the ppc essentials for successful lead generation - hero conf philly 2016

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The PPC Essentials for Successful Lead Generation !

Sahil Jain | @sahilioCEO & Co-Founder | AdStage

About Me

Sahil Jain, CEO and Co-founder of AdStage, @sahilio

• Co-founded first company, YC & SV Angel backed, at 20

• Dropped out of UC Berkeley to join AOL Corp Dev. at 19

• Dropped out of High School to join Yahoo! Mobile at 17 and worked in the professional video game industry before that

About AdStage

Manage ad campaigns across Google, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Today’s Agenda

• Creating a Lead Definition and Budget

• Selecting Channels for Syndication

• Creative Concepts and Strategy

• Thinking About Your Post-click Strategy

• Setting Up Conversion Tracking

• Optimizing for Conversions

• Creating Evergreen Campaigns

Creating a Lead Definition

• Define your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) - company type: revenue, team size, industry, geo

- individual type: role, decision making ability, budget, pains

• Define what a “Qualified Lead” looks like

- what is the desired action that will be defined as a “conversion”

- Examples:

> webinar registration

> demo request

> specific type of engagement

Creating a Budget

Determine your breakeven point

Plug in # desired customers, LTV, & avg.

close rates

Solve for your budget

Work backwards with top metrics

Let’s Break it Down

I. Calculate an educated budget Break even point x total desired customers = proposed budget • $1,200 avg. sale x 150 desired customers = $180,000 budget

II. Set a benchmark for lead volume Total desired customers / avg. close rate = leads needed • 150 desired customers / 6% avg. close rate= 2,500 leads needed

III. Align your campaigns to a target CPL Total budget / Total leads needed = target cost per lead • $180,000 / 2,500 = Target cost per lead of $72.00

Channels for Syndication

Google AdWords

• Search: Keyword targeting, RLSA

• Display: Remarketing, contextual keyword or placement targeting

• Lead Gen Feature Highlight: Customer Match across YouTube, Gmail, Search


• Powerful job title, company, skills, and function targeting for B2B

• Display: Text Ads, Sponsored Updates / Direct Sponsored Content

• Lead Gen Feature Highlight: Direct Sponsored Content


• Demographic, interest and behavior targeting (psychographics)

• Display: right-rail, newsfeed, Instagram, and audience network placements ads

• Lead Gen Feature Highlight: Lead Ads

Twitter Lead Gen Cards

• Keyword/hashtag, handle, and event targeting

• Display: Sponsored tweets & cards

• Lead Gen Feature Highlight: Lead Gen Cards

Allocating Budget Across Channels

Start with 1 or 2 networks

Consider the competition

& reach

Think about the campaign length

Consider your lead definition

Shape Your Creative

Nail Your Headlines

Grab Their Attention

Tell Them Why

Add a Clear CTA

Craft Your Landing Page

Elements of a Converting Landing Page

Mobile Optimized

Remind Your Audience Who You Are

Short Form with Lead Collection Field

Always include “What’s in it for Me?”

Clear and Concise Call to Action

Conversion Tracking Code

Setting Up Conversion Tracking

Google AdWords

Google AdWords

Bing Ads

Bing Ads

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Twitter Ads

LinkedIn Ads via AdStage

Google Analytics

Third-Party Analytics

Optimizing for Conversion

Track, Learn, & Iterate

Tools for Landing Page Testing

Landing Page Test Examples

Check out for inspiration

Nurture Your Leads

Deploy custom/tailored audience and web display retargeting

Expand Your Ad Targeting


More About Lead Gen

Learn PPC

Thank You

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