been almost a month(18 days to be exact) since themens hockey team last wona game. The rollercoaster ofa ride has been rough on theRams, but they have stayedresilient.

    January had not been agood month for the strugglingRams notching a 2-5-2 record.

    However, the team has stayedpositive and has stayedresilient by not giving up andcontinuing to fight on.

    The team traveled to takeon Becker Jan. 26 and fellbehind 4-0 on the road beforerailing back to score threeunanswered goals lead by DanMazzeis two points in thegame. Mazzei provided thespark Suffolk needed to firstget on the board late in thesecond period and later tallied

    an assist to Charlie McGinnisin the third period. Suffolkhad battled back, but Beckerforward Dan Kanes hat trickand assistlead theRams todefeat.

    T h eteam thentraveled totake on TuftsUniversity inthe last non-

    conferencegame ofthe season.S u f f o l k jumped outearly to a2-0 lead onthe road, tojust watchit dwindlea w a y .Unlikely hero GeorgePantazopoulos of Tufts nettedtwo goals in less than a two-

    minute span (his first twogoals of the season) in thethird period and lead Tuftsto a comeback victory over

    Suffolk 4-2.A recurring theme of the

    Rams season has been falling

    behind early in the game,especially on the road. That isexactly what happened at Currythis past Thursday, letting

    up threefirst periodgoals. TheRams lookedsloppy, onlygetting offtwo shotsin the firstperiod of play.M o m e n t u m

    was justnot on theRams side,and missedopportunitiessummed upthe night,coming upwith fourempty powerplay chances.

    The Rams were out shot 36-22 and Tufts goaltender DerekMohney flat-out played the

    Rams forwards and offensivethreats, as the Rams fell 4-1.

    The Rams are coming offa tie at home to Salve Reginain which they battled backafter trailing in the secondperiod 1-0. Suffolk forwardMike Cherpark netted his 10thgoal of the season to tie thegame and force overtime. Inthe extra period of play bothteams only managed to get offa total of four shots on goal,resulting in a 1-1 tie.

    The Rams close out theseason on the road in threeof their last four games(at Nichols, at Wentworth,at Western New England,and home vs. Becker). Allof the remaining games onthe schedule are conferencegames, and it would be hugefor the Rams to make up someground by winning. CoachGilonna wants the team tofocus on each game one at atime.

    Chris FrangoliniJournal Staff

    Rams Look to Salvage Season,

    Break Slump on Upcoming Road Trip

    Photo courtesy of Suffolk Athletics

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    PAGE 16 September 19, 2012PAGE 16 September 19, 2012PAGE 16 September 26, 2012PAGE 16 September 19, 2012PAGE 16 September 19, 2012PAGE 16 February 6, 2013The Suffolk Journal


    Even a 35-minute poweroutage couldnt stop Ray Lewisand the Ravens from winningtheir second Super Bowl infranchise history as they beatthe San-Francisco 49ers 34-31.It was the second Super Bowlin a row that came down to thefinal play of the game, afterlast years Super Bowl endedwith a Tom Brady 70-yard HailMary throw to the end zone astime expired.

    Super Bowl XLVII was thefirst for the Ravens in 12 yearssince Super Bowl XXXV. The49ers havent been in thisstage since Steve Young seta postseason record with sixtouchdown passes in SuperBowl XXIX. The 49ers franchisewas 5-0 coming into SuperBowl XLVII after its famousdynasty dominated the 1980swith four victories underquarterback Joe Montana andreceiver Jerry Rice who wonthree of those with Montanaplaying behind center.

    Super Bowl XLVII was setto be the final game in whatwill be Ray Lewis hall offame-worthy career. Sincebeing established in 1996, theBaltimore Ravens never playeda game in the NFL withoutRay Lewis being a part of theteam. Lewis is a two-time NFLdefensive player of the yearand also Super Bowl XXXV MVP,

    the last defensive player towin this award. Most certainly,six years from today, RayLewis willbe a firstballot hall of

    famer.We saw

    a l m o s teverythingfrom theRavens inthis game.Joe Flaccohad a strongperformance

    a f t e rt h r o w i n gfor threetouchdownsand earninghis firstSuper BowlMVP award.J a c o b y Jones set apostseasonand SuperBowl recordwith a 108-yard kickoffreturn for a

    touchdown,which isalso thelongest playof any kind in postseasonand Super Bowl history. EdReed became the all-timepostseason interceptionleader after intercepting aColin Kaepernick pass. Thismarked the first interception

    in Super Bowl history for a49ers quarterback, since JoeMontana and Steve Young

    were never picked off.After Jacoby Jones returned

    the opening kickoff of thesecond half for a touchdownthe score was 28-6. Then ,theunexpected happened. The

    electricity in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome just stoppedworking. The stadium was

    all of the suddendark and by thetime NFL refereeJerome Boger blewhis whistle and theclock began to runagain, 34 minuteshad passed.

    When the gameresumed, it wasall about the 49erswho outscored theRavens 23-3 to cut

    the Ravens lead to31-29. The 49erseven forced a RayRice fumble thatresulted in a SanFrancisco missedfield goal. After aflag was thrown bythe officials as aresult of the Ravensrunning into 49erskicker David Akers,the 49ers didntmiss the secondshot.

    The next Ravenspossession endedwith a Justin TuckerField goal and a 34-29 lead. That set

    the stage for the lastdrive, where legends are born.When Colin Kaepernick was ayear old, the 49ers were in asimilar situation in Super BowlXXIII, tra iling the Bengals with3:10 left on the clock and

    Roy Ben-JosephJournal Staff

    Power Outage: 49ers Comeback Falls Shortas Ravens Win Super Bowl X L V I I

    needing a 92 yard drive towin the game. It seemed thatback in 1989 everybody on theplanet knew what was going tohappen, because the "coolest"and the smoothest guy on theplanet was about to lead histeam in a 92 yard drive andhit John Taylor with the gamewinning touchdown with 34seconds left. Yes, that was thegreat Joe Montana. This timeon fourth down and sevenyards, Kaepernick threw a passto the end zone intended forMichael Crabtree who was held

    by cornerback Jimmy Smith. Aflag should have been thrown,but in a season that will alwaysbe remembered because ofthe replacement referees whoblew many calls, maybe itwas symbolic that a no callwould leave a mark on theSuper Bowl. The Ravens wouldthen take over on down, runthe clock, take an intentionalsafety score on the way thatadded two more points to the49ers but completely ran theclock.

    The Ravens are worldchamps for the second time

    in franchise history, but theRay Lewis era is over and itwill be interesting to see howthe Ravens overcome the lossof their emotional leader. The49ers? They will be back soon,very soon. They are a youngand hungry team with anoutstanding defense.

    Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    Basketball is one of themost popular team sports inthe country, and there mightnot be a better team than theSuffolk University Lady Ramsin the GNAC conference forwomens basketball. The LadyRams have really come togeth-er as a team this season, andhave proven to be one of thefavorites in the conference.

    Lady Rams captain andguard Jacqueline Vienneauknows that the team is notdone yet, but that they willhave to overcome adversity.Our biggest challenge in thepast week has been adjustingto the loss of our senior captainand also starter Lindsey Rog-ers, said Vienneau. She brokeher hand at our Anna Mariagame last week. Especially atthis time of the season losing astarter and influential leader in

    coaches want to see happen.Although this loss could havebrought

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