the store fights back dsf

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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The Store Fights Back: Energizing the Retail Experience through Digital Signage

Bryan Meszaros | OpenEye

Chris Heap | OpenEye & The Imperative Group

John Schreiber | IDL Worldwide

Bryan MeszarosManaging Partner & Founder

OpenEye is a digital media

consultancy, which looks to activate

insights, technology and creativity to

redefine how brands and retailers

connect with consumers through

holistic digital experiences.

Currently in: New York City

John SchreiberGlobal Creative Director

IDL Worldwide is a full service retail

execution firm, which provides

consultancy, design, engineering,

fabrication, installation for brands

and retailers. IDL strives to improve

methods of selling product and

enhancing communication with

customers in retail.

Currently in: Munich, Germany

Chris HeapManaging Director & FounderSr. Digital Strategist (OpenEye)

The Imperative group is a specialist

screenmedia consultancy. We help

retailers, corporations, government

and technology companies

understand how to get the

maximum value from their

screenmedia programs by applying

our experience, knowledge and best

practices in order to help clients

understand the marketing and

commercial opportunity.

Currently in: London, England

What you’ll discover๏ What’s happening with the brick

and mortar today

๏ Methods that tie digital signage directly into the customer’s path to purchase

๏ Learn how retailers should be thinking about their brick and mortar

๏ Understand how digital signage fits into the overall in-store experience as part of a wider suite of retailer initiatives

๏ A new appreciation of the term “in-store experience”

The Retail Landscape

Engaging the Customer

Meeting Expectations

The simple truths about Retail today

Bryan Meszaros

What needs to be heard ๏ Based on price alone, retailers

can’t compete with online

๏ The path to purchase from “sofa to store” has been disrupted by technology

๏ Showrooming is showing up in retail stores

๏ Retailers need to leverage the store experience as it’s a point of difference

๏ The new retail currency is the customer experience

We are experiencing a paradigm shift in customer behavior

๏ 40% of respondents now use or want to use an in-store kiosk for self-service. {2011 Cisco Study}

๏ 42% of respondents use or are interested in using video screens within the store to make a buying decision {2011 Cisco Study}

๏ 51% of shoppers are willing to use mobile shopping tools, but less than 5% of retailers offer them. {NRF Study}

๏ 53% of shoppers reported current activity or interest in conducting research at an in-store kiosk and making their purchase immediately in-store. {2011 Cisco Study}

๏ 70% of U.S. consumers use the web plus another channel when making purchase decisions. {Forrester 2010}

The Zero Moment of Truth

๏ Stimulus: Anything you’re seeking

๏ ZMOT: Social Interaction

๏ Shelf: Need to reinforce the educated decision in-store

๏ Experience: Path to Loyalty

Stimulus ZMOT Shelf Experience

Stimulus ZMOT Shelf ExperienceDIGITAL


Adding a NEW dimension

๏ Connect the store experience to the “path to purchase”

๏ Prevent a potential disruption in conversion

๏ Reinforce product / brand information

Why ZMOT is critical for Digital Signage

๏ Control: Pull is the new push

๏ Need for reinforcement: The shelf provides one last opportunity to influence a consumers decision.

๏ Experience creates loyalty: How that information is delivered adds to the decision on whether the consumer will repeat the same action.

๏ Consistency: All the information obtained outside the store needs to be obtainable inside the store (before-during & after the in-store experience)

Re-conceptualize the role of the brick and mortar

๏ Make it personal: Neiman Marcus is enhancing it’s service with an app that identifies when customers enter the store and prompts staff to engage with the consumer based on purchase history and preference

๏ Be the authority: Guitar Center published the profiles of 4,000 sales associates on their website and created a “store experts” page for each location. Encouraging interaction with the staff and in-store appointments.

๏ Close the gap: Enable the consumer to being their shopping process and complete it when they enter the store.

๏ Be unique: Don’t invest in cookie-cutter solutions and expect the same results it produced for a competitor

๏ Make it fun: Aldo shoes developed a in-store mobile game that encouraged shoppers to try on various product to receive awards

Re-thinking the art of digital engagement

John Schreiber

The digitally empowered consumer

๏ Is conscious of brand competition

๏ Is reliant on the right information finding them, in the right place

๏ Expects a personalized and consistent shopping experience

๏ Wants to take advantage of both mobile and in-store applications to help make informed decisions

HollisterDigital Store Front

HMVAugmented Reality

TopshopVirtual Fitting Room

TescoSubway Virtual Store

Large display screens stretching across the facade and over

the front door showcase live feed of the surf in Huntington Beach, CA

Shoppers at HMV’s Oxford Street store use a smartphone

or tables to scan Universal Pictures DVDs and bring the films to life by displaying scenes and movie characters in 3D

Using a combination of augmented reality and

Microsoft Kinect the customer is able to select a garment off the rack without having to try it on physically.

Virtual stores were created using interactive displays. Using

QR codes, customers could load their “shopping carts” and have their items delivered to their home.


Value the Design of an Experience

๏ Attraction and engagement are the keys to adoption

๏ Leverage the physical brick and mortar

๏ Switch from a product-centric (push) model to an experience-centric (pull) model.

๏ Failing to deliver a consistent experience will drive customers away

Essentials of Effective Digital Engagement

๏ Relate to the audience

๏ It’s not just about advertising, expose customers to the brand

๏ Integrates within the visual merchandising strategy of the store

๏ Engages the customer with timely & relevant information

๏ Extends across all platforms

Meeting the customers digital expectations

Chris Heap

“In the near future all forms of digital media will be seamlessly and expertly embedded into retail environments, creating an unparalleled shopping experience that puts the customer first.” Bob Greenberg, CEO R/GA

What Shoppers expect today

๏ 70% of shoppers prefer human interaction in shops over online interaction

๏ 73% of shoppers prefer to physically interact with products in-store before purchasing

๏ 81% expect higher levels of customer service from stores than they do from online retailers

Source: Shopper-centric, 2012

The new reality Technology is not a silver bullet on it’s own, it must be combined with the brand andthe branded environment to ensure the ‘multiplier effect’ (e.g. 15% improvement topre-sales and 12% improvement in purchase decisions)

Source: Shopper-centric, 2012

What value do shoppers thinkdigital signage can add to their store experience?An upwards trend in adoption from ~20% to ~30% demonstrates increasing engagementin the use of retail technology

What value do retailers thinkdigital signage can add to the store experience?Retail professionals believe that digital signage has a significant impact onimproving the retail shopping experience and driving sales

How can retailerscapitalize?

๏ Retailers need to tap into the shopper’s emotional side

๏ Deliver a consistent shopping experience

๏ Retailers can be (and should be) “curators” - selecting products and services they believe best meet the needs and aspirations of its shoppers

๏ Back to the old school: make it fun & personalized

The evolving retail experience entails:

๏ A connected journey, one that delivers a tailored, relevant experience

๏ improved information access, help identifying information repositories through QR and NFC technologies

๏ Closing of the gap between consumer expectation and retail reality

๏ Optimized “path-to-purchase”

๏ Seamless multi-channel experience

“Digital brought the online and then mobile revolutions; now it’s driving the retail revolution,” Bob Greenberg, CEO R/GA

A brief digital recap

๏ The path to purchase from “sofa to store” has been disrupted by technology

๏ Retailers need to leverage the store experience as it’s a point of difference

๏ Customers expect a connected journey, one that delivers a tailored, relevant experience

๏ Switch from a product-centric (push) model to an experience-centric (pull) model.

๏ 51% of shoppers are willing to use mobile shopping tools, but less than 5% of retailers offer them.

For Questions or GuidanceBryan Meszaros -

John Schreiber - IDL

Chris Heap - Imperative

Thank you for joining us

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