the rise of islam

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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The Rise of Islam

ORIGIN OF ISLAM Middle East are the crossroads of three

continents(Asia, Europe, Africa ) because of its location.

Arabia was desert and wasteland populated by Bedouins (nomads) -nomadic herders who used camels to cross the desert in search of seasonal pasturelands and oasis towns.

Mecca and Medina – market town at crossroads of two main caravan routes.

Mecca- Holy city at middle east were the center of Polytheistic religion.


ISLAM (622 A.D) – “Salema” submission to the will of Allah and obedience to his law.-Partially based on Jew- Christian religions (Monotheistic)-2nd largest religion in the World.-Indonesia the most large population of muslim in the world.

DOME OF ROCK -The most famous Islamic site in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock.-it is built over a sacred stone. This stone is believed to be the place from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven during his Night Journey to heaven.

KA’BA-The Ka'ba (literally "the cube" in Arabic) is an ancient Black stone structure that was built and re-built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. -It is located inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. -The Ka'ba is considered the center of the Muslim world, and is a unifying focal point for Islamic worship.

QURAN -Holy book of Islam (114 sura or verses)-features Adam, Abraham, Moses , Jesus with 3 last considering prophets and Mohammed the last.

FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM1. Shahada (Testify) – there is no other God except Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.

2. Salat (Prayer) –to pray 5 times daily, facing Mecca 3. Sawm (Fasting) –fasting from dawn to sunset during month of Ramadam.4. Zakat (Charity) - giving alms to the poor and unfortunate.5. Hajj (Pilgrimage)-to make pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a person’s lifetime.

Polygamy- practice of taking on numbers of wives.

Shari’a- -Islamic system of law-Regulated moral behavior, family life, business, government and culture.

Caliphate ("succession") - an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and political leader known as a caliph.

Jihad- To strive in the way of God / a Holy War

Tarsila- genealogical records of the sultans of Sulu and Mindanao.


1. Military Conquest2. Missionary Activity

MOHAMMED (Mu ḥ ammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Mu ṭṭ alib ibn Hāshim)

-Born around 570 in Mecca and died on 632 at Yathrib.-founder of the religion Islam-At age 40 he received his first revelation from God at Mt. Hera

HEGIRA – A Journey to Medina(July 16th 622)


A. THE RIGHTY GUIDED CALIPHs (630-660)Expansion in Middle East / Sunni-Shia split

B. THE OMAYYAD DYNASTY (661-750) Expansion in North Africa and Spain



The Rise of Islam

Abu Bakr First designated caliph or leader of muslims Blessed Jihad (a holy war) against Syria.

Omar and `Othman Islamic Empire expanded to Syria, palestine, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Tripoli and Cyprus.

`Ali Persians honored him a martyr and more powerful in death. “ISLAMIC MAJOR DENOMINATION”

1. Sunni- 90% believed caliph should be chosen by Muslim leaders.

2. Shia- 10% believed the caliph had to be relatives of Mohammed.

B.THE OMMAYAD DYNASTY Damascus – Center of Government Muawiya- Established Omayyad Dynasty. Melting pot of diversified cultures lived and

considerable large number embrace the Muslim faith.

CONFLICT: Successive uprising of Muslim tribes in their

colonies in Africa, Persia, and Central Asia strengthened.

Rebellion Led by ABU Muslim put the Abbasid to power.

C.THE ABBASID DYNASTY Baghdad – religious, political, trading ,

cultural center famous for its wealth , beauty and luxury of Islam.

Muslim traders and artisans served as the bridge between Asia and Europe.

CONFLICT: No significant expansion was done. Many Caliphs became addicted to luxurious

living. Recruited latter turks and foreigners to serve

in Gov’ment and Army. Seljuk Turks convert to Islam and conquered


Toghrul Beg –a Seljuk Turk occupied Baghdad and appointed himself as Sultan.

Crusade- Crusade Any of the military campaign undertaken by European

Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Kulafu (Genghis Khan grandson defeated Abbasids in 1258)

Achievement established great libraries, academies and

schools. Translated classical Greek scholarship into

Arabic - preserving it for posterity achievements in Medicine, astronomy, and Mathematics.

C.THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE Istanbul– center of government and trade .

Established effective administrative and lenient treatment of Christians and Jews.

Tribe of Muslim Turks Government regularized trade through the

issuance of licenses and constant inspection.

CONFLICT: Sultans were lack of sufficient abilities in

times of war. Widespread of poverty Corruptions of officials were increased. Ottoman Empire complacent in its old

system and technologies against European advanced weaponry.

Pope Pius V – led Holy League at lepanto Gulf

Scourge of Christian world became the sick man of Europe.


Al-Andalus – Center of Islamic Civilization in Europe.

One of the richest and most populous region in Europe.

Indian Counting System reached Europe.

CONFLICT Feuds between local leaders took advantage

to Christian kingdoms. Alphonse IV – captured city of Toledo from


The Rise of Islam

Reconquista –Christian knights retook Spain from muslim (1085)

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella – took Granada from Muslim and tried to erase Islam’s legacy to Spain.


Arab navigator and traders reached India to South East Asia by way of eastern route to Indonesia.

Malacca- number one center trade and base for spread of Islam.

Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuwan (arab malay) brought Islam to Celebes and Mindanao.

Sharif Abu Bakr- founded Sulu Sultanate.

India were allowed to keep their respective faiths and most officials were allowed to remain in their position during Islam invasion.

Indian’s big contributions in Muslim culture were translating their Algebra and Geometry to Arabic. Excellent medical practitioners, mathematicians and astronomers went to Baghdad.

ISLAM IN AFRICA (650) Ghana- main center of Muslim power in

Africa. Mansa Kankan Musa- most famous kings

on Mali made pilgrimage to Mecca.


Despite the existence of a ruling Muslim elite , most Africans in the kingdoms of Mali and in other kingdoms reached by Islam were no very much affected by religious changes. The Old animistic faith remained.


– medical expert of Abbasid dynasty who studied optics, cesarian operations and more.-most famous treatise On small pox and measles.

Al- fazari(d.777 A.D.)

-it is believed that he was the first scientist in the Mideast to make an astrolabe.

Muslim Medicine- First used narcotics and sedative

drugs in operations.

ASSESSMENTWrite the correct statement

1. Designated by Mohammed as the first caliph or leader of Muslim.___________

2. It was during his time that Islamic Empire expanded._____________

3. Abu Bakr’s son who took over the throne and was even more powerful in death.___________

4. He established the Omayyad Dynasty from Damascus.____________

5. The King and Queen of Spain during the fall of Al-andalus who tried to eradicate Islam’s legacy to Spain.__________

Ans. The following:1. Who was Mohammed?2. How Islam and Christianity similar and different

from each other?3. What is a jihad? What do Muslim warriors

believe in?4. What were the contributions of India to Muslim

Culture?5. What is the purpose of reconquista?

TerminologyWrite the correct answer in each statement.

1. Became one of the richest and most populous regions in Europe were Islamic faith was spread? ________

2. Term that refers to how Christian knights took back Spain from the Muslim.________

3. African religion that believes in the soul or a god personifying the forces of nature._________

4. Holy war of Muslim._______________5. It contains genealogical records of the Sultans of

Sulu and Mindanao._____________

Prepared by: Timbal, Jonalyn C.


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