the snoozie hoodie

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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The snoozie hoodie


Catch up with your sleep whenever you need

Not enough hours in a day to get everything done

People are not able to get the proverbial 8h of sleep

According to the Institute of Circadian Physiology, sleeping problems in the workplace costs companies about $70 billion annually in lost productivity, huge medical bills, and industrial accidents.

Sleepiness among workers was cited as a primary factor in causation of the disasters at: the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger several Amtrak train derailments nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl three Mile Island and Bhopal the Exxon Valdez oil spill

Dozens of medical studies have shown that napping for about 30 minutes to an hour in the early afternoon increases a person's productivity, alertness and sometimes even their mood

There’s evidence that naps are quiet productive in restoring functionality. It only takes about an hour of napping to restore about 4 hours of high-level functioning -- James Herdegen M.D

How would it be if you can nap wherever you are, whenever you need it?

Let me think about it….

How would it be if you can nap wherever you are, whenever you need it?

Yep, like they do it!

• Catch up on your sleep anytime anywhere!

• Our Snoozie Hoodies come in a variety of fashionable colors for men and women.

• Our hoodies are also offered in different fabrics to accommodate different climates.

Comes with a special patented lightweight, flexible set of sleep googles that filters light.

These goggles are hidden from sight and are easily pulled down from within the hood.

A microchip in the goggles helps to monitor REM (rapid eye movement). Once optimal REM has been reached, the hoodie will be able to calculate the best time to gently wake the user.

In addition to filtering light, it is important to cancel outside noise.

Snoozie Hoodies have a built-in lightweight, flexible, noise canceling headphones.

During a nap, it is important to get proper head and neck support. This minimizes neck cramps upon waking.

Snoozie Hoodie has a built-in (unobtrusive) inflatable pillow. Just press a button to automatically inflate the pillow.

Once your nap is over, you can press the button again to deflate it.

Noise canceling headphones, light filtering goggles and a portable pillow, allow users to truly sleep anytime, anywhere!

Use it at your office, in your car, in the park, in the library, in the classroom, in the airplane; the possibilities are endless!

• It begins with you!

• You have a right to catch up on sleep during the day.

• Encourage your friends and colleagues to catch up on their sleep.

• Then notice how productive and alert you are at work and with your friends and family.

• Soon, corporations, insurance companies and government will see the benefits and napping will become a societal norm and incorporated into people’s schedules.

Catch up with your sleep whenever you need

Have a good nap!

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