the m. a. c. record. - michigan state...

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The M. A. C. RECORD. Y OLo 17.


Connected with M . A, C. 16 Yuu.

Dr. Charks E. :'.l;lrshall , on bst :'.J omby, place(1 his rcsig:n,llion in the h:mljs of the presidel1t. T h is came :IS a ~real su rprise to facili ty and s tudents, as no ol1e ,It the l·ol · le"c, not e\'CIl P rcsi.1c1ll =:;llpk r hi~nscl f. had the sli;,:htest intimation Ihn t sllch a course wns contemplatcd until the matter was so.: ltled. Dr. ),J"rshlll1 has aeel'pted the respoll,.i. ble posilion ;t~ d i rt'~'tor of the (Jrad· uate School ;\ltl\ proft'ssor of mic· robiology in the ),lass:u,:husctt s Agricultural Cullej;l', "\mhe rst, ,:\1 ass.

0" e, IE .. A ..... A~~

with the I Ie he,

D r. :'>lar,.h;11I h:IS "~'en {'oll~~e for ~ i Xh.·CIl ~ l'ar~.

.j.!:m hi:. wor k ill hac l e r i ulog'~ in a s lll tlll ruo m ill the \clI: rin:lr y huild, ing. l ie outgr.;\\ the~e Ijll:l rk rs. and th e bO<lnl crl.' ~'tcd fo r him the p rest'n! Imcteriolo:.:-ical huihling, w hich i:! \Inc o{ !lIt' fines t o f its class in the t'outltr}. I l is tleplirtmellt h :ls had a w onder ful dc\·o.:!opme nt d ue hlrgely to hi:; ellerl-!')' and abil· ity. li e is also !i-cicntific :llld vice d Irecto r o f the expe riment s tation. This h;18 ~i\'cn him an oppOr tUnilY to din'cl tht! S('iculitie work of that dirision.

T his is no t the proper tillle /lor place to descri!x fully the various lines of work th:t! he has develuped in this instinltion. It will ~umce for the prese/lt to stale that he has ren· de red e)(cl"l1ent se n ' ice to the col. lege :till! to the farmers o f ~ I ieh igall, and his loss will be keenly felt .

H is new field is:1I\ inviting one, and weCRnllot do more tl1lm to wish for him tht! same degree o f sueet-ss that has :tttcniled his efforts in this institution.

During vacation week, Pro f. french \· is ited the various high schools in the s tal e which have :ldded agriculture to their curricu · lum, :md also several which arc con· templatin~ doing so. T he outlook is eX'ceptionally bright in this re· spec t, as SOme 12 o r 15 high schools piau to add agricullUre next Sep. tember.


EAST L~\~SI~G. )IIClIlI.,i.\X. TUE.iIHY, .\PB IL O. H112.


The H ed Ccli:l r ri\'er, while ver~' hi;.:-h, Hooding fhe athlt:lic field and various tIal.!! , h:ls 1101 re:lchell

the hig-h POilll o f 190" thou !;::h no !:xaet ~:\lI;,t'" w as made at thaI tim". F on 'ast er Secky SC I a ).!;wt.:e at Ihc hrid)!(' .. huw n ahove on ly ahout a \'Cllr ago, aud hence is not ,tllic tn ;nakc comparisous. Thi,. I car's Ilwrk is 11.3 fect :tlx)\'e the l",'ro, o r o rdinilr.1 lel'c! Inark.


Michigan W ins First- Hillsdale Second.

The fourth :l11l1 l1al State Pca~·e Oration Contt·;;! was held ill Ihe col· Icg-e a r lllory Frida)' e\'enil1~ of l :l~1 wcek, and four O1ost excelleHI ora· tions wer", J;::i \'cll .

It \\';IS tlisilppoilllill;':- to el't' r) Olle p rt'sent to I",artl that, thro\l;(h some misllmlcrlOl:Ul(ling, .:\1 . . -\. C:s repre· sentali\'e <lilloo! speak .

Prof. L:l rr;\!Jn', of Il illsd;L1e, \\ ho is p r",sillem of the SIal<.: Pence A s,.o· ci:llioll. W~IS chai rman of the mee t· ing, allll, after a few general re· marks, called for the fi rst Iltllnhl.'f

,?n th", progralll. T he fir s t speaker was :'.!r. D. II.

D ickerson, of Y psihtnli, whose suh · ject was " \\·orldi s m." P:ttriotism ami Christianily shoulll be Ihe vir· !ues of C\'cr)' nation, ami these C:l II' not help but hring th e people of thc ea rt h to a bellcr lIIulcrs tanding' of net-ds ;md conditions of cach, Icnd to thc betterment of mankind, allli a\'ert war with all its te r riblt· con· seq uences.

T he second orat ion , and that which w on first prize, was tldi\" cn~d Iw P. \ ' , Blansh;lrd, o f the U ni\-ersity, on the subject, " The Roosevelt Theory of \V ar." :'.Ir. Blan sh:l rd possesses a splend id voice whi ~h carried easily to eve ry p:lrt o f the hOllse i h is delivery was good, and Ihe 10gic:l1 a rrangeml.'nt o f his oration \\':lS, w it hout ques· tion, Ihe best of the g roup. The speake r decla rell th:lt, contrary to ex· Pres. Roosevelt's o pinion, "wa r docs not bui ld up a nation." This W:l S follow!:11 by clea l' Rlld cOll cisl' eX<1ll1ples o f the three g reat ch ar · acteristies o f success in allY natioll­indust ry, idcalism and morality. H e then proceeded to show what the effect of wa r is upon each o f these, and his a rguments were p re·

\\ 'hile rlll're j" ICt:l !rClllelldolis amOlln t u f waler ' ill the ri\'er ,tnl! on the tJals to he t:lken C:ITl' of, it is 1I 0t be1 ie\c(1 th:1I seriol!", lIama,!!c will result , as in ,ome predous \ ca rll . Th", weatht'r conditions 11:1\ '" !xen ideal in this respect. :Jnd Ihe \ohllne of soo\\' h:b ilt'cn meltcd hI' !'11l1 (1I1e1 wind, len' littk rain h: t\ inK falll·Jl . C'lIloe;n~ \\il1 he Oll e o f the popula r p~IS! tillw" ;1),:':lill within ;t fel\ II e",ks.

::-en ted with so milch force :II!!I ea rn esllless Ihat the ~p(':Jker \\:IS forg:otten , for thc time heill '..!: , in the !o llbject in hand .

T he third ';; pc:lkt' r , Ila rry II. Young-, o f .\lhiol1. pkadt:d fo r a .. R ea::.onahle Peace." calling- atten· lion to tht., immen~e sums this :md otht'r cou nt ric>. ;I re ~pe ndin.!{ 10 1Il:1iutain armies :ltlll \la \ io.:s, :111<1 \1 illl no '..!:lIarantee of perscllal S:dct.I ,

while hurltlrells of falll ilies :Ire suf fe ring: for wa llt of foed ,11111 dnlhill;.!'.

"Thc :'>i o re Ennohlill;.!' Strife:' was the suhjcct o f the oration \1 hich W:I$ :.:- r:mtt·d !'ccond plac~', anu \\a", h andl.:-d in a splendid manlier h~ :'>Ir, Feillon (). Fish. of Il ills<lak·. :'.Ir. Fish mentioncd the bunlcil in conn ection wi th the preparat ioll o f W:lr, the .1iscou rll~ ing o f Com merce , and the awful consequences of the strifc il self, and plead for the Chris· li ,mity o f nation:!, w hich w ould solve the great\'$\ of all problel11s­" lI ow to al'cr t wa r." li e helievcd that nations werc surcly com ing 10 see and appreciate thl!se thing-s , ;\Ild that "the world is slowly revolv ing around the Staff of universal Pe:tc~ ."

T he prizes w ere awarded hy P rof. Larr:lbce. at the close of the p rogr llm. T he R. E. Olds prize of Si5 was nwarded to ),Ir. P. \'. Blansbard, of Ihe Cni"ersi ty of :'.Iichigan, :lnd the J. H . )Ioores prize o f $50 w ent to I-i ilbd ale§ represent:lti,'c, !\Ir. r enton O. Fish.

The music fo r the eH'ning was furni shed by the young ladies' G lee cl ub and hy the men's Glee club quartette. Both were g-reatly l·n· joyed and :tppreeialcd. T he ch ar· acter of the w hole p rog ram was de· serving of a milch b rge r ,mdiellcc.

T he judges were: Pro f. B. K. Kuiper, Grand Rapids; Principal George B. \Vil!iams, Ionia ; JUllKc H owa rd Wiest, Lansing; C. r. H am m ond, E sq.) Lansing i and Mr. T. B .. Preston, Ionia .

~o. 21

'69 . \ nothcr honor has ('0111(: to Dr.

Bcssey, one I)f the V ni ~c r~ily 's ;, ;.cr:lIld old men:' l ie has hcen a p. pointcil dHli r lll:1II o f the committee .Illt·tlucmion of the :--::Itiomll Con· se rvation Con:.:-re::ls. T he othe r Illemhers of the ~'o",m i lt ee, all Ilis· tillg-uished e.lucalors, a rc O:l lid SI;lrr .Jord:lIl, pre::.itll'nt IIf LeI:lIld SI:lllford Cnih'r~ih: D r, Edw in C, . \I.lernmn. p re,. i;lent of the L'll i· nrsil}' o f \'ir).!ini:1 i Dr. E . C. Craix-hellii. prt,,,illenl of the l ·n i· \'en·i t \' of XC\\ Orle;II1~ , :lIld Prof. E. T.~ raiTt·h illl. ,.I,lle "uperilltt'nd. ent o f ~chools of i-:::msn ... -[Fwm TIlt' ~·tli:'a,.i~,. (:\feh.) '.lOUr/mi. J

Dr. C. E. B~' SC\' \\11,. a g r:lIlullte o f the cJa"s (Jf 'Og::md bthcr uf ou r pre,\'nl profc'l"'lf (If hCl!;lIl~.


J. D. :'; tanll:ml. o f :'.Ie~a, . \ri 1.ona, write'-, ulldl' r date Ilf :'>Iarch .!7: "Thc [(ECOHIl is 011\1;1\" a welcomc visitor :11 Illy camp. '1 alii al w:I)'lI glut! 10 It'ar n l\)l:l! is doi ng :11 o ld :'\1. .\, C., allt! Oll('l' ill :twltik I :1111

c!;]ll·ei:lll~' ple:l~t·d 10 liml an ilem faun ~O Il'C Cof the uhler hOls \lhul11 1 kncw ill m\ SIIl\lenl da\:~, It is a shallle th.;t (i;lrt ield, (;f 'io, and SattNlL·e. 'bt), ~houlil h;l\'e to pny Tr:u:.\ , '6:>, for Iho~c O)sltrc:. :mu !<hrilllpli. I f it i" ~Clil1:':- 10 he any h:l.rll!>hip On Tr,u:n. I shoulll he \Ic· li:.:-hled 10 help "ut:"


E, \1. :';trickl:UIII, \\;Ih thedassof '</,. i .. with lI ill. Cl;trk .\. Co, of <':hicn~o, m;ll'Ilint'r\ IllerchanlS. Ilis add ress is I ~ 5 X. Can:!1 :->t .

'°3 11.I( u) h:ill;:slt'l, with the class

uf 1')03, is al pn's~nt .,1f\ltIU rli l en · ),(inecr with D. I I. BlIrTlll:lnl ~ .... Co., . \ rchitecb, Chic:lKO, III. lI is residellce .1I1.l reS~ i~ !; to F:lrwl'l l . \ I\' .. HlIdbtlsille~~onice 1117 RII;I· WHY Exctlllll){e Bid .

:\1. L. J..: ill::~k~ , rl brothe r o f R ny, [tIld a lso a former ) 1. A. C. m:lII , is \\ ilh the , \ merit'a n Bridgc Co. at Gary, Ind. Il is re,.i.l cnce adll ress is 6333 Siewart !h e .. Chie:lgo.

' 1 t.

. \ ll nOUllce lllcnt i~ made of the 111ltrriu).!e on . \ pril 3, o f Mi~s Evc· Iyn Kopf :\IId Lieut. G. 1\1 . Barnes, at the Episcopal ch urch in H nst, ings, Lieut. B:lrnes ill stationed at Fort ~JOtl, ~. J., III the present timc.

C . W. :'.l c K ibbin and G. If. Col· lingwood :Ire enjoying ca mp life ncar Sprin){er\' illc, A riz. )Ir. Col· ling wood is :\t present making a nwp o f Gre('nlee Co.,:1 portion of the state lying ill Ihe j\ pache Na· tional F orest.

)lr. C. L. \\ ' e il , form e rly p ro· fessor of mechanical enWJi'lering at l\J. .'\. C., WIIS n college vis itor las t wcek, l\lr. \\ ' eil is now ch ief en· gineer with thc Dianlond C rystal S:llt Co., at 5 1. C lai!".


The M . A . C. RECORD " .. I ... "". ~ .. ~ •• yu n on D.o. , ..... II' C" LL~G '

H A .... ""e 10 1<:" '0 .0." . TAT e " .. . 'C:U LT"" .. L f;OLLC .. '

II . .. , , ,,U,.. CI . ..... ... . , .. .. [ OITOII


En~ered '" .eeond-cla .. m a ll mllue. at Lan"ln l . )f1cb.

Addr" .. "II ,ublcrlpUon.and IIdverUlllull' maner 1.0 tbe M. A O. RI';c()IlII, Kan Lan­, In l . Mich. Add."I ... 1I colltrlbnllo"~ to ' he ManAIJ1n1f ~:dltor. ~lUlt br 1". O .• \lonu· Oro!!', o .... n or

ReI1!te red LeitH. 00 not HIn d MlamPI. Bu,llles. Omee wllh Lawrence <k Vall

Bunll I'rlnlln&, 00., ~Io-tl~ O ... nd Ave. S o" Lan,lnl. Mich.

TUE.SDAY, APRIL g, 1912.


Certain arrallg-ClI1l'1II5 h;I\'c heel! madt: durin;:.=- the PU"l few weeks when:!>.' :\lr. Leo ;\1. Geismar. who, for fl nUlIlbcr of no'a n , has had chtlr~c of the l 'ppc r 1'>cninsula Expcrilll('n \ St:ltiOIl, h:ls heen r('· \e;'l"\ of the Sl:l\ ;on work. :lUd \\ill,

from Ihi~ li1l1~' for\\" :~n\. dl'\'olc ;III his tUlle 10 C)l;tCIl~L()lI wo rk. :\Ir, Gl'ism;lr h;l~ ltln':lJ~ accomp!i~hcJ ~r":Jt reS\lh~:I~ duritl~ Ihc w .. 'ck of ~l :m;h ~ I he- nr!.:'anil"d olle cluh for c;lch Ja\ oUI. These d uhs lire co,l\pm;. .. ·:\ of repn:"cllt:,ti\e bnners in the no rtllCrll p"'llinslI\(l wh(t atl' p:,rti":Il \(lrl~ i111er ... ~ll'd in Ihl' grn\\'· ingof :Ilb!f:t and "t[h:r .; rop". ~lt. vei"lI1 :t r'" work will clintillu .. ' all'n;.:: this [inc for 11 fe\1 \\""cks, !lilt! h l'

will Ihcn prvl-ecd tn gil'e 10 thcsc c!uh~ ,til the :Iid hI! (,:11' ill hril1:,:-iuJ::' :l1)(,.ul tit .. h .. "" re \olll l". II" j., PH­lect[)' ;lc'Iliaintcd wil1l COJldilio ll~ in ",'cn' /o(';)[il\ ill Ilwl ';l·..:Iioll of tllt· ~tIIt';. :lI\d Iii" ht"lul t::'(pl'ril'n.:e :1\

ChaliulIll \I ill 1lI:lk .. · his sen icc" of eo;pe.:i:l1 "lillie 10 Ihe f'lrmer.!; of Ihat re}::it1ll.

:\\ r . It. G. C:lrr, 'oS,has b,:"11 ;1P' poiutl'd to till the ,:IC;\I\C-" ;\t Chalhllm. :' C:lrr h:ls had Sl"'­er:11 ~ears o f pr;\Cllelll farm experi­enct'. :lml "ill 1I1;\ke ;I \':llu:\hl .. man for Ihl' p!:te.:. Then: is much work 1\) he {ione, II,. in ;\,I,litioll to the r .. ·~· Jolr l'\ l~rimental \\ork, Ih\! lands n 'Cl"lIh' "Ollal .. ·\1 mUSI he c1eare.1 and put inlo .sh:tpt·.

:', Curr was al. Ihe coll('~e \eS· Il'rlla,- I.., confer \Ihh l'reS. ::--n;dl'r :tml i)ir('ctor ::ihaw l'Ulll.'c ruin£ Ihc work in hatH!. Il l' II ill takc up his (\1I!k's (1\ Ch:l1hatll in the ne:lr fulnrt'.


II. \\-. \\'orlel', tra"diug secre­tary for the Stuuenl \"Olullteer M ovemell!, spoke ill chapel ~llnda)' afternoon to ::I .. limiled audieIJ(X."

Mr. \\' orlc\' has been in the w ork of missions from boyhood, having been born ill Chin;1 and t r tlxcled o,·er many o f the foreign lands as well as \'isiting mall)' states ill Ihe Union. He spoke itllerestinglyo f the economic anti social rel:ttlollS now existing betw een this country and China, and of somc oC Ihe prob­lems which we must face sooner or laler. Eithe r Chin:! will pull us down 10 thei r le\"d, or we must p ull them up to ours, The cause of missiOlls is an expensi,'e business, b ut if there were no otber reason th an th at of main ta ining ou r o wn prese nt SI :!lldnrds th e cSl.use o f mis­s ions wou ld retu rn a good dividend to th:! country at la rge.

"Sho w me," said the speaker . ":1

country w ithout the Christia ll c ivil-

The M . A . C. RECORD.

iUlion, and will show you a eouili ry in which is found poor sani­tary conditions, low morals, low wag~ scale, poor police systems, etc. T he reverse is absolutely t rue of ChTistian countries. T he cause of m issions will b ring about these results mort' quickly thall w ill rilly other one thing, or combin:ltion of things."

Abo"e and beyond 1111 of this, of course, was thought of instilling into Ihe minds of those of foreign lands the true I.:hristianity, making Illen feel and kn ow the power within themselves, :\Ild giving them the opportul1it~· to expreSS them­selves. l\'ir. \Yorlcy :spukc inte r­estingly of the strength and endur­:lIlee of the Chinese, of their keen­ness of mind , and their e(trnest de­si re for knowlc(lge.

The speaker then menlioncd the cost to the indi,idu:II who enter:. the foreig-n field, There :lre Illalty ,ilal interest.!; hc mUSI sacrifice in order to t:tke uplhe work. Amol1;.;" th..:!e arl' 10\1: of home aud friends, IO" e of "elf. anti !:iStl":i ",iucero.:: lo'·e for the elitist: itsdf. .• \1 r. \\-or[ey ..,puke of thc$ .. ' froUl [l per .. onal c\l>cnenH', :IS he him::.df h~s spent IIHIIl~ year" ill the !id,1. J I ... i" :I} OLIII~ 111:111,

full of lik :lIltl cUl'r~'y. ;lIId it \\:I~ a pleasure 10 hC:lr him. It is 10 he regret le(!. that ~o h·" \n·rc pn'senl to hear hiS :1~1(lre,.s,

::ipecittl Eask r !llIbie h)' the col· ICg"l' (,hoir, a~Si"'ln\ h_, :'I.lrs, ~l (')t) re, Hdd.:d lIIuch 10 thc ple;1511 re tlf I he u l.'e:t ~ioll.

The Sl'n i<.:e will h .. , h~'ld 111 the chapel dl1rin~ Ihl.: spri ng' terlll at :! :30 e:tch ~Lllld:ly. ..\ ~ood :1.tdn:s~ :111.1 speci;ll mll"il' l'a,·h \\let·\".


The work of .!;.electing: tellm., fo r the cotll!n).:" debates with Ypsilanti :ulli _\1111:1 j,c~;1n "ith pn.:limill:"lrk·" :'I.fon,!:n' ;ulIl Tuesda\' c,cn ill~s of this w~'ek, Tbe queslion deba!ed is-'·Resoln.'d. Tha t the Fl'lle r:\! G I),-ernment s'!toilid Ie"'· :1 Kr:ldu­[lted income lax, cons-titl1lionfllil.\ c.:o llcct! .. ·d."

In th ... first p rdi!llillar), Ihe fol ­lowing- IIICIl look pa rt: Allirnl:1' tin', :\l essrs. :'I.llLrgolis. tarc) ;!lI,1 Smoker. Fnr the nt'iPlliv .. , Coeh· r;l nc, Jlar t :1Ilt! E\\ing. T h is \ Tuesday) e"enill!; the leam~ will debate a:> follows : For the nHirmu· ti\'e, lI ough, R l)sen aUlI Olney; 1l('g;l(il'C, Stewart, :Snyder :11111 :'I.l or· rish. It is quitc pro\'ahlc that :111' o tl1(':- prclimin:try will be held on \\-ed m'sd ayeYening:,

The re is cons iderable inlcresl be­ing shown ill Ibis import:1l1t phase o f college work, and it is hop.·d that evcry Olle will g i" e Ollr teallls the loral- support which thei r {'Oll­sistent e ffort and good results thus far surdy mt'rits.

Ilis plalllied 10 m:tke lhedate,JIUU! S, a big ,iar :tt ~r. A. C., as in :lIldi­lion to the debate Ypsi. is sched · ul..-d fo r a ball gall\(' with the home team. Last year the honors we re divided at Ypsilanti , the ""ormalites winning in debate ami M . A. C . the bllseball gam e. The Normals are st rong in debatc, anti withou t doubt w i ll bring a 10)'111 hunch of rooters. The spir il manifested is always good to see, and the two in­stitutions a re al ways on the best of te rmS, which m akes ou r contests the mo re in teresting ;\ nd enjoyable. In the above deba te M. A . C, w ill ha ndle the affi rm ati\'e, while the team which goes to A lma on the slime day w ill de fend the negative.


P rof. Kedzic is up, at his no me on Ottawa St., as a result of Mil accident on Saturday afternoon. The professor was about to return 10 his laboratory after lunch on the day n1entioncd when he noted a small t ree in the y:ud which had been set l:'Isl spring, and which, be­cause o f Ihe freez ing and th~\\"ing

process, had b.:come "lop sided." H e- decided to straighten it up, ttnd firm the eltrth about the roots, in order 10 hold il ill position. \ \,ith this in mind he procured a strap, fastened it to the t rce, and beg:ln the pull. Prof. K. W:I:> t'ithe r mist:lk <," 11 in his OW\1 ,s tr"'n~th or in thl' w\'!lk· ness of hIS str:lp, fo r the l:tuer broke, throwing hill! \"iolenth- to the grOillld, ami snapping bOlh I;olle~ of the right leg JUSt :Ibo",! tht' ankle, H e W:IS prolllpth- att~ml"'l l It, bis physician :\IId is' doing' IIi!

\\:.:1\ :IS mighl he expc.;!cll , though it will o f COilrSl' be ::.en.:ral wl'cks before he will he:1t hi", 1:lh­ora lory a~ain.


:-;el'. l{rown, as rel!i ~t r:\r_ h'ls is"ued 1\ [Jr'lSpcctlis o f the fifth " ... ". SiOll "f t he Graduale ~dl()ol of ,\;!ri.:uitur.', to be beld al ~1. _\. C .. Jul.,' 1-~6, I y l~. The. foll(I\lill;..( hi,,!orit':d <;kct ch from the pro~pe':\ I1" "ill 1".: of i!lterl·~1 to 1I1:ltl\" of our readers who arc not aCf]llai';led "ilh this mo,'e lllt'U!:

Th,' first sessioll ()f till' (.ir:lduale ~dlf>ol of .\~ricu1tu re was ht:kl al Ceolu!lllJus. O h iu, ill) 111\' , '901 . untler tht' auspi<.:e~ of tile Uhio ShUe l ·ni . ",:r., il) . T his "c~~ion W;IS qu ite 5ue,· .. s .. fll\' J.l!ing allen.led hy 15 Slll­denb from ~ S St:1t...!! :md \(' rri l0rir-s, Cah:tda :uhl _\r~(·nlin:l. T he ~tJn· ti lillan .. ·c of till' s{'hool Ih~'reforc Seelllc.! ,lcsirahle. At Ihe t"On'en· lioo of the :\ssod:ttioll of American A.!!l"ieulcur;11 Collq~es :lUd Experi­ment :-:Ia\iolls held :n \\- ;1:>hillt:"tOIi. I), c.. in :\"olCmhcr, '905. the :"ISS­oci,.lion ,·olcd to :hSlInte respoll;;i­hi[il\' fo r Ilw (,irat!u:lte SdlOul ;"1.1 ~Otn-tl\i lll·d ils Ill:lLlagemCl1t to the St:lllt.lillg" Committee on (Jr:"ldu:th' ~tu(h. U ncler these lluSpkes the secotit! sessioll of thc school W;IS held at the Uni'·ersit \' n f Illinois dnrill~ the month or" Jill)" 1906. T he tOlal enrolh ll..:111 of this ~ession \\':lS 131, of wh om 91 w e re classed <1$ studcnts. The thinl Sess ion W:b held at COrnell Cniycrsi!), and th e New York AgriclllturalExperimcnt Station during Jul."_ 1908, ;Ind W3S

attended hy 16-1 students :111<1 7k lee· turcrs.

The fourth session wa s held at Iowa State College during july, 1910, and was attended hy ~05 stu­dents ami 7-Ilec!urers.

On ill\'ilatioll of the :'I.Iichig an Agriclllm ral College the fi ft h scs­will be held at EaSI Lansing, :'I.lich ., July 1-:!6, 19i2.

By the consent of the H onorable Secretary of A g ricu[tu re, the Dir<~c­lor o f the Office o f Experiment St:uions w ill again act as its dean, and othe r officers of the Dep~rlment will be o n its faculty.

T he D ean of A g ricultu re and othe r members of the faculty o f th e l\-I ichigan A gricultural College w ill partic ipate in the w ork of the Grlld­uate Schoo! of A gricultu re_

The p urpose of the school is to give ;ldv anced instruc tion in the

science of agriculture, with special reference to thc methods of investi­gating IIgrieultural problems and teaching agricultural subjects.

In general, only persons who have completed a college course and taken a bachelor's deg ree will be. admitted 10 the pri\' ileges of th iS school.

The prospectus fu rther gives in­form:"ltion concerning COurses o f sludy,~xpenses, faculty, etc, Those who lire intt"rested should write A. M. Brown, Regist rar, East Lan­sing, for a copy of this circular.

Y . W . AND Y. M. C. A. BAN­QUET.

Last Friday evening" tht' mem ­bers of the {lId :II\(\ ncw cabin<:\s of th(' Y. \\" :lnd y, ~1. C. .-\, profit­ably"pent a f~" hou r;, in Ih ... par­lors of the P~ople's chll r~h . After a \ery enjoyaltl .. ~Ol-i:ll hou r, the 11l~·mb.:rs could nOI re"j<; t tllt' lell1p· lalion :lw;liting thell\ in the hamltlet roomS.

U, (lIlC who II a" there; "Carefull, :tll,l slo,' I, .kset'IH!iIl''"

tht.'. ~tair". ,;e ,,0011 ff)u-ml j)ur"eln~ l!l the prcsence "f :1Il iltlmcll~e din­n ... r, T hi" II:,,, hi~h!.1 apprecialed by all. :II I(] Slili th .. , I,(',;t of th ... pro g";,111 W liS \ l'I tf) (O tll~' .

" l' rc."idcllI Smilh, l)f the old cah­inel, m:ltI.: a fe ll' r': IIHl rk~ , Ih:II,\..ill;':: Iht: IlIcmhe r" uf the o!tl 1.':lhincl fur their illtcrc~1 :lIId spiril in C:1I"f~ ing out the work of Ih~ pa"l) ear. !1I1d ('heering th..: Il l'\\ ca l.i'll'1 fonl :Ird III a hi;.::her SUlllmi\. !\,. h l, lill­i ~l'ed, he introd u,;cll :'I.! 1". \ \""rlL-\', Se,'rctan of th .. , :-:Iudl·nt'", \-<1IIl 'II~'C~ :\10\ l'm~l\t,

." \\'c feci \en' {.-.rtull:lle in !l:1'" ill!; hin' "iil) II" ;11 thi" linll' , .md c\er~ OIlC \\,I~ '!,eply intcrcsh'.1 ill wlt:lt he h:td I ,,~H," II .: ;.!'a\ell~all in"pir :lIiull :11 .. 1 ,1c!l'nni1\at ioll to Illak .. ou r Ii , e" of the -.;r"·:lIl'~1 .,er­,·k" to tlw wllrld, T hrilkli "ilh his rCIll;trt..",. we 111''1.1 heard frDIll :'1.1 r. [-" Iunl .\. :'\!Ll!ll' r, nur IIl·\\1\ elccl"'\ l;r..:~i,lelll. lie ]>lIil1tl'\1 (I(;t Ihe \,ur k befure 11-, amI ;':::I\e 111;1 11\ sll~;!'c"litlns :tnd pl.lI''l I" Sl'\'u re Ih-" ;,:-re!lIe.,1 sllcce~~. Th .. · w(lrk [illS bcctl pluced Oil ;t linn h:bi", ,111.1 ;111

thitlg,~ point to :. mosl pro~pertJlI"

l1e\' Y. :'I.!. C, _\. cahi'lct membcrs ~re:

i'rcsiJcllt, Flol'l\ :\. S :' l.:'ler. \ ·i.:c· Prcsidel'!, Dona],1 D. StOlle, nl·cordillX Se,- I'cI :l r" , C_ F aye

?II vcrs. . ' rreitSUrcr, .\rthur \\-. \\ ·Hrtle r. Corr~spOlhli ng t)eactary, ~l lIrl

A. Russel\. DCI'olion:ll, R, _\, Brow n. ~I"ll)hership, O. L. (b,;.:-ernwn. Uib](: StuJ\" G. R. \\' heeler. Social, f. :'\nd rew,;, finance, I J. 1::. Zicl, ~Iissioll:try. F. \\'. Riehar,lsOIJ. Athletic, L. IL Sen· is . lIousc, \ -, \\ ', :'I.lorrish. Music, R. ~1. Snyder. Hospita[, H, B. Crane.

1'h:1\ unh'ersity fails utterly where the 10"e for learllin~ and apprecia­tion ami respect for scholars nip and research are \\' llllling on the par t o f its g r:!duate!. The lIlall or woman w ho g rad uates f rom :my university without acquiri ng the reading h ~bi\, the ab il ity to do concentrated think­ing, o r w ho has not acqui red Ih rough th e study of n a tural science the love o f n atu re is 1I0 t a son o f his A lm a M ater, but of h i ~ ~·tater Dolorosa. - Un iversity Blilldin .

-~ ,



The M . A. C. RECORD . .





We carry everything ill the lillc of

Announcements, Programs, Invitations, Etc. \Va specialize on individual orders for Fine Stationery - embossed or printed


We Leave It to YOU""'; I If you want to S<1.\·e:l t least ten doilars on your spring suit, all you hayc to do is JC:lYC your measure. \Ve will do the rest - fit and satisfaction guarallteed.

Spring line of J-Ieid Caps now ready for your inspection.

g Always find late

Prof. T nft is in demnnd :It this time in his wor k of inspecti ng or­ch:t rds nnd nurserics_

\\-hclleve r you hnvc nn oppor­tunity, jll!'.t mention the Ma,- Fes­til"1ll on :'I l av 24 to you r friends. It will be worth whill.'.

P. \ V. 1\'iason , nlthough co mplet­ing his college work last term, will re main :md :tssisl in the department of Entomologr during thc sp ring term.

A. G. 13ovar, ' J 2, le:tvcs soon for the forests of .Minnesota, where hc will prob1'thly be employed during the coming summer. Mr. 130 vay nnished his college work at thc dose of b st term.

.r.'I iss Anna Scott, with 'J2, has mel wilh excellent success in her work as teacher in the sixth :tnd seventh grnd!!s lit Libertyville, ncar Chicago. She has be!!Jl tendered the position for allot her year:tl n substantial increase in salnry.

Mr. O. A. S eeley, of our weather b ureau station, is rapidly getting his material on the g round for building on the lot recentlr pur­chased from Mr. \Voodbury, and will begin the const ruction o f three residence houses as soon as weather conditions will pe rmit.

C. B. Smith, '94, was at M. A. C. yesterday, with a view to the ar · rangelllent of co-operative work be­tween the U. S. department of ago and this college along the lines of fa r m management. Mr. Smith is agriculturist in the office of Farm Management at \Vashiugton.

things a t


II. Ii. Coplan has co mpleted his work for gr;lduatioll, and is now at his home ill T r:tycrse City.

The bo<]y of thc infant son of S\\Pl . and .\Irs . E. J. Bishop w:ts takcn to Dimondale for b urial on \V ednesdar of i:tst week.

1\1. \V. TWaits, with class of 'oS, was a collcge "isi to!" on S:tttlni:ty, while on his WHy to the P ,lcific Coast 10 en~:tge in engi neering work.

Miss i\In bcl Long, fortncrly :1!l

inst ructor in phy sical culture:tt ]1, 1. A. C. , spent the past week with fri emis nt the college. S he is now connected with the high school at Davenport, Iowa.

:'Ilrs. Philip Wood worth I Lucy Clute, '93 1, who hns been "isiling at the homeof Prof. Clute's mother, at Cnse~'illt', c:tlled on college friend s \Vednesday, on he r return to Chi· cag o. l\I rs. \Voodwo rth is the d:wghter of fortner Pres. C lute.

Field Agent O. K. White is kept busy these days in givi ng p ractical demonstrations in p runing and spraying. Mr. \Vhite is spreading the gospel of good orchard ing throughout Michigan, and from many reports the field for his work is un lim ited.

Mrs. Landon i!'. ill receipt of n beautiful post card album in which is displayed a large number o f views pertaining to Russia. The album is an Easter gi ft from Mr. and Mrs. J. A. R osen, of Minne­apolis. Mr. Rosen is a g raduate w ith the class of 'oS.

"ASSU~ED STYLES" INDEED! . A .isit t.o our Women's Depar tment will help you to SOl1'6 the perplex-

ing question-What to buy this spr ing! A Suit, or Dre9ll. or Coat-

The Mark of Quality and of f asbion plus Skill stamps each of our Garments the better kind.

Women's tempting Del,\, Spring Suits, SHk lind Wool Dresses, Skirts or Waist-s. Each da.y adds ruBOY rresh bright tbio~ to our coJlee-tion. Early spring buye rs at ways find the bes~ Ii.'i6Ortment/!,

Our styles bear the desirable indi,itluality every Isdy wants_

The Mills Dry Goods CO. In thi s City ollrs is the Store thai sells WOOL TEX

Do Yo u Wa n t P:tir She:l rs Knife S:l fety lbwr-

(;lUette. Auto StroP. ~:\"~r·R"fl<ly nut! ~:"d('r~ :0 s~kct from

H ones and S:lWS


I-iaonncrs I-btchcts Chisels Screw Dri\'crs

In fact, anything you need in h:lrd\\':lre )"011 will find - :lnd , Ht p rices to su it -;11

I Norton's Hardwar6

II. " . . Dcy, '03, of Springport, W:lS n colk·ge calle r ycsterdHY.

Prof. Shoesmith atlcmled the :lll­

nu:tl meeting, :tt Lt"slic, Satunla)· of the cor II g r owe rs of thai section .

S. A. Knowles. who was ohli ,:.:-etl to miss :I p:trt of hi!'. work las t )'e;lr on accoun t o f typhoid . i.~ ag:lin in college to completc his cou rse .

11. T . .\Iunn, J I~ , hns just re­ce ived his appoillllllent as assistnnt botanist in Ihe :--lew Y ork cxperi. ment slatiotl nt Gcnevn, Hnd will nssume his duties Sept. I.

Miss Florence Allcll , of !thac:I, nm] .r.Iis;;, Pau line Creswell. of To· lelia, Ohio, :trc among those who hnve returncd this term to rClle w their college work . Both were ab­sellt last term 0 11 account of illness.

T he cottnge checse in b ricks, offered for salc by the 1\1. A. C . dai ry department, is p rov ing a pop­uln r product. A number of g rocers in Lansing hay!! been purchasin g fo r their Saturday tr:tde recelltly, :lnd the demand exceeds the supply.

The carnival will be held on Snt· urday, April 27, and the progr:tm bas practically . becn completed. T hcre will, as usual, be n grand pa· rade, and the main show will be held in the armory. Several tents will be pitched for side attractions, and the man:lgement expect this to be the biggest and best yet held. Each society has been appointed its particula r work, and each may be relied upon to " furn ish the goods." Just mark the date in your calendar, and plan to attend.



Cots Folding Beds ' Matresses

Book Cases Desks



Jack Knecht. ·1 I, of :'II illne:lpolis, W:IS a risitor :it collc).:"e l:Ist wCl.'k.

Curtis Lcmpke, ·15, has left col· legc, alJ(l will study pharmacy :It the I..lni\"{:r"ityof :'>Iichig:tn ·this cornino' ' ·car. o ~

L . R. QtI ~·:lI, 'I I,h ns rec.·il·l.'ll the ,tnnounccml'IH that he was Sltcccss. ftll ill the recelll civil se r,"i(e l·X:lm·

in:uion fo r for':SI ran;:er. ntld th:1I :l

position would soon he open for him.

.r. l iss ,\ !ice Gill, 'r6, was culled 10 her home, Ami:>t:lti. Kew Mex. ico, lust week on account of the suddcn death of hl.' r falhe r . She will be unable to re tu rn fo r thc work lhis spring terln. Pncumon ia wa~ the cause o f her fnther's l]eath.

B ulletin :\"0. 4i, 011 "Spr:tying," by Profs . Eust:lcc ,11111 ['euil, is now b~iJlg m:till.'u, :md nsiJe from thc regula r mHilillg list, the re is n tremendous dem and 0 11 the p:lr,t of fruit g ro wers fo r this pu blication. It is t imdy, up to-dale, and the necessa ry steps clearly outlined. E,·ery fruit g rower in the stale should have a copy.

A call wa s made on Sntu rday afternoon for baseball men, nnd the re~ponse was good. Beginning thIS week, the men will practice each day from 4 to .. :30, and some renl work will be done o n the field 3S soon as it is in condition. The players look good, lind wil[ Soon round ioto form when once they can get some real pmctice. The first game will be played with our old time friends and rivals at Olivet next Saturday.


The M. A. C. RECORD.


11 completely cove rs the fie ld of local news, politics, and the world of Sports.

Bcc:\usc its te1cgr:lph :lIld correspondence Si:'n 'icc enable it to g il'c its rc:.liers the blest gene ral ne ws of the d:IY lfl ad­vance of :m)' other newspaper coming into L:lIlsing.

Ha ve TH E STATE JOURNAL delivered t o you r hom e by ca rrie r


J. A . lJo1.!cn IH1d S. L. ,\uk.:-r nrc amOIl':: those \\ho h;we com ­pleted their l'ollege work OIl the dost! o f the winler term.

!nSlrm:lor :o.IIISSC\1I1:Ul ~pCl1t \ 'a ­

(':Hiol) week at his hOl11o; . where he ill,.I:.lIcll :1 5111:111 1;":15 cllg'illC for do­mestic 1'0\1 c r pllrposcs.

Ilcprcl>cllt!ltin- Fred \\'ootlworth, '98, W:IS ,:.lIl'd to hi! honw in ellse­vilte r('celllll. on :1('('OUI1I Uf the serio ous illness o"ihi5 mother.

~Ir. \\·hilcieT. a;;SIS1;;J1l! In OUT t;. !'o. wc;lIhcr hUH':IU :Ita lion. :Ind tam· Ih tIlo\cd juto theiT Il(-W home 011 Raile,' .!ilreet Ihe P:lst we"k,

• \moll),:' the ),:'lIe!;ts :It the Ill:!.r· ri:I),:'(.' of ~J iss "opf III llaslings Were !::ie!;, :1 1111 ~ln •. llr(lwn al1(l SCI'· e r:!\ of t ilt' senioT Th('miall :..::ir\'<. o f "hi!;h !;ocietl :-'Ii,;" "opf was a 1l1~·lllher. •

Prof. .1Ilt! i\lrs. Saw""T and lillie :\1:U:,.:':'Td spenl :-:'tllld:;y. ~I:!rcll 31, i" Detroit. c:!lli ll :,! 0'1 )Ir, Fl oyd H t'Jhi~on, forme r E:",I L:Illsing'resi·

11 ('111 :llld :lIml)SI tlf ,III.: M:lIe linin' ;llld fo,,,1 ,kP:UllllCIlL

Sea~OI' Ikkel:J for l':beh:lll "ill "0011 l~ 011 !'[llc. 1'111: pnces :!re $~'iS for IH>1HIS!lo..:iali(l1l :.lIlt! $1.00

fOr :;""oc;;,tiull 11\<·l1\her;;. T i..:kclS "ill he ;.:'uud fnr :111 hOl1le ;!:unes. and lndlld" :I .. ,\ el (blls ... :'

. \.1 . '·:lltel!. chembl of OUT e,,· peri n;{'nl <; \.I,i(lll. "ill :1t!tln'Ss 111,· Il ort. Cluj, \ \' e,lIll'sd:1\' .·I-""lIn~ .

01' till' !ouhjnl. ··.\noth.r Si,lc o f R .'II \{0<I- I·hn~]lh.lte QuC,,\lun." This will hc e"ph'i:llly illler"sting' , .. Ihose whu huml Dr. lIopl-ill!> at thl: r~· .:elll Inccl;'I1,!" of ,Ill' 1<0llll(\'


T he Hot[lL1ic (,,!nh.'11 has I> ... ell p:lftia!l\ "lIhtllerg-ed h) tht· hi~h w :l\cr {11Irin;.:' the p.ISI tell llfl~", :tllli thl: (kP:lrtIllCIII req1le~t" 11I;l1 SIU. dents :lnd 'Jlher.s d,) nOI lise t lH: walks for till.' pre~('nt. . \ \('ry little Ir:lmpill;! lIpon Ihesc would c:luse 1I:lIlI:l;.:'e which would require three ~' r fuur months loon' reome.

The [ille rs hdll a "c ry t'njoyahle p:IT'!) ill Ihe armory :--:ttnrclay CI'CI\ ­

ing. The decor:ttions. \\cye ferns, fl:i:,:-", 11Ilei penl1:mts. \\lIh enou;.:-h o f prell .Y Illlllting to tTim thc walts :lnd platforTl1. The college orchest ra furnished music fo r the d:mee. a l which some i.i couples p:lrticipated. St.'(:retarr and ~I r s. Brown :\IId ~I r. anll ~Irs . A . .I. I'alten were the patrons.

A. ~ J c\"illie, " I, thc popul:lr t e:lche r of ilgTicullure al St. Johns. has Tecently or;.:'ani~.ell ;l bo.I"5 corn growing' :Issocialion . cmbracing the 10il f towllships ce ntering at St. Johns. The first school o f instruc· lioll is 10 he held ;It th e hi.c;h school building o n S atllrda.I' , Apri l 13, <1 t

which lime PTOf. J effe ry will bc preSeli t 10 ,l!ive tht: boys some pO i l1l~ rS 111011;.:' Ihe li ne o f corn g rowlIIg-.

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

Spalding Sweat ers Imperia. l and Knox Hats

Heid Caps

,,' M en 's W ear that proves

itself the world over.

The Mapes Co. 107 _109 South Wuhlnrto .. " u.

For ;tars U;1fsir.Z·s Ltadilfl CfCllritrs.




THE RIr'LE),.t' GR.IJ" PRI'\"l'l.\'G CO.1I1>~ ' .'T

Engr .. ver. Printer. SI .. llon .....

L.IS"' IS" . .1111 1l/fl.IS

T he 1-:;I1:.(S D:ltlg'hll' r" lI'il1 lIle~" :It the hume of ~lr,.. A. P. "-relltd, 011 Grall,1 Ril-er . \ \t.' .. \\'ednl'SlI.II . April In. .

• \, ;J. reet'n! IlIt·clill}:. thc tILul" ,'otell to re,:ollllllend 10 the ~I;lt'e llo:lnl lh:!.! ,hl' \ t.'t,·rl1l:IT\· ~C't:I1(c (our~e he made :1 fOIlT'I-c-aT ':ollr"..­sepaTate ,uld :lparl froni th,l\ of Ihe agriculture cou r",·. T hat i~. th,' I'oun~ mall ~'nt~'rillg in ..... ~·plemher. '191:, wi1l cnr01l for \eterin:lry Sl'icm;c, if this cour~e i" th~' one he h:l!i ill mill.1 el ... l1ll1:lill·, inSlead of fo r :Igric ulllln'. "'hile 110 mat e r ial changes aTe 111:111e ill the I.:ou r~e . ce rwin slIhj('l'ts direCII) he;! ri !!).:' on Ye leri l1ary s.:icnee will h(" !i lL h"t ltmed fo r one or I wo lIl re;ldy inehlllt·d ill ,he present cOll rs ....

\'01. I, );0. 6 . of the .Ilirhlj,~fru Ilor//cllltllr.- is ;!I h:tnd. :md COil · tains many ~ood Ihill:;S. "\mong' Ihcse is a reyie" o f Ihe !::i1l1J;er Apple Bill, lhe purpose of whidl is to establish standllru packages ;llltl g r:ldes fo r apples, :1Ilt! fo r othc r purposes. T he pu r poses of the hill :I re clca rly s{'t forth :llltl , if il be· comes ;l 1:lw, t;l 111101 help but belle­fit the g ro w er who ",;lnts :I SqUaTC deal :IS well as the de;l!e r h imself. A Tt"solulioll ral'or ing- the p:l!!sag-c of ~his bill was unanimousl.\· ]l;u.sed by those in ;luend:!.nee :tllhe R Ollnd· ep Imtilllie. In ,Iddll io ll 10 lhe abOl'e, the re are good wTite'lIps o f thc I'a rious s tate horli r uilurai meet· ings, and 11 rcpo r l o f the banqllct held l,t 1'1. A. C. at th e close of the sho r i cou rse ;n fruit ;,;'rowing.

, lIichig«" .flrll'tirllltllrc is the officia l OTg;l1J o f the !\'i it-hig:l ll S t:lIe H or ticultllTe Society.

Showing of the New Spring Merchandise In All Departments.

Special I"1llucs in \\'omcn's H osicry. E"trao rdin:lT'Y "alues in ~I c n's I blf lI ose. T he new('st Ih inl':'s in \\'onU:'Il 's ~{'c k\\'ellr.

g E :lr1r fashi o n showing of EY(:nin~ GOWllS :1I1l1 \\'hite Ser~e Suits for \\'01llell.

g Daint y styles of );ew Undennuslini>. g T h~' latest s tJks III Shirl \\·.lisls.

CE:"OTRAL :' I IOI .RI: U A BI.£. STORE LAN4/1Y~. Mlr::. ,...

'lag E arc t'Speciaily w.ell equip~d p 10 $UFpl~' you WIth :\n~·thmg

rou ma~ need in the line oi


Lawrence & Van Buren Printing Company

Jacob Reed's Sons of Philadelphia

. \rc the lar),£est 1I1:tIlub..:tur~·rs


Iht· l·lli!e.! S!:!k". and hare 11' 011 :lml m:dll!1lin Ihe hu"i. ness hI' slH'l'r fo rce uf rn,'Tit.

Tht: l'nifonlh wom ;11

mldllgdn }lgrlcMitMrdl eoll¢g~

:trl: linished cX;lmp!o.:" ,If O\l r product.

Jacob Reed's Sons J/.I.t,·rs '!f

" Gold M edal Uniforms "

142'1·26 ChHlnut St. Phill.delphi&

DIRECTORY LA:,,\SI);(j BL' SIXE~:-\ .\);0

PROFESSlOX.\L )lEX. 1' Ul' mlllH'~ I" ILLI~ 1',n'CI"r)', ", " .. II " .

Iho"~ of 11 1\ oUr oth~r IId\'t'nlbHs. IIr,· Of r"lInbl" Pl\rtl;>~. \\,,, hop!, thai II .... fli CUlly lI "d nud""I, "'1l1 tIIk .. p"l", In PHlrolll ... tl'os~ who pl<lro"'z,, US.


- r H' TFl ~: !'I~:\\' BAJ,;J::U'·-\\'\wr,· .'''''' ,'Hr' 1&' ... 1 II"",, · ~!"<I " fl. .... ".!. 1'1"_. n ,I,,·,. I ·h()kl .·~. IIn'l 1\()" I&'I""JI,-Ju,1 Ill'" mo,h.·,. ",Il k. ". AI·,. lI",,'LL"". ~'lr'l "' .... r "n<1 ,.f 1I('I In Clu\>. ~:"' I IJIlI,b,I' H"I.:,·o·.


CO I. I, EH E R"HRER 1"'1101'.- In Rot\h Hou,-... Wurrl'u- ",·"r)'-.',,<I)'. YOII I<el Ihl' \)f'~t " 'ork her ... Try II lind ......

'- lEW IJAFlH~:H ';1'101'. In I·h ..... Rull"· ~ \ 'nil'. undH MII"H'. Iltllll' nnd .. !"OI.· .... Y

:-10 .. •• IfJ'o" wl.hll~lylbbl"' lrrul II'llru~ 111:1111. ~:. E. H")'nol"" "'roP.


A ~J. J::~n:HY. II~ W"511 •. -\,·.,. ~. B.)Oll •. • Fl nl' ~llIlIonl'ry. t;"II'I'II" l'd l.·alll,,1I'

Oards. t'ounullo "'l'''~. PI"lur .... ~·rRme.. F lnl' f'rnml " lI' .. Sp('rIIlI1J·. l'p-lo-d ll ie 1\,.1l'5. ('UI GJ"SII-CUL'n l..8u,ln,...


G ~:O.G. BJ.l'I ' ''; ''t:.I.: ( '1). Hookbln,le,... aceounl book mllkH'. pnpf'r ."lIull'.

library lind nnl! lor l. \)1,,11"11&'>. fll .. bo~e •• O.lIp mO""lIol<$. IIlbu.,, _,. IIO"k.-1 book~.l' te. Cltlll'''.· phone ~o. -iOO. 'n 01 1)' "'"l1oulll ~ .. ~.~.'~"~ .. ~.~"~'~ .. ~'""~~~~~~ .. ~ ... ..,.


ELGIN ;I ' l~' FL l l'. l",d 'l'5 " '''\ Genlle. m eu', ~'urnlsh'n ~ GOO"8. S ee " ...


]-[ H. \..-\JI='~~II.--1·hl"". (. ln~1 ,t L''''''l>s. • 1',1/; W .. _h"".u_,,, ", .... ,;.


N H. )I'~'H~:. p. [ .. ... (,nlcp 111~11I Hoi· · ll_\('r 1I"lIdlnlf. I"'n~h"r. ~ltt". ('11\ ·

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J t:. ,;T,' Ft·ER. I'. I •. S. ()1I\c .. :>Ci--S{·!ty • !'IlI lIOn"1 ..... "'k !l lthr. A"''''''"tir phou ..

"..,: M"II f'h.,,,~ <:1. ~·or"",. ,\1. A. C. nude"l . - DRUGGISTS.


J W. )';!'I.I!'I· ("'. I.,') j:,""I· ",,,I t'l:, .• •• III_hlllll". :".' __ ~' W",IIl""I,'" .. \, ~ "".

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~ I J. ". I:. ~1. III·Cl\.-t·urnltur,·. !·tl.,,..r _ • "',,_hlll .. lull .\"'. "",' I"nlll Sir .. ,,!. ..... ,,<I. HARDWARE. STOVES & TINW' RE. ~ - " II ·r, . ~'1'0 Il.l II 1'\\'" Ht:.-(' ,. " ,. rill 1\ H'H,I<>.-"r,. Tln""r.· 1.(lII\!t,·"-lIr,·.(·IH • h")" 1'01"'" .• \t •• III \\'n. I.IoII<1uII _-\ ..... ". :-,., . II>\.


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";o;cc"= ",",,:..:PHYSIClANS.

D H. "I'l,,,f( H . HJ{[·t;(a:J.. Hour~. i to 10: :)1 n. m.: ~ 10 I "",I .. 10 ~ p. m. Sun.

dfty., 12 10 1 ",)(1 6 10 ~ I'. I". Elln I~n~'n .. ~Ih·b . ('II .. " ... pho,,.. 1>101.

D H. H . W. L"SI".~. t:ll q t ~m~!n ... ~[ ICh . Onln' h(>tlh: ; 10 ~:IIO B. m .• 1~:3Il 10 ~

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A , . , . ~;!'I I ' IU=,TISG ('0.-111 firllnd .... \'~ . nu.' -oulh. (;00t1 prlut1n!,. l , tIll"e i'U p.

pll"i. 1::II .. rH'-..<I ,· ftrd ~. pl"(Ij!'rllU! '. ~''' <'"y 11'0011 •. 100_,· 1,·alllOtlk •. fOllnl .. ln Pf'''', &'>11 phun~ I()!o'. AIIIOlll/\tlc pho" ...... ~.

ROH EHT .... ~ I ITII PT('. ('0. ,,:or. WUl!. I"I&'IQI! ""e. "",I Innln ~I.


1 'HY J,;~: S \1 "I . I :S I'Bn", for Shoe He. pll lr l l1lf • .All " ork .. ""rll"I~~d. Ma.

ehlnt' or HAn,' S" " ed Sole •. Hu h llt'r H eels ",h,l l' ), ()U ",,, It. ~' Ill" II"" o f Con fe Nlone ry W"\ ll'T', 01<1 ", li nd. '\' '''bII&'RII A I'e ..


J "(:(l M HEK P'~ ~Ol''''.- H~I-;---Ch~ SI .. I' hllndl'lphl ... I'll.. '\lnkers of "Oold ~[ {-dnl \inlforl1l •. -

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