the maze runner by claudia e.. summary thomas wakes up in an elevator and can only remember his...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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The Maze Runner

By Claudia E.

Summary• Thomas wakes up in an elevator and can only remember his

name. He can't remember anything else-where he came from or who his parents were or what happened before he woke up. When he gets out of the elevator he finds himself in the glade. The other gladers are like Thomas-they have no memory of their life before entering the glade. There is a maze that surrounds the glade, and each day the gladers try to solve the mystery of the maze to see if there is a way out of the glade. After Thomas arrives, the first girl appears and before collapsing says: "everything will change." Thomas works with the other gladers to solve the mystery of the maze, the girls dire message and to remember his life before entering this strange new world.


• For my R I wrote diary entry of Thomas.

Diary Entry

• Dear Diary: • I do not know how I got here. I do not know

what is going on here. I woke up and I am here is this place called Glade? I seriously have no clue what is going on. But I figured out that there are other people like me. I am not the only one!

Diary Entry #2

• Dear diary,• I just met some people. They are the people

who have been here for so long. They showed me around, and what is going on. The people and I want to find out how to get out of this maze. They say there is not way out. They say there are monsters in the maze. We will eventually uncover the secret behind this maze. I know we will.


• For my E I explored other books by the author.

The eye of minds

• The eye of minds is about michael. He pays more attention to VirtNet than the real world. VirNet is very addictive. The more hacking skills you have, the better. He doesn’t follow the rules at all. But some rules were made for a reason. Some technology is to dangerous to fool with. People discover that one gamer is holding players hostage inside the VirtNet. Michael has to find out how they are doing this, and stop it. Read the book to find out what happens!

A gift of Ice

• In an impossible place under a door in the woods, Jimmy Fincher received the first of four gifts, given by a mysterious and desperate people trying to save the world from a ruthless enemy. Now, Jimmy flees to Japan in search of the second gift. Peril is inescapable, and mysteries abound as Jimmy receives a haunting warning: THE STOMPERS ARE COMING. Read a gift of ice to find out what happens!

The Journal of Curious Letters

• Atticus Higginbottom, a.k.a. Tick, is an average thirteen-year-old boy until the day he receives a strange letter informing him that dangerous— perhaps even deadly—events have been set in motion that could result in the destruction of reality itself. Tick will be sent twelve riddles that, when solved, will reveal the time and place of an extraordinary happening. Will Tick have the courage to follow the twelve clues and discover the life he was meant to live? Read The Journal of Curious letters to find out!

Summer Books

• These are the five books I want to read for summer:

• The Four Books by veronica roth• Looking for Alaska by John Green• First Light by Rebecca Stead• The Fault in Our Stars by John Green• Paper towns By John Green

The fault in Our Stars

• This book is about a girl who has cancer, and a boy who got through cancer falls in love with her.

• I want to read the fault in our stars because I t was eye catching when nikki did it for her R & E. Right when I heard it, I wanted to read it.

First Light

• This book is about peter traveling to green land. He goes to an icecap and he struggles to understand visions that frighten him. thea, has never seen the sun. Thea has a hidden home. Thea dreams of a path to Earth’s surface, Peter’s search for answers brings him ever closer to her hidden home.

• I want to read First Light because it is by rebecca stead. I have read two of her other books and they were amazing. She is a great author.

The four books

• These books are about the choosing ceremony, and some of the divergent scenes from fours perspective.

• I want to read the four books because they are like divergent, but from fours perspective. It will be interesting what he thinks.

Looking for alaska

• Before. Miles “Pudge” Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event. He heads off to crazy, weird Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because of alaska young. The awesome, clever, weird alaska young. she pulls miles into her world, and steals his heart. Things are never the same.

• I want to read this book because it is by john green, who wrote the fault in our stars. It seems really good.

Paper towns

• After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues–and they’re for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer he gets, the less Q sees of the girl he thought he knew.

• I want to read this book because it is by john green, which is a great author. Also, some of my friends recommended it to me.

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