the original anniemon battle 3 game demo - only featuring the gist of the story, and one quest

Post on 21-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Anniemon Battle 3 has officially been cancelled, however, the many different product demos that R&N Games and iKuma Entertainment Of India Incorporated had made before its cancellation will serve as memories for a VERY long time, if not FOREVER! All the other demos are online, except for the largest and most cumbersome one, which, unfortunately, might never make it to the web. That, and this one, which IS online, in a sense, but it should be on SlideShare too, so here it is! Please enjoy!



Continue GameAnniemon owned 3 TM total 12HM total 1Max level 100Max Experience 1000000


New Game

Enable Anniemon Internet Chat

Hello, sorry to keep you waiting! Oh, I guess I should introduce myself, first!

My name is Celina. Gees, I’ve been so distracted by phone calls.

In, fact, I was so distracted that I didn’t even notice you come in until I hung up.

I, mean, it’s not like I was trying to ignore you or anything. Please know.

It’s just that people call to make reservations, and I must answer.

Well, that’s true when we’re open. But I know that’s not what you’re here for.

No, Professor Freddie told me that you’d be living here until Kanto was restored.

Oh, my gosh, I didn’t even think about the price of all those nights!

How’s this, you can stay as long or as often as you’d like, and for free!

Heh, I’m so lucky that my new boss lets me do what my customers really need.

In fact, he told me that free stays are fine, cuz we have over enough money!

Ya see, he’s one of those rare rich people who uses his money wisely.

I never thought I’d get to say this about my own boss, but I’m proud of him!

I hear you have a few Anniemon on your hands, or should I say, in your pockets!

Thank goodness we allow pets; yes, I do hate calling them that!

It’s part of my old boss’s plan. I mean I guess I can just forget about him.

Although, it’s just so hard, since I put up with him for the last ten years!

I’m just so used to his way of doing things, he had no respect for trainables.

Whether it could talk or not, he called it a pet if you had to train it to survive.

I bet you he calls his own children pets, if he has any. Probably hates them too!

Let me tell you, he lives a very sad life. I almost feel sad for him, but not fully!

He’s gotta be so lonely. I wonder if he even has a wife.

Then again, based on the way he treated me and Anniemon, he’ll never find one!

But don’t worry, I love Anniemon, and will provide everything they’ll need!

Anyway, Professor Freddie never told me your name, he just said “a student.”

Anyway, Professor Freddie never told me your name, he just said “a trainer.”

I’m sorry, but I can’t see your face behind that iPad. What gender are you?




Sorry, about that. You can keep playing I AM T-PAIN, now, uh, who are you?






Your Name?

q w e r t y u i o p [

a s d f g h j k l ; ‘ ENTER

] back

z x c v b n m , . / Space

` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =


Enter text by clicking on the keys on the screen; DO NOT USE THE KEYBOARD!

Oh, really? I’ve heard of this really famous guy with that exact name!

Yeah, he was a rich, yet very nice and caring Anniemon trainer!

You wouldn’t happen to be that very same guy, would you?

Yeah, I know, how foolish of me! You’re a novice in Anniemon training!

Anyway, about those little guys in your pocket: the professor said I need them.

Yeah, I know, you’ve barely gotten a chance to see what they look like yet.

Wait, you haven’t? Well let me have the Annieballs; you will see them soon!

Oh, wow, oh my goodness! These Anniemon are in very poor condition!

The only one that I can give you right away is this poor little level 1 Annie!

Oh, dear O-Ho, god of all Anniemon and humans, have mercy on her soul!

Help this trainer to take only the best care of this weak little creature!

Help him train her to fight with only the best moves.

For she currently only knows tackle! I pray she grows to become the best!

I’m sorry, I get a little religious sometimes. I was born and raised to be.

But here, your first Anniemon! Will you do all that stuff and more I mentioned?

Thanks sweetie, I knew you could do it! And now, I present to you… Annie!

Now, be ever so careful, she’s very vulnerable! Well, into room 134 we go!


I see, someone’s broken into your room! How stupid of her to have lead you here!

Alright, jerk? Who are you, why’d you steal all that lot, and where’d you put it?

I’m supposed to steal room 134 from Professor Freddie’s new trainer!

Give me your name, or I’ll have Team Comet recruit you by force!

Are you crazy? Why would I risk getting into more trouble by revealing myself?


Well, it looks like my work here is done! Oh, wait, hold on… let me do something!

Ha-ha-ha-ha! I’ll be back, HOLEY grail!!! So long, suckers!!!!! Peace, I mean war!


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