the pigeon tree - · the pigeon tree by walter t. mouse december 2019 christmas...

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The Pigeon Tree By Walter T. Mouse

December 2019

Christmas was almost here, and Walter was having trouble getting into the spirit of it all. It used to be, going shopping with Jim & Sunni made it feel like Christmas, but now they do most of their shopping on-line. The only stores he goes to these days is Safeway or Ace Hardware. And then there’s that climate thing. This year it hasn’t snowed much, so Christmas kind of sneaked up on him. Walter loves family gatherings and, yup, you guessed it, no one was coming to visit for Christmas this year. So you can see why he hasn’t been able to get into the spirit.

Of course, Walter knows Christmas isn’t really all about families, shopping, or snow. It’s about celebrating God’s gift of hope and peace to the world. So this year, he decided to put that into practice and share ‘peace and joy’ with others. But he hadn’t a clue how to share peace and joy. Exasperated, Walter decided to ask his ol’ buddy Jim. After all, Jim is always giving advice to others—whether they ask for it or not. So last Thursday evening he caught Jim in his office surfing the internet.

“What ‘cha looking for,” Walter asked.“Oh, just doing a little cyber window shopping,” Jim said.“I haven’t started my shopping yet—can’t figure out what to get anybody,” he admitted.“No? Well I put my list online weeks ago, Walter.”Walter nodded. “That’s kind of what I wanted to ask you about. You’ve always told me it is better to give than receive. So, I decided this year I would give peace and joy. Trouble is, all anybody wants are presents.”

It’s been so long since I last wrote a Christmas story that many of you may not remember who I am. So, let me take a moment to re-introduce myself to you. My name is Walter T. Mouse, I live in Pend Oreille County, Washington in a little town called Newport. Although I presently live in the city, I grew up in the country at a place called Gold Hill Ranch and lived there most of my life. That is where I became friends with Jim and Sunni Jeffers many years ago and when they moved to Newport, I moved with them. For years I wrote Christmas letters for the Jeffers, and later, when they began traveling I wrote stories about the ranch and Christmas. I’m a published author, became a pie-rat while on a cruse in the Caribbean, and a Chun Kuk Do instructor for a number of chickens in Kentucky. Hope you’ll enjoy my 2019 Christmas story, the Pigeon Tree. You can also download it at my website:

“Yeah, I know what you mean, it’s hard to get a hint in edgewise this time of year,” Jim said. “That’s why I put all my stuff on Amazon. Sooner or later people will get around to wondering what to buy me for Christmas and then they’ll go to my Amazon list and see everything I want—with links to purchase!”“Yes, I see. But I’m interested in spreading ‘peace and joy.’ How can I do that?”“Peace and joy,” Jim mused as he stopped surfing and sat back in his chair. “Walter,” he continued after a pause, “You’re always over-thinking things. Just use the God plan.”“What?”“The God plan; it’s an acronym for Go Observe Do. You go visit someone, observe what they need, and then go and do it. Simple. Why, it was like a light going on. Go, Observe, and Do. Walter felt better already! Jim had got to be the smartest person he knew. And since he just visited Jim, why not try ‘the God plan’ on him. So, Walter thought about what he had observed, and it hit him like a ton of bricks. Since people were going to go to his Amazon site and buy Jim all those presents he wanted for Christmas, he’s gonna need a box —a great big one to put all his presents in. So, Walter went out to Jim’s shop, found a big box and wrapped it and put it under the tree. That was easy, Walter thought.

Next, he went to see Sunni. She wasn’t in her office—or, if she was, he couldn’t find her. Her office is always such a mess. “Whoa! Wait a minute,” Walter said to himself, “She’s gonna need some help cleaning it up.” He raced into the garage and got two of Jim’s big plastic trash bags and wrapped them up and put them under the tree. She’ll be so surprised!

In no time Walter figured out how to give peace and joy to everyone. And it hardly cost him a thing! This was going to be a great Christmas.

The next day, while Walter was walking up to the shop to gather up some old newspapers for Uncle Dale’s gift, he almost got trampled by a herd of quail running across the driveway.

“Hey, you need to be more careful and watch where your running,” he lectured them.“Sorry Walter, but maybe you should run too. That big ol’ black cat with the white face is on the prowl. We barely got away.” That’s when it dawned on Walter there were lots of very needy inhabitants right here in his own back yard. He could start spreading

‘peace and joy’ by fixing it so the quail wouldn’t have to worry about ol’ Whiteface again.

Up at the shop, he found the newspapers, put them in a box and wrapped it for Dale. Then Walter found an old antique bell. “Jim hasn’t seen this for years,” Walter said. So, he took it and tracked down that white faced cat. Walter found him sleeping in the neighbors wood pile. He sneaked up on him and carefully tied that bell to the end of his tail and gave him a poke with a stick.

“Whoas me!” Walter exclaimed as ol’ Whiteface jumped up and started swishing his tail and then that bell started ‘ring-a-ding-a-linging.’ Whiteface’s eyes got real big, and he took off like a wild fire in August. Walter laughed as he listened to that bell ring for blocks. “Now those pigeons won’t have to worry about becoming cat food anymore,” Walter said. “They’ll be able to hear Whiteface coming a mile away.” He was so pleased with himself that he laughed out loud about calling the quail pigeons, a derogatory term Jim used when feeding them everyday.

Early the next morning, Walter awoke full of Christmas spirit. He hopped out of bed and helped himself to a bowl of Jim’s corn flakes before heading out to spread peace and joy. While munching his breakfast, he noticed the newly decorated Christmas bush that Jim had purchased down at the Ace Hardware. My, it was it a beauty! All decked out in lights and ornaments with strings of cranberries and popcorn draped over the branches. Jim and Sunni really out-did themselves this year.

And he wasn’t the only one admiring the Christmas bush. Outside on the patio a dozen or so quail, all fluffed up trying to keep warm, were staring at the beautifully adorned tree. Walter could see the astonishment in their eyes as they perched patiently on the backs of the wickers chairs waiting for their breakfast.

It dawned on him that Jim forgot to feed them before he left this morning. Sunni was gone as well, doing some shopping, so he had the run of the place. And yes, a fleeting thought to raid the cupboard and taste all the Christmas goodies did cross his mind. But today was different, he had the Christmas spirit and all fleshly desires had disappeared. Walter was on a mission to deliver peace and joy to the world. He would feed the pigeons!

He put on his sweater and hat and went outside and raised his arms open wide. “HERE I AM!” he shouted. “To bless you with peace, joy and FOOD! A thunderous

flutter of wings, sounding much like applause, swept across the patio lifting the quail and snow into the frigid air. The nervous quail landed nearby in the evergreens, the snow landed on Walter. He gasped and sputtered as he brushed himself off. Crazy skittish birds! No wonder Jim calls them pigeons. “I’m here to feed you—not eat you,” he shouted as the quail anxiously discussed the matter among themselves.

Reaching into the five gallon bucket of bird seed, he filled the plastic cup full of seed and dragged it precariously to the yard and scattered it on the snow. First one bird flew down, then another, then they began running and swooping in from every direction to scarf up the golden grain. Their complete disregard for others and lack of manners was appalling. They pushed, shoved, and pecked each other, knocking poor Walter down in their frenzy to feed. “Take it easy guys,” he said as he struggled to stand up. “There is enough for everyone.” Just then a quail flew so close that he knocked Walter’s hat off his head. “Hey!” he yelled. “That’s rude.” Bending down for his hat, Walter received another discourteous bump which landed him on the ground again. He crawled out from under the quail on all fours before attempting to stand again.

There were quail everywhere. Then he noticed quail on the porch, some of them were running into the house! Oh oh, he forgot to shut the door! “Hey! Don’t go in there!” he yelled as he ran towards them, which of course, drove more of them into the house. “Get out! Shoo! Out, before Jim sees you!” They ignored him. He tried chasing them but they were faster than him and would just circle back around. Many of them flew up into the Christmas bush and ate the popcorn and cranberries. Others had discovered the nut and candy dishes in the living room and were pecking at the treats. On the kitchen counter the quail were devouring a bowl of fresh apples and pears. Hard as he tried, Walter couldn’t make them leave. All he could do was stand at the door with a stick to keep more from coming in. And that’s about the time Jim got home.

The door from the garage slammed shut, spooking the quail. They fled and hid in the only refuge they recognized—the Christmas bush. Jim walked into the living room just as Walter ran across the floor to warn him. Unfortunately, he tripped and landed face-first into a piece of soft fudge. “Walter! What th…” Jim’s gaze moved from Walter to the tree which was so full of birds it looked like it was alive! “What in the world…” Jim said as he walked toward the quivering evergreen. That’s when the tree erupted with terrified quail who flew into windows and walls and skittered across the floor. “What are all these quail doing in my house!” he yelled. Everywhere he looked were quail. They were sitting above the kitchen cabinets, high up on the fireplace mantle, and crammed

on the ledge above the coat closet. Feathers were floating in the air as quail cooed and chortled their unhappiness with Jim for ruining their party. For a few moments he stood speechless, turning slowly taking it all in. Disaster had struck home.

Formulating a plan, Jim moved slowly to the windows, opening them and quietly removing the screens. Then he picked Walter up by his suspenders and carried him down the hall and carefully pushed him through the door to his room. “Stay in there, Walter,” was all he said as he returned to the living room. Very slowly Jim began herding quail toward the windows. After a few quail exited through the windows, the rest followed voluntarily and soon they were all gone. He closed all the windows and doors and after a few minutes walked back down the hall towards Walter’s door.

Poor Walter felt so bad. He was only trying to do good, and those pigeons plainly took advantage of him. Surely, he thought, Jim would be evicting him from his home for making such a mess of things. Jim sat down crosslegged in the hall across from Walter’s door and knocked on the wall. Slowly Walter opened the little door and stepped out. “Yes?” he said. “Here Walter.” Jim handed him his little mug full of hot chocolate. “Have some coco.”

They sipped their hot chocolate without saying a word to each other. When they were just about done Jim said, “Walter, I don’t know how all those quail got in here but I am sure of one thing. You didn’t do it.” “I d…. How did you know?”“We’ve been friends for a long time, Walter. And one thing I’m sure of; you would never invite a horde of quail to come into our house. You just wouldn’t.”Walter nodded his head and looked into his empty mug. “I was trying to spread ‘peace and joy’ by feeding the quail. But look where that got me.”

“Yup, sometimes you get burned helping others. But that’s no reason to stop. You just got to keep on keeping on and spread your ‘peace and joy.’ “Right now,” he continued as he stood and took Walter’s empty mug, “I need some help getting this mess cleaned up before Sunni gets home.” As he walked away he looked over his shoulder and said, “You clean the floor.” Ewww, that’s where all the poop landed. Then Walter smiled, “I’m such a lucky mouse.”

Merry Christmas, Walter

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