the morning calm korea weekly - sep. 15, 2006

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  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006



    Sept. 15, 2006

    Page 9

    Mastering wayof foot and fist

    Page 16

    Aviation battalion soars

    during Ulchi Focus Lens

    The Morning CalmWeekly is

    nlineVisit http://

    WASHINGTON Five years after

    military recruiting hit the ceiling after

    the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks,

    recruiting remains solid, with every

    service meeting its active-duty

    recruiting goal for the 15th consecutive


    Recruiting and retention statistics for

    August, just released by the Defense

    Department, show the Army, Navy,

    Marine Corps and Air Force all meetingor exceeding both their monthly as well

    as year-to-date recruiting goals for the


    At the same time, retention remains

    solid across the board, with all services

    expected to meet their retention goals

    for the fiscal year, officials said.

    During August, the Army recruited

    Five Years After 9/11, Recruiting, Retention Remain Solid

    They feel that they areneeded in this global war on

    terror, and they want to be

    a part of it.

    Marine Corps Maj. Stewart Upton,Marine Corps Maj. Stewart Upton,Marine Corps Maj. Stewart Upton,Marine Corps Maj. Stewart Upton,Marine Corps Maj. Stewart Upton,

    Pentagon spokesmanPentagon spokesmanPentagon spokesmanPentagon spokesmanPentagon spokesman

    By Donna Miles

    American Forces Press Servicealmost 10,500 Soldiers, 104 percent of

    its goal, and the Marine Corps signed on

    more than 4,300 Marines, 107 percent

    of its goal. The Navy and Air Force

    both met their August goals, recruiting

    almost 4,100 sailors and almost 3,200

    airmen, respectively.

    Recruiting numbers in the reserve

    components were

    also up in August,

    with all

    components but

    the Army Reserveand Air Force

    Reserve meeting

    or exceeding their

    goals, defense officials said.

    The Army National Guard recruited

    more than 6,500 Soldiers, 100 percent

    of its goal. The Navy Reserve signed on

    almost 1,100 sailors, 106 percent of its

    goal; and the Marine Corps Reserve,

    with more than 800 recruits, exceeded

    its monthly goal by 1 percent. The Air

    National Guard recruited more than

    1,000 airmen, 128 percent of its August


    The Air Force Reserve fell 1 airman

    short of its 849 goal, officials said. The

    Army Reserve, with more

    than 2,400 accessions,

    met 62 percent of its

    August goal but is faring

    better in year-to-daterecruiting, which stands

    at 94 percent of the

    33,100-plus goal, officials


    Marine Corps Maj. Stewart Upton, a

    Pentagon spokesman, called the latest

    recruiting and retention successes a

    positive sign that the services are

    attracting the manpower they need to

    maintain a quality force for the future.

    The numbers also indicate that

    people out there understand that we are

    involved in a global war on terror and

    are making the decision to serve this

    country at this important time, Upton


    High retention rates military-wide

    show that once people join the military,

    many choose to continue their service.

    In addition to a good pay and benefits

    package and the benefit of learningskills, military service offers other less-

    tangible rewards, Upton said.

    Theyre staying in because many

    feel they have found a home, a family,

    he said. And they feel that they belong

    to something important. They feel that

    they are needed in this global war on

    terror, and they want to be a part of it.

    See Malaria,Malaria,Malaria,Malaria,Malaria, Page 4

    YONGSAN GARRISON Eight Soldiers

    stationed in Korea have been diagnosed with malaria

    this year.

    All of the Soldiers infected with malaria had trained

    in locations close to the demilitarized zone.

    Although some locations close to the DMZ are

    considered to be malaria-high-risk areas, all Soldiers

    stationed in Korea should exercise precautions,

    especially during peak malaria season May through

    October because malaria is a disease that is easier

    to avoid than to treat, said Col. J. Greg Jolissaint,

    command surgeon, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth

    Army.Seven of the Soldiers diagnosed this year were

    found to have been infected in 2005.

    The current cases of malaria infection are not a

    cause for alarm, but rather they are a reason for

    everyone to judiciously use preventive medicine

    measures that will keep the mosquitoes from biting

    in the first place.

    The small number of diagnosed malaria cases does

    not prompt the need for oral prophylactic medications,

    Jolissaint said.

    However, one case of malaria is too many, he added.

    All Soldiers based in Korea should practice

    By Pfc. Fay Jakymec

    8th U.S. Army Public Affairs

    Malaria diagnosed

    in eight U.S. Soldiers


    Final SaluteFinal SaluteFinal SaluteFinal SaluteFinal SaluteInstallation Management Agency - Korea Region Office Director, Col. Al Aycock, center, and IMA-KORO Command Sergeant

    Major Harold L. Gill, right, salute the flag during the Korean and American national anthems during Gills farewell ceremony

    Tuesday at Yongsan Garrisons Dragon Hill Lodge. Gill will next serve as command sergeant major for IMAs Southeast

    Region. He will be succeeded at IMA-KORO by Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin Witt.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    Sept. 15, 2006The Morning Calm Weekly Commentary

    Printed by Oriental PressBldg. 1440, Yongsan Main Post

    Published byIMA-Korea Region

    Printed by Oriental Press, aprivate firm in no way connectedwith the U.S. Government, underexclusive written contract withthe Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer isresponsible for commercialadvertising. The appearance ofadvertising in this publication,including inserts or supplements,does not constitute endorsementby the U.S. Army or OrientalPress of the products or servicesadvertised.

    Everything advertised in thispublication shall be madeavailable for purchase, use orpatronage without regard to race,religion, gender, national origin,

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    This Army newspaper is an authorized

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    Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily

    official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.

    Government, Department of Defense, or

    Department of the Army.

    The editorial content of this weekly

    publication is the responsibility of the

    IMA-Korea Region, Public Affairs, APOAP 96205.

    Circulation: 9,500

    Area IIArea IIArea IIArea IIArea IICommander Col. Ron StephensPublic Affairs Officer Steve DavisCI Officer David McNallyStaff Writer Cpl. Lee Yang-won

    Area IIIArea IIIArea IIIArea IIIArea IIICommander Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr.Public Affairs Officer Susan BarkleyCI Officer F. Neil NeeleyStaff Writer Jerry M. Gutlon

    Area IVArea IVArea IVArea IVArea IVCommand er Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr.Public Affairs Officer Kevin JacksonCI Officer Galen PutnamStaff Writer Steven Hoover

    Installation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region Office

    D i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e r Col. Al Aycock

    PPPPPublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officer John A. Nowell

    EditorEditorEditorEditorEditor Staff Sgt. Mark Porter

    Sustain, Support and Defend

    age, marital status, physicalhandicap, political affiliation, orany other non-merit factor of thepurchaser, user or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equalopportunity policy by an advertiseris confirmed, the printer shallrefuse to print advertising fromthat source until the violation iscorrected.

    Area IArea IArea IArea IArea ICommand er Col. Forrest R. NewtonPublic Affairs Officer Margaret Banish-DonaldsonCI Officer James F. Cunningham

    Morning Calm


    MP Blotter

    The following entries were excerpted

    from the military police blotters. These

    entries may be incomplete and do not

    imply the guilt or innocence of any


    HarHarHarHarHard work, efford work, efford work, efford work, efford work, effort make Ulchi Focus Lt make Ulchi Focus Lt make Ulchi Focus Lt make Ulchi Focus Lt make Ulchi Focus Lens grens grens grens grens great successeat successeat successeat successeat successBBBBBEEEEE









    Gen. B.B. Bell

    United Nations Command/CombinedForces Command/U.S. Forces Korea


    General, U.S. ArmyCommander

    Congratulations to everyone Soldiers,

    sailors, airmen, Marines, contractors and

    civilians for making this years Ulchi Focus

    Lens exercise a great success! This combined

    and joint exercise took tremendous planning,

    preparation and leadership involvement from all

    participants to ensure each facet was well

    executed. I greatly appreciate the hard work and

    effort that everyone put into the exercise in order

    to make this all work to standard.

    This years UFL the 32nd iteration of this

    command post exercise dating back 1975

    enabled our Korean and U.S. military leaders to

    sustain and improve our joint and combined

    warfighting capability. U.S. personnel active,

    National Guard and Reserve from all services

    established warfighting headquarters and

    supporting apparatus in Korea, the United States

    and other locations, as well as afloat. Again, thank

    you. Over the past six months, weve worked

    hard to integrate an effects-based approach toour operations, to enforce collaborative planning

    at echelon and to

    refine our

    understanding of the

    c o m p l e x i t i e s

    associated with joint

    and combined

    logistics in support

    of offensive/

    e x p e d i t i o n a r y

    operations. As this

    years exercise

    comes to an end,

    Im confident that

    Combined Forces

    Command and our

    other subordinate

    headquarters are

    fully capable of

    meeting our alliance

    deterrence commitments, and defending the

    Republic of Korea against external aggressionsif necessary.

    I want to especially acknowledge and

    thank our great ROK partners who once

    again stood should-to-shoulder with us to

    make this exercise a success. I know the

    future of our alliance remains bright because

    of the talented and dedicated ROK leaders

    who expertly support CFC and who

    valiantly defend their great nation.

    Importantly, this has been an enormously

    successful exercise because of everyones

    focus on safety. Lets not lose that

    momentum maintain that same

    commitment to safety as you redeploy to

    your installations, off-peninsula duty station

    or return home. Once again, thank you all

    for your hard work and personal sacrifice.

    It has paid off. We go together! Katchi


    Area I

    Housebreaking, Damage to Private

    Property Subject 1 entered Victim 1s

    residence by breaking a window on Victim

    1s door. Subject 1 was apprehended and

    transported to the Yangju Korean National

    Police Station, where Subject 1 was

    charged with Housebreaking (KCL 319)

    and Damage to Private Property (KCL

    366). Subject 1 was released into Military

    Police custody on a CJ Form 2 and

    transported to the Camp Red Cloud MP

    Station, where Subject 1 refused to

    perform a series of Field Sobriety Tests,

    processed and released to his/her unit. At

    1:20 p.m., Sept. 3, Subject 1 reported to

    the CRC MP Station, where Subject 1 was

    advised of his/her legal rights, which

    Subject 1 invoked. Investigation continues.

    Area 2

    Traffic Accident with Injuries, Damageto Government Property, Damage to

    Private Property, Following too Close

    Subject 1, operating a Government

    Owned Vehicle while following too close,

    struck Victim 1s Privately Owned Vehicle

    while Victim 1 was slowing to a stop.

    Damages to Subject 1s vehicle consisted

    of dents and scratches to the center of

    the front bumper. Damages to Victim 1s

    vehicle consisted of scratches and paint

    transfer to the left rear bumper. Injuries

    to Victim 1 consisted of pain to the back

    but Victim 1 stated that he/she would seek

    medical treatment at a later time and date.

    Subject 1 reported no injuries. Subject 1

    and Victim 1 were transported to the

    Yongsan Main KNP Station where Victim

    1 rendered a written statement attesting

    to the incident and Subject 1 rendered a

    written statement admitting to the

    offense. Subject 1 was charged by KNP

    under KRTL Art 19-1 (Failure to Maintain

    a Safe Distance). Subject 1 was

    processed and released to his/her unit by

    KNP. ECOD is unknown.

    Assault Consummated by a Battery

    Subjects 1 and 2 were involved in a verbal

    altercation that turned physical when both

    individuals started striking each other

    several times with closed fists in the headarea. Subject 1 reported in to the Yongsan

    PMO where he/she was advised of his/

    her legal rights, which Subject 1 invoked,

    requesting not to be questioned or say

    anything. Subject 1 later decided to render

    a written sworn statement, at which time

    he/she admitted to striking Subject 2 with

    a closed fist in an unknown area of the

    head. Subject 2 was transported to the

    Yongsan PMO where he/she rendered a

    written statement denying the offense.

    Subject 2 was further processed and

    released to his/her sponsor. Subject 1 was

    further processed and released to his/her

    sponsor. All parties denied medical

    treatment. This is a final report.

    Area 3

    Traffic Accident with Injuries, Damage

    to Private Property Subject 1,

    operating a POV, while attempting to enter

    the intersection adjacent to Jackys

    Computer Store, failed to observe and

    struck Subject 2s POV, which was also

    attempting to enter the intersection.

    Damage to Subject 1s vehicle consisted

    of scratches to the front bumper and a

    dent to the license plate. Damage to

    Subject 2s vehicle consisted of scratches

    to the left side. Subject 2 sustained injuries

    consisting of scratches to right elbow anda scrape to his/her left leg. Subject 1 did

    not sustain any visible injuries. Subject 2

    declined medical treatment. ECOD is

    unknown. Investigation continues.

    YYYYYongsan DUIongsan DUIongsan DUIongsan DUIongsan DUI

    crackdown endscrackdown endscrackdown endscrackdown endscrackdown ends

    with no arrestswith no arrestswith no arrestswith no arrestswith no arrests

    See DUI,DUI,DUI,DUI,DUI, Page 4

    By Steve Davis

    Area II Public Affairs


    Area II and Yongsan Garrison You

    Drink & Drive. You Lose. campaign

    ended Sept. 4 with no citations or arrests

    for driving under the influence.The campaign began Aug. 18 when

    the Area II Provost Marshals Office

    began conducting random nighttime

    traffic checkpoints on Yongsan

    Garrison. When the campaign ended on

    Labor Day, nine checkpoint operations

    had yielded 121 traffic citations.

    We are pleased there were no

    DUIs, said Area II Provost Marshal

    Maj. Jose Naputi. However, we had

    too many seat belt and drivers license


    Sixty-five citations were written for

    no seat belts and 31 were issued to

    drivers with no license in their

    possession. Other citations included: 10to motorcyclists for improper safety

    equipment, mainly having no reflective

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    3The Morning Calm Weekly News 15, 2006

    Yongsan Commissary

    Family Day The Yongsan Commissary hasnumerous promotional activities

    planned for Family Day- A Day to

    Have Dinner with Your Children. Witha variety of activities, including face

    painting, apple bobbing contest,

    basketball toss contest and free hot

    dogs during lunch hours, and free cake

    and coffee, The Sept. 23 event seeks

    to benefit the entire community and

    customers. Family Day will also feature

    giveaways such as Commissary Gift

    Certificates, Family Package Steaks and

    product demonstrations. Everyone is

    invited to join in the savings and fun.

    Hard Copy LESs

    Stop in October

    Effective Oct. 1, the Yongsan Finance

    Office will no longer distribute hardcopies of individual Leave and Earnings

    Statement. Soldiers will have to access

    their LES and Mid Month Net Pay

    Advice via a personal MyPay account.

    With MyPay Soldiers can access their

    LES, start allotments, make changes to

    their Thirft Savings Plan, view paid

    travel vouchers and much more.

    For information on how to access an

    LES via MyPay, call or visit the

    Yongsan Finance Office in Bldg 2254

    or visit the office Web site at http://

    index.html for the MyPay link.

    COLA Entitlement forCollege Students

    Do you have a dependent who is a

    college student? If so, and your

    dependent recently departed Korea for

    school, contact your servicing finance

    element to ensure you are receiving the

    proper Cost of Living Allwance


    Servicemembers are authorized to receive

    COLA based upon the number of

    command-sponsored dependents

    residing at the permanent duty station.

    This includes college students. When

    students return during the authorized

    annual round trip visit, servicemembers

    are authorized to receive the increasedrate of COLA during that students visit.

    Servicemembers must ensure travel

    vouchers are submitted properly to

    prevent over or underpayments in the

    amount of COLA they receive. In order

    to receive reimbursement for the

    authorized annual round trip visit,

    service members must submit a copy of

    the travel voucher that brought the

    student to Korea and returned the

    student back to their school location to

    the local finance office.

    Visit the 176th Finance Battalion for


    AFN-K Live Broadcast

    American Forces Network - Korea will

    go live Sept. 27, with a live broadcast

    of the nightly news. Though normally

    taped in advance, the nightly news will

    be broadcast live to allow AFN-K

    personnel to practice their wartime

    mission. The live broadcast will begin

    at 6:45 p.m.

    OSAN AIR BASE Nurses and

    technicians from the 51st Medical

    Group took part in medical Englishclasses over the summer with Korean

    nurses and physicians from Ajou

    University Hospital located in nearby

    Suwon. The purpose of the English

    classes was to foster a collaborative

    effort between Ajou University Hospital

    and the 51st MDG.

    Many of our beneficiaries, both

    active duty and dependents, have been

    patients at Ajou, including the

    International Health Clinic located within

    the hospital, said Lt. Col. Lourie Moore,

    51st MDG chief nurse executive. The

    51st Medical Group refers patients to

    Ajou to ensure they receive the

    appropriate level of care, especially forspecialty services not available at Osan.

    Typical referrals to Ajou include

    health care for cardiology, obstetrics

    and more sophisticated diagnostic

    testing, such as computer tomography

    scans. Ajou also has many western

    trained physicians that follow the

    standard of care present in United States

    medicine, Moore added.

    Moore said since many of Osan Air

    Bases airmen and their family members

    are transferred to Ajou, they wanted to

    take part in the classes to enhance the

    nurses communication with Osan

    patients and to help them learn what toexpect from the patients when they are

    Osan med group, Korean nurses work togetherBy Staff Sgt. Andrea Knudson

    51st Fighter Wing Public Affairs

    transferred to the off-base hospital. She

    said June marked the first time nurses

    from the medical group led instruction

    for the classes, and theyve participated

    in four classes so far.

    Twenty military members from the

    51st MDG have volunteered more than

    146 hours, she said. The majority of

    the volunteers have been military nurses,

    including emergency room medical

    technicians. The English classes are

    taught primarily by other Korean

    physicians with participation by 51st

    MDG nurses for some of the lessons.

    with the American counterparts.

    We were so happy to (have had the)

    great opportunity to learn and

    experience (the English) language,

    communication skills, and culture

    differences with the 51st Medical

    Group, said Mena Jeong, a Korean

    nurse from the Ajou International Health

    Clinic. It will help us to take the best

    care of not only your patients, (but) also

    all foreign patients. We are truly looking

    forward to seeing them again in the near


    Dr. Hyun Kim (left), a recent graduate of Ajou University Medical School, Republic of Korea, and

    Maj. Mary Brookins, 51st Medical Group nurse, discuss the Korean language. Air Force.


    The Korean participants were equallypleased by the opportunity to interact

    Each class consists of one-and-one-

    Say CheeseSay CheeseSay CheeseSay CheeseSay Cheese

    YONGSAN GARRISON Every day at Yongsan

    Garrisons Child Development Center is a new experience

    forMeyer Ragin.

    Ragin, lead educational technician at the facility that

    provides full-day, part-day and hourly care for children

    from six weeks through five years, has worked there for

    12 years.

    No two days are the same, said Ragin, a former

    Soldier from Brooklyn, N.Y., who got out of the Armyafter 10-years to find his fortune in Korea.

    He says he may not be wealthy, but he has found many

    rewards working at the Child Development Center.

    I read a passage some time ago that said that, a

    hundred years from now, no one will remember what kind

    Child and YChild and YChild and YChild and YChild and Youth Serouth Serouth Serouth Serouth Service offers rewarding jobsvice offers rewarding jobsvice offers rewarding jobsvice offers rewarding jobsvice offers rewarding jobs

    See CYS,CYS,CYS,CYS,CYS, Page 18

    By Steve Davis

    Area II Public Affairs

    of car you drive, what kind of house you lived in, how

    much money your had in your pocket, or the kind of

    clothes you wore, said Ragin. They will remember the

    difference you made. The difference you make in a childs

    life can make the world a better place.

    Ragin is one of 81 Area II Child and Youth Services

    employees at the Child Development Center, School-Age

    Services, Middle School and Teen Centers, and Youth

    Services Sports program who support the community by

    taking care of the children of Soldiers, DoD civilians and

    other U.S citizens.Child and Youth Services presently has 48 job openings.

    We need managers, support staff and caregivers at

    virtually all of our facilities, said Dr. Roxanne

    See Nurses,Nurses,Nurses,Nurses,Nurses, Page 4

    The Army and Air Force Hometown News Service video team

    will be visiting Korea Saturday through Sept. 27, filming

    Holiday Greetings Videos that will be broadcast over CONUS

    television stations during the Thansgiving and Christmas

    holiday seasons. Greetings will be done on a first-come,first-served basis. Military personnel must be in uniform.

    Defense Department civilians are also welcome to record


    The video team will be at Camp Humphreys Saturday; Osan

    Air Base Monday and Tuesday; and Kunsan Air Base

    Thursday and Sept. 22. For information on specific times

    and locations of the event, call the area public affairs office.COURTESY PHOTO

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    Sept. 15, 2006The Morning Calm Weekly The Morning Calm Weekly

    from Page 3NursesNursesNursesNursesNurseshalf to two hours of instruction using

    lesson plans from an English-Korean

    Nursing textbook. Topics include taking

    vital signs, measuring intake and output,

    and administering oral, intramuscular,

    and intravenous medications.

    MalariaMalariaMalariaMalariaMalaria from Page 1

    death. With P. vivax and P. ovale the

    parasites can remain dormant in the liver

    for up to one year, according to the Center

    for Disease Controls web site-


    All malaria found in Korea so far havebeen identified as the P. vivax; fortunately,

    this type of malaria is not lethal. Also, the

    first-line medication for prevention and

    treatment of P. vivax malaria in Korea,

    Chloroquine, is still effective with no

    evidence of the parasite becoming resistant

    to this medication, Jolissaint said.

    Each year more than 1 million people

    will die of malaria, and between 300-500

    million will contract the disease according

    to the World Health Organization.

    A leading cause of death and disease

    worldwide, malaria is usually found in

    developing countries and is primarily fatal

    in children and the elderly who do nothave a strong enough immune system to

    fight off the infection.

    Malaria is caused by a bite from an

    infectious female Anopheles mosquito.

    These mosquitoes bite a human most

    frequently from dusk to dawn, so extra

    precautions should be taken when

    sleeping outdoors.

    from Page 2DUIDUIDUIDUIDUIvest or helmet; two for the illegal use of

    cell phones while driving; and one each

    for an expired registration and having no

    insurance. Other citations were written

    mostly for moving traffic violations.

    Naputi said leaders at all levels are

    briefing and taking care of Soldiers.

    The word is getting out and folks

    who decide to drink are taking measures

    to ensure that they are getting home

    safely by calling a cab or having a

    designated driver, said Naputi.

    Naputi said there were four DUIs

    off-post in August, bringing the 2006

    Area II total to 29.

    The Korea National Police take

    drinking and driving seriously and have

    stepped up DUI checkpoints off the

    installation, he said.

    Area II Traffic NCOIC Sgt. John

    LaSchuma said the community

    responded positively to the on-post


    We hope that we have made people

    aware of the dangers of driving under

    the influence, along with the need to

    wear seat belts, carry a drivers license

    and obey traffic regulations.

    A taxi stops at a military police checkpoint Aug. 26 during the two-week Area II You Drink & Drive.

    You Lose. campaign. There were no citations for drinking and driving, but 121 were issued forother reasons.


    This relationship has mutual

    benefits, Moore said. The military

    nurses have enjoyed the international

    exchange by learning more about the

    Korean health care, as well as Korean


    preventive medicine measures to protect

    themselves against malaria-transmitting

    mosquitoes and other biting insects,

    ticks, and mites, he said.

    BDUs and ACUs should be treated

    with permethrin prior to a units

    departure to the field, and DEETpersonal insect repellant should be

    applied to exposed skin judiciously

    in those high-risk areas of Korea where

    we know we have problems (all training

    sites north of Seoul), Jolissaint said.

    Malaria re-emerged in the Republic

    of Korea in 1993, peaked in 1999 and is

    now being brought under control

    through cooperative efforts between the

    ROK military, the Korea Center for

    Disease Control and Prevention (similar

    to the Center for Disease Control) and

    USFK Entomology and Preventive

    Medicine professionals. The highest

    number of malaria cases diagnosed in

    Korea was in 1997 when 27 U.S.

    Soldiers got sick. Compared to this

    USFK experience, ROK military and

    civilians are seeing thousands of malaria

    patients. With preventive efforts, the

    number of malaria patients among

    Korean civilians and Soldiers is on the

    declining trend as well, Jolissaint said.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    Sept. 15, 2006 Page 5


    By Jim Cunningham

    Area I Public Affairs

    Red Cloud opensRed Cloud opensRed Cloud opensRed Cloud opensRed Cloud opensnew front gatenew front gatenew front gatenew front gatenew front gate

    Sept. 1, CRC officials cut the ribbon for the new front gate that was funded by the city of Uijeongbu.E-mail

    Casey DFAC feeds ROK soldiers in UFLCasey DFAC feeds ROK soldiers in UFLCasey DFAC feeds ROK soldiers in UFLCasey DFAC feeds ROK soldiers in UFLCasey DFAC feeds ROK soldiers in UFLBy Jim Cunningham

    Area I Public Affairs

    CAMP CASEYWhen 400 extra hungry

    Soldiers come to the Oriental Gardens Dining

    Facility on Camp Casey, Sgt. 1st Class Jesus

    Rodriguez doesnt get alarmed.We can feed 400 Soldiers within an hour and

    10 minutes, Rodriguez said. Thats the usual flow

    of traffic through our DFAC. You have to have the

    food ready before they show up.

    During the recent Ulchi Focus Lens exercises, the

    8th U.S. Army sent a head count to Rodriguez, and

    he makes the adjustments to handle the extra Soldiers.

    The head count fluctuates between 100 to 200

    and sometimes 300 extra Soldiers from the Republic

    of Korea Army. When I get the numbers from the

    8th Army saying how many of them are coming,

    then I have to prepare my menus accordingly. They

    will all show up at one time, Rodriguez said.

    When the ROK Army and the U.S. Soldiers all

    show up at one time, it does take some extra efforton the personnel of Oriental Gardens.

    We get jammed during breakfast and dinner

    because we are the closest to where they sleep and

    work. We already know ahead of time what is going

    to happen and we move fast, Rodriguez said. That

    many Soldiers jamming the DFAC all at once can

    cause some unusual traffic jams.

    We move them fast too, he said. If we see

    them lingering around after eating, we ask them to

    turn in their tray so that another Soldier can sit down

    and eat. We give them about 25 minutes to eat.

    During the UFL exercises the ROK and the U.S.

    Army coordinate many things, and not the least of

    them is where to take meals. The Oriental Gardens

    DFAC is in the middle of the action and supplies

    the support.Without the extra support from Chief Warrant

    Officer Uriel Amy, first battalion food advisor, Son

    In J., Area I food program manager, and Sgt. 1st

    Class Sabrina Wilson, Area I food service supervisor,

    it would be very hard to do this during UFL,

    Rodriguez said.

    Every year when the UFL exercises begin, the

    Oriental Gardens DFAC gets the job of feeding the


    extra Soldiers.

    Every year they run through the same scenario

    because they are in training exercises close to us.

    It will save them time for us to support it, better

    than any other DFAC on post, Rodriguez said.

    Rodriguez has no problem figuring out just whatto feed both the ROK soldiers and their U.S.


    Actually, the ROK soldiers like American food,

    Rodriguez said. I prepare Korean dishes every day

    for every meal and most of the time they try

    something new. They love salad and tomatoes. We

    have a little history here and we know already what

    they are going to eat, so I try to have more quantity

    so I wont run out.

    Rodriguez has had the UFL experience many

    times and knows exactly what to expect when the

    exercises begin.

    I have been here in Korea three times and this

    is my third UFL exercise, so I have a lot of

    experience going through this exercise with the ROKand American soldiers together, he said. We know

    basically what they are expecting from us. We

    already know what items they will want, and we

    concentrate on having enough of those items.

    Of all my UFL exercises this is the best one,

    Rodriquez said. Everything so far, has been great.

    Our last meal for UFL is going to be breakfast

    Saturday morning.

    Republic of Korea Army soldiers cue up for chow duringlunch Aug. 30 at Oriental Gardens DFAC on Camp Casey.During UFL the DFAC gets jammed quickly. We are the

    closest to where they sleep and work. We already know

    ahead of time what is going to happen and we move fast,

    said Sgt. 1st Class Jesus Rodriguez, Oriental Gardens

    DFAC manager. That many Soldiers jamming the DFAC all

    at once can cause some unusual traffic jams. They will all

    show up at one time.


    Sgt. 1st Class Jesus Rodriguez visits with Soldiers having

    lunch at Caseys Oriental Gardens DFAC Aug. 30.

    CAMP RED CLOUD A long-

    awaited improvement came here Sept.

    1, with the upgrade and replacement of

    the old front gate.

    We have been waiting a long time for

    this to happen, said Ronald Schmidt,

    deputy garrison commander of CRC.

    This is one of three major projects the

    city of Uijeongbu paid for at CRC.

    The new gate has many new features

    that the old gate didnt have.

    We have a great new gate that meets

    all the new heightened security

    requirements and it was a gift from our

    neighbors, Schmidt said. We are very

    happy and proud that we have that, and

    with that I think we are ready to cut the


    Also, the new gate means better

    service from the CRC Fire Department.

    It will quicken our response to any

    outlying area by half the time, said John

    Cook, Area I fire chief. We can get to

    outlying areas in 10 minutes on average.

    If we are running hot, we can make it

    in seven minutes.

    We are very thankful to the city of

    Uijeongbu for their funding of this

    project and as a partner with us for the

    road widening, Schmidt said.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    The Morning Calm WeeklyArea I 15, 2006

    Team Red Cloud

    Appreciation Day

    Team Red Cloud Appreciation Day is

    today at Mitchells Club from 5:30 to 7

    p.m. Take your right arm out and show

    him/her how much you appreciate all oftheir support and hard work.

    USO Virtues Volunteers

    Makeup and Training

    USO Virtues Volunteers makeup and

    additional training is today from 6 to 8

    p.m. in the USAG theater, Bldg. 2347, at

    Camp Casey.

    Quarterly Volunteer


    The quarterly volunteer luncheon will

    begin at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 22 at Camp

    Caseys Warriors Club. For information,

    call Faith Barnes at 730-3062.

    Motorcycle Safety

    Campaign Begins

    Personnel who ride motorcycles will be

    denied post access if they are not

    wearing proper safety gear as of today.

    Proper safety gear includes: a properly

    fastened approved helmet that meets

    Department of Transportation

    standards, eye protection (clear goggles

    or a face shield attached to the helmet),

    full-fingered gloves, long trousers, long

    sleeve shirt or jacket, leather boots, or

    over the ankle shoes, high-visibility

    retroreflective vest. Base security

    guards have the authority to deny

    access if a person fails to comply.

    Hispanic Heritage Month


    Hispanic Heritage Month features Latin

    Movie Night at CRC Community

    Activity Center from 6 to 10 p.m.

    Wednesday, and a five kilometer run at

    Camp Casey Carey Fitness Center from

    10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 30.

    National Kids Day


    The National Kids Day Celebration will

    be held at Camp Casey Stewart Field

    from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Join us

    for a day of family fun, games and food.

    Parents and children ages 3 to 11 are


    Texas Holdem


    The Texas Holdem Tournament will be

    held at CRC in Mitchells Club, Sept. 23

    and 24. Elimination Rounds start at 11

    a.m. Registration is limited to the first

    320 players. Call 730-9187 to sign up or

    sign up online at

    Health Fair at Camp


    The Camp Casey Health Fair will be held

    from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Camp Casey

    PX parking lot Saturday. POC is Capt.Daisy Wilson. For more information, call


    Holiday Greetings Pacific

    at Camp Casey

    The 2006 Holiday Greetings Pacific will

    be recording your greetings at Camp

    Casey Sept. 25.


    Joseph Lee, Motorcycle Safety Foundation safety instructor for Area II Support Activity, instructs students during the two-daybasic riding course held Sept. 6 and 7 at Yongsan Garrison.

    By Jim CunninghamArea I Public Affairs

    Motorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habit

    SEOUL This is part one of a two-part series about

    motorcycle safety.

    To paraphrase Aristotle: We are what we repeatedly do.

    Safety on a motorcycle, then, is not an act, but a habit.

    The best motorcycle in the world will end up in a

    wrecking yard unless one learns how to use it. The most

    powerful piece of high-performance equipment is a

    persons brain. To help us program ourselves for motorcycle

    safety, Army Community Services offers a basic

    motorcycle two-day safety program.

    Department of Defense Instruction 6055.4 - DOD

    Traffic Safety Program dated July 20, 1999, paragraph

    E3.2.3.2 specifies Training required by this instruction

    shall be provided at no cost to military and DoD civilianpersonnel, said Greg Woolsey, Civilian Personnel Advisory

    Center director. Personnel shall not be charged leave to

    attend training required by this Instruction. Section E

    specifically addresses the Motorcycle Safety Program.

    In this course one learns the basic fundamentals to

    develop their capabilities to become a safe and responsible

    motorcyclist. It provides the opportunity for someone to

    learn the physical and mental skills important for operating

    a motorcycle, said Joseph Lee, Motorcycle Safety

    Foundation safety instructor for Area II Support Activity.

    In the classroom portion everyone learns ways to

    minimize risk and how to handle special riding situations.

    In the riding portions of this course everyone learns the

    physical skills of basic control to include clutch/throttle

    control, straight line riding and stopping, turning, shifting,stopping quickly, cornering and swerving.

    Lee began riding 11 years ago.

    I was always interested in trying to ride a motorcycle,

    Lee said. I rode a small bike when I started riding. It was

    a Korean bike, a 125cc size. Then I moved to a medium

    sized bike, and finally a 1450cc Harley Davidson. One can

    actually save money by starting with a small bike at first.

    People who purchase a big bike the first time sometimes See MotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycle, Page 7

    crash or fall and then they must spend more money to repairthe bike.

    Lee became interested in teaching the motorcycle course

    while on activite duty in the Army.

    When I was on active duty, my job title was

    noncommissioned officer in charge of driver testing, Lee said.

    My MOS was in transportation. We were provided motorcycle

    training, and I became interested in teaching the course.

    Lees experience in riding motorcycles in Korea has not

    been without accidents.

    I have had several accidents, Lee said. They were all

    small accidents. You always learn something after an accident.

    I thought I knew what I was doing, but in Korean traffic, rules

    and regulations and the actual flow of traffic changes quickly

    and often. I would be going with the flow of traffic because I

    thought that was the thing to do, but then, that was wrongbecause something happened that was unexpected.

    Too many people lose their lives because they are not paying

    attention to the traffic as they ride, Lee said. Korean traffic is

    often much different than Americans are used to,so motorcycle

    riders have to always drive defensively.

    Lee mentions many times during the motorcycle safety

    course that one has to be a defensive driver at all times on a

    motorcycle, even more so than in a car.

    First thing is that your mind must be clear, Lee said. We

    are human and we cannot always be clear minded, but when

    we get on a motorcycle, we must clear our minds and be

    focused on the job of riding. We must always be prepared for

    anything that will and can happen on the road. Whatever we

    do during the day at work or somewhere else may make our

    minds tired. But when we get on the motorcycle we mustbecome sharp and focused on the job of riding so we can be

    ready for everything that will happen during the ride.

    Most everyone can look at the motorcycle and see the

    obvious risks one will take when riding. Lee explains why

    motorcycle riders must always be aware of the risks.

    You must be aware of all risks when riding a motorcycle

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    7The Morning Calm Weekly Area I 15, 2006

    MotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycle from Page 6

    at all times. You have to be aware of

    the situation; the road conditions, the

    traffic conditions, and the weather,

    Lee said. Situational awareness is

    always required to ride safely. The

    situation on the road is always

    changing. That is why onesawareness must be sharp.

    A riders experience is very


    Statistics show a substantial

    portion of motorcycle accidents

    happen because of lack of experience

    and training, Lee said. When there

    is a motorcycle accident, the rider is

    always hurt. That is why we teach

    the acronym SEE: Search, Evaluate,

    Execute, at all times. The rider must

    search the road ahead, at least by 12

    seconds, so that he can be prepared

    for what may happen in the road.

    Staying alert is your main goal.Much of the traffic in Korea is stop

    and go. Many motorcyclist can let

    their minds wander off the task of

    riding safely in dangerous traffic.

    If a person is in the middle of

    heavy traffic, he is OK, but if he is in

    the front line at the entrance of an

    intersection, he must be alert because

    many things can happen to put him at

    risk of being hit by cars or trucks,

    Lee explains. Once you know how

    to manage a motorcycle and the

    controls, when a car jumps in your

    space, you will know what to do.

    There are currently motorcycle andscooter training classes being offered

    in Area II. Those interested should

    send an e-mail to / or call

    738-5568 / 011-479-4525.

    Anyone more than 16 years of age

    can attend the training. Those that are

    16 to 18 years of age are limited to

    riding only on base.

    There are a total of three types of

    training currently available. The Basic

    Riders Course is for beginners, and

    it takes two days to complete. The

    Experienced Riders Course is forexperienced riders that currently have

    stateside motorcycle endorsements or

    riders that have already completed the

    BRC training. It is a one-day, six-hour

    training course.

    The Scooter Schoo1 is a one-day,

    five-hour course. A privately owned

    vehicle license is not required to take

    this course.

    According to the USFK Regulation

    190-1, all motorcycle and/or scooter

    riders must complete the MSF training

    in order to operate motorcycles and/

    or scooters.

    All areas command policy statesthat you must wear a reflective vest

    during the operation of motorcycles

    and/or scooters. Reflective belts are

    not suitable replacements for the

    reflective vests.

    Army Regulation 385-55 states that

    proper motorcycle safety gear

    consists of a DOT/SNELL approved

    helmet, long-sleeved shirt, full-

    fingered gloves, long pants and sturdy

    over the boots. Wear bright colored

    clothing during the day and more

    reflective material during the night.

    Once you successfully complete

    the BRC training, the certification isgood for all U.S. military installations,

    and is accepted by most state DMVs.

    (Editors Note: Part two of

    Motorcycle safety: not an act but a

    habit will appear in the Sept. 22

    edition of Morning Calm Weekly.)


    Joseph Lee, Motorcycle Safety Foundation safety

    instructor for Area II Support Activity demonstrates

    the safety exercises before the class Sept 6 and 7.

    Operation Paul Bunyan: story of a grizzly murderBy Jim Cunningham

    Area I Public Affairs

    CAMP BONIFAS When Wayne Kirkbridedecided to write the story of Operation Paul Bunyan,

    or the story of the U.S. Armys response to the

    infamous Panmunjom ax murders on the Demilitarized

    Zone in Korea, he had the right time and the right


    I was the adjutant to the personnel officer for the

    2nd Infantry Division unit that was at Camp Greaves

    at the DMZ. I was there when the ax murder happened

    and adjutant at that time, Kirkbride said. We all had

    a story to tell.

    He was in an infantry officers advanced course at

    Fort Benning, Ga. Six months after the incident

    happened Aug. 18, 1976. All of his classmates were

    there as well, at the DMZ, when the murders happened.

    Everyone in my class was in the 2ID at the time

    and at Camp Greaves, Kirkbride said. What I knew

    was my battalions response. When I interviewed more

    people, I gathered more and more information about

    what happened.

    He had the opportunity in early 1977 to interview

    everyone involved, and the research was close at hand.

    I assembled all the newspaper clippings of the

    incident that I could find, Kirkbride said. I was able

    to capture what happened from the 2IDs response

    to the Panmunjom ax murders.

    The histories of the heinous murders are recounted

    in his book, Operation Paul Bunyan. The grizzly

    events are infamous.

    In early August 1976, a work force from the Joint

    Security Area went to trim a tree that stood between

    the two United Nations guard posts on the DMZ.Because it would grow out every summer and

    block the view from the guard posts, the Soldiers on

    guard duty could not see critical areas near the Bridge

    of No Return, Kirkbride recounts.

    When the work force went to trim the tree, they

    were told by North Korean soldiers that you cannot

    trim this tree because Kim Il Sung personally planted

    it and nourished it and its growing under this

    supervision, Kirkbride said. Ten days later a U.N.

    task force, which had two U.S. Army officers, a

    contingent of Korean and U.S. Soldiers for security,and Korean Service Corps employees to trim the tree,

    arrived where the tree stood.

    Lt. Pok Chol of the North Korean Peoples Army

    told them they could not trim the tree, Kirkbride

    recounts. For a while, it seemed to be just a routine

    work detail, then the North Koreans sent for

    reinforcements and suddenly there were another 20

    soldiers at the scene, making their force 30 strong,

    Kirkbride said. There were only 10 American Soldiers

    there counting the two officers.

    When Lt. Chol took off his watch and wrapped it

    up in a handkerchief, which was the signal to attack,

    he said, kill the Americans. That force immediately

    attacked and the two American officers were the

    target. They chopped them to death with the axes

    they brought to trim the tree, Kirkbride recounts.

    Kirkbride remembers the Cold War situations of

    the time and recounts the conditions precisely.

    During the time we just knew we had to do

    something. If you can remember the politics of the

    armistice back in 1976, we were riding the height of

    the Cold War; we just didnt want the North Koreans

    to do something against the U.N. forces without a

    response, Kirkbride said.

    When we were trying to figure out, should we

    do something more or should we do something less,

    the correct response was Lets cut down the tree

    that caused the incident, Kirkbride said.

    At the time, many newspaper editorials asked why

    we didnt have any Soldiers there to protect the work

    force, but Kirkbride remembers the conditions of thetimes.

    It was a typical work force within the JSA that

    had gone to do a typical job. We were trained to

    respond with minimum pressure and to try and break

    contact if we could. When 30 North Korean soldiers

    gathered around the work force, the Americans didnt

    draw their firearms for several reasons, the least being

    that by the time they chambered a round the Koreans

    could have already been on them. We were always

    taught to react with restraint, the rounds were never

    chambered, and the fact is the security detail was thedetail that got beat up, Kirkbride said.

    Kirkbride knew the men picked for the ill-fated


    Col. Vera was commander of the JSA at that time

    and Capt. Bonifas was one of his most experienced

    officers. He was hand-picked for this detail because

    of his experience. Perhaps they thought if anything

    happened, he would be able to resolve the situation,

    Kirkbride said.

    Operation Paul Bunyan was mounted with

    overwhelming force.

    The next day we had tanks that had moved into

    position; we had our infantry moved forward to the

    staging area at the JSA, Kirkbride recounts. The

    immediate response was a diplomatic one; we

    submitted our case to the military armistice

    commission; that meeting went all day.

    The decision was made to go in and cut down

    the tree on a Saturday morning. Gen. Brady, who

    was the division commander, said if we deploy

    our forces again, we really cant call them back

    because the operation has to do with engineers

    moving in to cut down the tree, if we call them

    back, it will be too late.

    We had Korean Special Forces, black belts who

    protected the engineers without weapons; we had

    the 1st ROK Infantry Division reconnaissance

    company that was within 100 meters of the tree,

    and they had the weapons that could be used,

    Kirkbride recounts.

    The solution at the time was to go in and cut downthe tree with enough force so that the North Koreans

    couldnt do anything about it and settle things with

    the diplomatic process, Kirkbride said.

    (Editors Note: Operation Paul Bunyan is available

    through It is published by Hollymn

    Publishers of Seoul.)


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    Sept. 15, 2006 Page 9

    See VVVVVolunteersolunteersolunteersolunteersolunteers, Page 12

    Aviation battalion soars during Ulchi FAviation battalion soars during Ulchi FAviation battalion soars during Ulchi FAviation battalion soars during Ulchi FAviation battalion soars during Ulchi Focus Lens 2006ocus Lens 2006ocus Lens 2006ocus Lens 2006ocus Lens 2006K-16 AIR BASE Under a

    scorching sun, and with many hours

    of hard work, 2nd Battalion, 2nd

    Aviation Regiment Soldiers showed

    their vigilance during Ulchi Focus

    Lens 2006.

    The Soldiers spent the two-week

    military exercise reacting to scenarios

    and providing airlift support to U.S.

    Forces Korea.We conduct air assaults, air

    movements, troop movements,

    emergency re-supplies and personnelrecovery as to support the ground

    component commander during the

    exercise, said 2nd Battalion, 2nd

    Aviation Regiment Operations Officer

    Maj. Regginial Barden.

    The unit also had another importantmission three to 10 times a day during


    Were providing VIP flights

    throughout the peninsula, said Assistant

    Planner Capt. Simon Kim. The VIPs

    are high ranking officers, retired generals

    and civilians who help out with the


    The Warrior team included U.S.Soldiers working along side KoreanAugmentation to the U.S. Army

    Soldiers and Korean Service Corps


    Soldiers said they were satisfied and

    proud with their role during the

    training and understood what their

    mission meant to the battalion.

    By Cpl. Lee Yang-won

    Area II Public Affairs

    See AAAAAviationviationviationviationviation, Page 12

    2nd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment crew chiefs clean their UH-60 Black Hawk Aug. 30 at K-16 Air Base.PHOTOS BY CPL. L EE YANG-WON

    YONGSAN GARRISON Reta Mills loves a

    good challenge, and she has found one as coordinator

    for the Army Family Action Plan.

    AFAP is one of those alphabet soup abbreviations

    often confused with other Army acronyms like AFTB[Army Family Team Building] or ACAP [Army Career

    and Alumni Program], and others.

    AFAP is a great tool for improving programs,

    benefits and entitlements for the Total Army Family,

    said Mills. The problem is that many people do not

    know about it or fully participate.

    Though people may not know what AFAP standsfor, many have seen solutions the process has

    facilitated, said Mills, who has worked at Area II ArmyCommunity Service since January.

    Wearing backpacks was an Army-level AFAP issue

    a few years ago, she said. Someone raised it at a

    local Army Family Action Plan conference because

    Soldiers were not authorized to wear them and had

    no convenient way to carry gear or personal items.

    Other quality of life improvements have resulted

    from the AFAP process.Yellow dust alerts were a local result of an issue

    presented in Korea.

    People wanted to know when to expect those

    spring dust storms from China, so a process was

    developed to tell them, said Mills.

    Yellow dust alerts are now posted on the 18thMedical Command Web site and also disseminated

    Korea-wide by e-mail and other information channels.

    We try to identify and solve issues at the local

    level first, said Mills. The ones that cant be solved

    locally are forwarded to higher headquarters, all the

    way to Department of the Army-level.

    With the annual Area II and Yongsan Army Family

    Action Plan Conference coming up Oct. 19-20 at the

    South Post Chapel, Mills is working overtime to getthe word out about the AFAP process. She particularlywants to reach junior Soldiers, accompanied and

    unaccompanied married Soldiers, civilian employees,

    family members, teens, and retirees.

    We want everyone to part icipate, so we are asking

    all community members to put their issues into AFAP

    By Steve Davis

    Area II Public Affairs

    Whats an AFWhats an AFWhats an AFWhats an AFWhats an AF AP anyway?AP anyway? AP anyway?AP anyway? AP anyway? Army Family Action Plan Process

    affects many, yet few understand

    See FamilyFamilyFamilyFamilyFamily, Page 12

    Top: Crew Chief Pfc. Andrew Mills conducts

    maintenance on the UH-60 Black Hawk Aug.

    30 at K-16 Air Base.

    Left: Crew Chief Pvt. Ryan Christensen (left),

    Pvt. Luke Weyers (middle) and Pvt. Kyle

    Laspersen (right) inspect UH-60 Black Hawkcomponents as another Soldier observes.

    2nd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment Flight

    Dispatcher Hong Won-pyo (right) and Pfc.

    Lee Kang-woo coordinate flight schedules

    Aug. 30 at K-16.

    Volunteers encourage

    community to voteBy Pfc. Jung Jae-hoonArea II Public Affairs

    YONGSAN GARRISON A group of civic-minded volunteers gathered at the Yongsan Main

    Exchange Sept. 5 to encourage community

    members to register to vote.

    Members of the Glorietta F. Duncun Chapter

    #113 Order of the Eastern Star spent several hours

    handing out literature, answering questions and

    encouraging people to vote during upcoming

    November elections in the U.S.

    Their efforts were in conjunction with the Sept.3-9 Armed Forces Voters Week, the last safe week

    to submit a Federal Post Card Application or request

    voter registration forms and absentee ballots thatmeet most state deadlines.

    Everyone is given the right to vote and voice

    their choices, said Staff Sgt. Kimberly McMillan,

    from the 8th U.S. Army G-3. Every vote counts

    and its important to make your vote count.

    McMillan also said that if you dont vote you

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    10 The Morning Calm WeeklyArea IISept. 15, 2006

    Volunteer Nominations

    Nominations for the top Area II adult

    and youth volunteer for the third

    quarter are being accepted through

    Sept. 27. Organizations with multiple

    activities may nominate more thanone individual. Nomination forms

    with one-page writups should be

    submitted to the Army Community

    Service volunteer coordinator. For

    information, call 738-7510.

    Holiday Greetings

    Send a holiday greeting to folks back

    home. The Army and Air Force

    Holiday Greetings team will be at the

    Dragon Hill Lodge Oasis Courtyard

    8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sept. 26 to film holiday

    greetings that will be sent to

    hometown television stations.

    Soldiers, DoD civilians, retirees and

    family members are welcome. Forinformation, call 738-7354.

    Fall Festival Parade

    Enter the Oct. 13 Yongsan Fall

    Festival (Columbus Day) Parade and

    win $200 in six categories: Best

    Vehicle; Best Marching; Most

    Humorous Float; Best Children's

    Group; Best Musical; and Best

    Military Unit. For information, call

    Eric Yim at 741-6473 or 010-5822-6597.

    Commissary Family Day

    The Yongsan Commissary will host

    Family Day activities Sept. 23

    beginning at 10 a.m. There will be face

    painting, an apple bobbing contest, a

    basketball toss contest, free hot dogs

    during lunch hours, free cake and

    coffee, many giveaways such as

    commissary gift certificates, family

    package steaks and product

    demonstrations. Please join us for

    greater savings and lots of fun.

    Sexual Assault Hotline

    The 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline

    phone number is 158. From off post

    or cell phone, call 0505-764-5700.

    Individuals may also call Area II

    Sexual Assault Response

    Coordinator Leah Holland at 738-

    3034 or 010-8697-4869.

    Intramural Bowling


    There wil be an organizational meeting

    to elect league officials and bylaws at

    6 p.m. today. The league is for active

    duty only. For information, contact

    the center manager, Robert Victorine,

    at 723-7830.

    By Pfc. Jung Jae-hoon

    Area II Public Affairs

    Teamwork moves generators to remote signal site



    Directorate of Public Works, 2nd

    Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment and 41st

    Signal Battalion Soldiers and civiliansworked together Aug. 29 to upgrade old

    generators at a remote mountain-top signal

    site south of Seoul.

    Two 35-kilowatt generators at Madison

    Site since the 1950s were going bad, sothe Area II DPW decided to replace them

    with 50-kilowatt generators removed

    from a Yongsan Garrison building.

    Access to Madison Site is treacherous

    and vehicles could not be used to haul the

    generators to the top of the mountain.

    It was an unusual operation for

    DPW, said Area II DPW Supervisor John

    Ghim. It needed the joint effort of the

    three units.The aviation unit provided a UH-60

    Black Hawk helicopter, which airlifted the

    new generators to Madison Site and

    brought back the two old ones.

    I was really impressed with the air

    crew, said 41st Sig. Bn. Operations

    Manager John Kearly. They did an

    outstanding job in spite the weather.

    After the generators were set on theground, DPW workers installed them.

    It was a result of fine combined force,

    and I especially thank 2-2 Aviation and

    the 41st Signal Battalion for their excellent

    help, Ghim said.

    Area II Directorate of Public Works employees work hand-in-hand with 2nd Battalion, 2nd

    Aviation Regiment Soldiers to prepare a generator for airlift Aug. 29 near Madison Site.


    A 2nd Infantry Division UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter airlifts a new

    generator to Madison Site Aug. 29.

    Madison Site is ona mountain south

    of Seoul.

    Koreans study gender issues with Area II SoldierKoreans study gender issues with Area II SoldierKoreans study gender issues with Area II SoldierKoreans study gender issues with Area II SoldierKoreans study gender issues with Area II Soldier


    Sgt. 1st Class Myra Watson, Area II Equal Opportunity adviser, gives a

    presentation Aug. 30 to Kyunghee University graduate students about

    how to prevent sexual harassment.

    YONGSAN GARRISON For Koreans, learning about

    sexual harassment and gender is a relatively new concept.

    Kyunghee University Students attempted to learn more aboutthe issue Aug. 30 by inviting an American Soldier to a Gender

    Issue Workshop.

    Area II Equal Opportunity Sgt. 1st Class Myra Watson

    jumped at the rare opportunity to discuss sexual harassmentwith the Korean graduate students.

    Sexual harassment is important to everyone because

    everyone has a right to feel safe and comfortable to be in an

    environment free from unlawful discrimination, said Watson.

    The Equal Opportunity program is designed to ensure fair

    treatment for all persons based on fairness, justice and equitywithout regard to race, color, and religion or nation origin.

    At the workshop, Watson presented topics on perceptions

    and stereotypes, power and discrimination, and prevention of

    sexual harassment.

    It was a good program for all of us learning how to prevent

    sexual harassment, said student Park Young. Now we can

    clearly understand the causes of sexual harassment.

    Sexual harassment is a rising issue in Korea society, and

    for the Gender Issue Workshop we contacted the U.S. military,said Kyunghee University professor Park Sang-seek. Koreans

    are becoming westernized by American culture, so Korean men

    and women have a different point of view about sexualharassment.

    Park also said inviting a foreign advisor would be helpful to

    the students by pointing out procedures to avoid sexual



    Kyunghee University graduate students Lee Sung-gil, Jang Jun-hyukand Pavlo Gregir discuss gender problems Aug. 30.

    More than 30 students participated in the class.

    By Pvt. Kim Sang-wook

    Area II Public Affairs

    Local college students enhance their

    sexual harassment perspectives

    Area II Web site

    For more community notes, news and

    information, visit http://

    Free Friendship Concert

    A free Friendship Concert will be

    presented 7 p.m. Sept. 29 at the Seoul

    American High School auditorium

    featuring the Gangnam Symphony

    Orchestra and the Gloria Opera Company.

    All community members are welcome.

    The event is sponsored by the Korean-

    American Friendship Society. For

    information, call 723-4685/7669.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    11The Morning Calm Weekly Area II Sept. 15, 2006

    Community enjoys Labor Day weekend End of Summer JamBy Pvt. Kim Sang-wook

    Area II Public Affairs

    YONGSAN GARRISON About 300 communitymembers celebrated the end of summer Sept. 2 at the

    Area II Labor Day Block Party on Yongsan Main Post.

    Billed as an End of Summer Jam, the event hosted by Area II Morale, Welfare and Recreation and

    Child and Youth Services included a day full of

    martial arts demonstrations, games, contests and


    Its a day for the labor force to take a break, said

    Area II Support Activity Commander Col. Ron

    Stephens.Stephens encouraged everyone to take advantage

    of the beautiful day and have fun.

    Soldiers, civilian employees and family members

    took his words to heart by competing in dance, hula

    hoop and limbo contests.

    DVD players and free food coupons were presented

    to the contest winners.

    It was a good time and Ive got a chance to win aprize today, said Sgt. 1st Class Phillip Robinson ofthe 14th Signal Detachment. Weve got a chance for

    our family to get together and I really enjoyed the


    Several MWR bands came to town, performing in

    front of the crowds with their own songs. The popular

    Korean band MOWG and electric violinist Eugene

    Park played their unique instruments during block party


    It was my first time playing my new music to the

    crowds, said Park, a graduate of the Juilliard Schoolof Music. It was a good chance to play music on this

    wonderful day.



    Ramirez Davis and Duane Clark dance in front of the crowd during the Labor Day Block Party Sept. 2.

    Above: Zoe Marks plays during the Labor Day event.

    Left: Kabria Murphy gets her arm painted during the block party.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    12 The Morning Calm WeeklyArea IISept. 15, 2006 Page 9AviationAviationAviationAviationAviation


    Its a good learning experience and

    understanding of what the bigger picture

    looks like, and how we fit in, said

    Assistant Battalion Operationsnoncommissioned officer Staff Sgt.

    Jaime Mendez. It was great opportunity

    to work with our counterparts.Mendez said young Soldiers complied

    with and understood their mission well

    and lived up to the expectations.

    Theyre adapting and absorbing the

    information given, he said. Everybody

    is getting something out of it.

    First-time Soldiers said they were

    proud to have contributed to the missions.

    The working hours have been

    hectic, said Aviation Operations

    Specialist Pfc. Lee Kang-woo, but I feltproud to help my battalion accomplish

    its objectives.

    What Ive seen thus far as a planner,I feel weve made quite an

    accomplishment, Kim said. We got all

    our personnel distributed throughout the

    peninsula to help and support. Overall,

    our mission has been successful.

    from Page 9FFFFFamilyamilyamilyamilyamilyboxes, said Mills. Were also asking

    teens to get involved.

    AFAP issue boxes with submission

    forms are located at seven Yongsan

    Garrison locations, including the Main

    PX, the commissary, Area II Support

    Activity headquarters main entrance,

    building S-4305; the Civilian PersonnelAdvisory Center, building S-4315;

    building upstairs and downstairs lobbies

    at the Community Service Building,

    building S-4106; and the 121st General

    Hospital pharmacy.

    Issue forms are pre-stamped so they

    may also be mailed to the Area II Army

    Community Service.

    Mills is also asking subject-matter

    experts from various Area II facilitiesand organizations to participate in the

    conference to assist work groups

    identify issues and develop solutions.Mills is working with the wives of

    8th U.S. Army commander and

    command sergeant major to help spread

    the AFAP message Korea-wide.

    Mills, Diane Valcourt and Pat

    Wheeler met Aug. 29 with AmericanForces Network command information

    specialists to brainstorm a television and

    radio campaign to promote upcoming

    area conferences.

    We need to get people involved in the

    Army Family Action Plan year-round, not

    just once a year, said Diane Valcourt. The

    results can be awesome.

    Pat Wheeler, an Army wife for more

    than 30 years, said she didnt learn about

    the AFAP program until about eight yearsago at Fort Hood. She has since been

    an AFAP representative at local, major

    command and Department of the Army


    Just imagine that you are king or

    queen for a day, or the commanding

    general. What would you ask for to

    make things better for the Army

    community in Korea? said Wheeler.

    Those are the kinds of AFAP issueswe are looking for.

    Mills encourages the entire

    community to submit issues forconsideration.

    This process is for everyone, she

    said. The Army Family Action Plan is

    the communitys voice. We want

    everyone to be heard.

    For more information about the ArmyFamily Action Plan, call 738-3617.


    from Page 9VVVVVolunteersolunteersolunteersolunteersolunteers


    cant complain.

    Each community member must

    register in their respective state if they

    want to submit an absentee ballot.Voting means a lot to me, I do it every

    chance I get, said Pvt. Christopher

    Lawson. If I dont vote basically I dont

    have the right to say anything whensomething happens that I dont like.

    Military personnel can also seek

    assistance from their unit voting officer

    or visit the Department of Defense

    Integrated Voting Alternative Site, which

    was launched Sept. 1. According to an

    American Forces Press Service release,

    the site includes information from all 55

    states and territories on the various

    electronic ballot requests and delivery

    alternatives available to U.S. citizens living

    overseas. The IVAS can be found onlineat

    The Glorietta F. Duncun Chapter also

    provides other community servicethroughout the year in Korea. Among

    other projects, the group promotes cancer

    awareness, makes food donations to the

    Shalom Handicap House and raises money

    for college scholarships, which are

    presented to four Seoul American High

    School seniors each year.

    ArArArArArea II Wea II Wea II Wea II Wea II Web site for moreb site for moreb site for moreb site for moreb site for more storiese storiese storiese storiese stories

    and community information and community information and community information and community information and community informationhttp://arhttp://arhttp://arhttp://ar

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006

    12/25 Morning Calm WeeklySept. 15, 2006


    Suicide Prevention: EverSuicide Prevention: EverSuicide Prevention: EverSuicide Prevention: EverSuicide Prevention: Every Soldiery Soldiery Soldiery Soldiery Soldiers responsibilitys responsibilitys responsibilitys responsibilitys responsibilityBy Pfc. Fay Jakymec

    8th U.S. Army Public Affairs

    I will never leave a fallen comrade.

    This solemn promise expresses the hope

    which Soldiers and Leaders offer to oneanother every day.

    Soldiers are in a unique position to save

    lives when they commit themselves to

    protecting their battle buddy. This is

    especially true in the prevention of the

    needless loss of our precious warriors and

    family members to suicide.

    National Suicide Prevention Week

    (Sept. 10-16) ends tomorrow. During this

    time, the Army Family becomes more

    aware and more vigilant in the efforts that

    we take to care for our own, however

    we must continue to fight this threat

    throughout the year.

    U.S. Forces Korea Commander Gen.

    B.B. Bell reminded us in a recent Bell

    Sends that every Soldier, federal

    employee, contractor and family member

    is a valued member of a team. We are our

    brothers and sisters keepers.

    Because of the social stigma associated

    with suicide, it is often difficult to talk

    about; but being properly informed is

    essential to helping hurting comrades and


    Suicide is the third leading cause of

    death among individuals aged 15-24 in the

    U.S. general population (after accidents

    and homicide). This is consistent with

    research of both the American Association

    of Suicidology and the U.S. Army Center

    for Health Promotion and Preventive

    Medicine as seen in The Resource Manual

    for the United States Army. Suicide isalso the third leading cause of death among

    Active Duty U.S. Armed Forces personnel

    in peacetime, after accidents and

    homicide. While most completed suicides

    amongst Service Members are in young

    enlisted males, every category of Soldier

    has at-risk individuals.

    Facilitating suicide prevention does not

    require an advanced degree or diagnostic

    skills, but being willing to listen to Soldiers

    at the level of their feelings is vital.

    Recognition that a buddy may be

    struggling is the first step in offering hope

    and help. Two key areas of vigilance are:

    1) whats the emotional state of my friend

    or battle buddy? and 2) whats going on

    in their life situation?

    Three basic emotional states signal a

    service member may be in trouble:

    Hopelessness (My future is uncertain

    and frightening.);

    Helplessness (Im alone and no one

    seems to care.);

    Worthlessness (I have no value to

    anyone; family, friends, God.)

    Depression is NOT the only cause of

    suicide! In fact, most suicides in young

    people are impulsive acts, often combined

    with poor coping skills, poor social

    supports, alcohol abuse, and ready access

    to a lethal method.

    The most common situational factors

    typically involve loss; i.e. a failed

    relationship, a financial setback,humiliation or intense embarrassment,

    loss of face or authority through a

    demotion, etc.

    Other signals of distress include any

    decline in function ; if they seem different

    in any way from their usual personality

    (quieter or louder, for example); if they

    are using excessive alcohol or any kind

    of drug; if they are falling behind at work;

    if they have lost interest in those things

    which they previously enjoyed; if they

    have a history of a previous gesture; or if

    they TELL you they are struggling in any

    way. All of these are signs of a person

    under stress who may not be coping well.

    Under the Oak Tree encounters

    between Soldiers and leaders encourage

    each party to know and be known in

    the larger dimensions of life and team

    building. Two-way conversations and

    listening leaders are absolutely vital to

    creating an atmosphere of trust. Trust

    encourages both disclosure and inquiry.

    Leaders begin to develop the gut

    feelings about their team members and

    win the right to ask tough questions

    when they suspect that something just

    isnt right about Pfc. Jones.

    Effective Battle Buddies act on their

    instincts. They ask the question: Given

    all that youre going through, have you

    thought about hurting or killing yourself?

    This is a life-saving question that is

    comparable to the Heimlich maneuver it puts things in motion to seek help, and

    it mobilizes resources to change things.

    Reluctance to ask this direct question

    may stem from the false notion that asking

    such a direct question will somehow

    push my buddy over the edge. The

    opposite is true it will contribute to a

    sense of relief that perhaps things can

    change if I can talk seriously about my

    problems with someone who cares

    enough to ask. Many are genuinely

    thankful for the opportunity to express

    their issues in the safety of a concerned


    Another aspect of awareness involves

    assisting leaders to cultivate incentives for

    help seeking behavior. We dont penalize

    Soldiers for going to sick call for genuine

    physical illnesses. Neither must we

    penalize Soldiers who reach out for

    assistance with emotional pain or

    situational problems.

    You as a concerned neighbor, friend,

    or battle buddy can make a difference.

    Ask the question and save a life!

    (Editors Note: Information for this

    article was provided by Capt. James Fabia,

    Col. Susan Hendricks and Chaplain (Col.)

    Gary Sexton, 18th Medical Command.)

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006


    The Morning Calm Weekly 15, 2006

    No Show

    No Show

    Sept. 15-21Sept. 15-21Sept. 15-21Sept. 15-21Sept. 15-21

    Clerks II Clerks II Clerks II Clerks II Clerks II (Brian ChristopherOHalloran, Jeff Anderson)

    Ten years ago best friends Dante

    Hicks and Randal Graves were NewJersey mini-mall clerks still slacking

    off together in their early 20s. Now

    working in the fast-food universe,

    Dante and Randal have managed

    to maintain, and even hone, their in-

    your-face attitudes, agile skill with

    vulgarities and unbridled love of

    screwing the customers.

    IdiocracyIdiocracyIdiocracyIdiocracyIdiocracy (Luke Wilson, MayaRudoph)

    Private Joe Bowers, the definition of

    average American, is selected by

    the Pentagon to be the guinea pig

    for a top-secret hibernation

    program, set 1,000 years in the

    future. When he awakes, he

    discovers a society so incredibly

    dumbed-down that hes easily the

    most intelligent person alive.

    Invincible Invincible Invincible Invincible Invincible (Mark Wahlberg,Greg Kinnear)

    When the coach of Vince Papales

    beloved hometown football teamhosted an unprecedented open

    tryout, the public consensus was that

    it was a waste of time no one good

    enough to play professional football

    was going to be found this way.

    Certainly no one like Papale a

    down-on-his-luck, 30-year-old,

    substitute teacher and part-time

    bartender who never even playedcollege football. But against these

    odds, Papale made the team and

    soon found himself living every fansfantasy moving from his cheap

    seats in the upper deck to standing

    on the field as a professional football



    No ShowPirates of Caribbean:

    Deadmans ChestPG-13

    No Show No Show No ShowLittle ManPG-13

    No ShowNo Show No Show

    Clerks II RMy Super


    Clerks II R Clerks II R

    Invincible PG

    Little ManPG-13

    Clerks II R Little ManPG-13

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    No Show No Show No Show

    Cars G

    Clerks IIR


    Impossible IIIPG-13

    You, Me &Dupree PG-13

    The DaVinci


    The CovenantR

    Clerks II R

    Idiocracy R

    The CovenantR

    Idiocracy R

    Snakes on

    a Plane R


    Clerks IIRMy Super


    The CovenantR

    Idiocracy R

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    My Super ExMy Super ExMy Super ExMy Super ExMy Super Ex-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend(Luke Wilson, Uma Thurman)

    Everyones had a painful parting of

    the ways with a romantic partner. We

    pick up the pieces and move on.

    But for one New York guy, its not

    going to be so easy. When he breaks

    up with his girlfriend, he discovers

    his ex is actually the reluctant

    superhero, G-Girl. A scorned

    woman, she unleashes her superpowers to humiliate and torment


    Invincible PG

    Clerks IIRMy Super


    Clerks IIR Little ManPG-13


    The CovenantR

    Idiocracy R The OmenR

    Clerks II R

    Idiocracy R Idiocracy R The LakeHouse PG

    Talladega Nights:

    Ballad of Ricky

    Bobby PG-13

    Talladega Nights:

    Ballad of Ricky

    Bobby PG-13

    The CovenantR

    The CovenantR

    The CovenantR

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    The CovenantR

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Idiocracy R Idiocracy R IdiocracyR Lady in theWater PG-13

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Clerks II R

    The CovenantR

    Cars G

    Over the HedgePG

    The CovenantR

    Over the HedgePG

    Cars G

    The CovenantR

    Over the HedgePG

    Clerks IIR


    Impossible IIIPG-13

    You, Me &Dupree PG-13

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    Fast & Furious:Tokyo Drift


    The DaVinci


    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    Fast & Furious:Tokyo Drift


    Invincible PG

    The Covenant The Covenant The Covenant The Covenant The Covenant (StevenStrait, Sebastian Stan)

    In 1692, in the Ipswich Colony of

    Massachusettes, five families with

    untold power formed a covenant of

    silence. One family, lusting for more,

    was banished; their bloodlinedisappearing without a trace until

    now. This thriller tells the story of the

    Sons of Ipswich, four young students

    ot the elite Spencer Academy who

    are bound by their sacred ancestry.

    As descendants of the original

    families who settled in Ipswich

    Colony in the 1600s, the boys have

    all been born with special powers.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 15, 2006

    14/25 Morning Calm WeeklySept. 15, 2006

    Area II Worship Services Area II Worship Services Area II Worship Services Area II Worship Services Area II Worship Services

    Catholic Mass Sunday 8 a.m. South Post Chapel

    11:30 a.m. Memorial ChapelTues./Wed. 12:05 p.m. 121 Hospital ChapelMon./Thur. 12:05p.m. Memorial Chapel

    Saturday 5 p.m. Memorial ChapelJewish Friday 6 p.m. South Post ChapelProtestant Services

    Episcopal Sunday 10 a.m. Memorial ChapelUnited Pentecostal Sunday 1:30 p.m. Memorial ChapelCollective Protestant

    Sunday 8 a.m. Memorial Chapel9:30 a.m. 121 Hospital Chapel

    9:30 a.m. Hannam Village Chapel

    (Korean)10 a.m. South Post Chapel10 a.m. Multipurpose

    Training Facility (R.O.C.K.)10:30 a.m. K-16 Community

    Chapel11 a.m. Hannam Village ChapelNoon South Post Chapel

    (Gospel)KATUSA Thursday 6:30 p.m. Memorial ChapelKCFA 2nd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel

    3rd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial ChapelChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - For information , call 738-3011

    Ad g oes h er e


    Gods word will always lead us in right directionGods word will always lead us in right directionGods word will always lead us in right directionGods word will always lead us in right directionGods word will always lead us in right directionBy Chaplain (Capt.) Geun Hyung Lee

    94th Military Police Battalion

    Iam sure that as Soldiers we are all familiar

    with a compass. A compass is used to find

    the right direction to get you to where youwant to go.

    The compass has four main directions. They are

    north, south, east and west. The needle of a

    compass always points north. If the needle is

    pointing in that direction and I want to go south, I

    would go to that direction (opposite direction from

    north). With the needle pointing north, if I wanted

    to go east, I would go in that direction.

    If the needle sometimes pointed north and other

    times it pointed to the south, east or west, I would

    never be able to find my way. I would

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