the rainforest by: nic grube. animals of the rainforest 1. the golden lion tamarin 2. the capybara...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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The RainforestBy: Nic Grube

Animals Of The Rainforest1. The Golden Lion Tamarin2. The Capybara3. The Black Caiman4. The Bengal Tiger5. The Silvery Gibbon6. The Slender Loris7. The Kinkajou8. The Binturong9. The Basilisk Lizard10. The Pygmy Marmoset

The Golden Lion Tamarin

The Golden Lion Tamarin Only about 400 of them are left in the Amazon.

Huge rivers , barren lands, and croplands make it so these monkeys are hard to get to and so its hard for the monkey to get out as well.

Acrobatic, quick-moving monkeys

Analytical masters of their arboreal world.

Endangered and lives in the Tropical Rainforest

The Capybara

The Capybara Weigh more than 100 lbs. An herbivore that eats grass and aquatic

plants Highly social and males control groups Can remain underwater for up to 5

minutes Reddish Brown fur on top and Yellow

Brown fur underneath

The Black Caiman Feed on fish, water birds, Capybara, and

sometimes domestic animals Lay 30-65 eggs Usually lay eggs in mound of vegetation

and soil The Female watches the eggs Can grow to be 13 – 20ft long Live in lakes and slow moving rivers Jaguars as well as humans are predators

of the Black Caiman Life Expectancy is 50 – 80 years

The Bengal Tiger

The Bengal Tiger Have great power and strength and are

the largest of the cat family Most common tiger and populates about

half of the tiger population Lives in India and is sometimes known

as the Indian Tiger Are hunted for body parts and for the

use in Chinese medicine This species is endangered and its roar

can be heard from 2 miles away Life Span is 8 – 10 years in the wild Weighs anywhere from 240 – 500lbs.

The Silvery Gibbon Make a song that can be heard over a mile

and last 7 minutes (Only females sing) Live in treetops of the Javas Rainforest Songs can be different and can show

territory (Territory is about 42 acres) If intruders are seen it is the males job to

crash through the forest after them Known as lesser apes and have no tail Usually weigh only 13lbs. And have long

arms Eats fruit, flowers, and young leaves Gestation Period- 7-8 months and must wait

2-3 years between births

The Slender Loris Weigh 103 – 172 grams

Has long and slender arms and legs

Curl up in balls during days and are active and social at night

The Highland Slender Loris lives at the canopy level at 1,800–2,300 meters altitude

The Red Slender Loris lives at the primary and secondary lowlands level up to 900 meters in altitude

The Kinkajou

The Kinkajou

Sleeps in upper canopy and in holes in trees Nocturnal Weighs anywhere from 3 to 10lbs. Golden-Brown fur Round head, big eyes, small ears, and snout

like a bear’s Soles of feet provide grip Moves by climbing and jumping Solitary and can live over 23 years Rarely seen ,but not endangered Carnivore Prehensile tip to tail which helps climbing

The Binturong

The Binturong Carnivore Long snout and many teeth AKA Bearcat Females 20% larger and heavier than males Dark-Brown to Black shaggy, coarse fur and tipped with gray Prehensile tip to tail that helps climb and acts

like an extra leg Nocturnal To big to leap from tree to tree so must climb

down tree then walk to another

The Basilisk Lizard

The Basilisk Lizard AKA plumed or double-crested basilisk Able to run on water Spend time in trees, but are always close to

water If threatened it can drop from tree and land in

water and run 5 feet per second across the surface

Can go across surfaces of water for 15 feet or more

Even when in water they swim very well

The Pigmy Marmoset

The Pigmy Marmoset Usually have twins, but can have triplets and

quadruplets Newborns must be fed every 2 hours Claws that help cling to trees Omnivore Can live to be 15 years old Small size helps hide from predators Still chases intruders on their territory even

though they’re so small

Plants Of The Rainforest1. The Rafflesia Plant2. Bromeliads3. The Strangler Fig4. Lianas5. Bengal Bamboo6. The Giant Corpse Flower 7. The Bladderwort8. The Victoria Amazonica 9. The Walking Palm Tree10. The Belladonna

The Rafflesia Plant

The Rafflesia Plant Largest single flowers in the world

Can reach over 90cm across

Has leathery petals

Actually a virus, but grows on host(Tetrastigma Vines)

Found in primary and secondary rainforests

Bromeliads Thick, waxy leafs

Related to pineapple family

Bowl shape in center of leafs

Bowl shape makes great habitat for small animals

When animals die it gives the plant nutrients

The Strangler Fig

The Strangler Fig Hollow on inside

A root that starts in ground then slowly grows up host tree

When host tree dies it leaves the inside hollow

Produces large amounts of fig fruit

Hard for loggers to cut through so usually stay there when a forest is cleared

Lianas Thick, woody stems

Can grow up to 3000 feet

Attach to trees and grow on trees towards sunlight

Bengal Bamboo ` `

Bengal Bamboo

The Giant Corpse Flower

The Giant Corpse Flower

The Bladderwort

The Bladderwort

The Victoria Amazonica

The Victoria Amazonica

The Walking Palm Tree

The Walking Palm Tree

The Belladonna

The Belladonna

Rainforests Around The World

1.) The Amazon Rainforest Location- South America Fact- Home to 1/5 species of all plants and 1/10 of all

mammal species. Also home to second longest river.

2.) The Congo Rainforest Location- Africa Fact- Covers more than1,000,000 square miles

3.) Other Rainforests Location- Madagascar or Central Africa Location- South East Asia and Southern Asia- Bangladesh,

Borneo, Java, Burma, and even Malaysia Location- Australia- New Guinea and New Zealand

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