the most common mistakes matura próbna

Post on 16-May-2015






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The most common mistakes

Trial Matura 2009

Whatever you do in the exam…

…read the instructions

Zadanie 2.The Gold Rush1 America made California an American state in 1850, two years after winning it from Mexico inthe Mexican-American War. During those two years something important happened in California.Something which sent men hurrying across wild and dangerous country, or on long journeys by

sea, to get there. On January 24, 1848, nine days before the end of the war, thirty-six-year-old James Wilson Marshall was working on the land, eighty kilometers east of Sutter's Fort, which was later to become the city of Sacramento. 2 Suddenly he saw something bright and yellow in a river. Looking more carefully he discovered small pieces of gold, washed down in the river from the Sierra Nevada mountains. On March 15, a San Francisco newspaper, The Californian, told the story of Marshall's discovery. The News travelled across the world, and soon men from Australia, France, Britain, Germany, China, Mexico, Peru and Hawaii, as well as the rest of America, started the long journey to California. They all wanted to find gold, and to become rich. They were often called "Forty-niners", because most of them arrived in 1849. This was the start of the Gold Rush.

By 1852, there were more than 100,000 prospectors in California. Gold mining villages grew on the lower western sides of the Sierra Nevada mountains – the "Gold Country". San Francisco was soon a large, busy city, selling everything the prospectors and miners needed. Sailing ships arrived and their sailors ran off to the Gold Country to look for gold in the rivers, or to work in the mines.Ships often sailed away from San Francisco with half their sailors missing! California was soon a dangerous place to live. There were more than a thousand killings in San Francisco during the early 1850s. And many of the Forty-niners were wild men who took things from, and killed, the Indians – the first Americans.3 By the middle of the 1850s, it was getting more and more difficult to find gold by prospecting in rivers. Most of the gold was under the ground, so mining businesses started to use machines to get at the gold. Then, in the 1860s, people discovered something new in the ground. 4 They called it black gold, because it soon made them rich. Its real name? Oil.In 1869, workers finished building 5 the first railway between the east and the west coasts of America, through the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada mountains. Most of the workers were Chinese. They worked hard, at difficult and dangerous jobs, for very little money. After they finished the railway, journeys from other parts of America were easier.

Adapted from “California” by John Escott

DFU - Forma:2 pkt.

- wypowiedź zgodna z wymaganą formą,

- układ tekstu spójny, logiczny,

- objętość pracy może przekroczyć podane granice do ± 10 % (108-119, 151-165 słów),

1 pkt

- wypowiedź częściowo zgodna z wymaganą formą,

- układ tekstu częściowo spójny, logiczny,

- objętość pracy może przekroczyć podane granice do ± 15 % (102-107, 166-172 słów),

0 pkt.

- praca jest niezgodna z wymaganą formą (niezależnie od stopnia realizacji pozostałych kryteriów),

• - układ tekstu niespójny, chaotyczny,

• - objętość pracy przekracza podane granice ponad ± 15% (do 101 słów, od 173 słów).


I want to apply for the post at

Your newspaper



You offer a job, which is

connected with my interests.


You offer a job , which is connected with my interests.

Inverted commas

I have been working in my school

magazine ,,Czadek”.

Inverted commas

I have been working in my

school magazine ”Czadek”.

Correct the following mistakes…

I have read your advertisement published in a newspaper about work

in your company.

Could you inform me how much

will I earn?

The advertisement focused my attention

because it was exactly what I have been

searching for.

Please, answer for my letter.

Besides with that

I can start in the next Monday.

Your faithfully

Please, tell me how much will you pay me

Please, tell me how much will you pay me


I was a school redactor

I expect for your quick answer.

I am looking forward for your


I want to spent …

I have big experience in redacting a newspaper.

I apply for this job

Typos – spelling mistakes


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