the real you: inspiration to live authentically

Post on 22-Jan-2017



Self Improvement



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Inspiration to Live Authentical ly

A friend gave me a card that says “Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.”

This is truth.

Masquerading is

Masquerading is living in a way that is not aligned with who you really are

Masquerading is living in a way that is not aligned with who you really are following a script that isn’t yours

Masquerading is living in a way that is not aligned with who you really are following a script that isn’t yours doing things you think are important because they are valued by others.

This is not living authentically.

Are you ready to drop the masquerade

and claim the real you?

Do you want to create your life or just react to life?

What inspires you? What do you yearn for?

Are you living the life you want to live or living the life you are expected to live?

If you’ve been waiting for a sign to do something new…

This is it.

How much of yourself do you hide in order to fit in and gain approval?

Step out of your comfort zone. Trust that you will be OK.

You create meaning for everything in your life. What story are you telling about you?

What words do you use after ‘I am’?

Choose carefully.

Is your life heading in a direction you want to go?

How much of the real you is in your life?

Where are “shoulds” holding you back?

It’s time to drop the woulda/coulda/shouldas.

Who are you without them?

Be curious. What do you feel drawn to? What excites you? What motivates you?

It will feel scary to do something new and different. Courage is feeling fear and acting anyway.

Be courageous.

What do you want? Really want?

What small step can you take today to move toward your dream?

You do not have to settle. Give yourself permission to try something new.

Confidence comes after you do something new, not before. Believe in yourself now.

Don’t let the “be realistic” people constrain you. You are the captain of your life.

Do something your future self will thank you for.

You can stop following the script that’s been handed to you. You get to live your life your way.

When what you do is what lights you up…

Your joy is infectious.

Don’t wait to do your thing in the world.

No more hiding. We are waiting for YOU.

It’s the adventures that make life memorable. What would you like to try? Get going!

You will find freedom in being authentically you.

Fear is going to try to stop you and keep you playing small.

(It thinks it is keeping you safe.) Feel the fear and go ahead anyway.

The more authentic you are, the more you will find the people who value you for who you are.

What lights you up? Do more of that. It’s how you create a life you love (and inspire others to do it too).

Let your beautiful unique brilliant wonderful self out for the world to see.

The only one you can be is you.

Own it.

Authenticity means being unapologetically YOU.

Let yourself shine.

There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls. - Howard Thurman

Pam Bauer is a Certified Life Coach who helps people reinvigorate their lives.

Get your free guide “Four Fast Ways to Feel Good NOW” here.

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