the next wave of ar: mobile social interaction, right here, right now!

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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I began by asking the question: Can we create an open framework for distributed augmented reality using "off the shelf" standards, e.g., the Google Wave Federation Protocol? But the implications of this proposal go well beyond augmented reality and towards an open framework for in context mobile social communication. Also see video here.


The Next Wave of AR: Mobile Social Interaction, Right Here, Right Now!

Tish Shute

Presentation for MoMo #13 Amsterdam, Nov 16th, 2009

In January 2009, I wrote a post that asked the question:

Is it “OMG Finally” for Augmented Reality? 

The answer was yes! (with some caveats) 

I love being part of thinking about how a new industry will turn out!  (If you aren't excited try watching Denno Coil)

But it is not just the new industry of augmented reality I am excited by!    

Something even bigger is afoot!

I began by asking the question: Can we create an open framework for distributed augmented reality using "off the shelf" standards, e.g., the Google Wave Federation Protocol?

But the implications of this proposal go well beyond augmented reality and towards an open framework for in context mobile social communication.

The Internet is Coming Alive!

 Pranav Mistry Open Sources SixthSense

What really excites me is the new forms of mobile social interaction that the combination of ubiquitous computing and augmented reality enables.

We are entering the era of the outernet

 The "Outernet"  AR and  "ubiquitous computing & augmented reality are  a DNA Base Pair.

adenine and thymine

Social Mobility and the 3rd CloudDavid P. Reed (development of TCP/IP, designer of UDP, one of architects of Croquet

Designing a Mobile Social Interaction Utility for the Outernet. 

What are the qualities of the 3rd cloud and context based mobile and social communications? 

 "Mobility of People not Devices" - David P. Reed (thank you Marc Fonteijn for reminding me to think about traffic


3rd Cloud Signs Serve People (through a mobile social interaction utility focused on the mobility of people not devices)

Windows With No Curtains - the sign will communicate with your wife's phone and let her know you'll be late and will sync with your friend's calendar and remind you of the dinner party tonight....

The layers of augmented reality, linked to location/place/time and arrayed in full 3 dimensional space, are a powerful way for people to to get to the contextually relevant and interesting bits, and to orchestrate social, collaborative experiences of the world. 

Location is not a set of co-ordinates it is a culture of place.

Social Augmented Experiences - Built on Layers and Channels

drawing by Thomas Wrobel

Dystopian Future? - Jamais Cascio "Will filtering threaten civility?"

Channels and Filters for Social Augmented Experiences

Social Publishing/Remix culture collaboratively annotating, retrieving, sharing and remixing

multimedia content.

(diagram from Chris Anderson ) MSMDX (Media Streams Metadata Exchange) project at UC Berkeley,

AR Browsers Today

"Experiences built around resources originating from else where within the ubiquitous digital experience ecosystem." Joe Lamantia

Pulling the Web to the World

AR browsers Layar, AcrossAir, Wikitude, Bionic Eye, Robot Vision

Two way communication done right!

"Smart" AR BrowsersCooperating cloud data services + mobile = apps that learn by "context accumulation"  (Tim O'Reilly) but still built around resources orig i nat ing from else where.


Years in the making, Siri is born out of SRI's CALO Project, the largest Artificial Intelligence project in U.S. history. (CALO stands for Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes).  Made possible by a $150 million DARPA investment, the CALO Project included 25 research organizations and institutions and spanned 5 years.

We have $150 million Darpa investment in CALO.  But for mobile social interaction and social augmented experiences we are still stuck with this!

Layar BuildAR,, Junaio: proto-collaborative/UG social augmented experiences beyond coordinate tagged text data. 


 Mobile Social Interaction & AR 

 But while users can submit data, they can only been seen by one application or another.

 Hugh MacLeod

Lowering the Barriers for AR Content Creation and Sharing

Currently AR content creators need to create their content specifically for each AR application/browser

 "Its a bit like having to use a different web browser for each website you want to visit. Its as if all the content on the internet is only going over a handful of approved channels." Thomas Wrobel

Social Augmented Reality experiences require interoperability and open participation.

"Clouds grow via standardization of interfaces and evolving protocols"  David P. Reed.

 Attention streams - twitter tweets, flickr uploads, sensors, data streams everywhere, and cross pollination between streams

The Internet has been evolving towards real-time communications

Wave Federation Protocol Brings the Internet Alive!  

 At the core Wave is a new technology that enables live concurrent modifications of shared data  streams. 

After 26 years the hypertext based internet is transforming into a network of real time data sources combined with powerful on demand cloud based computing. 

How can we use social augmented experiences to explore transactional realities between the “Asynchronous City” - the lived city, and “Synchronous Internet of Things” - the real-time data based city?

Di-Ann Eisnor, Platial, describes as, “transactional cartography” – “the movement from map providing entertainment/information to map as enabling action” (see Human as Sensors)

The Copenhagen Wheel

- including the advantages of both real-time communication, & the advantages of persistent hosting of data.  Wave combines asynchronous & synchronous data.

- Federation anyone can create their own client and server

Wave has many qualities very important to creating an open distributed framework for augmented reality.

Wave Federation Protocol - A Cooperative Architecture of Loosely Connected small parts

Is Wave an "Off the Shelf "   

 "mobile social interaction utility" for

augmented reality?    Clearly we’re not going to have one TCP/IP style global

“Outernet.” Not in the near term, at least. It’s going to be fascinating to see how this stuff niches-up, fragments and then mashes back together.  Bruce Sterling, Beyond the Beyond

Coming Alive!  No-one likes to talk about plumbing. It isn't sexy. But re/creation and plumbing are intimately linked.

Wave provides a very new and interesting set of open pipes for the Layers and Channelsof Social Augmented Experiences

And the new plumbing potentially comes with a very big house.

Google's giant industrial park in The Dalles what may be the world's largest server farm. Photo by Melanie Conner.

And Can Augmented Reality Enable Wave?

"More than AR needing Wave, I think Wave needs AR. Just to simplify the UI/UX"

Are the multiple, collaborative attention streams of Wave better served by layers and channels of augmented reality?

Big  Question?

Does using Google Wave protocol give Google disproportionate influence? 

Currently there is no standard for client/server communication in Wave. Google's using protocol buffers and taking "community" input on standards.

We are waiting for additional support for existing standards, e.g. XMPP/JSON

Wave Client Server Protocol a Moving Target

OH: "one thing that prevents Google from implementing a standard for c/s communication is the search function which is used in GWave and which is definitely the same engine which Google uses for everything. The second problem is their proprietary database system ("BigTable").

Search and the Next Wave of  AR

"The Big Table"Google's proprietary data base.

A.K.A "The Kraken"

So AR Blips are riding the PygoWave

ARDev Camp, Dec 5th, Mountain View, NYC and Wave.

Time: December 5th, 2009. 10:00AM-9:00PM Venue: The Open Planning Project office in Manhattan

 Come and learn about PygoWave and "Writing an AR Blip to Pygowave" with Thomas Wrobel, and Patrick.P2K.Schneider of PygoWave, and be part of building a new  Social Mobile Interaction Utility for Augmented Reality

For more see: AR Wave: Layers and Channels of Social Augmented Experiences

PygoWave   "code is directly derived from Google's published Wave API and protocol specification and, well, my imagination" Patrick.P2K.Schneider

PyGoWave source code is now at GitHub

And if you are not gear heady - come and contribute use cases for social augmented reality experiences that inspire and delight, do stuff that matters, or get us to "come out and play!"

Are we ready to move beyond augmented reality experiences like this?

See you at ARDev Camp, Dec 5th, Mountain View, NYC and Wave.

I will be at NYC Dev camp.

Time: December 5th, 2009. 10:00AM-9:00PM Venue: The Open Planning Project office in Manhattan

Contact me at tish.shute at

@tishshute twitter

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