the sons of thunder

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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-by James Ryle.

 ANDREW STROM: When I heard the following dreams, they literally

affected me more than any visions or prophecies I have ever heard.

Some people don't like us publishing these things, but the Bible

clearly says that "In the last days, says God, I will pour out my

Spirit on all flesh... Your young men shall see visions. Your old

men shall dream dreams." (Acts 2:17). Dreams and visions from

God can be important. They are all the way through the book

of Acts. We dismiss them at our peril.

To continue - My wife and I are both musicians (-we now perform

with our daughters who harmonize beautifully). For many years

we have been strongly drawn to, and inspired by, the example of 

the Revival "street music" of the early Salvation Army. In 1989

we formed our first "street-band", seeking God for the mighty

'Repentance' anointing that the early Salvationists had. We werereal "Street Music/ Street Revival" type people. So when I first

heard a tape of this 'Sons of Thunder' message years later in 1993,

I just wept, as I had never before heard such powerful confirmation

of all this. The anointing of God was so strong. May the following

overview by James Ryle be as much of a blessing to you as it has

been to me.


-by James Ryle.

The following insight occurred to me in August 1990 as a result of 

three dreams. In the first dream I saw a flatbed trailer with a curtain

behind it. This trailer was parked at a fairground, as if a concert was

about to happen. There were two guitars on the mobile stage. The

color of these guitars was the most vivid, electric blue that one

could imagine. What impressed me most was that the guitars were

not painted, but stained. It had obviously taken time to make them

blue. The curtain was the same color as the guitars. Two men

walked from behind the curtain with sheet music in their hands.

They were very excited, and could hardly wait to play this music.

One said to the other, "Wait till they hear this. Its going to be just

like when the Beatles played their music!" In the dream I also

became excited. I turned to see the crowd that was gathering atthe stage and the scene changed before my eyes. The audience

became a vast body of water, like a lake, and as the musicians

played the new song I saw fishing lines cast out into the water.

The dream ended. My waking thoughts were that God is about to

release a new kind of song in the streets. It will bring a revelation of 

the truth and it will usher people into His presence. The anointing

of the Lord will be with musicians who have spent time in God's

presence "behind the curtain" receiving a deep love for the lost. The

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lyrics of their songs will be as "fishing lines" cast into the hearts of 

men and women needing Christ.

In the second dream, I was on the stage in a large church. There

was an equipment room on the right side of the stage. It had

microphones, cables, amplifiers and other kinds of things that

collect in closets. In one corner of the room I saw a power amplifier 

covered with dust. The cord was wrapped about it, and it had not

been used for a long time. When I looked closer I saw written on

the front, "The Beatles Power Amp." I knew in that moment that

this box was the source of their sound and their power. I knew that

anyone could plug into this box and, in effect, have what the

Beatles had - an incredible ability to mobilize masses of people to

a single thing. As I stood there holding the Beatles power amplifier,

I asked aloud this question, "What is this doing here in the

Church's equipment room?" Suddenly I was out of the equipment

room and standing behind the pulpit at this church, still holding

the amp. The enormous church, throughout the main floor and allabout the balcony, was packed with people from every nation. A

very beautiful woman, radiant with a glow of glory, stood in the

middle of the church and began singing a song from the Lord. A

light shone upon her and her voice filled the auditorium. All she

sang was: "In the name of Jesus Christ the Lord we say unto you,

be saved." She sang it over and over. She would turn to her right

and sing, then turn to her left and sing; then she would turn behind

her and before her and sing the same thing. As I watched her sing,

it was like a wind blowing on a wheat field. The people began to

swoon in the presence of God and then collapse in their seats --

converted to Christ! God's power was moving through the music.

The dream ended.

My thoughts upon waking were clear. There is going to be a new

sound and distinctive anointing from the Lord upon music that will

turn the heads and capture the hearts of men and women for Jesus.

The reason the Beatles power Amp was in the Church's equipment

room is because God meant for it to be a part of the church's

equipment in reaching the lost for Christ. Music does not belong to

the world, but to the Church. Music does not belong to the Devil,

but to Christ. Satan has indeed stolen the hearts of musicians and

their gift of music to use for his own evil purposes. The Church in

many cases has unwittingly surrendered this to the devil withoutany fight at all. Music was given to worship the Lord but Satan has

turned it for self-worship, which is the reason people tend to

worship musicians. But true worship and true music belong to

Jesus Christ. They are given to His church to serve Him with. I

truly believe the anointing the Lord will release on music is going

to sweep the world in a manner like the Beatles did when they first

performed. But instead of drawing attention to themselves (like the

Beatles did), the anointed musicians of the Lord will draw attention

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to Christ alone and give Him all the glory.

In the third dream I was again in the large church where I had seen

the amplifier. This time the church was empty except for one man.

He was up on stage playing a keyboard and singing to the Lord. It

was a beautiful song, and he was crying because of the tender 

exchange taking place between he and Jesus. He was writing the

song right there, spontaneously making it up as he went. I was

greatly moved by this song and the man's pure worship. I had a

camera with me and decided to take a picture of this to remember 

it. I took two Polaroid pictures that came out immediately. When I

looked at these pictures I was stunned because both of them were

glowing with a golden light. I looked up and then I could see it on

the man. The entire platform around him was also glowing like gold.

I knew that this was the anointing of God. I showed the man, but it

startled him...He looked at the pictures for a second, putting his

hands in his pockets he shrugged his shoulders and kicked the

ground shyly. "Gosh, I didn't know you were here, I'm soembarrassed" was all he could say. "You don't have to apologize

for the anointing" I replied. The dream changed. I still had the two

photographs of the anointed worshipper in one hand, and in the

other I held a parchment. I looked at the scroll and saw it was a

letter written by an unknown soldier in the Salvation Army. It said,

"The Lord will release into the streets an army of worshipping

warriors known as the Sons of Thunder. They will bring forth a

witness of worship and praise for the Lord Jesus Christ that will

bring many people to God."

The dream changed once more. I was floating over a wide and long

highway that headed in one direction. All lanes were completely

grid-locked, jam packed with motorcycle gang members, revving

their engines and stirring up dust. It was a graphic picture of lost

humanity. Then I saw a group of bikers moving in single file along

the service road. They were headed for a field in the distance where

there was a monolithic stone. This stone, I knew in the dream,

represented the power of Christ and would empower those who

touched it to go back to the highway and turn masses of lost

people back to God. I looked closer at these motorcyclists as the

sped toward the Stone, and saw on their jackets the words "Sons

of Thunder."

 As the Sons of Thunder approached the Stone to touch it, a

barricade of law officers stood arm to arm in riot gear, opposing

the motorcyclists - assuming they were intent on defacing the Stone.

 At that moment, I took the parchment in my hand and folded it like

a paper airplane. I then placed the photographs inside it and

tossed it sail over the heads of the officers. I knew that if the

pictures and the promise were to touch the Stone, then the power 

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God bless you all.

 Andrew Strom.


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 Andrew Strom.

"PENTECOST for DESPISED OUTCASTS"-Arthur Booth-Clibborn.

 An early pioneer of the Pentecostal movement of 100 years ago,

 Arthur Booth-Clibborn wrote:-

"Any cheapening of the price of Pentecost would be a disaster of 

untold magnitude. The company in the upper room, upon whom

Pentecost fell, had paid for it the highest price. In this they

approached as near as possible to Him who had paid the supreme

price in order to send it.

Do we ever really adequately realize how utterly lost to this world,how completely despised, rejected and outcast was that company?

Their master and leader had just passed, so to speak, through the

µhangman¶s rope,¶ at the hands of the highest civilization of the day.

Their Calvary was complete, and so a complete Pentecost came

to match it. The latter will resemble the former in completeness.

We may, therefore, each of us say to ourselves: As thy cross, so

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will thy Pentecost be. God¶s way to Pentecost was via Calvary.

Individually it must be so today also. The purity and fullness of the

individual Pentecost must depend upon the completeness of the

individual Calvary. This is an unalterable principle.´

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SOURCE: The book "Azusa Street" by Frank Bartleman (-one

of the most powerful Revival books ever written).


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 Andrew Strom.


 A number of people have decried the Pentecostal/ Charismaticmovement as being the doorway through which the currentcorruption has entered the modern church. There is an elementof truth in this, but it is not entirely accurate.

I was born into a Pentecostal church 56 years ago, was raisedthere, was educated in one of their colleges, and pastored 3 of their churches. I think this gives me a degree of knowledge andfamiliarity with the movement and its history... I also had theprivilege of meeting with and conversing with some of thePentecostal pioneers while they were still alive. In addition, I haveowned a number of Frank Bartleman¶s books for years. This is notto put myself forward as an expert, but to let you know that what Isay next is not said from a vacuum of ignorance, assumption, and

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The Pentecostal movement was born out of the holiness movement.Many of those who were involved in its birth were people of holinesswho had died to self, had picked up their crosses and werefollowing Jesus Christ as He directed them by His Spirit and HisWord. The multitudes of transformed lives, the miracles, and thepersecution were very real. We can thank God for those pioneerswho ± under the move and hand of God ± paved the way for arenewed freedom and move of the Holy Spirit in Christ¶s Church.The problems which arose were not with the move of the Spirit or with many of those who sought the Lord and came into theBaptism and life of the Spirit. Mostly the problems arose ± asthey do today ± from those who wanted to avoid the cross. Thesewere people who wanted the blessings of life in the Spirit, but whodid not want to die to sin, flesh, and themselves.

 As early as 1907, Frank Bartleman wrote of his dismay over thesetypes of people who infiltrated the Pentecostal movement. Manyflocked to Pentecostal movements all over the continent seeking

the blessings of the spirit, but not wanting holiness, confession of sin, brokenness before the Lord, and taking up of the cross. Wehave the same root problem with us today. The modern church isfilled with selfish, sinful people who want God¶s blessings, but whodo not want to go the way of the cross.

The problem has been further compounded by those falsepreachers, prophets, and teachers who refuse to preach the crossand what it costs to be a follower of Christ. Instead today¶s³Christian´ heaps to himself preachers, teachers, and prophetswho tickle his flesh and make it feel comfortable ± those who havebecome experts at creating a brand of ³christianity´ which seemsto marry the flesh with the Spirit. This CANNOT be, however, since

the flesh and the Spirit are enemies against each other. Scripturemakes it clear that one must follow one or the other ± God or mammon.

It is the shame of many Pentecostal/ Charismatic churches ±although, not all (... the mistake of generalizing) ± have abandonedthe preaching of the cross, holiness, separation from the world,and the true full Gospel. Much of the modern church hasabandoned the Christ of the Bible in favour of a ³new and improvedChrist´ who has no cross, but only ³love;´ who has no holiness, butonly ³grace;´ who has no justice, but only ³blessings;´ and who isnot Judge, but merely a cosmic Santa Claus.

How we need those who will die to self, take up the cross, and be

witnesses of the true Christ! How God longs for those who will livegodly in Christ Jesus ± in spite of the persecution! How we needthose who choose to reject the world, who hate sin, who fear nonebut God; those who will do what He wants, speak what He says,and be molded into the image of Christ by the Word and the Spiritthat Christ may have human representation of Himself to a lost anddying world. This is the Church of Jesus Christ 

May God help us. Brothers and sisters, work while it is yet day,for the night is coming when no man can work. Labour faithfully

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with Him. Fear not what man thinks or what man can do unto you,but fear Him who is your Redeemer and your King.

MICHAEL Replies-I also have been pastor in a ³pentecostal´ church for 44 years. Wedo not like the handle ³pentecostal" because in most people's mindit conjures up all the excesses and extras introduced by by wolveswho have not spared the flock..."

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MODERATOR: Andrew Strom.

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NOTE: Many who read David Wilkerson's 1974 book "The Vision"are amazed at just how much of it seems to have already come to

pass. But in the same book, Wilkerson also prophesied a hugeearthquake coming to the USA - seemingly after a major quake inJapan. Below is the warning in his own words-

JAPAN & the COMING USA EARTHQUAKES-by David Wilkerson. (1974).

The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distantfuture the most tragic earthquakes in its history. One day soonthis nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news

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story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest mostdisastrous earthquake in history.

It will cause widespread panic and fear, Without a doubt, it willbecome one of the most completely reported earthquakes ever.Television networks will suspend all programming and carry allday coverage.

 Another earthquake , possibly in Japan may precede the one thatI see coming here. There is not the slightest doubt in my mindabout this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent.

I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place inCalifornia. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it isleast expected. This terrible earthquake may happen in an areathat not known as an earthquake belt. I t will be so high on theRichter scale that it will trigger two other major earthquakes.

-Certainly food for prayer. Please comment on this prophecy of "Earthquakes in the USA" at the website below- 

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Honeymoon Tour.

-by Tony Paterson. (-The Independent, UK).

It may go down in history as the ultimate honeymoon from hell.

When Stefan and Erika Svanstrom set off with their baby daughter on what was to be their holiday of a lifetime last December, theywere hoping for balmy sun-drenched beaches and the enrichingexperience of different cultures on the other side of the world.

The couple, from Stockholm, had only been married in November,and their four-month trip to Australia, New Zealand, South-east

 Asia, Japan and China was their honeymoon.

But as Ms Svanstrom, 32, put it yesterday: "Our holiday turnedout to be a bit more than we bargained for." ... They, along withtheir baby daughter, Elinor, found themselves living through someof the most devastating natural disasters the earth has experiencedin over a century...

-READ the FULL STORY - see the link at our website below- 

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 "TEAR DOWN the WALLS" - A Vision-by David Stansell.

I also had a vision in 2003 that spoke of a change in the Church.

I saw a red brick building. It was a church building. The roof wasrotten, the wood in the walls was rotten. The remedy was toremove all the wood in the building. It needed to be replaced. Itcould not be repaired.

Well, this meant that the brick walls would have to be torn downas they were not in shape to support themselves without aconnection to the wood. In very poor shape.

So I saw the building reduced to the foundation stones. I was readyto see a new building build on this old foundation.

However the Spirit of God spoke. "Take out the foundation. It isnot substantial enough to support the building that I am ready to

build on this ground."

The building that God is ready to build (Bride) is to be so muchglorious than our present understanding. However, *are* we readyfor Him to take down the present building? And take it down allthe way to the original dirt? Our human side wants to hold ontosomething that is recognizable from our past. It then becomesthat leaven that brings back all the old junk of the previous life.

Then I heard, "I am looking for a 'General Contractor ' who will buildaccording to the blue print." Then I understood that He would onlyentrust the construction of this building to someone who is fullysubmitted to do all and not less that all that comes from the throne

of Heaven. We are not the architect. It is not our job to designthe building.

Shortly after the vision I was in Acts 5. In verse 32, I was over-whelmed with the truth that we do *not* have the ministry of theHOLY SPIRIT because we do *not* obey his voice. (Jer 7: 22)...

God is ready for His bride to operate in all the power that Jesushad while He was on this earth (Scriptures say this) when we areready to relate to God the same way Jesus related to the Father.

 As I look at church history, I see that God gave men truth andthey used their minds to ADD more truth. And then this new truth

brought death to the truth of God. Where are the people who canbe obedient only to the simple truths brought by the Holy Spirit?

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More GREAT QUOTES-Sermonindex.

"The great misconception in our day is this: that God isn'tconcerned to protect His own integrity. He's a kind of wishy-washydeity, who just waves a wand of forgiveness over everybody. No.

For God to forgive you is a very costly matter."-R.C. Sproul 

"A revival of religion presupposes a declension." - Charles G. Finney 

"I had this day a great sense of the emptiness and vanity of allthings here below. If I had millions and millions of worlds, theywould not make me happy. Christ is all in all, in him I find a solidpeace."- Henry Alline

"Do not we rest in our day too much on the arm of flesh? Cannotthe same wonders be done now as of old? Do not the eyes of theLord still run to and fro throughout the whole earth to showHimself strong on behalf of those who put their trust in Him? Oh,that God would give me more practical faith in Him! Where is nowthe Lord God of Elijah? He is waiting for Elijah to call on Him."- James Gilmour of Mongolia 

"I have need of nothing." -The Laodicean Church 

"I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages -villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without

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hope in the world."-Robert Moffat 

"A man with God is always in the majority."-John Knox

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"GET INTO the ARK"-by David Wilkerson.

John Owen, the great Puritan preacher, spoke the followingmessage to his congregation on April 9, 1680:

³You know that for many years, without failing, I have been warningyou continually of an approaching calamitous time, and consideringthe sins that have been the causes of it«I have told you that

 judgment will begin in the house of God; that God seems to havehardened our hearts from his fear«and that none knows what thepower of his wrath will be. In all these things I have foretold youof perilous, distressing, calamitous times«These all now lie atthe door, and are entering in upon us.´

God did send his awful judgments on that society. John Owenlived to weep over a flaming holocaust that engulfed London.

Yet, before he ever saw a single one of these calamities take place,Owen faithfully cried out from his pulpit, ³I am going to show youhow we ought to deport ourselves in and under the distressing

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calamities that are coming upon us, and may reach, it may be,up to the very neck.´

Beloved, we¶re living in just such a time as Owen¶s. And in timeslike these, there is only one response to the coming storm. ³The

 just shall live by faith!´

Owen admonished his people with tears, ³Get you an ark²preparean ark for the safety of you and your families.´ Then he added, ³Theark is Jesus Christ. There is no other way, no other ark²for Isaiah,the prophet, said of our Lord, µAnd a man [Christ] shall be as anhiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as riversof water in a dry place, as the shadows of a great rock in a wearyland.¶ That is our ark! Blessed are they that trust only in him«Iknow of no safety, no deliverance, in the trials and afflictions comingupon the earth, but in believing Christ as our only refuge.´

We may see dangers on all sides, including a devil and hisprincipalities who want to drown our faith in doubts. But we have afiery guard of angels surrounding us and a God who is under oath

to carry us through any disaster we may face.

So let me ask you, do you want to face the coming storm withquiet confidence and peace of mind? Then die today to all your ownways and means of saving yourself and commit the keeping of your life wholly to God¶s care. He¶s your good, loving Shepherd²and heis faithful to see you through all!

Fix your eyes on Jesus. He alone is our hope.


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 ANDREW STROM: I have been pondering lately the fact that themost obvious move we need today is a move of "Holiness unto the

Lord." I remembered years ago that there used to be a well-knownprophecy that used this phrase. After some searching I found it.

 A prophecy by David Minor from 1987 about the "two winds"that God was going to bring. It made me wonder if this move of "Holiness unto the Lord" had been derailed or delayed by the eventsof the early 1990's - when most of the Charismatic movement fellinto the craziness of a "counterfeit wind" which has lasted even untiltoday. I wonder if there is still time for a movement of "Holinessunto the Lord" in the church. Below is the original prophecy. Seewhat you make of it-

TURN YOUR FACE into THE WIND-David Minor, 1987.


The Spirit of God would say to you that the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing through the land. The Church, however, is incapable of fully recognising this Wind. Just as the people in your nation givenames to hurricanes, so I have put My name on this Wind. ThisWind shall be named Holiness Unto the Lord. Because of a lack of understanding some of My people will try to find shelter from theWind, but in so doing, they shall miss My work. For this wind hasbeen sent to blow through every institution that has been raisedin My Name.

In those institutions that have substituted their name for Mine, theyshall fall by the impact of My Wind. Those institutions shall falllike cardboard shacks in a gale. Ministries that have not walkedin uprightness before Me shall be broken and fall. This is My Wind.For this reason, man will be tempted to brand this as a work of Satan, but do not be misled. This is My Wind. I cannot tolerate MyChurch in its present form, nor will I tolerate it. Ministries andorganisations will shake and fall in the face of this Wind, and eventhough some will seek to hide from the Wind, they shall not escape.

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It shall blow against your lives, and all around you will appear tobe crumbling and so it shall. But never forget this is My Wind,saith the Lord. With tornado force it will come and appear to leavedevastation, but the word of the Lord comes and says, ³Turn your face into the wind and let it blow´. For only that which is not of Meshall be devastated. You must see this as necessary.


Be not dismayed. For after this My Wind shall blow afresh. Haveyou not read how My breath blew on the valley of dry bones? Soit shall breathe on you. This Wind will come in equal force to thefirst Wind. This Wind too will have a name. It shall be called ³TheKingdom of God´. It shall bring My government and order.

 Along with that it shall bring My power. The supernatural shall comein that Wind. The world will laugh at you because of the devastationof that first Wind, but they will laugh no more. For this Wind willcome with force and power that will produce the miraculous amongMy people and the fear of God shall fall on the nation.

My people will be willing in the day of My power, saith the Lord. InMy first Wind that is upon you now, I will blow out pride, lust,greed, competition, and jealousy, and you will feel devastated,but haven¶t you read, ³Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs isthe Kingdom of Heaven´? So out of your poverty of spirit I willestablish My Kingdom. Have you not read, ³The Kingdom of Godis in the Holy Spirit´? So by My Spirit, My Kingdom will beestablished and made manifest.

Know this also, there will be those who shall seek to hide fromthis present Wind and they will try to flow with the second wind.But again, they will be blown away by it. Only those who have

turned their faces into the present wind shall be allowed to bepropelled by the second wind.

You have longed for revival and a return of the miraculous and thesupernatural. You and your generation shall see it, but it shallonly come by My process, saith the Lord. The Church of thisnation cannot contain My power in its present form. But as itturns to the Wind Of Holiness of God, it shall be purged andchanged to contain My glory. This is judgement that has begunat the House of God but it is not the end. When the second Windhas come and brought in My harvest, then shall the end come.

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This word by Lance Lambert "The Time of Shaking" came in 1986and I want to say through experience in Rwanda, I have seen itplayed out. First the selfish ambitions of man created a divide sodesperate that by 1994 neighbors began to slaughter neighbors.This small nation was devastated after over 1,000,000 were killedin 100 days. Even earthquakes ravaged her borders since.

But when the turmoil passed a strange and unbelievable thing

happened, revival broke out. The church grew in such a fast anddeep way that most of the inhabitants of this country have beensaved. I am woken every morning at 5:00am to morning prayers and worship, and across this hilly land churches are packed untilthere is standing room only.

So, as an encouragement to the rest of the world, I believe thisword is true [about a great time of "Shaking" - ed.] and when ithappens, move with boldness and freedom calling the people backto the Lord (especially the church) because I too have been hearingthat this is the heart of God for our time.

May true revival break out in Japan.

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MODERATOR: Andrew Strom.

NOTE: A very balanced look at an often-abused topic. We would

be interested in your comments on the below article, my friends.


In a number of the denominations I've been involved in, including atleadership level, a "doctrine of covering" was taught and accepted.

 And for many, many years, I never questioned this teaching. After all, everyone believed it; the leadership upheld it, so it must beright, right? It is only as the Holy Spirit has impressed me to studythe scriptures more deeply on this teaching that I've had to cometo terms with the fact that He NEVER originated it! In His infinite

grace, He chose to wait patiently for a time when the Spirit of Truthwould become dearer to me than the traditions of men.

The teaching on "covering" goes like this. Everyone needs to beaccountable to someone who is spiritually his or her superior. Thissomeone may be your cell group leader, the head of a churchdepartment or your senior pastor etc. In turn, these leaders receivecovering from someone further up the line, for instance adenominational leader or a "recognised" apostle. The necessity for this covering is based on the belief that believers need to besafeguarded from falling into error and/or sin. So covering isprovided by those who are more spiritual than we to protect usfrom such error. At the top of this pyramid of covering there is quiteoften a well-known and recognised "name" but the chances of meeting or having any kind of relationship with that person if youare at the bottom of the pyramid are fairly slim. Currently, there areseveral networks offering this kind of covering to those in someform of church leadership or ministry, more often than not for anannual fee. The annual fee usually provides for the running of thenetwork, and conferences where you can fellowship with othersunder your particular brand of covering. You may also be deniedentrance from one of these networks because you don't have theappropriate credentials.

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 One of the strange things about this "covering" teaching is thatrarely is anyone asked about their spiritual covering, until they stepoutside their particular church, denomination or network. However,the minute a believer shows signs of having something important toshare with the wider Body of Christ, suddenly all and sundry areinterested primarily in that one important question: "Who are youcovered by?" It all sounds pretty reasonable except for one problem -it's NOT FOUND in scripture. In fact, the early church was taughtto rely on the inner anointing to discern the spiritual source of potential ministers. (1 John 2:20; 1 John 4:1)

So, where did this idea originate that believers need to be "covered"in order to serve God and minister within Christ's Body? Are you,like many others, living your Christian life under the shadow of thisfear that without "covering" you dare not minister, preach, pray or do a myriad of other things you're called to do by the Spirit of God,because you will somehow be ministering without protection?

The purpose of this article is to shed some light on this issue

based on scriptural truth. To begin with, though, we need tounderstand that this need to be covered by a perceived spiritualauthority, and the scriptural instruction to submit ourselves toGod's delegated authorities, are NOT necessarily one and thesame thing. Furthermore, New Testament authority asdemonstrated by Jesus and the first apostles, is servanthood-authority, upholding, strengthening, reinforcing and overseeing theBody from BENEATH, not DOMINEERING, CONTROLLING andRULING from ABOVE. Therefore, it is vital in examining this issuethat we begin from a correct understanding of Biblical submissionand Biblical authority.


"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who,being in the form of God, thought in not robbery to be equal withGod; but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him theform of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and beingfound in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and becameobedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Phil. 2:5-8)

The current mindset we carry in much of the church concerningsubmission is quite unrelated to the submission taught anddemonstrated by Jesus and the early apostles. There is adesperate need to return to the same mind that was in Christ Jesus.The scripture tells us that though He was equal with the Father,

Jesus CHOSE to submit Himself, He CHOSE to humble Himself,He CHOSE to obey. This is the key to Biblical submission, and themodel laid down for us by both the Father and the Son.

Submission is firstly a choice; a choice that can only ever be madeby the giver. Biblical submission can never be demanded or forced.That kind of relationship is subservience, not submission. Jesuschose to subject Himself to the Father, but the Father "so lovedthe world that He GAVE His only begotten Son." Sacrificial givingand sacrificial submission are married to each other. In the Spirit,

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you cannot have one without the other. If you try, you will invariablyend up with control, dependence and abuse rather than humility,interdependence and grace.

The New Testament concept of submission, or subjection, is oneof a totally voluntary attitude of giving, of yielding one's preferenceand deferring to another. In this way, Jesus as a child was subjectto His parents, yet the scriptures record that He did not evenconsult them when He was "about His Father's business." (Luke 2:49,51)


"Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say. Their work is towatch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to God.Give them reason to do this joyfully and not with sorrow. Thatwould certainly not be for your benefit." (Hebrews 13:17, NLT)

"But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, "You knowthat those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it

shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become greatamong you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires tobe first shall be slave of all." (Mark 10:42-44)

"Jesus got them together to settle things down. "You've observedhow godless rulers throw their weight around," he said, "and whenpeople get a little power how quickly it goes to their heads."(Mark 10:42 The Message)

There is no question that the scriptures instruct each one of us tosubmit to God's delegated authority. It is the understanding andthe application of that authority we often stumble over. The Biblerecords that Jesus taught the twelve this Kingdom authority as

they walked along the road to Jerusalem. His face had been settoward the Cross, and it is certain He was keenly aware of theshort time He had left with them. Perhaps He was conversing withHis Father about what were the most important lessons He couldimpart to them during the time that was left. We know that Heheard them disputing over who among them was the best"leadership material". Perhaps Peter, having not long beforewitnessed Jesus' transfiguration, thought that gave him specialstatus. Perhaps James and John felt they were more likelycandidates for rulership than impetuous Peter. Shortly before,they had asked Jesus to give them special places of honour inHis Kingdom. Whatever had started their dispute, Jesus certainlyknew how to end it!

"Whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave....."(Matt. 20:27).

The Lord was speaking to a group of people who had grown upunder the rule of the Roman Empire. The Romans exercised their authority through forced subjection and harsh cruelty. In fact, theliteral translation of the words Jesus used in reference to Romanrule mean "to be under the power of" and "to be subdued." Despitehaving witnessed Jesus using a very different kind of authority and

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power, the disciples had not yet understood exactly what Hewould require of them. The Romans were, in the political sense,their masters. Yet here was Jesus stating that to exercise theauthority He was going to invest in them they would need tobecome slaves to one another, and not masters. One might safelyassume these weren't words any of them particularly wanted tohear that day!

Kingdom authority has nothing to do with titles, positions,educational qualifications or reputation. Kingdom authority isgranted by the Lord according to the measure with which He cantrust us to wield it with humility. The greatest authority in thekingdom is reserved for His bondslaves.


In today's church system we have confused the word "covering"with the need for accountability. Consequently many are holdingthemselves accountable to people with title and position,regardless of whether or not they are developing an ongoing

transparent relationship with that person. In the Kingdom, it is notpossible to be truly accountable to those with whom we are notactively growing in relationship. How can I be trusted to call you toaccount righteously if I don't love you in Christ? How can you loveme with Christ-like love and not call me to account?

Paul was able to correct the Corinthians because he had truerelationship with them. He had travailed over them, nurtured them,wept for them and rejoiced with them. Therefore he was able toreprove them, for their edification and not for their destruction.(2 Corinthians 13:10)

When we turn to the scriptures for guidance on this issue of 

accountability, a startling fact confronts us. The News Testamentmentions accountability ONLY in terms of the believer towardsGod. The scripture teaches that we will give accountability TOGOD ALONE in the following areas:

*stewardship (Luke 16:2)*ourselves (Rom. 14:12)*fruit (Phil 4:17)*what we do in the flesh (1 Pet. 4:5)*leaders shall give account for the souls they watch over (Heb. 13:17)

What then, DO the scriptures teach about how believers, asmembers of the corporate Body of Christ, are to relate to one another?

"... all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed withhumility, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."(1 Peter 5:5)

In Galatians Chapter Two we read of a journey Paul took toJerusalem. He states that he went up "by revelation", that is, atthe instigation of the Holy Spirit, in order to confirm that the gospelhe had been preaching was approved by the eldership of theJerusalem church. He goes on to state that "those who seemed to

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be something, whatever they were, it makes no difference to me,"had nothing to add to his teachings. He further adds that whenJames, Cephas (Peter) and John perceived the grace God hadshown him, he was given the "right hand of fellowship."

 At the instigation of the Holy Spirit, Paul had subjected himself tothe Jerusalem eldership, including Peter, for the purpose of accountability. One may safely assume that Peter, having spentaround three years day and night with Jesus, and highly regardedby the early believers, held very great authority in the church. Paul,however did not ask Peter to cover him. Instead, he did nothesitate in calling Peter to account when Peter was later swayedto go back on his word by the fear of men (Gal. 2:11-14). Bear inmind this is the same Peter who stated "We ought to obey Godrather than men." (Acts 5:29)

These men understood the nature of relationship through the HolySpirit; ALL of you be submissive to one another, ALL of you beclothed with humility. Each of us is accountable to one another,whatever our function in the Body, whether apostles, teachers,

deacons or helpers. This is the church Christ is building.

To say that we are demonstrating accountability to a person or group of people we may briefly rub shoulders with at a meetingonce or twice a week, or perhaps once or twice a year, is ludicrous.True accountability is about how we express Christ in us - our lifestyle, our character and our integrity in families, jobs andchurch community. This cannot be measured outside Godlyrelationships, and without a humble willingness to be in subjectionone to another. Each one of us needs to seek out and submitourselves to those in the Body the Lord has placed close to us toprovide that accountability, regardless of their position, title or function. Each one of us needs to be willing, in humility and

service, to provide that same accountability base for others in theBody. This applies to leadership equally as it does to the newest,most inexperienced member of the Christian community.

Sadly, what we see today in so much of the church, is a frenzied jockeying for position under the supposedly protective umbrella of some ministry name or reputation, in order to prove ourselves"covered". "WHO COVERS YOU?" has become one of the mostfrequently asked questions among Christians, and too often it isthe deciding factor in assessing a ministry's integrity or otherwise.Consequently, an unsatisfactory answer to that question in somechurch circles can label you "outside the camp" and almostcertainly not to be trusted. Christians are judging each other's

worth and relationship with God on this issue of covering, andusing it to justify self-righteousness and spiritual elitism.

In Part Two of this study we will talk about what is at the root of this distorted doctrine, and the clear choices that lie before us inorder to be free from it.

Part TWO

".....then the LORD will create above every dwelling place of Mount

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Zion, and above her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day andthe shining of a flaming fire by night. For over all the glory there willbe a covering." Isaiah 4:5

"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shaltthou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler." Ps. 91:4


"Now it happened on one of those days, as He taught the peoplein the temple and preached the gospel, that the chief priests andthe scribes, together with the elders, confronted Him and spoke toHim, saying, "Tell us, by what authority are You doing thesethings? Or who is he who gave You this authority?" (Luke 20:1-2)

 As we see from this portion of scripture, the question "who coversyou?" is not new. The chief priests, scribes and elders were notsimply asking Jesus where His supernatural power came from.More than that, they wanted a NAME. "Who is he?' Come on, tellus Jesus, who is the scribe, who is the rabbi, who is the prophet

who covers you? And no more of that over-spiritualised talk aboutyour Father. We want the name of the person who said you coulddo these things!"

The apostle Paul confronted a similar problem in the Corinthian church.

"For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, bythose of Chloe's household, that there are contentions among you.Now I say this, that each of you says, "I am of Paul," or "I am of 

 Apollos," or "I am of Cephas," or "I am of Christ." Is Christ divided?Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptised in the name of Paul?" (1 Cor. 1:10-13)

The Lord is jealous over us concerning His Name. We were boughtand paid for by His Blood, and His Name is the only Name bywhich we are to identify ourselves. When believers choose to findtheir identity in another name other than His, the Spirit is grievedand His Name is dishonoured.


"Don't ever let anyone call you `Rabbi,' for you have only oneteacher, and all of you are on the same level as brothers andsisters. And don't address anyonehere on earth as `Father,' for only God in heaven is your spiritual Father. And don't let anyonecall you `Master,' for there is only one master, the Messiah. The

greatest among you must be a servant." (Matthew 23:8-11, NLT)

The Corinthians were apparently separating into factions accordingto whom they considered was the most authoritative teacher. Theywere following after men, and for that reason Paul took issue withthem. Further in his letter he goes on to challenge them bydescribing this kind of mindset as carnal and fleshly rather thanspiritual:

"For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you

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not carnal and behaving like mere men? For when one says, "I amof Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not CARNAL?"(1 Cor. 3:1-4)

Finally, he instructs them:"Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours:whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death, or things present or things to come-all are yours. And you areChrist's, and Christ is God's." (1 Cor. 3:21-23)

The Corinthians had become so obsessed with the attributes of certain teachers they were idolising them. They wanted to regardparticular individuals as their "master", "father", or "teacher", butPaul wanted them to understand that in doing so they were fallingshort of their full inheritance in Christ. He wanted them to see thatall of these teachers, belonged to them as servant-ministers, andnot the other way around.


 At the heart of the Corinthians' idolatry was the age-old desire for aruler, a king. The flesh would much rather fear man than fear God.The flesh would much rather submit to the control of law thansubmit to the freedom of the Spirit. This principle is seenthroughout scripture.

 Afraid they would die, the Israelites begged Moses to be God'smessenger to them, rather than hear His Voice for themselves.

"Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightningflashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; andwhen the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off. Thenthey said to Moses, "You speak with us, and we will hear; but let

not God speak with us, lest we die." ( Exodus 20:18-19)

God desired for the people to hear Him for themselves, but theyrefused. Effectively, the Israelites were elevating Moses as their mediator. The entire nation had been called as a kingdom of priests, but their preference was to be ruled by one man. (Exodus 19:1-9)

Many years later, when the prophet Samuel officiated as Israel's judge, Israel's carnal desire for a man-king surfaced again.

"Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came toSamuel at Ramah, and said to him, "Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us

like all the nations." But the thing displeased Samuel when theysaid, "Give us a king to judge us." So Samuel prayed to the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, "Heed the voice of the people in allthat they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they haverejected Me, that I should not reign over them... However, youshall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behaviour of theking who will reign over them." So Samuel told all the words of theLord to the people who asked him for a king. And he said, "Thiswill be the behaviour of the king who will reign over you: He willtake your sons and appoint them for his own chariots... And

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he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finestyoung men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He willtake a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants. And youwill cry out in that day because of your king whom you havechosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day."Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; andthey said, "No, but we will have a king over us..." (1 Samuel 8:4-22)

The key to Israel's demand for a human king, rather than the directreign of Yahweh over them, was "that we also may be like all thenations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us andfight our battles." They wanted a name and a face that could "goout before" them. They wanted someone visible they could showthe other nations. They wanted a symbol, a token leader whocould take responsibility for how they would live and conduct their lives. They wanted someone with a reputation they could identifywith. They wanted to be like the world. They wanted human "covering."

You see, friends, there is a place for governmental leadership,there is a place for accountability within the Body, there is a place

for submission to legitimate God-delegated authority. All these arevalid and in order, but only insofar as they are not permitted tosubstitute for the direct rule of God in our lives. And only insofar as they are not sought out as a counterfeit for the sovereignty andrulership of the Holy Spirit within each believer.


"You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; youwere on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth inthe midst of fiery stones." (Ezekiel 28:14)

Many Bible scholars agree that God's rebuke to the "king of Tyre"

recorded in Ezekiel 28:1-19 is prophetically addressed to Satan.In it, we find that originally this fallen angel was called the"anointed cherub who covers". Some scholars believe he wasespecially anointed to cover the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies.In the Presence of God, he walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones. The passage states that when iniquity was foundin him he was cast out of God's holy mountain, and removed fromthe midst of the fiery stones.

This Hebrew word "to cover" means "to hedge, fence about, shut in,block, overshadow, screen, stop the approach, shut off, cover" (H."cakak" Strongs 05526 ). It is a word than can be used either inrelation to defence or oppression.

Beloved, Satan still desires to walk back and forth in the midst of God's living, fiery stones. He still desires to be the covering cherubon God's holy mountain, but the covering he offers is oppressive,designed purely to hinder believers and rob them of the freedomand full potential that is ours through Christ.

The doctrine of covering is an old lie with a new name. It isfundamental to the maintenance of a false hierarchical religioussystem controlling many Christians in this day. Without the power 

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of this erroneous mindset, it is even doubtful that some sectionsof the "church" could survive.

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bondof peace. There is one body and one Spirit - just as you werecalled to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, onebaptism; one God and Father of all, who is OVER ALL andTHROUGH ALL and IN ALL. (Ephesians 4:3-6) The scripturesplainly state that it is God alone who is OVER all. Only God cancover His people, and only the Holy Spirit can unite them. Themost disturbing aspect about the covering teaching is that it subtlyencourages believers to look to men and women rather thandevelop their own deep relationship with God through the HolySpirit. It upholds a man-made church built on hierarchy rather thana spiritual temple built through the unity of the Spirit. It promotes aclass system of rulership by title, human appointment andpersonality, and DEVALUES the PRIESTHOOD of every believer.It negates leadership by the Holy Spirit and discourages believersfrom hearing the direction of the Spirit for themselves. It is aDOCTRINE OF DEMONS being used to deceive and bind

countless believers.

Now, about that freedom we were talking about at the beginning of this article! Don't, repeat DON'T, use your newfound liberty as alicence for rebellion against authority. If you have been trapped inthis covering doctrine be wise in how you appropriate your freedom.There are many, many humble and faithful men and womenoverseeing and serving the Body of Christ with humility anddevotion, and it may well be that whoever has been "covering" youis one of them. If you are blessed enough to be aligned with aservant-leader who demonstrates true Biblical authority, honour them, support them, and submit to them. But don't expect themto cover you - that's not theirs to give.

False doctrines are mindsets and beliefs that can only be castdown by the Spirit and the Word together. And ultimately, our walkin the Spirit is not the responsibility of leadership; it is our ownresponsibility. It is time for each one of us to choose - do we wantthe rulership of kings, or do we want the rulership of THE King?

Finally, let me leave you with these thoughts:

1) Who covered Philip when He went down to Samaria and starteda revival? (The apostles heard about it and sent Peter and Johndown to check it out!) (Acts 8:4-8)

2) Who covered Philip when the angel of the Lord directed him tothe Gaza desert? (Acts 8:26-40) (There's no record of theEthiopian eunuch asking him for his "covering" credentials!)

3)Who covered Ananias when he was sent to pray for Saul? (Hewent to pray for aknown enemy of the church and didn't event getpermission!) (Acts 9:10-18)

4)Who covered Apollos when he taught boldly in the synagogue,even though he had not yet received the full gospel? (Acts 18:24-25)

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 5)And who covered Aquilla and Priscilla when they took Apollosunder their wing to instruct him further? (Acts 18:26)

6)Who covered Agabus when he travelled down from Judea todeliver a prophetic word to Paul? (Acts 21:10)

The answer is the same in each instance: The Holy Spirit covered,protected, led, and enabled. He is the only covering we need. Thereal question is this: is He the only covering we want?

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NOTE: This vision was first published in Germany in Dec 2008.

VISION- THE BOOM from THE SEA and "MOBILIZATION"-Joh Matutis. (2008).

While I was praying this morning, God gave me a vision. He showedme a great, world-wide "mobilization" I saw myself strolling alonga beach. Suddenly, there sounded a loud boom, which became

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stronger and more massive. It was not the noise of the sea or of the wind. It was completely still outside. The sea water was assmooth as glass.

The deep booming sound which was like the sound of the mountainsabout to cave in, a banging sound which I had up till now never heard in my whole life, came from the other side of the ocean, fromfar away. It became so strong and mighty, that the earth began toquake and shake.

It sounded like the blasting of a deep bass trumpet. I had never heard this sort and depth of bass sound before now. The whole air vibrated. I holed myself up in the dunes of the embankment, facedown, and waited to see what would come out of this natural spectacle.

When the booming refused to stop, and instead became stronger,I saw myself begin to pray in the vision, and to speak with my God.

Then I heard a voice saying, "my child, fear not. That is mymobilization call, a signal, from the other world. I am calling my

people out from all peoples. I myself am shaking the earth and thesea. The sinners and godless will pass away for fear and the fearfulexpectation of the things which are to come. Understand, my child,that all these have been initiated by the financial crises. That was

 just the beginning of ruin. The foundation of today's society will beso shaken that the people will lose all that they have acquired,and saved up till now.

Every infrastructure and welfare will collapse with time. Life will bevery difficult for very many people. The general security will get outof control and there will be a proliferation of crime such that life onearth will be massively threatened. But you, who fear my name willI save from ruin. I am holding my arm of protection over you.

 Although not even a silent wind blew, and not even a small wavewas seen on the sea, the booming was so mighty, that my heartthreatened to stop beating. Then I thought to myself, "I will nowalso die". And then the Lord said to me, "my child, do not fear.You are to live and continue to declare my works. Arise, go homeand tell your loved ones. Let them know that the coming of my sonis very close at hand, at the doorstep. I am setting everything inmotion in order to take my people home, and I am now strippingthem of everything that is holding them back, or blocking them.

 As I stood up to obey God's voice, starting to make my wayhomewards, I saw very many people, lying in the dunes. They had

come out from their houses, racing towards the sea to see andexperience this extraordinary natural spectacle. They lay on their faces as if paralyzed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes beforenow. As I passed by them on my way home, despite the continuousdistant booming sound, these people called to me saying "you arecrazy; you cannot make it home in this situation. It is too dangerous".They then buried their heads even further in the dunes, becausethey feared what would happen next. They no longer wanted to hear or know of anything.

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 And then said the Lord to me: "for you, my children, who fear myname, this is the day of my "mobilization". For you my "sun of salvation" arises, with which I gather my true children, and bringthem together. Go, my son, and tell this to everyone you can reach".Then I asked the Lord "what shall I tell them?" "Tell my children,The Lord said", "they are no longer to occupy themselves withperishable things, but rather, much more with the immortal, theeternal things. They are to seek me and study my word. Theyshould forgive one another, so long as there is still time, and makepeace with one another. They should stop being envious of, andpointing fingers at one another. They should neither accuse nor suspect one another. Everyone should do what he is supposedto, and can do. Tell them to free themselves of every unnecessarything, and to stop fighting spasmodically (intermittently) for their rights. From now on, I will ensure your rights, and provide for justicefor you. Great changes are about to occur all over the world, in everyarea of life. Adjust yourselves therefore and be prepared. Nothing isgoing to be as it has been before now..."

The further I moved away from the beach, the less of the booming

sound I heard, even though I was of the opinion that the sound hadbecome stronger and even more massive. I felt as if I had beensecured in a glass case. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying"I will bring my children into safety in my own way. You will seeeverything I will do in the world, which will experience all the"plagues of Egypt " before I withdraw my children unto myself,before Pharaoh releases you forever. My people hold together! Staywith one another, encourage one another. Soon, you would have made it!"

That was the last thing I took with me from this vision.

 As I thought about all that I had seen, and what I should do with it,the Lord spoke to me saying "spread this revelation I have given

you this morning about my "mobilization" overall further to mychildren, and encourage them to do likewise, for I am at the door (I am coming soon). And tell them, especially my people, that theyshould be serious about their relationship with Me (God), before itis too late...."

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(This prophecy was given by Lance Lambert in 1986 in a PropheticConference in Jerusalem. 153 prophets from 30 to 40 nations hadgathered to wait upon and to hear from the Lord. The highlights of this prophecy to the entire body of Christ are as follows...)

"It will not be long before there will come upon the world a time of unparalleled upheaval and turmoil. Do not fear for it is I the Lordwho am shaking all things. I began this shaking with the first worldwar and I greatly increased it through the second world war. Since1973 I have given it an even greater impetus. In the last stage, I

plan to complete it with the shaking of the universe itself, withsigns in sun and moon and stars. But before that point is reached,I will judge the nations and the time is near. It will not only be bywar and civil war, by anarchy and terrorism, and by monetarycollapses that I will judge the nations, but also by natural disasters:by earthquakes, by shortages and famines and by old and newplague diseases. I will also judge them by giving them over to their own ways, the lawlessness, to loveless selfishness, to delusionand to believing a lie; to false religion and an apostate church,even to a Christianity without me.

Do not fear when these things begin to happen, for I disclose thesethings to you before they commence in order that you might beprepared, and that in the day of trouble and of evil you may standfirm and overcome. For I purpose that you may become the meansof encouraging and strengthening many who love me but who areweak. I desire that through you many may become strong in me,and that multitudes of others might find my salvation through you.

"And hear this! Do not fear the power of the Kremlin, nor the power of the Islamic Revolution, for I plan to break both of them throughIsrael. I will bring down their pride and their arrogance, and shatter them because they have blasphemed my name. In that day I will

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avenge the blood of all the martyrs and of the innocent ones whomthey have slaughtered. I will surely do this thing for they havethought that there was no one to judge them. But I have seen their ways and I have heard the cries of the oppressed and of thepersecuted and I will break their power and make an end of them.

Be ye therefore prepared for when all this comes to pass, to youwill be given the great opportunity to preach the Gospel freely toall nations. In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking, and at theheart of everything, is My Church. In the heavenlies. She is joinedto Me in one Spirit and I have destined Her for the throne. Youwho are My beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed - youare Mine. I will equip and empower you and you will rise up anddo great things in My Name, even in the midst of darkness andevil. For I will reveal My power, and My grace and glory throughyou. Do not hold back nor question My ways with you for in allMy dealings with you I have always in mind that you should bepart of My Bride and reign with Me. Do not forget that this requiresdiscipline and training. So yield to Me that I might do a work inyou in the time which is left for I plan even during all this shaking

the Bride will make Herself ready.

"For in the midst of these judgments multitudes upon multitudeswill be saved from the nations. You will hardly know how to bringthe harvest in, but my Spirit will equip you for the task. And to Israel,will I also turn in that day, and I will melt the hardening which hasbefallen her. I will turn their blindness into clear sight, and tear awaythe veil on their heart. Then shall they be redeemed with heartbursting joy, and it will become a fountain of new and resurrectionlife to the whole company of the redeemed.

"Do not fear for these days, for I have purposed that you shall standwith Me and serve Me in them. Fear not, for I love you and I will

protect you and equip you. I, the Lord, will anoint you with a newanointing and you will work My works and fulfill My counsel. Youshall stand before Me, the Lord of the whole earth and serve Mewith understanding and with power and you shall reign with Meduring these days. Above all, I call you to be intercessors."

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MORE SHAKING: I am writing this from Singapore where I arrivedon Thursday. We got the awful news yesterday of the huge Richter 8.9 earthquake in Northern Japan - with Tsunami warnings for thewhole Pacific rim. It certainly seems lately that "Everything thatcan be shaken is being shaken." Only Jesus is the solid Rock onwhich to stand. Clearly the entire "Pacific Ring of Fire" is ontenderhooks - with more shaking ahead. I continue to be concernedabout New Zealand, which is a very earthquake and Tsunami-proneplace - especially the North Island east coast which has manyprophecies of a Tsunami hit - and also Wellington (earthquake).

Very sorry that we have not been able to put out the usual number of articles lately, my friends. I have been travelling and ministering

so much that sometimes it has been difficult. Below are somemore "great quotes". Blessings to you all in these perilous times.-Andrew Strom.

More GREAT QUOTES-Sermonindex.

"Far be it from me to imagine that Zion contains none but CalvinisticChristians within her walls, or that there are none saved who do nothold our views."- Spurgeon

"I have a passion, and it is He, He only"- Count Zinzendorf 

"If God is not going to do it, nothing is going to happen"- Gerhard Du Toit

"Everywhere there is apathy. Nobody cares whether that which ispreached is true or false. A sermon is a sermon whatever the subject;only, the shorter the better."- Spurgeon

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"Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is beingtransformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society's own level, and congratulatingitself that it has scored a victory because society is smilinglyaccepting its surrender."- A.W. Tozer  

"A man can not lead others where he is not willing to go himself.Therefore, beware of the prayerless church leader who no longer readily admits his own need for more of the person and power of Jesus Christ. Only a seeking, praying heart can truly encouragespiritual HUNGER in others!" - David Smithers.

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DISASTERS & THE WORDS of JESUS -by Andrew Strom.

When there seems to be one major catastrophe after another striking the nations of the world, people often ask, "Is this theJudgment of God?" Or just "natural" events? Or perhaps somecombination of the two? How are Christians to view these things?

One of the most important insights into these questions was givenby Jesus Himself in Luke 13. He said: "Those eighteen, uponwhom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think thatthey were sinners above all that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you,No. But unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish." (v 4-5).

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So if we apply these words to Christchurch, for instance, it isobvious that the people who died were not being "judged" for being"greater sinners" than other people in New Zealand. In fact, I dare-say that Christchurch was no more or less 'sinful' than any major city in the country. It was a terrible tragedy that occurred, and itshould shake us all up. But they did not die because of their "greater sins". And clearly we are to have great compassion oneveryone caught up in this terrible event.

The one area that I believe God IS speaking very strongly about inboth the Christchurch earthquakes is the shaking of the CHURCH.In fact, the Church was the focus of my entire article a couple of weeks ago on this awful disaster. Some people thought it wasabout the city of Christchurch. My sincere apologies if you thoughtthat. My focus was the CHURCH - not the city - and the sadinadequacy of the Christian response after the first quake - whichdid have consequences, I believe.

I am convinced that we have now entered the hour when "Judgmentbegins at the house of God". When we see the only major city

that is called "Christchurch" in the Western world being hit by twomassive earthquakes - and many of the buildings most damagedare church buildings - you have to ask the obvious questions. IsGod speaking to the church in no uncertain terms about the"Shaking" that is now beginning in Christendom? Are we aboutto see this 'Shaking' grow much worse, even to the taking downof many major ministries and voices in the church? -I have tobelieve so.

It seems to me that the world has recently "turned a corner" wherethese kinds of catastrophes are suddenly much more common allaround the world. Economic and political turmoil are likewise inthe ascendant. Surely we have to conclude that these are some

of the "birth pangs" described by Jesus - which are set to growmuch worse before the end.


One of the things we need to watch out for as these things growworse, is immersing ourselves too much in the "humanistic"viewpoint of the mass media. You will notice that now duringthese tragedies, the media is right there in people's faces, bringingas much of the trauma and grief of every tragic story home to theviewer in as lurid a way as they can. You can watch for hours astragic stories play out one after the other in front of your eyes. Butnone of it is from God's point of view. It is all from the viewpoint of 

man - in fact, "secular human" man. This is something to becareful of.

God looks at things from an "eternal" point of view. To Him thegreatest disaster is for man to die in an unsaved state - totallyunprepared for Judgment and eternity. God is even willing for thereto be great shaking and turmoil in the earth, if it causes men toseek Him and find eternal salvation. There is none of this in "man's"media. It is just a total "human" trajedy and they have no interestin eternity at all.

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  As the very end approaches and the earth enters the actualJudgments found in the Book of Revelation, we see that this"humanistic" viewpoint comes even more to the fore. Instead of repenting as all these judgments and disasters are hitting the earth,it seems as though people will be literally shaking their fist at God,saying, "How dare you send such things upon us? How dare yoube so destructive and demand that we repent?"

If all we consider is the "human" tragedy, then we can easily getcaught in the same trap. We forget that the biggest disaster in theUniverse is to die unsaved and unprepared for Eternity. That is theworst possible thing. We cannot immerse ourselves in "humanistic"media to the point that we only think of disasters in "human" terms.There are wider issues here - and we must make sure to take onGod's point of view - not the view of "humanistic" man.

But to be sure, we must "weep with those who weep". When wesee tragedies, like Jesus we must not close our hearts to thebroken and the hurting. Jesus wept and so must we. Let us always

keep Eternity's viewpoint uppermost, however.

 Again, I send love and tears to our dear friends in Christchurch -and everyone else caught in recent disasters around the globe.

 As I have said, Christchurch to me was one of the most beautifulcities I have ever seen, and we have lovely friends there that arevery dear to us. May God be with you all at this devastating time.

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God bless you all,

 Andrew Strom.

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 ADEALAIDE and SINGAPORE CHANGES - Meetings.-Andrew Strom.

It has been a wonderful time here in Australia. Basically thechanges to our schedule involve the cancellation of one meetingin Adelaide and the adding of one meeting in Singapore.

 As always, the meetings are Free-entry. Everyone is welcome.The themes of these meetings are - "How to Have a PersonalRevival" and "True Disciples - Not Just Churchgoers!" Below arethe revised details-

(1) ADELAIDE - 5th - 6th March. (3 Meetings)VENUE: "Manoah", 9 Manoah Drive, Upper Sturt, SA 5156. (approx5 km off South Eastern Freeway).TIMES: 2:00pm and 6:00pm on Sat 5th March - and 2:00pm onSun 6th March. (3 Meetings in total). --Bring food if you want toeat with us between the 2 meetings on Sat.CONTACT: David - 0417869013.

(2) *CANCELLED*- NORTH ADELAIDE - 8th Mar. (House Meeting).

(3) SINGAPORE - Friday 11th March at 7.30 pm.VENUE: St Andrew's Cathedral, 11 St Andrew's Road,Singapore 178959.TIME: 7:30pm on Friday night 11th March.CONTACT: Koon Sheng - 6438-4757.

(4) SINGAPORE - 12th - 13th March (2 Meetings).VENUE: SPRING Singapore, 2 Bukit Merah Central,3rd floor, Singapore 159835.TIMES: 3:00pm on Sat 12 Mar - and 10:00am on Sun 13th Mar.CONTACT: Koon Sheng (ministry leader) - 6438-4757.

(5) *NEW* - SINGAPORE - Sunday 13 March at 3.00pm.VENUE: Changi Christian Fellowship (CCF), The Upper Room,5th Floor, Metropolitan YMCA, Singapore.TIME: 3:00pm on Sunday 13 March.CONTACT: Koon Sheng - 6438-4757.

(6) PENANG, MALAYSIA - 15th and 16th March (2 Nights).VENUE: YMCA Penang Conference Hall, 211, Jalan Macalister,10450 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.TIMES: 7:30pm on 15th and 16th March (Tues - Wed Nights).PLEASE REGISTER (It is FREE) - CONTACT:Josephine: 012-4785678, David: 019-4458829, Jonah: 012-4820911.

We would love to see you at these meetings if you can make it,

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my friends. Thankyou so much for your prayers.

God bless you!

 Andrew Strom.

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The SURRENDERED LIFE-by David Wilkerson.

³Surrender.´ What does this word tell you? In literal terms,surrender means ³to give up something to another person.´ It alsomeans to relinquish something granted to you. This could includeyour possessions, power, goals, even your life.

Christians today hear much about the surrendered life. But whatdoes it mean, exactly? The surrendered life is the act of givingback to Jesus the life he granted you. It¶s relinquishing control,rights, power, direction, all the things you do and say. It¶s totallyresigning your life over to his hands, to do with as he pleases.

Jesus himself lived a surrendered life: ³I came down from heaven,not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me´ (John 6:38).³I seek not mine own glory´ (8:50). Christ never did anything on hisown. He made no move and spoke no word without being instructedby the Father. ³I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taughtme, I speak these things«. For I do always those things thatplease him´ (8:28±29).

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 Jesus¶ full surrender to the Father is an example of how we allshould live. You may say, ³Jesus was God in flesh. His life wassurrendered before he even came to earth.´ But the surrendered lifeis not imposed on anyone, including Jesus.

³Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life,that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay itdown of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power totake it again´ (John 10:17±18).

Jesus was telling us, ³Make no mistake. The act of self-surrender is totally within my power to do. I¶m choosing to lay down my life.

 And I¶m not doing it because some man told me to. Nobody¶staking my life from me. My Father gave me the right and theprivilege to lay down my life. He also gave me the choice to passup this cup and avoid the cross. But I choose to do it, out of loveand full surrender to him.´

Our heavenly Father has given all of us this same right: the

privilege to choose a surrendered life. No one is forced to yield hislife to God. Our Lord doesn¶t make us sacrifice our will and giveback our lives to him. He freely offers us a Promised Land, full of milk, honey and fruit. But we may choose not to enter that placeof fullness.

The truth is, we can have as much of Christ as we want. We cango as deep in him as we choose, living fully by his word and direction.


God begins the process of surrender by knocking us off our highhorse. This literally happened to Paul. He was going his

self-assured way, riding toward Damascus, when a blinding lightcame from heaven. Paul was knocked to the ground, trembling.Then a voice spoke from heaven, saying, ³Saul, Saul, whypersecutest thou me?´ (Acts 9:4).

Paul knew something was missing in his life. He had a knowledgeof God, but no firsthand revelation. Now on his knees, he heardthese words from heaven: ³I am Jesus whom thou persecutest´ (9:5).The words turned Paul¶s world upside down. Scripture says,³Trembling and astonished, [Paul] said, Lord, what wilt thou haveme to do?´ (9:6). Paul¶s conversion was a dramatic work of theHoly Spirit.

Paul was being led by the Holy Spirit into the surrendered life. Heasked, ³Lord, what would you have me to do?´ and his heart wascrying out, ³Jesus, how can I serve you? How can I know you andplease you? Nothing else matters. Everything I¶ve done in myflesh is dung. You¶re everything to me now.´

Paul had no other ambition, no other driving force in his life, thanthis: ³That I may win Christ´ (Philippians 3:8). By today¶sstandards of success, Paul was a total failure. He didn¶t constructany buildings. He didn¶t have an organization. And the methods he

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used were despised by other leaders. In fact, the message Paulpreached offended large numbers of his hearers. At times he waseven stoned for preaching it. His subject? The cross.

When we stand before God at the judgment, we won¶t be judgedby our ministries, achievements or number of converts. There willbe but one measure of success on that day: Were our hearts fullysurrendered to God? Did we lay aside our own will and agendaand take up his? Did we succumb to peer pressure and follow thecrowd, or did we seek him alone for direction? Did we run fromseminar to seminar looking for purpose in life, or did we find our fulfillment in him?

I have but one ambition and that is to learn more and more to sayonly those things the Father gives me. Nothing I say or do of myself is worth anything. I want to be able to claim, ³I know myFather is with me, because I do only his will.´

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One of our readers, Nancy, wrote to me this week from Christchurch,the scene of the recent horrific earthquake, which has tragicallyaffected so many lives. Here is what she wrote-

"Well Andrew, today in Christchurch many churches were forcedout into the open to praise and worship God, and many peoplecame along who would not normally go to church. There will alsobe more sense of unity as the churches that are not damaged are

being opened up for other churches to use for services and for funerals. Prayer meetings are being organised for this week coming,to pray for the city.

"After reading Jenny Bolton's prophecy on your website it gaveme hope that God is going to move in Christchurch if we humbleourselves and pray. Please continue to pray for us. There are manybroken people who need the Lord."

Fox News described what happened this past weekend-"Parishioners came together Sunday in parks and on the lawns of churches broken in New Zealand's earthquake to pray for the deadand missing. They sought togetherness and an answer to the

question on everyone's mind: Why?"

The AP News story continued: "The churches that dot the city feltsome of the worst of the temblor's wrath. Spires toppled, stainedglass windows exploded, walls cracked and masonry fell... Outdoor services also were held at other churches and at a library, whereattendees arrived on bicycle or on foot and sat in folding chairs..."

 As we wrote last year after the first quake, Christchurch has someof the most powerful prophecies of "Revival" of any city in NewZealand. It also has prophecies of a move of God in the "openair". Perhaps God is on the move in this tragedy in ways thatwe can only faintly grasp. All we can do is pray for a great moveof His Spirit to bring true unity, love, hunger, truth and prayer 

back to a broken and desperate people. We hope and pray thatit happens. Our love and prayers are with you all in that city.

God be with you,

 Andrew Strom.

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of God must become corrupt."- Martin Luther  

"One of these days some simple soul will pick up the book of God, readit, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed."--Leonard Ravenhill 

"The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity." ² Leonard Ravenhill

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 ANDREW STROM: I got home from Papua New Guinea last nightto find that it was true what I had heard - that David Wilkerson hadbeen killed in a car crash and gone home to be with the Lord. Trulya great man of God who will be sorely missed on this earth. Oneof the few voices for Truth and Righteousness that had a globalreach in the modern church. We will miss you, David. Below ishis final Devotional that he sent out just before his death at age 79-

WHEN ALL MEANS FAIL-David Wilkerson (Apr 27).

To believe when all means fail is exceedingly pleasing to God andis most acceptable. Jesus said to Thomas, ³You have believedbecause you have seen, but blessed are those that do believeand have not seen´ (John 20:29).

Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of ananswer to prayer²who trust beyond hope when all means have failed.

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Someone has come to the place of hopelessness²the end of hope²the end of all means. A loved one is facing death anddoctors give no hope. Death seems inevitable. Hope is gone. Themiracle prayed for is not happening.

That is when Satan¶s hordes come to attack your mind with fear,anger, overwhelming questions: ³Where is your God now? Youprayed until you had no tears left. You fasted. You stood onpromises. You trusted.´

Blasphemous thoughts will be injected into your mind: ³Prayer failed.Faith failed. Don¶t quit on God²just do not trust him anymore. Itdoesn¶t pay!´

Even questioning God¶s existence will be injected into your mind.These have been the devices of Satan for centuries. Some of thegodliest men and women who ever lived were under such demonicattacks.

To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this

word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights²and inthat darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, ³I am withyou. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all makesense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident.It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let me embrace you inyour hour of pain.´

Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love.When all means fail²his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith.Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.

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