the newsletter · november 17, 2015, 8am: dr. milton kotelchuck presents maternal-child health...

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Collective Impact Meeting—May 11, 2015

We had 37 attendees at the May 11, 2015 Collective Impact meeting! We heard from Chelsea and Revere Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Community Health, The Fatherhood Project, WIC, Home Visiting, and others on existing programs, challenges, and next steps we can take to improve maternal-child health in Revere and Chelsea. Feedback from the meeting is being incorporated into our intervention plan which will be presented on October 26, 2015. Stay tuned for additional meeting details!



September 2015

What We Heard Action Plan

Program that includes everyone, not only for overweight patients

Primary prevention program, with a high-risk component (for select women) that is supported by First 1000 Days health coaches

Consistent, evidence-based messages

Leadership team conducted two systematic reviews of early-life obesity risk factors and interventions. Best practices and messages will be based on this research and will serve as the core of our training plan.

Consideration of the whole family, community and other life stressors

First 1000 Days curriculum expanding to include child development and prevention of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Interviews with pregnant women this fall will further explore patient needs.

Specify intervention components Intervention components have been finalized and are outlined on page 2

Maximize non-provider effort and time with patients

First 1000 Days program health coaches will support staff and patients. Training will be offered to all providers/staff.

Better use of the EHR in tracking and communication

A registry in Epic is being built for providers and health coach use, and will be rolled out as part of the program launch in 2016.

Save the Dates & Timeline

October 6, 2015: IOM Workshop on Obesity in Early Childhood (see page 3 for details)

October 26, 2015, 8-10:30am: Collective Impact Meeting, Chelsea HealthCare Center

November 17, 2015, 8am: Dr. Milton Kotelchuck presents maternal-child health Grand Rounds

March - June 2016: Provider Training

May 2016: Hire First 1000 Days Health Coaches

July 2016: Program launch begins with pregnant women. Enrollment of high risk families.

The First 1,000 Days Program aims to work across early-life systems to prevent obesity, promote healthy routines and behaviors, and reduce health disparities among vulnerable children and families.

What’s Happening Now?

The Program Team continues to work behind the scenes to learn about the health centers, communities and programs, and to develop a responsive intervention program. Fall Research Activities: You may hear from us as we:

Interview pregnant women in Revere to learn about patient needs and perspectives on obesity Conduct an environmental assessment to learn about the physical environment of the health

center and community Shadow provider/patient visits to learn more about the provider/patient experience

Health Educator. We have identified highly talented MGH health educators to develop our training and education materials. Please join us in welcoming Sarah Price, Gabriella Puente and Caitlin Perry!

Intervention Plan Development See outline below.

Creation of Registry in Epic. Maternal-child tracking for providers and health coaches.

Development of the First 1000 Days Intake Assessment. The electronic intake form will collect data on clinical and social variables for clinical use and program evaluation. We will be seeking input at our October 26, 2015 Collective Impact meeting.

First 1000 Days Intervention Program Plan by Sector and Level

(1) Phelan S et al. Randomized trial of a behavioral intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain: the Fit for Delivery Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Apr;93(4):772-9. (2) Taveras EM et al. First steps for mommy and me: a pilot intervention to improve nutrition and physical activity behaviors of postpartum mothers and their infants. Matern Child Health J. 2011 Nov;15(8):1217-27. (3) Crawford PB et al. Walking the talk: Fit WIC wellness programs improve self-efficacy in pediatric obesity prevention counseling. Am J Public Health. 2004 Sep;94(9):1480-5. (4) Wen LM et al. Effectiveness of home based early intervention on children's BMI at age 2: randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2012 Jun 26;344:e3732.


Learn about what else is happening in the area of early life child development and obesity prevention from experts in the field. If you have a “spotlight” to share for a future newsletter, please contact Program Manager, Meghan Perkins,

Tiffany Blake-Lamb, MD, MSc— First 1000 Days Risk Factors and Interventions

Dr. Blake-Lamb, in conjunction with Dr. Taveras and other researchers, has completed a Robert Wood Johnson commissioned literature review identifying existing evidence of childhood obesity risk factors and childhood obesity prevention interventions in the first 1000 days of life. These review papers are currently under consideration for publication in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Dr. Blake-Lamb is also initiating a series of interviews with patients in the Obstetrics practice at the MGH Revere Healthcare Center to identify unique influences on and barriers to early life obesity prevention within the health center's Cambodian and Moroccan sub-populations. Ray Levy, PsyD — NICHD Conference: Fatherhood Outreach In July, The Fatherhood Project’s (TFP) Founding Director, Ray Levy, PsyD, and Director of Programs, John Badalament, attended the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's conference, Fatherhood Outreach: Implications of Men's Health and Community Engagement in Pregnancy Outcomes. The presentations and discussion were at a uniformly high level, and were directly related to the work TFP and the First 1000 Days is doing to increase father engagement during the prenatal period. The conference reinforced the importance of this work, and we are inspired to further develop TFP research, staff training, and direct services to fathers. Father Survey in Vincent Obstetrics Existing research demonstrates that fathers who are involved in their children’s lives early are more likely to remain involved. On July 31st, TFP launched our Father Engagement Initiative at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Vincent Obstetrics, and began administering a survey to fathers visiting the OB Service. During the two week study period, we received data from approximately 400 men. The data from the survey will be used to increase the fund of knowledge about fathers at the time of pregnancy, suggest obstetric staff training initiatives, form evidence-based interventions, inform curriculum, and develop materials for new and expectant fathers. Elsie Taveras, MD, MPH — IOM Workshop: Obesity in the Early Childhood Years The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is holding a workshop, “Obesity in the Early Childhood Years: Emerging Science and Implementation of Promising Solutions” on Tuesday, October 6th in Washington DC. The workshop will highlight the science and recent developments in the understanding of emerging modifiable factors associated with the risk of early childhood obesity, including maternal health. We plan to have representation from Chelsea and Revere at the meeting, and will be broadcasting it via webcast for others to join. More information at: http://

Contact us!

Elsie Taveras, MD, MPH: | Derri Shtasel, MD, MPH:

Tiffany Blake-Lamb, MD, MSc: | Meghan Perkins, MPH:

Alexy Arauz Boudreau, MD, MPH:

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