the power of interpersonal skills by ben lofgren

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 The Power of Interpersonal Skills By Ben Lofgren Slide 3 What are Interpersonal Skills? Interpersonal Skills Ability to be tactful, considerate and sensitive Aware and respectful of others Handling different people in difficult situations Slide 4 Why are these skills important? Necessary for effective leadership Can help cope with change Needed for productive communication Reduces tension between colleagues Builds networks between people and companies Can teach others tolerance and respect Slide 5 Coping with Change Slide 6 Diversity and Differences in the Workplace Gender Men and women will see things differently Logical viewpoint vs. Emotional viewpoint Race Cultural differences Language barriers Ideas Thinking outside the box Different Perceptions Slide 7 Teamwork in the Workplace Key AbilitiesAltruismWarmthCooperationPatienceTolerance DescriptionPractice of devotion to the welfare of others Liveliness of feelings, emotions, or sympathy The act of working together for a common benefit Ability to suppress restlessness or annoyance due to delay Act or capacity to endure Ways to show them Offer to help out A genuine smile Ask everyone to contribute Take a deep breath and remain calm Be willing to see different viewpoints and ideas Slide 8 Benefits of Teamwork High Productivity and Efficiency Less work Learn how to work with a variety of people Builds character Slide 9 Working with Difficult People Slide 10 Control Your Emotions Slide 11 Constructive Criticism Accept it with grace Ask questions so that you can understand Thank the person for their tactfulness Offer reasons for your decisions Slide 12 Effective Negotiation Slide 13 Teaching Others Communicate ideas, concepts and technology effectively Give real-world examples to demonstrate Introduce alternate ways of thinking Slide 14 Qualities of an Effective Leader Effective Leadership Skills DefinitionCharacteristics Self- Awareness Recognizing and understanding your emotions and their effect on you and others. Confidence in yourself; able to assess yourself and see your own faults Self-Regulation Controlling your own disruptive impulses or moods; the ability to think before speaking. Trustworthiness and integrity; open to change; able to be impartial Motivation Passionate about work that goes beyond monetary compensation; driven to complete goals with energy and determination. Able to keep optimistic even when faced with failure; very focused on achieving goals. Empathy The ability to understand the emotional state of other people; able to delicately handle the emotional responses from other people Able to sense the moods of people around you; cross-cultural sensitivity Social Skill Good at building and maintaining relationships; able to find commonality between people and establish rapport with them Effective at bringing about change; persuasive; good at team-building. Source: ICFAI Journal of Soft Skills, Dec2008, Vol. 2 Issue 4, p25-30 Slide 15 Giving exceptional customer service Being sympathetic to client and customer needs Able to handle situations without bias Being efficient with customers time Being tactful and respectful Slide 16 Active Listening Hear the message Focus on the message Eliminate distractions Comprehend and interpret the message Analyze and evaluate what you heard Offer feedback or respond to the message Slide 17 Non-verbal Communication Slide 18 Our Message Source: Slide 19 Lack of Interpersonal Skills Employees lose interest and motivation Tension becomes commonplace Communication breakdown Hazardous work environment Slide 20 Upkeep in the Workplace Source: Cornerstone OnDemand Employee Attitude Survey Slide 21 Interpersonal Skills are Essential Slide 22 Biblography Pace, Dr. Joe, The Workplace: Interpersonal Strengths and Leadership, New York, Barrosse, 2006 West, Michael A., Effective Teamwork: Practical Lesson from Organizational Research Leicester, United Kingdom: The British Psychological, 2004 Ph.D Fritz, Susan, et al. Interpersonal Skills for Leadership Prentice Hall: New Jersey, 1999 Cheesbro, Thomas et. al Communicating in the Workplace Prentice Hall: New Jersey, 2010 Wall, Bob, Working Relationships: The simple truth about getting along with friends and foes in the workplace Davies-Black Publishing: California, 1999 Sen, Suvarna Golemans Five Components of Emotional Intelligence at Work Table ICFAI Journal of Soft Skills Dec2008 Vol. 2 Issue 4 p.27 EBSCO MATC library, Madison, WI 11 October 2010. add927cf0cb9@sessionmgr104&vid=16&ui=5685585&id=359417808&parentui=35941780&tag= AN&db=bth add927cf0cb9@sessionmgr104&vid=16&ui=5685585&id=359417808&parentui=35941780&tag= AN&db=bth Bradley, Alexandra Shifting away from Employers Market Article 4b76-9bdf- 531b3078f65c%40sessionmgr104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=f5h&AN=5 2106225 4b76-9bdf- 531b3078f65c%40sessionmgr104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=f5h&AN=5 2106225 Slide 23 Body Language is over half of the message YesNo Slide 24 When dealing with your anger, should you lash out? YesNo Slide 25 A mediator is someone who is impartial to a conflict YesNo

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