the invasion of earth has begun

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 The Invasion of Earth Has Begun


    The Invasion of Earth Has Begun

    Pars I

    Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosaPoeta Ricardo Sal LaRosaPoeta Ricardo Sal LaRosaPoeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa

    All Rights Reserved.

    For Princess Cornelia; Queen-apparent of the Milky Way Galaxy

    Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:

    I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:34

    Dear and most beloved inhabitants of this Earth

    It is with great sadness and a great tragedy that I address you today

    Your world governments have rejected our peace proposal

    They do not wish for peace; they desire the annulation of the human race

  • 7/31/2019 The Invasion of Earth Has Begun


    For they; the powers that be; the evil incarnation of indifference itself

    They have decided that death and eternal damnation shall be better than admitting

    They have made mistakes !

    The invasion of Earth shall begin soon

    And it has nothing to do with good or evil

    And it has nothing to do with religion

    Or faiths or beliefs or thoughts upon the mind

    It has nothing to do with race

    For race is an antiquated illusion upon the five senses

    To divide to deceive to conquest trusting beings !

    And when love touches your heart !

    Your soul

    Your spirit

    The very essence of your being

    O glorious wonders

    This is Love !

    And what is love ?

    But naught

    The destruction of your illusions

    The betrayal of love hoped and of love exploding within your soul !

    The destruction of your reality

    The destruction of your illusions; of your own lies

    And when I love her

    Be it meum dulce puella or the girl with the jadish eyes upon me

    A trio of infinite despairs

    But not I !

    This trio condemned to doom; to Hell; to hurt; but not to us !

  • 7/31/2019 The Invasion of Earth Has Begun


    For we love; I love; she loves; and her too loves !

    And when we love this world trembles from its very foundations !

    And I love them both; not one less; not one more !

    No more; no more suffering for my mistakes; my dreams within !

    For when I love she and then I love her; the second one the two are the same love !

    I do not betray one or the other

    For I love them both the same as I love my own life and my own eternity !

    When I kiss those jadish lips et eyes upon me

    I feel the love caressing my being;

    When I kiss those honeyed-jennies sweet, sweet virgin lips;

    I am encased in true love; her love !

    One does not contradict the other !

    Alas, one shall be my one true love and the other

    Shall be my demise; my cruse !

    Because in this material world one may not love two beings;

    Unlike in my spiritual world where loves are free to love !

    This hopeless trio on earth is doomed;

    Not for lack of love or faith or dreams dwelling in them

    But, rather, forces; Fate; and the likes invading our lives;

    Powers beyond our control in this realm;

    But only temporally

    For I welcome the death this battle blesses me !

    For when I die for she and for her both are my dreams

    I die with honor; I die with dignity; I die in Peace !

    For this world is not what it seems;

    For this life is just a dream;

    As Alice in wonderland realized

  • 7/31/2019 The Invasion of Earth Has Begun


    During her dark night of the soul

    As I too

    Experiencing my dark night of the soul

    And I died a thousand deaths before

    For love !

    For she

    And for her

    Over and over and over again ! ! !

    To hell; to damnation; to the death of this world

    For it knows not love

    Nor peace

    Nor justice

    Upon the ever-presence of my soul

    And her jadish being

    And her jennish soul

    O girls love me not !

    For a moment;

    For an hour;

    For this life time

    But love me forevermore and beyond

    As I have always loved you both

    For which one of you ladies is my Princess Cornelia

    I must admit I do not know

    Then I shall have to rescue both of you

    One of you shall be my true love, my princess

    The other shall betray me harming me, my iniquity

    Thus, I must rescue, inadvertently, the one who shall cause my demise

  • 7/31/2019 The Invasion of Earth Has Begun


    And in this scenario the destiny and tragedy of earth is entwined

    Not because of me or the two women but by your own leaders

    Walking away from the negotiating table after ten days of talks

    On your Moon

    And yet it has been thirty days since then and I have not given the orders to attack

    This was a grace period I gave the earthlings

    Hoping common sense and compassion may rule their hearts

    But it has not

    And my two loves are still being held captive

    And I am still in human form;

    This being my 22nd incarnation on earth

    My commanders spaceship with an escort of another twenty-one spaceships

    Have just landed in my faraway seclusion camp

    Deep inside the Antarctic

    And once aboard sitting in a conference room with my generals and counsel

    I shall give the orders:

    I commend my armies to invade this world; rescue my two darlings;

    And to destroy all the armies and weapons upon this planet:

    The invasion of earth has begun !

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