the parish church of st james the great kilkhampton · epiphany 11am eucharist of the epiphany year...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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RECTOR: The Revd. Peter John Abell TEL : 321314 The Rectory, East Road, Kilkhampton rectorkilkstow@ EX23 9QS.

LAY READER: Mrs. Gloria Street TEL : 352683 Homewell End, Poughill Road, Bude .

CHURCHWARDENS: Mr. Trevor Tamblin 41, Ivy Cottages, Kilkhampton. TEL : 321214 Mrs. Ann Stone, East Langford Farm Thurdon, Kilkhampton TEL : 321430

SECRETARY TO THE PCC: Mrs. Ann Stevens Downswood, Woodford, Kilkhampton. TEL : 321451

TREASURER TO THE PCC: Mr. Rowly Pillman The Old Rectory, Kilkhampton TEL : 321450

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER: Mr. Michael J. Richardson TEL : 352439 1, Quarry Close, Bude.

ELECTORAL ROLL OFFICER: Mr. Peter Collins TEL : 321873 3, Park Court, Kilkhampton.



MINISTER: The Revd. Joy Wilson TEL : 352567 Coast View House, Stratton Road, Bude

CHURCH: Mr R. Dunstan, Strands, Stibb. TEL : 353514 STEWARDS Mr R. Hambley, The Hill Park Centre, Hillpark, Kilkhampton TEL : 321340 Mr. T. Sillifant, Brabourne Lodge TEL : 321697 Penstowe Rd., Kilkhampton.

TREASURER: Mr. M. Metherell, Barn Farm TEL : 321248

ORGAN ROTA: Mrs. E. Smale, Youlden Bungalow, Stibb. TEL : 356745

FLOWER ROTA: Mrs. D. Hockridge, Winswood Park, TEL : 321550 Kilkhampton

CARETAKER: Mrs. Strike, 2, New Buildings, Kilkhampton. TEL : 321295

HOUSE STUDY/ FELLOWSHIP: Thursdays at 9.30am and 7.30pm

Everyone welcome. Please contact Doreen Jones TEL : 321569


2nd Dec Advent Sunday



Parish Eucharist

Advent Carols and Readings

Year A Isa 52: 1-12 Tony Davis

Volunteers please

Joyce Davis

Volunteers please

No flowers during


9th December Advent 2

11am Parish Eucharist Year A 1Kgs : 17-39

Val Shepherd and

No flowers during Advent

16th December 11am


Parish Eucharist

Family Carol Service “Our Message” with some children from

the village……... and a Cracker to


Year A Isa 35: 1-10

Carolyn Porter


Ann Short and

Ann Wells

No flowers during


23rd December 11am


Blessing of the Crib and Carols

All age worship for Christmas

Readings and Carols

Year A Jer 23: 1-6

Ed Shepherd


Carolyn Porter and

Rowly Pillman

Volunteers please

All Volunteers please

24th December Christmas Night

23.30hrs Midnight Mass of Christmas

Year A Volunteers

Volunteers please

All volunteers

25th Christmas Day


Christmas morning Mass

Year A Volunteers

Volunteers please

All volunteers please

30th Holy Family Sunday

11am Parish Eucharist Year A Isa 63: 7-9


Ann Short and

Ann Wells

See notices

6th January The Feast of Epiphany

11am Eucharist of the Epiphany

Year A Dramatic Reading

Carolyn Porter and

Rowly Pillman

13th January The Baptism of Christ

11am Parish Eucharist Year A Isa 42: 1-9

Trevor Tamblin

Joyce Davis

See notices

20th January The Third Sunday of Epiphany Septuagesima

11am Parish Eucharist Year A Isa 9: 1-14

Rowly Pillman

Val Shepherd and

Celia Bell

See notices

27th January The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

11am Parish Eucharist Year A 1Kgs 17: 8-16 Ed Shepherd

Jeanette Norman and

Margaret Collins

See notices

3rd February Candlemas Presentation of Christ in the Temple

11am Parish Eucharist ff Hot Lunch in the

Grenville Rooms

Year A Malachi 3: 1-5

Tony Davis

Trevor Tamblin and

Mike Cook

See notices


AT ST James the Great CHRISTMAS 2007 - candlemas 2008

………God a baby !?.............. ...............................Oh yes!

Dec 2007-Jan 2008

Church and Chapel Rotas .

News from the village, school, KAFC


Garden Club news….

W. I . News Parish Events

Gardening Club

Parish Council News

Youth Club News

Inside this issue:

As someone who has become a grandfather twice over this year(one grandson in Wakefield and a grandaughter in Furstenwalde Germany) and with another due in Denver Colorado in January, I know a little of the kind of excitement a baby can bring although our opportunities to see them are very few and far between. Praise the Lord for SKYPE! It brought home to me how incredibly helpless a new born is and how rapid their development both mentally and physically from the first smile to tearing around on all fours like a Top Gear presenter! Christmas is all about a baby ….its all about God becoming flesh and blood. It was Jeremy Taylor, an Anglican Bishop and spiritual writer of the 1600s, who said “He that cried in the manger, that sucked the paps of a woman, that hath exposed himself to poverty, and a world of inconveniences, is the Son of the Living God, of the same substance with his father, begotten before all ages, before the morning stars; he is God eternal.” May God bless you and your families this Christmas and as we approach the New Year let us pray that He will guide and support us through 2008 and all that it brings. I finish with an amusing story. An old farmer in the village attended the church's New Year Service. He stood up and made one simple request for 2008: "Lord, prop us up on our leanin' side." Intrigued, the Vicar asked afterwards what he had meant. The farmer explained: "I've got an old barn in my field. It's been there a long time. It's gone through a lot of storms, and it's stood for many years. It's still standing, but just before Christmas I noticed it was leaning to one side a bit. So I went and got some poles and propped it up on its leaning side. I made sure it wouldn't fall over this coming year. "Then dreckly I got to thinking about how much I am like that old barn. I've been around a long time, I've withstood a lot of bad weather in life, and I'm still standing, too. But by the end of 2007, what with Foot and Mouth, Blue Tongue, Bird Flu and another little leak from Pirbright, I found myself leaning to one side a bit. So for 2008 I've asked the Lord to prop me up on my leanin' side. I reckon he can make sure that I don't fall over either." May God prop you up on your leanin’ side this Christmas and New Year

Peter. Rector.

Dec 2007-Jan 2007 RECTOR’S CORNER St James the Great


8th Dec. Christmas Market 16th Family Crackers and Carols 23rd Blessing of the Crib 23rd Carols and Readings 24th 2330 Midnight Mass 25th Short Family Mass


6th Epiphany Sunday


3rd Candlemas Sunday Hot Lunch in the Grenville Rooms 6th Ash Wednesday


16th Palm Sunday HOLY WEEK 23rd Easter Day

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS CAROLS Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly We three kings of porridge and tar On the first day of Christmas my tulip gave to me Later on we'll perspire, as we dream by the fire. Noel. Noel, Barney's the king of Israel. With the jelly toast proclaim Olive, the other reindeer. (all of the other reindeer) Sleep in heavenly peas. In the meadow we can build a snowman, Then pretend that he is sparse and brown You'll go down in listerine … Oh, what fun it is to ride with one horse, soap and hay .

Dec 2007-Jan 2008Rector's Corner

If biblical events were being covered by today's media… On Red Sea crossing: WETLANDS TRAMPLED IN LABOR STRIKE Enforcement Officials Killed While Pursuing Unruly Mob On David vs. Goliath: HATE CRIME KILLS BELOVED CHAMPION OF RELIEF TROOPS Psychologist Questions Significance of Rock Used as Weapon On the prophet Elijah on Mt. Carmel: FIRE SENDS RELIGIOUS ACTIVIST INTO FRENZY 400 Killed In Unprovoked Attack On the birth of Christ: HOTELS FULL, ANIMALS EJECTED FROM SHELTER Animal Rights Advocates Enraged by Insensitive Couple On feeding the 5,000: LAY PREACHER STEALS CHILD'S LUNCH Disciples Mystified Over Behavior On healing the 10 lepers: QUACK PREYS ON TERMINALLY ILL Authorities Investigating Use of Non-traditional Medical Procedure On healing of the two demon-possessed men in Gadarenes: MADMAN CAUSES STAMPEDE Local Farmer Faces Bankruptcy After Loss of Hogs On raising Lazarus from the dead: ITINERANT PREACHER RAISES STINK Will Now Being Contested by Lawyers of Heirs

**** You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive. You never learn to pray until your kids learn to drive.

The Rector came home after church on Christmas morning looking very satisfied. "Many people in church?" asked his wife, bustling around the kitchen. "Yes, and we had at least three strangers, though I didn't see them." "Then how do you know?" "Because there were three £10 notes in the collection plate."


This Christmas, when your family gets together, remember: a certain friction between the generations is inevitable. After all, the young and the old have all the answers and those in between are

stuck with all the questions.


"Thanks very much for the beautiful jumper," said Charles, kissing his grandmother dutifully

on the cheek. "Oh, there's nothing to thank me for," she murmured. "That's what I thought, but Mum said I had to."


This Christmas, when your family gets together, remember: a certain friction between the generations is inevitable. After all, the young and the old have all the answers and those in between are stuck with all the questions.


Exasperated Mother on Boxing Day: "William, why ever did you kick your little brother in the stomach?" "It was his own fault. He turned around."


First man: "My wife doesn't know what she wants for Christmas." Second man: "You're lucky. Mine does!"


When Noah sailed the waters blue,

he had his troubles same as you.

For 40 days he drove the Ark

before he found a place to park…


Editor: with Resolutions for the New Year

in mind…

It is a good rule never to look into the

face of man in the morning until you have

looked into the face of God.

- CH Spurgeon

God loves to be consulted. -

Charles Bridges

The easiest person to deceive is one's

own self.

- E Bulwer-Lytton

Conduct is an unspoken sermon. -

Henri Amiel

Experience is not always the kindest of

teachers, but it is the best.

No amount of falls will really undo us if

we keep picking ourselves up each time.

- CS Lewis

The greatest failure is the failure to try.

- William A Ward

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander

time, for that is the stuff life is made of.

- B Franklin

Every man's life lies within the present;

for the past is spent and done with, and

the future is uncertain.

- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

Worry is like a treadmill - it wears you out

and gets you nowhere.

You can't direct the wind, but you can

adjust your sail.

Today is someone's memory for

tomorrow. Make it a good one.

Are you taking a mid-winter break? If you are preparing to take off for foreign climes, do keep an eye out for signs that have English words… but perhaps not an English meaning! In hotels and train stations and airports all over the world there are polite little signs that will bring a smile to the lips of even an exhausted traveler. For instance, how about these: Switzerland: We have nice bath and are very good in bed. Romania: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret you will be unbearable. Russia: If this is your first visit to the USSR, you are welcome to it. Italy: If service is required, give two strokes to the maid and three to the waiter. Spain: Our wine list leaves you with nothing to hope for. Denmark: In the event of fire, open a window and announce your presence in a seemly manner. Canary Islands: If you telephone for room service you will get the answer you deserve.

**** An employee asked her boss if he would advance her a few pounds of next month's wages, and gave the reason as follows: "You see our Rector at church is leaving, and we are collecting money so that we can give him a little 'momentum'."

St James the Great Parish News Kilkhampton

BERNICE GIFFORD, wishes to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers and enquires etc. during her present illness and stay in N.D.D. Hospital, Thank You.

MERVYN SLEEMAN Wishes all family and friends a Happy Christmas and New Year.

GWEN FANSON will not be sending Christmas cards this year, but wishes relations, friends and neighbours a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

GRACE JONES wishes all her friends and neighbours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

MERVYN SLEEMAN – Happy 90th Birthday Dad on December 24th. Best Wishes from John, Trevor, Anne and Grandchildren.

ADAM & KAREN SPRY wish all friends and neighbours a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, and thank you all for making us so welcome during our first year in Kilkhampton.

FLO & CLIFF DE-ROSA wishes family, relations, friends and neighbours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, will not be sending cards.

EDNA EASTMAN wishes all neighbours, friends and relations a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

ALBERT & LUCY PENGILLY at Christmas for the bells and floodlights.

In Memoriam Church Floodlighting Sponsors December 2007 & January 2008

BABB, Lewis and Ruth Special memories of our dear Mum & Dad missed always and especially at this time of the year.

Also our dear Sis Jo and her friend Sharon, and all the family and friends no longer with us. Forever in our hearts.

Love Always, Ann, Brian & all the family, John and Beryl

Special Memories of my two grandaughters, Molly – Joanne born asleep 23-11-98 And Tilly – Ann born asleep 9-08-05, God Bless (Granny Annie)xx

Remembering with Love, especially at Christmas, KENNETH TURNER, who passed away on December 23 1972. And my dear husband TED DAVIES, who passed away on March 31 2006.

Both sadly missed by Audrey Davies.

Remembering my dear husband IVOR GRILLS at Christmas, miss you very much. Love Ellen and all the Family.

In loving memory of HARRY RANDALL, a dear husband and father, also granddaughter

TANYA. From Joan Randall.

Remembering Harold Jones on his birthday 10 January and on their Diamond Wedding Day 27 December. Love from Grace, Margaret, Jana, James and Andrew.

Remembering with love MADGE SPRY a wonderful, loving Mum and Gran who passed away

on December 18th 2000. Often on our lips and always in our thoughts. Lyn, Dave and family.

In loving memory of ARTHUR HARRIGAN, who passed away 8 December 1995. Love you always, Edith, Marie, David, Andrew and Mark.

Remembering with love our Mum & Dad, WILLIAM & ANNIE CORNISH, also our hus-

bands, brothers & sisters in law. From Beat, Aileen and Ivy.

Remembering SAM at Christmas and on his birthday January 7th.

Gone but not forgotten. Gladys, Betty, Julian and Emma.

LAVIS - Remembering Dad, FRED who left us 22nd January 1992. Will always miss you. Al-

ways in our thoughts, Joy, Jim and family.

Jean and Clare and families in memory of our parents and grandparents, MABEL and ARTHUR FULFORD.

In loving memory of my mother, SUVLA BANBURY, on her birthday, 23rd January, from Ruth

and family.

ARTHUR JORDAN - Birthday remembrance on January 6th. With love from Keith, Nigel and families.

Remembering a much loved husband and father, PETER JOHN MITCHELL. Our first Christmas without you, constantly in our thoughts, we miss you so much.

With our love, Ann and Ian

Remembering son ANDREW and husband TERRY at Christmas, and Mum ROSE PIPER, with love always XXX

Rita and families.

Treasured memories of BEATRICE LANE, who passed away on December 12th 1972, and Dad HAROLD LANE, who passed away December 25 1981. From Iris, Phyl and Families.

In loving memory of my parents, ANNIE & CHARLES BAILEY. Mam passed away on De-cember 22n1962, and Dad on 6th June 1972, and my dear husband ARTHUR in 1988. From

Gwen and family.

Mary and family in loving memory of priest RONALD WATTS, and parents of Ronald and Mary, CLAUDE & ELSIE WATTS, ROY & WINIFRED ISAACS, and brother-in-law and


In loving memory at Christmas of a dear Mum, MARIAN WIDDICOMBE.

Trevor, Robert, Maureen and family XXXX

Thinking of our much loved son RICHARD GIFFORD at this time of the year. Love always, Mum and Dad.

NANCEKIVELL – Remembering DAVE with love on his 65th birthday, December 1st.

We all miss you so much, Eileen, Richard, Nikki, Roland, Ruth, Edward, Helen and you nine grandsons.

Birthday remembrance with love: WILLIAM THOMAS HOLDEN, December 4th, ANNIE

HOLDEN, December 16th, and DENNIS WILLIAM METHERELL, January 25th.

With fondest love at Christmas RUSS. Missing you so much. Betty, Julian, Emma & Nan.

Remembering with love JOYCE VANSTONE on her birthday, 19th November.

Always in our thoughts, Cliff and all the family.

Grateful thanks to all that sponsor the cost of Floodlighting our Beautiful Church. The cost is £5.00 per entry.



6PM family carols with a performance of “Our Message” by young people of our village ……..And a cracker!

23rd dec 11am family blessing of the crib

6pm Carols and readings

24th dec 11.30pm midnight mass

25th dec 11am “Peace to god’s People” short family eicharist






16th dec 11am EUCHARIST


Bude recycling HUB


KILKHAMPTON AFC NEWS CHAIRMAN SECRETARY TREASURER Archie Heard Bimbo Wilcox Ann Bunning 321648 07775915128 321645

Hi folks, I’m back, no news in the last two months as my pen ran out of ink. I have a new one now so lookout! Many thanks to Val and Shads for donating the proceeds of their Silver Wedding jointly between the Football Club (Yippee!) and the Tetcott Hunt ( boo!). Both organisations received in excess of £ 370 each. Ours is going towards the Club rebuild and theirs is to buy a big bag of Winalot to feed the hounds. Thanks Shads and Val you are both stars. P.S. a really big thank you to the Tetcott Hunt Chairman who was too tight to buy a raffle ticket on the night and please spare a thought for Owen Petherick who, after buying £5s worth of raffle tickets between himself and Graham Jewel, discovered that Mr Jewel had already bought his own. Owen is now having counselling to help him get over the ordeal of parting with his fiver. On the pitch both first and second teams are struggling at the moment due to players not being available and the shortage. Next year there will be no shortage as the current U16 team will be playing at senior level. The U16s are top of the league having won all four games this season and have scored 25 goals and only conceded three. This is due to the managers charm, Jessie’s coaching and maybe the self belief in themselves. They are 100% better this year and confidence is growing.


On 22nd Feb. 2008 we have one of the biggest names in British Sport over the last 50years coming to Penstowe. Frank Bruno will be guest speaker at a combined Kilk/Morwenstow dinner plus Tank Sherman as comedian again. Tickets are £30 each and are available from Gilbert and Vanstone, Kingsley Bryant, Mark Jenkins or myself. They are going fast so get in quick. The other date for the diary is 27th April 2008 when we have our Spring Ball at Penstowe. Cover’d are again booked to play and if it is as good as last year we’ll have a great night. The football club has decided that next year we will be running two new youth teams. These will depend on the demand for each age but will probably be U12s and U9s. Please phone me if interested. The East Cornwall League are also planning to start a girls league if there is demand. It will be 7 a side and they are looking at U15 and U12 age groups. Again if interested please let me know. Thank you for reading this twaddle once again and Happy Christmas. Archie - bold.


Our Annual Christmas performance will be on Friday 7th December at Kilkhampton School Hall. The performance will start a 10.15am followed by tea/coffee, mince pies and a raffle at pre school.


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