the queen’s new chef queen caroline was holding a contest to find the best chef in the land. the...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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The Queens New Chef

Queen Caroline was holding a contest to find the best chef in the land. The winner would become the queens new chef.

Lots of chefs wanted to win the contest. The were all sure that their cooking was the best.

There was excitement in kitchens all over the kingdom.

I will make a huge stack of pancakes with ice-cream and chocolate sauce for the contest. said Chef Dominic. The queen will love my pancakes.

I will make a magnificent mountain of ice-cream with chocolate, nuts and cherries for the queen, said Chef Charlotte.

I will make the biggest, stickiest toffee cake anyone has ever eaten, said Chef Henri.

I am the best and I will be the queens new chef, they all said.

Meanwhile, in the smallest kitchen in the land, a girl called Bree was thinking about entering the contest.

Hmm! she said. if I win the contest and become the queens new chef, I will make the queens breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will make tasty, healthy food for her every day.

Vegetables taste good, said Bree.

They are very healthy too. I will make my tasty vegetable stew and my yummy carrot cake for the contest.

Bree chopped carrots and celery, beans and peas, tomatoes and cauliflower and even some broccoli.

Into the pot you go, she said as she made the tasty vegetable stew.

The next day all the chefs gathered in the queens palace to show their food.

Chef Dominic carefully lifted the cloth that was over the tallest stack of pancakes anyone had ever seen. It was covered with chocolate sauce and ice-cream.

Ooh! exclaimed all the people.

Chef Charlotte made a magnificent mountain of ice-cream with nuts, chocolate and cherries all over it.

The ice-cream filled a huge bowl that was as wide as the table. It was piled up so high that Chef Charlotte had to stand on tiptoes to put the last cherry on the top.

Aah!sighed all the people.

Chef Henri carefully lifted the lid off the biggest box anyone had ever seen. Inside was the biggest, stickiest toffee cake that had ever been made.

It was covered in icing, caramel and cream and filled with the chewiest toffee.

Oh, my! said all the people, licking their lips.

The Queen Caroline arrived for the contest.

She tasted the pancakes with chocolate sauce.Scrumptious, she said.

She tried the ice-cream. Delicious, she said.

She tried the toffee cake. Yummy! she said.

Then the queen sat down. Oh, dear, said Queen Caroline. I am not feeling very well.

Try some of my nice vegetable stew, said Bree. It will make you feel better.

Queen Caroline had a small spoonful of the stew. Then she had another spoonful.

Ooh, sighed the queen.

Aah, she said as she had some more.

Oh, My! This is the best stew I have ever eaten. I am feeling so much better now.

Would you like to be my new chef? asked Queen Caroline.

Id love to be your chef, said Bree.

We could celebrate with some of my carrot cake.

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