the spring is sprung, the grass is riz! - the masonic province … · 2019-04-01 · appointments...

Post on 12-Jul-2020






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Dear Brethren,

The Spring is Sprung, the grass is riz!

(Alas! Our main road was flooded and we were cut off for a while!)

Major Announcement – Change of Rulers: This information has already been circulated widely throughout the Province. It was with great sadness that I accepted the resignation of my Deputy – VW Bro. Stuart Grantham, PGSwdB.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Stuart who is about to undergo a course of medical treatment which means he will be out of circulation for a number of months.

I sing the praises of a remarkable and kind man and my Brother Freemason. My right hand counsellor and a voice of moderation. These attributes have been much appreciated, especially when my thoughts strayed into overly “blue sky” thinking or my wanting to make things happen at an even greater pace. The following words spring to mind as I reflect on, and praise Stuart’s outstanding contribution made to this Province during the past two and a half years: “Exemplary in conduct, courteous in manner, easy of address, steady and firm in principle”.

Please keep VW Bro. Stuart and his family in your thoughts and prayers Brethren.

Our World has to move on………………. We are taught as Freemasons to embrace change and to anticipate the impact. I have therefore appointed W Bro. John Boyington, SGD, Asst ProvGM , to become my Deputy in succession to VW Bro. Grantham. His Installation will take place at Tapton Hall, Sheffield on the morning of Monday, 15th of April 2019.

W Bro. Boyington’s forthcoming promotion creates a vacancy for an Assistant Provincial Grand Master. I have been pleased to appoint our current Provincial Senior Grand Warden, W Bro. Brian Littlejohn, to become an APGM with leadership responsibility for

Area 4 within our Province. The Installation will take place at Tapton Hall, Sheffield on the evening of Monday, 13th May 2019.

Information regarding booking places at the respective Installations will be circulated soon.

“Well Done! Thou Good and Faithful Servants!”

Updates on Objectives:

Increasing Membership The Membership Pathway – Implementation for Success!

It is March and it is Springtime when growth is everywhere in Nature. Now is the time Brethren to nurture the growth of our Lodges. I note the number of Initiates joining our ranks are of all ages. Well done to Lodges who are implementing the Membership Pathway – It’s working!

This is particularly pleasing and I encourage Lodges who are struggling for candidates to contact those who are getting this right. My discussions with such Lodges confirm that they would be delighted to assist.

Candidates? Please remember that we look for quality and not just quantity!

New Lodge at Garforth - To Meet at Garforth Golf Club. The news continues to be encouraging! I am being kept aware of the progress being made and I am delighted with what I am hearing. A new Lodge in a growing part of the Province? Now that could be a thought for others to consider? There are so many new housing developments being planned and being built all around us.

A London “Yorkshire” Lodge We are keeping an eye on this development with interest and providing support. The Brethren involved are in final negotiations to take over the Warrant of another London Lodge that intended to close. This is the way they currently do such things in the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London. A request to change the name of the Lodge will be made to The Most Worshipful The Grand Master in due time. I understand that there will be a special meeting to celebrate the transition and I hope that many of you will join me with my contingent of West Riding Brethren on that night in London. Raising our Civic Profile – Making a Difference! Civic Engagement Following a most enjoyable Dinner Dance arranged by Area 4 Lodges at the Magna Science Adventure Centre in Rotherham, a deputation of Brethren has been invited to take tea with the Mayor of Barnsley. Such occasions are pleasurable and important in advancing our increased Civic engagement.

Please do keep looking for similar opportunities Brethren.

Provincial Grand Master’s Fund (PGM’s Fund) & West Riding Masonic Charities Ltd. (WRMCL)

Major Grants – 2019 The PGM’s Fund Committee sat and deliberated the nominations from Lodges and Chapters. Recommendations have been passed to WRMCL and decisions will be published soon. The successful applicants will be delighted and the grants awarded will make a significant difference in our Communities

Minor Grants – Q1/2019 A goodly number of awards have been recommended to WRMCL and again, details of the successful applicants will be published soon. It is a pleasure to support such a diversity of worthy local worth causes. These “Minor Grants” make a difference. We know because the recipients tell us.

For both Major and Minor Grants, we do try to support every qualifying application. However, this is not always possible. I do wish to thank all Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters for their hard work in supporting the applicants in preparing their submissions.

I would certainly encourage far more applications from all parts of the Province.

Area 1 Reception Dinner for Q4/218 Minor Grant Recipients The event was hosted by the Lodge of Peace No: 3988 at Hoyle Court, Baildon. It was a pleasure to meet the recipients of the Area 1, Q4/2018 awards. Representatives from the organisations sang our praises as we were informed of the positive impact that donations had already made in local communities.

Enhancing Member Experiences

2018/19 Acting Provincial Officers Visit to Castleford The floods abated and the road opened! Thank goodness! We were able to go to Castleford as planned. A packed Lodge Room witnessed a wonderful Initiation ceremony. The Team were well received by the Master, Officers and Members of Legiolium Lodge No: 1542 and treated to a magnificent ceremony and a splendid Festive Board.

2018 Initiates’ Evenings These events are being really well received by our new Brethren and their families. It is such a pleasure to meet and greet everyone and a successful buffet meal has provided an opportunity to circulate.

Similar events are planned for 2019 Initiates and their Families early in 2020. I have already asked the 2018 intake to escort our 2019 Initiates and I would also like Lodge Mentors to attend with other supporting Lodge Brethren

My thanks to everyone involved in the organisation and the delivery of these now Annual occasions.

Prestonian Lecture 2019 – Thursday, 19th of September 2019 – Castle Grove Leeds

The Leeds and District Lodge of Installed Masters No: 7918 has been selected to host one of the few official presentations of the 2019 Prestonian Lecture. This is a rare and richly deserved honour.

W Bro. Mike Karn, of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No: 2076 and Temple of Athene Lodge No: 9541, has been appointed by the United Grand Lodge of England as Prestonian Lecturer for 2019. His lecture is entitled “English Freemasonry during the Great War”.

Please watch out for further information and book your place immediately as it is anticipated that demand for tickets will be very high.

2019/20 Area Visits by Acting Provincial Officers I have made my choices! Please watch this space! I confirm that there are no costs involved for any Lodge selected for such a visit. Acting Provincial Officers pay their own way and that includes me!

Appointments to Grand Rank and Provincial Grand Rank “Those envelopes” arrived on doormats early in March. To Brethren who have been so honoured – please accept my hearty congratulations. The many, many hours spent by the Rulers Team ensure consistency and the use of an electronic system for the first time has proved an outstanding success.

Regarding honours, may I remind Brethren of the published sage words of VW Bro. John Rushworth, PGSwdB, PDepProvGM – Appointment to any first rank, Acting or Past, should be considered as possibly the only one to be received. There should be no expectation of automatic future promotion.

Breakfast Club for Young Masons and Friends A ground-breaking initiative! This time in Harrogate where 30 Brethren and their friends enjoyed a hearty breakfast at a restaurant. It was a tremendous get-together and I commend the idea to all throughout the Province.

New Masons’ Clubs The numbers are growing and what an opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of other new Masons and potential candidates. The variety of venues being used is impressive where a drink and meal can be enjoyed in very good company.

Provincial Company of Stewards The Meeting of the Leeds Lodge No: 9867 was a sea of crimson aprons and collars as the Present and Past Provincial Stewards held their inaugural “Red Apron Visit”.

Well done and here’s to the next time!

And Finally: My Plans for April

Another busy month ahead includes the final Team visit of the 2018/19 Acting Provincial Officers to Mexborough Lodge No: 6117, a 50- year Jubilee Certificate presentation for VW Bro. Nevil Parkinson, PGSwdB , PDepProvGM; Grand Officers’ briefings, a visit by Brethren from the Great State of Ohio – USA; the Annual Lunch for both Craft and Royal Arch Acting Officers and their partners, the Installation of a new Deputy Provincial Grand

Master; the Centenary Meeting of University Lodge, Sheffield No: 3911, the Annual Investiture Meeting at Grand Lodge in London - Then …….

On the Horizon

The Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Royal Hall, Harrogate on Tuesday, 7th of May followed by Dinner at the Majestic Hotel.

Great News! A team led by W Bro. Michael Dyson, our Provincial Grand Secretary, has negotiated contracts for us to continue to hold the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge at the Royal Hall for at least the next five years AND a three-year dining commitment with the Majestic. Contracts will then be renegotiated at the appropriate times. This is brilliant news and contingency plans to avert a repeat of previous issues can now be filed away!

I extend my grateful thanks to W. Bro Dyson and the negotiation team for securing the advance bookings at such wonderful and historic venues.

My Fraternal best wishes to you and yours as always.

“2018 Was Good – 2019 Will Be EVEN BETTER!”


RW Bro. David S. Pratt Provincial Grand Master

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